• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,628 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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Bonnie's Down to Earth

Today's adventure opens up mid-battle, in a battlefield resembling a wild west town.

It looked peaceful enough, but that was until one of the buildings exploded and a giant orange elephant staggered backwards from it. Following after it was a large orange and brown sphinx, whilst the elephant regained its footing. As it did, the Bakugan Brawler Bonnie rushed around one of the buildings.

She then looked up at one of the houses, where her opponent stood.

She was an orange skinned girl with blonde hair, wearing a white and green shirt, blue skirt and brown boots. The most noticeable thing about her was the stetson she wore on her head. "Ya'h not too bad," she told Bonnie. "But a'm gonna take the win."

"Don't be so sure," Bonnie told her before holding up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as the elephant raised its trunk. "Nose Slap!" The Bakugan then swung it around, the trunk doubling in length as it slammed into the sphinx.

Tuskor: 580Gs
Manion: 500Gs

It cried out as it was thrown backwards, then returned back to ball form as the girl's Life Gauge dropped.

Bonnie: 22%
Applejack 18%

"And Applejack falls behind!" The announcer cried as the girl jumped down to retrieve her Bakugan. "Will she claw her way back, or is Bonnie in it to win it?"

"Come on Bonnie!" Lyra cried, being up in the stands with Flash, Twilight, Heath, Rarity and Pinkie.

"You got this AJ!" Pinkie cheered, Rarity and Twilight cheering with her. Flash, Heath and Lyra knew she was part of their team for the big tournament, so of course they would be rooting for her.

Applejack smirked as she picked her Bakugan up, then looked over at Bonnie. "Alright," she took out a Gate Card, "ya'h definitely good. Good enough ta warrant me usin' ma'h best Bakugan. Gate Card..." She threw it before running off, "SET!" She then leapt up onto a building and spotted a cluster of Power-ups.

Bonnie had also spotted them and got up onto the roof as well. "Bakugan!" She threw the ball, "BRAWL!" It hit some of the coins before landing, "Bakugan...STAND!" It popped open and transformed in a flash of orange light. "Subterra Tuskor!" The elephant stood in place, swinging its trunk around.

Tuskor: 380Gs

It let out the distinctive elephant noise as it glowed, its power rising.

Tuskor: 530Gs

"Ma'h turn!" Applejack leapt off the roof. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" She threw the ball and it hit several coins before landing on the ground, popping open. "Bakugan...STAND!" In a burst of orange light, Applejack's Bakugan appeared. "Subterra Fenroar!" The light faded to reveal a large orange wolf wearing brown armour. It was similar to Hynoid, but its armour was covered in yellow spikes. Its mane, elbows and the tips of its tail were also brown.

Tuskor: 530Gs
Fenroar: 430Gs

The wolf howled as it too glowed.

Tuskor: 530Gs
Fenroar: 580Gs

"Ability!" Bonnie held up a card, "Activate!" It glowed as Tuskor's nose extended. "Nose Slap!"

Tuskor: 630Gs
Fenroar: 580Gs

"Ability, Activate!" Applejack held up a card as Tuskor swung the giant trunk up and then down towards Fenroar, "Stealth Hunter!" Fenroar suddenly disappeared with a gust of wind, dodging the trunk as it struck the ground and made it shake.

Tuskor: 630Gs
Fenroar: 680Gs

Fenroar appeared to be teleporting around the battlefield, though Bonnie knew it was just moving at high speed. She held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Tuskor's tusks began to glow, "Tusk Strike!"

Tuskor: 730Gs
Fenroar: 680Gs

The elephant charged forward as the tusks extended, preparing to impale the wolf as it ran forward and Applejack held up her own card. "Ability, Activate!" Fenroar's claws glowed before extending, "Wolf Claw Strike!" Fenroar leapt up before swinging its claws around, slashing at Tuskor. The two attacks collided and in a flash of light, Tuskor's tusks were cut in half.

Tuskor: 730Gs
Fenroar: 830Gs

"Tuskor!" Bonnie cried as her Bakugan staggered back, whilst Applejack took out another card. But she was quick to do the same. "Ability, Activate!"

"Ability," Applejack did the same as Tuskor raised its trunk, "Activate!"

"Sand Blast!" Tuskor fired a stream of sand right out of its nose, hitting Fenroar and pushing it backwards.

Tuskor: 730Gs
Fenroar: 730Gs

"Howlin' Force!" Fenroar took a deep breath and then howled, loud enough to create a sonic blast that pushed the sand back towards Tuskor and slammed it in the face.

Tuskor: 530Gs
Fenroar: 730Gs

Tuskor screamed in pain as it was sent flying backwards, reverting back to ball form and falling to the ground at Bonnie's feet as her Life Gauge fell.

Bonnie: 0%
Applejack 18% (Winner)

"That's it!" The announcer cried as the field dissolved, "the winner is APPLEJACK!" The crowd cheered, with nobody louder then Pinkie.

"YAY!" She screamed, jumping up and down in excitement with Twilight and Rarity staying where they were and giving their own congratulations.

Bonnie picked up her Bakugan and looked it over, whilst Applejack moved over to her. "Hey," she waved, "you were great."

"Thanks," she smiled back, "but you won. Your Fenroar's really powerful."

