• Published 14th Oct 2021
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The Godking is NOT Amused - Zemez

The Godking Veretus has been sent to Equestria by some upstarts, he is not amused, either at the adventurers, or these pastel ponies.

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Magic scrolls are not amusing

The Godking was bored. Not the bored in which you look for something to do, but the bored where it seems life was just repeating itself. It had been a thousand years since he had deposed his brother who had devoured all the god's divinities in the hopes of becoming a Champion, a being of pure law. It was eight hundred since he had rounded up the immortals, showed them who was in charge, and got the cosmic balance back in order. And it had been twenty years since he gave the decree of any god or goddess who wished to ascend to the rank of Overgod, to challenge him, defeat him and his two companions, and the title was theirs. His priests wouldn't oppose, and neither would the rest of mortal kind, he had saved them from extinction at least thrice by now.

Not that he was complaining about doing so, he loved the mortals. His previous incarnation literally fell from grace and died for them.

However, this incarnation had been mortal before remembering his past life as one of the Celestial Princes, and boredom was still leftover. In the meantime, he decided to look at all that he had accomplished. The throneroom he sat in, in a castle made out of pure celestial gold among the clouds, was sparsely decorated, with merely a red carpet leading from his golden throne to the far-off door.

He was never much for decorations he realized. Even when his friends made him king when he was mortal, he merely had the symbol of the kingdom etched into his armor. Even the pair of swords he used to wield were plain, with blades of black metal.

His first companion that had followed him after their death was Greesh. Mortal souls usually didn't actually have an afterlife, just dissipated into the energy of Alvaris to be recycled. Or after much of the abyss's energy had been trapped in Alvaris with no way to return to the Abyss, many souls rose after death to continue in death as a pseudo ghost.

Greesh was a goblin, Unconventional even by goblin society for his expertise in magic, specifically of the school of evocation, the magic of harming. While souls would look like your own concept of yourself, Greesh had been afflicted by a magical curse that had aged him 30 years, nearly half the lifetime of a goblin, early on in their adventures. So Greesh still looked like that middle-aged goblin, and still acted like it.

On the other side of the throne was Kardak, of the elephantine tribe, he was a nearly ten-foot-tall bipedal elephant. Afflicted with madness early in their adventures, Kardak eventually returned to sanity under his rule after Veretus had become a mortal king. Even before then, Kardak was completely loyal, and the kingdom's trouble only enforced that loyalty.

He had plucked both their souls from Alvaris when they decided it was their time to go, Greesh refusing to extend his life despite being more than capable of doing so, and Kardak living a full one thousand years of life due to his soul bond with his dragon, watching over the kingdom they had left behind.

And himself, having gone through so much, from first growing up in the church of the silver flame, learning the ancient forging techniques of the dwarves where he began to learn the true nature of himself, to becoming king and killing the dragon queen herself and taking her divinity. Protecting Alvaris from the Demon's second invasion, losing his son while killing his previous incarnation, and killing his own brother, who let the immortals run amok. He had changed a lot throughout these events, shaping not only his personality, but his body as well.

He stood at a perfect 6 feet tall, nothing about him would ever change that. His form under his sparsely decorated plate mail was both lithe and powerful. On his back, each of his six wings spread out fully were equal to his height. His lower two being draconic, the middle two being demonic, a reminder of his previous incarnation's fall from grace. And his last two were angelic, reminders of his past as a Celestial Prince.

His three horns, the first one jutting from his forehead like a unicorn's but slightly curved, was draconic and pale green. The two jutting from the side of his head to the front were more demonic in origin, one pitch black, the other pure white. Finally, floating around his head were six orbs of light of different metallic colors.

This was the form he had taken after all that he had gone through, and his power was still growing. His previous Incarnation, upon ascending to become a champion, the law of death incarnate, foretold him becoming the Champion of Life. A champion's word was law, and while they had very little power outside the law they claimed dominion over, their words were prophecies in and of themselves.

His introspection was interrupted by the golden doors of the throne room being thrust open. An elf, creatures of near-human looks, only with pointed ears and more angular features, had opened the door, only this elf was deathly pale and shirtless, revealing a chest full of scars with a glowing blue metal orb in place of where his heart would once have been, a Necrotheon then. He had once hated anything to do with the undead, and believed any who would meddle with such things defied the sanctity of life itself.

He was truly not okay with forcing the soul back into an unwilling body, the only way to create an intelligent undead. Fortunately, the Necrotheon's Lich God, Cillen, circumvented this by making false souls for the bodies he animated. It took years to teach them how to function.

Behind him was a human in a red robe, and an orc in leather armor holding two hand axes, most likely all of it enchanted.

He rose from his seat, stretching all of his wings to their full length. He was the Godking, and he would not make it easy to usurp him!

"Welcome godlings, prepare yourselves!" His voice boomed in the throne room. Those who could see magic would see nothing but roaring flames, his divinity was spread throughout the room, unable to be contained even in his impenetrable body.

Greesh and Kardak both took their places, their weapons at the ready. For Greesh it was a simple oaken wand shaped like a club, a reminder of the item which once cursed him. Kardak wielded a greatsword nearly over half his height.

The combat was perhaps fun for Greesh and Kardak, but Veretus never needed to do more than protect them from wounds and heal their injuries. The Orc and Necrotheon were doing quite a good job of distracting his friends while the human kept reading a scroll. The incantation had already taken twelve seconds, so it must have been a particularly powerful spell inscribed on it. He prepared himself to use his divinity to shield both Greesh and Kardak from any injuries the spell may cause.

He didn't count on him being the target of the spell. With a loud shout of "Kreshad!" a large vortex opened up behind Veretus, trying to pull him into it, getting stronger every second he resisted. He looked behind himself, the landscape looked nothing like any place he had seen or been to in this multiverse. He could see a planet, the sun and moon orbiting it stood still, even to his Godly senses, which meant they were truly unmoving.

This was cheating his decree, and his priests would agree. The requirement was his defeat, not his banishment. Even he couldn't resist the pull of the vortex, which meant ar champion had a hand in this, Ignis? He would have the most to gain from this.

He didn't cry out as he was pulled inside, nor did he curse the challengers for cheating, he merely looked at them, the fury in his eyes palpable, before even those disappeared from their sight, and then the vortex closed.