• Published 3rd Oct 2012
  • 4,644 Views, 1,089 Comments

The Album - Peregrine Caged

A collection of 'snapshots', short stories that represent Moments in the lives of various ponies

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Pinkie Pie -- Pinkie's Ponderous Predicament

Written by: Dashie4Pres
Rated Everyone (some light shipping)

I like cupcakes, Pinkie thought to herself as she handed the fresh batch of recently purchased cupcakes to the customer. But I don't just like cupcakes. I love cupcakes! They're so sweet and crumbly and yummy and oh so tasty! Pinkie smiled at the next customer in line and took their order, thoughts of sweet confectionery whirling through her pink head as she ran into the kitchen to prepare their order. But it's not just cupcakes I love, it's all kinds of sweets! Like cakes and pies and cheesecakes and cookies and ice cream and-- Pinkie's thoughts were interrupted as her tail started twitching furiously and she began looking around for the source of the falling object. Her eyes lit up as she noticed the pan of fresh cookies she had just taken out of the oven about to fall off the edge of the counter. As the pan tipped, she calmly pushed it back onto the counter with her nose, nodding to herself. Sometimes I wonder what I'd do if I didn't have my Pinkie Sense. So many things would be way way harder! And then they wouldn't be as fun and I like fun. I love fun, almost as much as cupcakes. Pinkie's thoughts kept swirling as she bagged the cookies, trotting back to the counter and handing them to the customer.

“Thanks Pinkie,” the purple pegasus said, tucking the bag of cookies under her wing. As she turned to head out the door Pinkie let out a huge gasp as she remembered something.

“Wait a second Kicky!” she exclaimed, running back into the kitchen. She hurriedly pulled out a few muffins from a cooling rack and tossed them into a bag before running back to the register. “I almost totally forgot that Derpy ordered some muffins today and she said she would pick them up but she called earlier and said she got really busy so she couldn't get them and then asked to pick them up tomorrow but since you two are totally a thing now could you take them to her. I bet it would make her super happy!” Pinkie grinned hugely, the bag of muffins sitting on the counter, as she finished her incredibly long sentence.

Cloud Kicker raised an eyebrow, trying to follow the effluence of words pouring from the mouth of the pink party pony. “Uh, sure. I could take them to her house I suppose. It would make her happy after a long day I guess.” With a small smile Cloud Kicker picked up the second bag and tucked it under her other wing, giving a wave before she walked out the door.

Pinkie smiled as she watched Cloud Kicker depart, her train of thought resuming about six stops down the line and on the wrong set of tracks. Those two make such a cute couple. I wonder how Dashie's doing? I should go visit her later and see if she wants to do some pranks or something. I don't get to hang out with her much lately between me working and her working. Pinkie's smile faded a bit at this realization but was back in full force before too long had passed. Oh! Maybe we'll get to go on an adventure soon! We haven't had a good adventure since the whole Canterlot wedding meany mean pants changeling thing. I wonder if there are any changelings in Ponyville, disguised as innocent ponies?! I think it would be super duper funnerific to be friends with a changeling! They could change into all kinds of ponies but duh, of course they can, they're changelings!

Having been running on autopilot since Cloud Kicker had left, Pinkie realized that it was starting to get late. The sun was hanging low in the sky and no more customers had come in for some time. She trotted to the stairs and stuck her head into the stairwell. “Mr. and Mrs. Cake! I'm gonna take off if it's okay with you ‘cause there hasn't been anypony in for a while and it's getting late so I wanted to go see what my friends are doing but if you two are busy then I can stay a little longer but it's so booooorrriiinngggg with nopony coming into the store but I guess I could start experimenting with new recipes and--” At the mention of experimentation with baking the couple rushed down the stairs, patting Pinkie on the head as they passed, a look of consternation on the face of Mrs. Cake and one of flat worry and panic on Mr. Cake's.

“Oh don't worry about all that, deary. You can take the rest of the day off. Carrot and I can watch the shop just fine for the rest of the day.” Mrs. Cake gently pushed Pinkie towards the door, the pink pony rattling baking ideas around in her head. She quickly snapped out of it though and bounced out the door calling back over her shoulder. “Thanks Mrs. Cake! I'll be back later!”

As Pinkie bounced down the street she returned to her inner musings. I wonder what all of my friends are up to? Dashie's probably sleeping and Twilight's probably studying. Applejack is working right now and so is Rarity. I think Fluttershy is helping some animals migrate today... Pinkie stopped for a moment as she realized all of her friends were busy, her face falling in sadness. She perked up quickly though. Well, I can always have fun on my own! I'll go to the park! At her maximum bouncing speed, Pinkie made it to the park in no time, the sights of fall surrounding her. The trees were wreathed in reds and golds and there was a slight nip in the air, heralding winter's arrival in a few months. Pinkie decided that for once she didn't want to bounce or run or roll through the park. She instead merely walked. This of course caught her by surprise.