"Sure is," Applejack nodded. "A'm grateful every day that he was sent ta me when a'h got ma'h random Bakugan. It's like we were meant to be ta-gether, ya'h know?"

"Not really," Bonnie whispered back before the two headed out of the stadium. There, Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity took Applejack off to celebrate her victory. Bonnie was offered the chance to come, but she declined.

Instead, she sat at one of the tables as Flash, Heath and Derpy sat with her. "Here you go," Lyra put a can of soda down in front of her.

"Thanks," she took it as Lyra sat down.

"Hey, cheer up." Lyra smiled, "that Brawl was close."

"Indeed," Nimue agreed, "you should be proud you did as well as you did."

"Maybe. But I still lost."

"That Fenroar was pretty awesome," Flash smirked. "I'd love to battle it myself. Right Leo?"

"Yes," Leonidas nodded, "a battle with it would would certainly get the blood pumping."

"I'd love to brawl it too," Wukong laughed before jumping up and down. "I'd give him a bit of this, then a bit of that and I'll soon have him playing dead in no time."

"You said it," Heath agreed with his partner.

Derpy smiled at this, then saw Bonnie looking upset. "Bonnie?" She turned to her, "you alright? You look like something more then just your loss is bothering you?"

Bonnie sighed. "It's just...something Applejack said got to me. About how she and Fenroar were meant to be together." She looked at them all. "You all have your own special Bakugan that you're extra close to. Not just the talking ones. Twilight has Spikenoid, Pinkie has Gumigator, Rarity has Cleopal and even an evil brawler like Phantom gets Fury." She sat back and took another sip of her drink. "I care about all my Bakugan...but I wish I had a special Bakugan I could fight with. One I could trust beyond any other."

They all nodded. After knowing the amazing feeling of having a special Bakugan they could call their own, they didn't think they could live without them. It hadn't occurred to them until now that Bonnie might be feeling envious, and who could blame her.

Bonnie drank down the last of her soda before getting up. "I should go. My mom'll want me home soon." They all nodded and watched her head out, then looked towards one another.

"Poor Bonnie," Lyra sighed. "I wish there was something we could do."

"Not unless you figure out where our Bakugan came from," Heath told her. "But I do feel bad for her."

As Bonnie drew closer to home, she continued to feel down about lacking her own Bakugan partner.

She eventually arrived at the apartment building she lived in. Six stories of moderately sized homes that weren't huge, but big enough for her and her mother to live comfortably in. She rode the elevator up to the fourth floor and headed over to her apartment, heading inside as she called out to her mother. "I'm home!"

"Hey honey," her mother called back as Bonnie headed into the kitchen. There, she spotted her mother at the stove. She was an older version of Bonnie, only her hair was entirely pink instead of half blue and she wore a dress suit. "Good day?"

"Pretty good?" She told her before sitting down, "school was fine and I spent a few hours at the Bakugan Stadium."

"I see," her mother nodded as she continued to cook whatever it was she was cooking. "So were you just watching or did you...compete, in any of those games?"

"I played one match," Bonnie told her before frowning. "But I lost."

"I see," her mother nodded. "That's...good." Bonnie looked up at her in shock, unable to believe she had just said that. "Not good like I hope you never win but...it's good to lose a game every now and again. Keeps one humble." She glanced back at her, Bonnie giving her a look that told her the girl wasn't buying it on bit. "Alright, fine. I've been researching this whole Bakugan Brawling thing. You know that the really good players end up getting a lot of attention, right?"

"Yeah," Bonnie nodded, "that's the same with anything."

"Well attention is the last thing we need," she told her daughter. "If you end up on websites or even on TV, you're just asking for trouble." She turned off the stove and moved to sit down, opposite her daughter. "Do you remember why we moved here? Why we kept moving around, never staying more then a year in a single place. It was to make sure he couldn't find us. And now your putting everything we did to keep him from finding us at risk."

"So what?" Bonnie asked, "I'm just supposed to not do anything with my life because it might catch his attention. Am I supposed to put my entire life on hold because he might somehow take an interest in the one thing I'm good at. What if I want my future career to be something I can't help getting attention for? Am I supposed to give up on my dream?"

"I just want you to be a little more careful," her mother told her.

"I won't let him ruin my life more then he already has," Bonnie stood up and headed for her room.


"Don't call me that!" Bonnie turned to glare at her, "I refuse to hold onto the name he gave me. I just want to forget he was ever apart of my life and get on with my life, enjoying it to the full extent. And if that includes Brawling, then that's what I'll do." Before her mother could say anything else, she rushed towards her room and slammed the door shut.

She then leapt onto her bed and screamed into her pillow. After about a minute of calming down, she pulled her head up and looked around her room. Her eyes then shifted over to a shelf that had a framed picture on it.

It was one of the few pictures of her childhood she had, the rest having been locked away or thrown out long ago. It showed a five year old her being held up by her mother in front of the entrance to an amusement park, both of them smiling at the one taking the picture. Those would be the last smiles she had during that time in her life.

"It's not fair," she whispered as she stared at the picture. "After everything I've been through. All the hardships I've had to endure. Can't the universe just cut me some slack?" She looked away from the photo and stare out the window that her bed was next too. "A talking Bakugan. Or any kind of Bakugan I could call my partner." She grabbed her pillow and clutched it too her chest. "Just...someone I know I might not have to say goodbye to. Is that too much to ask for?" She started tearing herself up and clutched the pillow tighter, feeling like her heart was breaking.

