• Published 12th Nov 2020
  • 4,783 Views, 777 Comments

Mark My Words - Goldfur

Prince Mark Wells may now be an alicorn and the coruler of Equestria along with Twilight Sparkle and his wife, Trixie Lulamoon, but that doesn't mean that his life has gotten boring. Something always comes up, whether he wants it or not!

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What A Fright!

“Perhaps our chaotic friend could bring some special disaster that he has been saving for just such an occasion. What do you think, Dowser?”

That startled me out of whatever I was contemplating. So much so that I had no recollection of what it was. “Lulu, I think you shouldn’t tempt fate or minor deities by asking for more trouble than you can handle.” Trixie continued to frown and tapped a hoof on her throne. Day Court wouldn’t start for another ten minutes. I hoped that gave me time to get to the bottom of whatever was bothering her. “Dear, what’s the matter?”

My wife had to lean forward to flap her wings impatiently. After a couple of seconds, she folded them again and sat up straight. “This will be the twelfth Nightmare Night celebration of Trixie’s reign and it is the same every year. Luna and the Element Bearers whoop it up in Ponyville while Canterlot Castle shuts down. Even the thestral guards abandon us to be anywhere but the Royal Palace. Trixie is tired of our home being the anathema of happy foals and merriment.”

She did have a point. One global emergency or another seemed to show up right before this holiday season, forcing one of the royals to be safely detained (I’ll call it what it is) inside the castle. That way a voice of authority could respond at a moment’s notice. This year, Celestia’s intelligence network brought news of half of dozen Zebrican tribal leaders swearing revenge upon all ponies for the latest imagined offense. Six months ago, it was for exporting lavender-scented soap to their country. Celestia’s agent informed us the soap smelled too much like ancestral embalming fluid. Regardless, the Triarchy endured a month of yelling from their ambassador in the hour-long timeslots allocated for our weekly talks with their nation’s representative. This only stopped when a staff-wielding Zecora entered the Throne Room and dressed down the stallion in the melodic tones of her native tongue. Her rhyming was complex and went on for several minutes. Rather than waiting for a rebuttal, the shaman held her staff out in front of her, dropped it at the ambassador’s hooves, turned around, and marched out the way she came. At our next meeting, the stallion was nowhere to be seen. Instead, his understudy wore the robe and necklace of office.

In any case, some youthful hotheads traveled halfway across Equus to “regain Zebrican honor” or some such. When one of these idiots seriously injured an Equestrian customs official, Twilight took it upon herself to permanently change his stripes to rainbow hues and drop him into the fountain at the center of the Zebrican capital. Over the next few weeks, my co-ruler did the same for the other half-dozen captured glory-seekers. Zebra cultural norms dictated that attractiveness meant having the darkest blacks and whitest whites. Twilight hoped this would send a message. Maybe it did, and maybe it didn’t. All I knew was that I drew the short straw this year. Twilight and Trixie were free to enjoy Nightmare Night while I cooled my fetlocks in the castle.

My wife pointed a hoof at me. “What Trixie needs is a different perspective. What traditions from your home can solve this problem? Be glad your wife is giving you two weeks’ notice.”

I was pretty sure she was talking about the upcoming holiday and not abdicating her crown. I looked down at my hooves and thought back. “Well, I worked at a facility not unlike the Royal Assessor’s department: lots of offices on both sides of a looping corridor. For our equivalent holiday, employees could bring their kids in at lunchtime and they would trick-or… uh… ask for something sweet to bite at the different rooms. The big boss only let them stay for a couple of hours, but everyone loved the break from the normal monotony.”

Trixie stopped tapping her hoof. After several seconds she nodded. “Yes. Immediately after sundown is perfect. School would be out and that time would not interfere with any being’s late evening plans. We shall ask the castle staff to bring their young ones to the Throne Room. What else?”

“What, you want more?”

“Of course! One does not finish tapping a well until it is dry. What else?”

I rolled my eyes then got back to thinking. “Each department will have their own treats to give out. For example, the Building Codes department could give out puffed-oat sculptures of a frosted castle on a stick.”

