• Published 10th Sep 2021
  • 1,140 Views, 21 Comments

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - The Soul Complex - Nasic the Amazon

What if you woke up in a world you knew was fiction, but in a timeline you didn't? A world in which the freedom of its people is at stake and your friends lives are in danger? Austin wakes up in a new world trying to figure out the answers.

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Chapter 2: A Strange New World

Austin opened his eyes to see a wooden ceiling with black stripes. It was different from the normal white ceiling he woke up to every morning.

“What…” he said while he slowly got up.

He turned to look at the room he was in. Bookshelves and digital monitors, picture frames of random families, and drawing material. A normal bedroom from a normal boy. It was well organized and polished, not a single particle of dust was there.
Surprised, Austin looked down to the bedsheets that covered his legs. He panicked. With a world-breaking jump, he slid off the bed and into the wooden floor. A creaking sound was formed when his foot touched the ground. This made Austin freeze and take a look around again. He wanted to see if anyone was moving around. After his wide eyes peeked one last time, he slowly tiptoed to the front of the bed only to be met by his reflection in the mirror.

Austin looks as his eyes jump from his sockets.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” he screams while contemplating his look.

He had really messy black and red hair, his eyes were color green and his yaw was sharp. What surprised him the most was his body. He didn't realize it before but when he woke up, he wasn't wearing a shirt and he was wearing boxers. The exposure of skin seen in the 16-year-old kid who laid in front of him made him uncomfortable. But what captivated his gaze was the sweaty abdominal six-pack visible in his lean body. The difference between his previous body and this one was huge. He had gotten used to his chubbiness and now with this one, he felt so light.

“AAAAHHHHHH!!” he screamed again.

It was too much for him. Austin didn't know what was happening, so he decided to run. He put on a white shirt he found on top of a table and pants he saw on the floor while he ran through the door. He didn't care how the people looked at him as he ran down some building stairs that lead to a social area of what seemed like an apartment complex. He zoomed out of the glass automatic door as fresh august air hit him in the face. He finally stopped and took in the light from the outside. Sounds of cars moving, people talking, birds flying. Everything was so similar yet so different at the same time. It was just a normal city, some people might confuse it as Chicago or something similar to its size. Right as he opened his eyes, he could tell something was different. Everyone’s skin… it's of a different color. From red to white to purple to gray. This freaks him out even more and he starts running through the sidewalk as people try to get out of the way.

Running from them was his goal… but the noises were everywhere, the people were different and he didn't know where he was. He ran multiple streets until a park entrance could be seen in front. As nature surrounded him, he felt everything was being left behind. The noises were dissipating and the feeling of calm was getting more intense. As he slowed down, his head began to think a little more. He stopped in front of a big fountain that laid across a big body of water in the center of the park.

“Wait for a second…”

He turned around and saw the road he took to get where he was. Right after, he lifts his hand towards his mouth to try and measure his breath.

“This… I'm not tired” he thinks as he looks into the sky only to find a blimp.

It was a beautiful day. No rain in sight, only clouds that showed the dawn of sunshine. Austin looked around and saw some people running their daily morning jog with a dog following them. Each of them with different color skin tones, just like the people back on the streets in front of the apartment.

“They seem like normal people. Maybe I just overreacted… but why do they each have a specific color of skin?” he thinks while taking a quick look at his own hands.

He had normal colored skin, pretty light considering the people jogging to his left.


Just as he dismissed that thought, a police officer with green color skin is seen approaching on a bike from the park entrance. He seemed a little out of shape but still tried his hardest to put the pedal to the metal.
His blueish shirt made it seem like he was sweating more than usual and his shorts would have made Austin the laughing stock if he were seen in them at school.

Austin stopped putting attention to the officer and looked at his right hand for a few moments.

“No… this doesn't seem like a dream. It's too real. But… I ran about 700 yards in less than 2 minutes and didn't get tired at all. It just doesn't make sense” he thought as the gaze of the 16-year-old changed from his hand towards some birds who started flying from a tree.