Hours passed and Bonnie continued to stew in her own problems. But then, as the sun went down, she started to feel a little better after crying it out and decided to get changed for bed. Once she had, she climbed into it and tried to get to sleep. It didn't come easily, not with how upset she was, but eventually she managed to drift off.

More hours passed as she continued to sleep an uneasy sleep. But as the clock struck midnight, something happened that awoke her.

A new star appeared in the sky, which got brighter and brighter by the moment. It would soon become clear that it appeared to get brighter and bigger, because it was drawing closer and closer to the Earth. Specifically, it drew closer to Bonnie's apartment and slowly began to make its way towards her window.

It was at this moment that Bonnie was awakened, the light hitting her face and forcing her out of the realm of dreams. "What?" She asked as she opened her eyes and saw the light floating towards her window.

Before she could even think of what to do, her body moved on its own and pushed the window open to allow the light to fly into her room. She leaned back as the light flew passed her, then hovered in the middle of the room whilst Bonnie knelt on her bed and stared at it in wonder.

And then, finally, the light began to float down until it finally landed on the shelf besides her framed picture. The light then began to fade, allowing her to see what was inside it as it completely vanished.

"A...a Bakugan?" She asked, seeing that orb in question was of the Subterra Attribute. Her entire body remained still as a board as she stared at the plastic game piece, hoping beyond hope that it was more then that. She kept watching, and waiting, preying that it would happen. And then it did.

The Bakugan opened on its own, revealing it to appear as some kind of humanoid Bakugan. She also spotted several pieces of green that had been hidden inside the Bakugan when curled up. The Bakugan shifted from side to side, looking around until it finally spotted Bonnie.

"Where...where am I?" Bonnie's heart stopped hearing the female voice, causing her to finally move and get up off the bed.

"You're...you're on planet Earth."

"Earth. Vestroia..."

"We don't know what happened to Vestroia," Bonnie replied. "The Bakugan appeared here a few months ago. But...they're not like you. They don't talk or appear at all intelligent. It wasn't until recently that we learned what Bakugan truly are."

"I see," the Bakugan nodded before looking itself over. It then focused back on Bonnie, "what is your name, my child?"


"Bonnie?" She couldn't tell for sure, but the girl was sure she was smiling. "Hello. My name is Subterra Gaia."

"Gaia," Bonnie whispered. She then smiled and moved closer. "I know this is all strange, but you're not alone. There are other Bakugan that can talk and move on their own. There's only a few, but they are all partnered up with humans."

"Partnered?" Bonnie nodded. She carefully picked Gaia up and moved her over to the bed, explaining everything about how Bakugan worked in their world and how they brawl alongside humans. "I see," she took this information in. "Interesting. So most Bakugan are just bought and sold off, like toys."

Bonnie frowned. "We didn't know. We just thought you were toys. Given how you look and how most don't talk or move on their own, it wouldn't be hard to mistake you for toys." She gave her a serious look, "but we've been treating Bakugan with respect ever since we found out. Well...more respect."

"I understand," Gaia told her. "But I was not bought and instead, appeared out of a flash of light?"

"Just like the other Bakugan that can talk. We think someone's sending you to us, partnering us up for some reason."

"And whoever they are as chosen to partner me up with you?" Bonnie nodded, Gaia letting out a gentle laugh. "Well, I can see why. You're clearly a kind, caring girl. Even though I've only just met you, I feel like we've been friends for years."

"I feel the same way," Bonnie nodded. She couldn't tell why, but being here with Gaia was different from being with her other Bakugan. She now understood why the others loved their talking Bakugan so much.

"Bonnie," she went on. "I am not a battle loving Bakugan. Back on Vestroia, the few times I did fight was merely as self defence and only as a last resort. But if we were brought together, it was clearly for a reason and that reason may involve us needing to battle together?" Bonnie nodded, agreeing with that theory. "Then it's only logical we will gain a better understanding of each other if we battle together in one of these Bakugan Brawls."

Bonnie smiled, agreeing wholeheartedly. "I'm with you. And I know exactly who we should challenge."

The next day.

As she and Rarity made their way to school, Applejack suddenly got a message on her BakuColar. "Huh?" She looked at the message and smirked, "alright then."

"What is it?" Rarity asked, Applejack turning to her.

"Bonnie wants ta have a rematch after school. Sounds like fun."

"Indeed," Rarity nodded. "The match was so close yesterday, who knows how it will turn out." Applejack agreed and couldn't wait for the end of the school day. Throughout the day, word of the rematch spread to the rest of their teams. They were all curious to see if Bonnie could get a different result this time.

Bonnie had been excited to tell her friends about her new Bakugan Partner, but Gaia asked her to keep her a secret. She wanted the chance to get a good understanding of her friends before making any introductions. Plus, the looks on their faces when she appeared in the brawl would be hilarious.

Bonnie agreed and spent the rest of the day feeling like she was about to explode, wanting nothing more then to tell them the truth. But she was able to keep it bottled up until the day finally ended and they could all head over to the battle stadium.

There, the crowd gathered wanting to watch another exciting match between the two Subterra Brawlers.

