• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,322 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 35: Hemorrhage

Scylla was awakened by that which usually disturbed her slumber. her sister Epona's snoring. The cool blue alicorn yawned and glanced about their home. Her sister, who was all pink, Epona was on her back, legs kicking in the air occasionally and mumbling about whatever was on her mind while deep in rest. Their brother, Aethon was in the corner and also snoring, but his was a light repetitive wheeze. Scylla concluded that was most likely why Epona’s nasal cavities did not disturb him. Their mother, Aine, was still gone. She had left with Luna a day ago. Perhaps more. It was difficult to tell one day from another.

“Perhaps I need to create a calendar. I’m sure Mother would appreciate that.” The more Scylla thought about it, the more she liked the idea. Seasonal increments, divisions based on a lunar cycle perhaps? That felt correct and familiar for some reason. Perhaps that was how it was done on that other world. Thoughts were turning in her mind. There would be no more rest so it was best to simply get up.

Scylla exited their large, one room home and moved to stand outside. Judging by the light it would be dawn soon. Warm light breaking the horizon to rejuvenate and revitalize the flora and fauna. It really was a beautiful sight to behold. Their small home shaped from the rock and trees near a picturesque waterfall that oversaw a rainforest valley below teaming with all kinds of new life. It was a good thing that she and her siblings did not need real sleep, just rest and recouperation of their powers after heavy use, for the forest below was never quiet.

Scylla's thoughts were on her mother, as they usually were. But they also lingered on what the world of their birth was like. This new world they were shaping was lovely and quiet, but they were alone here. It was just the three of them when Aine was busy elsewhere. There was fauna and a steadily growing insect life, courtesy of her own powers, but none were evolved enough to hold a conversation.

Were they shaping the land and creating the bugs and animals for a reason? When Scylla had asked Aine about it the black and white alicorn simply smiled and told her, “You are doing good work, my beautiful daughter. Let me worry about the big things.” It felt good to hear, but did not answer her questions, for which there were many. It bothered her slightly that it did not seem to bother her brother or sister. They were not concerned by such things. And so that that part of Scylla that longed for a long, intelligent conversation about life and all things in general was left unfulfilled.

It was in those dark and lonely times that she would think back to the large cave with the river. The first memories she could recall. Scylla knew she was an unnatural creature. One that was made and not born like the animals of the world they were building. She remembered lying there on the ground in fear as alicorns (that was what mother had called them) fought with each other. She remembered the aquamarine alicorn stallion with the slicked back mane. Most of all, Scylla remembered his screams as he died. The river washing him away like a tough fruit stain.

Scylla had not thought about that day for some time, but it never completely left her thoughts. It was significant, she knew that in her heart.

“What has you up at this hour for?”

Scylla turned and found Aethon standing in the doorway. The red alicorn yawned and scratched at his long, white mane. She smiled and turned back to the picturesque vista. “The usual. Too much on my mind.”

“I should find it insulting that I never have that problem.”

“You are a simple creature, brother. You and Epona. You do good work, but that is all you think about or care about. I do what mother says, but then I wonder why. I stand here and ask why we are doing this when there is another world already full of such life. Are its skies not full of birds? Are the waters not cool and clear enough for things to grow?”

“You are talking about that place where we woke up.” Aethon scoffed and shook his head. “It still bothers you seeing them fight, doesn’t it?”

“It does,” Scylla sighed. “Why were they fighting? Why was that stallion trying to drown the golden one? Why did he wash away like that? What was that other world even like with so many other ponies to talk to?! It all frustrates me.”

“I have a question for you then.” Aethon waited for his sister to turn to her. “Why is this not enough for you?”

Scylla tapped her chin and finally nodded. “Because I can feel in my heart that there was more to our story. I felt… sad when that alicorn died. As if I knew him even if I cannot remember when or where.”

“A waste of time and of valuable sleep. Mother wanted you to start working on the ocean tomorrow. Something about needing more fish, if I recall.”

Scylla rolled her eyes. “She always wants more fish. I tried to tell her there are already so many. They will make more just fine on their own. The oceans are large enough and deep enough. They will be fine.”

Aethon was about to comment further when he felt a tug in his chest. Scylla felt it as well and it had been strong enough to awaken Epona within their home. The siblings looked about, trying to find where the feeling was coming from.

“Hey, did you guys feel that… whatever it was?”

Scylla never took her eyes from the landscape, scrutinizing every detail down to the scurrying bugs. “We did.”