“Hello there stranger!” the police officer says as he stops the bike in front of Austin “What are you doing here kiddo?”

Austin looks at him surprised, but he realizes that it might make the officer suspicious.

“Oh, I… amh… I was just going for a run! Yes! Just a normal run!” Austin responds with a fake smile.

“Oh, is that so? You have a very chaotic way of jogging then” he says with a laugh “I thought something was wrong so I came to check up”

He bought Austin’s lie. To be fair the officer never stood a chance, Austin was too good at acting he could actually star in any movies where the protagonist looked innocent even though he was a killer.

“Before you go, officer, I want to ask you a few quick questions,” he said as the cop got up to his bike seat.

“Oh, of course! I serve the people”

Austin looked at the sky for a few seconds trying to collect his thoughts.

“I first gotta understand where I am, maybe that way I can coordinate and see what is happening. I still gotta know how I got here and what happened to my body.” he thought while watching the bird that left the tree before coming back.

He turns to look at the cop, his big mustache covering his whole mouth and his eyes full of energy.

“I kind of got lost, I've been running for some time and I lost track of time. Do you know where I am right now?”

“Oh, that's an easy one. You are in Equestria City’s National park at the heart of the city itself”

Austin’s eyes widened.

“Equestria?” he thinks “What is he talking about? Is this a joke?”

He walks closer to the cop and his bike. Passing in front of him a flash of reflected light could be seen under the handles. It stuns him for a second but then he sees it, a driving plate normally seen in cars.

“Equestría City Police Department Property”

He turns to look at the large body of water now in front of him.
The police officer looks at him in confusion.

“Are you sure you are okay kid?” he asks with a concerned face.

“Oh. I'm just fine, thank you for asking” Austin responds, his face is covered by the reflective light from water under him.

“Alright then. I do have to get going now, if you ever need anything come down to the police department. I heard there have been some weird cases of people getting scared at night by some kind of person, so do me a favor and be careful out here!” he says with a smile.

Before he got going, another person passed him at fast speeds, panicking a little. The cop sees him and starts his race towards him.


As the officer got away from the scene Austin´s mind could not stop thinking, which was something very uncommon for him before.

“Equestria City? I've never heard that before but everything leads to only one possible response”

He looks at the people running in front of him at the other side of the small lake. A pink woman and a red man playing with a small blue child.

“People with different skin colors and the fact that this place has that name… I'm not in the pony world, but… am I in Equestria Girls?”

As he asks this question he looks towards the sky, where he sees a beautiful rainbow.

“Yeah, this is definitely it. There wouldn't be a rainbow-like that if this were my previous world. But how did I get here? And why?”

As some minutes pass, he decides to find more answers about where and why he was there.
He looks towards the path which leads back to the park entrance. His mind begins to move its gears. He remembers every single moment of when he was running as if he were watching it in the third person.
The walk back to the apartment wasn't that long, but he captivated every detail to a perfect extent. He was gathering information like a google search bar. Everything just registered perfectly in his mind, from the billboards of the newest Daring Do Movie and fast food places to the name of every street.

He entered the apartment complex in a hurry as every eye was staring at him.

“This is incredible!” he thinks while going up the stairs to the third floor “My brain functionality increased to an absurd amount! I used to have severe brain fog but now I see everything so clear it's actually scary!”

As he opens the doors from the stairs to the third floor, he analyzes the steps needed to reach his door. He remembered that he ran about 30 steps before entering this exact stairwell, which means that the walking distance would be around 47 steps or so. Austin walked and walked, step by step only to find that his premonition was true. It took exactly 47 steps to reach his apartment door.
He jumps with amazement and runs into the apartment jumping from left to right.

“OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!” he screamed as the neighbors on the bottom floor of his apartment asked themselves if their upstairs neighbor moved out and another one took his place.