"Welcome Baku-fans!" The announcer cried as the crowd cheered. "We have yet another amazing brawl here today. It's a rematch between Bonnie and Applejack, two of the stadium's best brawlers. Will the outcome be the same as their previous match, or will Bonnie be able to even the score?"

Everyone watched as Bonnie and Applejack headed into the center of the battlefield. "Come on Bon-Bon!" Lyra cheered for her best friend.

"Win it Applejack!" Pinkie screamed.

"You got this!" Flash told his teammate.

We believe in you, darling."

"Bonnie," Heath and Wukong cheered, "Bonnie. Bonnie. Bonnie." Twilight stayed quiet, looking forward to the upcoming match.

Down in the battlefield, Applejack and Bonnie stared one another down. "Hope ya'h ready Bonnie," Applejack told her. "If ya'h thought yesterday's match was hard, just wait." She held up her Fenroar, "we ain't gonna hold back."

"Well neither will we," Bonnie told her. Applejack thought she was just talking about all her Bakugan, but she really meant she and Gaia. Bonnie clutched her hands tight, feeling Gaia wiggle giving her comfort.

"Upon special request, the area our brawlers will be Brawling in has been specially programmed in. So without further ado!" The ground began to glow as it constructed the battlefield, taking the familiar shape of the western town they had Brawled in previously.

Applejack chuckled, "this area ag-in?"

"That's right," Bonnie nodded. "I'm gonna settle the score, right here."

Applejack smirked and ripped her hat, "a'h like your moxie." She held up a Gate Card, "just don't expect an easy match."

"I'm counting on it," Bonnie smiled back before looking over at her shoulder. "You ready Gaia?"

"I am," Gaia nodded. "Let us show them why the pair of us were brought together."

"Looks like our competitors are ready to get things started. So without further delay...Bakugan BRAWL!" The two's BakuColars activated and showed their point totals, as both of them began to run around the place.

Bonnie: 100%
Applejack: 100%

"Gate Card...SET!" Applejack threw the card and it hit the ground, exploding into orange light. She then leapt on a barrel and used it to jump up and land on a rooftop as she spotted a bunch of Power-ups. "Bakugan," she threw the ball and hit three of the coins, "BRAWL!" The Bakugan landed and rolled along the ground. "Bakugan...STAND!" It popped open and transformed. "Subterra Manion!"

Manion: 350Gs

The sphinx roared as its power rose, thanks to the power-ups.

Manion: 500Gs

Bonnie had also jumped up onto a house and saw Manion take flight, then spotted a cluster of power-ups. "It's time Gaia," she told her new partner. "Ready to show the world what you're made of?"

"No," Gaia replied, "not yet." This confused Bonnie.


"Whilst I have no doubt we will make an incredible team, I wish to see how you battle without me. That way I know how to best attune my fighting style when the time comes." She turned to look at Bonnie. "For now, please use another Bakugan. I know you won't have any trouble."

Bonnie stared at her for a moment before smiling, giving Gaia a nod before taking out another Bakugan. "Alright. Then watch as I take Applejack down. Bakugan," she threw the ball, "BRAWL!" It flew through the air and hit four of the coins before landing on the ground. "Bakugan," it popped open, "STAND!" It a burst of orange light, it morphed into a long brown rattle-snake Bakugan with a V-shaped head. "Subterra Rattleoid!"

Manion: 500Gs
Rattleoid: 340Gs

The snake hissed as its body glowed, the power-ups kicking in.

Manion: 500Gs
Rattleoid: 540Gs

"Oh yeah!" Bonnie smiled whilst Applejack smirked.

"Not bad," she held up a card. "Ability, Activate." The card glowed as Manion opened its mouth and breathed a stream of pressurised sand out of its mouth, "Roaring Desert!"

Manion: 600Gs
Rattleoid: 540Gs

Rattleoid slithered around the place, barely managing to avoid the sand blast as Bonnie held up her own card. "Ability, Activate!" The snake held up its tail rattle and began shaking it, "Rattle Illusion!" The soundwaves filled the battlefields, hitting the Manion and putting it under some kind of hypnosis.

It shook its head but its vision continued to grow blurry, making it difficult to see. And every few seconds, it power dropped ten points.

Manion: 530Gs
Rattleoid: 540Gs

The second it's G power dropped below its, Rattleoid stopped shaking its tail and lashed out. It bit down on Manion's leg and pulled it to the ground. The sphinx roared in pain as it tried to escape, but Rattleoid bit down harder. Eventually, Applejack took out a card. "Ability, Activate!" The snake on Manion's head glowed before a blast of red energy shot out of the mouth. "Curse of Anubis!"

The beam struck Rattleoid's head and make it release Manion.

Manion: 530Gs
Rattleoid: 490Gs

"Now it's time!" Applejack announced as she pointed to the ground, "Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground began to glow along with Manion. "Character!"

"A Character Card?" Bonnie gasped as she looked at her BakuColar.

Manion: 630Gs
Rattleoid: 490Gs

"Character Manion ups his power and doubles the increase of any Ability a'h use for him," Applejack announced as she held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" It glowed as a tornado of sand appeared around Manion, "Sand Rocket!"

