• Published 3rd Oct 2021
  • 2,173 Views, 43 Comments

Soaring Hearts - lillytheomegawolf

With magic restored, Thunder and Zoom Zephyrwing enjoy their first flight together.

  • ...

First Flight

Thunder stared at the princesses as they took off into the sky, their wings aglow with magic. “Woah...”

As the royal pegasi flew overhead the green stallion felt his wings tingle with magic. He glanced at his glowing wings as they fluttered out. With a gasp, he saw his normally green wings shining with a surreal golden yellow glow. He shared a surprised glance with the nearby forest green unicorn. As the mare’s horn began to glow he felt pegasus magic surge within his own system. He felt like he could fly.

With the wonderful new magic surging through his wings he gave them a tentative flap and was rewarded with a huge upward jerk. “Woah!”

Thunder fell earthward and crashed into strong blue forehooves.

“Careful.” Zoom Zephyrwing smirked at the green stallion in her hold as she hovered just above the ground.

The stallion smiled up at Zoom’s friendly face. “I can fly...” 

“You nearly flipped onto your back.” Zoom Zephyrwing chucked as she returned Thunder’s hooves to the ground. “Try again. This is amazing!"
The mare launched herself into the air, joining the other pegasi.

After a moment admiring the glow of Zoom’s wings and the way she cut through the skies, Thunder readied his glowing wings once more. “Okay wings. Let’s try this again.” 

With careful flaps, the guard pony rose off the ground like a cautious foal. His face broke out into a delighted smile as he continued to rise, accident free this time. A strong sense of confidence flooded his system and Thunder flapped his wings hard.

Thunder shot out over the ocean. The rainbow of colour overhead continued to dance, giving the waves a magical look.

Zoom Zephyrwing pulled up alongside the light green colt. They shared a smile as they maintained course out to sea.

“This is so awesome!”

“I know!” Zoom Zephyrwing tried a barrel roll. Her wings carried her loosely around, upside, then she dipped back down and around. She quickly ascended to match the grinning stallion who was watching. “You have to try this!”

“Okay!” Thunder looped slowly around his companion. He kept himself level to the sea and sky, not quite feeling confident enough to flip upside.

A snicker drew his attention. “Come on, it’s easy!” 

Zoom put on a spurt of speed and spiralled around and around in a growing spiral that ended with a wonky correction as she slowed down and glanced back.

Wide eyed, Thunder admired the show. With a jolt, he realized he should probably catch up and decided that this time, he was not to be outdone. The stallion flapped his magically empowered wings and began to spiral. The loose circles in the sky began to tighten as the speeding pegasus concentrated and tightened his flight.

The sparkling spiral shot past Zoom. The blue mare laughed and powered along to catch up to her companion.

The two speeding pegasi flew far out to sea, their crazy zigzags and loops highlighted with magical sparkles and laughter.

Feeling his underused wings cry out from the exertion of sustained speeds, Thunder slowed the hectic pace and closed his eyes. He caught a warm gust and slipped into a glide. His rapidly beating heart began to calm again and he allowed his eyes to close in bliss.
He breathed deep the crisp sea air, revelling in how invigorating it felt. “The wind in my face feels soo nice. I could fly forever.”

“I know... Hey.” 

Thunder regarded the grinning mare. “Yeah?”

“Let’s dive.” Zoom dipped her wings and shot toward the sea.

After a brief moment’s surprise, Thunder was quick to follow. Led by the bold blue mare, the pair pulled up a few feet above the sea then carefully dipped a little further till their hooves began to skim the low rolling waves as they passed underneath. Thunder grinned, her tail almost within hooves reach, an alluring fluttering call to follow.

Deciding he had better move, Thunder veered away from the flittering purple and flew along the crest of a wave. He let his right forehoof sink back into the cold ocean. He cut a wake sideways through a long slow rolling billow. He admired the cold water as it sparkled in the sun. So rich and deep. He laughed to himself. This was utterly mad but also totally awesome. His attention snapped up skyward as Zoom passed overhead.