“But what was it?” Aethon growled. He spread his wings and took flight, hoping to see where the dark, pulling sensation was coming from. Nothing below appeared out of order.

Scylla soon joined him and then a few minutes later, Epona, if albeit a bit wobbly. They flew in formation over the forest and then over the grassy pastures. They flew out to the sea and down along the coasts, but nothing was wrong or out of place. It was all right where they had left it the day before.

It was then that a shadow fell across the land, blotting out the sun above in a way no clouds had ever done. The shadow spread across the land and the day became night once more. The three alicorns looked up to the sky and noticed that the sun, that had broken the horizon not long ago, was being blocked by something. Whatever it was it was moving, as splashes of corona light would escape from around the large object.

“Is that… a space rock?”

Scylla shook her head. “Rock does not squirm and twist. Whatever it is, it is alive.”

“Alive?!” shouted Epona in her high pitched tone. “In space?!”

Scylla scowled at her pink coated sister. “We traveled to this world from the other through space and we survived. Is that so odd?”

“Yeah, but we’re special. Mother told me we were.”

Aethon continued to glare at it, perhaps trying to set it ablaze with his mind. “We are magical, which means it is as well. I do not like this. It feels… wrong.”

“Maybe if we hide it will go away?” Epona suggested.

“Hide? I am an alicorn! I breath the fire of life into living creatures! I burn with the hot intensity of the sun itself! I do not hide from anything!”

Scylla did not share her brother’s bravado. “Perhaps hiding would not be a bad idea. If we can sense it, it may be able to sense us as well and wish to harm all that we have crafted.”

“If it wishes harm then harm is what I will give it!” Aethon spread his wings and launched into the air like a rocket.

“Brother!” Scylla cursed under her breath and glared at Epona who felt conflicted. It was clear she just wanted to bury her head underground and hope for the best. She was, after all most comfortable underground. Too bad. “After him!”

Against possible better judgment, the two alicorn mares joined their brother in the deep blue sky.

They were high. Higher than they had ever needed to go. The ground was so far below it looked gray and cloudy, lacking any recognizable detail. Scylla noted that she could see the curvature of the world itself from here as well as the stars above. It would have been fascinating were there not an object approaching that clearly was aware of them now.

“What now? The air is too thin here to go any higher by wings alone.”

Aethon smiled devilishly at Scylla as his horn began to glow. “I say we tell it to go away in the most universal way possible.”

Scylla felt the pit in her stomach grow deeper. “Do you have any idea what you are doing?”

“I, am defending our home.” Aethon’s horn continued to glow brighter. Epona was hesitant, but began to gather power as well. Outvoted two-to-one, Scylla too began to gather power for an attack. The more she looked the more she felt a great sense of wrongness about the entire situation. Scylla had a way with creatures. She knew them well and how they worked. This thing… whatever it was, it was unnatural and did not behave like any creature she had ever dealt with before. That anxiety only grew when the creature seemed to take notice of them. It was then that Scylla realized that it was far larger than she had imagined. Aethon, however, did not seem to be concerned.

“Aim for the eyes. They are always a weak point. We drive it back then slap its rear and send it away,” said Aethon with a confident grin. Scylla wished she could have his confidence on such a matter. Instead, all she could think about was how much she wished Aine were here to help them.

As they gathered their energy, a trio of small burning stars in the upper atmosphere, Scylla noted that the creature, despite its size, stopped moving entirely and turned its bulbous, snake-like head directly towards them. But why? She thought. They were like angry insects to it. How could something so large be concerned with them… unless…

Scylla wanted to stop, wanted to cancel her spell, but Aethon was already gathering hers and Epona’s power to his own. “NO! WAIT!”

Three beams formed together to form one massive energy blast. The super heated magic was like high energy plasma and scattered or disintegrated the nearby clouds below, discharging out into space at the intended target. With speed that they would not have thought possible, the creature started towards them like a pouncing predator. The beam, instead of striking the eyes, went into the monster’s massive gaping maw where it disappeared into the blackest abyss any of them had ever seen.

For a moment, the creature came to a stop again. It twisted and turned a bit and Aethon grinned. “Of course, its softer on the inside than the out! HA! And the fool swallowed it whole!”

Scylla did not join in the victory crow, just keeping her eyes on the creature, waiting for it to burst or bleed or anything to indicate it had been injured. Instead, all the red eyes took on an even brighter glow and they were focused solely on the three them. Scylla felt something she had not felt since that first day in that underground city where her memories began.