Trixie added, “The Royal Sisters will be here. I’m sure they would love to have their chambers on the list of stops. Raven?”

My wife’s advisor jotted down notes on her clipboard while looking at her boss. “I’ll send a scroll to them both. We can’t have foals running everywhere through the castle, though.”

Penumbra’s voice carried up from her spot at the foot of the dais. “I, for one, do not want to be pulling youngsters from every forgotten maid’s closet until Hearth’s Warming because they got lost. Unicorns can put glowing arrow markers on the floor to guide groups of foals to their next candy station. We’ll make a huge, meandering path through the castle so they don’t get lost.”

Chrysalis cleared her throat to get our attention. “I don’t think that will be enough. I propose a changeling disguised as a foal lead each group. Crystal Hive drones can do that with King Thorax coordinating their efforts.”

I said, “And what will our herd’s changelings be doing?”

She showed me all her fangs. “Nymphs stuffing sugary treats in their bags is insufficient. We have a standard to uphold here at the center of the Equestrian Empire. The event must be memorable! My drones will take on monstrous forms and scare foals away from corridors they are not to take, chasing them back onto the right path.” She licked her lips. “Children of all races love to be scared...”

Trixie coughed.

“… within reason,” concluded the changeling queen.

I tapped my chin. “I like it.”

My wife said, “Raven, would you send a note to Twilight and Thorax?”

Penumbra turned to glance at the unicorn mare. “I have to visit Sugar Cube Corner after my shift. I’ll deliver the message and answer any questions they may have.” She paused. “OK. I’ll answer any questions Thorax has and bring back Twilight’s scroll of questions.”

“Just one scroll?” I asked with a smirk.

“I’ll bring my largest saddlebags.” Penny jerked her head toward the double-doors that held back the petitioners. “Now if you two lovebirds are too busy planning to preside over Day Court, Chrysalis and I could take over and—”

Trixie straightened up and called out. “Sergeant-at-arms! Let our little ponies approach!”

I gave my wife’s hoof a quick squeeze with mine. “Day Court is now in session!”

My wife and I stood in the doorway of a quaint cottage on a dusty country road. I grinned and shook my head. “Lulu, it just isn’t fair. Cuteness on this scale is simply too dangerous to be released into Canterlot. Every household will give out all their candy when our foal knocks on their door.”

Right on cue, Gemini set down their bucket. The little yellow unicorn swung their neck back and forth as they sang, rocking the tiger head. The plush snake and goat heads of their chimera costume followed along thanks to the strings attached to the top of the tiger’s neck.

“Nightmare night! What a fright! Give me something sweet to bite!”

With a flash, Gemini switched to light green Pegasus colt and picked up their bucket in their teeth. I swear the puppy dog eyes could have convinced Carpacia to give up her crown.

My wife dropped the illusion and our chambers faded into view around us.

“Well done, Gemini. Your performance was flawless. The Great and Powerful Trixie knows true showponyship when she sees it.”

Our foal said nothing, instead jostling their bucket up and down. The few pieces of candy inside rattled.

Trixie rolled her eyes and her horn flared. Two Carrot Zingers popped into existence before clattering into the waiting bucket.

I asked, “Are you sure that little cauldron is big enough for all your loot?”

“Auntie Twilight put a spell on it,” Gemini replied with a grin. “It’s really big on the inside!”

I snorted with amusement. “Of course it is. Trust her to think of that.”

“It’s time to go,” Trixie said. “We must not be late for our performance!”

I lifted Gemini onto my back with my magic. “Our little monster and I are ready,” I replied with a grin. “Let’s go!”

We exited our suite where Penny, Rarity, and Chrysalis were waiting with the rest of the foals. Gemini’s fancy costume had taken a lot more time and effort to get into and they were the last to be ready. Trixie’s insistence on a rehearsal probably hadn’t helped my other herdmates’ patience, but I think seeing the result of Rarity’s costume-work helped ameliorate the irritation.

