• Member Since 31st Oct, 2016
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I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.



This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry Chronicles: The Movie

The Storm King is beaten, Equestria saved and the world our ponies know of has expanded. With the Friendship Map growing more complex, Twilight has realized the Magic of Friendship can't be protected by her and a handful of friends. To help spread the Magic of Friendship, she decides to open a school, and invites creatures of all different shapes and sizes. Changelings, Dragons, Griffons, Hippogriffs and Yaks are only the first few creatures that'll be attending with the ponies of Equestria.

But Twilight and her friends will soon discover that learning about friendship and teaching it are two very different adventures. And when a force of arrogance threatens to close the school unless if conforms to their way of teaching, Twilight's dream will soon be put into serious jeopardy.

Edited by KingJoltik


Chapters (5)
Comments ( 58 )

Oh boy… Season 8, we here… that season is divisive to say the least… here go nothing.

Let's hope Young Six are more developed than their canon self, especially Ocellus… I can't remember one episode that focus on her. :ajbemused:

Here's highlights

Ace turned to Springer, "We don't really have to attend this place, do we?"

Springer shined a grin at this, "Absolutely. It'll be good for you two...and it'll keep you both out of trouble while I'm on patrol."

Ha! Springer is like ready for a long break from taking care of his kids! :rainbowlaugh:

"Yeah," Heart crossed his hooves, "If I wanted to sit around all day being super bored I think I'd prefer to be in Cheerilee's class. At least Button and Rumble would be there to hang out with."

Soul shrunk back at this, the thoughts of losing her connection to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon now going through her head.

They may hang out with Young Six but at least, Heart and Soul don't forget about their first non-adult friends.

That's the true friendship. :twilightsmile:

"About that..." Twilight added, "One thing I forgot to mention." Her horn lit up along with the door, which swung open. "It's not just ponies." They turned to see behind the doors a bunch of different creatures. There were a few ponies, two of which rushed inside first, but there was also an orange dragon, a mainly blue griffon, a blue and pink changeling, a yak and a hippogriff that looked familiar to two of the ponies.

Smolder, Gallus, Ocellus, Yona, Silverstream and… hey, where Sandbar? :rainbowhuh:

"And I'm sure we can handle it," Springer crossed his paws. "What's the worst that could happen?" Iron, Grand and Lightning turned to give him a look, "I know, I shouldn't have said that. But as long as we keep ahead of things, it'll be fine."

I love when Iron, Grand and Lightning are like "Don't jinx us, Springer!" cause they are probably tired of anyone saying things that would get jinxed. :rainbowlaugh:

Season 8... Boy... I'm really hoping you can do this season better more than any other season. I have opinions about this season and... 96% of them are NOT in this season's favor... All I'll say further is, fuck, this, season. This was the one. This was the season that broke me. I was just done after this season. I could forgive Season 6. Season 7 I thought was pretty meh. But Season 8 was it. It was the straw that broke the camel's back and made me quit being a fan because after bad episode after bad episode with only a few good ones, I was absolutely done.

Apologies for the rant, I just... I really hate Season 8.

Truth be told the first episode of season 8 wasn't my favorite.
It was a good idea for the School of Friendship, but to have someone like Neighsay in the mix, i felt like i really wanted to kick him in the privates for what he did and said.
I'm surprised Celestia didn't fire him because of what he did.

Alright, Season 8 is finally here! I've heard some people say they dislike this particular season for a variety of reasons, but personally, although it is not without a few flaws, I love this season and feel it is under-appreciated and over-hated.

The school of friendship might sound silly on paper, but in the setting it actually works, and I think the Student Six were the biggest highlight of the season that offered a brand new area of possibilities. My personal favorites were Ocellus and Silverstream, but I came to like Gallus a lot more than I thought I would, and the rest are of course fun too. I know that several of them have gotten small cameo appearances throughout your series so far, including Sandbar, Smolder, and of course Silverstream, but I look forward to when their group is officially introduced next chapter. I'm also excited to see what new adventures and developments you have in store for them.

Heart stared at it for a moment, the colt hovering in place since his right leg was still bandaged up from what had happened three months ago,

Ouch, poor Heart. I knew it would take awhile for a wound like that to heal but I hope he'll be okay soon.

Ace turned to Springer, "We don't really have to attend this place, do we?"

Springer shined a grin at this, "Absolutely. It'll be good for you two...and it'll keep you both out of trouble while I'm on patrol."


"Oh, don't be such a foal." Mira chimed in before turning to smile at Soul, "I'm looking forward to this."

"Me too," the alicorn filly nodded. She and Heart were also going to be transferring out of Cheerilee's school to attend the School of Friendship, since it would make things easier for Flash and Twilight to continue their studies.

Interesting to have Heart, Soul, and the Jakhowls join the school. Ace and Mira make sense since they would add more culture diversity to the school, but I hope Heart and Soul will still have time for their friends.

You want my advice, keep such a negative opinion off the story comments. Otherwise it would detract potential readers from reading it.

And we're here at S8, while this season has been divisive and a few episodes where less than stellar I liked it! (especially since it introduced 2nd best sister dragon to the show!:heart:) Here's hoping that the Young Six get a much better treatment here than in canon & also that a certain bigoted unicorn gets wrecked by *do-nothing* Celestia at the end of it! (not holding my breath at that last one:ajbemused:)

Aha here's my school supply list : pens, papers, ruler, Highlight list...wait what? :

The princess had a bunch of different cards floating in her magic along with a three foot long scroll with an abridged version of her plan. A plan to open a School of Friendship, which would help foster friendship all over Equestria and to the many lands both near and far. But before she could start the plan, she needed to get it approved by the country's lead ruler, the thought making her vibrate the bench so much that Flash and Spike were almost shook off the ends of it. "Twilight," Flash told her, "You need to relax." He jumped off the bench, "This is gonna go fine."

"Relax, he tells me." Twilight let out an almost insane laugh, "How can I relax?! If I don't impress Celestia with this idea, my plan for the School of Friendship will never come about!"

And Twilight hits the ground running with twilighting already, off to a great start! :rainbowwild:

"I think a school of friendship is a wonderful idea, Twilight! I'll help in any way I can." They reached another class and Twilight looked inside, seeing many young unicorns practicing with their magic to lift apples. She wrote something in her notepad as Celestia trotted away, then quickly running up and jumping in front of her.

"I just have a few questions."

"Here we go," Flash sighed as Twilight took out the notes from earlier.

"What time should school start each day?" Twilight asked with Celestia smiling.

"It really d-"

"What's the ideal length for class?" Twilight asked, cutting her off. She was about to ask another question, but Flash used his tail to cover her mouth.