“Hey,” said Epona, “is it just me or does that thing look like it wants seconds?”

Aethon stopped laughing. His smile disappeared entirely as that abyssal maw opened once more. Suddenly, all three alicorns felt as if they were being sucked towards the beast. They cried out as they flapped to escape. Epona was wearing out fast. She was an earth elemental. Being in the sky away from the ground was her weakness. Scylla reached for her sister who was crying as she pushed her wings harder. Trying to find her way back to the ground, but was still being drawn in as the creature grew closer to them all.

Aethon turned and fired again, roaring defiantly. That was when he felt the power be siphoned from his horn as if it was ripping the protrusion out itself. Aethon crashed into Epona and both were drawn in, disappearing behind rows of teeth and impenetrable opaqueness. Scylla cried out their names until her voice had nothing left. There was no more air in her lungs to scream with. Her entire view was nothing but a giant mouth with more teeth than she could count. It was not just coming for her, it was coming for everything she created as well.

“Blessed mother of creation… we have failed you.” It was all she could whisper out before the omega beast consumed her and crashed down into the world below and ate through the crust like it were cake. The beast ate the land, the numerous creatures that had no idea what was going on died in droves. The cool river waters and vast oceans flash boiled, ejecting moisture and material into space. The hardened rock below fractured and mixed with the magma below. The omega beast came out the other side and turned back and bored through the world again…. And again…. Until there was nothing left but bits of ejected rock and gas that it had sloppily missed and jettisoned away.

For the first time in its long life. The beast was full. It had fed well on scraps but the world it had just devoured had been rich with life energy. It felt itself grow and distend with gluttonous glee. It needed a nap. Then it would find another to gorge upon.


Sunset Shimmer was no stranger to pain. She had known pain for much of her life, both physical and emotional. Physical pain was a reactionary response by the body to tell you, “Hey, stupid! Stop that! It hurts!” It could also be useful or helpful. Pain let you know you were not dead or paralyzed. Pain caused the brain to release endorphins that helped keep you alive as part of your “fight or flight” response. Some were even turned on sexually by certain kinds of pain. Sunset, as she thought about it, briefly, didn’t mind a little bondage and pain just to try something different, but it was not really her kink. Mostly because she had experienced plenty of unpleasant pain tied to unpleasant memories. Which, of course, led to emotional pain. Emotional pain was not as easy to define beyond that it generally cut deeper and lasted longer.

What Sunset Shimmer and every other creature in the immediate vicinity of Aine felt was somehow a mixture of the most excruciating physical pain she had ever felt that penetrated her very soul and tore her insides up before stuffing everything back inside like a child trying to hide stolen candy in a broken cookie jar. And at the same time, it made her heart weep because she felt overwhelming sadness for the poor creature that was turning her to pulp from the inside out.

Sunset felt her eardrums explode first. She felt blood tricking down from her ears and nose. She squeezed her teeth together so hard they she was certain some of them had cracked. Her entire body hurt as if she had been beaten by a thousand soldiers with bamboo staves for hours on end and half her organs were now ruptured. Thankfully, she passed out after a few seconds of exposure to Aine's blood curdling scream.

What felt like hours later, but was likely only a few seconds, Sunset blinked the spots from her eyes and gasped. She was on the ground, as were many others except Harmony, Raven, Belldandy, who had apparently just finished healing her, and Chaz, who was helping Twilight recover. Aine. The most powerful creature in the known universe was balled up on the ground and whimpering, her face covered by her hooves as she wept like a large filly. Luna was standing nearby like a statue, expression flat and unreadable.

“What…. what the hell just happened?!”

“Aine screamed,” Raven said. She placed her hoof to Sunset’s chest, no doubt reading her owner’s biometrics and scanning for any other damage. “When she exceeded one hundred and eighty decibels I had to shut off my receptors or risk damaging them. I have no idea how loud she reached but I still felt the sound waves crash into me like high explosives. I thought she was going to liquify your insides.”

Sunset touched her tender sides, wishing more than ever to have another set of armor available. “I think she might have.”

“You are healed now. I know what I am doing,” said Belldandy matter-of-factly.

