• Published 16th Aug 2020
  • 1,787 Views, 69 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If?: Volume 11 - SuperPinkBrony12

The eleventh installment of What If series that involves the rewriting of episodes. This one involves eight rewrites of episodes from Seasons 1-3 plus 8, and four from Season 9. (Warning!: Rewrites based on personal opinion. Please respect it!)

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S9 E21: Daring Doubt (What If?)

By now the news of Twilight's impending and inevitable coronation had spread to just about every corner of Equestria and even beyond. There wasn't a pony who didn't at least know about the news.

Yet as is always the case, no matter how earth shattering things may seem when they first occur life has a way of going on. And that was exactly what was happening on this particular day in Cloudsdale, as Fluttershy was stopping by her good friend Rainbow Dash's house. "I just stopped by to thank you again for letting me borrow your Daring Do books. I love them!" Fluttershy told her fellow pegasus.

Rainbow smiled. "See? I knew you'd like them! And just wait until you get to Daring Do and the Riddle of the Sphinx! It's her best adventure yet because it's the one where she gets her confidence back!"

Fluttershy nodded and then confessed. "I've actually read them all once. I'm about to start reading them again because they're so good!" Then she remembered something else. "Although, there was this one book in the collection that seemed odd. I just finished it reading earlier. I think it's called Daring Do and the Fallen Idol."

At that Rainbow Dash blinked in confusion. "Wait, Fallen Idol? There's no way that could be an official book in the series."

"Why not? Maybe it just got released today and you didn't know about it?" Fluttershy proposed.

But Rainbow rejected the idea. "That's impossible! Daring Do's biggest fan – me – would never miss a book coming out!" Then she whispered. "Besides, her secret identity of A. K. Yearling means she always sends me a copy early. And after she found out Twilight's the daughter of her editor she started sending Twilight an early copy too," And she questioned. "So who wrote that book? They've got some nerve using Daring Do for their own purposes!"

"Apparently, the author is Groom Q. Q. Martingale," Fluttershy pointed out, before hoofing said book to Rainbow Dash. "I guess he must be a new writer or something."

Meanwhile, Rainbow was skimming her way through the book! She could not believe what was written on the pages! "This... this can't be real! What does this guy have against Daring Do?! He makes her sound like the bad guy!" She then read a passage out loud. "'The only thing worse than Daring Do's destruction of temples is her cruelty to the mild-mannered Dr. Caballeron''! I know Dr. Caballeron, and he is anything but mild mannered!"

Fluttershy quickly got an idea in her head. "It sounds like this Q. Q. Martingale wants to ruin Daring Do's reputation."

The brash speedster nodded in agreement before pointing out. "Not only that, he seems intent on destroying her entire career! 'Daring Do isn't just a fictional character from some over-the-top adventure stories. I've met her, and she is a real, live pony!'" And she growled. "That's supposed to be a secret! I only told you and the other girls because I knew you wouldn't tell. But if word of this gets out, Daring Do could be in real danger! We need to warn her, and we need to figure out how we can stop this Q. Q. Martingale from trying to bring her down!"

So the two pegasi took off to find Daring Do, or even her alter ego as reclusive author A. K. Yearling. They weren't sure what exactly was going on with Q. Q. Martingale but they knew it wasn't good. Yet they couldn't imagine that this wouldn't just result in another Daring Do adventure, but an adventure that was going to change a lot of things about the adventurer in regard to two of her greatest nemesis'.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before the two pegasi spotted Daring Do at a bookstore in a town not too far from Ponyville. She was currently in her A. K. Yearling disguise: A reddish-purple robe that covered her body, a large gray hat with a light brown bow, and moderate rose eyes hidden behind a pair of thick, red glasses. "Good, looks like we're not too late," Rainbow commented as she and Fluttershy landed outside. "Let's get in there and warn her. Q. Q. Martingale is gonna be sorry he ever stuck his nose into the writing business."

Fluttershy, however, commented. "You know, even if Q. Q. Martingale is wrong about Daring Do and Dr. Caballeron's interactions, that doesn't automatically mean everything he's written about them is wrong too," After making sure there was nopony around to overhear she explained. "You said it yourself, Daring Do is real. And according to Martingale's book, Dr. Caballeron is actually a history professor and an amateur bird watcher. Did Daring Do ever mention anything about that?"

"No, because it's not important! Caballeron wanted to team up with her and she said no," Rainbow explained with a frown. "And who could blame her? I wouldn't trust a guy like that as far as I could throw him! If you could see what I've seen you'd feel the same way! Now come on, we can't waste all day out here! Dar..." She corrected herself to avoid publicly spilling the secret. "A. K. Yearling needs our help."

Both pegasus mares trotted inside, only to hear several ponies talking all at once and shouting at A. K. Yearling! "Are you and Daring Do in cahoots with each other or something?! If you were really her how come you could write about yourself in such a ridiculous way?! What other secrets have you been keeping from us?!" And one little filly even asking. "Is it true you kick puppies?"

A frustrated A. K. Yearling groaned. "I do not! And I'm telling you, I'm not Daring Do! Daring Do is my cousin, that's why we look so similar."

"Yeah right, as if you expect us to believe that!" A fan pony remarked. "Frankly though, I don't care if you're Daring Do or not! You've been lying about yourself for so long!"

"It's because of that Q. Q. Martingale book, isn't it?" A. K. questioned before declaring. "You should know that he didn't have my permission to write even half the things he said! Daring Do entrusted me and me alone with her secret, and if she were here right now I imagine she'd all be very disappointed in you for having such little faith in her," And she then asked. "Now, did any of you actually come here for the book signing? Or did you just come here to ruin the only time I bother to come to places like this?"

Most fan ponies trotted away while murmuring to themselves and shaking their heads. A few foals stuck around and a couple of older ponies did too, but just one look at their eyes was enough to indicate that they'd had their faith in their hero they'd believed to be fictional badly shaken.

