• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


No way of knowing, where we'll be going, our adventures never end.


Ever since Cozy Glow caused trouble in Equestria, Sunset Shimmer's been keeping an eye on her human counterpart, just in case. She never expected that she'd hold the girl's life in her hands.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 50 )

Is there a reason you disabled ratings I was gonna give it an upvote

" While she’d never met her own double, a fact that troubled her periodically,"

The finale we never got WAS going to involve Sunset meeting her human counterpart at last... and everything implied it wasn't gonna be pretty.


I never heard about this! What are the details?


The creators of EG didn't know they were given the kabash until production was underway for this season. So there was no warning for them to get this finale made.

I agree insanely much, once you redeem Discord, you've got no excuse to not try to redeem other baddies... but there's a difference between redeem, and giving them retroactive excuses that pin the blame on someone else! (Diamond Tiara is the ONLY ONE that tricked worked on because SHE'S A CHILD! Her parents are like gods to her!)

So far, all that's described of this Cozy Glow was cultivating her personality to be the ideal cute kid that parents would adopt. And her being insanely intelligent and not being a good winner. I don't get what her 'evil' actions are.


Have you gotten to the part where she was trying to take over the world by marketing plush ponies with subliminal messages in them?

Okay. So Cozy manipulated someone else to hurt Rose Dust (the name of the queen of the Fluttersponies in Ponyland.), so she might look as nice? You think Cozy would realize that would just give Rose Dust sympathy points!

Where did Cozy Glow get a custom plush toy with custom phrases?

Given there are video games of Tirek, I imagine he existed in Earth's past as a warlord.

As for Chrysalis, in one story I wrote, I had her be vice president to president Sombra of the Crystal Soft gaming company, the company that makes World of Horsecraft. (Sombra himself having emotional support from his wife Radiant Hope.)

I always found it insane that every single changeling in existence except Chrysalis changed loyalties on the spot.

I can't take it seriously. Not after watching Reboot. Where after freeing countless Viral Binomes from Megabyte's control, there turned out to be some who LIKED being able to bully whoever they pleased and being feared. Chrysalis would have lost power a lot sooner than it was depicted if every single changeling in existence was just one full belly away from turning on her.

What I hate is that there was no scene of the CMC even TRYING to save Cozy Glow from herself, considering they were the whole reason she got into the school of friendship to begin with!

While sob stories are a dime a dozen these days, the fact remains that awful parents breed awful ponies, Diamond Tiara needed outside help to break the cycle.

Hypno plush toy... that's actually quite clever.


'Pin the blame on the others' always irked me too. Even with Diamond Tiara (especially with Diamond Tiara, because it was the most blatant example of doing so). Of course, she was a bully/antagonist and not an outright villain. Honestly, I think the show worked better that way. I didn't even consider Iron Will an antagonist (at least not until they brought him back for a second episode that would've worked better as a Flim & Flam episode). They didn't need to force villains into a series that was best at slice-of-life.

The action episodes always seemed forced to me. They never really fit in with the theme of the series, but I guess they were necessary to keep the audience's attention. I could live without them. Of all the two-parters, I'd say Starlight Glimmer's were the best. In nine seasons, they got the formula right only once - let the villain from the season opener escape and then bring her back (and reform her) in the season finale. The only thing missing was an episode in the middle of the season focused on her, something to really develop her motivations, backstory, and character. Even if it was just something along the lines of Twilight Sparkle investigating her and trying to piece things together and find her (they sort of conveniently forgot about her; it would've been nice to see that there was an effort to catch this criminal).

Just finished the story.
And I wonder if her reign would have at least been a just one with everyone brainwashed to love her. Everyone united in their hypnotized love.

I liked Power Ponies. And all the Daring Do adventures except the last one.

And Return of Harmony was what triggered the pony pov series to begin with.


Where did Cozy Glow get a custom plush toy with custom phrases?

She sewed it herself, and made the voicebox herself. It's mentioned in the story that it was rather simplistic, and Sunset had no problems modifying it.

I always found it insane that every single changeling in existence except Chrysalis changed loyalties on the spot.

Well, two (Chrysalis and Pharynx). But we don't know if Chrysalis was the only changeling queen. Her whole hive converted, but what about other hives? Was theirs the only one, or are there others out there that haven't changed?

What I hate is that there was no scene of the CMC even TRYING to save Cozy Glow from herself, considering they were the whole reason she got into the school of friendship to begin with!

While sob stories are a dime a dozen these days, the fact remains that awful parents breed awful ponies, Diamond Tiara needed outside help to break the cycle.

