• Published 25th Jan 2022
  • 7,829 Views, 361 Comments

My Little Pony: No Way Home - Battwell

When Twilight Sparkle completed Star swirl’s spell, she unknowingly brought visitors to Equestria.

  • ...

Be Careful What You Wish For

Author's Note:

Warning: There is some use of course language in the beginning of this chapter.

You have been warned.

Pain. That was all Eddie Brock felt at this moment. A throbbing pain in his head, like a hangover the morning after a night of drinking. He felt like throwing up....multiple times. The surface he was laying on was soft and tough and the same time, but Eddie didn't care. All he wanted to do was rest, and nothing was going to stop him.


Except for the parasite currently residing in his very being.


Maybe if he ignored him, he would shut up.

"Oh, for the love of Christ. WAKE UP, DUMBASS!"

Eddie groaned and slowly opened his eyes, but he quickly closed them again as the sunlight blinded him.

"Ugh, Venom....close the blinds, for God's sake..." Eddie said groggily.

"I'd like too, REALLY, I would. But I can't," Venom replied.

"And why's that?"

"Because we're not in the hotel room."

Eddie's eyes shot open as he sat upright, which he regretted due to the action making his headache worse. Has he rubbed the back of his head, he looked around at his surroundings. He appeared to be in the middle of a forest. Just his luck.

"Uh....where the hell are we?" Eddie asked.

"How the hell am I meant to know?"

"Because...you're an alien.....with an INFINITE knowledge of the universe. At least that's what you told me." Eddie replied as he stood up.

"Well guess what, genius. I don't know where the hell we are," Venom snarked back.

Eddie frowned, "Alright, touchy much? Let's just figure out where we are and find out how the hell we got here."

"It's better than doing, I suppose."

Eddie then began walking through the forest, sticking to the somewhat quiet trail, trying to piece together what the hell happened the night before.

Venom, however, started to get really bored and popped out of Eddie's shoulder and turned to him.

"Soooo....You Love me?" Venom asked, wearing a devious smirk on his face.

Eddie tried to ignore him, "I really don't."

"Yes you do!"

"No I don't."

"You love me!"

"You're delusional."

"Bitch, you adore me!"

Eddie shrugged, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Eddie stop lying to--WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"

Eddie turned around and saw what had freaked Venom out.

A Manticore slowly walked out of the bushes, snarling as it looked at Eddie.

Eddie took a step back, "It....looks like a lion....with wings.....and a scorpions tail."

The Manticore snarled as it slowly approached.

Eddie was about to make a break for it before, "WAIT, EDDIE! Do not move! I watched a documentary about lions. If you do not move, they cannot see you."

Eddie didn't look convinced in the slightest, "That sounds like Jurassic Park."

"NO! It was a documentary on the Discovery Channel made by David Attenborough!"

"You're thinking of RICHARD Attenborough from JURASSIC PARK!"

The Manticore roared and charged towards Eddie at full speed.

Eddie turned to Venom, "Alright, yes or no. Was Jeff Goldblum in it?"

Venom's eyes widened as he turned to Eddie, "Oh wait! It was Jurassic Park! That's Jeff Goldblum!"


The Manticore swiped at Eddie with his paw and sent him into the stump of a nearby tree. The Manticore roared as Eddie groaned in pain.

"You gonna keep whining like a bitch, or are we gonna take this asshole down?" Venom asked.

"Ugh, what do you think?"

As Eddie got back up, Venom completely covered his entire body as The Manticore tilted its head in confusion. The beast's eyes widened in terror at the monster that stood before him.

Venom grinned as he licked his teeth with his giant tongue.

"You are SO screwed now."

The Canterlot Dungeons. Twilight and her friends were only mere seconds away from being attacked by the Green Goblin, only for them to appear in the dungeons, safe and sound.

The Mane 6 looked around, confused on what just happened.

"What the hay just happened?" Rainbow asked as she back up near a cell... Only to be scared half to death by The Lizard, who lunged out at her as he roared.

