• Member Since 1st Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Nineveh Orion


Several months have passed since Luster Dawn embraced friendship and moved to Ponyville. Despite a few bumps along the way, she has settled in well and even has her own group of friends.

One day while going through one of the Castle's libraries, Luster discovers a strange mirror, one that leads to an entirely new world. Unable to help herself. she sets out to explore what could be on the other side.

Twilight and Starlight can only sit back, and enjoy the show.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 106 )

Question: where does that cover art come from? I love it! Sunset’s deep magneta suit, with the skirt and her geode pinned to the side as a brooch was such a nice touch. And Luster’s human form looks great, too.

This looks like the start of a wonderful story. I’ll be tracking this. Hope to see more of you soon!

I liked the start of this story and I am looking forward to seeing what happens next. :twilightsmile:

I was wondering why this had collected a handful of downvotes. Unless someone has a personal vendetta against you, I would guess it's that you're denying the AppleDash pairing, and the Fluttershy-Discord pairing (don't know the name of that one, sorry) in this timeline. I'm not very attached to any shipping, so I don't really care, but I understand why some would be annoyed.

It’s on Deviantart. Artist is Orin331, though you have to click the story card’s pop-up “Source” button and zoom way in to see the name.

Let the shippers get butthurt. The downvotes don't mean anything to me anyway. Now, if these came from honest story mistakes by me and they pointed them out in a comment, then I wouldn't mind since those can be fixed.

Comment posted by Lee Goldson deleted Feb 9th, 2022

FWIW, I didn’t spot any glaring errors that need correcting, hence my confusion about the downvotes. As long as the story makes you happy, I think that’s what matters!

I love how many headcanons this shoots down: Luster Dawn being Starlight's (and Sunburst's) daughter, AppleDash, and Fluttercord.
I'm intrigued!

Well, all those downvotes suddenly make a lot of sense. You basically roundhouse kicked almost every series finale headcanon in the throat.

I'm just happy they didn't give Adult Sunset lipstick like they did Celestia, Luna and Cadence. I mean seriously why, it looks wrong.

That was the point. If these were beyond a doubt 100% confirmed canon, it's a different story. But they're not. I don't give a f:twilightangry2::flutterrage:k what the haters think anyway.

The idea of Luster Dawn being Starlight Glimmer's daughter never made any sense to me. If she had been raised by Starlight, she would have grown up knowing about friendship without needing special lessons from Twilight. As for the relationships in question, those at least seemed to be strongly hinted at (even if they weren't explicitly canonized in dialogue) -- but since I don't give a rip about shipping, I'm cool with you doing what you want.

Seems like a decent start to a story, in my opinion.

I've seen people say that Luster's views on friendship are her rebelling against her parents (when they're Starlight and Sunburst anyway). But that is a flimsy excuse at best and falls apart when you think about it.

Glad I'm not the only one.

This was great! I can't wait for the next chapters!

Good start, now to see where the story goes. Yes, every story not written by the official writers is automatically an "alternate universe", so it doesn't matter if your story follows so called "cannon" or not. All that does is give you more room to play with the characters, lol. :rainbowlaugh:

Another argument I've seen is the logic that nopony needs to learn friendship as everybody is friends anyway. This is another version of the old 'everybody else is vaccinated' fallacy.

The lipstick I can live with (at least it matches their skin at a darker shade), but that's not nearly as jarring as Cadance's bright blue eye shadow....

I mean, I'm not against those headcanons, I just found it funny.

Do you also think Firelight told Starlight Glimmer it is ok to start a cult and destroy spacetime?

Of course he did. Even if it was Starlight rebelling against him, he would totally be behind it.

The lipstick doesn’t look that off on those three, though. But yes, it wouldd’ve looked odd on Sunset.

Nineveh, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You are, too. So you don’t like head cannons; that’s okay, you’re allowed to. Some people like theories and are a little peeved that you shot them down; that’s okay, too.

Calm down, alright? There’s no need to be angry.

I suspect the issue isn't just that the fic's rejected them, it's how it went about doing it. Instead of bringing up these all going differently from popular fanons in passing as each subject comes up naturally, it outright spends its opening paragraphs going out of its way to explicitly call out and criticize these fanons and those that support them as silly, in a set-up where there was no specific story-related reason it needed to do so, as if just doing so out of spite. I can see how that might make some feel...targeted...writing it like that.

But otherwise, just so there's no misunderstandings, I don't have a problem with this--I find AppleDash both cliche and stereotype promoting, I'm overall indifferent about FlutterCord, and we need more fics that dare to portray Luster as something other than the spawn of StarBurst anyway. And above all else, I'm always supportive of a fic that breaks the trends of fanon to instead tread it's own, original, path. :pinkiehappy:

Besides, some fans need to remember that fanon is not, and never will be, the same as canon, and shouldn't be treated like it is anyway--to do so is just stifling creativity. And I'd rather see the uniquely creative than a glut of trend-followers. :raritywink:

Thanks for putting that into words, I was having a hard time of it! My only guess is that there’s a thematic connection, that not everything will be as it seems beyond the mirror, but that’s only speculation.