Thunder eagerly rejoined the blue pegasus, and together they flew higher and higher into the sky. The pair shared giddy looks of delight as they circled in a loose vortex. They broke off their ascent once they were a few hundred feet in the sky. Taking a moment to admire the view, they cruised side by side. Catching her companion’s eye, Zoom Zephyrwing winked at him then folded her wings and dropped like a sleek stone toward the waves below.

Thunder carefully dived after her. His breath caught as her wings shot out just in time. She corkscrewed upward and away. With a huge grin, Thunder cut a wake through cold water as he banked across the waves and trailed the beautiful pegasus high into the sky. 

The guard mare was laughing like a filly as he drew alongside her once more. “That was such a rush. You have to try it!” 


“Just remember to pull out in time!” Zoom Zephyrwing called playfully as she beat her wings, spiralled around once then snapped her glowing wings closed.

The green stallion admired the falling beauty with wonder. As she broke out of her free fall and shot low across the water, he decided it was time to try too.

With a deep breath to steady himself, Thunder carefully angled himself nose first toward the sea and folded his wings. The sea rushed up to meet him at an alarming rate. His eyes widened fearfully and he broke off the free fall ten feet from the water. His heart was pounding like a war drum his wings quivered. He corrected his wonky flying, fighting back the rush of adrenaline. That was as intense as almost getting smashed in the face during training. The stallion forced a smile. Actually, this was a lot more fun than sparring.

Zoom Zephyrwing arced around and passed below him. “It’s more fun if you let yourself get closer!” 

She raced high into the sky, and with Thunder’s awe filled gaze on her, Zoom closed her wings and plummeted seaward. With her forehooves confidently out front, the dive steepened and quickly reached a crazy velocity. Blue wings shot out a moment too late and her eyes widened with sudden fear. Time seemed to slow as huge wall of sparkling blue filled her vision. Wings strained as Zoom attempted to pull up into a tight U turn. She smashed hooves first into the crest of a large rolling wave and her whole body flipped like ragdoll.

Panic shot through Thunder as water exploded from the impact before him. He frantically sprinted toward the pony cannonball as she arced through the air. Zoom hit the water back first, carving a wake as she skidded along the surface. Her speed quickly dwindled and she began to sink. Green hooves slipped side on under the sinking mare back, locking against shoulder and rump as Thunder tried to pluck her from the grip of the sea. The stallion's wings frantically buzzed as his lower body dipped into the calmly rolling ocean. With a mighty heave, he lifted her upward, trailing water as they ascended in a loose upward arc.

“Are you alright!?”

“Woah...” Zoom groaned as she found herself carried bridal style on her back, held aloft by strong green forelegs. Thanks to the sharp impact with the sea, the world span. All she could see were three or five Thunders looking at her. Her brain noted that each fuzzy good looking stallion looked a little bit too scared for his own good.

Thunder frantically checked her damp form for any clear signs of injury. Quickly eyeing head and neck. He briefly admired her forelegs before his gaze continued to wander down her well toned form. His gaze lingered low on her hind legs, admiring the way her muscles moved as she lay upside down. No breaks. A relieved sigh escaped the hovering stallion.
The stallion quickly surmised it probably felt like hitting a wall... Just faster and harder. The desire to cuddle her and try everything in his power to ease the pain surfaced. Not that he had the faintest chance with such a wonderful mare...

Zoom shook her head trying to clear her wonky vision. She was pretty sure Thunder's lovely blue eyes were fixated down south. A dry grin cracked out. “At least take me out to dinner before looking down there.”

Quick avert his gaze, Thunder’s cheeks heated to a darker green. “Sorry, I was just making sure you’re okay.”

“You’re lucky. Anypony else would be going for a swim in the deep about now.”

“That’s... nice?” Thunder tentatively glanced down to her side and visually checked her exposed wing. He felt the feathers from her other wing shift against his barrel as she wiggled a little. “I’m amazed that you seem to be okay.”

Zoom cracked a smile. “Heh. I think it’s some of that legendary pegasus magic.”


“I’m still really sore.”

“Well, you did hit the sea at a very high speed.”

“True. If my angle had been any steeper I might be at the bottom of the ocean right now.” 

Green ears flattened as Thunder flinched. “Please don’t say that.”

