• Published 29th Dec 2021
  • 2,576 Views, 94 Comments

Glamrock Takes Equestria! - Kibat Grenbuku

When Twilight accidentally transported Gregory into their world, she will have to help him get his life back together and back on his hooves.

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An Escape

Author's Note:

This is my first human-into-pony crossover with Five Nights at Freddy’s and I’m really happy how the first chapter worked out! Now, you may notice that one of the tags has Suicide/Self Harm, this is simply because that this does involve a young child’s self harm. If this offends you in any way or form, or it reminds you of someone who has died because of suicide, please don’t read this.

Also, this is my first time writing something like this, so please pardon me for such terrible writing.

Warning: this will be in huge spoiler territory for FNaF: Security Breach, so if you don’t want to know what happens in this fanfic, Do not read!

MLP: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro, created by Lauren Faust

FNaF is owned by Steel Wool Studios, created by Scott Cawthon

“Freddy! Come on! We gotta get out before the building comes down!” Gregory calls out as his robotic protector set the plush toys ablaze and exit through the fire escape. They made their way out out and to the Pizzaplex’s rooftop, Gregory looks behind him, checking to see if Freddy was behind him. Suddenly, he was grabbed by a familiar face he didn’t want to run into.

”Hello Gregory,” said Vanny, holding tightly on the boy’s arms, lifting him off the ground, the red glowing and menacing eyes gazed into Gregory’s, “Our playtime hasn’t finished yet. Your friends were worried that you’re not coming back… but I’ll ease their worries, once you join them.” Gregory tried to kick the psychotic rabbit out from her grasp, but her hold was overpowering.

“Gregory!!” A robot male voice suddenly cries out, their heads turn to the source of the voice to see a protective Glamrock Freddy Fazbear, charging at the white rabbit like a mad rhino. He rams into Vanny, causing her to lose her grip on her victim and send herself and the robot cascading off the ledge of the building, an in-human scream can be heard the two falls.

Gregory got back up and saw the two figures falling off the roof and then… Bam! Freddy’s pieces and shrapnel of his casing scattered and flew through alleyway’s pavement, Vanny on the other hand had laid motionless, her head still looking up at the dark blue dawn’s sky.

”FREDDY!!!” Gregory cries out, no response was returned to him. Worried and scared, he ran back to the fire escape staircase, went down the staircase and went out to the back of the building to see both Freddy and Vanny… dead. “FREDDY!!” The boy calls out again, running to the robot bear’s side, “Freddy!! Freddy, are you okay?!?!”

The robot’s head looked at brown haired boy’s eyes, his optics’ eyelids were halfway open, if he could smile to show him that he’s happy to see he’s still alive, he would. “G-Gregory…” the robot croaks as his voice glitches, “Y-You’re my-y… S-Suupersta-ar…” he placed his clawed hand on the boy’s left side of his face, his light blue eyes flickered.

Gregory’s eyes watered, holding up Freddy’s head. “J-just hang on!” He cries, “W-we can get you fixed! I-if we-“ he was cut off but Freddy’s head shaking no.

“Gre-egory… I’m a-alre-eady too-o broken be-eyond repa-air…” his friend says with a broken-hearted tone, “L-listen to me-e… you must le-eave this pla-ace… keep moving-ing… do no-ot return here-re… I’ll be-e with you-u… a-always…” with that, his eyes flicker once last time and his optics lights fades out, his body remained locked with his hand still placed on Gregory’s face.

“Freddy?” He asked his deactivated protector, his voice quivered and scared, he shook his head, trying to wake him up, “No, Freddy, please! Freddy wake up!! FREDDY PLEASE!!!” Gregory’s tears were running down his cheeks, pleading and begging for his friend to get up. “FREDDY PLEASE WAKE UP!!! I DON’T WANT TO BE ALONE AGAIN!!! FREDDY!!!”

