• Member Since 13th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Super Trampoline

"Of all the terrible batponies in the world, you're the least terrible."~PresentPerfect🐴Ponk & GlimGlam are best ponies🐴Text 714-496-3119 with the name of an MLP character to get a cute picture!


Pinkie & Tempest Blow sh:yay:t up in the desert. Written for the May Pairing Contest, which is unfortunate for whoever has to judge this story. I'm so sorry, contest judge; you don't deserve this. I hope you find a quarter on the ground to make it up.

Art by Esmeia, who has lots of other great stuff on Derpibooru! Edit by me.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 40 )

I was using voice to text to type the chapter title and my friends who are visiting from out of town offered me vegan curry and it was funny so I left it.

i haven't read a single word of the actual story yet but everything else has earned you a thumbs up and a favorite

He's just that good :moustache:

Awwww, you flatter me

One of the longest titles ever and it’s good

I didn't make any sense out of this but I loved it xD

Long-ass titles are kind of my thing.

What just happened? Anyway, good job, a really great story even though I didn't understand, XD:twilightsheepish:

I would have asked how drunk you were when you wrote this, but you've noted more than once that you had to skip meds, so that answers that, I guess. :rainbowderp:
Hate to say it, but with the number of times you dropped the F-bomb you might still want to up this to M-rated. And with your titles it's inevitable that at least one mod will come and read this. If you decide f*** it, don't say I didn't warn you. :derpytongue2:

You know I was musing to my friend that there is a strong possibility I am the author with the most collective F bombs distributed throughout his collecting pony writings. I don’t know how on earth I would check that though. Anyway, you’ll note that one of the groups I added this to is called “fuck“ and I think about a third of the stories in there are mine. Anyway, I added the profanity tag so hopefully I’ll be safe. Thanks for your concern though!

As far as the meds go, off meds I’m just really hungry really tired and really wired for a few days and then the effect lessons. I’ve been doing better about eating though for some reason I don’t know why.

Fuck if I know :rainbowlaugh: glad you enjoyed it nonetheless though!

I have never read a fic so great, yet so awful, at the same time.

Pretty good, take my thumb's up.


really tired and really wired

At the same time? :derpytongue2:

Yeah, No energy, but still restless. It sucks, but it doesn't last super long and it's more annoying than actively miserable or anything.

Awwww, thank you! That's a huge honor!

This... This is art.

Four things:

• Welcome back!
• Aragon did in fact post a new comic during your ban.
• Pinkie has threatened creatures with actual cannons in the IDW comics.
• Nice bit of these two bonding over their mutual love of high explosives. Thank you for it.

Thank you. It feels good to be back! As Jim Croce famously said, you don’t tug on Superman‘s cape, you don’t spit into the wind, you don’t pull the mask off the old the lone Ranger, and you don’t mess around with Pinkie Pie.


Obligatory "Is this art?"

Good french fries are fucking delicious, so thank you!

Unsure if I should classify this a clopfic lol, or allow listeners under 18.

Fimfiction is generally pretty liberal when it comes to what you can get away with, but I don’t know where YouTube falls as far as that goes. I mean obviously not for kids, but whether you should mark it as adult Cotton or not, I’m not sure, maybe a Google search on what the deciding factors are would help


I love the bag of holding joke.

idk why the title is long, I can't even say it once or type once! 😲

Why are you being downvote bombed?

Because the story sucks ass. If it was a good story I'd be annoyed but I expect lots of down votes when I write stupid shit.

Aye, I've been there

i gotta say with all sincerity, you are the andy kaufman of fanfic writers

:heart::heart::heart: huge compliment that's going on my quotes wall :heart::heart::heart:

It's funny because my actor friend says my IRL humor (and appearance) reminds her of him as well. Which, again, huge honor to be compared to one of the OG shitposters of comedy.

YW, I enjoy anyone who thinks outside the box like you do, especially with all those funky titles

You sir are fucking crazy,

good; so am I.

I appreciate the camaraderie and solidarity friendship is magic

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