“Sorry. Good catch by the way. I wish somepony had filmed that.” Zoom Zephyrwing chuckled dryly as she squirmed around a bit to better lie in the forelegs of her saviour. She wrapped a hoof around his shoulder, loosely holding him back. For better grip of course.

Purple eyes met blue as they shared a quiet moment, hovering high in the sky.
With a slight blush, Thunder turned his gaze toward the now distant waterfront town.

Zoom eyed the water far below and stretched her one free wing. “Maybe some practice is needed before we get too crazy...” 

“Agreed. Do you think we should go back?”

The vibrant blue mare shook her head. “Not yet.”

“But we are kinda supposed to protect Queen Haven.”

Zoom looked out toward the damaged lighthouse. The streaks of flying pegasi and unicorn’s magic in the air were clearly visible. Poines looked like they were having fun.
She shrugged. “Looks like everypony is having fun with their new powers. There are other guards with her. We can go back if you wanna mix and mingle though.”

“Can we... I dunno... kinda enjoy a bit more flying.”

Zoom caught the nervous stallion’s eye. “Just us?”

Thunder nodded, a slight blush spreading across his cheeks. 

“Why not. Let’s aim for that cloud.” Zoom pointed to a cloud that looked about half way back toward shore.

“Think you’re okay to fly?” 

Zoom nodded. “It hurts, but nothing is broken. I'll be okay.”

The stallion nodded then struck out for the cloud. His upright position made the flying slow going but with his sodden companion relaxing in his forehooves, there was no way Thunder wanted to fly faster right now.

After about a minute of slow flying, the cloud was now close and Zoom Zephyrwing was itching to hit the skies again. "I think I'm feeling better."


"Drop me." The free blue wing flicked a few times, dispelling droplets of water in preparation for flight.

Wary, Thunder loosened his grip and allowed the blue mare to roll out of his grasp and into the open sky.

"Wahoo!" Purple-blue wings shot out, glimmering with live magic. Zoom quickly caught a gust of wind and was off soaring, happy like a filly in a huge playground.

Delighted to see her airborne once more, Thunder swooped down and kept pace alongside the beautiful blue mare. 

Her wet coat shimmered tantalizingly in the sun.

Zoom was pretty sure she felt his eyes upon her. Although tempted to catch him in the act, she instead admired the coastal town and enjoyed the feeling of the wind in her feathers. She ignored the pangs of pain that ripped through her body with each wingbeat. This moment was far too amazing to let pain diminish its awesomeness any longer.

As she reached the cloud, Zoom playfully lashed out with a kick. The cloud exploded in a shower of raindrops.

The surprised pegasi shared a glance.

"Huh." Zoom eyed the spot the cloud had been moments ago. "Didn't expect that."

"So we can destroy clouds too? Looks fun." Thunder ducked off toward a nearby white puff and punched it hard.

The cloud exploded. The stallion giggled as he watched little white specs turn into water and fall to the sea.

"This is awesome!" Zoom careened past her fellow guard and carved her way through several clouds in a row. One after another puffed out, sprinkling the waves below.

Thunder hastened to join in. He veered off after a couple of clouds and extended his forehooves ready for impact. With a pleasing 'poof' each cloud he cut through vanished. After clearing the beachhead of cloud cover, the stallion circled back over the sea to join his friend.
It was then he noticed she was hovering above the last of the clouds left over the water.

“Wonder what else this pegasus magic lets us do...” Zoom wondered aloud as Thunder fell into place beside her.

“I dunno...” Thunder eyed the last offshore cloud. It looked like a cloud... he gave it a poke.

It shunted along a few inches then continued to drift.

He swooped to the other side and gave it a shove toward Zoom. It floated along a good few pony lengths till it came within reach of blue hooves. The tough mare gave it a harder shove back at her fellow guard.

Thunder stood tall and bounced it against his belly. The cloud impacted his chiselled chest and span out of control. Zoom laughed as the spinning cloud passed her by.

She looped over the spinning puff then headbutted it back toward the shining stallion.