Still no response. He cries his eyes out as he hugs his friend’s head. His cries echoes out through the alleyway. Gregory may have left the pizzaplex alive, but he lost his only friend in the process. Gregory wiped his tears with his forearm as his attention is now to the dead rabbit lady, he cautiously walked to the body and grabbed mask. Removing it reveals an adult woman with blonde hair. This made Gregory really confused, the security guard Vanessa is Vanny? Why would she even do this? Why would she cause all of those disappearances? He walked backwards, dropping the mask and began to hyperventilate. Suddenly, the rabbit’s body got up and lunges at him, causing him to scream.

2 weeks later

Gregory’s eyes snapped open and breathed heavily, his breath visible from the winter weather. He looked around to see if Vanny was around… but then he remembered that she was already dead when Freddy… He didn’t want to dwell on that anymore. He could only sigh in relief that Vanny coming back to life was only just a dream, nothing more, nothing less.

Gregory got out of the makeshift cardboard box and grabbed his oversized Glamrock jacket, he leaves his resting spot and heads out onto the sidewalks once again. The bluish gray sky set in a depressing afternoon, after news broke out about a security guard being revealed to be the kidnapper and a certain robot ‘killed’ her, the restaurant owners decided to have the place refurbished, the animatronics rebuilt, and the security guards’ background checks swept until they can find a replacement for Freddy.

Gregory walked past by a couple of buildings, then something caught his eyes, promoted TVs broadcasted news info about Freddy’s Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. “In other news for the Pizzaplex,” a woman narrates, “There has been reports that Bonnie, one of Freddy’s band companions and friend of the franchise, will finally make a grand return to the stage and as a temporary replacement until Freddy’s finally and officially repaired.”

The news cuts to a old man with a suit and tie, his brown eyes staring at the camera as he began to speak, “I can’t really confirm that Bonnie would indeed return, but we are debating on the option for either him or Mr. Hippo… which honestly I think it would be too mediocre for the cast. As for Freddy, we don’t know why he suddenly attack one of our own security guards, despite her being a kidnapper to what reason we have no knowledge of.”

Gregory’s eyes began to water again. His only friend and protector that understood and comfort him was going to be reprogrammed, even a single question as to if he even remembers the night they spent together was not going to help either one of them. If he had some technical know-how about robotics, he would be able to get his friend back up and running, but even he’s too young to know such study, it would take years of dedication, perfection, and geometric study.

In his mind, there’s only one thing left to do… say goodbye to Freddy Fazbear and end his traumatized experience behind for good.

Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex

Surprisingly, Gregory has gotten through the construction without anyone noticing him. He went downstairs and had a quick look at the cylinder chamber, through the window, he could see that Freddy’s was going through many changes, more noticeably, having his memory of what happened last night erased. Gregory could only just watch as the technicians reworked his programming.

“That’s should be it for the memory wipe process,” one of the technicians said, typing on the keyboard, “Jeez… this is going to cause a huge backlash on us, all because an animatronic killed a security guard.”

The other technician just scoffs as he closed the casing on Freddy’s forearm, “You kidding me, right? You seriously skipped over the fact that she was that white rabbit kidnapper? Luis, she was trouble from the start, you have to see that.” Luis just sighs and ignored him. His partner continues, “I mean come on, you offered to help her with that game you two were beta testing, she hacks the game for odd reasons; lest I also mention the trigger word you kept mentioning to me?”

“I don’t want to discuss this further Rodney.” Luis says with a deadpanned expression, finishing up with his work, “The sooner this mess gets cleaned up, the sooner I can go home and pretend that none of this ever happened.”

Gregory sadly slunked away and started to make his way to the fire escape, but as he does so, he also noticed that some of the security bots weren’t roaming around… did they cause some problems because of what transpired here? That didn’t mattered to him anyway, he quietly opened the fire escape door and went up the staircase.

