• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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66- Far Side Of The Horizon

“Perhaps poorly was not the correct word to use. For that, I apologize, Cadence. Still, I think you two have a lot you need to talk about.”

“Luna, why do you believe that I would want to see him again?”

“Because he has something to say, something you should hear. Doesn’t he?” Luna’s eyes bored into the side of my skull as she shown every possible metaphorical spotlight on me.

‘Oh dear.’

“I would like… to apologize.”

“Starting off with lying to me is not a good start.”

“I could hardly say that it’s awkward to see you again–”

“You lied when saying that you want to apologize.”

“Ah… Well… Hmm…”

“Do you know what you did? Do you really understand how much you hurt me? Us?”

“No. I’ve been too busy trying to not die to pay attention to any news.”

Cadence squinted her eyes a bit but continued, “Can you not even stop and think about what you did? You and your army and your Queen showed up out of nowhere and rained fire on Canterlot! Do you know how many ponies were injured? How many will never recover? How many will never move on? Before you came, I was afraid of making a diplomatic incident, of making a fool of myself and Aunt Celestia. Now... “

She brought the sword out from her side and put it between us with a flourish.

“My biggest fear is waking up, back in that disgusting thing you put me in. You took from me something that never can be given back. You made me pick up this thing of pain and hatred, if only to protect myself. I dream, not of using this sword to defeat you, but of the day when I can put it back down. So what would happen if I were to use it right now?”

“I imagine that it would be extremely painful for me and satisfying for you.”

“So why shouldn’t I?”

I opened my mouth, then closed it. Opened it again, only to close it a second time. Finding the right words turned out to be difficult.

“I am… sorry. I did not initially wish the pain and havoc I brought upon your kingdom to happen. I did my duty, and I am sorry to say that I did take pleasure in it. I am sorry you were the victims, and that there were victims at all, but I would do it all again if I had to.”

“Why? Why did you attack us? What reason could there possibly be for all this pain?”

“We were dying. Within months, we would have all starved to death. I made a token effort to look into alternatives, but no results revealed themselves before I became too busy with creating and executing the war plan. I had a duty to my people. It was us, or it was you.”

“A token effort? How much did you really even try?”

“None at all. I put my most trusted friend on the task. I was too busy to do anything myself. I am sorry that it was Equestria that was our target. I am remorseful that we had a target at all. But I cannot be sorry that I carried out my duty and invaded.”

“Was there no future where we lived in harmony? Did you even consider such a future?”

“Queen Chrysalis weighed the military might of our species against the generosity of yours. She decided to not reduce our kind to having the bargaining power of slaves. It is a decision I agreed with, and to an extent still do.”

“Slaves? Slaves?! What on Equus are you talking about? Have we not been kind to our neighbors? Have we not been generous to our friends? We treat others equally. We give love freely, only hoping that it is returned!”

“Were it so easy… Our history has taught us that the Masquerade exists to protect us. There is no cooperation between changelings and ponies. Not now, not ever. The history of other kingdoms shows the same. Is Griffonia not in utter poverty? Are the Emberlands not lawless noling’s land? All around your bastion of stability, might makes right. Equestria sits at the center of the world, enjoying a golden age while the rest of the world dies in the dark. We wanted our place in the sun. And now, I can only hope that we have secured enough food to stave off extinction.”

“We were trying our best to help them out! All of them! Food and relief supplies to Griffonstone. Diplomatic talks with the Dragonlord. Even investment aid to Zebrica! It is their own stubbornness and pride that caused them to turn away our kindness, but we never stopped trying. Your kingdom never asked, only tried to take.”

“No, we didn’t.”

“So that’s it then? You’re only sorry that I was the victim? Or are you really only sorry that you lost? What about us? Do you realize just what would have happened if you had won?”

“You would have lived. A future, a distant one, where we might have worked together in a fashion. That was my plan, though I’m sure Nightmare Moon had her own plans. I don’t know, I don’t have visions of the future. But now? Thousands of my people are dead, dying, or doomed to die. I do not know anymore if we will be here in a hundred years. I fought, and I lost. More than you know, I lost.”

“Just what exactly could you have lost?”

The one thing I did have control over– and Luna did too– was my physical form. I chose how I looked. I absconded my healthy, pre-rebellion look to change into what I looked like after I was plunged into the river. Claw marks, gouged out bites, and of course my missing limb. The change was sudden; I was there healthy, then my body shimmered, and there I was torn.

“My closest friends. My subjects that looked up to me and believed in me. They all believed that I could protect them. That I could end the hunger that haunted us all. That I could bring them a future where they didn’t worry for their own lives every time they made a mistake. Now, they’re all dead, missing, or hiding within the retreating Legions. I lost. Chrysalis lost. Changelings have lost. We’re fighting a losing battle with no way out. The Masquerade Protocol cannot be unbroken. The dead cannot be brought back to life. The rift in the changeling Hive cannot ever be mended. Unless something changes, we’re going to die, either by Daybreaker’s hoof or by the hunger that has hunted us for centuries. I am sorry that you were the victim, but I am not sorry for trying to end the pain. My only regret is failing.”

The sword’s tip lowered but still pointed towards me. Cadence shook her head slowly.

“Shining watched you torture a foal. You didn’t even hesitate. How could you do something like that? How could anypony?”

“Very easily, as it turned out. For better or for worse.”

I walked forward. Cadence raised the sword and it pushed against the chitin on my chest, stopping me.

“You can run me through, right here right now. I don’t know if I would die, but it would hurt.”

“I don’t want to hurt anypony. I just want the misery to end. If you are willing to do such horrible things, just how much effort would you put into doing the right things? The right decision is often the hardest.”