Huh, weird. Usually I want to bounce or run or roll or frolic or skip whenever I come to the park but... I dunno, I just feel like walking. It's really pretty here in the fall which, now that I think about, I don't usually notice. Pinkie tilted her head as she walked, her thoughts slowing down with her pace, giving her time to actually analyze them. Why do I have to be so fast paced all the time. It's like I always see what's going on but never really take the time to appreciate them. Like the trees. They're super pretty but normally I'd just think “Wow, the trees are pretty. Ooh! Look at that ball.” or something. Right now though I'm really appreciating how beautiful they are. Did I just think the word beautiful?! Maybe I'm low on sugar or something. She shook her head, her fluffy mane flying everywhere as she tried to get her thoughts back to their normal speed and subject matter. As her head bounced around though, the nearby park bench caught her eye, or more specifically the two mares sitting on the park bench. “Hi Lyra! Hi Bon Bon!” she hollered, one hoof waving frantically at them. The two mares waved back before going back to their conversation.

There's another cute couple I see all the time. They always look so happy together. I wonder if there's anypony out there for me... Pinkie shook her head again, trying to dislodge the thought, but it stuck like an angry limpet. I mean, I know there is cause there's a special somepony for everypony somewhere. It's just... I'm surprised I haven't found mine yet I guess. I wonder what it's like having a special somepony? What do you do all the time? Play games or bake or just talk or what? I guess there would be kissing and stuff like that but that can't be all of it right? Maybe I should ask Rarity later, I'll bet she knows. Pinkie sighed as she continued walking, her head hanging and her hair going a little limp. If anypony had been watching her right then, they would see a very rare sight indeed. A melancholy Pinkie Pie. Why haven't I found my special somepony yet though? I mean, I'm super nice and friendly to everypony I meet and I'm always throwing parties so it makes sense that I'd meet a nice pony at a party right? Or even just meeting ponies in town, I greet every pony that moves to Ponyville. But no, not that way either. Am I destined to be alone forever? That's way too long to be alone for, though I guess I wouldn't be completely alone since I have my friends but it's not the same as a special somepony.

As Pinkie walked, she contemplated and the more she contemplated the more somber she became and the more somber she became the more she walked. As the vicious cycle continued she eventually found herself back at Sugarcube Corner, somber as the grave and as listless as a corpse, her hair straight and her hooves dragging. As she passed through the portal to sugary goodness the Cakes greeted her though her appearance did startle them somewhat.

“Well hey there Pinkie...” Mr. Cake said, a frown on his face at her despondent attitude.

“Are you alright sweetie?” Mrs. Cake walked over and placed a hoof on Pinkie's shoulder, concern etched on her face. Pinkie didn't speak a word. She merely dragged her way over to the stairs and up them, slowly making her way to her room and flopping onto her bed.

As the first tear slid its way down her cheek she turned her head, her eyes falling onto her bedside table. Sitting on the table was a photo album with the title 'My Friends' in big pink letters. At first she turned away from it, refusing to look at the portal to happiness, wallowing in her misery. But the more the bright pink book with it's slightly darker pink letters sat there, the more she couldn't help but look at it.

Finally she reached a hoof over and slid it to her, flipping it open to the first page. On the page was a picture of her and all of her friends with the caption underneath that read “My bestest friends in the whole wide worldy world!” She couldn't help but smile a little at that. Even with tears in her eyes and a knife in her heart, her friends could still cheer her up it seemed.

She flipped the page to the next picture, this one of Rainbow Dash and Applejack at the Running of the Leaves and one of her and Spike in the hot air balloon on the opposite page. That had been a fun day and she was looking forward to the one this year. As she flipped through the book, looking at every picture and reading every heading, her smile slowly grew and grew until it stretched the length of her face. As she came to the last entry she ran a hoof down it, her smile growing a bit sad. It was a picture of Rainbow Dash flying through the sky, a rainbow trailing behind her from a Sonic Rainboom. After allowing her hoof to linger on the picture for a moment she closed the book and sat up on her bed, wiping the tears from her eyes. She picked up the scrapbook and held it tight, her eyes dry and her heart light again. The Cakes watched her from the doorway, worry still lingering in their eyes.

“Pinkie, you know you can talk to us if anything is wrong. We're here for you sweetie,” Mrs. Cake said, walking up to Pinkie and place a comforting hoof on her shoulder.

“Darn right Pinkie. If you ever have any problems you can always let us know and we'll lend an ear.” Mr. Cake walked up and placed his hoof on her other shoulder, smiling down at her.

“Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Cake. You're like the parents I never had,” Pinkie said, dropping the book into her lap and hugging the Cakes tightly.

“But Pinkie, you do have parents.”

“Oh yeah. Well, you're like the other parents I never had but really really wanted ‘cause having more than one set of parents is stupenderiffic!” she exclaimed, her hair puffing back and her smile growing even larger. “Ooh! Maybe we should have a party later? An I'm-not-sad-anymore-and-I-have-awesome-sorta-parents party!”

The Cakes smiled and made their way out of Pinkie’s room, glad she wasn't sad anymore. Pinkie waited for them to leave before letting her smile shrink a little bit and turn somber. She opened the scrap book to the last page and gently kissed the photograph before setting it once again on the bedside table and bouncing down the stairs, her heart light again.

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