• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 3,627 Views, 48 Comments

The Dark One Has Risen - Rob_Rhapsody

Some guy wakes up in equestria with the powers of darkness and chaos, what could possibly go wrong

  • ...

Chapter twenty-four

Author's Note:

New chapter enjoy!
don't forget to comment.
Remember to keep checking back for a new chapter.

The next day I decided to magic up a new weapon, Jacob Frye's hidden blade. I put it on over my jacket yet under my coat.

I then built in a computer, so it would work like a pip-boy, I made the screen a hard-light hologram projection. So when it wasn't giving me info, it would look the exactly the same as how it started. put in a few other bells and whistles, to allow me to know the time, date, dimension, and the Current Location's most recent news and events so I would always be in the know, it even checked my vitals, magic levels, and was able to scan objects and take pictures, plus Bluetooth.


I gave it a few test flexes to see the blade come out. Then I checked the current data on it and it, to test if it was correct. Once I was satisfied with it I pulled the coat sleeve over it. I left my room with all my gear and made my way to the map room, where I was surprised to see spike glowing.

"The dragon lord is summoning all the dragons isn't he" I said with a deadpan. "Uh.... Yes, how did you know?" Asked Twilight. "I always know" I said. I'll go get my bike so me and Spike can get to the Dragonlands in comfort and style, and don't worry Spike, I'll take it easy so you don't pass out again" I said watching Spike take a nervous gulp.


"D-do we have to take your bike?" asked Spike. "Spike, It will take us forever to get there, If we use the tiger 800 XCx, we'll get there in half the time, it runs on my magic so we won't have to stop, I've already put on the cargo cases for our lunches and snacks, which will kind of slow it down, we are all ready to go, now come on!" I explained to Spike. I grabbed Spike and put him between me and the handlebars. I pulled my hood on, revved up the engine and rode off.


It wasn't long before we reached the Dragonlands. I pulled over a good distance away. "There, was that so bad?" I asked Spike. He seemed more calm than he was on his last ride. "Hehe, you're right that wasn't so bad, thanks for giving me a ride here" said Spike with a smile. "Anything for a friend, besides I have a job to do, I need to set up cameras so I can broadcast this on EqNN, the ponies will enjoy this" I said while getting out my microphone. I took out the dust cover and covered my bike. "I'm starting to think you care a lot about that bike" said Spike. I take my hood off and put my goggles up. "Of course, especially since it cost me a small fortune to buy it and pimp it out, now let's get going" I said, splitting in two, one of me grabbed a camera and following me and spike.

We arrived to see a whole mess of dragons. The camera was turned on, and I began my broadcast. " welcome loyal viewers, I am here live, In the Dragonlands, here to show you, the folks at home, the events that are about to take place" I said to the camera and took to the sky with the camera-man close behind. I flew straight to Dragon Lord Torch. "Hello there, I am Mamoru Shinigami, and I'm here to broadcast today's events, hope you don't mind" I said to the colossal dragon. "What are you?" he asked. "Oh, I'm with the press, I'm here to document this rather large collection of dragons, I am going to be here for a while, you can just pretend we aren't here" I said. "I already am" he said dismissively. "And that folks is Dragon Lord Torch, stay tuned for more!" I said to the camera.

I watched as Torch explained about the gauntlet of fire to the young dragons. I split again and let one of my clones handle the rest as I flew over to check on Spike.


"Why don't you compete, you know every dragon here wants to invade Equestria when the become Dragon Lord" I said to Spike. "But I don't have a chance against them" said Spike. I just looked at him and tilted my head, with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow. "What?" Asked Spike. "This is an important event, if you don't do this, I will personally kick your ass!" I said while putting my goggles down. "Ok, of to the starting line" said Spike, afraid of what I'll do to him.

---Third person POV---

"Princess Ember?" said Spike surprised. "What do you think you're doing?" Asked ember. --CLANG---CLANG-- both dragons looked to where the sound came from. "I believe he just saved your life" said Mamoru. "And who are you?" Said Ember putting a claw on Mamoru's chest. "I'm The Dark One, Mamoru Shinigami, and I believe you owe him appreciation" Mamoru said pointing at Spike. Ember looked at Spike then tried to tell Mamoru off but he was gone. Just then, Garble crashes into the beach from getting hit by a boulder. "Help me Spike" said Garble. After Spike helped him, Garble kicked sand over spike. "Haha, all that time around ponies made you soft" said Garble.

---Mamoru POV---

I watched as ember covered for Spike about the pony smell. "And so it begins" I say to myself. I teleported into the room where the bloodstone scepter was residing. I went into my shadow form and took a nap.

I awoke later to see Garble and Spike going at it. 'Well at least they made it' I thought to myself. I moved through the darkness and went into Spike's shadow. I tuned most of what they were saying out, then I saw Ember come in an help Spike by shoving Garble away. I kinda zoned out again then a little while later I got out of my trance and saw Spike giving ember the scepter. I chose now is a good time to show myself. "Well, well, looks like we have a new dragon friend, nice to have you Ember, I'll be seeing you again soon" I said with my cheshire grin which unnerved her. I then teleported back to my bike to wait for them to come back.


"I'm glad we did that, now let's head back" I said getting on my bike, then helping Spike on. "I'm glad I have a new friend" said Spike. I just gave him a friendly smile and started the engine, and went full speed towards home, with Spike screaming the whole way.


We arrived at the castle and I drove my bike all the way to my room. I shut off the engine and let Spike off, then got off myself. "Hey Spike, tell Everypony not to bother me for the next few months, I'll be in my room in a stasis chamber, I'm gonna be asleep for a while" I said shocking him. "What!?!" Asked Spike. I opened my door and walked my bike in and left it next to my stasis chamber.


"When did you have time to make that?" Asked Spike. "During the gauntlet, I had a team of clones make it, now you know what to tell them right?" I said looking at Spike. "Sure I'll tell them" said Spike. I gave Spike a nod and closed the door as he left. I put in the countdown for the stasis pod. The day the pony of shadows and Starswirl the bearded return from limbo. I put my goggles up, opened the chamber, stepped inside and locked the door. The pod began to fill with a dark ooze. It filled the entire chamber quickly. Once it was full, the ooze froze with me inside. Now all I have to do is sleep and wait.