• Published 24th Nov 2020
  • 5,029 Views, 330 Comments

Level Up! - RisuUmbra

A new MLP MMO turns death game as the players are sucked into what they assume is the game... not as fun as you'd think

  • ...

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[Status Screen]

Author's Note:

This list will be updated whenever a new chapter comes out so if you want to know all of their skills then check back regularly :pinkiehappy:

Current Update Chapter 51

New Art Added

Skill levels: Fledgling: 0-5 → Adept: 5-20 → Journeyman: 20-35 → Master: 35-50 → Alicorn:50-100

Up to date:

Name: Markus/Arcane Hope Lv:10

Profession: Witch: Lv.2

Title: True Mage: Your Mana has a physical effect on others

Health: Healthy

Mana: Full

Stamina: Full

SP Available: 8

Physical Skills→

Magical Skills→

Social Skills→

Physical Skills:

Journeyman Coordination: Grants the bearer increased stamina and make their movements much more nimble and surehoofed

Skill Level 28: 67.89%

Cost: 2 SP

Adept Enchant: The ability to place a long lasting magical effect onto an object at the cost of the user's mana or a corresponding component. The intensity of the enchantment depends on the durability of the targeted object and the amount of needed components and their quality

Higher skill level will offset the needed durability of targets and lower needed components

Can be used in conjunction with other skills for higher output

Skill Level 9: 65.60%

Cost: Unavailable

Adept Cauldron Crafting: Gives the ability to craft various objects ranging from potions to magical artifacts. The only limit is your imagination and you ingredients

Requirements: Cauldron

Known Recipes: Annealed Flask, Lesser Healing Tincture, Tincture of Satiety, Blank Poppet, Poppet of Protection, Witching Eye

Skill Level 11: 4.82%

Cost: Unavailable

Passive Skills:

Well Learned - New skills and Spells now begin at mid-Adept, studying spellforms take half as much time to learn.

Passive Level 8: 9.28%

Adept Herbalism: Gives the user the passive skill of identifying plants

Skill Level 5: 6.02%

Cost: 1 Sp

Magic Skills:

Cutie Mark: I art thou, thou art I: Your body and soul are intrinsically connected

to the forces of magic making you gifted in its manipulation and creation

Effect 1: Magical Manipulation and creation is boosted immensely when not following a known spell form

Effect 2: Merger: Magic is a part of you in more ways than one - Active skill

Effect 3: heightened effect in Artificery and Enchantment

Master Mana Control: Gives the bearer basic control over their magic and

bestows the lowest forms of magic Levitation and Beam Attack

Further levels in this skills will improve mana efficiency and potency

Skill Level 45 : 6.07%

Cost: 3 SP

Phoenix Familiar Summon: An immortal creature of legend that is said to be reborn from the ashes whenever it dies

Is one of the few creatures in existence that completely embodies an element

Primary Element: Fire

Secondary Element: Neutral Mana

Mana Draw: None

Your summon is now a living creature that can generate its own mana, though that doesn’t mean you can’t help out

It is your creatures choice if it wishes to continue its training, further elements and skills may be learned through diligent practice

Skill Level: Max

Journeyman Thunder Lion Summon: A deadly creature that is spoken of in both

terror and reverence, worshiped as a sort of protecting spirit by most pegasus

tribes this creature is able to harness the power of lightning and strike down its

prey before they even know what has happened

Mana Cost: Medium

Skill Level 25: 4.65%

Be warned, the slaying of a Thunder Lion is a mark of strength in most cultures

and the knowledge of your kill may attract challengers or dissenters

Adept Blink: The users sends out a arcane marker to a location within sight then is

rapidly sent to the desired location

The user is still physical during this process so any obstructions with cancel the

spell and depending on the distance traveled might damage the user

Current Range Limit: 150ft

Limit can be raised with higher levels or with supplementary skills

Mana Cost: Small

Skill Level 14: 11.01%

Cost: 1 Sp

Master Fire Magic Control: Gives the bearer basic control over the the

primordial magic of fire and bestows the lowest forms of fire magic fire bolt and ember imbuement

Further levels in this skills will improve magic efficiency and power

Skill Level 35: 22.01%

Cost: 3 SP

Adept Lighting Manipulation: Gives the bearer power over the slippery element of lightning

bestows the lowest forms of lightning magic Spark shock and Electric Imbuement

Further levels in this skills will improve mana efficiency and potency

Skill Level 8: 02.10%

Cost: 1 SP

Adept Solar Manipulation: Gives the bearer power over the unstable and unknowable elements of the stars