"One question at a time Twilight." he deadpanned, the gesture making Twilight blush as Celestia giggled.

Yes thank you Flashboy! :rainbowlaugh:

"Yeah," Flash added, "Look what happened with the Storm King's invasion. We were completely outmatched when they first arrived. If it hadn't been for the changelings and the dragons, our friends never would have been able to save us and Equestria would be under a tyrant's rule."

"Yes..." Neighsay grumbled at Flash's words, "Needing the help of other creatures because we couldn't protect ourselves. Clearly an issue with Equestrian military and the Royal Knights." Flash frowned at this

Ah and the bigoted one makes an appearance, just lovely! :twilightangry2:

"Yeah..." Flash added, "But I'm not so sure about this."

"Why?" Spike asked, "You were all for the school before."

"I'm still on board for opening a school," he shrugged, "I'm just worried this whole EEA approval thing isn't gonna work. If we're forced to do thing by the book, we might not be able to properly teach the lessons we want."

Another good point, thank you Flash! :rainbowdetermined2:

Heart stared at it for a moment, the colt hovering in place since his right leg was still bandaged up from what had happened three months ago, "How are the non-flying students supposed to get in?"

"Oh," Twilight sparked her horn, "This is how." In a flash of light, a stone bridge lifted out of the lake and connected the shore to the waterfall at the front. Seconds later, the waterfall split in two and revealed a large door with a round glass window that had a stain glass depiction of Twilight. "Pretty cool, huh?"

"Yeah," Heart nodded as he started scratching at his bandage. That was until Soul slapped his un-bandaged hoof with her tail, "Ow!"

"Stop scratching."

"It's itchy," he whined. Even after three months, he still wasn't allowed to take the bandage off. It was bad enough that he had to wear a plastic bag over it when he took a shower.

No touchy Heart! :rainbowkiss:

Ace turned to Springer, "We don't really have to attend this place, do we?"

Springer shined a grin at this, "Absolutely. It'll be good for you two...and it'll keep you both out of trouble while I'm on patrol."


lol sorry Ace, no getting out of this one! :rainbowlaugh:

"And I'm sure we can handle it," Springer crossed his paws. "What's the worst that could happen?" Iron, Grand and Lightning turned to give him a look, "I know, I shouldn't have said that. But as long as we keep ahead of things, it'll be fine."

*picks up receiver* Hello Murphy, just letting you know Springer requested your presence at a place called *School of Friendship*? You'll be there around next week? Sure, I'll let him know! :facehoof::rainbowlaugh:

Heart and Soul stared at the new students, only for a voice to ring out, "Heart? Soul?" They looked up at a hippogriff, "Is that really you?"

Heart raised an eyebrow, "Do we know you?"

"Silverstream?" Soul gasped.

"YAY!" She flew down and hugged them, "It is you!" She then let them go, "So this is what you really look like?" They nodded and she clapped. "Wow! This place is so amazing! I can't wait to start classes!"

Hypergriff's here, sweetness! :pinkiehappy:

Good first chapter Banshee, till the next one! :twilightsmile:

Okay, why does this story already have 5 down votes? Like seriously? It only just began.

Just the usual *naysayers* like always, nothing new there. :trixieshiftright:








Guys guys let's not fuss or fight or dislike what we have to say in the comments let's just respect each other's opinions and not be a Chancellor naysay or worst this guy

Clearly an issue with Equestrian military and the Royal Knights." Flash frowned at this

Neighsay isn't wrong here, if the Equestrian Military, including the Royal Knights, was halfway to competence, the invasion would have been beaten back shortly after it started.

Not much else to say right now, only that I hope that Banshee portrays Neighsay with nuance.

Interesting, Flash teaching the students the teamwork, and yup, its gonna be really hard.

And I think that Smolder is going to be the most difficult because of her attitude, well, the change in the dragon culture is just beginning, but I hope that she has a better development here than in FiM

Very interesting that Flash got his own class which is a training room which could help Young Six or Eight for Season 8.

Sound like Young Six or Eight are long way from becoming friends to each other, especially Smolder. (I going to blame her brother, Garble on that :ajbemused:)

Here's highlights

"You weren't kidding about the shy part," Flash joked as Ocellus made the ponies Fluttershy was talking to walk away. "It's like Fluttershy version two point five."

Good point! :rainbowlaugh:

At the same time this was happening, Heart was trying not to itch his hoof. As he did this, he almost flew into Smolder. "Whoa!" He pulled back, "Sorry." Smolder turned to glare at him, only for Heart to go wide-eyed, "Hey...have we met before?"

"I don't think so," she replied with crossed arms.

"No, I definitely remember you. Where was it...?" He rubbed his chin with his good hoof, only to go wide-eyed, "Oh yeah! We fought against one another." Smolder raised an eyebrow at this, "Oh...right. You probably don't remember because you were...brainwashed." Smolder began to glare at him again, making Heart gulp, "Sorry. Probably shouldn't talk about something like that."

A callback to Dragon's Awakenings.

"I said this is lame," Smolder grumbled with crossed arms. "I don't need to attend some silly pony class about courage." She thrust her thumb into her chest, "I'm a dragon. I'm fearless."

"Oh..." Flash chuckled, "So you're an idiot?"

*spits drink*

BURN!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥

"This is the school's training room," Flash chuckled, "I had a friend of mine in Canterlot finish it up and install it when Twilight wasn't looking." He patted the crystal, "This is a perfect copy of a gem that's in the castle of friendship. With it, we can make this room look like anything we want, which means you can be put into any situation I can think of that'll help you practice what you learned in the other classes."

Hopefully it won't be like The Castle Labyrinth. :ajbemused:

"FIRE!" Yona cried before leaping behind Sandbar, trying to hide despite the fact she was twice his size.

"Relax," another pony told her before moving over to it. "This isn't real." To prove his point, he pushed his hoof into the flames and didn't feel a thing. "See." But when he pulled it back, nothing came out. Everything up to his knee was gone. He gasped and looked ready to start panicking, but Flash pressed the crystal again. After a second, his hoof reappeared.

"Yes, none of this is real. But if the fire touches you, that part of you will disappear for the rest of the exercise. And yes Smolder, I've taken into account that dragons are fireproof." The dragon smirked at this, only for a pair of voices to start screaming.

Don't get cocky, Smolder. :ajbemused:

he sure was right about how well courage goes with the other elements, tho the first lesson could have been better he exxplained things well.