It's just how I write. I'm not trying to make everyone happy. And as I said in another comment, if all of what I called out was 100% confirmed canon, and nothing left to interpretation, its a different story.

Plus as you said. Nothing in this is true show canon anyway. I'm not crazy enough to think fanon is true canon, nor will it ever be. Let the creativity juices flow.

Loving the premise and am very interested to see where you go with this.:moustache:

Yeah, while I do think it's silly to downvote a story over someone's ship not being together in the story, it is their story after all and fanfic has no real rules, I do think that the lines in question add nothing of value to the story. None of these characters appear to be important to the plot being set up, and it feels like they exist only to act as a way to voice the author's opinions on unrelated topics. I would argue this is the wrong place to voice those opinions, as it does negatively impact the flow of the first chapter by distracting from the actual story being told.

I mean they kind of do, in that some readers might ask questions regarding that stuff. Maybe Rainbow and AJ are introduced and people ask why they aren't a couple or Luster leaves for the human world and people ask whether her parents are okay with it or Sunset asks about Starlight.

Plus it's self aware humor which can be a lot of fun.

Perhaps these things should come up when those situations occur then? The problem right now is the lack of context. This information sort of comes out of nowhere and doesn't seem important at this point in time. If it came up when the characters in question were around and was relevant to the events happening, or could come up naturally in conversation, it wouldn't feel quite so forced. As for the humor, it just doesn't seem to be landing with most people. The first few sentences of a story probably aren't the best place to be adding in a lot of meta humor unless the entire story is going to be extremely meta, like a Super Trampoline fic or Deadpool.

Personally, I like how Twilight's attitude towards Luster asking if she can go through the mirror is, "Well, obviously!"

I'm inclined to agree with you. The lines as they occur have no real relevance to the plot and seem to be there solely for the purpose of bashing those people who follow them. If incorporated organically into the story it would work better.

I hope you are being sarcastic.



People can think all they want about those lines. It won't change anything. So...

No reason at all Twilight wouldn't be open to letting Luster do this 😁


People can think all they want about those lines. It won't change anything. So...

It’s... constructive criticism. There’s no need to be defensive and angry about it.

Oh no, this isn't me angry or defensive. This is me just being me 😑.

Well, then. I don’t know what to say. Just know that accepting constructive constructive criticism, like Scyphi and Scribblesrick are giving you, makes an author grow and be better.

At risk of causing ire: I think it was the brusque manner you just shot down the ships (and also aspersions on the character and "maturity" of some) for those of us who like to give depth and nuance to, say, Rainbow Dash; it is kind of irksome to have that kind of quick insult and then move on.

By all means don't go for the ship, but either don't cover it. Or expand on the idea of why it is not there. Sure, this story isn't there for that, so why put it in at all unless you want to cock a snook at the shippers.

Oh hey, looks like I've got the first comment on this chapter... maybe.

You had my attention yesterday with the first chapter, and now I'm eagerly anticipating Luster's first steps in Pedestria. (That's what I call the EqG world, if it wasn't obvious).

hehe, i look forward to Luster Dawn discovering the human bodys dietary needs, aka meat XD

I can't wait to see how Luster will react to becoming a human and meeting her first human, I can already guess it will be a full grown Sunset Shimmer or maybe one of her friends.

Anyways keep up the awesome work!

Oh that's gonna be fun alright 😜.

Not the best name. But yeah. Or faceplantes 😁.

I wanna see Sunset introduce Luster to three things. Bacon, Pizza, and hamburgers. :rainbowlaugh:

I made it into the author's note? But I'm not anybody! I'm just this guy, you know?

Two of those for sure. Equestria has pizza, so it's not much different.

No, I don't know actually.

Imgine for a moment though Lusters FIRST encouter with meat being on the pizza.

Luster eyed the pizza before taking a tenitive bite. "Oh wow this is good! What is it?"

Sunset smiled "Oh sausage beef and peporoni. Basically pig and cow" she replied without thinking then paused a moment "probabbly shoulda warned you about that first now that I think about it"

Luster gagged "You think?!"

Can't wait to see adult Sunset!

Thank you for taking our comments into consideration.

I also really like today’s chapter. It’s fun and you now have my attention. Keep it up!

Starlight's smile grew. "You have someone to help you. Not just here in Equestria. But also in the Human World. You just have to trust us on this."

At first I was confused, but then I realized what Starlight meant. Twilight had no one, Starlight had at least Sunset on the human side, but Luster has Starlight on the Equestrian side and Sunset on the human side. Progression!

People might get bent out of shape again with some of the ideas I have for the Equestria Girls world (which I won't share here). But Hasbro not giving a flip about it works in my favor since nothing was ever made concrete about its future.


I love Equestria GIrls, more than the main show, in fact. If you look at my stories, all of them have been EqG. Which is why I was irritated that the spin-off never got any sort of closure. Sunset Shimmer’s story doesn’t have a proper ending. It annoys me to no end. Hence why I enjoy stories that are set in future Human World, especially ones that occur at the same times as the ‘The Last Problem’.

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