Bestows the spell forms Solar flare, Sunlight, and fission

Further levels in this skill will improve mana efficiency and potency

Skill Level 8: 33.23%

Cost: 1 SP

Adept Hydromancy: Grants almost complete control over one of the primordial elements, the element known to bring life and take it away at the same time

Gives control over most states of water and allows the user to learn Water-aspect spells

Aspected Spells Discovered: Hot Spring, Healing Spring, Dark Depths, Refrigerate

Further levels will improve mana efficiency and unlock more Aspected Spells

Skill Level 15: 34.57%

Cost: 3 Sp

Adept Spatial Magic: Your magic has reached levels that many only dream of achieving, able to affect the very fabric of reality. Impose your will on the world itself and prove that you are no simple mage.

Skill Level 9: 00.12%

Cost: 2 Sp

Astral Imbuement: Allows the unstable enchantment and combination of items and magic

Skill Level Max

Fragment Passive Skill

Elements: Fire, Lightning, Solar, Water, Space

Adept Cleansing Spell: Even cleanliness is an artform in of itself

Banishes all unwanted stains and messings

Can also be used to clean wounds and fragile objects

Mana Cost: Negligible

Further levels in this skills will improve mana efficiency and potency

Skill Level 18: 61.38%

Cost: 1 SP

Journeyman Shield Spell: Gives the user the ability to create defensive constructs

Shape and Structural Integrity partially depends on user

With gain strength and flexibility with levels

Mana Draw: Variable

Skill Level 21: 33.33%

Cost: 1 SP

Adept Commune: Let’s the user speak with the esoteric forces that surrounds them

Mana Draw: Low

Skill Level 5: 0.00%

Cost: 1 Sp

Adept Bind: Gives the user the ability to bind spirits to the physical plane for a chance to bargain or commune

Mana Draw: Medium

Skill Level 5: 0.00%

Cost: 1 Sp

Adept Banish: Gives the user the ability to send unwanted spirits or summoned creatures away to the immaterial plane

Mana Draw: High

Skill Level 5: 0.00%

Cost: 1 Sp

Further skills can be unlocked at higher Profession Levels

Dark Magic:

Adept Curse: Bind the Soul. Hold the Mind. Brand A Promise. Keep their Lives

Skill Level 5: 0.00%

Cost: 1 Sp

Journeyman Shadow Tendril: Bestows the acolyte minor power over the domain of

shadows along with granting a boon of increased strength and dexterity when used within the shadows themselves

Mana use: Moderate

Level 30: 17.02%

Corruption Chance: 4% - 3% + Cutie Mark with magic affinity = 0%

Cost: 3 SP

Ritual Magic: How else would you give me offerings? I’ll take anything magically

inclined or esoteric enough to fit my tastes and if they meet my standards you

might be rewarded

Skill Level 2: Requires research to level

Conduit Spell Form -If Skill level is high enough then allows the user to use other

magic types in ritual form if enough research is done

Social Skills:

6th Sense: Passively grants the user near supernatural level senses

Will actively warn user of danger or of item of interest

The wielder will get a certain feeling about topics or people that warrant

further investigation

Can be used in conjunction with other special skills

Intrinsic Skill: only you and those of your bloodline can develop this skill

Skill Level: Max

Passive/Active Cost: Non/Negligible

Can be boosted with mana to added cost

Mana Boost Cost: Medium

Adept Persuasion: Unicorns are naturally charismatic and will attract others passively, grants the user the ability to bring others to your side, works passively and actively

Passive/Active Stamina use: None/Small

Level 16: 98.17%

Name: Morgana/Rose Point Lv:10

Profession: Life Saver: Lv.1

Title: Earthbender (+1 Level to Earth Manipulation as long as Title is on)

Health: Healthy

Mana: Full

Stamina: Full

SP Available: 7

Physical Skills→

Magical Skills→

Social Skills→

Physical Skills:

Journeyman Coordination: Grants the bearer increased stamina and make their movements much more nimble and surehoofed

Skill Level 30: 2.79%

Cost: 1 SP

Sturdy: Earth Ponies are born just as unshakable as earth they’re named after

the user passively gains a slight increase in health and strength

Skill Level: Max

Passive Skill Only

Fledgling Resuscitate: The ability to breath life back into an unconscious target, can be done using both physical means and magical

Skill Level 1: 0.00%

Cost: 1 Sp

Crafting Skills:

Adept Weaving: Allows the use of dry grasses and sticks as crafting material

Prior Skill acknowledged

Skill Level 15: 57.2%

Cost: 4 SP

Fledgling Compounding: Allows the user to create life saving compounds that can have a myriad of effects.