Manion: 830Gs
Rattleoid: 490Gs

Manion shot forward, the sand continuing to spiral around it and turn the sphinx into a sand bullet. Rattleoid tried to escape, but Manion continued to fly after it and get closer. "Ability," Bonnie held up a card, "Activate!" The card glowed as Rattleoid turned towards Manion. "Viper Blast!" Rattleoid opened its mouth and started spitting acid that got through the sand and hit Manion.

Manion: 630Gs
Rattleoid: 490Gs

The sphinx was almost blinded by the acid, but managed to stay on target just enough hit Rattleoid with the side its sand shield. Rattleoid hissed in pain as it was thrown away, slamming into the sand whilst Manion flew back up and circled around for another shot.

"This is bad!" Flash yelled, Twilight nodding.

"One more hit and Rattleoid goes down."

"Bonnie!" Lyra cried, "do something." It was then she noticed the look on Bonnie's face. It wasn't one of panic, but one of confidence. She had a plan.

"Ability," she held up a card, "Activate!" It glowed, "Character Edit: Rattleoid!" Suddenly, Manion stopped glowing whilst Rattleoid began too. "Character Edit lets me change the target of a character card to any Bakugan I want. So your power increase gets transferred to Rattleoid and...the double power up you got from your Ability goes bye bye."

Applejack glanced down at her BakuColar, seeing Bonnie was right.

Manion: 430Gs
Rattleoid: 590Gs

"Not good," Applejack realised as Manion's Desert Rocket attack faded. "Gonna stop this." She held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Manion's claws began to glow, "Razor Slash!"

Manion: 630Gs
Rattleoid: 590Gs

Manion flew down and tried to slash at Rattleoid, but the snake evaded as Bonnie held up two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" The cards glowed as Rattleoid evaded another slash, then leapt forward and began to wrap its body around Manion. "Poison Fang, plus Power Coil!" The snake tightened its hold on Manion whilst biting into it, draining its power.

Manion: 430Gs
Rattleoid: 640Gs

Applejack saw this and tried to activate an ability, but it was too late. Manion finally gave out and was squeezed back into ball form, falling to the ground with Rattleoid as Applejack's Life Gauge went down.

Bonnie: 100%
Applejack: 58%

"Bonnie takes the first win!" The announcer cried as Rattleoid returned to her, "but will she be able to hold onto this lead?" Bonnie's friends cheered for her, glad she was able to do so well and almost take out half Applejack's points.

"Great work Bonnie," Gaia told her. "Clearly, you are no slouch in a battle. That Character Edit card was brilliant."

"Thanks," Bonnie smiled before turning to her opponent, "but I can't get careless."

Applejack smirked as she picked her Bakugan up, putting it away and she smiled at Bonnie. "Not bad partner. Not bad at all." She tipped her hat before taking out an all too familiar Bakugan. "Now it's time ta really show ma'h teeth."

Bonnie gulped at the sight of that Bakugan, but knew she couldn't let it scare her. "Let's go!" She took out a card and threw it towards the ground, "Gate Card...SET!" It exploded and the two girls rushed off, looking for some power-ups. And a moment later, they found some. Both leapt up onto the rooftops before leaping off.

"BAKUGAN!" They both threw them, "BRAWL!" The Bakugan shot through the air and struck the power-ups before hitting the ground, "BAKUGAN...STAND!" Both Bakugan popped open and transformed. "Subterra Rattleoid/Fenroar!" The wolf and snake appeared on the battlefield, powered up by the coins they had hit.

Fenroar: 480Gs
Rattleoid: 440Gs

"Ability, Activate!" Applejack held up a card that glowed, as Fenroar took a deep breath. "Howlin Force!" Fenroar unleashed its sonic howl, which shot across the field and struck Rattleoid, making it flinch as its power went down.

Fenroar: 480Gs
Rattleoid: 240Gs

"Double Ability," Bonnie held up two cards, "Activate!" Rattleoid glowed, "Shed Skin, plus Viper Blast!" The snake's body cracked before braking off it, moulting out of its old skin and undoing the effects of Applejack's last Ability before Rattleoid shot a blast of acid that struck Fenroar.

The wolf cried out in pain as it was burnt, shaking its body to try and get it off.

Fenroar: 280Gs
Rattleoid: 440Gs

As Fenroar tried to get the acid off, Rattleoid slithered forwards. As it did, Applejack held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed along with Fenroar. "Stealth Hunter!" Rattleoid tried to strike at Fenroar, but the wolf suddenly moved at super speeds and avoided the attack.

Fenroar: 380Gs
Rattleoid: 440Gs

Fenroar circled around Rattleoid, moving faster and faster by the second until it became a blur of orange and brown that formed a circle of wind around the snake. Both Bonnie and Applejack held up their cards, Applejack holding two. "Ability/Double Ability, Activate!" The cards glowed Rattleoid raised its tail and started shaking it.

"Rattle Illusion!" The soundwaves flew out around the battlefield and hit Fenroar, making it stop as its power lowered by ten Gs ever few seconds.