"Looks like you know about the new book we were going to warn you about, huh?" Rainbow asked A. K. even though there was no need to do so.

A. K. let out an unhappy sigh. "I always feared that someday everypony would learn Daring Do was real. I'm not sure how long I can keep ponies fooled. Eventually, if this keeps up they're going to find out the truth. The whole 'reclusive author' thing was the only way I could think of to keep ponies in the dark."

Fluttershy then asked. "But aren't you proud of the adventures you've had? All the good things you've done?"

A. K. nodded. "Of course. I was never in it for the fame. Still, after everything I've endured this is how my story ends? Not with a bang but a whimper?" Then she pondered. "I just wish I knew who this Martingale author was and why he's so determined to ruin my character. And me."

Rainbow Dash seemed to soon get an idea. "Well if you ask me, considering he bashed you and made Dr. Caballeron sound like a good guy even though he's not, I can think of only one possible explanation."

A. K. nearly gasped at the realization! "You really think Caballeron would create a fake name to write his own book series just to get back at me? I've never have imagined he could stoop so low, even after the last stunt he pulled!" But she then warned. "But it's not like I can just go storming over there and expose him, assuming it really is Caballeron in disguise. It'll only make me look even worse."

"Well maybe you can't, but we can!" Fluttershy suggested as she gestured a hoof out the bookstore window.

Rainbow's moderate purple eyes quickly saw what her fellow pegasus was trying to draw her attention to. Namely a long line of ponies gathering across the street, with a sign that displayed the name Groom Q. Q. Martingale in large letters. "He's doing a book signing across the street?!" And then she decided. "This is perfect! Just the opportunity we need to expose him for the fraud he is!"

So the two pegasi left the book store A. K. was in and crossed the street, making their way through the crowd as Fluttershy held her own copy of Daring Do and the Fallen Idol in her hooves.

When both mares got close though, Rainbow Dash let out a gasp of horror! Q. Q. Martingale seemed to look almost exactly like Caballeron, even down to having a similar mane and tail, coat and a dusty white jacket. But he had a black bowler hat on top of his head, his eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses and he appeared to be wearing a beard. "My hunch was right! Groom Q. Q. Martingale is and has been Dr. Caballeron in disguise this whole time," She whispered. "Creating a fake author to sound like you're the hero. Who does that?"

"Um A. K. Yearling?" Fluttershy proposed.

"That's different, Fluttershy! A. K. does it to protect her secret, she doesn't do it for fame!" Rainbow growled. "Just follow my lead, this madness ends now!" Then she trotted up to who she believed was the disguised Dr. Caballeron, immediately glaring at him. "Well, well, well! Up to your old tricks again, huh? Just like in Somnambula's village! Spreading lies to make Daring Do look bad! Have you no shame?"

Fluttershy tried to downplay the tensions. "Um, sorry for the confrontation. We do have some questions, but we did also come for the book signing."

Q. Q. Martingale didn't seem the least bit worried about the angry accusation that had just been hurled at him as he simply ignored Rainbow Dash and turned to Fluttershy. "It's quite alright, I I will gladly answer your friend's questions. And you are not the first to assume I'm somepony I am not," Then he asked the pegasus with a yellow coat. "Who should I make the book out to?"

"Fluttershy, with two 'T''s." Fluttershy replied, and was happy to accept her book once Martingale had signed it.

Rainbow then swooped on top of the table, confronting the author. "Okay, a deal's a deal. If you don't want us to expose you, you'd better start answering our questions!"

Martingale was willing to oblige. "Sorry everypony," He sincerely apologized. "I'm afraid that's all I have time for today. Please come back tomorrow, and take a free copy of my book with you on your way out," After everypony had left, he led his remaining two guests to a secluded section of the bookstore, taking off his hat, sunglasses and fake beard to reveal that he was indeed Dr. Caballeron. "Should've figured you'd see right through it. But if Daring Do can pull off the secret identity with nopony being any the wiser, I figured I could too."

The brash speedster just growled. "You're not gonna get away with this, Caballeron!"

"Get away with what, exactly? I'm merely telling my side of the story," Caballeron pointed out. "Daring Do likes to think she has all the answers, but she doesn't. She makes so many mistakes I'm surprised she can still call herself an adventurer or an author. Why, did you know that in Daring Do and the Quetzal's Quest, she states that the Fangthorn Flowers are red when in fact they are blue?!"

Fluttershy nodded. "It's true, they are. Almost everypony knows that."

Rainbow Dash groaned. "That sounds like more of an editor's mistake, like when you get your rights and lefts confused. Or did you ever consider that maybe Daring Do is color blind?"

"Sounds to me like you're just making up excuses to cover up the fact that Daring Do is wrong," Caballeron protested with a shake of his head. "And if she's wrong about something like Fangthorn Flowers, surely she could be wrong about other things too, no?"

Rainbow refused to believe it. "I've heard enough out of you! Wait til I tell Daring Do, she'll sue the clothes right off your back!" And she flew away without another word.

Fluttershy wasn't quite so willing to leave. She didn't have much experience with Caballeron, having only Rainbow's word to go on for what he was like. Still, even she didn't think she could justify sticking around. She was just preparing to leave when Dr. Caballeron let out an unhappy sigh. "Is something wrong, Mr. Caballeron?"

"Dr. Caballeron," Caballeron corrected. "And your rainbow maned friend is right. I don't have a good reputation. I've been a terrible pony, there's no good reason why you or anypony else should believe a word I say. That's the whole reason why I had to assume this fake name."

"You really just wanted to ruin Daring Do's reputation?" The pegasus questioned. "That seems a bit unfair. What did Daring Do ever do to you besides reject your offer to team up that one time?"