While the fashionista and Penny gushed over Gemini (Sally does not gush!), I looked over our other foals’ outfits. Pearl had been dressed by her mother in a superhero costume like those in the comics that her Uncle Phil had given her. This year she was the Huntress from DC comics. Verdant was a zombie, ghoulishly made up by his over-enthusiastic dam to be comically hideous. Allura and her constant changeling companion Lacewing were a double act as a Frankenstein-type monster. Lacy had shape-shifted to appear to merge with the unicorn filly so that they had six legs and two pony heads. That was truly weird and wonderful. They had even practiced finishing each other’s sentences! My youngest foal, Spotlight, had gained sufficient control of his color-changing that he could keep it one hue for a while. Right now, his coat, mane, and tail were all a very deep blue and he had on a black cape. Trixie had fixed up a special-effect amulet for him that emitted a small amount of dark fog when activated so that he could be the Pony of Shadows. My kids were going to knock the socks off the neighbors when they went begging for candy!

I urged my mares to stop fussing with last-second adjustments so we could get to the Throne Room. Not only did we have to be there to start the special event, but Trixie also needed to set the scene. Upon our arrival, the bright and airy chamber was transformed by my wife’s illusion power into a grotto. Water from stalactites dripped slowly onto stalagmites and fireflies flitting around the chamber. Moonlight filtered through a gap in the roof to illuminate the dais where the thrones had turned into piles of bones. Bats fluttered in and out of nooks and crannies while glowing eyes could be seen peering out between the rocks.

I lifted an eyebrow and asked, “You don’t think this is a bit too much?”

Trixie smiled condescendingly. “As our herdmate said, foals love to be scared.”

Judging by the awe on our children’s faces, I suppose she was right.

Gallus arrived just then, his pet by his side. Twiggy came up to the griffon’s waist now. The timberwolf made a habit of lowering his head when my son addressed it but would jump up to greet everybeing else. Gallus paused to look around in wonder. “Whoa! This is awesome!”

His pet ignored it all though. As soon as the now-grown timber-monster spotted me, it bounded over and nearly knocked me off my hooves before beginning to lick me.

“Darn it, Twiggy! Knock it off!” Every. Single. Time. Why was I so tasty?

“Why did you ask me to bring Twiggy when you knew what was coming?” Gallus asked with an unsympathetic grin on his face.

“Because I want him lying next to me looking dangerous.”

“You know he wouldn’t harm a fly though.”

Spotlight drove home the point by climbing on Twiggy’s back and lifting one forehoof in the air. With a big grin, he yelled, “Gid-jup! Gid-jup!” My back twinged in remembrance of when all of my foals tried to ride their dad at the same time. Darn it, Phil. You are a bad influence on my children.

I grinned as I turned to look at Gallus. “Yeah, but the foals don’t know that… well, the ones who haven’t been to Ponyville.”

My wife gave me a flat look. “What was that you were saying about Trixie’s scenery being a bit much?”

I chuckled. “Guilty.”

I noticed Luna arriving, dressed in her Nightmare Moon regalia. She gave me a fang-filled smile. Somehow, her teeth gleamed with more light than anything else in the room. “Recallest thou my commitment to Ponyville’s festivities. I must hasten away no later than three hours hence.”

I gave her a nod and said, “No problem.” I looked around the room. “Everyone’s here now. I believe it’s showtime. Places everyone!”

Penny said to our foals, “Come on everypony. Time to score some candy!” She and Rarity were leading them through a few Canterlot neighborhoods while other children came here. After all, our lot already knew the castle intimately. This special event was for the foals of the castle staff, including a few chicks from parents in the Griffon contingent of the Royal Guard. Two diamond dog pups came along thanks to their parents working for the Department of Natural Resources. We also invited the students from Hackleberry Primary School. With so many of the youngsters at the castle, our foals would have first dibs on a lot of the homes participating in Nightmare Night!