Thankfully for Rainbow, the barrier kept her safe, but that didn't stop Applejack from bursting out into laughter. That joy didn't last long however as Doc Ock slammed against his cell with his hands, scaring Applejack as well.

Twilight looked around in a confused manner, "What is going on here?"

"This is all my fault."

The Mane 6 turned around to see Celestia and Luna approach them. Celestia had a guilt ridden expression on her face while Luna had a stern look on hers.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Otto demanded, but his demand fell on deaf ears as the Mane 6 walked over to their princesses.

"Um....what do you mean it's your fault, princess? If you don't mind me asking, of course," Fluttershy asked Celestia.

The sun monarch sighed as she looked to her subjects, "When Twilight completed Star Swirl's spell, she was only meant to ascend into an Alicorn. I didn't take into accountability the effect it could have on the stability of space-time in our dimension."

Applejack tilted her head in confusion, "Stability of what now?"

Celestia sighed and turned to Twilight, "When you ascended into an Alicorn, Twilight. It broke the barrier between worlds and started pulling in visitors from EVERY universe into this one."

"From every universe?" Twilight asked for clarification.

"Who are you? And where am I?" Otto asked, interrupting their conversation.

Luna stepped forward, "We believe it would be best not to interact with them because frankly, the multiverse is a concept of which we know frighteningly little."

Upon hearing that, Twilight's eyes widened in realization, "The multiverse is real?"

Rainbow raised her hoof, "Um, what the hay is the multiverse?"

Twilight beamed as she turned to Rainbow, "The Multiverse is the collection of alternate universes that share a universal hierarchy. A large variety of these universes were originated from another due to a major decision on the part of somepony. Some can seem to be taking place in the past or future due to differences in how time passes in each universe. Often, new universes are born due to time traveling; hence why some call them 'alternate timelines'."

Rainbow blinked a few times before tilting her head, "Huh?"

Twilight sighed, "Other universes that we cannot see or access."

Luna sighed, "This shouldn't even be possible. But when our sister RECKLESSLY ascended thou into an Alicorn after thou completed Star Swirl's spell, the barrier between our universe and more broke and brought these trespassers here."

Otto scoffed, "Spell? As in magic? What is this? A birthday party? Who is this clown? What is this madness?"

Twilight frowned, "Magic is very real, thank you very much. And you will show Princess Celestia respect."

Otto scoffed once more, "Heh, please."

Pinkie then bounced over to Luna, "Ooh, ooh! Do you think that angry green elf is a visitor as well? In that case, I have a lot of parties to plan out!"

Celestia sighed and looked down, "Unfortunately, it seems most of these visitors want to bring harm to Equestria. Which is why we must find them and send them home before they destroy the fabric of reality."

Twilight approached her mentor, "We'll help you, princess."

Celestia looked at Twilight, "Twilight, this is my mess....."

"That doesn't mean we can't help you. Plus, I must share some of the blame."

"WHAT?! Twilight, this is not..."

Twilight stomped her hoof, "But it is! Because of my ambition, these visitors are stranded here. And as a princess, it is my duty to set things right. So the girls and I are going to help you," she turned to her friends, "right girls?"

"Yeah! We'll help find these crazy monsters!" Rainbow said as she flew around.

"HEY, WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" Otto shouted at the rainbow maned pegasus.

The rest of the Mane 6 nodded as Twilight turned back to Celestia with a smug grin on her face.

Celestia sighed in defeat, "Very well. We shall allow you to help. Thank you, Twilight."

Twilight nodded as Luna turned around, "We must be off. A statement must be made to explain the attack at the coronation. We trust thou to find anything thou can find out about this 'Angry green elf.'"

As Twilight nodded, Luna and Celestia teleported out of the dungeons as Twilight and her friends turned to Otto and The Lizard.

Otto looked baffled, "How did they just do that?"

Twilight smirked, "A lot of birthday parties."

"All right, ya'll! Let's get ta work!" Applejack exclaimed as the rest of her friends cheered in unison.

Otto rolled his eyes, he was getting too old for this.