Fenroar: 350Gs
Rattleoid: 440Gs

But, before it could do to much damage, Applejack's abilities kicked in. "Wolf Claw Strike, plus Mega Fang!" Fenroar's claws extended along with its canines, the wolf shooting forward and slashing at Rattleoid

Fenroar: 600Gs
Rattleoid: 440Gs

The snake fell backwards, hitting the ground and preventing it from using its Rattle Illusion Ability anymore. Meanwhile, Fenroar prepared to slash at it again. "Gate Card, Open!" The field began to glow as a crack appeared beneath Fenroar and it fell into it. "Land Pressure!" The crack shrunk, trapping everything below Fenroar's waist under it.

Fenroar: 400Gs
Rattleoid: 440Gs

"Fenroar!" Applejack cried in shock as Rattleoid slithered forward, ready to take Fenroar down.

"Ability," Bonnie held up a card, "Activate!" The card glowed as Rattleoid lashed out at Fenroar, biting into it. "Poison Fang!" Fenroar winced as it felt its power being stolen.

Fenroar: 350Gs
Rattleoid: 490Gs

"Yeah!" Bonnie smiled, "get him!"

"A'h don't think so!" Applejack yelled before holding up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The wolf began to shake, causing the sand on its fur to come loose before spiralling around it. "Sand Cloak!" The sand hit Rattleoid in the eyes and made it hiss, causing the Bakugan to let Fenroar go and move away.

Fenroar: 350Gs
Rattleoid: 390Gs

Free from the snake's fangs, Fenroar was able to push the cracked earth apart enough to allow it to pull itself free. "Oh yeah!" Applejack smirked before holding up another card. "Now, Fusion Ability...Activate!" Bonnie gasped hearing this and tried to activate her own ability, but it was too late. "Desert Howlin!"

Fenroar took a deep breath and unleashing its sonic howl, only this time the sand from the tornado around it was picked up and morphed into a stream of high-pressure sand.

Fenroar: 650Gs
Rattleoid: 390Gs

Rattleoid tried to escape but before it could slither away, the sand struck slammed into it. The snake hissed in pain as it was thrown into the air, falling towards the rooftop Bonnie was on.

The girl gasped and rushed to leap off the side, seconds before her Bakugan slammed into the roof and crushed it. "Gyah!" She cried as the impact created a wind blast that knocked her flying, whilst Rattleoid returned to ball form. She hit the sand as her Life Gauge dropped.

Bonnie: 48%
Applejack: 58%

"BONNIE!" Lyra cried whilst her friends looked worried.

"Applejack, taking the lead back from her opponent." Fenroar returned to Applejack, "is Bonnie down for the count?"

Bonnie groaned as she pushed herself back to her feet. "Don't...count on it." Gaia jumped up onto her shoulder, having taken refuge when Bonnie had tried to escape the destroyed building.

"She is powerful, that's for sure." She turned to her partner, Bonnie moving over to pick up Rattleoid. "I can see why you want to beat her so much. Doing so is quite an accomplishment."

Bonnie nodded as she and Applejack walked back to the center of the town. "Ya'h good," Applejack told her. "But still not enough ta beat me." She held up a Gate Card, "this final match'll end this. Gate Card," she threw it, "SET!" It hit the ground and exploded, with Applejack running off. Bonnie did the same, both girls leaping up onto the rooftops and running until they spotted a cluster of power-ups. "Bakugan!" Applejack threw it, "BRAWL!" Fenroar hit the coins before slamming into the ground, rolling through the sand. "Bakugan...STAND!" In a burst of orange light, Fenroar appeared and was powered up.

Fenroar: 580Gs

The wolf howled as it slowly walked around the desert, Bonnie staring up at the giant beast. It was a powerful Bakugan and defeating it wasn't going to be easy. "I need a plan," she told herself. "What do I use? Think."

"Bonnie," she glanced over at Gaia, "use me."

"Are you sure?" Bonnie asked.

"Yes," the Bakugan nodded. "I've watched how you battle and I know how to best fight to match your strategy. Actually, I believe you and I will be very comparable. Now, let's show them why we were brought together."

Bonnie smiled as she glanced around and spotted the power-ups, grabbing Gaia as she did.

"What's da'h hold up?" Applejack asked, only for Bonnie to leap off the building.

"Bakugan..." she threw Gaia towards the battlefield, hitting several power-ups as she did, "BRAWL!" Gaia hit the ground and rolled for several seconds before popping open. "Bakugan...STAND!" She was consumed by an orange light, which flew up and began to take shape. Everyone watched as the light grew more and more, going well passed the point they expected it to grow before finally coming to a stop and fading.

They all gasped at the sight, seeing the biggest Bakugan anyone had ever seen. "What the hey is that?" Applejack asked, her neck hurting at how much she had to crane it.

Bonnie was just as amazed. "That...is Gaia?"

Gaia was huge. In contrast to Leonidas in height, she was taller by about half his full height. Her entire body was made out of orange wood and brown soil, with vegetation growing off her. Her head was made out of soil and resembled a woman, but only her mouth and eyes could be seen, since the rest of her head was covered in a mask and helmet made of wood. From out of the back of the helmet was a large bushy bush covered in green leaves that flowed down to her neck. Said neck went into wooden chest-armour, with soil coming out of the bottom and going into wooden waist armour. The waist armour also had long vines coming out of it, forming a skirt-like accessory that went just passed her knees. Soil also came out from the chest armour's shoulders to form arms, with everything passed the elbows covered in wooden gauntlets. It was the same with her legs, which filled wooden boots after the knees. Finally, on the back of her wooden gauntlets, were a pair of round wooden shields with the Subterra symbol on them. All this, coupled with her larger size, made her look very intimidating.