A very rocky first lesson for Flash teaching the Young Six (especially Smolder) but at least they are willing to learn! Also sweet pair-ups in terms of roommates for the Young Six/Sibs/Jackhowls, we'll see how they get along as things move forward! :raritywink:
Well played with having a secret training room built into the classroom!:raritystarry:

Ok class! Your first assignment is to review these Highlights! :

At the same time this was happening, Heart was trying not to itch his hoof. As he did this, he almost flew into Smolder. "Whoa!" He pulled back, "Sorry." Smolder turned to glare at him, only for Heart to go wide-eyed, "Hey...have we met before?"

"I don't think so," she replied with crossed arms.

"No, I definitely remember you. Where was it...?" He rubbed his chin with his good hoof, only to go wide-eyed, "Oh yeah! We fought against one another." Smolder raised an eyebrow at this, "Oh...right. You probably don't remember because you were...brainwashed." Smolder began to glare at him again, making Heart gulp, "Sorry. Probably shouldn't talk about something like that."

"You think?!" Smolder hissed.

Heart seriously, stop digging yourself deeper into that hole before you end up on the other side of the world!:facehoof::rainbowlaugh:

"Great." He turned to see Gallus step into the room, "You guys are my roommates?"

"Hey bro," the earth pony waved as Gallus rolled his eyes. "You want the top of bottom bunk? Guess the top since it's easier to fly up to it with wings." Gallus didn't reply and took to the air, landing on the top bunk and sitting in it like it was a nest. He then noticed Heart's bandaged leg.

"What happened to you?" Heart rolled his eyes, wondering how many times he was gonna have to explain this.

lol maybe put a sticky note on it with the whole info Heart? :rainbowkiss:

"I said this is lame," Smolder grumbled with crossed arms. "I don't need to attend some silly pony class about courage." She thrust her thumb into her chest, "I'm a dragon. I'm fearless."

"Oh..." Flash chuckled, "So you're an idiot?"

This statement made everyone go wide-eyed, including Smolder, "What did you just say?!"

"You're an idiot," Flash repeated. "Either that, or a complete liar." Smolder's eyes narrowed at this, about to yell before Flash hopped off his desk, "You see, there are only two types of creatures that believe they have no fear. Those who are lying to themselves and hiding their fear, or those who are so stupid they can't see the danger of a situation right in front of them." He glanced back at Smolder, "So if you're really fearless, you're either a liar, or an idiot." He slowly leaned up to where his face was inches from hers, "Which is it?"

Smolder glared back at him, only for nothing to come out of her mouth. Instead, she simply looked away and crossed her arms.

I see her big brother's influence with that attitude, glad she grew out of it & became awesome later on! :moustache:

"It means using what we learned in real life situations," Smolder chimed in, "Like being told how to fly and then actually doing it." Flash nodded as he jumped off his desk, "But how the heck are we supposed to do any practical exercises in this stuffy classroom?"

Flash laughed at this, "It would be pretty hard to do that in a classroom, wouldn't it?" He flew above his desk again, "But luckily, we're not in a classroom." This made everyone tilt their head at the pony, only for Flash to touch the middle of the desk. When he did, the desk glowed before it disappeared and a floating crystal appeared, which also glowed as Flash touched it. The light spread out and everything in the room aside from the inhabitants were now glowing before vanishing.

The students all yelped as their chairs disappeared and they fell to the floor while the room reshaped itself to look like a blue grid lined dome. "What the heck?!" Gallus exclaimed, "What is this place?!"

"This is the school's training room," Flash chuckled, "I had a friend of mine in Canterlot finish it up and install it when Twilight wasn't looking." He patted the crystal, "This is a perfect copy of a gem that's in the castle of friendship. With it, we can make this room look like anything we want, which means you can be put into any situation I can think of that'll help you practice what you learned in the other classes."

"Cool..." Smolder whispered.

Sneaky way of getting this put in pass Twilight there Flash! :ajsmug:

"This isn't working!" Gallus yelled after the fourth bucketful, the flames not looking a bit weakened.

"To heck with this!" Smolder threw her bucket away, "I'm fireproof. I'll just go in and get them."

She then dived down into the building, Ocellus exclaiming, "Wait! We don't know how structurally secure that place is!"

But Smolder didn't listen and crashed through the window, the flames not affecting her at all. "Hey!" She looked around, "Pony! You in here?!" A cry of help made her turn to see a pony currently trapped under some fallen rubble. The dragon tan over to free him, only for the ceiling to suddenly break apart and collapse on top of her. "AUGH!" She yelped as the heavy wood and stone pinned her to the ground, "Can't...move."

Her teammates watched and waited, Flash frowning when he saw this before shaking his head as Sandbar asked, "What's taking her so long?"

"Smolder!" Ocellus yelled, "Are you okay in there?"

After a few seconds, Smolder's voice called out. "I'm...fine!" Flash frowned at this and used the crystal to create a screen that showed the inside of the house, Smolder still trapped inside.

"Damn dragon pride." Smolder couldn't get hurt, but this was gonna make her team's task a lot harder.

Ooooohh not looking good there Smoldy! :facehoof:

He turned to the others. "I want you all to think about what happened here today and how you might be able to improve the next time you do something like this. And try to remember, don't just think about what you can do when it comes to a problem. Think about what you and those around you can do."

Well said Flashyboy, well said!:yay:

Good first class all around, course will take a nosedive with all of *by the book* changes that are coming soon!:facehoof:
Till the next chapter Banshee & keep up the great work!:twilightsmile:

Nice start to the school year. We finally have the official introduction of the Student Six and we get to see who is bunking with whom. It was cool we finally got to see Sandbar again after his brief cameo way back in Season 4, and got confirmation of Smolder's cameo from Dragon's Awakening (though she clearly doesn't like being reminded of it). I also liked how we got to see Flash's class and how he teaches everyone. We didn't see much of classes at the school in canon, so getting to see how Flash handles class was interesting.

Though it is clear the students, or at least the main ones, have a long way to go, not just with friendship but learning to work with others. But once they succeed they'll do great.

The young hippogriff continued to fly around ecstatically. "This place is amazing!" She went on and on about her life under the sea while Ace and Mira walked around as well. "Ooh!" Silverstream flew over to them, "What are you? I've never seen anything like you before!"

The pair backpedaled at this, only for Soul to walk over, "This is Ace and Mira. They're jakhowls."

"Oooooh," Silverstream's eyes went wide, "What's a jakhowl?"

Boy, you're in for a long story Silverstream.

With that, he stepped over to the other group to go over what he noticed with them. And as he did this, the six students all looked away from one another. Some sad that they had failed, others looking angry while the rest were unsure. As this happened, Flash glanced back at them, only for the defender to sigh, "We've got a long way to go..."

Let's get down to business.

Whoa, Twilight fired Flash, that was something i didnt see coming.

And of course Derpy could be a good teacher in courage, she had the courage when she saved Twi in the movie.