Sunset nodded her thanks and moved to Twilight, who blinked a few times and nuzzled Sunset to assure her she was fine before moving to Isabella, whose feathers were molting in a complete, stress induced mess. All the remaining eyes in the room turned to the weeping goddess in the middle of the floor. They all had questions and after a few glances back and forth Sunset sighed, realizing it was going to fall to her to find out what just happened. She tried to take the safe out and pass the torch by turning to Luna.

“Aunt Luna?”

“I, I felt them die.” Aine wept harder. “There was nothing I could do… Nothing any of us could have done… they were there… lights upon a distance horizon, always in my heart and then…”

Sunset and Twilight glanced to one another. Twilight nodded while Sunset made the briefest pout face. They stepped closer, carefully giving Luna space, but cautious to approach Aine as well, in case she screamed again. “We’re really in the dark here,” said Sunset.

"Could you perhaps elaborate?" Twilight added, her voice soft and nonthreatening.

“They are gone…”

“Huh? Who?”

Slowly, with great anguish still consuming her, Aine returned to her hooves. “My children. The Athanatoi. They are gone.”

Sunset met Twilight’s gaze and the two communicated completely through silent facial gestures. Finally, after Twilight pointed with her eyes, Sunset rolled hers and dared to press for information. “Are you saying your remaining three alicorns that we reset and brought back from Elysium are dead?”

Aine choked on her sob. “Not just dead… GONE! Consumed! The beast devoured them and the world we were building!”

That last fact sent a chill through the entire room. Holy fucking shit! If that thing can EAT an entire planet what the hell chance do we have of defeating it?! There's no blasted point to move civilians to safety because there won’t be any!

“How is this possible?” Twilight asked barely above a whisper.

Aine tried to speak again but simple felt to her knees again and cried harder. “I-It is m-my fault! I took them from the safety of this world and, and, and now they are DEAD! DEAD! My first… WHY?! How could this have happened?!”

Sunset felt her heart tear open. Aine was projecting so much that her emotions overpowered and triggered Sunset’s empathic magic and she felt anguish wash over her. Despite her disgust and dislike for the Goddess of Creation, Sunset Shimmer understood all too well what it was like to lose a child. This was not the arrogant, callous, pretentious goddess who only saw those below her as tools. This was not the all powerful being that reached across the dimensional dreamscape and brought about the end of Midnight Sparkle and subsequently her first wife. No, the creature before Sunset was not omnipotent by any possible phrasing of the definition. This was a grieving mother who had just suffered a tremendous personal loss. Without a second thought, Sunset sat down next to her grandmother, wrapped a wing over her sizeable withers and nuzzled into her.

Sunset's mind immediately recalled what it was like holding Aurora, her first born, for the first time. She let memory after memory flow through her mind and the power of those precious memories flow back through her power into Aine. Sunset recalled her firstborn’s first steps, seeing them as clearly in her mind as if they had happened yesterday. She remembered birthday parties, lost teeth, Christmas mornings, trips to the beach, school functions, the hassle of teenage Aurora wanting a “punk phase” and that everything she wore needed spikes after she found her mother’s old spiked vest and combat boots.

Sunset let the warmth and love of all those precious memories flow into her grandmother. Then, she remembered her second daughter, Sunna, and let the process repeat. Finally, she reached through her own pain and remebered Celestia. She remembered the good times as a filly. Being in total awe of the sun goddess that had raised her. She remebered being forgiven by the princess when she first returned from exile durning the Memory Stone debacle. She remebered all the joyous times they had spent together as mother and daughter. Most of all, Sunset remembered love and how much love she had given and received from those she cared for. She projected that love back into Aine.

Slowly, Aine’s sniffles and sobs began to subside. They remained side by side for several minutes, eyes closed as the memories played out and the goddess regained control of her emotions. After nearly half an hour, teal eyes opened and looked down at a matching set of teal eyes. Aine blinked a few times as if seeing Sunset Shimmer for the first time as something more than just a tool to be used.

Aine started and paused twice before finally just settling on saying, “Thank you, granddaughter.”

“We still have our differences, lots of them, and I’m not going to pretend to like you, but I understand what it means to lose those you love most. I can be empathetic and offer my heartfelt condolences where they are needed. Because that is what it means to be a good pony. Being there for others.”

Aine took a deep breath and nodded. She shuddered again before finally sure enough of herself to speak clearly. “It must have sensed me traveling back and forth through space and followed that scent back to New Prime. The children would have fought back in vain. I can only hope that it did not make them suffer.

