• Published 12th Oct 2021
  • 4,872 Views, 27 Comments

Unicorns Do Not Eat Earth Ponies - WinterStormed

Izzy wants to cuddle ,which is why she went to the police station. Unfortunately the sheriff was not in...wait is that Sprout ?

  • ...

Izzy wants to cuddle

Author's Note:

Sprout deserves more love but before I could do anything Izzy was already at the scene...

Cheers and hope you enjoy :)

Sprout sighed in relief as he plopped back into his chair. The air-conditioning unit was heavy but he managed to to install it all on his own and even managed to do it before breakfast. Now he had the whole police station for the day. Hitch was busy with some errands outside Maretime Bay, something to do with a missing cat.

Sprout huffed at the thought. Sheriff Hitch, Maretime bay's hero. The Sheriff along with his friends vanquished emperor Sprout. He winced at the memories surfacing when he heard the foals playing the other day, those three days after his reign as emperor were horrible. Every pony looking at him like a mouldy hay sandwich. It slowly died though when Hitch vouched for him to hold on to his position as deputy sheriff albeit without three month's pay for the damage he caused during his short reign. For that he was grateful... not that Hitch needed to know, not to his face anyway.

Sprout looked at the small pile before him. It was the last bit he had to do. After that he could just relax. But where can he relax? He cannot go home, it got taken away from him, since he could not afford to pay his rent. He's been staying with his Mommy since then. Obviously his Mommy house was out of the options. He definitely could not go out to eat or be seen in public. He still gets few glances from ponies.

Sprout yawned. Oh well, sleeping in the police station it is... Again.

The sound of the door opening awoke the irritated Spout.

"Sorry civvy, " Sprout said, not bothering to open his eyes. " The station is closed until Sheriff Hitch returns. "

“Awwww ! Sunny said Hitch would be here…”

Sprout inwardly groaned. Great, somepony who is a friend of Sunny ….wait a minute, where did I hear that voice before ?

Sprout slowly raised an eyelid. A purple mare was looking around the office, searching for something as she looked around Hitches desk and files. Meh, Not my desk, not my problem.

“Hitch, are you in here ?” said the mare as she looked into a waste bucket. Hmmmmm…maybe I should do something before this get out of hoof.

Sprout sighed as he awoke from his seat. “I am sorry Ma’am but the sheriff is working on a case at the moment, if you want you can make an appointment for tomorrow or you ca-.”

Oh no this cannot be happening .

Sprout looked in horror as the purple mare turned around. She was a unicorn and not just any unicorn it was the unicorn. The one that came to Maretime bay and ruined everything !

The purple mare tilted her head as she gave a soft giggle . “Does your face always look like a frowny face or you just having a bad day ?”

Sprout clenched his teeth. You have no idea.

“I might have, Sprout.”

Sprout blinked. Did she just read my mind ? Naaahhh.

“I’m sorry Lizzy-”


“Whatever, I don’t care what your name is, as for your sheriff, he is currently gallivanting in the grasslands looking for an elusive cat.” This was getting on his nerves. Hitch always got everything. He was sheriff, got his own calendars and all the mares swooned around him whenever he walked and now even the unicorn mares were at him. Probably to eat him. Unicorns were known to eat Earth ponies…

“ Helllllooooo ,Equestria to Sprout ?”

Sprout shook his head, dispelling his the thoughts of his very luck friend. “What ? Why are you still here ?”

Izzy giggled as she magically closed the door behind her, locking it, obviously Sprout did not notice.

“Well you see, the reason why I came here was to talk to Hitch about what he and Sunny experienced a week ago in here.”

Sprout was confused. He knew Sunny had to spend a night in jail for all the by-laws she broke. He wished he was there to see it but was unable to as he was cleaning the mess he made during his reign as emperor. What did they experience ?

“If you want to spend some time in Jail I would happily-”

Izzy smiled, trying not to giggle as she approached the deputy sheriff. “No silly ! Because of the cold Hitch and Sunny had to share a bed in one of the cells and ended up cuddling up with one another ! Sunny said it was the most amazing experience !”

Sprout was not surprised. From foalhood he figured those two would become a couple, and he would become the third wheel. Well that was a wrong guess, he was more of a sixth wheel now and Sunny probably despises him for destroying her home.

Sprout sighed as he went back to his chair. “Let me guess you wanted to cuddle with Hitch to experience what Sunny experience.”

“Yes, but since he is not here my plan has changed. I have decided I would cuddle with you.”

Sprout stopped in his tracks. What did she just say ? Nope, Hell no, I am not cuddling with a unicorn especially her !

Sprout immediately felt something wash over him. Magic. “Let go of me ! I am not cuddling with you ! Help ! somepony help me !”

Izzy giggled. “I already enchanted the whole police station, so we have all the privacy !”