Shadows roiled around the dark alicorn and she laughed madly. Nightmare Moon had truly arrived. She sat upon the throne of bones while Trixie and I took our places in front and to the side as her henchponies. Trixie and I wore a mixture of rags and broken armor. While we had dressed the part as our evil counterparts, my wife added her special effects to give us glowing eyes and vicious fangs. The thestral Royal Guards took up their positions along the approach to the dais. Thorax nodded to me and disappeared into the shadows behind the throne. Creepy music started playing from concealed speakers, adding to the atmosphere. As the final touch, I put a studded faux-leather collar around Twiggy. A rusty chain reached from a ring on the collar back to behind the throne. The timberwolf let out a huge yawn, turned around three times, and curled up alongside the dais. Seconds later, I heard his light snores. Oh, well. Can’t expect every stage prop to work the way you expect it to.

At a sign from me, the thestral Guard stationed at the entrance threw open the doors.

“Enter if you dare,” he addressed the gathered children in dark tones. He had been selected for the task specifically for his voice which was even deeper than Fluttershy after drinking poison joke extract. “Nightmare Moon awaits those who have the courage to face her!” He then slammed the butt of his spear onto the floor, making many of the foals jump.

Slowly at first, a few of the braver foals and chicks entered the chamber. Emboldened by them, the rest soon followed. They were all soon gaping in awe at the scenery, the group of a hundred or so grinding to a halt in the middle of the room as they tried to take it all in.

I created a small thunderbolt that drew the children’s attention and Nightmare Moon stared at them imperiously. “Do not keep me waiting, little ones, or thou may makest me angry!

The foals hastened to obey and gathered at the base of the dais.

Nightmare Moon gazed at them sternly. “Have you brought me thy tribute? I see many foals but naught of that which is my due!

“P-please, N-nightmare M-moon,” one brave filly stuttered, “W-we haven’t had a ch-chance to get any y-yet.”

The dark alicorn frowned and turned her attention to Trixie and me. “Why have you brought these children here bereft of my tribute?

I gave her a deep groveling bow. “Your Majesty, we have prepared a quest for these foals which, should they be successful, will gift you with more candy than ever before.”

Nightmare Moon appeared to consider my words. She eventually nodded. “Very well. I will expect much candy this year or else I will take some of these foals instead! Thou hast but two hours or all shalt face my wrath!

A gigantic hourglass materialized next to the dais and the sand began to trickle down into the lower section which was marked in half-hour segments.

“By your command, Your Majesty,” my wife said before turning to face the crowd of youngsters. “Foals, chicks, and pups, you have heard the words of our mistress, Nightmare Moon. You will be sent in search of the candy she craves in groups of six. You may seek it in any room that is open to you, but beware! Monsters prowl the castle tonight. If you see one, do not attempt to pass them. Instead, return to the path of safety marked by glowing arrows on the floor. Harder to find are the Masters of Lore, for they do not lie directly on the lit path. If you encounter one, seek their wisdom. You may come away with far more than you expected. Gatekeeper – do your duty!”

A heavily shrouded mare shuffled forward, giggling madly while carrying several staffs in her magic. She then placed one in front of the group and activated it. A portal opened to reveal a corridor elsewhere in the castle. I pointed at a foal.

“You! Choose five companions and take them through the gateway. Seek out the hidden stashes of candy and gather as much as you can carry. If you are truly clever, you may even discover the lost secret treasure trove of sweets. Be back within two hours but do not dare return without the Nightmare’s tribute!”

“Y-yes, sir!” squeaked the colt. He rapidly chose five of the youngsters and sent them through before following them. Then the portal was closed.

The colt was actually one of the Crystal Changelings planted among the children to watch over them and act as guides. I repeated the sequence with several more groups while the Gatekeeper, who was really Twilight hamming it up, sent them to the various start points throughout the castle. That way, no one area or “Master of Lore” would get overwhelmed by a sudden influx and hidden helpers could replenish the candy stashes for the next group. Eventually the last of the foals were sent on their way.

“That was fun,” Luna commented as she took off her helmet. “I commend thee on thy idea, Prince Wells. Now, I had best be off to my chambers – mayhap I will find some younglings interested in astronomy to bide some time with me before I must return to my role.” She then teleported away.

