• Published 23rd Aug 2021
  • 929 Views, 41 Comments

The Journal of John Smith - reedman

A man ends up in Equestria after messing with something he bought off the deep web. He keeps a journal of his activities.

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Day 2

I was awoken to the smell of cooked vegetables and fresh fruit. Zecora had made a plate for my breakfast. She had a glass of water on the bedside table as well. She had placed it all on my lap as I sat up. I told her how nice of a host she was. She left to get her own plate. She asked about my journal when she came back. I told her I had decided to journal my day to day life in this new world. She thought it was nice.

After an embarrassingly assisted bathroom break, Zecora got ready for her trek into Ponyville. She put on a cloak that covered her save for the tip of her nose. She said it warded off potential predators. It must work well.


Now I'm alone. I won't see her about two hours. Maybe more. Not a lot to do when your left foot is out of commission. I sharpened my pencils. I double checked that the crystal was still in the hoodie pocket. The hoodie was on the side of the bed, chillin' on the floor. A few of my spelling errors in my writing have popped up.

Currently I'm just singing Wellerman to pass the time. My tenor vocal range does not do it justice. I think I'll just take a quick nap to pass the time.


There are some animals outside. They sound like wolves. I hear wood scraping. Unsure of what kinda wolf it is. Looking out the beside window yields no answers. Can't get up and walk over to the door in my condition.

The wolves passed through after milling about for awhile. I'm glad not to have run into them yesterday. I don't think my pencils would've scared them off.


I took some time to look over the crystal. The pink rod wasn't that big. Six inches long. About a thick as a...cucumber. It was as simple as crystals went. I wondered if it was the thing that sent me here. The note it came with said to charge it in sunlight. I left it on my windowsill after I initially got it. Not even to follow the instructions. I just had nowhere else to put it.

I hear voices outside. I don't hear Zecora's voice among them. Hiding under the covers to be safe.


Not good. Sounds like they opened the door. I hear two of them. One went by Aloe, and the other Lotus. They mentioned something about picking up Zecora's herbal tea for a spa. In her haste to help me, she must've forgotten about these two. I don't hear them getting closer. They're probably still in the doorway. The one named Aloe just brought up walking in and waiting for her. Just my luck. Lotus wanted to wait outside. I'm siding with Lotus. Unfortunately, a howl from a wolf spooked the two inside. I heard hooves on the floor. Ponies? The nearest village was Ponyville after all.

Problem! They think I'm Zecora sleeping in! They're walking over! Panic!


Crisis averted. It was like something out of a cheesy book. Just as Aloe was about to pull the blanket, we all heard Zecora's voice. They left the bedside, thinking I was a guest in her bed. Technically true. My zebra acquaintance had a nervous tone in her voice as she rhymed. She had indeed forgotten about these two picking up their tea. They apologized to her for being inside without her permission, and brought up the wolf as a reason. They also apologized for potentially bothering her guest. I think they got the tea they came for because they quickly left after Zecora rhymed a lecture to them about being inside without her permission.

Being called out from under the covers. Time to meet this smart pony.


This smart pony seems nice. Her looks were much more reserved compared to my zebra host. Instead of Zecora's mohawk, this pony had well-kept straight hair. Dark blue with a single pink stripe as well as a purple stripe. Her coat was a bright purple. She had a horn on her head. A unicorn? She told me her name was Twilight Sparkle. I introduced myself. The blanket was quickly removed. This Twilight wanted to look me over entirely.

I mentioned how I fell out of a tree on my left foot. She asked where I was from. When I told her, she said she never heard of Earth. When I said planet, it was like she saw a rainbow for the first time. Excitement about an alien and all that. Those fears from the sci-fi movies crept up once more in my mind. I nervously looked over to my zebra acquaintance. She shared the same nervous look as me.

Zecora quickly brought up my propped up left foot again. She told her about how she wanted to take me to the hospital, but she was unable to carry a creature of my size. While Twilight brought up stuff like historical and scientific importance, my zebra host was adamant in me getting medical help. I said I really wanted to be able to walk on my left foot sometime soon. It was two against one, and the unicorn conceded. She agreed to take me to the hospital. Though she wanted to ask questions in return. I obliged.

So now I'm floating in a purple aura. In a world of talking equines, I guess magic was inevitable. I pulled my hoodie back on. Still keeping the crystal close for now. I asked Zecora if she was coming, and she said no. She preferred the forest. She hoped I would visit again. I thanked for for the hospitality and the help. Now I'm off to Ponyville.


