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Story Finale - Filly Amongst Dragons Middle

Almost at once, Cozy Glow rushed towards the pair of tyrants and punched Ripto right in the face with her right hoof.

"OOF! This wasn't supposed to happen. You were supposed to attack them, not me!" Ripto said. And then Cozy Glow connected again with another hoof strike.

"Yeah sorry, but seems my amnesia did a lot more than just remove a bunch of memories. Growing up with Spryo and repeatedly fooling each and every one of your schemes, not to mention stopping The Sorceress, Grendor, and Red, I've come to learn what power really is." Cozy Glow said, as she hoof striked Ripto a third time. "Friendship is power...what a load of pony crap I was spitting. I didn't even know what power was when I was saying that. But thanks to villains like you, The Sorceress, Grendor, and Red, I know what power is now. And trust me, Friendship is NOT power. In fact, Friendship and power are NOT the same." Cozy Glow said as she connected a fourth hoof strike. "So, I'll say it now, and I'll say it proud: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!" The Pegasus connected a fifth hoof strike, but then Ripto and The Sorceress fled deeper into the castle. Cozy Glow noticed every creature was looking at her. "...What? Now's not the time for small talk, those two are getting away." Cozy Glow said.

The group started chasing after the two villians, but Twilight quickly got to Cozy Glow. "Cozy Glow, just for the record, I would like to say I'm glad you changed for the better." Twilight said.

"I would like to say for the record, I would really like to go back in time and punch my younger self a few times for even THINKING Friendship and power were one and the same. They aren't." Cozy Glow said.

Twilight shook her head but smiled. Even if Cozy Glow was essentially reformed, some of her former self was still there, just no longer psychotic or evil.

The group soon arrived in the Throne Room where Ritpto and The Sorceress were in the middle of some kind of duo chant.

"There they are." Cozy Glow said. Suddenly a huge burst of magic shun forth and when it faited, there was a giant two headed monster that was half Ritpo, half The Sorceress. "...AND THEY JUST BECAME GRENDOR TWO POINT ZERO!" Cozy Glow exclaimed.

"...What's that got to do with anything?" Twilight asked.

"Grendor had two heads." Cynder answered.

"Huh...guess now I can see how you'd make that comparison." Twilight said.

The group did their best to doge the various spells from the conjoined villains, and yet their attacks did absolutely nothing no matter what they tried.

"Ha! Take this you pitiful dragons and filly. Face it, with our combined magics in this one body, we are truely invincible! None of your fancy breaths or even some fancy machinery will stop us this time." Ripto said.

"Yes indeed, this was our last ditch effort to get rid of you once and for all. There's nothing you can do to harm us now. ABOSLUTELY NOTHING! WE ARE INVINCIBLE! INVINCIBLE!" The Sorceress proclaimed.

"Oh yeah? Except we still have one thing we can do now that we're in these realms." Cozy Glow said, smirking as she gave a wink to Twilight who smiled and nodded.

"Oh really now? And just what would that be?" Ripto asked. The main six soon joined hooves and suddenly activated their rainbow power.

"...Wait what are we looking at?" The Sorceress asked.

"The greatest magic of all time. The one kind of magic this realm has in abundance." Cozy Glow said. "AND THAT IS THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP!" She said before the two headed monster was struck with a pure beam of energy, seperating the two and outright killing The Sorceress for good this time.

"No! How is this possible? We were supposed to be invincible! Invincible!" Ripto said.

"It's like your a broken record or something." Apple Bloom said, approuching Ripto with the CMC and Cozy Glow.

"It's like my sister and her friends tell villains like you all the time." Sweetie Belle said as the CMC and Cozy Glow began to hold hooves.

"But it seems no matter what, none of you seem to get it." Scootaloo said.

"Honestly, it's like no matter how many times they say it, they just have to keep driving the message home." Diamond Tiara said.

"And boy, does it really get old, but it feels so good to say all the same." Silver Spoon said.

"AND THAT IS THAT FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!" Cozy Glow announced before the six ponies soon bucked Ripto all the same time, launching him several feet, and right into Malafor.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Cynder asked.

