• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago

Cardboard Box

Boxe doth Write like a Boar doth Pisse, viz. in Jirkes.


Everypony likes a nice cold treat on a hot day. Even the ice cream mare.

One shot based on a horror story I read in a 1970s Omni magazine. It says something about it's effectiveness.

Reviewed by Seattle's Angels - right at the bottom.

Live reading here.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

For the benefit of those without television, a live reading has been added by yours truly.

Neat story, I really enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Reviewed in Round 179

Splendid! Unless you're a very rough-cut piece of wooden furniture, in which case splintered.


All puns aside, uses good suspense to build up to the actual horror. I do like how there's a lot of long and winding passages, thus making the narrator sound more excited as the events proceed.

Well, of course he was excited at the time.

Since then... he's cooled off noticeably.

Yeah, I'd love to read more of your stories. :duck:

A chilling tale, to be sure.

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