Well… I honestly didn't expect Ace and Mira being the one to be bonded with Young Six and got more screen time than Heart and Soul which is rather refreshing considered they have a small role in the movie.

Although, Twilight's stay by the book attitude will backfire on her for sure on the next chapter.

And we got our introduction to probably the most controversial villain: Cozy Glow.

Here's highlights

But as he did this, he suddenly slammed into somepony. "AUGH!" They both cried as they fell, Heart letting out a moan before sitting himself up. He then saw he had hit a pink pegasus filly with a curly blue mane and tail that had white ribbons in them and a chess piece cutie mark.

"Sorry," he pulled himself up and offered a hoof to her, "I wasn't looking where I was going." The filly blinked at him, an annoyed glare on her face quickly changing into a smile.

"It's okay," she said with a rather cutesy sounding voice as she took his hoof and was pulled up. "Just be more careful from now on."

Here's come our little troublemaker, Miss Cozy Glow. :ajbemused:

"Um...bye," she waved before smiling. "Fire Heart...Flash Sentry's apprentice. Hmmm..."

Uh no! I don't like this! :pinkiegasp:

Yes, the school really was coming into its own. The teachers were becoming more confident in how they wanted to teach their students, while the students themselves were learning the importance of the seven elements. Everything was going well...until Twilight got involved.

Of course, Twilight. :ajbemused:

Flash shrugged at this, "I understand. Just...don't come crying to me when the exact thing you're trying to prevent happens." With that, he spun around to leave, Twilight slumping down in her desk, the alicorn letting out a whimper.

Yup! He did foreshadowing that!

Well that escalated quickly. How will Flash react to this little event?

I imagine Flash would tell Twilight after this little event. "I told you so."

Hope Twilight makes it up to Flash.
Glad he still supports her.
Wonder if the others know. Part of me thought his classes would cause them to get in trouble instead it was firing him.

Seriously Twilight, this is exactly what they've been trying to tell you, but you're always so obsessed into pleasing others.
Stop thinking about what they want and start thinking about what you want.

And you should listen to Flash, I mean if it weren't for him you would've screwed up, big time.

Princess of Friendship huh, more like the Princess of Dumb Ideas.

Well not only we got introduced to evil little filly this chapter :ajbemused: but we also got Flash to stand his ground this time around regarding the *by the book* crap Twilight gets obsessed with, even though he got fired for it at least he didn't let bookhorse run all over him! (unlike the movie:ajsmug:)

Also been enjoying Ace/Mira getting to hang out & actually bonding with the Young 6 (or Young 8 at this point?:applejackunsure:) Course things will go downhill next chapter with what happened at the end here, I really hope Flash don't let Neighsay trample all over him like he did with Twilight & puts him in his place! :flutterrage:

Okay gotta review these Highlights! :

"Oh no," her eyes went wide. "What happened?"

"I was fighting against this super evil guy and had to use a magical attack so strong it burnt my entire leg," he stated with a smirk. "It was cool and all, but now my leg and hoof are always itchy." He pulled his other hoof away and tried to think of something else to do with it, only to hold it out, "I'm Heart by the way. Fire Heart."

The filly smiled and took the hoof, "Cozy Glow. Wait..." she looked him over, "Fire Heart? Flash Sentry's apprentice?"

And the evil one makes an entrance (dun dun dunnnnn) beware Heart! :twilightoops:

Yes, the school really was coming into its own. The teachers were becoming more confident in how they wanted to teach their students, while the students themselves were learning the importance of the seven elements. Everything was going well...until Twilight got involved.

The alicorn princess had begun inspecting the classes, and when she found how things were being done, she quickly put a stop to them. Apparently, the ways her friends were teaching their lessons weren't EEA approved. So, completely forgetting what Flash had suggested back when the school was approved, she forced the classes back to their original way of study. Her friends were once again stuck teaching off a blackboard, which only resulted in boring the students.

Doggone it Twilight!!! :ajbemused:

"Hello Head-Mare Twilight," Cozy waved at the alicorn as she flew into the courtyard the filly had been studying in. She then noticed a flower clip in Twilight's mane, "That's pretty."

"Thank you," Twilight replied, "Flash gave it to me the other day."

"He's so sweet," Cozy giggled as Twilight nodded and began to fly toward Flash's class to check to see how things were going.

"One...two...THREE!" Gallus yelled as the three leapt up and grabbed the three ropes hanging over the goo. Gallus and the pegasus grasped the rope, but then Sandbar's slipped out of his hooves.

"WOW!" He yelped, only to stop when the ropes tying him to the other two went tight. He looked up and saw his partners groaning as they tried to hold him up while gripping the ropes with their untied limbs. Sandbar smiled back as they began to pull him up.

Flash smirked at this, but then heard a beeping sound coming from the device. "Uh-oh."

lol Flash you sneaky genius! :rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh:

"Well, keep up the good work. The EEA will be very impressed." With that, she shut the door, Flash breathing a sigh of relief and turned the tracker back on before activating the crystal again. In the blink of an eye, the three illusion students vanished and the classroom returned to the assault course that had the real version of Gallus, Sandbar and Sky-Writer hanging above them, trying not to make a sound.

"Nice work," Flash commented, "That probably took a lot of will." The three sighed in relief, then felt their grips slacken enough that they let go of the rope and fell into the goo.

lol not bad, not bad at all! :raritywink:

"Ha!" Smolder laughed as she leaned against Gallus. "Maybe dragons and griffons are just too tough for friendship." They fist pounded as Yona frowned at them.

"Yaks tough, just not nasty."

"Who you calling nasty, klutz?" Gallus growled before the pair glared at each other, soon pushing each other as Ace and Mira gulped at the sight. But before they could do anything, Rainbow, Applejack and Starlight ran in, having overhead the argument.

And the sparks started flying! :twilightoops:

"Yeah..." Springer responded while cross his arms, "I don't think it's doing well." Twilight raised an eyebrow at this, "Considering all the negative emotions I've been picking up whenever I'm close to this place, I'm getting the feeling that the students here aren't having a great time."

"Don't be silly," Twilight replied while waving a hoof, "The students are loving it here."

"Twilight..." Flash sighed, "You're in denial. When the students walk into my class, they're all barely conscious after being bored half to death. And they've barely learned anything. I should know, my classes are all about taking what they've learned and putting it into a real world situation. But they haven't been able to do that because they've got nothing to learn from us."

*sigh* Denial, more than just a river bookhorse!:ajbemused:

"Well, then we have to try harder and make sure they do!" The forcefulness of her voice made everypony realize Twilight was starting to get stressed, Springer frowning at the sight. Twilight would have said more, but in that moment the bell began to ring. "Another morning, another chance to inspire our students!" She smiled, but the others just sighed before leaving. The only one who didn't was Flash, Twilight now glaring at him as she said, "You need to get that illusion crystal out of your classroom, and fast."