“... Do you know what would have happened to me if I lost? If we lost the war?”

“You did lose.”

“And by a last second fluke I am here before you. This wasn’t something Chrysalis nor I had predicted. Do you want to know what would have happened if I did not escape Canterlot?”

She didn’t move. Her eyes briefly flicked to my missing foreleg.

“The same thing that would have happened if I had won. A fate worse than death. I have not completely escaped that nightmare. If Chrysalis finds out that I am still alive, she would most certainly attempt to drag me back to the Hive in the dead of night. Sharpening her scalpels, she would tell me how it’s all for the greater good. She was planning on mutilating me, on ripping me to pieces. You’re still frustrated and scared from what I did? The damage I’ve done? Go ahead, stab me. You will find the power and control you desperately want. It wouldn’t even be the first time I’ve been tortured.”

The sword clattered to the ground. Cadence started hyperventilating.

“I–I don’t want to torture ponies! I don’t want to be that kind of– of pony! I just want to help others… I just want to be a good princess!”

“And I just want to be a good Prince. How much must I bleed before the pain ends?”

Luna had kept silent the entire conversation. When Cadence started to sob, she rushed over and embraced her. Cadence buried her face into Luna’s neck. I didn’t think ill of Luna for her silence. She had no place in our conversation; interference would have only messed things up.

After a few minutes, Cadence started to quiet down.

“Are you what I am going to become?” Cadence asked. “A ruler who has strayed so far from Harmony that they can’t go back?”

“Glad to see you think I’m beyond redemption.”

“T-That’s not what I–”

“I know. Princess Cadence... I take pleasure in being feared. It’s exhilarating. But I don’t take pleasure in hurting others. I may be the bad guy to you ponies, but to my changelings I am the only one fighting for their rights and for their chance at having the best future possible. Be thankful that things haven’t gotten so bad for Equestria that you don’t have to be me.”

“Do you think that there’s a future where we can work together?”

“I hope there is. That’s why I am here with Luna. She is quite adamant that there is indeed a future for us all. I don’t quite see it myself, but I trust her word. I am sorry that you have suffered, but I cannot undo the past.”

“Would you, if you could?”

“If it meant saving my friends and subjects? Without a doubt.”

“Is there no room in your heart for strangers?”

“... There was no choice but to fight on and hope to find a better solution after it’s all over.”

“There’s always a choice. You just have to believe in yourself and your friends.”

“I tried. I simply ran out of time…”

“Maybe you just didn’t have enough friends? Many hooves make light work.”

I recalled my time in the hive. I smiled as I remembered the First Fang and our time together. Then I remembered who was in the First Fang.

“Or maybe I had too many.”

“That’s not possible.”

“... Someone I trusted betrayed me. Because of him, I led those I was supposed to protect to their deaths.”

“I… I am so sorry to hear that. The more I hear about your side of the story, the more ashamed I am to have never even considered the idea that there was another side to the war.”

“I am sorry that I let my emotions get the best of me… I should not have hurt that foal. I even used them as a shield, I should have never put them in harm’s way. I let frustration guide my decision.”

“You will need to apologize to her, too.”

“In time. I can’t right now. If word gets out about my survival…”

“Your friends will stand with you.”

“Hard to do that when they’re dead.”

“... Then make new ones. Don’t forget who you’ve lost, but don’t be alone in life. Here, I’ll help you out. Would you like to be friends?”

“I… What? What?”

I looked at Luna. She nodded to me.

“Uh… Okay? Yes?”

“Wonderful!” Cadence smiled, but her eyes widened and she turned to look at the mannequin made in my likeness. “Ah, sorry about, uh…”

“It’s alright.”

“It brings relief to my heart to hear that you understand his plight, Cadence.” Luna said.

“What can I say, I’m a sucker for sob stories. I’d like to know what happened to have led to this horribleness.”

“Did we not just discuss that?” I asked.

“No. I mean, I’d like to know what started all this. From the beginning.”

“You’re asking for my life’s story or something?”

“If you’re okay with sharing…”

‘Hmm… If Thorax was here, he’d say to figure out Cadence’s perspective. Learn how she views things in such a positive light, or how she finds the right solution to problems. The good solution. Or that I should put flowers in my hair. It’s Thorax, who knows?’

“In exchange for your story, I will share mine.”

“I would like that. Can we also… start anew?”

I nodded.

“Hello. I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. But please, call me Cadence.”

“Hello Cadence. I am Prince Phasmatodea. But please, call me Phasma.”

Cadence smiled.

Luna interrupted us, “I am afraid this exchange will have to wait for another time. The night draws short, and we must return to where we belong. It brings me no small amount of joy to see you two not at each other’s throats. Progress at last! Come Phasma, we shall return another night.”

“Wait!” Cadence called out, “What about Shining?”

Luna frowned, “His proximity to Daybreaker means he is far more liable to let slip information before we are ready. Making you aware of Phasma’s survival is already a concession on his part, I cannot risk Daybreaker knowing.”

“But he needs to know this. He…” She turned to me, “Your fight with Shining did a number on him. He’s hurting, even if he hides it well. Talking with each other will do you both good.”

“Daybreaker finding me is not much better than Chrysalis. As long as he’s Captain of the guard under Daybreaker, Shining Armor must not know that I live.”

Luna nodded.

“I am with Phasma on this one. Furthermore, you must continue acting horror-struck and keep up your combat training. Daybreaker mustn’t know of our activities. I am sorry to place this burden upon your shoulders. We will speak more again soon. Fare thee well, wonderful Cadence.”

“... Night, Luna. You too, Phasma.”

“Uh, yeah. Good night Cadence.”

Luna wrapped a wing around me and then we were gone.

Author's Note:

Art by SkyeyPony

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