The earth pony stallion sighed anew. "You'll never believe it if I tell you, but I have my reasons. My team and I, at least when I had a team anyway, we were only interested in researching ancient artifacts," He explained as he began recalling some of his earliest encounters with Daring Do. "I hoped to take them to my museum so other ponies could study them, and I would solidify my reputation as the top pony in my craft. But Daring Do always seemed to get there first with her own plans. I offered to team up with her, but she refused. She had her own ideas of where the treasures belonged, and she said I was too greedy."

"But you tried to sell artifacts to the highest bidder, including Ahuizotl," Fluttershy pointed out. "And you tried to steal all the glowpez necklaces from Somnambula's village while framing Daring Do for the crime."

Caballeron tried to nervously argue. "I had no other choice. Because of Daring Do I couldn't work anywhere else. My museum had to close and with it went my only source of income."

Fluttershy wasn't convinced. "But on your most recent adventure you not only tried to frame Daring Do for a crime she didn't commit, but you also kidnapped Rainbow Dash with the intent of having her take a bath in bubbling hot goop. And you know she couldn't have gotten out on her own."

"But even you must admit Daring is quite reckless," Caballeron pleaded to Fluttershy. "Think of how often her battles with Ahuizotl result in the destruction of everything around her. I couldn't have so easily fooled the villagers if Daring Do hadn't destroyed half their village trying to save it. And don't forget about all the animals that live there." He hoped it would sway Fluttershy to his cause.

It didn't. The pegasus only shook her head. "Even if that were true, Daring Do probably wouldn't have even half as much a reason to do the things she did if she wasn't always having to chase after you, Caballeron. Daring Do may not be as perfect as Rainbow Dash believes, Daring has made a lot of mistakes. But that doesn't mean you're any better just because you claim you're misunderstood. And trust me, I've met lots of ponies and other creatures who were. They were sorry for what they did," She then frowned. "I can't say the same for you." And then she turned to leave.

The pegasus hadn't gotten very far though when Caballeron pleaded. "W-wait! I can prove to you that I can change! My team could use an insightful pegasus like you, Fluttershy. If you join us, I promise you'll see first hoof who the real villain is. Don't you at least have an obligation to consider my offer? The mere fact that I'm not forcing this upon you should mean that I'm not completely without a heart."

Against her better judgement, Fluttershy agreed. Though not before she told Caballeron. "Just give me a minute to get ready. I wasn't exactly expecting to go on an adventure today."

Caballeron, suspecting nothing, agreed to the request. "Take as much time as you need. I wouldn't wish to rush you. If you were working for Daring Do, she would demand you to be ready at the drop of a hat, or pith helmet to be precise."

The pegasus with a beautiful yellow coat smiled, and then flew away. "I'll be back soon." Once she was convinced she'd given the earth pony the slip, she trotted outside where she found Rainbow Dash waiting impatiently for her.

"Daring Do's already preparing the paperwork to take Caballeron to court," Rainbow explained to Fluttershy. "You sure took your sweet time in there."

But Fluttershy boldly answered. "That's because I've decided to find out if Dr. C. is really telling the truth. I'm joining his expedition to the Tenochtitlan Basin."

The brash speedster's mouth dropped open in shock! "Say whaaaaaaat?! Have you lost your mind?! I never thought you could be so gullible."

The animal loving pegasus shook her head and answered. "I'm being trusting, not stupid. Caballeron's arguments don't hold much water, but even you have to admit we don't know what really happened between him and Daring Do when he offered to team up with her," She explained her choice. "If he's as misunderstood as he claims, his true nature will shine through when he doesn't have to worry about Daring Do. But I'm telling you this so you can get Daring Do and follow us in case Caballeron is lying."

Rainbow reluctantly responded. "I... guess that's a good idea. You're the pony who got Discord to mend his ways after all. Maybe you see something I don't," But she warned. "Just don't let your guard down. Daring Do and I will be right behind you. And if Caballeron dares to lay a hoof on you, it'll be more than just his writing career that comes to an end."

"Well, just wait for a little bit. Caballeron can't know he's being followed," Fluttershy insisted. "And don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"I hope so. You've never been on a Daring Do style adventure before though." Rainbow Dash commented, before watching her friend trot back inside to join Caballeron's team for their latest expedition.

Only once the expedition team had left the building and were well on their way out of town did Rainbow fly back to the bookstore to get Daring Do, still in her A. K. Yearling disguise as she was finishing up signing books for the fans who hadn't deserted her.

The brash speedster immediately pleaded to the disguised adventurer! "A. K., you gotta help me! It's an emergency!"

A. K. obliged as she signed the last book and then spoke up. "Sorry, everypony. Something's come up. But come back tomorrow and I should be here if you still want your books signed," She then trotted off to a secluded section of the book store, making sure the coast was clear before she inquired of her often relied upon fellow pegasus. "Ok, spill it. What's the emergency?"

"Fluttershy and Dr. Caballeron are off to Tenochtitlan right now!" Rainbow explained. "Groom Q. Q. Martingale really is Caballeron, and he claims he's been misunderstood, that you're the bad guy."

"And it seems like once again he's interested in more than just ruining my reputation, I guess someponies just never learn," A. K. shook her head in dismay, before realizing. "There's only one reason why he'd try to recruit Fluttershy. He must be after the Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh! It requires the wings of a pegasus to successfully retrieve it! We must stop him!" She quickly threw off her robe, removed her glasses and dropped her hat. She was Daring Do once again!

Unknown to either pegasus, a filly had accidentally wandered close and seen the whole thing. "Whoa! Daring Do is real after all!" She exclaimed, a bit too loudly as she gave herself away.

Daring quickly moved to take control of the situation. "Well you're not gonna tell anypony about it. It's top secret. And if you keep the secret, I'll give you free copies of all my books for a year. Deal?"