"No," he told her with crossed arms.

"Excuse me?!" Twilight yelped, getting off her desk. "Are you trying to sabotage this school?!"

"The only one sabotaging this school is you," Flash replied, "I don't care what that stupid book says, I'm not going to change how I teach my class. When I agreed to do this, I knew this was the only way to help the students master courage, and I'm not gonna change it."

"If the EEA sees your class the way it is-"

"They'll see the students actually learning something," Flash pointed out. "And if they really care about the education of Equestria, they'll realize this school is the exception to the rule." He let out a sigh, "Listen Twi, you know I don't know how regular schools work...but this isn't supposed to be a normal school." He pointed his hoof at her, "I don't want to get into a fight with you...and it's your choice Twilight. You can either trust me, or fire me. Whatever your choice, I'll except it."

Twilight blinked at this, a full frown on her face before taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry Flash, but I can't let this school fail. I'm afraid...I'll have to find somepony else to teach your class from now on."

Flash shrugged at this, "I understand. Just...don't come crying to me when the exact thing you're trying to prevent happens." With that, he spun around to leave, Twilight slumping down in her desk, the alicorn letting out a whimper.

Heck yeah Flash, stick it to the man....er mare!:yay:

The others nodded, not sure how they would feel if they were the last of their kind in Equestria, only for Ace to wave his paw, "Eh, it's fine. We might be the last, but we're not gone yet. As long as we're around, the jakhowls are standing strong."

"So...what does your dad do around here?" Gallus asked next, the pair going wide-eyed.

"He's not our dad!" they said together before pointing at each other, "You think I'm related to him/her?!"

lol well can you blame them for thinking that! :twilightsheepish:

"She actually fired you?" The jakhowl asked Flash, who nodded. "Ouch. Surprised you'd wanna be here."

"I might not agree with Twilight's methods, but I still wanna support her when I can." He sighed before taking a sip of his drink. "Besides, I'm Heart and Soul's guardian. Why wouldn't I be here for Friends and Family Day?"

Still looking out for Twilight, even when she's being dumb!:ajsmug:

"Ocellus?" Flash asked as more and more ponies screamed and ran. As they did this, Neighsay and the mares arrived and when the unicorn saw Ocellus, he gasped.

"Aah!" Jumping behind Twilight, he sank to the ground, "The school is under attack!" One pegasus flew into the pair and shot past Gallus, causing him to accidently drop Sandbar. This sent him rolling into Rutherford, Seaspray and Thorax, knocking them both down. The girls holding Yona were also knocked for a loop and crashed into the snack table while Ocellus was doing her best to avoid the fleeing ponies and accidently crashed into one of the towers. The building broke apart and fell toward the grounded party guests, only to be obliterated by Springer's Aura Force as Ocellus accidently transformed back to normal and fell to the ground with the jakhowls.

Every-creature not scared off by the 'attack' moaned as they picked themselves up, all trying to recover. Flash blinked at the sight, only to sigh again, "This...is gonna take some explaining."

Oh boy, that sure went pear-shaped quickly! :pinkiegasp:

Can't wait to see the fallout from it & how Flash handles it (especially against speciest horse:twilightangry2:) till the next one!:twilightsmile:

Wow, I have to admit, I didn't think Twilight would actually be stubborn enough to fire Flash. The fact that the students enjoy his class the most out of all of the others by that point should have spoken volumes. Though at least he didn't hold it against her. That shows he is still loyal to her, despite her mistakes. One thing is for sure, Twilight is going to deserve a big fat "I warned you!" from Flash after this, and she is going to have to apologize to him for not listening to him.

I like how Ace and Mira are interacting with the Student SIx and becoming part of the themselves. I don't know if there is room for Heart and Soul in their group too, especially if they bring their old friends with them, but who knows what could happen.

But the one other major development of this chapter was Cozy Glow's early appearance. Though it seems like her dark side has a lot more obvious signs earlier on than compared to canon. Her backstory of having multiple foster homes might be something that helps explain her eventual villainy, assuming she is even telling the truth.

"Um...bye," she waved before smiling. "Fire Heart...Flash Sentry's apprentice. Hmmm..."

I am suddenly very worried for Heart and what Cozy has planned for him. Her helping him with his itchy cast seemed nice on the surface, but it is most likely just her starting to manipulate him like all her other attempts at so-called "friendships".

"You fired Flash?!" Starlight yelped as she and Twilight trotted through the halls, making sure everything was ready for Friends and Family day along with the EEA inspection.

"I had too," she sighed, "Flash refused to do things by the book, and if Neighsay saw what he was doing, he would have shut us down on the spot." She let out a moan, "But now I need to find somepony else to teach his class. Maybe Springer would be willing to do it. Or Grand...Iron...Lightning...Derpy?"

Starlight rolled her eyes, "You'll probably run into the same problem. They're all gonna agree with Flash about how the lessons should go. And really...Derpy?" Twilight sighed as they reached the courtyard and began to make their way over one of the bridges that ran over the small rivers that fed the waterfalls.

I admit, Derpy might not be the first choice for a teacher if you go by normal standards, but I think she has more than proven herself to teach a class on courage. Just look at her actions during The Movie when she tried to save Twilight.

"So...what does your dad do around here?" Gallus asked next, the pair going wide-eyed.

"He's not our dad!" they said together before pointing at each other, "You think I'm related to him/her?!"

I found that part really funny. I know Springer himself said he doesn't want the two of them thinking of him as their dad, since then that would mean they would see each other as siblings and ruin his plans for them to mate and restore the Jakhowls. But it is honestly a bit hard to not view the three of them as a family at times.


Also been enjoying Ace/Mira getting to hang out & actually bonding with the Young 6 (or Young 8 at this point?:applejackunsure:)

If they add Fire Heart and Shining Soul then they can make it a nice round 10.

Comment posted by Kayceejr91 deleted Nov 11th, 2022

I’m looking forward to how you portray Cozy Glow in your series. Out of all the villains she is the one with the least amount of backstory

And really...Derpy?"

And how's your guidance and consoling going? At least Brighteyes doing her job.

As much as everyone wants to hark on Twilight, she's actually in the right for firing Flash. And on that subject when Neighsay shuts the school down, denying it accreditation he's actually in the right, in fact, he would be charged with dereliction of duty if he didn't, same is true for Twilight if she didn't fire Flash. And while it is an unpopular opinion, it's based on the facts and the lore.

I really like the fact Flash speaks with the true to Chancellor Neighsay, reminds me when he scold Starswirl for all the mistakes he make.