I agree on all of the above. I still don't like that they played 'pin the blame on the parents' with Diamond Tiara, but it's not without precedent in fiction and reality both. They never even tried to redeem Cozy Glow. The fact that she 'couldn't learn friendship at Twilight's school' was enough to write her off as irredeemable. :facehoof: Maybe Twilight wasn't the right pony for the job, but Starlight or Sunset might have gotten through to her. But Twilight's the Princess of Friendship, so she must know absolutely everything there is to know about it, so that can't possibly be the case.

Hypno plush toy... that's actually quite clever.

Thanks! It seemed like a very Cozy world domination attempt.

She neglected to tell Cozy that her counterpart had been planning on manufacturing them in bulk in an attempt to brainwash people. What Cozy held in her hands was the prototype.

Cozy pulled the string yet again. “Don’t worry about a thing, Cozy will take good care of you!”

“I wonder how many different things it says.”

“Nine. I listened to them all earlier.” It had originally been more than that, but most of the lines had been removed due to subliminal messages.

Reminded of "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" Episode: Happy Huggy Stuffy Bears

I am curious how Human Cozy Glow is taking Equestria. Especially since everyone there hates her Pony Counterpart.


Good question. I don't picture Cozy Glow as an 'off with their heads' despot. I picture her more of the 'wait on me hand and foot' kind of pampered princess empress. The kind who raises taxes frequently to continue living an extravagant lifestyle, and the kind who eventually gets overthrown by an unhappy population (possibly losing her own head in the process).


If we look at single episodes with an action theme, I won't argue that, and I'll add Dragonshy, Dragon Quest, and Wonderbolt Academy to the list. The Power Ponies were comic characters with an over-the-top comic villain. This is acceptable, especially since it wasn't taking place in real life. Likewise, the Daring Do episodes were based on fiction... only to find out the fiction is nonfiction. The other three I mentioned had antagonists, not villains, and they all worked way better as a result.

Reminds me of a fanfic where human and pony Trixie traded places due to the Alicorn Amulet looking for another go of corrupting Trixie. And human realizes much to her dismay how much of a pariah pony Trixie IS! (And she also apologized to Celestia, thinking she was one of the pony princess dolls her parents made her give away.)

I once wrote the idea of her committing suicide a mere 200 years into her 1000 year reign, as she realized how EMPTY her life actually was.


Reminded of "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" Episode: Happy Huggy Stuffy Bears

Believe it or not, I've never seen that series. FIM is the only TV show I've watched made after the very early 2000s. I tend toward shows/movies made in the '80s, but I'll check that out. Sounds like they might be parodying Care Bears.

I am curious how Human Cozy Glow is taking Equestria. Especially since everyone there hates her Pony Counterpart.

I hadn't really thought about that since the story ends before she wakes up. I'll think about it, and if I come up with an idea, I'll write it as a sequel (I never need an excuse to write more Cozy Glow :raritywink: ). I'm not going to make any promises though, since at the moment I have no idea on where to go with it.

For the record, I never saw Starlight as a 'utterly evil' villain as the narrative kept hitting us over the head with.
She was something far more terrifying. She was convinced she was the hero saving Equestria from a arbitrary caste system.


The best villains are often the ones who are heroes in their own mind. At the very least, they have a backstory and might be interesting. Not just a punchcard villain doing things for the evils.

It CAN work. If you make clear the villain doing things "for the evils" is the POINT of the villain. Some stories don't have ROOM to give the villain a complex motivation. But even the Electric Company Spider-Man shorts just as often as not gave a REASON the villains were jerks.

It's the little things like missing the daffodil sandwiches that really make a story. Nice :)

Great story! Very unique take on reforming Cozy. I'm very curious as to how human Cozy took this whole thing and if the Equestrians will be informed of the Cozy swap thing.

Sunset hadn’t been there, and she had no point of reference for Cozy Glow, but she did know Twilight pretty well, and figured that once things had settled down, the princess would reevaluate that.

If Discord's last words to them was any indication, that may not be the case, sadly.

“How many of us were, at first, really? Maybe she doesn’t give a rat’s tail about her fellow ponies. But her human self needs her help. If she has any compassion in her, at all, she’ll help. If she can’t find it in her heart to help ‘herself’, then perhaps she really is a lost cause. But if she decides to help her counterpart, then she proves that there’s something in her worth saving. As for the other two… there has to be something they care about other than power. Find it. Use it. Save them from themselves. I don’t know either of them. I never found their human counterparts, if they even exist on Earth at all. I’ll help you any way I can, because this? This can’t stand – it goes against everything you ever taught me, Twilight.”

I love that speech.

“She doesn’t have much choice in the matter, I’m afraid. She also has schemes.”

