• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 2,495 Views, 34 Comments

I have to say, "I love you," in a song. - SparityLoveisForever

At Spike's birthday he wants to tell Rarity something. The evening doesn't go as planned.

  • ...

I know it's kind of late. Hope you're not awake.


In this chapter, I bring to the semi foreground a more background pony. I feel might become part of the story's universe. That is Star Hunter according to the wiki list of ponies, he is a dark blue pegasus pony, with a spiky light blue mane, and a cutie mark in the shape of the constellation Orion. In the episode “Hurricane Fluttershy” he is the pony who goes just before Fluttershy's first try and records a wing power of 11.0. Also as a result of this his introduction into the story, I feel that the following should be pointed out. Unless I'm given a link to an actual wing-power formula, which can be used to generate numbers, I'll be choosing my own wing-power numbers. As far as I'm concerned, I'm using them as arbitrary numbers to showcase improvement. So don't get all upset if my wing-power numbers are unrealistic or don't match another authors wing-power numbers this is my story, so this is how things are working in this Equestria.

Ok, one more thing ponies my pre-reader brought up an issue. Not everyone might understand what I'm talking about when I say a “bit” in the story. I am referring to Equestria's primary currency which is shown off in a multitude of episodes, and referred to simply as a “bit.” It is a single golden coin that is the single currency in Equestria as I understand. So when I say that the yet to be named villain has requested two million of these gold coins for Rarity's safe return. Please try to understand he's asking for a small dragon's treasure hoard. I may have stated it being something close to half the royal treasury of Canterlot as I see it. Everypony got it? Good, I know I didn't have to explain that to some of you, but I wanted to be sure that my meaning of “bits” in Equestria was not mistaken.

Chapter 2
I know it's kind of late.
Hope you're not awake.

Darkness surrounded the world; there was no clear light. Then a torch was lit illuminating the surroundings. Rarity's sapphire eyes took in the sight of light emitting a magical orange flame glow that only barely encompassed the small room. Casting blue eyes over the room there was a single bed, a nightstand, a taxidermy condor, a bird similar to a vulture though larger, was positioned. Its wings spread over the frame of the door. Rarity's white front hooves chained at the top of the wall with rusty metal shackles; a matching pair of chains were on back hooves. Leaving Rarity tied upright against the back wall of the room. Her purple mane was not in its natural flowing curl but plastered to the side of her neck and face. Her eyes go back to the door, a magical orange aura glowed at the door, unlocking it gently. A white unicorn with a blue mane stepped through the door, with a monocle right up against his left eye; a very short blue mustache adorned his lips. He closed the door behind him with a slam, locking with his magic. He soon said in a voice she had not expected to come out of the stallion before her, “You are now mien prisoner. Not even that foalish knight of yours! Could find you here mien Fraulein.”

“You may bind my hooves, and lock me away in this tower. But my knight will always come for me, Baron von Evil Sire.” The words fell out of her mouth; it felt like they were part of a rehearsed b-movie romance script she couldn't change.

He laughed at her statements saying, “If he will always come for you. Then, why is he not here now? When I'm about to remove your most precious treasure from you forever?”

Almost as if summoned by the gloating pony's words there was a loud noise at the door. The destroyed oaken boards that were the door now splinters as though the barrier was nothing for the one who obliterated it. Standing in the doorway was the same knight who saved her from the black dragon, the same gleaming emerald eyes from behind the faceplate that still hid his real face from her. He rushed in knocking “The Baron” back against the wall across from where Rarity was, giving the unicorn who barely knew what had hit him in the first place, another hit to the back of the head with his gauntlet-covered hands. He walked over to his fair maiden using his impressive strength to break her shackles. A smooth baritone voice came from the Knight asking in a steady calming voice, “Are you alright, my love? I'm so sorry I couldn't get here any sooner, but he has an enormous castle.”

The words that rolled out of Rarity's mouth this time were words still like taken off a cheesy romance novel. Her final question felt like she had been able to say it, though, “You made it in the nick of time as always my knight. I shall have to reward you after we arrive home. Can you show me your face that I might kiss you before we leave?”

He responded by saying, “As you wish, milady.” Just as he was about to pull the helmet off, there was a throbbing at the back of Rarity's head that shattered the dream world.

Rarity's eyes flutter open taking in her surroundings. She noticed it was quite dark, save for three blazing red non-magical torches. The first, gently lit her imprisonment chamber, stone walls, a high small window, an unconscious shackled pegasus pony, and the remaining lights lit up a long spiral staircase to a larger castle, no doubt. Wait, she thought her eyes return to look over at the bound pegasus; it was evident they were unconscious from the shut eyes visible from the dim light. The pony looked familiar, yet; she couldn't place from where at the moment. Trying to move over to the pegasus, she found herself in shackles that were holding her in a sitting position chaining her to the ground like a dog. Examining her chains she first tried to use her magic to try to remove them as they looked relatively non-magical.

Try as Rarity might, though, she could barely get her horn to glow. Frustrated she looked up at her horn, noticing what was clearly an inhibitor ring around her horn. Rarity let out a loud sigh at this knowledge. Her bare fur was now registering it was resting against the cold, wet dungeon floor. Noticing now she had been removed from the dress, cloak, and necklace she was wearing to Spike's party. She tried to remember what was going on before her world went dark. The only thing she remembered was walking towards Spike's birthday celebration. Somewhere around Sugarcube Corner in her memory, everything went blank.