Thunder tried to dive over the cloud but his hind legs caught on its edge and he faceplanted into the soft fluffy puff. With two leg prints in the side, the cloud continued to slowly rotate as the green stallion sat up and shook his head.

Zoom gaped. “Woah...”

The stallion blushed. “Just pretend you never saw that... heh...”

Still wide eyed, a blue hoof lifted to point under her mate’s hooves. “You’re sitting on a cloud. Like actually sitting on a cloud.”

Thunder froze and looked down. He was in fact sitting on the same cloud he had clumsily faceplanted into. “This is amazing...”

Zoom Zephyrwing zipped in and landed on the right, next to her companion. As her wings settled down to her sides, the left one brushed against Thunder. Pleasant tingles left both ponies with lightly heated cheeks. “Sorry.” 

“No. It felt ...nice.”

“It did?”

Thunder nodded as he placed his helmet off to the side then rolled onto his back. He smiled up at the pretty blue mare by his side as he chilled out. “Yea, I kinda liked it.”

Zoom held her gaze forward as she settled beside the downed stallion. She wasn't sure but, was he deliberately trying to flash her, or was he just behaving like a big colt?

“You should totally try this...” Thunder giggled as he admired the upside town and shoreline.

“I’m fine.” Zoom replied softly as she lay down. Her damp back pressed against the light green stallion and blue hooves slid to the edge of the cloud. A small smile broke out across her lips. Of course, he was just being a big colt. What else...

After a few peaceful moments, Thunder gave his mostly dry lower body a wiggle then rolled over onto his stomach. He relaxed his forehooves out front. He noticed there was once again space between them. The blissful warmth from Zoom’s coat seemed ever so distant. Where she had pressed up against him was still wet, but no longer warm and fuzzy.
Yet there was no way he could reach out and initiate contact. That would be unprofessional for two guards who worked closely together.

A blue hoof broke the stallion out of his thoughts as it slipped over the top of his own. Thunder tensed with surprise, his cheeks flushed. Quickly he glanced over to check Zoom’s own reaction.

The contented looking mare closed her eyes and continued to hold hooves with her companion. 

Moments passed. Thunder slowly slid his forehooves closer together to better hold the precious blue one he had been given. In response, Zoom scooted closer. Their sides touched and warm tingles rushed outward from the contact point. There was that warm, still slightly damp coat of his favourite pony. 

Thunder gazed at his companion in wonder. 

Zoom smiled happily back.

Deciding to be bold, Thunder freed his wing from his side then daintily laid it over his companion’s back. A nervous rush tingled through him and he almost withdrew until he felt the warm mare press a little harder into his side.

Zoom Zeypherwing hummed with contentment and used her right hoof to remove her helmet. Stunning short locks of violet mane cascaded down to her shoulders. She placed the helmet off to her right then settled her head in their forehooves, right under the delighted stallion’s chin.

“You look really pretty without your helmet on...” 

Zoom chucked at the comment.

...And then Thunder realized what had escaped his mouth and froze. “Uh... I meant-”

“You aren't bad yourself.”

“I- I am?”

Zoom drew her head up to gaze into the eyes of the stallion she was currently sharing body heat with. Their muzzles were inches apart. With the green wing over her back, it was growing awful warm all of a sudden. And not just because she was drying off. A sudden temptation to kiss the blushing stallion rose. Fighting her inner urges, the blue mare instead smiled. “Yep.”

Zoom snuggled back down and allowed her chin to rest on top of green forehooves.

The light green stallion sat there, unable to believe that the tough as nails Zoom Zephyrwing herself was cuddled up to him. The wing he had over her back continued to tingle pleasantly, surely thanks to the magic they had been given. His heart soared into the sky with giddy excitement. He could feel each breath the powerful pegasus took. It was like a warm gust against his forehooves, ticking them with a softness he never thought possible. As she shifted a little and leaned harder against his shoulder it felt like an army of butterflies cascaded from the warm contact and rushed through his insides.

He grinned like a delighted idiot. If anypony else saw them like this it would be assumed that they were a couple.

Thunder quite liked that thought.

Tentatively he lowered his head till it brushed softly against the mare who was resting her chin on his forelegs.