Good News: Flash got his job back and he and Twilight reconcile with each other.

Bad News: The five non-pony students are missing and it could creates a massive war between 5 non-ponies race.

I am still surprised Ace and Mira got more screen time than Heart and Soul, although it makes sense since Heart and Soul did have big roles in the Movie while Ace and Mira spend most of their time as statues.

I can't help but wonder if Heart is going to have a ship tease with Cozy since he's not annoyed with her compare to other female characters he interact with and is saddened by her departure than non-ponies students (But I had a bad feeling that he will be even more devastated when he find out about the truth about Cozy Glow, although, that may change if Banshee do with Cozy in his version)

Here's highlights

Before he could say anything else, Flash appeared and pushed him away from her. "You know, I'm getting pretty sick of you badmouthing other creatures. Especially the ones that have saved our flanks. Equestria would still be under the Storm King's reign if the changelings, dragons, hippogriffs and jakhowls hadn't helped us. If you're so worried about them attacking us, maybe you should stop saying things to make them mad."

Sound like Flash had enough of Neighsay's shit.

"You mean the EEA's way of doing things," Starlight corrected. "And no, you were right to stick by your ideals. Even if this hadn't happened and Twilight's school got accredited, the students wouldn't have learned anything and likely would have all flunked out. Then word would have gotten around about how horrible the place was, and nopony would have applied for the next year. This whole thing was a disaster waiting to happen."

Yeah, she got a point, Twilight… it was a no-win situation to begin with.

"They sent me to get you. Come on." He transformed into a bee and flew out the window

Don't you means She cause Ocellus is a girl.

Cozy frowned, but nodded. "I'm afraid so. Since the school's been closed, I have to go back to my foster home." She sighed, "My guardians aren't gonna by happy that I'm back."

2 guesses: either she is lying about having guardians to hide her secrets from Heart and Soul or those guardians may take her place as villains of Season 8 Finale.

"Yeah...I don't know. Just...seeing her go really hurts. We didn't know each other very long, so...I don't know. I just really liked having her around, you know?"

Don't give in, Heart! Cozy is manipulating you!

"I guess," Mira gulped. "And we are a lot stronger than we were the last time we came in here." Ace nodded and they stepped into the woods, still cowering as they made their way through the trees. "But if I see a single cragadile, I'm running the other way faster than Heart eats a donut."


"Figures I'm late." They glanced up and saw Flash hovering above their heads. "I wanted to be the one to give the rousing speech that made you buck up and try again." The mares laughed as he landed, "Oh well. As long as you actually are bucking up and trying again."

At least you get Twilight apologizing to you and admitting you were right about the whole thing. :ajsmug:

"Yes, I am," Twilight nodded before staring at the defender, "Listen...Flash. About what happened before." She rubbed one of her hooves, "I...I just wanna say...well...you know?"

"Know? Know what?" Flash shook his head as he started to form a certain grin on his face, "I don't. Please tell me."

"Yow wore why," Twilight mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?" Flash replied, Twilight now growling.

"I said you were right!" Flash chuckled at this as she continued, "I shouldn't have tried to make you change how your classes were run. From what I heard, those were the only ones that students actually learned something in."

Ha! I knew it! That's what you get for being a stubborn girl, Twi. :ajsmug:

Yeah, still wanna deck Neighsay regardless of consequences!:flutterrage:

Don't get me wrong, the students playing hooky & causing damage was no okay but to use that as an excuse to talk down on the other races (especially since it was PONIES that gave the Storm King info on Equestria's Royal Knights & defenses! :twilightangry2:) was completely uncalled for! :flutterrage:

Glad that Ace & Mira are looking out for *our wayward students* by getting them to a *safe* place in the Everfree, also double glad Twilight had to eat crow before Flash after the big *I told you so!* :rainbowlaugh:

As for Highlights :

Neighsay glared at the six, then back at Twilight. "And how do you know these creatures won't take what they have learned here and use it against us?"

"Hey!" Springer yelped, "I'm a citizen of Equestria. And the dragons and changelings have a peace pact with the kingdom."

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "We were hoping this school would lead to the other nations joining the peace pact."

"Peace pact?!" Neighsay scoffed at this. "Clearly just a ploy to lead us into a state of lower guards, giving them to opportunity to strike!"

"Friendship isn't just for ponies!" Twilight barked back.

"It should be." Neighsay hissed, Rutherford then stepping forward.

Yep, still wanna punch him dead square in the face!:twilightangry2:

"The way you talk, it's like you wanna put up some kind of wall around Equestria," Heart added from his and Soul's spot with the others.

"Not a bad idea."

"There are non-pony Equestrians you know," Flash pointed out, "Like Springer said, he's lived in Equestria his whole life. And there are others, like the buffalo in Appaloosa. What gives you the right to decide who deserves to be friends with us?"

"The EEA," he instantly replied, "It might not give me full control over the kingdom, but it does allow me the ability to decide what will be taught in it! And as long as I am chancellor, no school in Equestria will teach the disastrous and idiotic ideology of trying to make friends with creatures other than ponies!" With that, he created a portal and stepped through it.

Excuse me, who died and me you Celestia you pompous twat!!!:flutterrage:

"I'm sure they'll be overjoyed that you're home," Soul added, Cozy turning to stare at her.

"Oh, uh..." Heart pulled Soul closer to him, "This is my sister."

"The filly turned alicorn?" Cozy guessed. "I've heard of you." She looked down as a train whistle blew to signal the approach, "But I'm afraid you're wrong. I'm not gonna be in for much of a warm welcome when I get back." The train arrived and the passengers were let off, Cozy flying up to board, "Well, I guess this is it." She turned to smile at Heart, "It was nice seeing you again. Maybe we'll meet back up one day, hopefully."

Heart frowned at this as the train doors closed before the engine began to pull away. Heart watched it disappear into the distance, sighing once it was out of sight. "Bye."

"You okay?" Soul asked, Heart just frowning in response, "You didn't seem this upset when the other students left."

"Yeah...I don't know. Just...seeing her go really hurts. We didn't know each other very long, so...I don't know. I just really liked having her around, you know?"

Soul blinked at him, only to shrug, knowing that friendship was something that could happen with just five words between two ponies. "Well, you know what? Maybe she's right and you will meet again someday."

"I guess so..."

Oh boy........not sure how I feel about *this one*! :twilightoops:

Ace nodded again, following after Ocellus until they arrived at a small clearing within the forest that had no deadly animals, killer plants, or poisonous bogs. It looked just like any other meadow one would find in a forest. There they spotted Smolder, Yona, Silverstream, Gallus and Sandbar sitting around, Ocellus now joining them.

"Hey!" Mira cheered as they ran over, "What are you all doing here?"