Sprout tried to squirm as Izzy levitated him into the cell, closing the gate behind her, locking it and throwing key far away. “Calm down Sprout ! A cuddle will help relieve your stress and tiredness”

“I am not stressed nor am I tired !” Sprout backed away from Izzy slowly, she might try to eat him !

Izzy gave him a toothy grin. ”Awww I do not bite .” said the purple mare as she walked closer to Sprout.

Sprout felt the wall against his back. Trapped. “Yes you do ! Unicorns are known for their carnivorous appetite !”

Izzy frowned . “That is not true, we are ponies just like you.”

Sprout scoffed at that. Yeah right

Sprouts eyes were shut. She was inches away from him. He could tell by the feeling of warm breath hitting on his face. It smelt nice.. Snap out of it ! Any moment know she is going to eat you ! Sprout immediately felt something on his ear. She was eating him from the top !

Sprout opened his eyes. Confused. Was she nibbling his ears ?

“Uhhh… what are you doing ?”

Izzy looked at him, confused as well. ”Hitch said Sunny nibbled his ears at it was the most blissful moment of his life.”

That was too much of information.

“Look here unicorn, if you want eat me, then eat me, just get it over and done with.” Sprout was shivering with fear. Do Unicorns play with their food before eating it ?

Izzy looked offended. She was offended. “We do not eat ponies !”

Sprout looked at her as she raised her voice, terrified as ever as he tried to make a run for it, only for Izzy to pounce on him.

Sprout looked at the unicorn on top of him, he could see the determination in her eyes.

“I will prove to you unicorns do not eat ponies and you will have no choice but to agree with me” she declared.

Immediately Izzy started to nibble his ears again and then his cheek. Is she proving to me Unicorns do not eat ponies by biting me ?

“Awww where is your sensitive spot !?”

Sensitive Spot ?

Sprout began to moan. What the hay !?

Izzy smiled victoriously as she puffed her cheeks. “Found it !”

She was nibbling his neck ! Sprout tried his best not to moan but he could not help himself, he was in bliss. “S-S-Stop it.”

Izzy giggled.”Then first admit Unicorns do not eat ponies.”

“N-N-Never !”

Izzy began to nibble his neck even more, ignoring his cries for mercy until eventually…

“Fine ! Unicorns do not eat ponies ! Please stop.” Sprout gasped.

Izzy came off him. “See, was that hard ?”

Sprout sighed as he stood up. “I am just glad that this horrifying experience is over.”

“Did you not at least enjoy it ? Hitch said-”

Sprout lost it.

“I don’t care what Hitch said ! If you love him so much go be with him" ! I despised every moment of this, every moment with you ! I told you I did not want to cuddle !”

Sprout immediately regretted what he had said. Izzy’s ears and shoulders were drooping and the tears were freely falling down her cheeks as she turned around, walking away.

“I-I-I-I’m s-s-s-sorry Sprout. I-I-I will leave now, I hope you will forgive me for what I did. I just could not stand seeing you unhappy.”

Izzy tried to reach for the keys with her magic but it sputtered out. She tried to reach with her hoof but could not reach it.

Izzy felt a hoof around her stomach as it pulled her into a tight embrace. “I am sorry for shouting at you Izzy.” Sprout said softly. “Whatever Hitch has is what I dreamt of as a foal, he has everything while I have nothing…you could even say I am jealous even though I am his friend. I-I-I appreciate that you care about how I feel. Really I do, so please do not cry, it does not suit you.”

Sprout wiped the tears from he face as she turned around to look at him with a small smile adorned on her face.

“Does that mean you want to cuddle ?”

Sprout frowned. You got to be kidding me . “Don’t you think that is too intimate ?”

“No ! Its not , Let me show you.”

Izzy levitated Sprout unto the prison bed (brand new jail beds, mind you) and wrapped her hooves around him, burying her face into his chest. “This is cuddling,” she said as she was breathing his fur. "Hmmmmm...you smell like cookies !"

Sprout felt his cheeks heat up. She does not need to know he is fond of baking.

“You horn is rather dangerously close to my eye”

“You worry too much ! Is this not relaxing and comfortable ?”

Sprout yawned as he wrapped his hooves around her. “Yeah it is…”

Eventually the two ponies fell asleep in each others embrace.

”Sprout ! Wake bro !”

Who the hay is that ?

“Mommy I’m up,” shouted Sprout as jumped of the prison bed.

Hitch rolled his eyes. “Seriously ?”

Sprout looked around for Izzy. But there was no trace of the mare. Was it a dream

“Hey bro, why so glum ?”

Sprout sighed. “It’s nothing”

Hitch raised an eyebrow but left it. “Well we better get going Sunny invited us for dinner at her place, the whole gang is gonna be there.”

Don’t you mean your gang ?

“Oh and you have mail on your desk by the way.”