Rarity inhaled gently seeing if she could notice any familiar scents; all she got, however, was the thick smell of mildew from the wet dungeon walls. Rarity looked up at the high small window, and she could see Celestia's Sun, for the first time since her capture, was starting to near sundown. She had surely missed the party by now, hoping that Spike would at least notice her absence. Rarity had been shown by Twilight a few years back how to do some low-level magic flares. If she had any chance of alerting her friends she'd have to wait till night.

Suddenly calling down the dungeon stairs was a cold, sharp shale-like voice, “I don't know if you're awake down there yet, but I do know that when I wake you after sundown, your 'Spike' will only have few hours to try to save you. What he won't realize is that we will ambush him for the money. Then you're the one who won't see him ever again. After all, this is a land for ponies and not 'dragons.' You'll be mine like it or not with him out of the way.” The male voice's final statement followed up by loud evil laughter. Rarity could only hang her head now knowing she was being used to trap and slay her sweet kind “Spikie-wikie.”


Rainbow Dash saluted and was out the broken window before another word was said. The others sped off to their assignments, as well, offering little more than salutes and one “Okie Dokie Lokie” before heading out the barn doors. Spike stopped sniffling for a moment feeling his sister's hug; taking a look at her nodding he pulled out a quill and fresh sheet of parchment. Having a spare on him at all times had become a habit from working under Twilight Sparkle.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I must inform you that of the kidnapping of our friend Rarity. I 'm working on a plan for Spike to get her back. Please if you must notify the current captain of the royal guard that they can't interfere lest they risk her safety. We're working on solving this problem as best we can. I 've included a copy of the ransom note for your information.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Thank you for a speedy response, Princess.


Spike exhaled his flame over the pieces of parchment which floated out the barn window and went straight to the Princess. At the same moment, there was a knock on the barn door.


Princess Celestia caught the two sets of paper, unrolling the outer message first, which had a few tear drops over certain words. It was still very legible in a scrawl that she had become accustomed to reading. After reading the second message, her reaction was to use her magic engulfing herself in a yellow aura to teleport to her sister's room. “Sister, we must leave immediately for Ponyville. I will explain when we arrive, but we must go now with our magic as there is no time to spare.” It was rare to hear Celestia speak in the Royal Canterlot Voice but she did know it would raise her sister.

“Ugggh... five more minutes, Tia,” Luna responded in a drab voice that showed she was not pleased with her sister's intrusion. Her head still under her covers resting against her pillows.

“Now! Sister! There is no time to lose.” Having not dropped her loud tone Luna could tell her sister would not even give her another minute of rest.

“Very well, sister, but can you explain the situation to me now?” Luna shook off the covers revealing her head as Celestia put the two pieces of parchment together in front of Luna's now-open eyes. She skimmed them and was as appalled as Celestia had been. Luna now stood on par with Princess Celestia in height, as she stood up saying, “Tia, we must hurry but you must go to them first. I must aid them my way. I'll join up with you in Ponyville shortly.”

“Very well, Luna, but don't upset anypony,” Celestia had lowered her tone for this statement saying it with a wink. Then engulfing herself in a yellow aura, she vanished from her sister's room. Luna shook her head gently blinking a few times making sure to be fully awake. She sighed starting her preparations for joining her sister with three cloth bags. Shortly engulfing herself in a blue aura, teleporting to another part of the castle.


Bursting through the destroyed window Rainbow Dash sped in the direction the dagger had come from, noticing hoof prints leading down the backside of a hill starting to duck through the tree orchards of Sweet Apple Acres. She continued to dash forward starting to hear the hooves pounding distantly in front of her, turning up her speed to another notch trying to follow the hoof beats now. Rainbow Dash's ears now guided her towards the assailant. The earth pony who had thrown the dagger was unable to hear the sound of wing beats coming after him over his hoof beats. He had just finished his round about through the orchard; then he jumped over the fence of an outer perimeter.

He started to head back into the Everfree Forest where he would get his payment from the drop zone. Proceeding to disappear from this corner of Equestria to Manehattan, Vanhoover, Trottingham, Saddle Arabia, or anywhere his heart desired. He was quite certain no pony had seen him leave the farm. He made his way towards the drop point. It was a large tree stump with a hidden compartment. The earth pony had used this tree stump many times before to receive his payments. He moved slowly and steadily around the stump; upon pressing the proper button to retrieve his ill-gotten gains, there was a loud tick, then a loud explosion.

Rainbow had made her way out of Sweet Apple Acres feeling like she was closing in on the assailant. When the sound of hooves pounding stopped suddenly, she then heard a loud explosion. She took off above the treeline; whatever made that noise would be visible from the sky. She looked around over the tops of the trees to see a scorched patch of earth and forest around an epicenter of a trunk. The earth pony had taken the blast to the face clearly not expecting what had happened. With no head anymore the body had been blown back like a rag-doll about ten feet into a tree. Rainbow Dash knew she should not touch the body from a detective novel series she took to reading while waiting for a new Daring Do. The part of the dead pony she could see was black from the explosion with no way to identify the body without moving it.