"While there is still a great deal of ambient magic in our universe, Equuis is the largest and most appealing target of them all. It will come for us here next. Most likely soon than later.”

“How much sooner?” asked Raven, with little compassion to her tone.

“I do not know. I can only guess. A moon cycle. Two at most.”

“Then there is no more time to waste. We must prepare to assault Void without delay,” said Luna with a nod.

“What about every other creature?” asked Isabella, finally regaining her voice. “We have many of the nations on our side now, but what can we do against a monster that consumes planets? Surely, we need to plan a contingency for their sakes. Your Highness?”

Twilight nodded. “While capturing Void is a high priority, seeing to the safety of our subjects and every creature else is equally as important. I don't want to leave anything to chance if it can be helped.”

“And while this may come out sounding ironic or hypocritical coming from me, we can’t just jump through to the In Between without being prepared. That place is just as dangerous as a planet eater and we will all be screwed, blued, and tattooed if Void gets the upper hoof on us. I’m with Twilight. We need plans. Lots and lots of plans.”

The room fell into silence as each creature retreated into their own thoughts. The silence lingered for a minute, but was interrupted when the door was savagely kicked open and Tempest and Gauge jumped in with weapons at the ready followed by nearly an entire platoon of guards. While the room was a complete, explosive mess… again, all present were well and accounted for.

Sunset Shimmer began to snicker as Gauge’s face went from battle ready concerned to sheepishly embarrassed all in a few breaths. It caused Twilight to giggle a bit as well. “If we were not facing a number of major dilemmas I would totally begin new drills on your response times, captain.”

Twilight nodded in agreement. Then, quirked her head. “Not that I dislike seeing you, but why are you here, Tempest?”

Tempest scratched at the side of her helm, causing her horn to spark a bit. “Yeeeeah, I came to collect my husband and remind him he needs sleep too when it felt like my brain was going to melt inside my skull from some sort of sonic attack. I had to make sure you were all okay.”

“I apologize,” said Aine, bowing her head. “I had… a terrible moment of grief and lost control of myself and my power.”

Tempest blinked, her face remaining mostly neutral. “Right.”

Twilight straightened her crown. “I think the best thing we can do fight now is adjourn and begin planning in earnest. Tempest, while I have you here. Please inform the EIS director to have Clover the Clever recalled to Canterlot immediately.”

“And then put your husband to bed,” added Sunset with a smirk. “He looks exhausted.”

“Being in your service has that effect on me, my princess.”

Sunset barked out a laugh. “Ha! Pot shot. Nice!”

Aine stepped over to Belldandy and Chaz. “I would like to retreat to your temple for a time. I need to center myself and I wish for us to examine the tapestry again. In case we missed something crucial.”

The two anthro alicorns shrugged but did not disagree. A moment later the room lit up again and the three were gone. Luna, with nothing to add, nodded to the diarchs before retreating to a shadow and disappeared as well. Harmony stepped over to Raven who smiled brightly at her.

“I need to discuss matters with you later.”

Raven smiled and nodded. “Of course. Until then, dear.” The crystal projection vanished.

“Well,” said Discord patting his claw and paw together. “I think I’ll just retreat back to my home and shack up for the evening. I think I might be due for a little travel to the south side of anywhere else.”

“Discord,” the draconequus stopped in mid snap, his eyes turning to Twilight Sparkle, “Please don’t run away for long. We… I am going to need you on this.”

Discord tried to remain aloof, but eventually sighed and slumped. After collecting himself he smiled at the purple alicorn. “Do not fret, dearest Twilight. Call, and I shall return. As a good friend should do.”

“Thank you.”

Discord’s red eyes flicked over to Sunset Shimmer just for a second as she narrowed her gaze at him and mouthed the words, ‘I know where you live.’ With a snap, the Lord of Chaos vanished as well.

Twilight nuzzled Sunset’s ear, instantly causing a fresh smile to spread across her face, wings flapping slightly with electric excitement. Warm breath whispered sweetly, “I’m going to my lab to think and I want you to come with me.”

Sunset smiled and gladly turned to kiss her wife. “Lead on, babe.”


The train ride had been pleasant even if the company had not given him much choice on the matter. Cooperation had been the best course of action considering the agents had revealed themselves under orders of Princess Twilight Sparkle directly requesting his presence. Still, it felt strange to be back in Canterlot again so soon. Clover had not expected to ever come back to the city upon the mountain. Preferring to travel the land and help make amends and assist the common folk with whatever they needed as he had promised. Still, the princesses beckoned. He would obey.

