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Episode 5 - A Small Science Lesson

A Small Science Lesson

So far it had been a quiet night in the Canterlot Infirmary. The nurses on staff were checking supplies while the doctor that was on tonight was looking over notes for other patients. It was a rare thing for them to have a busy night. Only a few beds were occupied, but these were minor incidents. Checking some recent notes, the doctor sighed heavily with frustration.

“Rookies. Perhaps one day I’ll treat soldiers that check their ego in basic training.”

Unknown to them, it was about to get very busy. The twin doors to the infirmary burst open, with Princess Luna rushing through holding what appeared to be a corpse.

“This young man is wounded!”

Instinctively, the medical staff jumped to attention at the command of their princess. A nearby bed was swiftly prepared for their patient, if he could be called that. As gently as she could, Luna lay Peter down, but was moved aside by the doctor as he began to examine the young man's injuries. Twilight entered the room a few moments after trying, struggling to catch her breath after trying to keep up with the elder princess.

Trays with medical equipment now surrounded Peter’s bedside, including vials of mysterious, multicoloured liquids. Twilight knew exactly what they were.

“Healing potions? Do you think they’ll work, doctor?”

The royal doctor was still checking vials, his attention fully on making sure he had the correct ones for the task at hand. He also checked Peter’s wrist for a pulse ,Though struggled to find one. He began to wonder what the point was. How could anyone be alive in this condition?

“I am uncertain for now, Your Highness. How you can be sure he is alive at all is beyond me. It may be best if we leave him to…”

As the doctor looked back to deliver his verdict, he met the cold glare of Princess Luna.

“I refuse to believe he has passed, doctor. I understand his condition seems hopeless, but you have performed miracles before. You WILL do it again!”

Having had the law laid before him, the doctor turned back to his patient to continue on with his work. On the other side of the bed, one of the nurses had taken a syringe to Peter’s arm in order to prepare him for the potions, but was shocked to meet resistance from his skin. She attempted to push further until the needle snapped. Not accepting this setback lightly, she tried again with a thicker needle, only to have the same result. The doctor had noticed this, panic setting in. He tried to concoct a plan on the fly for this unusual patient.

“If we cannot get these potions directly into his bloodstream, then they cannot take full effect. Check his wounds, find a weak point!”

Frantically, the medical staff began to search around for a softer area to insert the needle. Fortunately, a nurse spotted an open wound that had an exposed vein. She tried her best to insert the needle, but it was just as sturdy as the skin was. The doctor noticed this and was in shock. He turned to Luna with a sullen look.

“Princess… I am sorry. It seems we cannot administer the healing potions. We cannot cut this man's skin, or even his veins. We cannot save him.”

It was her worst fear, finally coming to pass. For as lucky as things had been that night, it had now run out - Someone was going to die because of her. And it was someone who had lent their aid to fix a mistake Luna had caused.

“Then he dies at my hand. I have condemned him through my actions.”

“And what actions would those be, little sister?”

Everyone in the room turned to see someone Luna really hoped would not be up and about. A figure in a simple white gown, with wings to match, Her multi coloured hair flowed in the breeze much like Luna’s own deep blue locks. And while Luna herself appeared tall to most, no one could compare to the being before her.

“Celestia… I had thought you would be asleep.”

“A strong pulse of magic woke me. Its signature matched your own. And you forget, this is our home. Not much happens here without my knowledge. What's going on, Luna?”

Still in the room, Twilight couldn't help but feel caught between the two women, especially when no response came from Luna. It was clear to see that she was not able to get the words out about tonight's events. Then again, how could anyone explain what they had been through. As Luna attempted to find the words, Celestia couldn't help but notice the body on the bed behind everyone. She pushed past her younger sister to see, and was horrified to see it in full view.

“What happened to him? What have you done, Luna?!”

The words were caught in Luna’s throat. How did she even begin to try and explain everything? She couldn't even look Celestia in the eyes. And this was noticed.

“Sister… What have you done?”