Sprout wore a puzzle expression as he went to retrieve the letter from his desk and opened it as Hitch disappeared into the bathroom. Probably to gel that mane of his.

Dear Sprout

Sorry for leaving you hanging but I promised Sunny to help her prepare everything for dinner at her place. She said she invited you as well ! I am so excited ! I finally know what it is liked to be cuddled ! And I am happy it was with you

Your bestsest Friend

Izzy Moonbow

Sprout felt something in his chest flutter. Izzy Moonbow.The biggest smiled was plastered on his face. Yep Deputy Sprout has fallen in love.

Not wasting time, Sprout ran into the bathroom, grabbing a surprised Hitch in tow.

“Come on Hitch we getting late. The sun is already going down! Lets go, Lets go !”

Hitch yelped as they raced out of the office .

“But Sprout ! I forgot to brush my teeth !”

Comments ( 26 )

A few grammatical problems:

For that he is grateful... Not that Hitch needs to know, not to his face anyway.

You swap to the present here. I think it'd be "for that he was grateful... not that Hitch needed to know"

"Sorry civi, " Sprout said, not bothering to open his eyes. " The station is closed until Sheriff Hitch returns. "

Should be "civvy".

He was sheriff, got his own calendars and all the mares swoon around him whenever he walked and now even the unicorn mares were at him. Probably to eat him. Unicorns were known it Earth ponies…

Should be "swooned". The last sentence is unclear; I'm not sure what you were trying to communicate here.

Unicorns I known fro there carnivorous appetite

Should be "are known for their"

Do Unicorns play with there food before eating it ?

"play with their"

“I will prove to you unicorns do eat ponies and you will have no choice but to agree with me” she declared.

I think you meant "do not eat ponies." The quote should end with a comma like "agree with me,".

If love him so much go by him

Did you mean "if you love him so much go be with him"?

In any case, Sprout is an underrated character, and Izzy x Sprout is an underrated ship.

Thanks for the help !:pinkiehappy:

Hehe I liked Sprouts dialogue, you are right and he isn't looked on too favorably but poor little sprouty wouty just got a little carried away. I'm glad Izzy could help him feel a bit better. Maybe he'll become a better deputy for her :twilightblush:

My thoughts exactly brov...my thoughts exactly...

Well this was a very interesting story so it was a regular Duty for Sprouts even though due to his reputation after what he did in the movie he was lucky enough to keep his job but it looks like he had a very unexpected guess and it turns out it was Izzy and apparently she was looking for hitch and she was asking how it feels to be cuddled but she saw sprouts and of course he wasn't too thrilled to see her again she doesn't know that he was very upset at her basically she was trying to cheer him up with a little cuddle but he got a little upset and very uncomfortable and Izzy was feeling a shame that she made him upset so she was about to leave but Sprout felt guilty for yelling at her and apologize and he told her that he was just feeling a little jealous with hitch and it turns out they still want to cuddle and apparently he felt something for her this was a pretty cute story keep up the good work

Aww! I'd love to see more Izzy x Sprout! They look so cute together :rainbowkiss:

Sequel incoming !

Yes! More about Sprout, hope he change in the future but clearly it won't be like these good scenes. Awesome story by the way, just added it my favourite. :D

Oh my goodness that was SO cute and sweet, I can't handle it! It put a big smile on my face! Izzy and Sprout are surprisingly adorable together.

Ok, this fic somehow convinced me to ship Izzy x Sprout (Isprout? or Sprizzy? Yeah, Sprizzy's the better ship name). Good Job!

Brov it's fine
I am having huge problems with managing my day... Genshin impact is taking all of my free time. I am trying my best to come off it but things are not looking good

This was a cute and funny short story. I loved the way Sprout was so afraid of Izzy attempting to 'eat' him by nibbling on his ear. :) That scene could be much longer and drawn out as if to 'torture' Sprout with cuddling and getting close to Izzy, in spite his fear and his imagination going crazy about what he 'learned' about unicorns eating earth ponies.

Again a cute story. You just need to work on your writing a bit, It actually makes me have to repeat takes more then usual as I get confused with how I should be saying lines.

Recorded and will be an audiobook soon.

What a funny Story

Cute story, although I did happen to notice it was ok for Izzy to make non-consensual advances where if it had been reversed I imagine some people would have complained. :twilightoops:

Could almost feel sorry for sprout. He goes to sleep with a cute pony and wakes up alone. Start about a bad way to start,
But thinking about that letter probably the next 3 months seem like no more then 3 days.....


"Unicorns do not eat Earth Ponies"
well.... not to a certain extent~......
ya know?

Sequel!! Sequel!! Sequel!!!

Sorry for leaving you hanging but I promised Sunny to help her prepare everything for dinner at her place. She said she invited you as well ! I am so excited ! I finally now what it is liked to be cuddled ! And I am happy it was with you

I suspect you want a "k" before this.

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