• Published 27th Oct 2020
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Against All Odds. - The_Chill_Author

[Displaced] John Oliver is sent to Equestria with his Six friends as Thanos. After being sealed in stone, he broke out. Now his gauntlet, his stones, his blade, and his team are now scattered across the planet. Can he back bring balance to Equis?

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1,700 years ago.

I sat there in the back seat with the Thanos costume on, I was stacked and armed to the teeth, with the stones, the gauntlet, and the infinity blade (It was fake obviously) the year was 2022, a few months ago Coronavirus ended and we all partied, not together but- you know what I'm saying. My friends were there, Zachary, Nora, Thompson, Jessica, Chief, and Petra. We stopped in the parking lot and got out.

"Are. You. Ready?!" Zachary always brought the hype, he was Entity 303.

"Born ready." Thompson is like the guy who would literally do stupid things for fun, you know, normal white-boy stuff. He was dressed up as General Grievous from the 2D Clone Wars because we all know canon Grievous pails in comparison to 2D Grievous.

"Good, because we need to get inside before another crowd of people swarms in." Petra, always the smart and reasonable one, was dressed up as Sally.

"Let us go now." I did my best Thanos impression, it wasn't bad but it wasn't good either.

"Holy crap is that you Thanos?" Jessica joked and did a playful shove. Jessica is blonde, but not your normal dumb blond, she is actually adept when it comes to anything book related. She was dressed up as Supergirl, which fits her because she is always helping someone out when they need help. We walked forth and got in a line, got through the door, and ran wild.

"We should look at some things that look really nice for our characters," Chief said looking at me, I was the only one that wasn't complete, aside from Thompson that is. Chief is like the big black dude that will break you like a twig, if anything he should have been Thanos for the MCU.

"You two aren't fully complete so let's check out some weapons." Nora was dressed up as Rapunzel, and boy, does she look gorgeous. I nod and try to spot the weapon area. It wasn't hard because I almost couldn't fit through the door because I was 8'2, yeah I went all out to be Thanos. And I saw someone dressed up as Kilton in an open tent, I saw the infinity blade and four swords.

"I guess those four swords will have to do." Thompson chuckled and shook his head, we walked up to the Kilton cosplayer.

"How much for the infinity blade and those swords?" I asked with my best Thanos impression, I love it, I'm sorry but I can't stop it.

"For you, free. You know what kid? I know your type, seeking out for adventure eh?" The Kilton cosplayer chuckled, I was in shock as I just grabbed the infinity blade and Thompson grabbed his swords.

"Yeah, I like going on adventures with my friends," I said liking where this conversation is heading.

"Imagine... Going to a world where it has too much harmony and way less chaos." I thought about that, too much harmony and things would be... awkward. Nothing exciting.

"That sounds like torture." I smiled beneath my mask.

"What if... I sent you to that world to bring balance. It would be a win-win, saving that world for complete boredom and saving you from complete boredom. Know this, when I sent you there you will be your character, and everyone but You, Grievous, Supergirl, and Entity 303 will have powers because you already have powers. Entity 303 I see you have your scythe." The KIlton cosplayer smirked, and Zachary held up his bloodred scythe.

"Okay, how are you going to do it?" I ask smiling, he smiled mischievously.

"Oh, you'll see..." He snapped his fingers and in a flash of light, we were gone.

Present time.

I stood there idle in the Castle of Two Sisters, in stone and in a vault deep underground, it was dark, the torches have been put out. It was darker than any night I've seen. I was there for centuries. I was the most dangerous villain known to Pony-kind, Celestia often visits me to see if I got out, but after a few years she suddenly stopped it was like she... forgot about me. I was alone, all alone, I was perfectly sane but I was lonely. I wanted to get out, I needed to get out, to get my revenge, I grunted trying to break free, grunt, grunt, grunt! There was a crack I tried a few more times and my hand was free, I let out a furious bellow and boom! I was free, I immediately fell to my knees, it has been too long. I was hungry, very hungry. I got up and the only thing that I was thinking about was food and water. I walked up the spiral steps, it was covered in moss and the walls were cracked, I was trying to not hit the ceiling, I was tall, after punching down the exit door I made. (I punched my way out) I found myself in the throne room. I looked around, it was... ruined, what happened here? I looked around, my stomach growled. It was sunny outside, I saw light for the first time in years! Not going to lie I shed a little tear.

"Right, right, right, food." I put a hand over my stomach as I walked out of the castle. There was an old bridge, judging by my height and size I would fall under it. This means I have to run, after prepping myself I went into a sprint position and was ready to book it. I took a deep breath and ran. The wooden planks I stepped on collapsed beneath me, I ran as fast as my legs could carry them and leaped and fell on the grass, my stomach growled yet again, I need to eat something or I will eat my arm! A manticore looked at me curious as to what I was, I looked at it and licked my lips.

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty..." I walked close to the manticore.