Doesn't that technically count as kidnapping?

“Kill me now.”

From one fate worse then death to another...

It's AlwaysDressesInStyle's tendency to disable ratings.


I am curious how Human Cozy Glow is taking Equestria. Especially since everyone there hates her Pony Counterpart.

Likewise, although my biggest question is whether anyone will actually hate her or not.

Pretty much all the former antagonists were integrated into pony society fairly quickly, and with the exception of Canterlot (and some potential others) most Equestrian cities seem to avoid holding grudges.


If you have the time, the Last Airbender-verse is very much a modern classic, that like Batman The Animated Series in the 90s, is a masterpiece of animation for all ages.

And the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a worthy blend of dark, serious elements from the original comics and just enough camp and humor like the '80s cartoon.

And as much as I hate Disney for a wide variety of reasons, the Ducktales reboot is brilliant and full of nods to many different aspects of Disney and Carl Barks history. The Disney bastards cancelling it so soon is another reason to despise them.

And that's just western TV. There's plenty of timeless classics in Anime since the turn of the century.


I'm definitely a fan of Batman, The Animated Series. The new Duck Tales does look interesting, and I say that as someone who wasn't a big fan of the original series (I preferred Darkwing Duck). I hadn't heard it was canceled already, so that's a bummer. :pinkiesad2:

As for anime, I recently challenged a friend who's big into anime to give me some selections to watch. He suggested Gunsmith Cats (I've already completed this one), Mecha-Doc (working on this one now*), and Spice and Wolf. Previously, the only animes I'd seen were Speed Racer, Samurai Pizza Cats, Kiki's Delivery Service, and Lupin III. If you've got any suggestions, I can see if he's got them, and if so, if he'll let me borrow them once I've returned these to him.

*The opening credits starts with a digital dash lighting up. Is it sad that I immediately recognized it as a Celica XX (aka Celica Supra here in the USA) from the the tachometer design? Confirmed seconds later as the exterior of the car is shown. I have high hopes for this one!


Spice and Wolf? Really?
If you're expecting fantasy adventures (The Slayers has always been my favorite in that genre) with a cute wolf girl, and not a course on preindustrial macroeconomics, you might be in for a surprise. And the anime ends rather abruptly, so you might have to look up the light novel to learn the rest of it.

Kemono Friends is a recent smash hit that has been compared to MLP for it's surprise runaway success with an older fandom, despite the somewhat minimalist (that's the polite term) CGI animation and barebones budget, and the controversy of it's original creator leaving production abruptly for the second season.

If your interest in vehicles extends to military tech, Girls und Panzer has been a massive phenomenon.

Ranma 1/2 was from the 80s, but it's highly recommended due to being a rare example of a series that got a Western release and avoided massive censorship and localization hack job during that period. And it has several pony voice actors who make even the English dub worth watching, with the non-Japanese characters all having hilarious accents.

For plain old slice of life, Lucky Star and Azumanga Daioh are the ones I keep coming back to. Yuruyuri and K-on! to an extent, too.

Having grown up with autism and constant depression into a somewhat misanthropic recluse, I'm quite fond of Haganai and Watamote and Welcome to the NHK and really empathize with the cast of wacky, disfunctional characters, despite their awkward efforts to build friendship and try to fit in with the normies being played for laughs. With lots of dirty ecchi humor.


And having been a gamer for over 30 years, https://www.crunchyroll.com/gamers has a surprising level of soap-operish drama.


I have no idea - I told him to select things I might like. So far everything's been car-related (which works for me). From your reply, I'm guessing that one isn't. I've not seen it yet and know nothing about it, however, if it's about economics, that's surprisingly more up my alley (I don't really talk about myself a lot, but my degree's in economics) than a fantasy starring a wolf girl (not my thing). I'd ask what a wolf girl has to do with macro, but I think the answer to that is 'It's Japan. No further explanation needed.' :raritywink: I'll probably be more disappointed in the abrupt ending. But he has manga too, so it's possible he might be able to supply that too.

My friend's mentioned Girls und Panzer repeatedly, but alas, that one doesn't sound particularly appealing to me.

I think I've seen Ranma 1/2 on his shelves, and I'm positive he mentioned Lucky Star (I remember that one because of the Madonna song of the same name) is on the list for next time, along with Initial D (that was my suggestion, because I know it involves drifting cars). I told him for round two I wanted things that focused on plot (he's not a brony, so I'm not expecting porn* :rainbowwild:) and character development. He said he has a good selection of slice-of-life and I told him that works for me (I don't think he was expecting that). But I've got to finish round one first. :raritywink:

The problem with watching things (or reading things) is it takes me away from writing things.

