• Published 4th Jul 2022
  • 2,380 Views, 42 Comments

Clash of the Beauties - DiamondandIce

Two very attractive ladies fight over one boy, couldn't get any better

  • ...

An Unexpected Introduction

“Rarity, we don’t need all of these. One bottle of sunscreen will do.”

“Well you know me, my love. There is nothing wrong with me bringing the entire set.” Rarity says as she puts her swimsuit in an extra bag then walks over to the one packing his swimming trunks and hugs him after turning to face as she rests her head on his chest. “I mean, you don’t want your little marshmallow to get a sunburn, do you?” She then twirls her finger on him.

Rarity then looks up to meet the eyes of her special someone. That’s right, the fashionista’s life is complete: her family, her friends from Canterlot High who possess superpowers like her, a career that she pursues and last but not the least what she always dreamed of has finally come true, her own knight in shining armor but better than what she expected.

Ardee, who also has the same passion as his girlfriend but specializes mostly on designing costumes and also possesses his own powers, volunteered to stay at her place and keep watch on her and Sweetie Belle until her parents come home from their honeymoon which they didn’t mind and trusted him with their daughters.

“Fine.” Ardee sighed that he cannot argue back with that innocent gaze she is giving. “But not too many.”

Even though she wore heels, Rarity stood a little and planted a kiss as both hers and Ardee’s lips connected and wrapped her arms around him as he did at her body. After a while of making out, Rarity broke the kiss leaving a string of saliva connecting to both of their mouths as her body is still pressed on his.

“I knew you understand.” Rarity moves away from Ardee only to stop for a moment and teasingly boops her derriere at him and gets back with packing her things for tomorrow.


“Oh yeah! The exam is over and now we can hit and relax under the sun!” Pinkie Pie said optimistically.

“Hey! Don’t bring that topic back up!” Rainbow Dash annoyingly said as she placed her surfboard down.

“And whose fault is it for not studying that hard?” Sunset Shimmer said. “Funny how you didn't fail to take remedial classes.”

“Uhm-If it wasn’t for Sky and Eli who we did a study session with, you wouldn't be here with us.” Fluttershy proved her point and looked towards her best friend’s and her special someone who nodded.

Yeah you do have a point.” The athlete responded in a low tone at first. “BUT THAT DENSE STUD OF MINE FORCED ME TO STUDY HARD UNTIL MY HEAD STARTED TO HURT! I’M AN ATHLETE NOT A BOOKWORM!”

With summer just around the corner, the Rainbooms are at the beach to have some fun time of their own with each of their boyfriends. As Rainbow Dash continues to complain about her special someone being too responsible, Applejack is doing stretches while Ardee helped Twilight set things up. He then notices Rarity who is standing next to her lounge chair and isn’t too happy about something as he checks on her.

“Is something wrong?” He asked and curiously follows that her eyes are on her body. “Don’t tell me that you gained-?”

“It’s not that I gained weight, my love. Part of my body doesn’t seem right.” She interrupts which puzzles him as he cannot find anything wrong with his girlfriend's body who already resembles the one of a goddess. “It seems that my breasts have grown a little which is why my swimsuit feels a bit tight. What do you think?”

Ardee dropped what he is holding not that he’s thinking of any dirty thoughts but the fact his girlfriend is weighing her own assets in front of him but doing this at the wrong place and the wrong timing.

“R-Rarity I would stop doing that if I were you.” Ardee stutters.

“Why?” Rarity cluelessly asks.

The fashionista then sees his eyes are darting back and forth at and away from her. She then follows and looks to her right and sees she is getting stares from the people mostly men and then realize that she was so focused with Ardee and forgot that she is doing something silly like this in public.

“Eeekk!” Rarity immediately covered her breasts with her arms.

“Alright shows over, ya’ll get back to what yer doing and give the lady some respect!”

Applejack steps in with Ardee and shooed those on lookers away from Rarity. As the coast is clear the two then check on the fashionista.

“Thanks to both of you.”

“It ain’t nothin Rares.” Applejack replies then switches her attention to her boyfriend giving him a cold stare. “Ya’ll know this is your fault, right? If ya’ll wouldn’t have been spoilin mah best friend this wouldn’t have happened!”

“First of all, there is nothing wrong that I am giving my girlfriend the pleasure she wants and also to get the perfect and healthy body of course.” Ardee counters.

“Yeah but ya’ll made her body too healthy!”

“Now you’re making no sense at all.”

“Both of you please stop it!” Rarity got in between before Applejack and Ardee’s argument escalated. “Both of you do have different opinions and both have a fair point, but I can’t stand to see my two BFs fighting over because of me.”

“BFs?” The others said in unison as the fashionista rolled her eyes.

“Applejack is my best friend and Ardee is my boyfriend.”

After that, Applejack turns away from Ardee and goes to the others leaving him still wondering on what he did even though he didn’t do anything wrong. He then felt his girlfriend’s hand on his cheek as his gaze was switched to her.

“I do apologize for that, my love. I simply have no idea what has gone through Applejack’s mind right now” Rarity then felt something missing on head, specifically on top. “My chapeau! I must have left it in your car. Ardee, do you mind getting my hat for me?”

Ardee just simply nodded and sprinted back to the parking lot to retrieve his girlfriend’s summer hat in his SUV. While at it, Rarity then sat on her lounge chair and took out the one of the bottles of sunscreen she brought and began applying it to herself.

“You really love to get spoiled by Ardee, don’t you?” Twilight said while laying on the towel as her boyfriend, Night Star applied sunblock to her back.

“Well what can I say, I am just so lucky to have someone like him in my life.”

“Don’t get too comfortable though. With his character you will end up with rivals falling for him.”

“Well well if it isn’t Twilight Sparkle. I haven’t seen you in a while!”

Twilight and Rarity followed the sound of the voice. The egghead easily recognized the five faces who were approaching them are none other than her former schoolmates at Crystal Prep Academy; Fleur de lis, Saber, Cold Forecast, and Jet Set with Uppercrust.

“H-Hi Fleur. What are you guys doing here?”

“We are obviously not here to have fun of our own you-” Cold Forecast’s mouth was covered by Fleur who darted her eyes to another familiar face whom they feared before and after he got transferred to Canterlot High like Twilight. “W-What I meant to say if we don’t mind using this spot next yours?”

“Go on, we don’t mind.” Twilight replies then looked back at her boyfriend who swore that he didn’t do anything to scare them. As they were busy setting up next to them, Twilight notices that some people are looking in their direction, to be specific at one of them who is wearing a red bikini. “Fleur, you’re being stared at again.”

Fleur de lis didn’t mind because this is normal for her to get stares not from boys but also girls for she is one of the most attractive and popular students at Crystal Prep. Also the fact that she has the body of a model that any girl could dream of.

“Funny how we planned the same thing and we ended up seeing you here with your friends,” Fleur said.

Ardee then came back with the chapeau as Rarity thanked him for fetching it for her and wore it. He then realized that Twilight’s old schoolmates were here and greeted them as he returned his attention back to his girlfriend.

“About what I said earlier, it appears that I have some change of plans.” Fleur then walks over to Ardee and stops while facing the opposite direction. After patting on his shoulder and getting his attention and making a very bold move, Fleur wrapped her arms around his as she is claiming him much to Rainboom's shock but mostly Rarity recalling what Twilight said about her having a rival. “You’re finally mine, Ardee.”