Standing around, doing nothing got her nowhere, so Rainbow Dash took off landing just next to the body, doing her best to avoid trampling anything, using one of her wings to brush some of the soot from the blast off of one of his hooves. She could see now the official coat color of the stallion was a grass green. She didn't want to do much more, but she had to know his cutie mark if there was to be an accurate identification. Rainbow Dash moved herself closer to his body using her hooves to gently pull part of his lower torso gently out of the tree. As she shifted him, she felt eyes starting to watch her. She turned her head to look at the dead pony's flank.

Rainbow Dash then saw that his cutie mark was a pair of crossed daggers. She wasn't sure why her mind thought of a knife thrower from one of the more recent Daring Do stories. She also noticed a severely shortened blond tail. Those that eyes were still boring into her back might belong to the pony who had his messenger killed, and this sent a shiver down her spine. She didn't want to risk Rarity's safety by hanging around too long, either, so Rainbow dashed quickly up into the sky not wanting to end up ensnared herself. Heading back to the barn with this disturbing news of the unknown pony's death, Rainbow flew off. The set of eyes upon Rainbow just watched her take off into the sky like second nature, scolding themselves for not having been close enough to stop her departure.


Applejack rushed out of the barn almost as quickly as Rainbow Dash had. She moved as fast as she could to the farm house. It was usually quiet there this time of day ever since Granny Smith passed on. The loss of Granny Smith last year had taken a toll on all of the Apples, with Big Macintosh being made the official head of The Apple Family in Ponyville. The enhanced responsibility made him take everything in his life up a notch. It had initially made things harder for his relationship with Fluttershy, though he even took that to the next step telling everypony that they were dating. Applejack couldn't get over how well they had hidden it from her when they announced it to her first. Her mind getting back it's focus as she made her way past the front door, she started looking around for their personal safe. They moved it once a week to make sure it was not easily accessible. She had checked the whole ground floor when she heard some noise coming from upstairs saying,“Big Macintosh, is that you up there?”

“AJ, thought you were helping with the party? Seemed like as good a time as any to switch the safe to my room for now,” Big Macintosh stated simply.

“Well, tarnation, Macintosh, that is all well and good. But I need you'll to bring it to the barn quick as ya can! With anything from your secret stash. There is an emergency will take everything we've got!” Her worried voice was expressing the haste of the situation. She heard Big Mac groan at her order.

“Applejack Apple! Do ya think you can tell me, your big brother, just, what the hay is going on? It's just not like you to ask for all the farm's finances even to help your friends. Is Fluttershy all right!?” Big Mac knew something was wrong if it was going to take most of their surplus funds to fix.

“Big Mac, Fluttershy is okay. One of my other friends, Rarity, has been kidnapped. We need everything to help her. I know we don't have much yet since Applebuck season isn't for another few months yet. Right now, though, every bit helps some, and I won't have anypony say, 'The Apple Family couldn't help a friend in need.' I'm going to find Apple Bloom. You just bring the safe and your stash to the barn, ya hear?”

Applejack rushed upstairs, grabbing with her teeth a cloth bag filled with bits from under her bed; she ran back downstairs, then out of the farm house, not waiting to hear her brother respond with his classic “Eeyup.” She had figured if Apple Bloom would be anywhere, she would be at the cutie mark crusaders headquarters. Just as Applejack was heading in the direction of the clubhouse, she heard an explosion. The explosion came further in the direction Applejack was heading; speeding up to find the source of the booming noise her concern for her sister's well-being intensifying.

When Applejack reached the headquarters of the cutie mark crusaders, she bucked open the door with ease to find no pony inside at all, which she found down right annoying at a time like this; the place didn't even have a scratch on it either. She had thought the sound of the explosion had come from this direction. She figured the explosion had been another attempt at getting Apple Bloom her cutie mark. “Well, looks like ya missed the tree you were bucking for this time, Applejack,” she thought to herself.

As Applejack was deciding what she needed to do, she took a glance outside to see Rainbow Dash heading back to the barn in the opposite direction of the explosion. Maybe she knew what had happened. Applejack decided Apple Bloom would have to wait at this point. However, there was the possibility she was already at the barn since Spike had invited the entire Apple Family of Ponyville on Tuesday, with his claw-written invitations. Spike would have likely invited her fellow crusaders as well; they must have been prepping elsewhere. Applejack's mind was starting to refocus on continuing back to the barn; rushing to see what Rainbow Dash had to say about the big explosion on the edge of Sweet Apple Acres and the Everfree Forest.

)I()I()I( )I()I()I( )I()I()I(

Fluttershy had left through the front barn door just as quickly as the others had. Her wing speed and power had improved significantly over the years, thanks mostly to Rainbow Dash giving her an exercise routine for her mornings. Fluttershy could do it while feeding her animals in the morning; it had a huge outcome on the results of her wing-power stats, so much so that when the last tornado duty had come to Ponyville that her final wing-power trial marked her at twenty point zero wing-power. She hadn't measured it since, but it always seemed to increase with the exercises.

On the other hand, Rainbow Dash in her final trial had a wing-power of seventy point zero. With this wing-power rating, it gave her the highest wing-power in all of the town of Ponyville. One stallion's efforts had set on trying to surpass the self-proclaimed fastest flier in Equestria. The dark blue coat of this pegasus and his light blue spiky mane contrasted quite well. His name was Star Hunter, whose last trial had given him a total of sixty-nine point zero wing power number. He sighed and shook his head at the end of the trial, to which Rainbow Dash had personally approached him saying, “Nice try, Hunter. We're gonna need every bit of wing power to break that new record of one thousand one hundred point zero wing-power set by Los Pegasus. Together we've got the most combined. Now let's go get some rest for tomorrow.”