I lit up a fire as I ate my cooked manticore, it was delicious, could use some seasoning but hey, got to work with what you have eh? I sat on a log and thought.

"My blade is gone, gauntlet gone, infinity stones gone, friends gone, where are they? Celestia must've really thought this out. My guess is that my infinity blade is in the Canterlot vault as well as my gauntlet, the stones must have a keeper, so I think I'm going to have to find the keepers of the stones. My friends are probably held in Tartarus so I'll have to go there, but that begs the question, what should I go after? Well, if I go after my blade and gauntlet they will be on high alert and most likely tighten the defenses on the stones and Tartarus. I should go after my friends, more allies means more people to fight under me. Tartarus it is I guess." After eating the last bit of the cooked manticore, I jumped to my feet and marched on. Tartarus here I come.

I marched whilst I was in the forest, my home for a while, as I walked I saw a clearing. I ran towards the clearing and I saw spears sticking out of the grounds and helmets.

"Grievous..." I look towards a spot and I see several scorch marks there, I sigh and shook my head. "He was hunted down by guards wasn't he?" I examined the field and I took a step. There was something in front of me, I kneeled down and I pick it up. It was an emblem of the old Equestrian Empire. I sighed deeply and remembered the four ear war. I pocketed it in my- well, pocket. I walked past the spears and past the clearing, as I walked I heard splashing, I was rather thirsty so I walked over towards the splashing. I then see a waterfall, with a statue there, the good old training spot.

"How far has this fallen? I remember being here like it was yesterday, haha!" I laughed with a warm smile as I walked towards it, I clasped my hands together. "For give me Master, but I am very, very, very thirsty." I stuck my head in the water and began drinking. When my thirst settled I got my head out of there, catching my breath. I bow and I take my leave, I walked off and continued my trek through the forest. The chirping of the birds fueling my nostalgia, I started to whistle along to the birds as I walked. I then see some mountains, those must be the Smokey Mountains, I run for it and I make it out of the Everfree Forest. I grinned ear to ear.

"YEAAHHH I'M FINALLY AFTER A MILENIA OF BOREDOM OUT OF THAT DARN FOREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I cheered, laughing afterwards.

"Now where is Tartarus again?"

1,699 years ago...

Ah yes, my flashback now where do we begin? Oh, right, I stood there in the Castle of the Celestial Princesses bored as heck. I looked around searching for something to do as I was standing on a balcony, I walked back in and some royal guards were there to greet me.

"Hello sir, your Princess Celestia wishes to see you." A guard said, I sighed and shook my head.

"Alright, I'll go see Sunny." I walked forth and they waved goodbye, I heard the guards say something literally behind my back.

"Did you see that guy? He was BUFF, no wonder why Celestia loves him." The guard said to the other, the other guard fanned herself.

"If he wasn't the Princess's Spouse, I would be making moves on him like I was dancing on a dance floor." The other guard said, I cringed, and it hurts to be called handsome. As I walked down the hallway Lucci walked next to me.

"Sup, meeting your wife?" He put the emphasis on wife, it been nearly a week since we've been married and everyone has been poking fun at him.

"Shut up." I chuckled, Lucci just grinned.

"Before we do that, should we go check up on the others? It would be quick." Lucci asked me, I looked at him and he looked at me, silence...

"Sure, why not?" I asked her, Lucci grinned and walked down a hall adjacent to us, I followed him when we were down the hall, someone walked up to us, it was Platinum Dusk! She walked over to Lucci and hugged him.

"Lucy!" She squeezed, Lucci frowned and hugged her back.

"It's Lucci, or just call me Rob instead." Lucci said frowning at the unicorn, she just smiled like the ball of cuteness she is.

"Okay, Robby." Platinum Dusk said grinning knowing she's pissing Lucci off, his frown deepened.

"Say that one more time and I'll buck you-" Lucci was cut off by her.

"Oh? You'll buck me? Get us a room then." She said flirtatiously, Lucci stood there silent.

"Follow me." Lucci walked off, Platinum gleefully followed the assassin, waving goodbye at me, I stood there.

"Look's like everyone is getting laid today." I chuckled as I walked towards the training room, as I reached there I was tackled by something blue.

"Big T! You're here!" Ah yes, Jessica aka Supergirl. "Where you've been, I haven't seen you like, ALLLL day."

"Being the lonely bastard that I am, what about it?" I asked her, she got off of me and pulled me up, she was really strong, but my strength is greater than hers.

"So, what brings you here, Mr. "I married a Princess"?" She grinned, I rub my eyes.

"Why do you people mess with me like this?!" I asked her confused, she shrugged.

"Just feels right, ya know? Plus, you know we can't resist it!" Jessica laughed in a jolly manner, I then hear someone use one of their techniques.

"Hair-Hair, Fists of Fury!" I then hear crashing and groans of pain, I look towards it and I see Rapunzel beating Entity for the one-thousandth time, literally.