The size difference did not help, but Luna began to feel very small next to her older sibling, her presence feeling like a mountain towering above her.

“There is much I have not told you, sister. And much of it has come back to haunt me tonight. This young man tried to help, and paid the price.”

Mentioning this returned Celestia's attention to Peter, his body covered in scars and burns. What had Luna unleashed to permit this kind of damage? Curious as to his condition, Celestia rested her hand on Peter's battered chest, hoping for some sign of life. Without warning, the young man gasped back to life, coughing up blood as he did and shocking Celestia.

“My goodness! Doctor, do what you can!”

The medical staff immediately snapped to attention and returned to their work, having stopped due to Celestia’s arrival. The tension in the air was razor sharp, and now everyone was nervous. There was still the issue of being able to inject Peter with the healing potions, given his skin was so tough.

“We might not be able to do anything, princess. His skin is too tough, just as tough as your own.”

“Then perhaps the key to saving him is for one of us to harm him. Unless he is somehow also immune to magic, I can cut his skin and give you an opening. If you would guide me, doctor.”

Nervously, the doctor stood beside Celestia at Peter’s bedside, both knowing that what they were about to do was incredibly dangerous. Should they mess up, they could potentially kill him. Taking position near an area of exposed flesh, the doctor held Celestia’s hand as she grasped the medical scalpel needed to cut away at Peter’s skin. As she moved forward, the tip of the scalpel began to glow white.

As she was about to make contact, steam began to pour from Peter’s wounds, hissing as it hit the air. The burst of heat caused everyone to step away, the doctor and nurses feeling their skin tingle while Celestia and Luna seemed unaffected. They did however seem startled by what was going on, Celestia even holding her hand over the steam.

“Incredible. It appears his body can self regenerate at amazing speeds. All this steam could be a by-product. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

The volume of steam continued to rise, filling the room in a smog. It was then that they all heard the sound - a gross, visceral tearing and ripping. The steam began to clear up slightly, allowing the room a full view of what was going on. No one could believe what they saw - Peter’s wounds were beginning to heal right in front of them. The sight was horrific, and the doctor had no explanation.

“We didn't even have the opportunity to administer the healing potions… And yet… he heals on his own.”

After a few moments had passed, the steam began to clear out the opened windows, the clear night air slowly replacing the choking heat that had spewed from Peter’s body. Finally, everyone got a clear view of the end result - Peter laying there with no evidence he had ever been hurt, looking brand new top to bottom. Though on closer inspection, it seemed as if he had gotten thinner in the process. Everyone in the room was completely stunned, unable to say anything. With caution, the doctor walked over to check Peter’s pulse.

“Impossible… His heartbeat is steady. He… practically returned from death. How?”

He looked towards the two princesses seeking an answer. But none came…


Several hours had passed since Peter’s startling recovery. The nurses were still clearing up the mess left behind, while the doctor made a routine check of Peter's vital signs, as well as taking as many other tests as he could. The only test left to fulfill was a blood test which would take time, and only possible because Peter had thrown it up. With no other means to pierce his skin, the staff ahd to place a surgical tube down his throat in order to provide fluids, which were sorely needed.

Both Celestia and Luna had been in and out of the infirmary throughout the course of the day, curious as to the condition of this visitor. At one point in the afternoon, both sisters had found themselves there at the same time. The two paced back and forth, unable to lock eyes with each other at all. Twilight herself had long since left due to other commitments, but she had begged for any updates. Which unfortunately, were hard to give. The medical staff had tried their best to find out how Peter had healed himself in the way he did, but to no avail.

“My apologies, your highnesses. This young man is quite the enigma given his anatomy. We’ve done every test possible given his… resilience. The blood sample we acquired will take time. ”

The doctor turned his and the princesses attention to a nearby screen, covered in pictures and scribbles. The pictures that stood out the most were the x-ray scans from different parts of Peter's body. A quick glance showed dark lines across the bones, some larger than others. Celestia became curious.

“Are those bones healed over, doctor?”