Thank you! If you have any other suggestions, let me know and I'll make a list! I'm not sure how far down the anime rabbit hole I'm going to go, but I'm giving it a try and going in with an open mind.

*I told him if I see tentacles I'm tapping out. I haven't seen any hentai, yet I still know where that's going. :unsuresweetie:

:pinkiehappy: Ooh! Ooooooh! This might be my favourite Cozy Glow story that I've read... not that I've read many.

Six months later…

We’re gonna be the bestest friends that ever friended!

Ooh, sequel hooks! Well, I guess the first one is an interquel hook... :derpytongue2:


Ooh! Ooooooh! This might be my favourite Cozy Glow story that I've read... not that I've read many.

:pinkiehappy: Thank you!

Ooh, sequel hooks! Well, I guess the first one is an interquel hook...

No promises, but if I come up with an idea I'm not opposed to writing a sequel (like I need an excuse to write more Cozy Glow stories :scootangel:).

I've seen Sunset and Cozy together in stories before, but this is a unique angle, and a very cool backstory for human Cozy.

One last lesson she needed to learn, and it was a doozy: stick to her convictions and be her own mare. It was certainly easier for her to believe that than the alternatives: that either Celestia was vindictive, or the calm and collected former ruler of Equestria had been blinded by rage at the time.

I think another reason is that Celestia felt she had already dumped so many problems on Twilight, she could at least take 3 of the biggest ones off her plate, violating Equestrian ethical norms so Twilight isn't forced to down the line if the Terrible Trio couldn't be redeemed. Still pretty awful of them to do it though, especially Discord, who got like 5 chances at repentance, including times when he clearly wasn't close to reforming.

Ok, I get that Equestria has no respect or trust for the government of their human counterparts, what with the secret agencies that abduct creatures they don't like and secretly lock them up in black sites (oh wait, that's SMILE and Tartarus). So I understand Twilight continuing Starswirl's policy of using EQG land as a dumping ground for Equestria's most dangerous criminals on the assumption that this time they definitely, positively won't get their hands on any more magic...

But kidnapping a child (across interdimensional borders no less) that hasn't been convicted of a crime and defrauding the local government to do it? That seems like it's crossing a line.

really good story, could be funny to what happened to the Cozy Twilight took with her back.


being instructed by a star athlete who could maker rainbows in the sky just by flying fast


I can tell chess is something you’ve very passionate about

I will never like that filly and how it is portrayed, it kinda gives me the creeps, especially the pony one who allways goes golly and the such x.x
But it is a good story with an interesting and as far as i can tell fairly unique concept.


If you don't like Cozy and enjoyed this story enough to read through to the end, I consider that high praise. Thank you!

You understand. Good.

Well, I wasn't expecting to see this expanded, but I enjoyed the expansion; thank you for writing. :)

Somehow, I like the idea of the toy using subliminal messages to give Human Cozy her own kid army

Nice to see "human" Cozy get some spotlight. It's also nice to see all of Twilight's friends working with her. Had they treated "pony" Cozy like this, she would have already reformed by now. At least she has Sunset.

“That failed, and she was sent to the worst prison imaginable. She escaped, and in the end, she stood with two other villains she didn’t even like all that much, alone against everyone else in the world.”

She didn't escape though. She was broken out.


She didn't escape though. She was broken out.

This is true, but Twilight's glossing over that. She's not going to admit that Discord broke the other Cozy out of Tartarus and is technically responsible for pony Cozy being turned to stone. I don't think human Cozy would find that quite as forgivable as Twilight does. I'm sure if the two Cozys ever meet and compare notes, they'll have much to talk about. :raritywink:


the Ducktales reboot is brilliant and full of nods to many different aspects of Disney and Carl Barks history.

I binge-watched this over the past few weeks. I 100% agree that this was brilliant and ended too soon.

There were also several nods to MLP. I was expecting Andrea and Tara as kelpies. I wasn't expecting the others. They even had Izzy before she was Izzy! :pinkiegasp: It's nice to see an '80s reboot done right. I also appreciated the shout-outs to the other Disney franchises of the '80s and '90s, especially Bonkers, Gargoyles, and of course, Darkwing Duck.

Well, I don't like this story ended! Cozy Glow being banished to the human world was bad enough, but forcing Chrysalis and Tirek into exile there as well is not acceptable for me! I hope that they, including Cozy, somehow escape from Sunset and return to Equestria and put Twilight out of her miserably for what she did to them in this story! :flutterrage:😡

really like this Chapter :)

it was nice to see what was going on with the Earth Cozy :)

like the the story a Sequel for would be really awesome.

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