Current Recipes: Heart’s Survival Powder

Skill Level 1: 0.00%

Cost: Unavailable

Magic Skills:

Journeyman Mending Touch: Using your innate nature magic you can heal any small wounds

that you touch, this spell cannot regrow limbs yet

Skill Level 22: 19.07%

Cost: 3 SP

Adept Herbalism: Gives the user the passive skill of identifying plants

Prior Skill Acknowledged

Skill Level 20: 02.11%

Cost: 4 Sp

Master Earth Manipulation: Gives the user control over the the vary element

of earth to varying degrees

Skill Level 37: 47.64%

Cost: 3 Sp

Adept Channeling: Gives the user the ability to connect and commune with nature

Lowers Nature related skill costs and increases Nature skill efficiency as long as skill is active

Current Channeling level requires user to not be moving to activate and to have contact with desired aspect of nature

Passive Skill

Mana Cost: None

Skill Level 21: 61.28%

Will activate whenever user is still

Cost: 3 Sp

Social Skills:

Adept Mediator: Some creatures want to start fights, you want to end them

The user has a higher chance of ending a conflict between two intelligent beings

Can be used at the same time as other social skills

Prior Skill Acknowledged

Skill Level: 10: 02.77%

Cost: 1 SP

Friendship Skills:

Kindness: “Sometime we all need to be shown a little kindness”

For when all looks dark and everyone needs help to see the light

Name: David/Nimbus Lv:10

Profession: Aspiro Artificer: Lv.2

Title: The Living Storm

Health: Healthy

Mana: Full

Stamina: Full

SP Available: 8

Physical Skills→

Magical Skills→

Social Skills→

Physical Skills:

Adept Coordination: Grants the bearer increased stamina and make their movements much more nimble and surehoofed

Skill Level 21: 51.34%

Cost: 2 SP

Journeyman Sword Mastery: Grants the user the beginning skills need to wield a blade

Blade must be longer than than 24” or 60 cm to count as a sword, anything below that falls under the knife/dagger category

Skill Level 28: 18.42%

Cost: 4 SP

Adept Hurricane Style: Forged through strife and desperation, this fighting style shows it’s full potential when the user is faced with insurmountable odds

Decreases Stamina use over time

Attack speed and strength rises when faced with an overpowering force

Fight with the strength and speed of a hurricane

Lightning and wind fight by your side

Passive/Active Skill

Active Skill: Fly Into The Storm!


Skill Level 5: 1.40%

Sp Cost: Unavailable

Magic Skills:

Sky Affinity: Pegasus have a natural connection to the sky and it’s magics, gives a natural boost to flight based or sky related skills

Allows the user to touch and mold clouds like clay

Skill Level: Max

Journeyman Cloud Control: Allows the user to mold and shape clouds to the users will

Beginner levels allows for the following constructs: Clouds, Rain, Squall, Fog

Mana Cost: Minimal

Skill Level 24: 32.25%

Cost: 2 Sp

Master Pegasus Flight: The flight of a Pegasus is naturally magical as it is

physically impossible, while the strength of the user wings can improve flight ability so can magical training

Stamina Cost: Small-Moderate

Skill Level 40: 01.32%

Cost: 4 Sp

Fledgling Cloud Tinkering: Allows the magical molding and shaping of cloud matter into various artificial objects and tools that could rival that of their solid cousins

Current Recipes: Nimbus Grenade, Fog Bomb

Skill Level 5: 88.10%

Cost: Unavailable

Social Skills:

Adept Sunny Attitude: Your bright energetic outlook on life make others more likely to be nice to you, though this will make threats dislike you easier

Skill Level 18: 11.06%

Cost:1 Sp

Friendship Skills:

Loyalty: “Even after all the fighting and strife, I’ll still be there right by your side”

You stand by your friends through thick and thin and are stronger for it

Current Art:

Character List:


Human name: Markus
Pony name: Arcane Hope
Species: Unicorn
Profession: Witch
Bio: College student turned magical unicorn, Markus does his best to not show how out of his depth he is, and in the end made everyone think he is a powerful mage. Markus dives right into any kind of magic in an effort to survive the rough world he found himself in. Markus has only recently begun to open himself up to his new friends and is now focused on keeping himself together long enough to unravel the mystery surrounding their transference. Has recently revealed his history of abuse with the other player known as Faith.