Twilight pushed back her ragged shroud and joined Trixie and me. “How soon do you think a group will return?”

I replied, “Going by experience both on Earth and here, there will be some foals who will be obsessively fast at gathering candy and will be able to make two rounds. So, that gives us about an hour before the first ones come back here.”

My wife said, “That will give Trixie plenty of time to prepare for her next performance. Come, Dark Knells, we have a spooky spectacular to set up!”

“Yes, Mistress!” I replied in my best Igor voice.

The light blue alicorn narrowed her eyes. “Know your place, lackey. I heard you say ‘showtime’ earlier. Don’t steal Trixie’s thunder!”

# # #

As we had anticipated, several foals returned to the Throne Room… I mean Nightmare Moon’s domain… in just under an hour, their candy cauldrons filled to the top. I shuffled over to them and looked disdainfully at their loot.

“What have you brought our mistress?” I asked in character once more.

One filly held up some of her candy. “I’ve got caramel crunches, chocolate-coated daisies, and sherbet bombs!”

A griffon lad showed me his prizes. “I found licorice straps, choc fudge sardines, and glazed jerky!” Cat birds! No accounting for their weird tastes.

The other children had similar treats but some types were conspicuously missing.

“Is that all?” I asked. “Nightmare Moon will not be pleased with such pitiful tithes. Did none of you seek the wisdom of the Masters of Lore?”

“But… if we stopped there, we would not have been able to get all this for Nightmare Moon,” protested a colt.

“None of you have found our mistress’s favorite treats though. She will be sorely displeased with you.” I knew certain items were only passed out by the ‘Masters of Lore’, so the fastest children would not be the most successful ones. However, they would get another chance … with a little encouragement!

The room abruptly plunged into darkness lit only by a few flickering candles. Lightning flashed, smoke roiled, and then Trixie appeared abruptly in their midst. Several foals squealed as my wife gave a demented cackle.

“Nightmare Moon demands her tithe! Where are the maple-glazed oatmeal pops? The chocolate caramel wafers? The candy-coated peanut clusters?”

The children looked at each other helplessly. “We haven’t got any,” one foal replied.

Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled.

“You have angered Nightmare Moon. You must try again. Minion! Give these foolish children a new cauldron to fill. Gatekeeper! Send them on their way!”

I exchanged empty candy cauldrons for their full ones which I put aside. Then Twilight directed them through portals that would exit near the first of the ‘Masters of Lore’. I believe the Spell Codes department manager was hoofing out scroll-shaped caramel treats. The Office of the Exchequer, of course, gave solid chocolate bits wrapped in gold foil. Celestia was doling out ‘Princess Size’ chocolate wafers. The Captain of the Royal Guard’s office passed out rock candy mini-lances. Luna wanted to give the foals Moon Pies but the baked treat had been the number one seller this season — none could be found in all of Canterlot. The Night Princess felt both wildly pleased and deeply irritated. She settled for hoofing out peanut clusters instead. And so forth. It appeared that no one had found the secret stash yet. There was still plenty of time for that though.

With the first of the fast foals dealt with, we reset the scenery and signaled to the guard at the door that it was okay to send in the next lot.

# # #

The changeling guides had done a good job of keeping track of the eager over-achievers, hoofing them off to another while they stuck with the ones who were intrigued by the places and people they discovered in their search. After a while, Thorax reported that the last of the racers had been dealt with and there was a lull for a short time. Then the first of the groups that had stopped at one of the ‘Masters of Lore’ arrived and we changed the script for them.

Trixie cackled with glee. “Well done, children! However, there is much time still left. Are you happy that Nightmare Moon will be merely satisfied, or would you be excellent minions and gather more bounty to make her truly delighted with you?”