When Dash had said this to him, she was trying not to blow her cool. Fluttershy had noticed that the cyan pegasus was still trying to be a coach around the stallion she liked. Fluttershy had been feeling the same way around a particular big red earth pony at the time. On that tornado day every pegasus pony in Ponyville was there, not a single pegasus pony sick with the feather flu or missing in action, not even Thunderlane. With help from Featherweight, Rumble, and even Scootaloo who had finally managed to get herself off the ground after finding her talent, they broke the record this time with an astounding one thousand two hundred-fifty point five wing power. A very surprising number considering the limited number of pegasi in Ponyville. Spitfire had been even more impressed than when she oversaw the process last time.

Fluttershy had hoped that Big Mac wouldn't show at the party while she was out. They had only been seen as actually “dating” for about six months, which was fine for both of them as they both liked to take things slow. Thursdays were the days Fluttershy, and her special somepony could spend together; she really couldn't thank Spike enough for taking care of her animal charges on those days. As Fluttershy reached her cottage, she noted a stone marker that she looked at a lot when she came home. It marked the resting place of a bunny who had always encouraged her to be her best, “Angel.” Of all of his children only two had decided to stay and with Fluttershy after his death the previous year. Her excellent care had extended his life quite a lot but if anypony understood the circle of life it was Fluttershy.

The two who stayed with her were Angel, Jr. and Silver Heart. Angel, Jr. who had a perfect, pure white coat just like his father in addition to a similar personality. Silver Heart had a silver sheen to her coat that was almost a perfect fusion of the parents' coats; her personality was something close to Fluttershy's with a bit of that bold bunny heart. As Fluttershy opened the door, the two rabbits bounded up to her questioningly, having expected her not to be back until much later. Fluttershy then started to explain to her charges the complicated situation, ending with this question and statement, “Can you two round up the squirrels, bunnies, sparrows, and robins? Send a red alert emergency; we need as much help as possible as quickly as you can.” The two bunnies tossed up a salute and dashed out of her house.

Thirty minutes later Fluttershy's cottage was lined to the brim with squirrels, rabbits, and a decent variety of small birds, with the return of Angel, Jr. and Silver Heart. Fluttershy who had been flapping her wings to fly in a back and forth motion in front of the crowd of creatures began by saying, “My friends, I need your help. One of my best friends, a white unicorn with three blue gems as a cutie mark, has been taken against her will. I need your help to patrol and investigate for any evil ponies in the Everfree Forest, specifically along the route to the old castle. Everypony needs a partner so that you can stay safe. I need a report before sundown at the barn in Sweet Apple Acres. Lastly, could Angel and Silver, check on Zecora. If... umm... that's ok... with you?”

Fluttershy had gotten into the habit of just calling Angel, Jr., just Angel as it made her feel like she hadn't lost Angel, Sr. yet. Angel, Jr. and Silver Heart had shaken their heads at Fluttershy's last statement but went with the rest of the animals to cast a net over the Everfree Forest. Fluttershy had just started to head back to the barn when she heard a loud explosion from the Everfree Forest. She realized she wouldn't have a lot of info for Twilight right now, but Fluttershy felt accomplished in what she had done. Perhaps Twilight or one of the others would know what the explosion had been. She noticed the sun's position as she was walking to the barn at about five PM and sped herself up by taking to the skies on her way back to the others.


Princess Luna had not planned on waking up until just ten minutes before five, which is when they expected upon arriving. She was usually furious when her sister would wake her before she had planned on it. With this situation as it was, she wasn't so upset, though. Celestia was one for rushing off without immediately thinking things through. Always fiery like the sun, she controlled every day, when her subjects were in danger. Luna, however, took it upon herself to consider the options set before her, then taking off to aid her subjects. Her first thought to help the situation would require her to gather two things from the castle. When the blue aura enveloped her, she teleported to the vault door leading to the Elements of Harmony. They had been returned to the vault at Twilight's request last year. She opened the door to the vault to get them ready for transport, in case they would be needed to aid with the situation, depositing all of them in one of three bags she had brought with her.

After gathering the Elements, Luna enveloped herself in another blue aura teleporting this time to the front of the of the Royal Treasury Vault. The unicorn guards at the front of the vault doors barred her passage for a moment saying, “Princess Luna, what brings you here today?”

“We have a very tall order for the today, subjects. We have no time for delays! Open the vault that We might bring aid to the Elements of Harmony!” She spoke at full volume to impress the seriousness of the situation. Most of the guards had known that Luna only slipped back into her old habit of using the Canterlot Royal Voice when things were dire or urgent.

The two unicorn guards used their magic to unlock the vault at their Princess of the Night's command. As Luna stepped inside the vault, she quickly began putting stacks of bits into one of the bags with her magic pulling out about ten thousand at a time. As the guards watched this they couldn't help but ask, “Forgive us, Princess, but what's going on?”

“The Element of Generosity has been kidnapped. The ransom is for two million bits; We know that's over half the royal treasury. We feel that with Twilight Sparkle and the other Elements of Harmony's aid that the loss of these bits will be unlikely,” Luna looked at both the guards with a sad look.