"Deal!" The filly agreed with a smile!

As Rainbow Dash and Daring Do pursued Caballeron's expedition team, the doctor was himself giving orders to the stallions accompanying him. "Watch where you put your hooves, everypony. We do not want to disturb the fragile jungle ecosystem any more than we have to."

"Are you always this thoughtful?" Fluttershy asked Caballeron as they trotted along, making their way through the dense jungle that was full of rare plants.

Caballeron nodded. "Daring Do prefers to hack and slash her way through. But not me, I prefer a more delicate approach. Perhaps if she ever slowed down she wouldn't make so many mistakes," Then he suddenly noticed one of the stallions in his team was about to help themselves to a rare plant with strange markings on it. "You fool!" He barked out as he grabbed the stallion by the collar of his shirt! "Don't you know that's a deadly poison?!"

The stallion blushed. "Oh, sorry, boss."

Realizing he was making a scene, Dr. Caballeron claimed. "I... don't want to lose you, my friend. I mean, I could probably brew up an antidote in time but I'd rather not take the risk."

The stallion with an orange colored beard protested. "But I'm starving."

Fluttershy smiled. "Oh! I can help with that! Here!" She pulled out a small picnic blanket along with some plates and sandwiches. "I always make it a habit to come prepared."

Caballeron was quite amazed. "And you are... willing to share?"

The pegasus mare nodded her head. "Of course! After all, that's part of the fun of having an adventure with friends! Don't you have any friends. Dr. Caballeron?"

The earth pony stallion shook his head in response. "No. Even these ponies you see before you are more business partners than anything else. I haven't had much need for friends, I always preferred to keep to myself. And ever since Daring Do spurned me that's only increased," And he commented. "I... never would've considered having true friends. The closest I have are the times I worked with Ahuizotl, and if I'm being honest we could never truly stomach each other for long."

"Well, if you're looking to turn over a new leaf, having friends is a good way to start." Fluttershy encouraged, remembering her experience with Discord when he was in the process of reforming.

The crew then sat down to enjoy the picnic lunch Fluttershy had prepared. But they hadn't been eating for very long when suddenly several large wild cats emerged from some rustling bushes, prompting everypony to gasp! All ran for shelter, except for Fluttershy who just stood her ground and refused to budge.

Caballeron frantically called out to the pegasus from his hiding place in some nearby bushes! "Fluttershy! Run! These ferocious beasts want to eat us for dinner!"

Fluttershy didn't think so. "That's a common misconception. Have you ever tried just talking to them?"

"No, and for good measure! I don't wish to be ripped to shreds by those jungle cats' claws!" Caballeron called back. "You are on your own! It was nice knowing you!"

However, to the surprise of Caballeron and his stallions, Fluttershy was able to easily calm the wild cats down to the point where they began to purr. "We're so very sorry for coming into your territory. We're just passing through, we mean you no harm."

The stallions were amazed by this display as they all emerged from the bushes they'd been hiding in. Even Caballeron was impressed. "How did you do that?"

The pegasus just smiled. "I'm really good with animals. Besides, everyone likes to be listened to. You just need to take the time to understand them."

Caballeron smiled back as he commented. "Fluttershy, you are way more talented than I realized. I'm glad I brought you along."

Rainbow Dash and Daring Do weren't too far behind, with Daring Do barking out orders! "Hurry! We need to catch up to them before they can reach the Truth Talisman!"

"So what's special about it? Why does Caballeron want it?" Rainbow Dash questioned while she and Daring were furiously flapping their wings to try and go even faster than they already were.

Daring explained. "Well, it has the power to make whoever wears it tell the truth no matter what. But it's also made out of solid gold. Knowing Caballeron, he just wants to melt it down to get rich."

"So how come you haven't saved it already?" Rainbow asked Daring.

Daring answered. "I tried, but the temple that houses the talisman is very well guarded. I was just going to leave it alone when I learned that only a pegasus could get it, because that would mean Caballeron and Ahuizotl couldn't. But now that Caballeron has a pegasus of his own, he might just be able to get it. Especially if he can solve all the other traps the temple has set up." Yet just as the temple came into view for her and for Rainbow, Daring felt a vine grab hold of her and pull her down, causing her to let out a yelp!

Rainbow swooped down to try to untangle Daring, only to end up ensnared by a vine as well. And then who should appear before them but Ahuizotl himself in all his horrific glory? "Ah, Daring Do. My old nemesis," Ahuizotl spoke as his voice was dripping with malice and contempt. "It's been a long time hasn't it? I should've known that foolish Caballeron would find a way to mess up his plan."

"Ahuizotl, I don't have time for this!" Daring protested as she struggled in vain against the vines! "You'll never be able to get your filthy paws on The Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh!"

Ahuizotl only laughed. "Oh but Daring Do, I already know that it requires the wings of a pegasus to retrieve it. And by a stroke of luck, two perfect candidates for the job have shown up," Then he commented. "However, I've got bigger fish to fry. A new boss waiting to welcome me into his ranks, just as soon as I get rid of you and your rainbow maned friend here."

"You mean you're seeing someone else?!" Daring taunted. "I thought what we had was special, Ahuizotl."

"Heartbreaking, I know. I'd tell you who my new boss is, but why should I bother when you won't be around to do anything about it? Now then, it's time I moved on to a higher calling," Ahuizotl grinned before hissing. "I don't know how it is you two were able to make this far. My jungle cats shouldn't have been so easily outsmarted and defeated."

Rainbow Dash protested. "You're barking up the wrong tree, Ahuizotl! We didn't see any jungle cats on our way here!"

Ahuizotl snapped back! "Silence! Do you take I, the great Ahuizotl, for a fool?! How could it not have been you meddlesome do-gooders?! You're the only pegasi I've seen all day."

