• Member Since 19th Jul, 2017
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Take care and remember, everyone has a place to return to


When Celestia decided to send the CMC six tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. She did it hoping that the three fillies would invite some friends to “liven the night up a bit”… Fate had a different idea.

Thanks to those tickets and the three fillies desire to do something nice for their friends. Princess Celestia and her nephew, the infamous prince Blueblood, will meet two creatures who managed to make their way into the hearts of the two royals. Gabby the griffon and Zecora the zebra.

IMPORTANT: Because of life and scholl shenanigans, this fic will periodically update, don’t worry I WILL FINISH IT, just don’t expect a very consistent update schedule.

NOTE: Because I’m completely unable to rhyme in my own native language let alone English, Zecoa will speak with the same speech pattern as Yoda from Star Wars (not all the time thought as not even Yoda talks talks that way all the time).

Please understand that this is not me being lazy, it is just that I would rather tell the story I want even though it's not in an ideal way. (if you have more doubts about this please check the writer’s note in the bonus for Chapter I).

Takes place after the events of Season 8 and “The Best Gift Ever.” The events of Season 9 aren’t canon for this fic.

Big thanks to everyone in the FiMFiction discord server for helping me with some edits as well as my nonsense regarding this fic for the last half of the year :twilightsmile:.

I apologise for any grammatical mistakes, I’m not a native English speaker :twilightblush:.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 9 )

Upon the mention of the gala, Blueblood emitted a bizarre noise that was a combination of a sigh of annoyance and a groan of distaste. “Please don’t remind me of the gala aunty.” He pleaded, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead with one of his hoofs, the thought alone of spending his night at the event already giving him a headache.

Well whose fault was that during season 1 finale huh Prince Blueblood you didn't help your situation by acting like that

“I’m pretty sure that if you take a deep breath and look at it from a different angle, you can find a better solucion. Sure, maybe you can’t invite a friend or family member, but that isn’t your only option. Maybe you can try inviting someone you are thankful for, a sort of thank you, or maybe someone you know who deserved a holyday or-”

Solution holiday

They continued downhill, reaching such speed that the trees surrounding their path were just green and brown colour blurs. When they felt that the road was becoming less steep and more flat, both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle took a more sturdy position. Meanwhile Scotallo began to flap her wings again, keeping their speed while gaining more control over the scooter and wagon.

The crusaders braced, increasing the strength of their grip in the scooter and wagon. With a quick motion Scotaloo lined their transport with the center of the bridge; thought that wasn’t the hard part, as the arc design of the bridge made it the perfect ramp, this time, the three fillies were literally taking off.


Before Zecora could say a thing the fillies begang to talk. “It’s a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala!” Apple Bloom explained with excitement.


I actually read a story with the same concept before that had Zecora asking Rarity for a dress for the gala and she was going with Blueblood, but that never went beyond one chapter. I'm actually interested to see how Blueblood defies everypony's expectations and settles for a hermit zebra shaman. Especially Rarity's reaction to it.

But to pair Celestia with Gabby of all characters? That really surprised me. I just assumed that if somecreature would catch Celestia's eyes, it would have been someone older. But I guess with the whole immortality thing, it's best to pick your lover young to have as much time with them as possible.

Be looking forward to more of this. :twilightsmile:

So it looks like the grand Galloping Gala is here once again and everybody is pretty excited to go there so the main six young six and cmc are try to invite the plus one to the gala by they're having a little trouble who to invite but it looks like everybody figure it out so the Cutie Mark Crusaders invited Miss Cheerilee and Zecora and Gabby and apparently gilda is invited as well I'm assuming that Rainbow dash invited her since they are friends again and of course it's always nice to see Rarity to help with the dress for a friend or pretty much any clients but so that's pretty cool anyway this is a pretty interesting so far although I did see a couple of few words kind of misspelled but other than that I am pretty interested how this will go can't wait

Nice addition to Zecora rhyming speech of hers which we liked about her


Thx for pointing out those mistakes, already taking care or them :twilightsmile:


Well, just like Celestia he has his own reasons to have a distaste for gala. I already hinted as to why in this chapter but in the next one it will become clearer as to why


Perfect summery of this chapter (you are right about Gilda, indeed she was invited by Dash). As to mistakes I will soon make a post in “Looking for editors” to get that fixed.

Thx for letting me know that you are interested in the story, hopefully I can get the next chapter out soon~ish ™


Remember that all the credit for the rhyming goes to Rego, you should probably check his stuff, its quite good.

Keep in mind that this will probably be the exception and that is very likely that this might be the only chapter in where Zecora rhymes

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