When no complaint was raised, he lightly nuzzled her short violet mane, revelling in how soft it was. 

The stallion froze when a hearty chuckle broke the quiet. 

Why was she laughing? Had he just done something dumb?

“Awww... why did you stop?”

Surprised, Thunder glanced downward at his blissful blue companion. “You- you like it?”


A huge smile broke out across Thunder’s lips. With a greater sense of purpose, he nuzzled against the top of Zoom’s head. Her mane mushed up against his chin. As he gently rubbed against her, he especially relished the way her ears flapped as he passed over them. So soft... yet pokey. Thunder allowed himself to be lost in the bliss. It was magic, finally showing his affection for such a special pony.

Time wandered peacefully by for the duo as they lay snuggled on their lone cloud.

After a while longer, they noticed that the ponies at the lighthouse seemed to be moving out somewhere.

"I think that's our cue. Let's go." Zoom offered a final under chin nuzzle as she withdrew a contented smile upon her face.

"Right." Thunder sat up and quickly put his helmet back on. A pleased smile slipped past the professional persona as he readied himself for a quick flight.

Zoom settled her helmet in place and together the duo kicked off from their cloud and sped toward shore.

"Thank you for all your help today. You two are dismissed." With that, the queen and her two remaining guards wandered into the shorefront hotel leaving the green and blue pair outside.

"We could have stayed like everypony else." Thunder commented.

"Na. Come on, one more flight for the day."

The stallion glanced at the low sun, less than an hour and it would be setting. "You sure, we don't have much light left and it took ages to get here."

"You forget, we walked. Now... we have these." Zoom Zephyrwing playfully swatted her companion's muzzle with a wing then allowed her feathers to drag across his forehead and down his nose.

The poor stallion stood there smitten. Completely stunned, dumbstruck.

A giggle escaped Zoom and she shook her head. "What's got into you, you're being really easy today."

With green cheeks darkening considerably, Thunder shook himself. "I- I... Let's just go. I wanna see what home is like from the skies."

Zoom Zephyrwing smirked, eyes on the embarrassed stallion as launched himself into the skies and cut a path inland toward home.

Thunder flew for a good few minutes in silence. The stallion loosely followed the pathway out of town and over the fields. In the distance, he could see the rolling hills of some range off to the right, a few taller mountains far off to the left and in the middle, lower lying forest land. The pathway vanished into there somewhere.

The green stallion took a deep breath. It was so peaceful and calm way up here...

Where was Zoom?

His muzzle scrunching up a little with concern, Thunder glanced behind him and spotted a blue form shoot into the sky. The speeding mare took his breath away as she glittered in the late day sun. Glowing wings propelled her speedily toward the cruising stallion.

Thunder pulled off his best pout as his fellow guard pulled up alongside him.

Her ecstatic smile remained affixed as she spotted his pout. "Sorry, I'm late. Got distracted when I saw a hot stallion."

Thunder's ears pinned back against his head. "What?"

Zoom nodded solemnly. "Oh yeah. Hot hunk stole my breath and I needed a moment."

A scowl broke out across Thunder's muzzle. "Then why aren't you back there with him if he's so good looking?"

"Cause he ain't there doofus." A hint of a smirk tugged at the mare's cheeks.

Thunder did a double take. "What?"

Zoom Zephyrwing laughed, "no need to be jealous, I was talking about you, silly."

"But... you took like five minutes to catch up. I was wondering where you were."

"Yeah. Took a minute to recover after that awesome show you gave me. Don't want me dropping out of the skies do you?" The vibrant blue mare pulled in closer, her cheeky gaze filled with growing affection.

The green stallion turned away, his cheeks on fire. He silently prayed that the chilly wind would cool his face and allow him to look at the sunlit beauty once more.

A few moments passed and eventually, he glanced back at the mare who was flying at his side. Warm sunlight danced with the magic on her wings. Once again, Thunder found his breath taken away. She was spectacular.

He quickly averted his gaze when she glanced his way. A smirk crossed the tough mare's lips but she chose not to comment.

Just as Thunder thought it was safe to chance another look, he immediately returned his gaze to the green below.




This way...

Right at him!

Tentatively, the light green stallion chanced a look at his angel.