“I suppose I should head to the castle immediately and make my presence known.”

The two ponies who had identified themselves as Equestrian Intelligence Service agents gestured and fell into formation as before, one in front one in back. They had not been much for small talk. Clover was in fact a little disappointed in himself for not taking notice of them earlier. He had been preoccupied helping the rural communities in the western regions of Equestria, far from Canterlot. But apparently not far enough from their watchful eyes. He could not blame them, however. His failures had led to the deaths of many and torment of many more.

As Clover walked along the streets it pleased him that the citizens had recovered so well. The city showed no outward signs of the destruction Datura had wrought upon it. There were many creatures going about their day, fillies, colts, and hatchlings running about playing in the parks, and merchants and shops open for business. Everything looked as it should. That made Clover wonder all the more why he would be recalled by order of the princesses and on such short notice. He was thankful he traveled light, carrying only what he needed upon his back.

Once through security, Clover was taken not to the throne room, but to a guard station. It was there he was met by and passed to a familiar thestral, Captain Fog Gauge. The bat pony did not appear particularly happy to see him. However, it could have just been the early hour and that he would be ending his shift soon.

“Clover the Clever. I have been tasked with bringing to you the princess upon your arrival.”

“Only one and not both?”

Gauge narrowed his yellow eyes at the sandy yellow unicorn. “As I have been informed, Princess Sunset just returned to her chambers to sleep for a few hours. She and Princess Twilight have been working tirelessly, for days, on a solution to a problem they will discuss with you once behind secured doors. That is why you are here. The only reason you are here.”

Clover nodded. “I am getting the impression you do not like me much, captain.”

Gauge hissed. He turned fully to the legendary ‘hero’ and Clover suddenly realized that the bat pony was quite intimidating when he wanted to be. “I lost many of my brothers and sisters in arms the night your wife ransacked the city. My wife, Tempest Fury, was badly injured and had her soul torn from her body. Her road to recover is still ongoing. You nearly left my foals without their mother and the conflict left my mistress, Princess Luna, changed forever. Put simply, you are not one of my favorite ponies to be in the presence of.”

“I apologize for the pain I have caused you and your family. I have always tried to do what I felt was right. I know that will mean little considering everything.” Gauge grunted and continued to escort the unicorn to Twilight Sparkle’s lab. After more than a minute in silence, Clover once again attempted small talk to break the monotony of hooves on stone. “Strange that we are going this way and not to the throne room.”

“Court has been temporarily suspended given the… situation we are all facing. The princesses did not feel like dealing with the stress on top of everything else.”

Clover nodded. “I assume I will need a briefing on what has happened.”

“I will let the princesses decide what to tell you and in what way. As long as you can offer assistance, I will not object to you being near them. Especially my princess, Sunset Shimmer.”

“I assume she is doing well since the events months ago?”

Gauge did not respond. He saluted the two solar guards station outside the lab and gestured to Clover before turning to walk away without so much as a nod goodbye. Such firm coldness did not bode well, Clover thought.

One of the guards knocked on the large wooden door and pushed it open with his hindleg. Clover entered and immediately recognized the smell of old coffee, ionized gas, and chalk dust. Someone had been conducting a great deal of trial and experimentation and needed to air the room out.

His eyes were drawn to three large chalkboards with numerous calculations and notes. There were as many scratched out sections as there were spell formulas. What was next most eye catching was the large purple alicorn sitting at the table with a thousand meter stare that did not see what was in front of her. She was nudged by the pony that Clover now knew was actually an otherworldly, advanced robot in disguise.

“We have a guest.”

Twilight shook herself and stood. Clover could see the dark lines under her eyes and droop to her once magical flowing mane and tail. Twilight forced a smile, but her body language told the real story. She had likely not slept much in at least the last few days and worse may have occurred. Clover bowed respectfully all the same.

“You summoned me, Your Highness?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes. I, we… all of Equestria needs your help.”

“That sounds serious.”

Twilight nodded again and sighed. “Raven, please wake Sunset Shimmer and tell her Clover is here and I need her.”

“Oh joy. Everypony knows how much I enjoy waking a sleep deprived pyromaniac with a perchance to violence.” Raven stepped away and zoned out as she paged her earpiece receiver.

“I am happy to help, but what has caused so much distress?”

Twilight gestured to the board. “Let me start from the beginning.”

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