“We would be proud to be of service to the Elements, and to you, Princess Luna.” The guards took Luna's third bag and began filling it as she had been. While putting the last of the bits into her bag, Luna had another thought of how to aid the situation. They finished at about the same time with all three bags on the ground, filled up, and tied off.

Luna looked back at both of them saying in a softer tone, “Thank you, my subjects. I will let the Elements know of your aid. Please inform Sturdy Shield, Captain of the Guard, of this situation. Also, inform him he cannot intervene for the safety of the kidnapped Element. That is an order from the Princess's.” With that being said the guards saluted, then Luna enveloped all the bags and herself in a blue aura, and she vacated the castle.

When Luna had reappeared, she was in Cloudsdale. It was the halfway point for her; with the extra weight, it was terribly difficult to teleport. Her new thought had her consider that the Wonderbolts could aid the situation more than the royal guard. She had appeared at the Wonderbolts training center, The Cloud Colosseum. The clouds did not make adequate ground for her large load. Though the slight thickness of the clouds did reduce the strain to her magic requiring less energy. She went inside going out to the main training field saying in her loudest Canterlot Royal Voice, “We art in need of thee, Wonderbolts. Front and center for your Princess of the Night.” The voice rang out through the practice field; everypony had heard her call out to the best fliers in Equestria. There were only three ponies brave enough to answer her summons; the rest were either trying to pull themselves out of cloud banks with horse-shaped impressions on them or aiding those stuck.

The first of those answering Luna's summons was the team's captain, an all around good pony, Spitfire. The other two of this group landed behind Spitfire shortly after her touchdown. Spitfire had glided right in front of Princess Luna, bowing gently to the Princess, saying, “Princess Luna, how may the Wonderbolts be of service to you?”

“Tia has plunged head first into a new problem, and I intend to see that everything possible is being done to aid the situation. I have need of the three strongest fliers amongst you. What I will be asking of you is pure stealth and reconnaissance. A very delicate matter stands before us, and I cannot expect anything less than perfection from the best fliers in Equestria,” Luna lowered her tone with Spitfire right in front of her. Luna had figured Spitfire would explain things to the others like a good leader.

The other two ponies listened as Luna said these words to their captain. One of the two was a stallion with a very light blue coat, a very dark navy-blue, slick spike mane and tail to match, whose name was Soarin. The other who had arrived was a mare with a cyan coat, a snow-white mane, and tail called Fleetfoot. As Spitfire took in the basics of what the mission was going to be, she looked at the princess slowly saying, “What has happened, Princess Luna?”

Luna recounted to Spitfire what had happened with the Element of Generosity her tale finished by saying, “I trust you to keep this quiet as possible and to maintain the secrecy I have asked of you considering what hangs in the balance. Now I must leave for Ponyville. I want you to head to the Everfree Forest, cover the entire area, and report back to me at the barn in Sweet Apple Acres before sundown. I need a complete understanding of the situation in there, and I expect a full report.” With that, Luna engulfed herself and the bags in another light blue aura.

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Angel, Jr. a very assertive rabbit was like his father. Went with Silver Heart to fulfill Fluttershy's request. He had to keep Silver Heart safe no matter what; most of the others had only half listened to Fluttershy's instructions about staying in pairs to make sure they maintained safety. Angel, Jr. knew being the first born of his father's last litter; he had the biggest responsibility for Silver Heart who had been the last born. Trying to maintain his sister's safety was going to be his top priority tonight. Angel, Jr. was thinking about their journey into the Everfree Forest; he decided the first stop on their quest should be Zecora's hut. It was on the edge of the Everfree Forest and would be accessible from along the route to the old castle.

There were three broad sections of the Everfree Forest, the West part of the forest was closest, making the most direct path to the ruins. This area contained the path that Twilight and her friends had initially traversed on their first night together, to defeat Nightmare Moon. This part of the forest was also home to Zecora, a zebra mare herbalist, who became a welcome member of Ponyville.

Her mane was a striped Mohawk style that started and ended with a dark gray stripe the in-between were pure white strips. Her overall coat color was a light gray, with dark gray stripes over her body. Her cutie mark looked like a big spiral circle with triangles around the outer edge. She was also typically known for wearing the following; five golden bands on one arm, as well five around her neck, lastly a pair of golden earrings. Despite having decorative masks from her homeland adorning the front of the hut; if you didn't know what you were looking for you could easily pass by the place. The two bunnies made their way to the hut from Fluttershy's encountering little to no resistance, upon, reaching the front door both bunnies thumped their feet against the door.

Zecora listening to the thumping that had roused her from dreamless rest, her mind was trying to go over why she was sleeping on the floor, not her bed. The thumping of rabbit feet on the door that continued through this thought process was not helping it at all. Not leaving her much time to go over it in her head, she stood slowly, staggering herself over to the door, opening it, then looking down at the bunnies who had awoken her to say, “Angel, Jr. and Silver Heart, for what reason from Fluttershy's did you depart?”

Angel, Jr. looked back up at her noticing something was wrong with her despite managing to remain in her usual verse. Still looking at her he thumped the ground three times trying to indicate trouble. Silver Heart followed her brother's example and pounded the ground three times as well while starting to look up at Zecora.

“If trouble is what you are trying to indicate. Nod your head that I may attempt to placate.” As Zecora said this, she continued to look down at the two rabbits still uncertain of what had put her on the floor in her home. Nothing she could think of from the night before, yet, she seemed to have a hard time remembering earlier in the day. It was like the memories were just gone, or clouded in thick smoke.