Daring Do then taunted her arch nemesis. "Come on, Ahuizotl. Are you really this dense? A certain pony you're used to working with has found a pegasus, and he's going to use it to get the treasure before you can."

It took but a minute for Ahuizotl to realize what his sworn enemy was saying. And he roared at the top of his lungs! "Caballeron! That good for nothing double crosser! Of course he'd come here! Everywhere you go, he goes! Now I'll have to deal with him and his pegasus partner too!" Then he became aware of the sound of ripping, and was just in time to see a rainbow colored blur zip away at lightning speed!

With Rainbow and Daring now free from Ahuizotl's clutches, they quickly raced up the front of the temple and raced down an opened hatch into the temple's interior. "Like we needed more trouble," Rainbow grumbled. "Just who in the hay is that 'new boss' Ahuizotl was talking about? He's never been working for anyone but himself before."

Daring only groaned and shook her head. "We can't worry about that right now. Ahuziotl's sure to be right on our tail. Let's just focus on getting that talisman before Caballeron does. Your friend's going to be a bigger help than she may realize."

Meanwhile, amidst all the commotion that had been going on, Caballeron's team had managed to make it to the center of the temple. Sure enough, there rested The Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh in all its solid gold glory! And it lay above a pit surrounded by lava.

Caballeron appeared to be dismayed as he lay eyes upon the treasure! "I knew the Truth Talisman could not be moved by magic, but I never realized we'd have to fly to retrieve it! Our journey has been for nothing!"

"That's why you brought me along, isn't it?" Fluttershy questioned. "I can just fly up and grab it."

"Oh, Fluttershy, you are too kind for your own good," Dr. Caballeron remarked before shaking his head. "But I couldn't possibly ask you to do such a thing! It's far too dangerous!"

The pegasus didn't seem to think so. "But I want to do it! That artifact must be protected!" And she thought to herself. "Assuming that's what you really want, Caballeron. But don't think I'll just give it to you because of that."

Dr. Caballeron just sighed. "Well, if you're really that determined to go through with it, I wish you the best of luck. But please be careful!"

"It's tricky, but for the sake of ensuring the talisman is protected I'll do it!" Fluttershy vowed as she flapped her wings and took off. She managed to grab the amulet, but the currents stirred up by the lava began to disorient her.

Caballeron's associates jumped into action as one shouted! "Give me a hoof here! Come on!" And they all worked together to push a plank over the pit so they could reach out and grab hold of Fluttershy, pulling her to safety at the last minute!

Just then, however, Rainbow Dash and Daring Do came barging into the room! And Daring Do glared at Caballeron as he tried to reach out a hoof to take possession of the talisman! "Oh no you don't, Caballeron! The gig is up! Give me the talisman!"

And Rainbow added. "We're not taking no for an answer!"

Fluttershy then insisted. "I think you'd better do what they say, Caballeron. You didn't really think you could fool me so easily, did you? Abandoning me to deal with the jungle cats and not jumping in to help me when I almost fell into the pit, it doesn't sound like the sort of thing you'd do unless you don't actually want my friendship."

Caballeron just growled as he reluctantly hoofed the amulet over to Daring Do. "Alright, fine. I admit it! I only needed to get you on my side so that I could steal the talisman and retire," And he grumbled. "Just once I wanted to beat Daring Do at something! To prove to her that she was wrong to ever reject me! Was that so wrong?!"

It was then that Daring got an idea. "Hang on a minute. I have a feeling we can get to the bottom of this little 'mystery'," She approached Caballeron as she told him. "You want The Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh so badly? Well you can have it!" She slipped it around his neck as a strange green glow briefly took hold of him.

"What's that supposed to do? You're a fool, Daring Do!" Caballeron roared. "You've just given me a treasure you worked so hard to protect! And I'll see to it that the whole world knows you've failed!"

But Daring pointed out. "You're the fool, Caballeron. I put the talisman on you to get some answers. Now that you're wearing it, you have to tell the truth no matter how much you might not want to," Then she questioned. "So let's hear it. What's the real reason you've been chasing after me and trying to take me down all these years? It's not just because I didn't take you on as a partner, is it?"

The doctor groaned as he was forced to answer. "That's only part of it," And he confessed. "I hate you, Daring Do! You ruined me! Ruined the great Dr. Caballeron! I graduated from Manehattan University as the top pony in my field, everypony said I was destined to be the greatest archaeological expert there ever was. I even had my own museum that was to house the finest treasures of ancient civilizations known to pony kind," Hissing he then added. "So naturally, I thought a partnership with the legendary Daring Do herself would be perfect. I could assist her in her work and my legacy would be secured. But of course, Daring Do said no. She wouldn't even consider my offer."

"I could tell just by looking at you that you only cared about your own self, not about protecting the ancient civilizations and their treasures from harm or the forces of evil." Daring remarked with a frown.

But Caballeron roared! "How would you know when you never even gave me the chance?! Once word got out that Daring Do didn't wanna work with me, nopony in their right mind would come near me. My entire legacy was ruined, all thanks to you!" Then he turned to Fluttershy. "Even though I was only using you to get what I wanted, to ensure I could retire in splendor, I must admit that my henchponies and I have begun to feel touched by your kindness. Perhaps if you had met us sooner, you could've steered us away from the path we've now locked ourselves onto."

Yet just as the stallion finished his confession, the sound of paws clapping caught everypony's attention! All spun around to see Ahuizotl standing before them. "Oh, how very touching, Caballeron," He declared with fake sympathy, pretending to wipe a tear from his eyes. "It's too bad nopony will ever be around to write that sad story of yours. That is, unless you're willing to hoof over Tonatiuh's Talisman to me."

Daring Do immediately rejected the offer. "Not gonna happen, Ahuizotl!"

