• Member Since 5th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

The Great Scribbly One

A misplaced loremaster of Arda.


Nestled into the southern slopes of the hill of Túna in the Noldorin capital of Tirion is the campus of the House of Learning, (in)famous across the four kingdoms of Eldamar as the preeminent centre of scientific and historical research on the continent, if not in all of Arda. Daily, the scholars therein push the frontiers of Elven knowledge in any field one would care to imagine, and some you really wouldn't.

Few outside this sheltered enclave of the terminally curious dare to enter the oft-refurbished research and development buildings, but the archives are another matter entirely. One can learn of wonders undreamt of (or forgotten) by mortal minds within those hallowed halls, thanks to the tireless efforts of the archivists, but to set foot within the xenology department is to visit another world entirely...

A collection of miscellaneous short stories and lore drabbles from the world of the acclaimed Hearts of Iron 4 mod, Equestria at War, as presented in the Quenta Roccolië. Be warned that spoilers for the main story may be present, though offending chapters will be marked.

Cover art is Rúmil of Tirion by Steamey

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 4 )

Gud story. While I must confess that, out of Tolkien’s works I’ve only read The Hobbit, this nevertheless feels very Tolkien-esque, which from our prior conversations I strongly suspect that that’s exactly what you were going for.

Good to see you again! Indeed, I was leaning on Tolkien and classic Arthurian mythology, with a smattering of the Song of Roland and Celtic stuff in there for good measure. For example Eireaball Gael fights the same number of battles against the Ponies as Arthur does against the Saxons (though the events of those battles differ), the horn Mamaidh is very much inspired by Roland's horn Olifant and the Formians are basically a direct lift of Fomorians from Irish mythology with a slightly altered name for lore reasons.

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