"Well duh!" Silverstream laughed, "We came because we didn't wanna stop hanging out with each other. At least...that's why I came."

"Yona came to pony town to learn friendship," Yona added, "And yaks no give up until task is complete."

"Nah," Gallus shrugged, "This place might be lame, but it's a hundred times better than Griffonstone. I'd rather hide out here then have to listen to Grampa Gruff constantly complaining about every single little thing."

"Same," Smolder nodded as she laid back in the grass. "This place needs a dragon's touch to keep it from getting too boring, so just be thankful I decided to stick around."

"Well, it's great you're all here," Ace finished before glancing around, "But this place isn't really a great spot to hang out in."

"He's right," Sandbar nodded. "The Everfree Forest is one of the most dangerous places in Equestria. It's not safe to stick around here, especially when it gets dark."

"So what do we do?" Gallus asked, "We can't go home, and we can't stay here. Where else can we hang out without getting caught?"

They all shared glances, only for Ocellus to let out a gasp, "I know just the place! Come on!" She flew off and the others followed suit, wondering just where they would be going.

Guess we all know where that is eh? :raritywink:

"Figures I'm late." They glanced up and saw Flash hovering above their heads. "I wanted to be the one to give the rousing speech that made you buck up and try again." The mares laughed as he landed, "Oh well. As long as you actually are bucking up and trying again."

"Yes, I am," Twilight nodded before staring at the defender, "Listen...Flash. About what happened before." She rubbed one of her hooves, "I...I just wanna say...well...you know?"

"Know? Know what?" Flash shook his head as he started to form a certain grin on his face, "I don't. Please tell me."

"Yow wore why," Twilight mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?" Flash replied, Twilight now growling.

"I said you were right!" Flash chuckled at this as she continued, "I shouldn't have tried to make you change how your classes were run. From what I heard, those were the only ones that students actually learned something in."

"I had a feeling my method was right." Flash laughed while crossing his hooves, "And that's coming from somepony who didn't even go to school."

Here Twilight, have some salt to go along those words you're trying to mumble out to Flash! :rainbowkiss:

"Exactly." Springer responded, "So uh...you sure it'll be okay for them to return to the school? What if that Neighsay jerk shows up again?"

"it'll be fine," Flash replied, "He can't really do anything but say some harsh words, and you know it'll be nothing but nonsense. And if he actually tries to remove the kids by force, then I can intervene and arrest him...is it wrong that I now want him to try that?"

*keeps claws crossed in Neighjerk actually trying that* :rainbowwild:

As she said that, Spike started gagging before he coughed up a bunch of smoke. It quickly formed a scroll that he caught and read, "It's from Rarity." He gave the scroll to Twilight, who quickly skimmed through it before her eyes went wide.


"What's wrong?" Flash rushed to her side as Spike started gagging again before unleashing another scroll. Twilight didn't even let him grab it, pulling it over in her magic and reading it through.

"Ocellus too!" Twilight gasped, and before anypony could ask what was up, something shot in through an open window and slammed into Twilight's head. "Ow!" She then saw it was a pink paper aeroplane, which unleashed a puff of confetti when she unfolded it to read. "And Yona."

"What's going on?" Springer asked, Twilight turning to them.

"Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie all met with the leaders and discovered that...their student is missing." They all went wide-eyed at this, the group soon learning that those three weren't the only ones. Both Gallus and Silverstream would also be reported missing, a situation that could result in war between the five non-pony races.

"This...is bad," Flash gulped.

Yep, here we go! :facehoof:

Looking forward to the resolution and hopefully a verbal/physical beatdown (hey I'm flexible!:ajsmug:) against Neighjerk, till then Banshee! :twilightsmile:

Glad Flash and Twilight made up.
also Cozy does not seem to be doing much so far

You know in some ways, I think Neighsay comes off even worse here than he was in canon (which is saying something). He is still racist here against non-ponies, but his comments towards the other creatures hold even less value since Equestria has an official alliance with the changelings, dragons, and hippogriffs here, yet he still acts like they are just waiting to strike. If anyone is to blame for the world nearly going to war it is him. I'd love to see Flash help put him in his place during the climax when Twilight and Celestia tell him off.

I liked the scenes of all the students meeting back up together in the Everfree Forest, and Ocellus leading them to the Castle of the Two Sisters where they will hideout. I already liked the group as they were in canon, but adding Ace and Mira is really sweet. Also, Twilight apologizing to Flash and re-hiring him was both funny but also sweet.

With the climax approaching, I'm guessing we only have one or two chapters left. This is doing a great job so far.

"The way you talk, it's like you wanna put up some kind of wall around Equestria," Heart added from his and Soul's spot with the others.

"Not a bad idea."

Yeesh. I think we have all had enough of those kinds of politicians.

The train arrived and the passengers were let off, Cozy flying up to board, "Well, I guess this is it." She turned to smile at Heart, "It was nice seeing you again. Maybe we'll meet back up one day, hopefully."

Heart frowned at this as the train doors closed before the engine began to pull away. Heart watched it disappear into the distance, sighing once it was out of sight. "Bye."

"You okay?" Soul asked, Heart just frowning in response, "You didn't seem this upset when the other students left."

"Yeah...I don't know. Just...seeing her go really hurts. We didn't know each other very long, so...I don't know. I just really liked having her around, you know?"

You know, I wasn't too sure before since their encounter in the last chapter was pretty brief, but now I am pretty sure it seems like Fire Heart is developing a crush on Cozy Glow! Ordinarily I'd find this kind of "puppy love" adorable and be proud of Heart, but unfortunately he literally could not have picked a worse choice for a first crush. But who knows, this kind of dynamic between the two could be interesting to see in Season 8, and what Heart will do when Cozy's true colors come to light.

"I'll let Ace and Mira know as soon as I see them." He the scratched the side of his head, "Actually, I haven't seen them much over the last few days. As soon as they're awake, they're up and out the door before I can ask where they're going."

"Can't you just track them through their aura?" Flash asked as Springer rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you put a tracking chip on Heart to keep him out of trouble? It's called respecting boundaries."

"Oh. Yeah, that's a good point and well made."

Huh, never thought of that before actually. If nothing else that explains why they didn't find the students sooner.

Comment posted by Kayceejr91 deleted May 17th, 2022

I don't know," the mother replied, "What if what happened before happens again? Our son was almost crushed until a tower that another student knocked down."