Just like the speedy ones, we provided the youngsters with another candy cauldron and, after checking which of the Masters they had visited, sent them to one of the others. With only a quarter-hour to go, we put a halt to this and any groups that returned had to wait for the others to arrive. Trixie kept them amused by manifesting all kinds of fantasy creatures of the more harmless kind to mingle and interact with the children. Naturally, keeping up that degree of illusion work was taxing even for my wife, so it was up to me to do the talking and return any goodie baskets left in my care.

Then, with time almost up, the Gatekeeper rose into the air and loudly proclaimed, “The Chamber of Secrets has been discovered and its treasure looted. But the guardian beast has been angered and it pursues the perpetrators. The children are headed here to try to escape it, but they will only bring doom to all who are gathered here. Doom! You are all doomed!” Twilight finished with maniacal laughter which came off pretty well. She must have been practicing a lot. Actually… scratch that. This was how my co-ruler sounded whenever she went into full mad scientist-mode.

Twilight disappeared in a showy flash, ostensibly to escape the danger. In reality, she had been carefully coordinating portals for the group that had dared to explore an unmarked passage that led down into the hive where Chrysalis had set up both the secret treasure and the dangerous guardian. With time almost up, I had begun to worry that none of the candy hunters would find our special set-up. I know Sally would have been sorely disappointed. After all, she had a starring role in this production, but not before Nightmare Moon made her reappearance.

As the last grain of sand dropped to the bottom of the hourglass, there was a crash of thunder and Nightmare Moon emerged from the shadows and seated herself on her throne.

I see that the children have returned. Have they brought my tribute?

“Yes, my Queen,” I simpered. “You will be most pleased.”

I will be the judge of that, minion. Step forth, younglings, and give me that which is my due. Take care not to cheat the Queen of the Night or I will take all your candy… and maybe a foal or two as well!” She bared her fangs.

The first to step up was one of the bolder griffons. He gave her about a quarter of the contents of his candy cauldron. Among the pieces were some of the goodies from the ‘Masters of Lore.’ Since each station gave out three of the special treats, the youngsters would also end up with some. When Nightmare Moon nodded in satisfaction, he scurried away to let the next child make their offering.

The line was about halfway done when screams of fear echoed down the hallway approach to the Throne Room. They were accompanied by a monstrous roar. Everyone turned to the source of the sound and, shortly, a small group of foals burst into the room. Each had the handle of a cauldron carried in their mouths, filled to the brim with treats. In their haste, some were spilling out, but they didn’t stop to pick them up because a towering adult manticore was hot on their heels.

The children in the room squealed in fright but Nightmare Moon stood up and bellowed, “HALT, BEAST!

The manticore skidded to a stop and snarled at the dark alicorn while its prey sought the safety of their peers who gathered behind me and Trixie.

Begone foul creature! Thou shalt not take back that which my minions have wrested from thy grasp!

The manticore’s muzzle wrinkled as it drew back its lips to show dripping fangs. Then it roared in defiance and began advancing.

Thou hast been warned! Now meet your fate!” Nightmare Moon fired a blinding blast of energy at the beast.

The manticore bellowed in pain. Its fur was scorched and one eye was swollen shut, but still it advanced. Then it was hit by an even bigger and brighter blast. Blinking away spots before our eyes, our vision cleared to see that the dread beast was no more.

The children started cheering.

“You did it!”

“That was awesome!”

“You’re my favorite Princess, Nightmare Moon!”

The alicorn smiled smugly and seated herself once more.

Your Queen thanks you, loyal subjects. Now – I believe that you have yet to give me all your tithes.

The remaining children eagerly lined up once more to give the dark alicorn her share. Meanwhile, I gave a wink to the extra filly that had joined them. She grinned back, obviously delighted by the fun she’d had. Chrysalis had been eager to play the manticore and had made sure that Twilight had sent as many of the groups past the unmarked and unguarded passageway to her hive as it took for at least one of them to dare to check it out. Chrysalis bided her time as the adventurous party of foals discovered and looted the secret stash (sugar-frosted hay-bacon sticks and princess-sized Cherry Royals). When Twilight signaled that all was ready, Chrysalis made her appearance and chased the final group of candy-seekers out of the hive. The disguised changeling guide directed the group up to the Throne Room for the final act. Once here, Nightmare Moon hit Chrysalis with a bright but harmless beam of light. Under the cover of the blinding second beam, my changeling wife then took the form of a unicorn filly and joined the others. And as Sally had said, the foals loved a good scare on Nightmare Night. Mission accomplished!