The two bunnies nodded looking back up at her awaiting her next response eagerly. Bunnies were not renown for their patience, and it was wearing a bit thin with the zebra. Zecora saw the bunnies anticipation growing, the dire looks in their eyes hoping that she would say something. When she finally stated, “Something must have gone wrong in the Everfree Forest. I am not the source of trouble, but let me put your worries to rest. I was quite down, out, and on the floor. Only to awaken when I heard your thumping at my door. My memories of today are thick with smoke. This problem can not be some pony just playing a joke. I have a brew to make my memories clear. Making it now will take much time I fear. If you have more to do, you should get back on track. If you are around at sundown, I should have my memory back.”

With that the two bunnies bounded out of the hut, moving forward again together at a slow, steady stealthy pace. Their way along the path was slow going impeded at times by the large wild roots of the trees. With the both of them stopping and listening for larger animals before continuing their slow progress. Every step of the way was fraught with dangers no sane pony would have to contend with, smaller creatures on the other paw, had to beware of their surroundings all the time. The long ears of both Angel, Jr. and Silver Heart made their trek slightly quicker. Only having to stop and listen for trouble for short segments at a time; as two rabbits had done many treks throughout the forest together, which improved their pace as a result. Bounding along the path towards the castle they made sure that they were safe before moving again.

The rabbits hadn't seen anything. However, the two found it so strange that the forest was so quiet usually it was bustling with life. The average noise chatter of the beasts in the forest vanished like something had driven them away from this section of the Everfree Forest; even the insects seemed quieter the closer they got to the castle. It was very awkward there was a thick feeling of strange magic emanating over the entire area of the dense forest. The natural magic of life seemed to be pulled thin stretched to its limits with each step closer to the castle. Their small bodies were moving along this path going from one tree to the next one in quick succession. Bounding along the trail a tree at a time they started to get more worried about the way the forest felt, but they had to accomplish what they had set out to do for Fluttershy. They hadn't seen any ponies along the path, though, they were not checking along the treeline, though.

Bouncing up to the edge of the cliff face in-between them and the castle, they noticed two bridges would allow them to cross. The first was a rope bridge that hung over the gap precariously, yet appearing to be sturdy enough. The other was covering the entire distance between the cliffs a sturdy looking stone bridge, one that they couldn't remember from any previous excursion into the forest. They decided despite looking more dangerous, the rope bridge was the less important structure, with that Angel, Jr. and Silver Heart bounded one plank at a time across the rope bridge reaching the other side quickly. The duo dashed up to a tree on the other part of the path, surveying the trail to the next tree Angel, Jr. stomped one of his back legs three times at Silver Heart, then quickly patted the tree they were at twice with a front paw. Telling her he wanted her to stay here, she merely responded with a nod to his actions, waiting to see what her brother would do next.


The knock at the door revealed the cutie mark crusaders each arriving in what looked like the formal wear Rarity had made for them last year. Apple Bloom's ensemble began with something that made it look like her red mane was falling off both her shoulders to stop at a ribbon-shaped cuff at her hooves. The chest was an orange fabric accentuation piece that held her muscular growing yellow earth pony torso coming down to her flank in a slimming effect. The dress was in the red that matched her tail color flowing right off the edge of her back thigh, turning her tail into a flowing waterfall of a dress that covered her blank flank nicely with only a small trail on her backside. As most of Rarities creations had gemstones for Apple Bloom's ensemble it was rubies; which had been stitched into all the right places on her shoulders and dress to add some extra flare to the dress. Apple Bloom couldn't understand why she was the only one left in her class without her cutie mark; it felt like she'd never find what made her special. Her friends wouldn't let her give up they were there to support her until they figured out together, just what made Apple Bloom so unique that it was so hard for her to find in Ponyville.

Sweetie Belle's outfit was something that reflected that cutie mark she had earned. The round silver collar had a tear-shaped neckline, the chest of the dress was done with a shimmering silver silk, that Rarity had ordered special from Trottingham, so much so that she decided to do the dress portion in the same material. As Sweetie Belle would walk the silver dress would appear like a bell, the dress design was made with a perfect cut to view her cutie mark, while covering her flank quite well. Around her waist a belt that matched the color of the lace on her cutie mark, with a single silver diamond as the clasp for the waist strap. The final touch on this ensemble was a pair of black heels in the front just below the bottom of the silvery sleeves ending in a simple tear drop cuff.

Scootaloo's set up was something that was a standard purple torso that only having small strips of fabric for her shoulders, Rarity had taken some input from her on this dress so that she could wear it while on her scooter. The wing slots on the back of the torso were form fitting and unobstructed. The dress was much more of a skirt that hugged her backside, with a flick of her hips she could show off her cutie mark.

A scooter with a pair of wings, Scootaloo had gotten it after upgrading her scooter; working hard on making her brand of tricks with it. She really could do almost anything with it making it look easy; even using it to allow her to take off into the wild blue yonder for the first time. Despite having their cutie marks Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo still felt bad Apple Bloom hadn't discovered what she was best at yet. They had worked on all sorts of things they had wanted to, things they hadn't wanted to, and everything in-between trying to find that special something that made Apple Bloom unique. The group of friends had not yet found it; they promised to stay with Apple Bloom one way or another until she got hers.