All of this effort to be just a kid for once, all of this work to put the disappearances to end and get closures for their families, it all just came crashing down like a brick wall knocked down by a wrecking ball. He then went up to the rooftop, looking down at the ground below him as his climb made him think back could’ve been if Freddy would leave this place with.

Gregory then sat on the ledge of the rooftop, his eyes watering up again at the last moments with his friend and guardian… This was his own fault, if they had known that could’ve done so much more. Plus, had he known and put two and two together the the guard was indeed Vanny, they could’ve found a way to have her turned herself in to the authorities.

He then looks down at the alleyway where Freddy, to Gregory, had died. If this is how life has treating because he has no family, no friends, no one to help him… then he shouldn’t have any other reason to continue on anymore. What’s the point if anyone’s going to listen a little boy who has gone through too much trauma?

He stood up and took a deep breath, looking down at the alleyway one last time. He closed his eyes and took the plunge. The pull of gravity taking him to the concrete and to his death, hopefully, he could wake up knowing he would be someone else to have a happy family that would accept him…

Meanwhile in Equestria

It was a stormy night, rain was falling, winds blowing a five mile per hour wind and thunder was rolling. As the weather continues it’s downpour, a lavender unicorn mare and purple baby dragon were making their way to the haunting pathways of Everfree Forest.

The lavender unicorn mare has a dark sapphire blue mane and tail with moderate purple and brilliant rose pink streaks, moderate purple eyes, and each flank had a symbol of a pink star surrounded by smaller white stars. The little dragon meanwhile is purple with green scales on his back and a round belly.

As the lavender mare grabs out her notepad out from one of her saddlebags, she starts to take down some notes. Taking a second to look at her surroundings, seeing the trees, flowers and tall grass, she went back to her notepad.

The little dragon looks around the with his flashlight, shining brightly at the dark areas of the forest. “H-hey Twi?” The dragon asked, his voice shaking, “Remind me a-again as to exactly w-why we’re here?”

Twilight Sparkle stops writing for a moment to answer, “Well, according to Princess Celestia’s message, there has been an unknown source of magic that’s coming from Everfree… looking around, I don’t see anything that would cause an unknown source, but I can feel like here somewhere.” A flash of lightning suddenly crashes, causing both Twilight and Spike to jump, startled by the loud crash.

“W-we should hurry and find it b-before it gets worse.” Spike suggests, tugging on his coat’s hood to cover his head. Twilight nods in agreement as they continued on through their search. With the unicorn’s magic acting as her own source of light, it’s difficult to see in front of her, due to the forest’s reputation of dark areas and unnatural conditions, such as the Poison Joke flowers and the notorious Timberwolves. Spike shivered a little, “S-sure wished there’s a s-sign of that unknown by now.”

“Don’t worry Spike,” She reassured her assistant, not paying attention to where she’s walking, “By the time we find it, we’ll get what we need, leave, and report it to Princess Celesti-aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” she unexpectedly fell through a hole, Spike was shock and look where Twilight fell, then he heard a loud thud, then another, then a bang and a loud crash.

“Twilight! Are you okay?!” He shouts, looking at the dark hole, he couldn’t see where Twilight is.

The lavender unicorn slid out from slope and slammed against the wall. She groans in pain as she tries to get up, then she heard her assistant shouting. She went to the slope and tries to shout back, letting him know she was okay. “I’m alright Spike!” She calls out, she looks around and found herself in a tunnel, then she could see some sort of light, “Spike, I think there’s something down here! I’m going to check it out!”

“Okay, but be careful!” Spike shouts.

Twilight continues down on the path, many questions were racing through her mind. The question were on hold as she then saw something shocking, inside was a wrecked room, outlines of the room glowing a bluish white glows that leads to consoles, in the center of the room was a pillar electric blue light, something about that pillar was mesmerizing.