Gaia: 350Gs
Fenroar: 580Gs

"Incredible," Twilight whispered.

"Wow!" Wukong cheered, "Gaia looks as big as ever."

Nimue nodded. "Strange how such a big Bakugan was always so caring and gentle." As she said this, Gaia began to glow as the power-ups kicked in.

Gaia: 500Gs
Fenroar: 580Gs

"Not bad," Applejack told her. "But still not enough to beat ma'h Fenroar." But as she said this, Fenroar suddenly began to roar in pain as purple lightning sparked around it. "What da'h?" She looked down at her BakuColar.

Gaia: 500Gs
Fenroar: 480Gs

"What's happenin'?"

"Poison Fang," Bonnie explained. "It's got an extra ability that weakens the Bakugan it's used on if it beats Rattleoid. Applejack smirked, actually impressed by this. Bonnie then held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Gaia raised one of her feet, "Earth Power!" The Bakugan slammed the foot into the ground, causing it to shake violently and make almost everyone lose their balance. This included Fenroar

Gaia: 500Gs
Fenroar: 280Gs

"Wow!" Applejack cried, but managed to stay upright and held up her card. "Ability, Activate!" It glowed as Fenroar regained its balance a took a deep breath. "Howlin' Force!" It unleashed its sonic blast, hitting Gaia and making her stagger backwards.

Gaia: 300Gs
Fenroar: 280Gs

"Ability, Activate!" Bonnie held up a card whilst Gaia raised her arms and used the shields to block the sonic blast, "Oak Defender!"

Gaia: 500Gs
Fenroar: 280Gs

"Gate Card!" Applejack yelled, "OPEN!" The field began to glow, "Pack Attack!" Fenroar shook, the sand flying off its body and slowly taking shape. "This special card only works fur Fenroar, making him multiply and double his G power!" The shade formed two more Fenroar, who all howled together.

Gaia: 500Gs
Fenroar: 560Gs

Gaia watched as the wolves began to run around her, moving in a circle around and around before one of them shot out of the blurry ring and slashed at her. Due to the size difference, what would have been a chest strike struck her waist. "Augh!" She cried, only for Fenroar to return to the ring and circle around her again before another shot out and slashed at her leg. "Gyah!"

"Gaia!" Bonnie cried, knowing she had to stop this. "Ability," she held up a card, "Activate!" The card glowed along with Gaia's vine skirt, "Vine Trap!" The vines extended and shot into the ground, then broke out the spots where the Fenroar were. The wolves howled in frustration as the vines tied them up, stopping them from being able to move.

Gaia: 500Gs
Fenroar: 460Gs

Applejack frowned as the two clones were squeezed until they exploded, leaving only the original. "That ain't enough to stop us!" She held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed along with Fenroar's claws, "Wolf Claw Strike!" Fenroar began slashing at the vines, cutting itself free before charging at Gaia.

Gaia: 500Gs
Fenroar: 610Gs

Bonnie frowned by stayed calm and held up two cards. "Double Ability...ACTIVATE!" Both cards glowed as a green aura wrapped around Gaia. "Ultra Growth, plus Wood Slammer!"

Gaia: 800Gs
Fenroar: 610Gs

As Fenroar grew closer, Gaia pulled her leg back before throwing it forward. Fenroar saw it coming, but couldn't escape in time. "FENROAR!" Its Brawler cried as the the boot slammed into the wolf, sending Fenroar flying backwards. It crashed into the ground and and slid along the ground, until it eventually came to a stop.

"Ouch," the announcer cried, "that had to hurt."

Bonnie smiled. "Ultra Growth. A special ability that grants a hundred and fifty Gs on its own, but then adds another fifty if a Gate Card has already been used."

Applejack frowned as Fenroar slowly began picking itself up. "That's da'h way. We don't go down so easily!" As Fenroar got to its feet, Applejack held up two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" They glowed as Fenroar shot forward, moving at blinding speeds whilst unleashing a trail of sand behind it. "Stealth Hunter, plus Sand Cloak!"

Bonnie watched as Fenroar circled around Gaia, creating a sand tornado around the giant Bakugan. "Augh!" Gaia cried as the sand scrapped against her, cutting into her mud skin.

Gaia: 700Gs
Fenroar: 710Gs

"Gaia!" Bonnie cried, trying to see through the sand.

Inside the tornado, Gaia stood there and tried to spot Fenroar. But suddenly, she felt herself get slashed by something at her side. She cried out, then felt another slash on the back of her leg. "Augh!" She fell to her knee, only to feel a slashing on her shoulder.

"Oh yeah!" Applejack smiled. "That's da'h way. Won't be long before ya'h down for da'h count!" But then, Gaia did something nobody was expecting.

"I don't think so!" Everyone gasped hearing this, unable to believe the Bakugan had just spoken. Gaia was slashed again, but she didn't let this stop her. "I won't let Bonnie down. Together...nothing will stop us!" With that, she swung herself around and thrust her arm out. The sound of a loud howling filled the stadium, seconds before the sand disappeared.

Doing so revealed Gaia, holding Fenroar in one hand. Two of her fingers were wrapped around its neck, making the wolf struggle to breathe. "YEAH!" Bonnie cheered, watching as Gaia stood tall once again and held Fenroar up.