Human Name: Morgana
Pony Name: Rose Point
Species: Earth Pony
Profession: Life Saver
Bio: The 18 year old twin of Arthur or Sanguine Point, she was abandoned by her twin within the timber woods for lacking in any perceived strength. Now Morgana is a part of quite possibly the strongest team of Players on a mission to join up with other wayward groups of Players. Morgana decide to use this adventure as an opportunity to reinvent herself as a capable combatant and adventurer... and whether this new Morgana is strong enough to stand by her brother is yet to be seen.

Human Name: David
Pony Name: Nimbus
Species: Pegasus
Profession: Aspiro Artificer
Bio: The happy go lucky gamer, went into this game with no knowledge of My Little Pony but wanted to play and have fun along side his friends. The same friends that abandoned him the moment he needed their help, after wandering the Timber woods starving and delirious he 'fell' into new companionship. He found new friends in Markus and Morgana and quickly became a fast ally to the two, his sword a welcome addition to the many scraps they stumble into on their quest to find out what happened to them. Though David brings a sunny attitude wherever he goes now, his past hasn't always been as bright.

Human Name: Arthur
Pony Name: Sanguine Point
Species: ???
Bio: I'm stronger than this

Human Name: Aaron
Pony Name: Sterling Flare
Species: Earth Pony
Bio: Aaron is the kind of person who should never have authority over others, all his life he has been a bully and that is all he's ever known. He enlisted into the army and though underhanded tactics he quickly rose through the ranks. Blackmail, physical and mental abuse, and even theft. There is no line too far if it meant he could flex the power he had over others and it looked like nothing would stop him... until he was caught red handed. He was quickly sentenced to life in prison with chance of parole... except one day he mysteriously disappeared from his jail cell.

Human Name: Faith
Pony name: Lunar Glory
Species: Thestral
Bio: So far all that is revealed about Faith is her connection to Markus as his abuser. Meeting him in high school and staying in an relationship with him for years, she was sent to Equestria in a separate group from Markus and has only recently found him again after asking for his help with saving her people as Scion of the Lunar Regency.

Human Name: Victoria (Also goes by Tori)
Pony name: [Unknown]
Species: Unicorn
Bio: Another human sent to Equestria alongside her brother, not much is known about her besides that fact that she and her group were hunted down by Morgana's wayward brother Arthur in an effort to harvest their unicorn horns. Tori's sanity is slightly in question as she describes her brother as only hurt or injured when he is actually dead only brought back partially through the use of summoning magic and his body as the material

Human Name: Marco
Pony name: [Unknown]
Species: Unicorn
Current Status: Deceased Injured Existing
Bio: The formerly deceased little brother of Victoria, it is unknown whether Marco's actual soul is there or if it's just Victoria's memories puppeteering the specter. Either way he won't let anything or anyone harm his sister.

Human Name: Eric
Pony Name: Flint
Species: Earth Pony
Bio: Eric worked with his father in his construction company, he is a strong yet gentle man and this trnasfered over with him to Equestria, he is currently working Sarah on the leading council of player and is working on creating a safe area for all players to make a living as they find a way home.

Human Name: Sarah
Pony Name: Pearly Gleam
Species: Unicorn
Bio: Sarah is a quiet person who typically tried to keep to herself but the predicament she found herself in has forced her to take charge and be social and much to her surprise... she enjoys it. During the first bandit invasion she saved a large group of players from Timberwolves using her now signature magic Photokinesis. She is now working with Eric on the Player Council and waiting for word from Markus and his team

Human Name: Caleb
Pony Name: Coral Shelf
Species: Unicorn
Currently Deceased: Murdered by Aaron
Bio: Caleb worked in a children's hospital, he always had a soft spot for children and they were the reason he started to enjoy My Little Pony. Being transported to Equestria was neither a blessing or a curse to Caleb as he was too busy fighting for his life. Caleb would have been perfectly happy to wait for the other much more capable Players to figure out what was going on... Then he saw Falling Star and the obvious threat to his safety that was Aaron. He made a silent promise to the strongest unicorn Markus that he would watch over Falling Star... little did he know that this would lead to his murder at the hooves of Aaron.