Her attention then turned to the sound of a humming noise, one of the consoles jumped to life and an blue orb appears above it. She looked at the orb curiously, this is something that you could never find in Equestria, nor are there any mention or records of some phenomena like these. She reaches out to orb with her front hoof, the orb suddenly goes from a round circle to a wavy pattern, causing her to retract her hoof, making the orb back to it’s normal circular form.

“What even is this?” She asked herself, her hoof then guides back to the orb, it once again goes into a wavy pattern. She then touches the orb and her eyes glowed a bright blue.

She looks around, a pitch black endless void, she was lost and uncertain as to what just happened. She then looked down and sees something very shocking, two figures were on top of a building, in the middle of the night, nothing like Manehattan or Appleloosa, at least from what she’d seen. The figures in question were something she hasn’t seen either, one a is a tall white rabbit and the small figure is something she can’t put her hoof on. However the scene that is playing out before her is terrifying, the small creature was trying to release itself from the rabbit’s grasp, as to why, she doesn’t know.

From behind her, hydraulic noises charging at her, Twilight was like a deer in the headlights, seeing this enormous shining bear coming at her, she ducked for cover and closed her eyes. When she snapped them, it all of a sudden became daytime. She looked around again and then sees the same little creature, but it’s appearance changed. She then heard countless voices, voices she can’t recognize.

”No, No! Wait, I'm still here!”

“I bet you don’t have any friends.”

“You really don’t think we won’t find you?”

“There’s no record of him!”

"Lights on! Lights on! I warned you- I WARNED YOU!"

“There you are. See you soon.”

Twilight then see the creature about to step off the ledge, not before hearing one last sentence.

“I’m trapped…”

Twilight’s eyes went wide as to what is happening, this creature had gone through harsh and terrible times. The creature than walks off the ledge. She rushed towards the creature, hopefully she could stop it in time. Too late, one quick drop and Twilight could watch helplessly to see the creature descended down to the concrete.

NOOOOO!!!!!” She cries, her horn suddenly glows brightly, unintentionally casting a spell and shot at the creature. The body made contact with the ground and the aura’s shot hits the small creature in the back. Silence, the body had not made any movement… was she truly too late?

Before she could even find out, the world suddenly was covered in a bright light and Twilight was flung back towards the entrance of the chamber. She regained her strength to stand up again and she looks at the console, then she realizes that this isn’t just an ancient room. No. This was the Chamber of Creation! Explorers and Archivists were looking for this place for centuries, heck even Princess Celestia’s mentor, Starswirl the Bearded was looking for it!

She looked at the pod and noticed that the interior was containing an outline of somepony, it then fades in a figure of a little colt, not anypony she recognized… until she noticed the key feature of the colt, his mane was unkempt and a light shade of brown, his fur coat is a almost a fair shade of white, his tail is short and also unkempt, he’s wearing a blue collared T-shirt with grey stripes and a black oversized jacket with grey collar and sleeve cuffs, a electric blue lightning blot on each side of his jacket, as well around his sleeves. This was the creature’s reborn as!

Twilight was piecing together exactly as how this place functions, but those thoughts were put on hold as the pod starts to hiss out steam and the glass casing splits open. She looked at the colt curiously, noticing some multi colored bandages and some cuts exposed. She could only wince at some of them, she had them before, but none of them that deep.

“Oh, poor little guy…” she says to the unconscious colt, “You’ve been through a lot…” Looking back from the memory and piecing together from the aftermath, she could only imagine how she lost his parents, even that giant bear that she saw only a moment ago. If she lost any of her family members or friends, she wouldn’t know what to do.

Using her magic, she lifted the colt out from the pod and placed him on her back. “Don’t worry,” she says to him softly, “You’re gonna be safe when we get out of here.” She went out from where she first came in and went to the slope and calls out, “Spike! Are you still there?!”

15 minutes earlier

Spike was waiting and was getting nervous, Twilight has been down in that tunnel for at least nine minutes and hasn’t came back yet. He was about to call to her again, but then he heard somepony humming. It was Fluttershy, the timidly caring yellow pegasus mare with the pink silky mane and tail.

