• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 19,683 Views, 699 Comments

Anon Buys the Everfree Forest - nameundetermined

Anon is tired of the hectic day-to-day of living amongst the ponyfolk and decides to purchase some land in the Everfree to have some peace and quiet all by his lonesome. How much land you ask? All of it

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Anon Once More Engages in Advanced Diplomatic Tactics: Part One.

You are Aufpasser Anonymous of the Federation of the Ever Free, and fuck do you want a nap.

It has been about two months since the griffins arrived. The renovations are complete and the castle fully staffed by an adequate, if occasionally quite gruff staff of griffins. All of the old regime's regalia has been removed in favor of banners bearing your own personal standard.

Where once Solar and Lunar banners flew tattered and disheveled, the Golden Boughs of Ever Free waved proudly in the breeze. You had even been nice enough to have most of their old regalia and the like delivered back to them.

The structure itself is no longer in danger of collapsing at any moment. Aside from a few stained-glass windows here and there you decided were not worth replacing, for the time being, everything is ship-shape.

The Griffins, true to their word, have sent a second wave of settlers in the following months, who have settled in around the castle grounds to form the newly founded Village of Greenfeather, with a bustling population of about fifty and as word spreads through the griffin lands of your swift progress, You actually currently find yourself in talks with local leaders to annex small portions of the Griffin Empire to expedite getting more of the feisty feathered folks under your jurisdiction, with more of them coming forth with similar requests every day.

As much as you don’t want to take on even more work, you can’t just let these sad lost, sassy birbs muck about pitifully in their own self-inflicted squalor if you can help them. And as much as they like to gripe and moan, having a leader who wants to improve their living conditions seems to have given them a bit of that old Pre-Guto spark back.

You currently sit in what was formerly the throne room of the newly Dubbed Nameless Castle, perched on a simple but very comfortable office chair, behind a fairly nice desk. The desk is Mahogany, very fine material, very expensive. Or it would be if you did not live in an actual forest.

You find yourself listening to a report from Gallus, who you have dubbed your Beobachter of Internal Affairs. Which considering the scope of your current population mostly entails informing you of pending repairs, new structures and roads being erected and planned, and the general goings-on in your neck of the woods, pun intended.

“Construction of the wall surrounding the village is going pretty alright, some nerd told me it should be finished by the end of summer.” The little twink borb said with a small shrug as he eyed you somewhat casually, lazily even. “Zecora wrote back yesterday and said she would be down to integrate into Federal Territory to take that advisory position, and accepted your proposal of…” he pulled what you presume to be the letter in question from out of a saddlebag. “Unlimited Z-word pass in exchange for perpetual tax exemption.”

You smile wider at this, rubbing your hands together as you motion for him to hand you the letter. He rolls his eyes and does so, and you quickly open a drawer and squirrel the evidence of your newfound immense power away in a folder for later. “Excellent work, Gallus, and what of Captain Gilda? How goes the ongoing training of the Ever Free Rangers?”

“It goes just fine, you big pink dweeb.” A somewhat harsh female voice sounds out as the griffin girl in question popped her way into your meeting room, sporting a green vest and beret sporting the Golden Boughs “Everyone seems to be getting used to flying in the forest pretty quickly. But what else can you expect with a bad to the bone babe like me at the helm.” She said, puffing out her chest a bit and looking quite pleased with herself. You had been right in your assumption it seemed. Giving her a position where she could bark out orders and point out other people's or er, griffin's shortcomings all day had really brought out her good qualities.

“Excellent work, Captain. Proceed with normal patrols as scheduled but please make sure that extra forces are deployed routinely to protect the workers at the unfinished portions of the wall. A lot of nasty customers out here after all. I’d hate for one of them to get what they came for.”

“Ych, don’t tell me how to do my job, lame-o.” She said as she turned her beak up at you and walked away. Her tail swaying in a catlike manner which belied her actual pleasure at the praise as she stalked off. You smile softly and wave her off before turning your attention back to Gallus. “Anything else I should know about?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, some blonde pony with fucked up eyes brought you this letter, seems pretty important,” he said as he pulled out an envelope featuring the seal of the Equestrian Crown.

Your eyes widen as you reach across your desk and snatch it right out of his claw, garnering a surprising squawk from them. “Well shit Gallus, lead with that next time!” you said as you quickly opened the envelope and pulled the letter out, reading it.


I hope that this letter finds you well. I once again apologize for the conduct of Princess Luna at our last meeting. Though I suppose considering your current position you do not consider it something requiring an apology. Knowing you, you probably found it incredibly funny.

I would also like to thank you on behalf of the sisters for returning the bulk of the relics myself and my friends cataloged during our own visit to the castle, which as I have been quite sternly informed by several lawyers, did not constitute a substantial claim to the grounds due to the unofficial and brief nature of our visitation and a lack of distinct purposeful claim to ownership at the time of said visitation. Under I.S.B.A. Guidelines. Celestia seemed quite pleased with the offering, while Luna seemed...less than thrilled when she found a griffin feather in one of the boxes. Fortunately, with the aid of several doses of muscle relaxant, Celestia and several medical professionals were able to dissuade her from an immediate declaration of war.

In any case, I wished to inform you that Myself, Princess Celestia, and yes, Princess Luna will be making a trip out to Greenfeather to have a meeting with you in regards to several key resources the crown wishes to negotiate with you in regards to gaining continued access to in the face of your newfound ownership. We will be arriving this afternoon and are eager to get this all settled and out of the way.

Warmest Regards from your friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

P.S. - I have to admit, the way you got one over on Luna was kind of funny.

You smirk and pump your fist, pleased with the closer of the letter before your eyes go wide and realization strikes. “Ah fuck! They’ll be here in a few hours! Gallus, go tell Gustave to get his ass in gear and get some cake ready for Sunbutt and let Gilda know we should be expecting guests at the gate. I’ll round up a posse to roll out the welcome wagon.” You say clapping your hands as you bolt out of your chair, the two of you scattering with Gallus giving a disgruntled “ugh.” as he scampers off and you see to it that you at least give the appearance of having prepared for your guests' arrivals properly.

You smile deviously to yourself, rubbing your hands together as you make your way down the hall. On the bright side. This did give you the opportunity to do your second favorite activity aside from, doing nothing: dunking on royalty. Now, where did you put that thing…

Author's Note:

And another one! I am doing my best to keep each chapter focused on one story beat, short and to the point, nice and focused, so please don't mind the cliffhangers!