Ahuizotl only grinned. "Oh, I was hoping you would say that," And he gave a whistle. "Guardian-goyles, attack! Punish these intruders!" And then he slipped away. "So long, Daring Do. And you too, Dr. Caballeron."

Just as Ahuizotl disappeared through a door way that slammed shut behind him, a series of gargoyle statues began to ominously glow and soon came to life!

The mighty stone gargoyles quickly swooped down and began attacking the perceived intruders, proving too difficult to elude.

Caballeron called out in frustration and desperation! "Fluttershy! Can't you ask them to stop like the jungle cats?"

But Daring protested with a shake of her head. "That'll never work! They're only stone and magic, not living, breathing creatures!" Then she recalled. "I know because encountered something like this in Marapore!"

Dr. Caballeron nodded as the stallion recalled. "Ah, yes. I seem to recall encountering similar creations in Flankladesh once."

"Great, so how do we stop them?!" Rainbow Dash questioned! "Make it quick, we gotta get out of here before this place collapses!" And as she spoke it was possible to feel vibrations that signaled the temple would soon crumble to the ground, taking everything inside it with it!

Daring Do began to draw on her memories. "Well if I remember correctly, they don't like bright light!"

Fluttershy whimpered. "There's none of that in here, though."

"Maybe not yet!" Daring declared before calling out to Caballeron. "Hey, Caballeron! You wanted to work with me, right? Well this is your chance!" And she questioned. "Do you still have the Diamond of Lapis Lux?"

The earth pony stallion was unable to resist the talisman's influence as he answered. "Yes!" Then he growled in annoyance! "How did you know I stole it?!"

Daring chuckled. "Because you just told me, but we'll worry about that later. Quick, hold it high!" And Caballeron did so. Just as Daring Do had hypothesized, the diamond was able to reflect light from the sun to blind and ultimately destroy the guardian-goyles.

Everypony seemed to be impressed as Fluttershy commented. "Wow! You two make a really great team!"

Rainbow just cringed. "I... don't know how to feel about that."

"Feel later, for now we have to escape!" Daring declared! "And like it or not, we're all in this together! Hurry!"

Everypony rushed through the opening that had appeared when the guardian-goyles were defeated. But their relief at having escaped a trap was short lived when who should appear to block their path but Ahuizotl? "Argh! You again!" He growled in frustration and annoyance! "What do I have to do to get rid of you meddlesome ponies?! If I wanted to play games, I would get out my pinochle deck!" And he lunged at them, knocking the truth talisman off of Caballeron.

"Finally!" Caballeron exclaimed in relief!

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash managed to pick up the talisman just as Ahuizotl started to lunge at her. "Oh man, I'm gonna need the deluxe spa package after this adventure," She confessed. And then realizing what the tailisman had made her say she tossed it to Daring Do while insisting. "That doesn't leave this temple!"

Daring Do nodded. "Understood! Now hurry, this temple could come down at any minute!" And she motioned for everypony to follow her.

"No you don't, Daring Do!" Ahuizotl roared at the top of his lungs as he lunged after her! "You won't get away from me this time! I swear it! You will regret ever making a mockery of me!" Yet he ended up misjudging his movement, missing his target and smacking into a wall as several rocks fell down around him. One struck him square on the head.

Ahuizotl was quite slow to get up and even Daring Do found herself worried. "Is he...?" She asked as everypony turned back to look.

But suddenly, Ahuizotl sprang to life and shook his head. "I... remember now," He commented as he looked all around, seeing the rapidly decaying temple before him. "I caused this."

"Okay, does somepony wanna explain this?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

Ahuizotl slowly limped over to the ponies, pulling a lever nearby. To their surprise, it revealed a door that led to the outside and to safety. "You must go," He told them as he spoke quite slowly. "This temple will not last much, and neither will I. But I will hold it up for as long as I can so that you may be granted safe passage."

Caballeron questioned Ahuizotl. "Why are you doing this? How do we know this isn't a trap to lure us to our doom?"

Ahuizotl explained as he looked at the ponies. "Even Daring Do never knew where I came from. For the longest time, I didn't know either. All I knew was that treasures and ancient civilizations in this basin were my calling. And when Daring Do made off with them to protect them, I vowed that I would destroy her in order to take the treasures for myself," Then he gestured up to his forehead. "But that blow I just sustained jogged my memory. You know of those guardian-goyles you just met? I was once among their ranks, the guardians entrusted with protecting the Tonatiuh Basin. I was cast out for trying to steal the treasures for myself, and as punishment I was transformed into this beast and stripped of my memories."

"I... never knew!" Daring commented as she took off her pith helmet. "I'm sorry. Maybe I could've helped you sooner and all of this could've been avoided."

But Ahuizotl shook his head. "There is no way you or anyone else could've known, because I didn't know myself," Then he added. "But I sense now that the guardians have need of me. A great evil threatens not just this basin and not just your world, but all life as we know it," And he pleaded. "Leave now! Ensure that others don't disturb the peace here! My fellow guardians and I will protect the basin as best as we can, and you must prepare yourselves for when this great evil will strike. Go, now!"

The ponies hesitated for but a second before rushing to the exit, watching as Ahuizotl held up the roof of the temple as it continued to come down around him. They left just before they would've seen a small skull object tumble out and be crushed by the debris.

Once the group of ponies made it to safety, Caballeron's henchponies all ran off, they'd had enough of the adventure life. That left Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy alone with Daring Do and Dr. Caballeron, Daring Do still holding onto the talisman.

"To think, after all that, Ahuizotl would end up saving us all." Rainbow commented as she looked back to see that the temple was nothing but rubble.

Fluttershy smiled. "I guess it goes to show that anyone can surprise you, even when you think you have them all figured out," Then she lamented. "But not everyone can be saved in the end."