"Ahh!" Applejack cried before holding up a card, "Fusion Ability...ACTIVATE!" She waited for the card to glow, but it didn't. "Huh?" She looked over at Fenroar and realised the problem.

"That's it!" Twilight smiled, "Fenroar can't howl if its air supplies cut off. That's why Gaia grabbed it there."

"I didn't know you could stop abilities form activating," Flash looked confused whilst Bonnie held up her own card.

"Well Bonnie did," Lyra smiled. "Now go get'em GIRL!" Bonnie smiled and intended to do just that.

"Fusion Ability...ACTIVATE!" The card glowed along with the ground, which began to form trees made of green energy. "Spirit of the Forest!"

Gaia swung her arm around. "I call upon the power of nature. Let its vast energy surge through me!" She swung Fenroar up and let go, throwing the wolf into the air. As she did, the trees exploded and the energy shot into her.

Gaia: 1050Gs
Fenroar: 710Gs

"And now..." She clenched her fist as Fenroar fell back towards her, "feel my mighty wrath!" With that, she threw a punch and slammed it into Fenroar with enough force that it unleashed a powerful explosion of wind.

The wind shot around the place, destroying the wild west houses and knocking both Applejack and Bonnie flying as they cried out. The wind-storm lasted almost a full minute until it and the dust finally settled, allowing everyone to look down into the battlefield and see the result.

Gaia still stood in the center of the destroyed town whilst Bonnie and Applejack laid on the ground, both beginning to pick themselves up. But Fenroar was nowhere in sight.

But as Applejack recovered, see looked down at the ground and spotted Fenroar laying in front of her in its ball form. She then looked down at her BakuColar and saw the score.

Bonnie: 48% (Winner)
Applejack: 0%

"It's over!" The announcer cried Gaia returned to to her partner. "With that, Bonnie has claimed victory over Applejack. The score between them is now tied at one to one."

As the battlefield faded, Bonnie couldn't help but smile at the Bakugan she was holding. "You did it Gaia!"

"No," the Bakugan shook itself in disagreement, "we did it. Whoever it was that sent me to you, it was clear they knew what they were doing." Bonnie smiled back, feeling like her heart was gonna explode from the joy she felt. It was then she sensed someone approaching and turned to see Applejack moving closer.

"Well," she tipped her hat, "that had ta be da'h best brawl a've ever add."

"Same," Bonnie replied, "it was great." Applejack held out a hand and Bonnie took it, the two shaking with smiles on their faces.

"So what do ya'h say? Wanna go again tomorrow so we can see who's really da'h best?"

Bonnie was about to agree, but then a thought popped into her head that made her hesitate. She then smiled before nodding to herself, then focused back on Applejack. "How about this? We don't battle one another until the tournament," Applejack was surprised by this. "That'll give us plenty of time to practise and get stronger. Then, when we finally do face off, we'll be battling with everything we have."

Applejack quickly smirked, "a'h like the way ya'h think there Bonnie." She tipped her hat again, "alright. Just make sure ta train as hard as ya'h can before the tournament. And a'h will too." With that, she talked to walk out the battlefield. Bonnie mentally promised and left the field as well.

In the corridor outside the battlefield, she found her friends waiting with baited breath. "Bonnie!" Lyra rushed over and hugged her, "that was amazing!" She pulled away as she spotted Gaia jumping up onto her shoulder.

"Where the heck did you get a talking Bakugan?" Flash asked, "she's...awesome!"

"Thank you," Gaia nodded as Bonnie smiled.

"It happened last night," she explained. "Sorry I didn't tell you."

"This is great!" Heath told her. "Now every member of our team has a talking Bakugan partner."

Derpy laughed at this. "You're gonna start making people think you have to have one to join your team." The others laughed before returning to the main foyer, with Bonnie explaining how she and Gaia met.

"So it happened to you too?" Nimue asked Gaia, who nodded back. "And you don't remember anything before appearing before Bonnie."

"Everything's a little fuzzy," the Subterra Bakugan replied. "I'm sorry."

"There has to be one Bakugan that remembers what happened," Flash frowned. "Hopefully, your memories will come back eventually."

"Hopefully," Leonidas agreed. "But until then, all we can do is wait and see how things play out." The others nodded, but still felt uneasy about not having any answers. They all knew someone who might have answers, but that person wasn't exactly one they were on good terms with.

Later that night.

Sitting on the edge of the Dark Industries rooftop, Phantom was watching Bonnie's Brawl play out on a holographic screen his cuff was projecting. "It appears the game board it acquiring more pieces," he stated as Gaia appeared in the battle. "That's fine." He deactivated the holo-screen and took out the cube, which now only had three symbols on it. Haos, Ventus and Aquos. "The more powerful the opponents, the more power you'll acquire once you defeat them all."

Things were getting more and more interesting by the minutes, causing Phantom to wonder who the next Brawl to have a talking Bakugan would be. Only time would tell.

Author's Note:

Bonnie gets her partner and if I might say, I feel it's perfect for her. So, what will happen next. Will we meet the final member of the team, or will something else happen first.

For Gaia's ball form, think of Primo Vulcan. As for Fenroar's, Lupitheon

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