“Fluttershy! Fluttershy!” Spike called out and ran to her, getting her attention.

“Spike?” The soft spoken pegasus asked, tilting her head confusion, “Why are you hear alone? Does Twilight know you’re out here?” Spike explained the situation and where Twilight is, this made Fluttershy gasp in shock, “Oh my goodness! Is she alright?”

“She sounds fine,” Spike explains looking at the hole, “But if she hollers back and says she needs out, we somepony’s help to get her out of there.”

“I’ll go find Rainbow Dash and Applejack,” Fluttershy suggested, “Find something that we can use, like a rope or a vine.” Spike nods as she flies off to alert her friends, while the little dragon went to the closest area to the hole to find rope. He found a couple of green vines and tied a couple of them, making them longer and hopefully to reach Twilight.

“Spike! Are you still there?!”

He heard Twilight’s voice, so he ran back to the hole, the vine rope wrapped around his shoulder. “Yeah! I’m still here!” He calls out, “Did you find something?!”

“Yeah! I found something down here!” She shouts, “I’ll tell you when we get out! Do you have any rope?!”

“Yeah! I just grabbed some-“ he paused for a second, did she say we? “Who else is down there with you?!”

He heard a sigh and then Twilight shouts, “I’ll tell you later! Throw the rope down here!” Spike tossed one end of the rope down through the tunnel, hoping and praying to Celestia that it’s long enough to reach her.

Twilight can see the end of the rope being unraveled, she quickly grabbed it and tugged it, telling Spike she’s got it. She then wraps the rope around her waist and the colt, securing him to make sure he doesn’t accidentally fall off, she felt like one fall was enough for this poor colt.

She tugs on the rope again, she is then pulled up and through the slope.

Once she got out, she finds not just Spike with a look of relief, but Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash as well!

“Are you okay there sugarcube?” Applejack asked her friend, placing her hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder, “When Fluttershy told us that you were in trouble, we came here as quick as we could.”

Rainbow Dash noticed the peach colored colt on Twilight’s back and then she asked, “And who the heck is that?”

“It’s a long story,” Twilight said to her, “For now, let’s get out of here before the Timberwolves find out we’re here.” They all agreed and head their way out and to Fluttershy’s cottage. As they do so, Twilight explained the unknown source of magic, the Chamber of Creation and the current situation regarding the colt she managed to recovered.

Fluttershy looked at the colt with a sad look. “Oh, the poor little colt,” she says, “It’s awful enough that he lost his friend, but to take his own life? He shouldn’t deserve to suffer like this!”

“This all sounds crazy though,” Rainbow Dash said skeptically, “I mean, I feel bad for the kid, don’t get me wrong, but it’s just weird as to how he got here! One suicidal thought and jumping off a ledge, and all of a sudden he just got into a Celestia-knows-how-long pod?”

“There will be plenty of time to get some answers,” Twilight confers, “But right now, I don’t think he’s in any condition to speak as to how or why, in fact I don’t think he doesn’t know how he got here either.”

“But how do we know he isn’t dangerous?” Rainbow asked her, “What if the last moments of his life were just a fabrication of you wanted to see?”

“What, this little guy?” Applejack asked the prismatic pegasus, “He looks like he wouldn’t harm a fly. Besides, Ah’d say that what he needs is some good amount of rest and help get back on his hooves, getting his life back together!”

Twilight smiles at Applejack’s encouragement for the colt, she then looks at the unconscious foal, stroking his unkempt mane gently. Then the thought occurred to her, what about his parents? What happened to them? Did they know he’s already dead?.

They will have to answer those questions and figure things out tomorrow, as much as Twilight wanted to learn more about this creature now into a colt, she and the others were very tired. Twilight went under him, wrapping her hooves around the unconscious colt.

Hopefully, everything will make sense for everyone in the morning.