“Why yes, princess. These lines are breaks in the bone that have healed over. What is interesting is that there are a worrisome amount of breakages around his skeleton, notably here at the spine. There are also signs of an appendage at the small of his back that, for some reason, has never healed back like other injuries. I can only assume that such damage to muscle and bone has repaired itself just like earlier today, but what could harm someone so sturdy, I am unsure.”

Luna was lost in concentration at the information in front of her. It would explain some of what she saw from last night.

“Is that all you have, doctor?”

“I’m afraid so, highness. With no means to further study his body, I cannot give you anything else. The only other information we have is that we know he can heal incredibly fast, but it seems he uses much of his body's energy to do so. A remarkable ability!”

So the mystery continues. Any answers Luna hoped for about her mystery helper now seemed lost. She looked over, taking in how peaceful he seemed. Very different from how they met last night.

“Please wake up soon. I would like to thank you for helping me undo my mistake. And to see me with fresh eyes.”

Just as she was in her own thoughts, Peter began to start violently thrashing with no warning. The nurses at his bedside backed away in horror, unsure as to why this began in the first place. As the thrashing continued, Celestia and Luna raced over to make sure Peter wouldn't hurt himself. Taking an arm each, they pressed down, only to be surprised when they were thrown away. Luna was the most taken aback.

“I thought… I did not think… he was really this strong.”

As the two moved back to try again, being more aware this time, Luna held her hand over Peter’s head, using her magic to peer into his mind. If something had left a lingering effect from the dreamscape, it was her job to fix it. Yet, she could not see anything. His mind was blank, as if locked off from her. Yet it was clear something was wrong.

“I must enter his mind, find the source of this nightmare and purge it!”

Before she could cast her magic, Celestia reached over and grabbed her little sister’s arm, her eyes filled with worry.

“This man returned from the brink of death, we do not know what resides in his head. You venture into unknown territory without so much as a plan?”

“And if it is something I have caused? He may still die even now, and it will still be my fault. My mistakes are not yet fixed tonight. There is work to do.”

Hesitantly, Celestia eased her grip, allowing Luna to continue with her plan. Gently, she placed her hands on either side of Peter’s head, the dark hue of her magic coating them as they latched on. Closing her eyes, Luna allowed her essence to flow into Peter’s mind. As she opened her eyes again, all she saw was total darkness. Even here, she had no access to his mind. But she felt something here, like a burning sensation in her stomach… Like rage.


The new voice pierced through Luna’s skin, its tone carrying a heat that burned her inside and out. Something was lurking in the darkness, which quickly transformed into a fiery landscape. The presence finally made itself known - An ape, or what looked like an ape, towering over her. Its size made the Tantabus look tiny by comparison, which made the princess take a few steps back.

“What are you? Why do you cause Peter to suffer while he sleeps?!”

The ape kneeled down in order to get a better look at this tiny being. It could tell her question was a serious one. Luna readied herself for an attack, not one to shy from a fight. Yet no offence came… only a howling laughter that reverberated through the dark.


“Then explain why he’s in such a state?! His body heals, but his mind is broken. I want to know why, so I must pass you!”

The laughter stopped. The ape returned its gaze to Luna, though with much more ferocity in its blood red eyes. It also returned to both feet, its full height making even her feel small.


“You have yet to give any proof that you are not the aggressor here! Yield and give me passage if you are not. I must help Peter!”

Before she could protest any further, Luna watched in horror as a massive foot came down upon her. She was able to catch it in time, but still struggled to keep it from crushing her. Whatever this thing was, it had a strong mental hold over Peter's mind. But she must push past it in order to save him.

“You will not deter me, foul creature!”

With as much strength as she could muster, Luna forced the Ape back. Its steps were heavy as it retreated, rattling Luna to her bones. Even in this dream state, she felt as if this thing could hurt her. It seemed her realm was more dangerous than she had thought. But was she the danger, or was it this beast?

“If you do not permit me to pass, then I shall do it by force! Peter suffers, yet you claim no threat to him. If this is true, allow me passage!”