"Did ya win again Rapunzel?" I asked her, already knowing the answer, she looked towards me, flipping her hair and putting her hands on her hips.

"Is that a rhetorical questions, because I have a rhetorical answer, yes." She grinned cockily, Entity shot up from the ground.

"Darn it! How do you beat me? WITH HAIR?!?!??!?!" Entity screamed, his right eye twitching, Rapunzel laughed.

"Because I'm just better than you, that simple." Rapunzel smiled, Entity growled.

"Mark my words I will one day beat you in combat!" Entity declared, clenching his "fists" and throwing them into the air.

"Not in two thousand years, Entity." Rapunzel chuckled, she turned to me, "So how's your wife, Thanos?"

"Yeah how's your wife, Thanos?" Sally said behind me, I turned around and took up a fighting stance.

"I SWEAR TO GOD SALLY STOP THAT!!!!!" I yelled, everyone just laughed, "And can y'all stop doing that?"

"Nope." They all said simultaneously, I groaned and facepalmed.

"Alright, I'm gonna go and see my wife." I go to leave the room but was hit tripped by someone or rather somepony, it was Luna, I hit the floor.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!! Thou has gotten wrecked!" Luna laughed, I slowly got up and looked at her, my Reality Stone glowing, her laughter turned into fear as I turned her into a potato and I threw her at Jessica and she caught Luna. I then walked off now wanting to see my wife after some torment from my friends. I looked for the stairs because this place was darn maze. I found the stairs upwards and I walked up the stairs I see Celestia at the end of the stairs.

"I was looking for you you purple bean!" She crossed her arms huffing out steam from her nostrils.

"Blame Lucci, he told me to go check up on the boys." I replied, she rolled her eyes.

"You could've declined." She told me, I looked at her unblinkingly.

"Well-" She cut me off.

"No excuses, meet me at my room." She looked at me, then turned around and teleported to her room.

I opened the door to her room and it was cool looking. It had some swords on the walls, some photos of Celestia, Luna and their parents, etc. Celestia sat on her bed, and pats a spot on her bed beside her, I walked over there and sat there nearly knocking her into the ceiling.

"Oh darn," I apologized, she cleared her throat.

"I uh... Think it's best for you to take a seat somewhere else." I nodded, and I pull a chair from a desk nearby and sat on it... The chair broke over my fat ass. I was on the floor looking up on the ceiling in silence. Celestia chuckled at my troubles.

"I'm gonna lay here." I couldn't help but laugh, it was kinda funny. Celestia cleared her throat.

"So... Thanos, I've heard rumors that you have been training." Celestia said, I looked up at her with a raised eyebrow. She kinda blushed.

"Ahem... T-Thanos... Can I train with you?" She asked putting her index fingers together and looking away.

"Is that what you called me here for?" I inquired, she was red with embarrassment.

"N-no! Not all... Uh... I Uh... Good job on a mission that you totally did!" She smiled trying to power through her blush which she failed in miserably.

"I haven't been on any mission in a whole month." I informed her, her eyes widened and she looked away, he pink hair following her.

"W-well uh... Shit." She scratched the back of her head, I stood up.

"You couldn't have just asked me when I was on the balcony enjoying the view?" I asked her she turned around, angry.

"Shut up, I'm a Princess and a Princess shouldn't have to do certain things." She huffed, crossing her arms.

"Doesn't that include training?" I countered, she took a step back.

"Uh... Y-you got me there." She stammered, she shook her head, "But in any case will you train me?"

"Sure, why not?" I grinned, this would be fun.

Present Time.

If I only knew, I walked forward and searched for the nearest town. "I think Dodge Junction is the nearest town, but it's gonna be awhile. I think it's north east, yeah, north east." I ran north east, I had a lot of stamina, I should be there at the end of the night. I then remember more of that flashback I had.


I stood there in the training area, Luna and Celestia sighed, Luna joined too because sibling rivalry I guess. Lucci stood by me, I cleared my throat and got ready for my speech.

"Alright you two, combat is an art, and as you know it takes practice to be good at art, it took about a year for us to be where we are now. A whole year of sweat, blood, tears, and other bodily fluids." Luna and Celestia blushed at that comment, Lucci chuckled, "Not to mention the days of training non-stop. But anyways, Martial Arts is very useful for self defense, and remember this is to defend yourself and others, not to attack others... Or yourself. Anyways, fighting for some is a way to pass time, fighting for others is a curse, you must be ready to take a life if you wish. But you need to fin your strength, and what you are fighting for. What are you fighting for? What is your end goal? How will you learn from this fight? Will this fight benefit you? These are the questions that need to be answered before battle. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? How many weaknesses do you have? How many strengths do you have? Are you a swordsman? A mage? A martial artists? What are you?” I asked them, they looked at each other and answered.

"I'm a fighter." They both said.

Back to present time

"Good times..."

Author's Note:

This was months in the making, so... Yeah...

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