Rainbow Dash put a hoof around her fellow pegasus. "He's with the guardians now, he can do no more harm," Then she pondered. "What do you suppose he meant by that 'great evil'? Could it have anything to do with that new boss he was going to go work for?"

"Perhaps," Fluttershy replied. "We should probably get back to Ponyville and tell Twilight about this, she'll decide if it's anything to be concerned about."

Daring Do nodded in encouragement. "You two have been a big help today, I couldn't have done this without you. You go ahead and go back home, I'll take care of the talisman and Caballeron," She waited for the two pegasi to leave, before turning to the stallion and sighing. "Now then, Caballeron. What am I gonna do with you? Are you going to continue to cause me trouble?"

"Do whatever you want, Daring Do. You always win in the end." Caballeron grumbled.

But Daring had an idea. "You know, back in the temple, it actually felt kind of... good to be teaming up with you. And ever since I met Rainbow Dash I've come to realize that there's a certain value in having a partner you can count on to watch your back."

Caballeron's ears perked up. "You mean..."

Daring nodded her head. "Maybe it's not too late for us to start over. Perhaps if I'd worded my rejection better or been more open to the idea of a partner, you'd never have become such a mean and nasty pony. I don't know how much it'll help, but I'll do my best to guide you back to the right path again," Then she warned. "But don't get any ideas. If you're going to work for me you have to abide by my rules, that means I call the shots. So when I say we donate the artifacts we find to trustworthy museums, that's it."

"Fine," Dr. Caballeron reluctantly agreed. "And I suppose I could print a retraction of all the lies I told about you in my book."

Daring smiled. "Excellent. I'm glad we understand each other, Caballeron. This could be the start of a promising partnership between the two of us."

Author's Note:

Another rewrite series has come and gone, and this one ends with what's probably the most controversial and highly debated episode of Season 9 outside of the finale. Pretty much everyone agrees that the reformations of both Dr. Caballeron and Ahuizotl were unwanted, unnecessary and just reeked of bad writing. Caballeron's is already a bit of a stretch as it is, but Ahuizotl's feels like it completely contradicts everything we knew about him prior.

There's also the issue that Fluttershy is ridiculously naive and trusting for no good reason, particularly when she agrees with Caballeron solely because Daring Do disturbs spider nests and renders jungle animals homeless. It feels almost like a bad parody of her character and it ends up making her handling of Discord look all the worse in hindsight when she seems to ignore all the bad things he does while claiming to be "reformed".

Heck, the episode doesn't even seem to make much use of Daring Do for what ends up being her final outing. And it feels disrespectful and insulting to end it there when it seems like her career is finished, yet not because ponies know she's Daring Do but because Caballeron and Ahuizotl have retroactively rewritten themselves to be the good guys.

In order to fix all of these problems I decided to expand on Caballeron's motivations, change Fluttershy to not be so naive, and give Ahuizotl something akin to "Redemption equals death". The small skull is from my rewrite of "Sweet and Smoky" where the real Grogar tried to recruit Garble with a similar object, but Garble ultimately rejected it. And I wanted to try to give Daring's story a bit more closure, while still leaving it open for her to have more adventures down the road.

And I should mention that I rewrote "Daring Don't" a few volumes back to only include Rainbow Dash and Twilight and not the rest of the mane six, so that's why this is Fluttershy's first adventure with Daring Do here in case you're wondering.

Applebuck Season
Party of One
Baby Cakes
The Crystal Empire Parts 1 and 2
Grannies Gone Wild (Bonus Chapter)
The End in Friend
Road to Friendship
She's All Yak
The Last Crusade (Bonus Chapter)
The Last Laugh
Daring Doubt

Comments ( 39 )

Once more, this is a really good last chapter to this volume of your "What If?" series. Again, the exchanges, characterizations, action, general wrap-up and future episode/chapter/volume set-up in all the right places. Yeah, I DO like how you made Fluttershy a lot less gullible, expanded upon Caballeron's motivations, made use of the Grogar skull from an earlier re-write (yeah, it makes sense that Grogar would have tried to recruit Ahuizotl) and actually had Ahuizotl sacrificing himself to save everybody else in the end.

If there IS going to be another volume or two (aside from an "Equestria Girls Edition" or a "Comics Edition", even though I am MOST CERTAINLY looking forward to THOSE as well), then I am eagerly awaiting what you come up with for those final volumes.

Another good collection of *what if* episodes here Superpink, course wasn't expecting that last one to take a tragic turn like that! :fluttercry:

Good work all around, looking forward to the next set of *What if* stories when they come out! :twilightsmile:

So the two pegasi took off to find Daring Do, or even her alter ego as reclusive author A. K. Yearling. They weren't sure what exactly was going on with Q. Q. Martingale but they knew it wasn't good. Yet they couldn't imagine that this wouldn't just result in another Daring Do adventure, but an adventure that was going to change a lot of things about the adventurer in regard to two of her greatest nemesis'.

Shouldn't it be "nemeses?"

I liked this rewrite, though I kind of expected it to have an appearance of Grogar either during Ahuizotl's appearance or after the end of this episode. Still, a good chapter overall. If you need any ideas for your next rewrite, feel free to come talk to me.

If you have a chance, do you have any plans for volume 12 of the other MLP episodes?

Cool which episodes do you plan on doing now?

10607904 The current plan is for the next volume to contain ten episodes which are as follows:
Griffon The Brush Off
The Return of Harmony Parts 1 and 2
Too Many Pinkie Pies
Twilight's Kingdom Parts 1 and 2
Daring Done?
Ali-lcorn (Full fledged episode, replacement for "The Mean Six")
The Beginning of the End Parts 1 and 2

Oh wow! what about the finale? I'll bet you have big plans for that.

10607918 I do, but that's gonna be a long ways away.

Oh good! I don't care how long it takes just as long as it's better than the one in the show. I can't wait to read your other versions of the other episodes. Are you working on them already or not right now, I mean the current ones you were talking about?