The Ape stared at her, as if contemplating her demands. Moments passed, and much to Luna’s surprise it stepped aside. Though this worried her. Would it attempt an attack once her back was turned? Even as it allowed her through, she kept up her guard. As it began to vanish from view, she could hear it chuckle.


In an instant, the world around her changed. The burning sensation she felt was gone, only to be replaced by a merciless, almost unnatural cold.

“Starswirls Beard! Even the snows of the Crystal Empire aren't as frigid as this. What sort of creature would reside here?”

Something began tugging at Luna’s arm - a piece of webbing. Where did it come from? It appeared to carry on into the void. She attempted to remove it, with no success. Another caught her leg, then more and more appeared. She was eventually ensnared in a giant spider's web.

“What are you, foul creature? Why do you intrude in this young man's mind and torment him?!”

“Torment… Me? No, no, no. I do not torment. I protect. And as for intruding… The only intruder here is you, my dear.”

This new voice was haunting, intelligent, and terrified Luna to her core. It didn't take much to figure out what had trapped her, and her suspicion was made real when she saw it clamber from the darkness - A spider, only half the size of the Ape from before, but still far larger than she was. It scaled down the web it had created, with her at the centre.

“I do not understand. Peter cries out in his sleep, and I find you at that Ape residing here. Yet you both claim to not be the culprits. How can that be?”

“The creator has many demons here. Many secrets. My friend and I were made to guard those secrets, He sensed no ill will in you, but you trespass all the same. You are strong, yes. But not enough to get by me.”

The spider circled around Luna, putting her on edge. Yet a revelation had been made - both beings were not responsible for Peter's condition. But then, what was it?

“I still seek answers. If you or that Ape are innocent, then what is wrong with him?!”

The spider shot around to face her, all of its eyes staring into her very soul. She had never felt so vulnerable, and was hesitant to force her way out.

“As I told you, the creator has many secrets. Not for you to see. You must ask him. We guard, we protect. We do not give freely. Might be too much for you to handle. Seen many horrors, the creator has. Suffered greatly. We hold his mind together.”

An idea sprung to Luna’s mind. Perhaps she could work out a deal with these creatures.

“If it is nightmares that ail him, I could be of assistance. The realm of dreams is my speciality. Whatever it is, I can rid him of it, if you would permit me.”

There was a deathly silence in the darkness as the spider processed her request. Luna figured she had gotten through to it. Then it laughed.

“Hahahahaha! I admire your tenacity, but you seem to forget - we are here to protect, and we do not know you. You could be helpful. You could hurt the creator. I do not know, so I cannot let you in.”

Luna continued to struggle against her restraints, her patience with this spider beginning to wear thin. Its eyes held on her however, continuing to unnerve her all the while. Suddenly, the stillness around her began to shift. She found herself in the middle of a city, buildings on fire and collapsing. She frantically looked around to find the cause of this destruction, but was limited due to her webbed restraints. Even with this change of scenery, she could feel the chilling presence of the spider still close by. Almost like it was right next to her. It was not the only thing to terrify her.

Out of the flames walked something monstrous, its grey skin covered in bony protrusions, and seemingly unphased by the flames. In its hand she saw a piece of red fabric, a yellow S emblazoned on it. A trophy? Luna quickly decided she no longer wanted to know. It was clear that she was unwelcome in this realm and had to leave. Yet as much as she struggled, she could not free herself in order to leave. She was being held here by the spider. And it was elated knowing its prey was trapped.

“You wanted to see inside the creator's mind? Now you see…”

The grey monster roared so loudly that it shook Luna’s bones, and charged at her full speed. Panic took over as she tried with all her might to get free. But it was hopeless, and all she could do was watch as it lunged at her, ready to kill her. For the first time in her life, Luna cried out in terror…

Next thing she knew, Luna was back in the hospital room, sweat slick on her skin. Her vision was distorted and a ringing was felt in her ears. Almost as if she had been punched. She could faintly hear someone call her name, but could not make out the source. The world was a complete blur for her. Slowly her senses came back to her, and she could vaguely hear someone call her name.