Human Name: Laura
Pony Name: River Creek
Species: Unicorn
Bio: One of the two braincells of their little ragtag group, her life as a human was as normal as can be and she honestly is enjoying her adventures much more than she says. She feels guilty for enjoys the whole experience where innocent people have died. She tries to atone for this by watching over her little team and making sure all of them survive there newest journey to Arcane Hope

Human Name: Thomas
Pony Name: Dark Root
Species: Earth Pony
Status: Cringe but endearing
Bio: The younger brother of Mason and is currently living out every fantasy he has ever had and is honestly loving it. It's even better that his brother is here, the one person who has always been by his side is able to share in his fantastic destiny. Believes that his rival is the mage Arcane Hope who is currently on a quest to unite all the players, Thomas is currently trying his hardest to become stronger while on the road to Mt. Canter

Human Name: Mason
Pony Name: Hollow Root
Species: Earth Pony
Status: Currently Mute
Bio: The older brother of Thomas and the other braincell of the party. Is currently trying to be the best brother ever even if he can't really communicate anymore. Is glad that his brother is living out his dreams but is still afraid for him, he will make sure that his brother will always be safe and happy. While on the road the find Markus' group he is worried that this might not go the way they planned... if they ever get around to making a plan.

Human Name: Jesus
Pony Name: Slipstream
Species: Pegasus
Bio: Jesus has always been a go with the flow kind of guy, someone who takes opportunities when they come and this is no different. This new life in Equestria may be the biggest opportunity he may ever get, so when his new friends ask him to travel with them to find that hotshot team that was sent to the mountain then how could he say no. They tell him about the possible dangers but all he can hear is the potential riches that will soon be his.

Human Name: Nick
Gryphon Name: Unknown
Species: Gryphon
Bio:Under Construction

Human Name: Nicolas
Gryphon Name: Unknown
Species: Gryphon
Bio: Nicolas doesn't like my little pony, he doesn't even really like video games. What he does enjoy is spending time with his brother Nick. Now stuck in Equestria Nicolas is simply doing his best to keep his brother safe and is now one step closer to that now that they are all being led to all the other players stuck in the game.

Human Name: Unknown
Changeling Name: Unknown
Nickname: Webz
Species: Infiltrator Changeling
Bio: Webz is a flirt... plain and simple. They used to be much more reserved back when they were a human but now they're stuck in Equestria with a fresh start. They do still feel a bit awkward about how bad their flirting with Markus went.

NPC List:

Name: Lucky Harvest
Profession: Adventurer
Path: Dragoon
Bio: Lucky Harvest is a survivor of the bandit siege on her town and still grieves the memory of her father who died in the arms of Arcane Hope who tried to save him. After being given a magic weapon by Arcane she helped defend her home and has sense been driven to grow stronger. She hopes to one day be strong enough to fight side by side with Arcane Hope, her feelings for the unicorn are no longer complicated as she sees Arcane Hope as both a potential romantic partner and a partner on the battlefield.

Name: Falling Star
Profession: Apprentice Adventurer
Path: Unknown
Current Status: Healthy
Bio: Falling Star comes from a long line of performers and storytellers and has been raised on the tales of magic and adventure that his ancestors lived to tell the tale of. Once a tribe of adventurers decided to finally settle down nearby his mother didn't waste the chance to help her son's dreams come true, unfortunately she asked to wrong pony to take Falling under their metaphorical wing. Falling suffered heavily while he apprenticed under Sterling Flare, the only reason Falling survived Sterling's abuse was due to his special internal magic healing him. Falling finally escaped Sterling Flare after the deranged pony killed his fellow tribespony Coral Shelf in cold blood, Falling escaped to Mt. Canter and was saved by Arcane Hope and was nursed back to health by Arcane Hope's potions. Now he and his new mentor are about to travel to the lands of the Thestrals to answer their plea for help.

Name: Unknown
Nickname: Shopkeeper or Granny
Path: Retired Spy
Bio: While Granny's past is unknown it is known that she was a spy of some repute as she worked with the Keeper information network as one of their top agents, she was the one that directed Arcane Hope and his party towards the trade hub that was taken over by Ozymandias. Is known to have powerful Charisma based skills and is very well liked by the population of Southtown, is currently working in the new Guildhall at the main counter.
Age: ???- older than almost all of Southtown

Name: Keeper
Path: Main informant of tavern keeper network
Bio: One of the faces of the keeper network, supplies adventurers and heroes information about threats and posted quests. Was based in the trading hub until it was liberated by The Wanderers. Is now working on expanding the network to Southtown and moving his main base of operations there. He currently has high hopes for the future, the amount of heroes and adventures popping both worries him and takes a lot of weight off of his shoulders.

Group Name: Lunar Guardsman
Path: Protection Detail
Bio: The protection detail assigned to follow and protect the Scion of house Lunar while she searches for help... they are all concerned for her sanity. Arcane Hope and Lucky Harvest have gained their respect after observing their duel and judging them competent combatants

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