• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 446 Views, 11 Comments

Wallflower Blush's Precious Little Strife. - Smooch

Wallflower Blush is a nonexistent character in her own story, she needs to find some trouble to stay relevant.

  • ...

Just Another Day

Sunset chewed on the eraser of her pencil in a slow dazed manner. Those teal-colored eyes absolute miles away from the monotony of the classroom at this moment.

Wallflower Blush watched the golden-skinned beauty in a flustered state from the outer edge of the room.

Thoughts never once on the history book laid out before her, rather if Sunset enjoyed to nibble the lower lip upon making out. The soft circular motions graced on the pencil one that drove Wallflower to pure envy.

"What medicine was accidentally created in 1928 from a contaminated culture plate, Ms. Blush?" Cheerilee snapped the shy young woman from her inner desires, with an enigmatic question.

"Pencil." Wallflower heard the word escape her lips in a warm wave of embarrassment.

The class erupted in a shockwave of giggles, Sunset even flashing a sly smirk towards the green-skinned girl. Those pouting lips curled into a lovely cheshire grin, equal parts sassy and elegant.

"Wasn't it Penicillin?" Sunset quipped aloud with a flaunt of her hand.

"Indeed it was Ms. Shimmer! " Cheerilee chirped in excitement as she began to explore more on the subject.

Wallflower quickly covered her face from sight, the sweater-clad girl once again a laughing stock of the whole classroom. Her little slice of nothing was hidden from all except prying teachers, but at least the view was special.

Sunset soon finished her statement on Sir Alexander Fleming, those haunting eyes giving a quick flash to the edge of the classroom. Wallflower could feel an explosion of butterflies erupt into her belly, what did she look over to see?

It couldn't be herself.

Could it?

Without hesitation, she flung her history book upward, the green one quick to build her fortress of knowledge around herself as an escape tactic. Sure the book happened to be upside down at the current moment but to save herself embarrassment she'd just learn to read it off-kilter.

The claustrophobic classroom stuffed with inspirational posters and apathetic teenagers soon emptied to only a few stragglers. The loud chime of the school bell a strict mistress, ushering the flood of youth through the hallways at top speed.

Wallflower found herself pushed to the wall waiting for the tide to lower, was a far easier solution than being swept away amongst the crashing hormonal waves of people. Melted chocolate eyes could see through the crowd with ease, Sunset meeting up with her friends for a quick word.

The possibility of having a group actually care or even dare she think worry about somebody was such an odd thought and sight to behold.

Did they wait on hand and foot, for news to find them well?

Or was it more of a passive thing?

Wallflower could feel her brain tingle with the questions of the unknown.

She should remember to ask her friends later, like when they exist.

Though watching her golden-skinned crush from afar was a delight. She couldn't simply stalk from the shadows all day, the crashing wave of flesh had subsided and in the time it took to break her daze, she was once more alone.

Books clutched close to her chest, she stepped forward calmly.

The echo of her footsteps haunted the hallways in a lonely melody. She could take her time to the next class, she wouldn't be missed.

A sad truth of forgotten youth.

Most of the day passed with little incident which was a rarity. Usually by lunch Wallflower had proven herself helpless by some pathetic standard of measure. Be it not getting a partner in science or having to sing a solo in chorus, the world had a way of embarrassing her.

Wallflower held her vibrant blue tray high as if half expecting to trip in front of everybody. Awkwardly swaying her hips, she was able to safely take her seat at a lonely table on the far corner of the cafeteria.

Her dingy red table of solitude and isolation. Except for Moonlight Raven who had been sitting at this table from day one, her elegant look of indifference was a statement of her individuality.

With a limp wrist, her fork prodded the lush green salad upon her plate. Ink black hair swept back with refined class, wearing a sleeveless violet top and ripped jeans combo.

It said, "I don't care how I look, but totally do."

Wallflower plopped down next to her ever silent cafeteria buddy, a long-drawn-out noise of flatulence echoed into the air and possibly a few tables away.

"It was the chair." Wallflower blushed in absolute honesty.

Moonlight simply narrowed her honey-colored eyes.

"Ahem." Wallflower nervously cleared her throat.

The pale girl let her brow quirk in slight annoyance. "What?"

"Are we considered friends? " Wallflower shrugged lanky shoulders confused.

"No, we sit together for separate reasons neither of us can fix. " Moonlight lifted her styrofoam cup of tea to her lips.

"Oh?" Wallflower hummed.

"You're an outcast who doesn't exist and I have to walk here from the Band Room." Moonlight exhaled in a drawn-out sigh.

"Every table is always full on my arrival. " She sounded truly deprived of decent sitting arrangements.

"Wow, straight for the jugular there." Wallflower fumbled to try and open her pudding cup.

An action easier said than done, the silver lid abnormally suctioned to her cup.

"I don't like to mince words." Moonlight ate a cherry tomato from her fork casually.

"I'm mad, but can't help but respect you." Wallflower pursed her lips in emotional uncertainty.

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

"We might not be friends, but it's nice to still talk to someone. " Wallflower giggled half-heartedly in tone.

"But you're talking to yourself?" Moonlight returned a confused glance.

"What? No, we're…" Wallflower couldn't help but scrunch her nose, the pale girl instantly rising to her feet and as she walked away with a tray in hand.

"Ah, I see what she did there." Wallflower lifted her juice box to her lips.

Taking the longest sip of her life.