They were confused to see the mixed faces of happiness and sadness and were more surprised there was almost nopony there yet. When Sweetie Bell said, “Spike, what's going on? Where is everypony? Rarity should have been here by now.”

Spike looked back at her with sadness in his eyes he could barely say anything, the only ponies left in the barn were Twilight, Vinyl, and Octavia. He said through shaky words, “R... Rar... Rarity's been k... kid... kidnapped...” He handed Sweetie Bell the piece of parchment that was the ransom note, as Twilight just rubbed her little brother's shoulder.

Sweetie Bell took the note with her magic reading it with her eyes, slowly showing it to the other crusaders. When they finished reading it, all three of them went to Spike giving him a big group hug. He smiled and embraced them back as best he could. He took the piece of parchment back gently from Sweetie Bell, giving her a personal hug feeling her tears streaming down her cheeks. As he held her, he moved a claw to wipe the tears from her eyes saying, “Thanks, it's tough waiting for a response from the Princess, with Twilight working out what I'm going to do the waiting is the hard part. I'm going to save her, Sweetie Bell, I Pinkie Promise.”

“O' course ya are Spike. Ah knight always rescue's his princess,” said Apple Bloom. She winked at him, as she went to get something to drink at the snack table.

Spike just looked back at Sweetie Belle and rubbed her shoulder saying, “Don't worry I can save her. I need you to stay strong for me, Sweetie Belle. Do you think you can entertain the ponies here for the party while I'm gone? It would mean a lot to me since I won't be doing my number tonight. I plan on having her back safe before sunrise though I can't do it without knowing everypony here is having a good time.”

“Only for you Spike,” she said with a heavy sigh. Going over to the other two music ponies to discuss a set, so that she didn't have to think about her sister's plight yet. Scootaloo just went over to a snack table with Apple Bloom not sure what to do. She just felt so conflicted almost exactly like Spike was feeling. Spike had sighed gently letting the Crusaders go about their business.

After Twilight had given Spike the note and had him write the letter to Celestia he had stopped crying. He had done nothing, but re-read the copy of the ransom letter after getting it back from Sweetie Belle. Each read increased his resolve to do whatever his friends came up with to help him get her back safely. He knew there would be time for him to charge in saving her. He also knew that his friends would have to help him to accomplish it or he would fail. Spike was absorbed in his thoughts, as yellow light blinked through the barn, suddenly Princess Celestia was there. She stood there for a moment then said, “Twilight Sparkle, is everything you have told me the truth?”

Twilight had been surprised as Spike when Celestia just came in. After taking in her question, Twilight was about to answer the ruler of Equestria. When Spike who had been holding the note let out a deafening almost roar, “Is it the truth!? Rarity is gone, I'm the only one who can save her! Do you think we would make this up!?” After those words Spike held up the ransom letter, he had been practically burning holes through with his eyes over the last few minutes. “The only clue we have to her disappearance is this sheet of torn parchment! This birthday is the worst birthday I've had since I nearly destroyed Ponyville! And... you have the nerve to ask if we are making it up!?”

A fire was burning in Spikes eyes as he continued to verbally assault the pony who for a section of his youth he had determined to be his Mother. “Oh yeah, we also have that worthless dagger over there is that enough proof for you!” As he finished saying this he pointed his claw at the knife; then there was explosion heard from the direction of the Everfree Forest. “And... now... we... don't... even... know... if... if... Rainbow Dash is alright!” He said, shaking his head holding back tears, turning away from Celestia. To sit in an empty corner of the barn for a few moments shaking his head holding it in his claws.

Sweetie Belle had come up to the princess after Spike had finished this last statement saying, “Princess, Spike is very upset with the events so far today. As am I, but don't you think you owe your student, her assistant, and I something more than just barging in and asking us if we got the facts correct?” She sighed and moved over to Spike to rub his shoulders gently to try to ease and calm her friend.

Celestia had been backing up noticing the worried burning passion in her “son's” eyes. She had been about to try to break his assault when the explosion had sounded. She sighed gently knowing she would have to have a long talk with him before he went off to save the mare of his dreams. Turning to her student, she said, “Twilight, I'm very sorry, but I merely wanted a full report of the events.”

“Of Course, Princess Celestia, please understand it's only been about half an hour since we found out. Every moment Spikes not out there looking for her he feels like he's letting her down,” after saying this Twilight recounted everything she could think of to her teacher, mentor, and Princess. From waking up this morning to Spikes breakfast to the moment when the sound of shattering glass had broken her faithful assistant's heart. Just as Twilight had finished explaining the last of what had happened, there was a rush of air from outside it was Rainbow Dash; she was coming back in the window she had left through.

Then Rainbow Dash barely even out of breath, but still panting a bit said, “Twi... Twilight... an earth pony stallion with a grass green coat, blonde mane, and tail, and a pair of crossed daggers for his cutie mark threw the knife. I... I... I only know all that because, if... if you heard the explosion just now. His head was at the center of that explosion near as I could tell. I... I... examined the body a little bit to get that info. Then I... I... dashed back here after that to tell you, that... that pony looks to be a... a... dead... end.” She thought about this statement for a moment, but even with her pun, it added no levity to the situation in the room. She looked around the barn for a moment she said, “ What the hay is going on, Twilight?”

Twilight took a few moments to explain the situation to Rainbow who understood quickly but instead of rushing to comfort Spike like Sweetie Belle had. She dashed in front of the Princess saying,“I'm sorry, Princess, but do you know a grass green earth stallion, with a blonde tail and mane, and a pair of daggers as their cutie mark, off the top of your head?”