The grinning mare swooped in a little closer, cut him off, and ticked his nose with her tail.

Thunder banked a hard right. "Hey, no fair."

"Oh, everything's fair now loverboy." The tough mare threw herself into a steep dive toward the bush below.

Thunder hastened to follow her, eager to exact some kind of revenge.

Under the light of the moon, two pegasi cruised up a steep mountain. One they both knew led to Zephyr Heights.

"It's funny... we've walked this moutan so much... but it feels almost too easy doing it like this," Thunder noted as they crested the top and their home city came into view.

"Yeah." Zoom slowed her pace, taking a moment to enjoy the night lights of home. "I could get used to this."

"Long as we keep being friends with the other races, I'm sure that can be arranged."

Zoom slowed to a stop, hoving over the last stretch of rocky mountain. Right ahead lay the lights and sounds of civilization. Home. "Say... Thunder?"

"Yeah?" The stallion looped around, quick to return to his mare. "What's up?"

"I'm feeling tired. All this flying... I uh..." The tough mare carefully landed on a rock and sat down. "You want some company tonight? My home's on the other side of the city and I really can't be bothered walking that far."

"Yes! I mean- sure." An eager smile broke out across Thunder's muzzle as he landed nearby. "We've done like, heaps of flying. A good rest is probably in order."

"Yeah." Zoom agreed as she struck forth, her hooves carrying her into town. Her head was held high, tired but proud.

"Wanna get something to eat?" Thunder offered as he matched her pace, hooves falling in sync as they wandered under a few flying pegasi.

"Dinner's good."

Mare and stallion wandered the streets together. A light green wing lay across the blue mare's back and they shared a contented silence. All too soon, Thunder had to remove his wing, they had arrived at his home.

Thunder unlocked his front door and wandered inside. Zoom followed.

The tough mare eyed the stallion's rather full looking shoe rack and shook her head.

The green guardian caught his mare looking, "what?"

"Oh, you know what," Zoom smirked. She wandered over to the corner of the rack of sneakers and placed her helmet own on top of a pile of carefully stacked shoeboxes. With a shake of her now free flowing mane, she wandered off into the adjacent lounge. "Thank you again for dinner. I feel about ready to crash."

Thunder hurried over to the discarded helmet and quickly removed it from atop the shoebox. He placed the helmet on the floor nearby and quickly checked to make sure the sneakers inside the box were okay. Glad that the added weight had not creased anything he slid the box back on top of the stack of shoeboxes.

Satisfied, Thunder scooped up the downed helmet.

"I thought that was just an empty box... are they all full?"

Thunder jumped in shock. He had not sensed her return. A defensive stony look slipped onto his face. "Well yeah. The box protects them."

"Uh, isn't the point of having a collection so you can see them?"

The green stallion shook his head, "gotta keep them looking perfect for the right occasion. Then there are different shoes for different kinds of outfits and events"

"They're sneakers..." Zoom shook her head. Too tired to bother with the line of inquisition, she wandered off.

"Guys gotta have his sneakers," Thunder muttered as he trotted further inside and took a right, into the dining room. A small table in the middle and corner kitchenette greeted him. The stallion wandered up to the table and offloaded their kit. Freed of both items of armour, he took a deep, nervous breath as thoughts of who awaited him in the next room surfaced.

He quickly ran a hoof through his mane. Ready to help his beautiful guest settle in, he crossed into the adjacent room and stopped as he beheld the creature who was trying to settle down on his large couch. Thunder was quick to notice that she looked even prettier without any armour on at all.

"You trying to catch flies?"

"Huh?" Thunder blinked.

"Standing there with your mouth open and wings up like a stunned colt. It's funny."

"I'm sorry," slightly fluffed green wings settled and the stallion plonked himself down in the doorway. "You just kinda look... nice."

Zoom smiled at the bashful comment. "Yeah, well show me where to wash up and I guess it's time to settle down for the night."

"You know... the bed is nicer."

Zoom sat up, caught off guard by her companion's comment. "Thunder. Did I hear right? We haven't even had a proper date and you're inviting me to bed with you?"

