• Published 6th Apr 2021
  • 9,982 Views, 1,412 Comments

The Stereotypical Necromancer - JinxTJL

Ever since he was a foal, Light Flow had always known he was destined to be a villain.

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Chapter 1 - The Walk Home

Author's Note:

Hey first time readers!

I've completely scrapped the old AN in favor of this new one, where I urge you to give the story a chance.

These first couple chapters are, at best, subpar. Actually, they're pretty terrible. I don't think I could read them, and I wrote them.

Basically, I'm just here to ask that you not judge the book by the cover here. The chapters after chapter twelve-ish are much better, so don't give up here if it hurts to read.

I promise, I'll try to make it worth your while.

[12/8/23 - Edited for grammar & scant readability. Give the story a chance! It gets better!]

Celestial Year 991 AB


It's a beautiful place, one we all know well. A marvelous, wonderful place, where all of a pony's dreams can come true. From the light-dappled capital Canterlot to the high spires of the bustling metropolis Manehatten, there's a place for everypony.

Filled with wonders and whimsy. Sights and sounds. Music and mayhem. Ponies and palaces.

Creatures... and chapters of my newest book! Hello there, ponies of all ages! I'm the world-famous author, Page Puncher, and I'm here to talk to you about-

Light Flow sighed as he pressed his ears back, tuning out the inane babbling coming from the nearby radio. He had hoped to catch something about the weather report for tomorrow, but there seemed to be a pivotal lack of dice today.

Rainstorms make for excellent brooding!

He turned away and pushed through the crowded front of the local bakery to continue his trot down the street towards his home. His mother always worried when he came home late, and though it didn't fit at all with his thoroughly established personality, he didn't really want her to freak out at him.

He hated when she freaked out. It made him feel the total opposite of dark and brooding.

He wasn't a foal!

Making his way through the twilit-cast streets of Ponyville, he kept a cautious eye on each and every one of the ponies he passed—watching what they were doing, hearing what they were saying, and—this was important—plotting out where they were going.

It was a bad habit of his, really it was—though one he'd been trying very hard to fabricate for himself. It was a popular opinion in his books that cool ponies were wary and cautious, and that meant keeping a close eye on the ponies around him.

He was cool and watchful! Yes he was!

Unfortunately, as he did his very best to fit into his own definition of cool, he walked directly into a pony who was quite obviously standing in front of him. If he had been any good at looking at the ponies around him, he definitely would have noticed the obstacle—though he'd never admit it to anypony.

The collision thoroughly shocked him out of his pony watching, and so he turned a furious gaze upon the fool that dared to stand in his way!

Oh. It was his neighbor, a wrinkly old hag of an earth pony mare. He didn't actually know her name, but she was really nice, and she gave him fresh fruit from her cart sometimes.

Not that he appreciated it or anything. Or ever asked.

Nice ponies are the antithesis of those who lurk in the dark!

He frowned at her, swishing his two-tone red and brown mane out of his eyes most venomously. He had grown his mane out specifically so that he could do that. Mysterious ponies always have long manes that they have to constantly flip out of their eyes.

Of course, he was only nine, and his mane was barely long enough to even dip down into his vision—but it was the principle of the thing! The principle!

Behind his smoldering glare, he was thinking about how much longer it would take for his mane to reach the industry-certified cool length. He wasn't really sure how long that actually was, but he was sure that he would know it when it happened.

The annoying old mare was still there, though—he had to make her go away. He shook his head slightly to shoo the stray thoughts away, and turned his short attention towards the pony in front of him.

The nice pony who he hated smiled down at him sweetly, completely and utterly unaware of the plot he was hatching at that very second to dispose of the hated do-gooder! First, he would club her over the head! Then he would get rid of the witnesses. Then he would-

"Well, hello there, Light Flow! How are you today? Are you getting along with the other foals at school? You're not getting into fights are you? Are you getting enough to eat? How is your mother? Is she well? You know, I saw her the other day at-"

The nice pony whom he despised cleverly targeted his only weakness: boring things! His eyes quickly glazed over, and he began to lose focus on his forming plan to dispose of the body.

No! He cannot be defeated!

He had to think of a way to escape the nonsense filling his head! He was in serious danger, here! After all, how could he plot his schemes if all he could think about was his mother's encounters with boring old ladies!? It was all he could do to just try to catch his fleeing thoughts before they escaped his head and let those around him know of his dastardly schemes.

Metaphorically making a leap, he finally managed to wrangle one! Yes—he had a plan, now all he had to do was implement it...

"Um, that sounds great, ma'am, but I gotta get home—so bye!" He mumbled out, and quickly left the NOT-victorious old mare behind.

The plan was a total success! He heard her call out about whether his mother was free tomorrow, but he shut his ears from the sickly-sweet words of the kind fruit vendor. Resolving to steel his will against her endless tirades of nothingness the next time he encountered her, he continued his trot down the street to his home.

Turning onto his street, the setting sun framed the far-off royal city of Canterlot on its high-and-mighty mountain, reminding him of his iron resolve to one day rule from there with a mighty, bloody hoof! He stood around for a moment, admiring the cool shades of encroaching nighttime and reveling in the darkness, before promptly hurrying on his way.

Of course night is his favorite time of day! It's not scary at all!

He stalked through the darkness, letting it envelop him like a cloak—letting out a fearsome battlecry when something in the gloom twitched. He whirled around to the source, ready for frantic battle, but found nothing except the quiet, docile shadows. He laughed in a fearsome manner, turning and continuing at a confidently average pace towards his home.

Even the most fearsome monsters fear something—and that something was Light Flow!

As his house came into view, he hefted an internal sigh, and let his well-practiced stormy visage fade away. He trotted across his slightly-overgrown lawn with his brows furrowed and his ears folded, and as he came to his doorstep, he cast a glance down at his brown hooves with their maternally sheared fetlocks and let a real frown form on his face.

Practicing to be a villain is really hard...

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