“Luna! Luna, speak to me!”

As her sight returned, the visage of Celestia became clear, horror in her eyes as she checked over her sister.

“What happened in there? What did you find?”

With some effort, Luna got to her feet, still wobbling as she did. She tried to think back to what she saw, but even trying to do so yielded nothing. It's like what she saw was forbidden. All she could remember was…

“His mind is shut off. Protected. Well protected. I found nothing. It is not my doing that makes him suffer, but his own demons. Whatever they may be.”

This information made no sense to Celestia. What kind of being could keep out her sister?

“I do not understand. You are the princess of dreams, yet he kept you out?”

“It would appear so. I cannot force my way into his mind without damaging his psyche. It would not be worth the danger to us both.

This was distressing news. Celestia knew only a handful of beings that could equal herself and her sister in power. But it seemed that whatever harm had been done to Luna was not voluntary. Not only that, this stranger had risked his life to save her subjects. She would give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Unfortunately, there was something important to deal with.

“Luna, if I could speak to you in the throne room please? Privately.”

The tone that Celestia gave off was enough for Luna to get the gist. Gathering her senses, she took one last look over to Peter and followed her sister out of the infirmary, still feeling a tugging sensation as she left. It was like something was drawing her back there, to the strange young man who helped her see sense for the first time in a long time.

Luna could tell that something was coming. The throne room was the place for important speeches, and Celestia was the eldest of the two. Surprisingly, she did not take her place upon her throne, yet sat on the bottom steps that led to it. What was even more surprising is Celestia removing her crown. What was she doing?

“Today is not a day for me to lecture you as a Princess, but to speak with you as your sister. Come, sit with me”

She then gestured for Luna to sit beside her, to which the younger princess was hesitant to do so. With a deep breath, she took her place on the step, removing her own crown as she sat beside Celestia. A thousand thoughts raced through her head, none able to find their way out. Instead, Luna just opened her mouth and hoped something would come out. However, Celestia halted her before the words could come out.

“If I may, I’d like to speak first.”

Now it was her turn. But even so, Celestia was in the same position as her sister, with so many thoughts in her head at once. She wondered where to begin.

“You’ve made mistakes tonight. That much is clear. But… Those mistakes were my making a thousand years ago. All the pain you’ve felt is due to my arrogance when we were younger. I was never there when you needed me. Let me be here for you now.”

Luna was shocked to hear this from her elder sister. Though perhaps this was due to her not being used to this new Celestia.

“I admit… I was jealous of you. How everyone revelled in the day and shut themselves away at night. I wanted what you had, and would choose any means to take it. All I did was lose everything, including you. And I think… I still need to get used to being around you again. We’re both so different now.”

Celestia wrapped her arm around Luna and allowed her to rest her head on her shoulder. It was a foreign feeling for the younger sister. It had been a long time since she felt loved.

“I suppose… We never did talk about any of it. Once you returned, we just silently moved on. How foolish of us. We made the same mistake as last time. Perhaps it's time we set aside our pride and made things right?”

Luna let out a soft chuckle. It felt genuine. It felt good.

“Agreed. I’m in trouble, aren't I?”

“Oh yes, very much so.”

The vast throne room was instantly filled with the laughter of the two sisters, both finally letting it all out. As it died down, Celestia’s expression was still sincere.

“But not tonight. All that can be discussed later. For now, rest and relax. I feel things may become interesting when our mystery guest awakens. I’m sure you are curious to learn more about him?”

“Yes, sister.”

In fact, it had been filling her thoughts all night long. It was fair to say, Luna hadn't been so intrigued about anyone for a long time.

“More than you know…”

Author's Note:

Hello again everyone!

A Happy New Year! Welcome to the next episode! I must once again apologise for the lateness of this chapter. A wedding, college, a job promotion and Christmas all kept my time at bay, but a new year means things settle down.

Peter's first big battle in Equestria is over, but where will things take him next?