"Hmph, why else do you think? Tying up a loose end." Malafor said.

"Your lost majesty, what you planning to do with Ripto?" Twilight asked.

"I may have been a prince once. But that was a long time ago. It's time I took this one back to the mystic lands to face his sentence." Malafor said, creating a portal nearby himself. "And once I'm through, I'm closing the exits so he can't escape." Malafor said.

"Sure shows him right. So, let's get..." Cynder said, but when she tried to go to her dad, he swatted her away. "Hey, what's the big deal?" Cynder asked.

"You stay with Spyro, my daughter. It's been a nice ride and all, but you and he deserve one another. Good bye..." Malafor said and started walking through the portal.

Upon realizing what her father was implying, Cynder tried to go for him, but was stopped by Cozy Glow. "LET ME GO! NO! DON'T LEAVE ME DADDY! PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE!" Cynder cried out, tears in her eyes. With all of her might, Cozy Glow held back the young black dragoness and soon Malafor went through the portal, which collapsed behind him. "COZY GLOW, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR? WHY DID YOU STOP ME?!" Cynder exclaimed.

"Because...I made a promise to Malafor." Cozy Glow said. "He made me swear not to tell anyone, but considering the circumstances..." She added. "...He's going to die soon. And he knows you can't make portals like he can. So he didn't want you to throw away the one good thing in your life like he once did." The pegasus concluded.

"Throw away the one good thing in his life? Whatever do you mean?" Celestia asked.

"Malafor told me the truth about what happened that day he went missing. The monster attack...it was orchestrated...by him. Because of his mate not being nobility. His father would've never have let the two wed, Malafor's father would've only had let his son marry a true member of nobility, not a mere commoner." Cozy Glow explained. "So, Malafor came up with a plan. He had a monster attack the kingdom, and made it look like the monster had sent him and his mate through a portal. When in reality, the portal was of Malafor's own creation." She continued. "His one regret...his only regret was not saying goodbye to his mother before he left. She was one who didn't mind that Malafor was in love with a commoner. Every other dragon of the kingdom bullied the commoner, shamed her even. It was getting to the point where it was likely to get back to Malafor's father about the two's relationship." The pegasus kept explaining. "So Malafor chose to leave behind the only good thing in his life: His mother. He made me promise to make sure Cynder wouldn't make the same mistake he did. To make sure she didn't leave the only good thing in her life. Because Malafor came to regret his decision. He continues to regret that decision to this very day. He didn't want his daughter to come to live with the same regret he has been carrying to this day." Cozy Glow finished.

"F-father..." Cynder said. She sniffled a bit. "...I...I understand father...thank you father...for everything..." Cynder said.

"So, what do you think Malafor is going to do with Ripto now?" Twilight asked.

"Beats me. But if you ask me, it's not our jurisdiction in the first place." Cozy Glow said.

"She's right about that. But I can't help but wonder..." Celestia said.

Meanwhile, Malafor was with Ripto in the very castle of the Mystic Lands. No portals were there to escape to, nothing there but the dragon and the wizard.

"And just what did you just do? What have you caused?" Ripto asked.

"I've prevented you from ever being able to carry out your revenge Ripto. All the portals are closed off. There is no escape for you. No chance to get revenge." Malafor said.

"And what makes you so sure?" Ripto said before Malafor began to caugh violently; spewing out blood. "...No...it can't be..." Ripto noted.

"I'm dying Ripto. Because of the way you supercharged me and made me open all those portals. I kept them open so long because of my daugther, but my time is coming to a close. All because of what you did." Malafor said, violently coughing some more. "So, this is your fate now: Forever stuck here in this castle. Unable to get revenge. Unable to go anywhere eslse. It's what you've always wanted right? A castle to call your own? But not like this, am I right? Your litterally a ruler of nothing. The residents of these lands have long since left. You'll be forced to live here alone for the rest of your pathetic existence, Ripto. It's a fate worse than death for you." Malafor said before coughing some more. "...My time is niegh Ripto. Farewell..." The dragon said before having the largest coughing fit ever and the collapsing dead in front of the wizard.