When the last of the children had given Nightmare Moon her share of their loot, the dark alicorn rose and gazed at them sternly. Then with an evil smile, she proclaimed, “Your Queen is satisfied with your tribute. Each of thee hast bought thy safety with enough candy to keep me sated for another year, and I shall not gobble up any of you tender morsels… this time!” She threw back her head and laughed maniacally. There was a flash of lightning and crash of thunder, and both Nightmare Moon and her pile of sweets were gone.

The children cheered as Trixie shuffled her way up onto the dais. Once there, she held up her hooves to demand the attention of the youngsters.

“You have all done well. Our Queen of the Night has gone to another town to demand her share of the candy from the children there.” She paused to chuckle evilly. “But best yet, you distracted her from finding my treasure trove! For that, I will give each of you a small portion of it. Behold!”

From the floor between the dais and the children, a column of smoke arose with sparkling embers. When it cleared, a table laden with more candy treats was revealed. These were the goodies that the ‘Masters of Lore’ had left over plus all the loot that the changeling guides had acquired. None of the youngsters had noticed their absence after they snuck away during the chaos. The drones did not eat candy but they had already feasted on the joy radiating from their charges. I expect that there were not a few bloated changelings going back to the hive this evening.

Trixie said, “Take a share with our thanks, but then be on your way. Dangers still lurk about this dread night!”

Every foal, cub, and chick had pounced on the bounty the moment my wife had given them permission, but as if to underscore her words of warning, a baleful howl echoed through the castle. Twiggy jumped to its feet and started barking, straining at the collar and chain. From the foals’ perspective, it must have looked like the timberwolf was angry at them! The yowling and barking hastened the grab for candy and the exodus of the children under the watchful eyes of the thestral Guards. The howl repeated and was joined by a second and then a third voice as the last of the treasure seekers galloped out of the Throne Room. As they left, Thorax and Penumbra walked out from the shadows behind the dais. Penny scratched the timberwolf behind the ears, getting it to calm down. Wait. When had she gotten here?

The doors closed with an echoing boom and the show was officially over.

As all the illusions faded away, I said to Trixie, “Nice touch with the baying hounds.”

My wife’s eyebrows rose. “That was not mine. Trixie thought one of you had arranged that.”

Twilight shook her head. “Not me. Sounds like Cerberus is prowling the halls.”

I frowned. “That can’t be. Cerberus is still in Tartarus guarding…”

My wife finished my sentence. “… nothing at all. If you recall, Fluttershy reformed the few remaining caged beasts – well, to an extent – they were released into the Everfree. After that, Cerberus wandered off.”

Sally said, “None of my changelings made that howl.”

“Nor mine,” Thorax added.

Penny grinned. “I wish I had thought of it.”

I blinked in puzzlement for a moment. Just then, the three-throated baying began again.

“If it wasn’t any of you, and Luna has already left for Ponyville to play Nightmare Moon there, then where’s that coming from?” Trixie asked.

We looked at each other in bewilderment.

I frowned, “I can’t believe that Cerberus took up residence in our basement without someone noticing. Still, wouldn’t hurt to bring along a red rubber ball. Okay, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, Fred, and Scooby-Doo, it looks like we have a mystery to solve!”

Trixie gave me a flat look. “Truly, Bark Yells, you have lost your marbles yet again.”

Back in her suite, a certain alabaster alicorn munched on her candy stash as she watched the fun through her scrying glass. She giggled before lighting up her horn and another mournful triple howl reverberated throughout the castle.

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Author's Note:

Yeah, it's a wee bit late for Halloween, but better late than never, right?

There's isn't an arc planned at this point – just some one-shots as we dream them up.

Art by Foxenawolf.