So this Twilight is a chatterbox. It's a good thing these Equestrians speak English. She asked everything from Earth's atmosphere composition, to average human size. It was like getting quizzed in my high school science class all over again. Zecora said she was smart. I guess curiosity comes with such intelligence. Maybe she'll know how I got here. I'll have to consider sharing the pink crystal with her.

Twilight shared the curiosity Zecora had about my journal. I gave her the same answer of it being a place to document my private thoughts in this new world. She asked if she could read it one day. She was quite inquisitive about the inner workings of the human mind. Not wanting to disappoint my free ride to the hospital, I told her I would share one day. Just not today. That answer seemed to work for her.

Her excitement still ran strong. She really wanted to 'study me more'. The notion of heading to a place called Canterlot to meet the princess was brought up. I shot it down by pointing to my left foot. While I'm starting to get annoyed at her seeing me more as a specimen and less a person, I understand. If I was a scientist meeting an alien for the first time, I would probably be the same way she is now.

Doesn't make it any less annoying.


Twilight has taken a breather. The questions have been nonstop for what's felt like an hour. To keep her from bombarding me again, I tried asking questions about this place. If I'm stuck in Equestria, might as well learn something. I got a basic history lesson. There's a bigger pony named Princess Celestia that rules over Equestria. Her castle is on top of a mountain. Cool.

I was about to learn about a pony called Nightmare Moon when everything went purple. The aura holding me went completely opaque. Twilight whispered to me to be quiet. Not exactly in a position to argue.

Turns out we were leaving the forest and entering Ponyville. There were probably more ponies out and about. As much as I would like to see the place, I don't think I'm ready to be swarmed by dozens of curious tiny horses. It seemed she shared the sentiment.

I'm hearing a new voice. Twilight's talking to another pony it seems. This one goes by the name of Fluttershy. Her voice is really soft and quiet. It sounds adorable. I think I hear the flapping of wings. Maybe it's just me hearing things.

The conversation ended without incident. Twilight's excuse for the floating purple orb was funny. Apparently I'm a big rock that looks interesting. Better than premature exposure. Twilight whispered that the walk wasn't too much farther. Hopefully we can get there without any more distractions. I'm looking forward to walking on my own two feet again.


The walk was a bit intense. We had a few nosy ponies ask about the orb. I think it's going well. Though a few were confused why she was going towards the hospital and not her home. Most had left her alone though.

I think we're finally at the hospital. She's talking to someone by the name of Nurse Redheart. She has a really soft voice. I like it. I can hear Twilight trying to explain the situation to her. Her attempts at subtlety were horrible. At some point I said to let me talk to the nurse.


That worked. After the initial "I'm talking to an alien" shock wore off, the nurse was super helpful. I got put in my own room. Redheart promised Twilight that I would kept off the hospital records. So the only ponies that know I'm here will be kept to a minimum. At least I wouldn't get surprise guests. Looks like the bed will fit me just fine. Feels good to not be floating anymore. Not that it was bad, it just felt weird not touching the ground for so long.

So apparently she had analyzed my left foot while I was writing the last paragraph. She confirmed there was a minor fracture. Despite the species difference, she seemed to have a handle on my situation. Twilight was just watching me with curiosity. Nurse Redheart wrapped up my leg the best she could. She said she had never worked on a bipedal creature before. I told her she was doing a good job. She wanted me to stay overnight, and I had no arguments. Twilight even offered to cover the hospital bill.

Twilight almost got kicked out. Nurse wanted me to get rest. The unicorn wanted to ask more questions. Before things got rough, I asked for some lunch. Both of them asked what humans ate. Explaining the concept of an omnivorous diet to two ponies is not easy. They had backed up initially at the mention of eating meat. I recovered the situation by quickly saying that cooked fish and eggs would be a good substitute for meat. I got fruit and veggies for now.


The rest of the day was quiet. Twilight left for a short while to get some paper to write down everything we had talked about. She also had written a letter about me to one Princess Celestia. I didn't like it, but it was inevitable. The ruler of these lands should probably learn about me being here.

Her comments on my answers are starting to get a little off-putting. She talks about me being "extremely fascinating" and "an amazing find". I really hope she doesn't make me regret leaving Zecora's home. She's starting to sound more sci-fi movie scientist than inquiring mind.

It's something I put out of my mind earlier because I had no choice. With this impressive wrap up job on my foot, I can eventually move on my own. I'm not saying she's evil, but I can't say for certain she has my best interests at heart. I have a strong feeling I'm safe in the hospital. Despite not being an unicorn, it seems Nurse Redheart's authority is absolute in these walls. I have a buffer between me and Twilight for now.

Moon's up. Twilight's leaving. She said she'll be back tomorrow. Nurse is telling me to put away the journal. Overall. Not a bad day.