10608110 No, the next volume won't come out until February at the earliest, probably more mid to late March.

Eh, okay that's fair Happy New Year!🎉🎊 stay safe

What do you plan to do for the plot of Twilight's Kingdom and The Mean Six?

10623334 For "Twilight's Kingdom", Discord's betrayal will carry more weight and the reason for him siding with Tirek will change to better tie in with the hunt for the keys. And the alicorn magic will initially be split up between Cadence and Twilight to buy as much time as possible, but Twilight will later convince Cadence to give her half to Twilight so Twilight can prove herself.

And for "The Mean Six" there will be a replacement since I already covered that plot during my rewrite of "School Daze". It'll be loosely based around the events of "Ali-lcorn" where Twilight is under pressure to get her school to look good before Chancellor Neighsay comes to "inspect" it (per a tip off from a disguised Chrysalis that the school is poorly managed and Twilight isn't willing to make the necessary improvements).

Wow I'll bet at the end you'll have The Mane Six and Discord apologize to each other Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie to Discord for how mistrustful they were of him and Discord for betraying them especially Fluttershy

Will it still involve The Mean Six Clones?

10623951 No, because I already utilized the clones during my rewrite of "School Daze", so I have to come up with a replacement for "Te Mean Six" as an episode.

Hmm sounds interesting

By the way what are your thoughts on the finale? Did you like it or did you not like it? What and how would you change it to make it better than in the show? like the twist, the final battle, the Last Problem, and the villain's fates, and Twilight going back to Canterlot ? Also sorry for asking a lot of questions I'm just curious hope I'm not being annoying

10630859 The finale was good, not great. "The Ending of The End" had a lot of problems that overshadowed what good moments it did manage to have, and I think it's saying something when that wasn't what the show ended on. I know many have issues with "The Last Problem" but I think it was for the best not to use "The Ending of the End" and just skip ahead, even if that was mostly just so they wouldn't have to shoehorn in Twilight's coronation at the last minute.

I've already done a Q & A session revealing (through spoilers) what I plan to do for the finale when I get around to it.

I don't know, It was okay, but I thought they kinda rushed things too fast just to get it over with instead of thinking up ways to coming up with a better story. I was not too fond of the Discord is Grogar twist because
1. It made Discord look bad and stupid and it was a big loogie on his character development(even if he had good intentions)
2. It got everyone all hyped up for a real big time villain to challenge Twilight and her friends and the power of friendship only for it to be disappointing hoax
3. We see the battle but not everyone (except Spike and the Mane Six) played a part like the CMCs, The Princesses, the Pillars,all the friends that they made in the past The Student Six gathered everyone and were in the rainbow thing, but that's it.

4. I don't have a problem with the villains not reforming because I think we have enough villains reformed, but I think they could've thought of a better punishment than being turned in to stone (especially Cozy Glow since she's a child even though I don't mind it being Chrysalis and Tirek) but it kinda made everyone look bad and hypocritical maybe let Twilight choose.

The Last Problem left me crying at the end with the song and the characters futures, but I think it's kinda backwards that Twilight had leave her friends, seeing them once a moon and she should've been left as herself than look like a purple clone of Celestia and while we saw the characters we didn't see All of them

Anyway that's my opinion what do you think?

Thanks, also the dicisive fact the fact of Twilight outliving her friends or not kinda left me sad and wondering too much. so what do you think about the twist?

10631081 I think it was stupid and unnecessary.

Me too, I know some writers aren't perfect, but they really never thought that through without thinking about what the audience would think or react. I'd rather Grogar be real besides I know they wanted the Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow to be the finale villains and needed to bring them together to do that, but what was the point in bringing Grogar into the picture if he wasn't going to be real in the first place I mean I know Starlight may have a bit of a connection with Chrysalis but the others with the Mane 6 I don't see it, plus I'm sure they could've give Discord a better role than making him the one to make the whole mess. Discord is my favorite character and I don't want to hate or be angry at my favorite characters even if they have flaws. I don't like how they messed up or regressed his character development for a pointless twist as if AMOP wasn't bad enough. so much potential for a great finale wasted!

I read your Q&A session thing about the finale and I thought you made some great changes though I still think after Grogar's defeat the villains still need a punishment for their crimes can't let them get away with it you maybe something funny, but perfectly well fit

You know when I thought about how the finale should be I usually think of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow after losing their powers instead of being turned to stone Twilight says she has a better idea whispers in Discord's ear he giggles mischievously and zaps them in an episode of Baloney the Dinosaur from Animaniacs where the big dim-witted orange dinosaur hugs while they scream and struggle to get away oh and Elmyra and Zoiberg are there too, You remember Animaniacs? that episode is hilarious! Either that or they're zapped to My Little Pony generation 1 from the 80s and Discord says now they can finally have all the love (Chrysalis), magic (Tirek) and friends(Cozy Glow) they want! What do you think? Pretty funny huh?

10634298 I do like the idea of them losing their powers, or at least only retaining enough power to survive but not enough to be able to cause any trouble.

Yeah that works too, what did you think of my Animaniacs or MLP Gen 1 punishment ideas, too weird if you don't like it that's alright.

Thanks! did you think they were funny too?

Eh okay that's fine

I have to say, this IS a pretty good list of the episodes you plan to do for the next volume. And I'm going to guess that Volume Thirteen will cover pretty much every other episode that you still want to do (there might be SOME left after Volume Twelve, but not enough for more than one remaining Volume with the obvious exceptions of the "Equestria Girls Edition" and the "Comics Edition").

More than fair enough.

What if Spike slowly shrinks back to normal in "Secret of my Excess"

How's the new volume episodes coming along?

10701525 Patience, my friend. Hopefully by mid March it'll be up.

Okay take your time

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