• Member Since 30th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen May 27th


Because "fantasy erotica" sounds better than "cartoon horse porn."

Comments ( 113 )

I can't find it, but there's a pic somewhere of Cadance giving Shining head, and he's looking at a bottle and says, "Wait, this isn't lube! It's Krazy Glue!"

1034418 on derpibooru

Seriously, folks, digest this thing right now.

Like it. Thumbs it. Reserve a space in your child's birds-and-bees talk to discuss this when they're graduating highschool.

You will never see such hilarity in terms of stuckage clop in your life.

Go Go Atomic Clop, and thank you for a fantastic FIMFic.

On a scale of "Willie Nelson Afternoon" to "Rick James Showtime Bender", what was your mindset for this?

~Skeeter The Lurker


I'm get random testing at work, and I don't even drink. This is my brain on dead sober.

Hehehehe thanks


I'm honoured to have witnessed this escalate from idea to complete insanity on the discord :pinkiecrazy:

In all seriousness, this was a delightful, hilarious read :yay:

this is amazing :rainbowlaugh:

Tags: Sex, Shining Armor, Twilight Velvet


Does not contain incest.

Sorry for the false alarm.

... The one time I buy into reviews.

Fine. Take it. Take my like and favorite you saucy fuck. I hope you're happy.

It was one hell of a read and will still be one hell of a read later on. Good work!

Your pfp is my initial reaction to this fic.

So... he burnt his balls and minutes later fucked HARD? OW! That sounds like hell!

How do you access this on derpibooru? I can’t seem to figure it out

The chapter title is funny

like some sort of tropical-island whorehouse luau

Stellar work all the way around, but goddamn if that line isn't the most magical thing I've read in a while.


I'm never going to see my jar of coconut oil the same way ever again.

Welp this whole story was wackier than ever... and I love it. XD

This was by far the funniest smut I've ever read!

Thanks! That was the goal.

Hot damn this fic is good! Poor Shining, he never expected Cadance's ass to be an adult swim sketch!

That was horradorably smutastic. Bravo.



Wow. That was just amazing. I normally don't read stuff like this but... this was fantastic. I read it in one sitting, which for a one shot this long that's RARE for me.

Your story took me there, my friend.

And this one is for Shining Armor.

And here I though AAA service is supposed to help you get out of a jam. Not into one. Last time I ever use their service again.

I have no idea if I'd be able to get the cast, but would you be fine with a dramatic reading for your fic done?

Sure, sounds great.

At reading the title "Hah hah. What a goofy situation. Should be good for a quick lau— "

Sees the word count. "How did they write 13k+ words on being stuck in somepony's ass pooper."

"You... with everypony you meet?"

"No," Cadance said. "Just the cute colts. Or stallions. Or fillies. Or mares. I have standards."

I giggled.

"I heard a book fall!" Twilight's tiny voice shouted, as she pounded a hoof on the bedroom door. "Cady, let me in and see if the book is all right!"

I snickered.

Cadance flicked her ears. "I've never had somepony get stuck in my asshole before."

"Pooper," Twilight corrected.

"How many...?" Shining asked, then realized, too late, that he really didn't want to know.

"Like... five..." Cadance said, cocking her head in thought.

"That's not so bad—"

"...hundred and twenty?"


"Five hundred thirty-five, tops."

"That's a wide range of estimates," Twilight said.

I am dead. You've killed me.

"I told you those two kids would hit it off famously, Velvet," Dad said.

Mom nodded. "In the butt no less. It's just like our first date."

I came back to life, just to die again.

In the world building side of things, having emergency scroll sending spells under glass makes so much sense that I am surprised that it took me reading a porn story to see one. But perhaps not too surprised it was one written by you.

The coconut oil smeared on his balls caught on fragrant fire, the smell of toasted coconut warring with the smell of burning fur, buttsex, and marejaculate, like some sort of tropical-island whorehouse luau.

This paragraph is a work of art.

Plenty more of this story I could keep quoting! Suffice it to say I love the raunchy, mixed with world building, and the surprising bit of loving sweetness. Alicorn coochie lasers aside.



Big thanks! Glad you enjoyed.

What? Did you literally sit there for 5 hours staring at until it made it to #1

Someone pinged me in the Discord.

This went from hot... to hilarious... to sweet.

Redheart dug into her pack, used her teeth to tie a rubber hose around Cadance's left foreleg, and inserted a line into a vein. The fireponies returned with the gear and Redheart put a bag of saline on Cadance's IV.

No. NononnonononoNO.

Unless that line is filled with liquid, you do not insert it into a vein! I know this is a silly clopfic and shouldn't be taken seriously - and that Cadence has cool healing powers from being an Alicorn - but doing that is gonna kill the patient with an air embolism. Air doesn't belong in the veins, and the body reacts poorly to its presence. Enough that all you need to kill someone is to insert a small amount of air into their IV line and they won't survive the hour.

You can leave it in this story if you like, but please do not make this mistake again. Pretty sure she just killed Cadence, unless she's got some crazy healing powers that can resurrect her.


Ok, revised. Thanks!

Every time something horrifying and funny like this is posted, it's always you. Take another upvote from me dammit...

Well... that escalated quickly. Reached a new normal and escalated quickly again.

...? This sounds like an adapted skit.

Holy shit this was hilarious.

This was sweet, hilarious and heart pumping.

I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Thank you for making a really enjoyable story.

I feel really sorry for Shining, but hey. It made for truly interesting first time.

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