He continues to jump until he meets the mirror in front of his bed again. His face was completely different, this body wasn't his. Suddenly his mood changed from being amazed to feeling worried.

“Who… am I?” he thinks “… this isn't me…”

As questions surged through his mind, one thing was clear: the situation kept getting more intense.

“How did I change so much?! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?! HOW THE HELL DID I GET HERE?!”

His thoughts were racing fast and after that, panic began to form. This was also different, in his old self his emotions were almost non-existent but in this body, it was more difficult to control them.
He couldn't handle them. The room stayed the same but Austin’s vision got so fixated on the mirror that everything else became pitch black. It was getting worse and worse, sounds were starting to stop registering in his ears, the only one remaining being the deep and rapid breaths emanating from him.

Suddenly a sound broke out so loud that it woke him from his trance. It was a doorbell ring that emanated from the front door.

Austin looked at it for a second before he realized he didn't shut it when he stumbled into the huge room.

“CRAP!” he thought as he looked around to hide “Is it the owner?”

“Jake! Are you there? Is this your apartment?”

Austin looked puzzled by the female voice.

“Jake? Who was that?”

He moved a little backward until he hit one of the drawers connected to the farthest corner of the wall from the door.

“OW!” Austin screamed as the pain went from his foot to his head.

“I heard that! Come on! You know I don't want to be here Jake!”

The girl which stood in front of the door was relatively tall, not as high as Austin but still higher than most 16-year-olds. Her skin was a relatively light yellow, she had freckles that contemplated the purple-ish hair color wrapped up in a ponytail. She was looking at her phone, bored out of her mind. Her uniform was one of the shadow bolts, a special team made of students from Crystal Prep. Austin slowly opened the door to reveal a wide smile.

“H-hey! How are you doing?… hmm”

The girl looked up from her phone only to be greeted by his large white teeth. She takes a step back and makes a surprised face. Immediately Austin stops and completely opens the door.

“Dude, are you okay? You are acting… strange…”

“Oh, no! Nothing wrong here!”

The girl continued to look at him with suspicious eyes until she took a quick look at her phone.

“So… do you have any business with me?”

“Business with you? What are you implying?” she responds with a defensive tone.

“Oh, Nothing! I just, hmm… I just wanted to know why you were in… you know, my apartment?” he says with a wide smile.

“Don't you remember me? I'm Sour Sweet? One of your biology classmates?” She says with an unsurprised look “I knew you were anti, but you really are beyond help…”

Austin recognizes what this means. He was in high school, just as his previous self, he had classmates and he was antisocial… wait…

“Anti?” he asks, trying to understand better what she meant.

“Ahh! Forget it! I just came here to pick you up. What you pulled off today is not normal and you're wasting my time by not being ready for school!”

“School? OH, Yeah! Sorry, I kind of got held up by an inconvenience”

She looks at him for a second as if she were analyzing him.

“You woke up in a good mood huh?”

“What do you me-”

“JUST GET READY ALREADY!” she exclaimed.


Austin tries to look for his clothes, but he just didn't know what was where, but he suddenly got an idea. Abusing his newfound abilities, he opened every drawer and in his mind remembered what was where. This made it easier to find the clothes he thought were school uniforms. After changing, he looked around the room to find anything he would need for school. He gathered everything that could be related to his school work and put it on the backpack he saw laid down beside his bed. Before leaving through the door he turned to see a mobile phone in the drawer next to the bed he woke up from. In a final act of normalcy, he picked it up and tried to turn it on but got met with a needed password.

“CRAP! This was the holy load of information and it's just out of my grasp!”

“ARE YOU DONE ALREADY?! ARGH! CAN I GO NOW?!” Sour exclaimed in the hallway.


Putting the phone in his pocket was the last thing he did before shutting the door behind him and locking it with the keys he found in the wallet his pants held.

“I need to get as much information as possible,” he thinks before facing Sour and looking in her eyes.

She stands there a little grossed out.

“So… I'll follow your lead!” he says with a smile.