• Published 13th Dec 2021
  • 1,217 Views, 90 Comments

Crystal Star - MaxFlames

Alien forces have begun a war for earth, but the allied forces of the world fight against them with Xcom. But they aren't ready for another alien visiter, Twilight Sparkle, newly crowned Princess of Equestria.

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Crystal Star Ch1: Fallen Star

Author's Note:

Been edited because of minor issue

{March 1st, 2015, Equestria, 8pm}

Twilight was anxious, and she knew she shouldn’t be. Sure, this event had the villainous trio’s statue in the event, which she always felt unnerved about. And sure, both Princess Celestia and Luna were there, the previous rulers of Equestria, which they might judge her about how well this went. But, she knew she could handle all of that, she was a good ruler herself now, and her friends were nearby if she needed support. But even despite that, she felt like something was going to go wrong. Very, very, wrong.

“Twilight, it is just a museum opening in Ponyville! It’s not that important and you can handle it!” She said to herself as she paced just inside, her feelings defying her logic.

She then saw Spike give her the signal, and she took a deep breath. She then walked out and began her speech on her past adventures and the threats they faced. Though her friends were around through the speech, and everything was going as planned, she still felt like something was going to go wrong.

She quickly finished her speech, and grabbed cloth covering the statue of the villainous trio, and pulled it off. Many ponies oled and oohed, but Twilight got more and more worried. Pinkie's worried look didn’t help much either.

"Aww, come on Twilight," Pinkie said as she tapped her hoof rapidly on the ground, "Can we speed up the whole revealing the meanies. There's an afterparty with your name on it! I wrote it myself!"

“Sure thing Pinkie” Twilight said before a beam of light engulfed her…

And that was all she remembered.

{April 2st, 2015, United States of America, 4pm}

Twilight didn’t feel right. The young alicorn groaned as she awoke, her eyes refusing to open. She sighed and rolled onto her hooves, then started to stretch her wings, which refused her commands.

“What in Celestia’s name just happened? Ok think Twilight, you were opening a museum… pinkie said something about a party… then… light? UGH, that’s just great! I have no clue what that was! Am I even still in the museum?” She asked herself as she tried to open her eyes again, but they felt heavy, and useless.

Grunting in pain, Twilight slowly stood up and tried to recover her balance. As she pushed herself up she noticed the ground being unusually hard and rough. Quite unlike the floor of the museum but more like... Manehattan asphalt?

“Ok, that’s new for Ponyville,” She thought, her mind filled with hundreds of new questions, "Wait, am I still in Ponyville?. Maybe I was forcefully teleported somewhere else? But where, and why? Did it have something to do with-”

Twilight had her thoughts interrupted by unnatural hissing in the distance.

“EEP!” She yelped as she went flat to the ground, hoping that whatever creature had made that noise wasn’t close, as she heard two more hisses. “Ok, Twilight, you are a Princess now, not a scared filly. Just need to open your eyes.” She finally managed to force her eyes open, and found herself blinded by the glare from the afternoon sun, which didn’t help her confusion. She got over it after a second and found herself surrounded by barrels made of metal on one side, and a large brick building on the other.

“Ok, this definitely isn’t Ponyville, but where am I then?” She said as she heard two more hisses.

Trying to get her bearings she looked around for a vantage point to assess where she was. She spotted a balcony above her, unfurled her wings, and flew up to it. Unfortunately, her wings began to sting in pain as she crashed onto the balcony instead of a soft landing.

“Ow… my wings are still... asleep, I think?. That’s fine, I didn’t even have them for years, so going without them won’t be that hard… right?” She shook off her fear and pushed open the door to the balcony, and found the room inside in total disarray. There was a flipped-over bed laying against a wall, while a dresser had large cuts in it. She gulped and rushed out into the hallway. She reasoned that this was most likely a hotel.

She heard something land hard on another balcony. She gasped as her heart began racing, “O-ok Twilight, I’m s-sure that it was just something like a P-pegasus landing f-from a flight… s-so why am I s-so terrified?”

She began to hear bizarre noises and light footsteps. Her heart raced faster as a door opened, and something walked out. It was something looking vaguely like a human from the other world, but there were too many small things off about it. It had an unnatural bend to it’s form, it’s head was too small, and it’s eyes seemingly too tiny to properly use. It’s “hair” looked as flat as Twilight's own coat, it had scales that reminded Twilight of Spikes molt, and the entire creature lacked the vibrant colors of humans and ponies alike. The oddest thing was the object it was holding, a mix of gray, black, and green panels and boxes placed on some twisted microphone. It seemed unnatural, and dangerous.

Whatever the creature was, it quickly spotted Twilight, and pointed the object at her, as green energy collected in it. Suddenly, a door opened and another creature, a smaller one of whatever this creature was, stepped out with a teddy bear. Twilight recognized it must be a foal of these creatures. It seemed to speak to the larger one, and it pointed the object at it.
Twilight didn’t have time to question what was happening, before the large creature blasted the smaller one with the energy like a spell…

That’s when she saw the hole in the foal’s chest.

Twilight suddenly began to hyperventilate. She knew what had just happened, that the small creature had been killed. She had read about death in a book when she was young. But this… It had happened in front of here, and by a creature seeming to be of its own kind!

The large lanky creature straightened itself and pointed the device that had killed the small creature at her.

“NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! PLEASE, STOP!” She screamed, but as she saw its eyes, previously obscured by its glasses. It showed a look of a complete lack of compassion towards her, and she knew… It wanted to kill her. “NO!!!!” She screamed with pure terror as she tried to push it into the floor with her magic. Her latent magical strength was so vast, and now unleashed in hope of survival, that she crushed the creature in an instant.

Twilight stood there, trying to wrap her head around what had just happened, and what she just did. She didn’t have time to, as she quickly felt her body course with energy, and she fell unconscious…


Lawrence walked cautiously through the roads, trying to locate the last known Xeno the squad had found. He mumbled about the bloody name, “Thin Man” the rookie called it before getting shot into a car by it’s weapon. Lawrence was shocked when they stood back up and punched the thing. He heard a shot from the xeno inside a hotel, and rushed up a nearby ladder to get up to it. When he arrived, he saw a thin man, and something like a cartoon house made of flesh and blood, with wings and a horn no less. He prepared to fire before seeing the horse seem to radiate energy from its horn before seemingly crushing the Thin man. He fired his arc thrower at the creature, knocking it out.

“... Commander. Mission accomplished. Some Casualties but prep the lab we are bringing in one alive. And it's a strange one to be sure.” Lawrence said over his radio.

“What do you mean strange?” The Commander asked over the radio quickly

“Well I have never seen Xeno's fight each other and, well, you’ll see.”