Thunder's cheeks flooded with heat and green wings rose. "I- I didn't mean it like that. I mean... I was just thinking... it's been a long day... guard duty... our first flight, you crashed into the sea... then we flew home. I can always sleep on the couch."

"You've had a long day too."

"Come on." Thunder invited as he turned to lead down the short hallway.

"Alright. Shorty." A smirk slid across Zoom's snout as she rose trotted up to him.

The light green stallion span around. "Who you calling short?"

Zoom strode up to her partner and smirked at him. Standing within kissing distance, it was clear he was ever so slightly shorter. Almost two inches shorter nose to nose. But that was enough...

"Looks to me like I have a short coltfriend."


"Hmmmmm..." The powerful blue mare hummed as she stepped closer and nudged Thunder's nose under her own.

Zoom slipped a quick kiss on top of her short coltfriend's nose then strutted off, rather pleased with herself. "Yep. Definitely a cute midget. Now where's the washroom, I wanna get ready for bed."

Thunder blushed furiously, his wings puffed up. Unable to believe his first kiss, from the mare of his dreams no less, came right after she called him short.

Zoom Zeypherwing lay on the large bed listening to the sound of the shower run. Having already cleaned up, she was waiting for a certain pony. The tired mare blinked back sleep a few times as she lay there, half under the covers.

After what felt like ages, the sound of running water ceased and soon after, a stallion with a short fuzzy green mane wandered into the room.

"Well... I hope you have a good night's sleep. I'm off. I'll see you in the morning Zoom."

As the stallion turned to head out, Zoom half sat up. "You know... those cuddles we shared on the cloud were nice."

Green wings quivered as Thunder span around to face the mare in his bed once more. "You- would do that? Now? In bed?"

"Well, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"I'm just... surprised." A shy smile slipped out across the stallion's muzzle. He wandered a few steps closer to the bed and paused in contemplation.

"Well... I do feel very comfortable with you around." Zoom admitted as she allowed herself to fall backward onto the bed.

Thunder turned the light off then wandered to the opposite side of the bed to where the sleepy beauty lay. "If you're sure. I mean... the bed is big enough for us both to take a side..."

"Make a decision. I'm going to sleep in this nice smelling bed."

Green wings fluttered upward. Say what?

With great care, Thunder slipped into bed and carefully wiggled backward till his hooves were no longer poking out the side. The last little wiggle brought him back to back with his bed buddy. She was already so nice and warm.

Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all...

The green stallion lay there for a few moments, suddenly no longer quite so tired. Instead, he felt... all fired up, invigorated...
His mind buzzed and his heart fluttered. Zoom Zeypherwing was in his bed.

He repeated that to himself a few times and found himself grinning.

This was both completely unexpected and amazing.

The stallion turned his mind from the mare behind him to himself. What was going on? One moment he felt ready to drop. Now he felt as though he could stay up all night with Zoom cuddling... and doing whatever else she wanted to do.

"Hey... you still awake?" Zoom's whispered question broke the silence.

"Yeah." The green stallion admitted.

"Wanna snuggle?"

"Aren't we already?" Thunder wondered softly.

"We can do better than back to back."

Supposing her comment was an invitation for action, Thunder rolled over and found his face buried in the short soft mane of his bed buddy. He inhaled deeply then unleased a satisfied breath. All thoughts were banished as the tough mare settled right up against his barrel. Quick to ever so slightly rearrange his lower quarters, the stallion allowed his hooves to wrap loosely around her, enjoying the feeling of holding such a precious pony.

She was his little spoon.

This was bliss. Thunder gave one last slow nuzzle enjoying the calm that came with their close snuggle. "Goodnight Zoom."

"Night Thunder." Secure in his hold, Zoom slowly drifted off, feeling safe and loved.

Author's Note:

Does anyone else really like this couple?

They may only have had limited screen time, but right from their first appearance, I thought they made a cool team. Both as guards and as a couple.
So I immediately shipped them.

Here be the result. I hope FIMFiction adds tags for them both.

... I have a part two in mind.
We need to see their first date.
And a proper first kiss.
Who's with me?
They have name tags and chapters 3-4 are in the works.