• Member Since 11th Mar, 2021
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HeartfireFirebrand 2

I am Heartfire Firebrand, my previous account has become unaccessible so I will be using this one from here on out.

Comments ( 46 )

Nice concept. We will see what will happen.

Oh this will be interesting. Wait what will Shining armor‘S reaction to another shield magic user around his sister?

I mean he's not exactly casting spells yet and he can do more, it's just an instinctive reaction to be threatened.

Also there will be a bit of a time skip for the next chapter.

What's this? A tolerable Prince Blueblood? You've got my interest now.

In all seriousness I really liked this. Can't wait to read more of it.

I like to make Blueblood less of a dick, it feels like he is a common punching bag because of the fact he is in one episode.

That's fair. Not to mention he is good in some of the other stories I've read.

I like how you had blue blood play in your story

These chapters are great keep up the good work in a healthy routine

You are a wizard Spike

I doubt Hogwarts will stand if they hang out with the Weasley twins.

Comment posted by Arago deleted Mar 7th, 2022

Spike frowned “I wonder how this would affect me when I return to my true body.” Spike used the pods to return to his true body. He then entered the lab area, he entered the nuclear reactor room without a suit. He felt something inside him change and he grinned. He fired a beam of blue energy out of his mouth. He raised an eyebrow “Interesting.”

interesting? INTERESTING?!
He has just become the king of all beasts!
Magic? HA! Now I feel sorry for poor Voldemort.

Interesting twists to the story very interesting considering the some of their behavior during the course of the Harry Potter books

I really like this, but the introduction of the Founders could have been a cliffhanger.
Like introducing the first 2 and leaving the explanation for next chapter
Also a little mystery as to who Rowena could have been a surprise.
When they mentioned she was a little crazy my first thought went to Trelawney.

I AM loving this story so far though.
Going a little fast on creating magic-tech, but this is MLP; Magic Foals can do some funky things.

So Bellatrix is the reincarnation of Rowena Ravenclaw? I can honestly say I didn't see that coming. What about Neville's parents? Didn't she torture them to the point of being in a coma like state?

You repeated this part twice:

Spike’s much larger form stirred, the three fillies slid off his back onto the squished remains of their bed. Spike turned around, he blinked “Sally, have you gotten smaller?’

Octavia started to stir as Sally shook her head “No. You have grown, from what I can tell dragons such as yourself can grow to massive sizes.”

Octavia sat up as Vinyl and Twilight stirred, she looked at Spike “Who is that?”

Sally rolled her eyes “I’ll explain once the other two wake up fully.” Twilight and Vinyl sit up as well and look at Spike. Before they could say anything, Sally facehooved “That is Spike, he has just grown larger and I’m not sure as to why. There is no information available on this aspect of dragon biology.”

Vinyl and Octavia shout “What!”

Twilight meanwhile levitated out a notepad out one of her saddlebags labelled dragons “Interesting.” She did the same with a quill and inkwell as she began taking notes on Spike. For the next hour Sally helped Octavia and Vinyl to adapt to the increased size of Spike while Twilight took his measurements.

Then there was a knocking on the door, Celestia’s voice came form the other side “May I enter?”

Twilight dropped everything, opening the door and letting Celestia in. Celestia looked up at the Spike who at least three times her height "The Titanus gene has already activated at such a young age. You will need a tremendous amount of energy to activate that gene so early, what have you been eating?”

Spike turned to Twilight “Um, when you asked me to dispose those nuclear fuel rods I couldn’t dispose of them safely. They were too dangerous, so I ate them so that they wouldn’t pile up in some storage room until we ran out of space.”

Twilight groaned “Spike, I told you not expose yourself to that level of radiation. What if it did something unexpected?”

Celestia frowned heavily “You actually built a nuclear reactor somewhere in Canterlot. That was an incredibly reckless thing to do, that could very easily wipe out all of the city. I would ask that you shut it down.”

Sally glared at Celestia “Excuse me but I need that to function. My computer system requires that power to keep my systems running. I am not going to die just because you want to shut down my power supply thank you very much.”

Celestia turned to the other four “You created a fully functioning AI system, that is marvel. I’ll allow you to keep her running but can you allow me to get some of the researchers to perform some tests.”

The three living ponies looked nervously at the Princess, Spike however was not so easily shaken “No Princess, we will not. Sally is not some toy for some scientists to take apart, she is a being with the same cognitive and emotional reasoning as any organic being. She is our friend. I will not budge on this.”

Celestia smiled “You are quite right Spike. Now if believe you wish to test the portal come with me. We need to make sure everything works, Spike nodded as he focused on his body shrinking down to his previous size and this four friends followed him out. Three glaring at Celestia while one looked very nervous.

Wonder if Beedle was the personal trainee of Umbridge.
Minor critic feels too fast paced for a jet to show up and start lobbing missiles around especially in populated area. I will give you there is likely one or two military jets flying on training missions or during periods of heightened security. Not every military training flight would be armed or even armed with proper ordnance

Well, now the wizards got a little demonstration of the fighting power of people without magic and the ponies.:rainbowdetermined2:
HA :rainbowlaugh:
I wonder how much it hurts them to know they're not exactly on top of everyone just because they know magic.:trixieshiftright:

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, when's the next chapter coming?

So Bella was just as much a victim as everyone else, eh? :duck:

Is this story dead or up for adoption? I only ask because it's been 6 months.

I have no idea. Honestly I am no really motivated to do anything right now. I'm sorry. I have been away so long that I forget what I'm doing with these stories. I've lost my creative zest, I write a little bit here and there but I am achieving so little. None of it is even on stuff I've already posted, I'm not sure if anything will ever go up anymore.

How do you want Dumbledore to act? Do you want him to be a manipulative old goat, do you want him to keep Grindelwalds motto, or do you want him to be a well-meaning old fool?

It was good I’d recommend making the chapters at a pace that doesn’t stress u so take your time

It took about half a year to write a chapter. I hope it doesn't take that long got for the next one

Nice story so far. Little crazy, but good. Like the HP is Spike concept.

Excellent chapter as usual! Also welcome back. Has the inspiration return?

Somewhat. I have ideas for lots of stories but sometimes putting them together is harder.

So are you continuing your one of your stories or you make a new ones?

No idea. I'm going to try and work on this one though

Just want to be a curiosity is it going to be romance in the story?

Harry after being beaten to the point of death,

Why isn’t there a violence tag?

So, the well-meaning old fool bit it is, then. :ajsleepy:
[C-3PO]: "Here we go again."

Discord? You mind explaining, please.
[Discord]: "YoU'lL jUsT hAvE tO wAiT, mY lItTlE dRaGoN."

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