• Published 14th Dec 2020
  • 3,962 Views, 167 Comments

Of Dragons and Maternity - SymphonicSync

When Twilight visits Ponyville to prepare for the summer sun celebration, her assistant Spike develops a crush.

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(4) The Other Side

Running a hoof along the bannister, Twilight made her way down the stairwell into the main room of the town hall. Celestia had left a few minutes prior; Twilight had not heard the majority of her address to the town. She had dipped into one of the back rooms to re-attain her composure after speaking to the princess.

She had also shredded the letter she’d brought as a fallback.

Her eyes were clear and felt dry so hopefully nopony here would notice how she had been crying not ten minutes ago. It didn’t steady her nerves that it seemed the entire town was watching her as she made her decent. Or at least the entire town sans Rarity, the one mare she was hoping to meet here. Twilight had scanned the room several times and not seen her.

It was time for plan B; Improvise. Or would it be plan C?

She wasn’t sure there had been a plan A.

Trotting off the last step, Twilight tried to casually make her way towards the refreshments table.

She failed.

Her nerves broke when she noticed the sheer number of ponies who seemed like they were deliberately trying to not notice her. Speaking in obvious whispers in the middle of a party, the peeks past their withers, standing in front of her with their back turning where any normal partygoer would have made way. At least Twilight thought that was what they would do. She hadn't been to a party since Celestia made her attend Minuette’s cutsenara.

At least then, she’d been a nine year old filly overshadowed by the host. Now as a grown mare, it seemed she was the focus of attention. Part of her felt like that filly again.

“Excuse me,” she mumbled, stepping past a couple that simply stared her down, “pony coming through,” she continued, brushing against a stallion that had watched her on the stairs but looked away when she came close, “Please, I'm just tryi-“

“Miss Sparkle?” a voice called from behind her as the crowd parted. Twilight turned to see a remarkably youthful mare given the grey tone of her mane approaching her. “If you have a minute, I'd like to speak with you.”

Twilight responded “Of course!” and stepped beside the mare.

In her hoof was a bundle of papers and a small bag. “My name is Mayor Mare,” the mare, Ponyville’s mayor apparently, began “It's been brought to my attention that you are a burgeoning scholar in need of employment.”

Twilight hesitated. “Well I don’t know if I would really call myself a scholar, but-“

“But nonsense, you're the assistant to Celestia herself. Now, it may be beneath your station but I hope you will consider it,” Mayor Mare stuck out her hoof, offering the papers to Twilight. There came a quiet jingle from the bag that sat over them “I've taken the liberty of completing most of the necessary paperwork for you.”

“What is this?” Twilight asked through a confused smile. She didn’t know what else to do with her mouth in this situation. It seemed like all other conversations in the hall had come to a halt as the town’s attention rested on the pair.

Mayor Mare gave a confident grin as she stepped closer, placing a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. “An invitation to work as our new librarian. Along with a sign-on bonus, should you accept.”

“This is too kind.” Twilight objected.

“Your recommendation came from a good source,” Mayor More responded, stepping past her “several, in fact. You can leave the papers in my inbox tomorrow if you accept.”

Twilight clutched the papers in her hoofs and pulled them closer. A job, so soon? Just after arriving in town and in her preferred field? This must be some sort of trick, like one of those prank castivision programs. There were no camera-corns in the room.

Not to say she didn’t have an audience, though.

She sheepishly trot towards the refreshments once more. She realized that she hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon at the orchard.

Rarity was still nowhere to be seen.

The ponies let her through easier now as she approached table. She took off her saddlebags and fit the papers inside, along with the purse. Tossing them back on, she grabbed a plate and started to place some treats on it.

To the right, she saw some spicy peppered sweetcakes. She shoveled a few on to the plate, Spike should enjoy them in the morning.

Her plunder successful, Twilight made her way towards the exit. It'd been a long night and it didn’t seem like tomorrow would be getting any shorter.