Twilight had been a bit shocked that Rainbow Dash would even have suggested that the Princess might even know this strange earth pony who had left the message. Princess Celestia still responded quite quickly to the question by saying, “Actually, Rainbow Dash, an earth pony was matching your description was indeed in Canterlot last month. Advertising his knife throwing circus show. Luna and I went with Shining Armor, Cadence, and my nephew, Prince Blueblood. He was calling himself, The Great Broken Feather Darrah; he was quite good at his talent. I don't think I've seen a show quite like it. Did something happen to him, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash answered quickly, “If you're sure, Princess. I'm quite sure he were no longer among the living and was the stallion who threw the dagger into the wall. If that's the case, he outlived his usefulness to his employer after delivering the message. I'm glad I hadn't been following any closer, or I might be injured...”

Sweetie Belle had seen Rainbow Dash come back in through the window, she then nudged Spike saying, “Dash is back, Spike.”

Turning his head quickly looking back at Rainbow Dash happily, he darted over to her, tackle-hugging her out of the conversation she was in presently. As he held her tightly in his arms, he said, “Please don't worry me like again, Dash. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you too right now.”

“Hey, Hey, buddy, relax. I can watch out for myself just as much as you can. Now if you'll let me breathe a bit more, I'll let you know what I just told Twilight,” She chuckled as the dragon slowly let go of her. She proceeded to recount her tale this time for everypony to hear adding in enough to make it twenty percent cooler. Everypony there was just as shocked that anypony would go to these lengths to keep somepony from talking about their operations.

Spike turned to Celestia to speak to her directly again, after Rainbow told every pony what had transpired while she was out of the room, “I care about my friends, 'Mom.' It's not just that they're Twilight's friends. They're my friends too; sure they didn't notice me too much until last year. However, they were my friends too regardless. I've always done anything I can to help them, I can't let them get hurt, when I'm the one who has to do the difficult part. Like Apple Bloom said I've got to save Rarity she's my princess, and I'm her knight in shining armor.”

“I didn't come by to stop you from going, Spike, or to tell you that you were lying to me. I just want you to know I'm here for you too. I'm sure your friends are going to do everything in their power to make sure you're not going in there alone,” She looked down at him with a tender gaze. She knew another growth spurt, and he'd be much taller than she was so she'd have to enjoy looking down at her “son” for now. “She means a lot to you doesn't she, Spike?”

Spike just looked back up at her nodding gently his eyes filled with that burning passion that said, “I'm going to rescue her no matter the cost.” His head and heart in the same place right now with Rarity. Thinking about where Rarity was, and wishing he could be there to protect her. Even if he only managed to get the first number if they kept to that promise he'd at least see her for a moment before they tried to defile her. Then they would need something far stronger than just general magic to keep him from breaking free and crunch the bones of any pony who dared approach her before they did anything. Before he could linger on that image much longer, it was a little past five pm, and the barn doors had swung open. Three ponies came in through the barn door shortly after this.

One was an exhausted Applejack with a sac full of bits on her back, whom after running around the entire orchard looking for Apple Bloom, was a bit miffed to find her here. The next pony coming in was her big brother who was carrying the farm's personal safe. The large red earth pony slowly moved to set down the safe, then started to take off his signature harness with some help from the last pony that came in with the others. Fluttershy, undid the clasp on Big Mac's harness for him, allowing him to get some much-needed relief; this lets him pull his personal stash out from inside it. The large red earth pony put his stash on top of the safe. After helping Mac with his harness, Fluttershy moved over to Twilight not wanting to report her not very much news to Celestia saying, “Um... ex... excuse me, Twilight. But, I sent some of my friends out to survey the forest like you said. They won't be back till sundown, though, I'll relay the information they've gathered to you then. If... um... that's ok?”

“That fine Fluttershy. Applejack, Big Mac thank you for offering this generous amount of bits to help...” Just as Twilight was about to continue thanking her friends, who had returned, there was a flash of blue energy that came from out of nowhere. Suddenly almost standing by her sister with three large bags suspended by magic was Princess Luna who said, “Art We late, Tia? Is there still time to get the full ransom ready? We think there is just enough in these to satisfy the payment.” When she said this, she raised the first two gigantic bags.

“I also brought the Elements of Harmony for their respective owners.” With that, she used her magic to open the last bag passing out the proper elements to Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. She then continued to say, “Not that we can directly intervene without risking our friend's health. I think they might just come in handy...”



Author's Note:

First off I would like to point out that the only reason Luna switched to using I instead of the royal “we” in any conversation is that Luna was trying to express a personal interest in the issue at hand. Speaking of communication mishaps, if there was any particular rule other than just ensuring Zecora's statements rhyme, please tell me. If you inform me, and I'll see what can do about changing around her sentences to fit that standard. This chapter is very much tied together with the next one. Now at the start of the story, I said semi foreground about Star Hunter because he was specifically in a flashback. If he had enjoyed his section or were in the chapter directly, I would've said foreground. Now did I forget anything hmm... Oh yes, another chapter lacking almost any amount of everyone's favorite pink party pony. I'm sure she'll pop up all over the next chapter then. I'm sure you all know how she can be.The grammar update is now officially complete for this chapter. Alright then comment time every pony.