I think you meant to use the word “under” not “Until”

Okay, considering that Equestria has a formal alliance with three of those five nations in this universe, if Neighsay says what he says in canon, he'll be a bigger bigot than he was canonically. :ajbemused:

Oooooh! This was fun, and it feels like something straight out of the show. :twilightsmile:

Gosh, Flash, you sly dog. :rainbowlaugh:

Ooooh, I wonder if Twilight would have been more willing to listen if someone with more teaching experience told her off. You know, the whole teachers being unable to teach effectively due to restrictive guidelines and bureaucracy is a real-life issue if Teacher TikTok is any indication. Why I keep getting recommended videos from Teacher TikTok I will never know. :applejackunsure:

"Very well," Celestia nodded, "I promised to help you in anyway I could, and I stand by that promise. And honestly, after what I heard Neighsay tell the other leaders of Equestria, I'm more than happy to do something that makes him unhappy. Your school might not have the EEA approval, but as long as it helps foster friendship through the many kingdoms, it has my approval and support."

Nice to see that Celestia is being understanding and reasonable. It's nice that she acknowledges that the current system has flaws and shortcomings that need to be worked around. If media and fiction are in any way indicative of real life, people in power tend to cover up the flaws in a system simply because they're too afraid of the negative effects that might come with trying to fix those flaws.

Gosh, if Neighsay had done something more explicitly harmful and discriminatory than just badmouthing other creatures, there are two things that could have happened based on how these incidents tend to be resolved in this day and age. One, he could have kept his current job with barely a slap on the wrist, and the people he harmed would have to deal with the fallout on their own without support. Two, he could have lost his job because his actions would reflect badly on his colleagues and superiors. Just my observation.

You know, when I got dismissed from medical school, I actually considered going into teaching. One of my sister's friends actually taught for a few years, and I asked her what that was like. The thing that she enjoyed most about it was getting to inspire and care for her students. The thing she hated the most was dealing with the administration. Gosh, just having to figure out how to communicate effectively with the students would have taken most of my energy. I don't think I could have handled dealing with parents and administration on top of that. :ajsleepy:

C.S. Lewis once said that courage is every virtue when it reaches a testing point. :twilightsmile:

I hope Heart and Soul's presence ends up changing Cozy's fate from her canon one. I'm glad things turned out okay for everyone, but now, I'm worried about Flash meeting the terrible destiny Future Fire Heart inadvertently told him about. :applejackunsure:

Good work, Banshee.

I wonder what directions you have for Cozy since she is very controversial villain but I will wait for it.

Here's highlights

Seaspray continued before glaring back at the others. "Some creature is hiding them!" The others now glared at her

Don't you means him cause Seaspray is a guy.

"Fire Smasher!" He swung his bandaged hoof as it suddenly set ablaze, hitting the puckwudgie in the chest. The students gasped at this, only to notice the bandages were now burning. "Ooh, ahh, eey!" He yelped as he pulled the bandages off before turning back to the fight as more puckwudgies appeared.

Well, he got his wish of taking that bandage off but remember the old saying?

Be careful what you wish for, Heart :rainbowlaugh:

The others all went wide-eyed at this, Flash rolling his eyes. "Oh, don't give us that look. I invented that look. And no, actually."

Ha! Oh Flash you are funny! :rainbowlaugh:

As they walked, Ace noticed Heart's leg and remembered what happened. "Heart, your leg okay?" He turned to him, "We saw the bandage burn off. Hope it didn't do any extra damage to your wound." Heart lifted his hoof up in response, only for everyone to gasp. Heart's fur had grown back, but his hoof now had a scar running down one side and along the top and then up the other side a few inches. Most of them hissed at the sight of the injury, but Flash, Twilight and Spike's eyes went wide and they all shared a glance. They had seen that scar before.

I knew he got his scar from the movie! Well, he officially joins the Scars club with Grand Hoof and Flash Sentry (Let me know if I miss any Royal Knights with scars)

"YES!" The pair cheered, high-fiving...only for Springer to grab both by the shoulders, making them slowly look back up at the jakhowl, seeing a death stare from him.

"Now...what did I tell you about not going into the Everfree?"

"Uh..." the duo gulped, sweat now going down their heads. "We're sorry?"

Busted! :rainbowlaugh:

Cozy nodded. "Yup. It's a lot more fun now. I hope I get to stay for a while." The others saw the looks Heart was giving Cozy and smirked at one another, wanting to giggle as his obliviousness.

Oh boy… sound like there's a ship tease for Heart and Cozy but imagine their reaction when they find out Cozy's deception. :twilightoops:

Well that was fun. Hope you enjoyed it. Alright, next week I won't be releasing anything for personal reasons and the week after that, I'll be releasing something special. After that, it'll be time to release season 8. See you there.

So it would be 2 or 3 weeks hiatus? Okay.

Personnaly, I'm intrigue with what he will do with Cozy. As for Flash meeting this terrible destiny, I'm not too worried, I don't see Banshee killing Flash like that. I prefer to think that Flash will be teleported somewhere before he can be killed and the others didn't know.

Once again, great job with this story, not too many changing but just enough to feel it was a different story.

This was a great story, and great job setting up Season 8! I know there are people that criticize Season 8 for various reasons, but I personally enjoy it, and I think that the Young 6 (or Student 6, whatever anyone prefers to call them) were a big highlight of the season along with the school. You did a great job with them here, and integrating Ace and Mira into their group.

It looks like the future that we saw a glimpse of in Season 7 is slowly becoming a reality. I was really surprised to see Heart now has the same scar as his future self. Plus, Flash has proposed The United Federation of Creatures. The future is looking pretty bright for now, but Flash still has his foretold death to worry about. Let's hope that is the one part of the future that can be changed.

I think that ending scene pretty much confirms it. Heart has a crush on Cozy Glow. I guess there might be a possibility that Cozy could be reformed thanks to his feelings for her, but I think that it might be far more likely that she stays a villain, and poor Heart will end up going through the same kind of broken heart Spike did back in Season 6. There is a lot to look forward to in this new season, and I am excited to get to it in a few weeks.

Dude when will you please release the super hero story

And when will the kamen rider shifter story be released I really want to read it man

Dude, be patient. He can only work on so many things at once. Right now he's working on his Chronicles series, which is basically the main story here and the Equestria Girls story, and his Bakugan story. Try being thankful that he puts out as much content as he does already.

Ok but man I still kind of liked the riders but ok I see what you mean and sorry and also
To build the winning formula you like that to right know that build needs to stop a mirror reflection of one self

that was a good idea Flash had glad they liked it

Well happy B-day to me (and it literally is) I can't get enough of this fan fuc series good luck on making more mister Banshee and good luck.

It was a good start for season 8, it was a cool battle (specially for Spike using his draconic magic) and i like the union of creatures, makes more sense for the season 9 finale.

But Heart's scar maybe suggest a terrible fate in the future.

And i hope Cozy can explain why she is evil in this because there wasnt a backstory for her.

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