• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011
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Just so we're all clear, I'm putting on my glasses


You've got ponies in my Warhammer!
You've got Warhammer in my ponies!

It is the bright and prosperous future of the 41st Millennium. For ten thousand years, the God-Empress Celestia has sat immobile within her Golden Throne, watching over the countless billions of ponies that stretch from one side of the galaxy to the other. But the fragile peace of the Equestrium is assailed on all sides by the selfish, the spiteful, and the mad. Her Majesty's Most Holy Inquisition of the Ordo Harmonious stands eternally vigilant, ready to face down all that threatens the Equestrium with the full force of the Empress' compassion.

For young Inquisitor Twilight Sparkle, to study the mysteries of magic has been her life's goal. But now the time has come for her to discover something far more powerful than magic and save a galaxy standing the precipice of chaos. In the future, there is only friendship...and hatred is heresy.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 47 )

This is actually pretty clever merging of 40k and the first episode ^^

took a leaf from Ciaphas Cain I see



Absolutely brilliant crossover! So, thus far, Twilight is an inquisitor, Rainbow is a Space Marine, Applejack is a commissar, Fluttershy is an Imperial Guard, and Rarity is a Techpriest...

Pinkie is gonna be a psyker. I'm calling it.

...Launching a live being from a torpedo tube?... Why am I reminded of the Angry Marines?

Love it. All of it. Sorry if it's so short, but I'm not feeling the "long, gushing review" vibe.

Damn it. What is it about Warhammer and Ponies that make the mix SO GOOD?!? Almost all of the crosses that I read end up on my favs/track list the moment I finish the first chapter.

What is it about Ponies in the Grim-darkness of the 41st millenium? And why can't Halo/Ponies keep up?!? I mean, the only cross that I can actually like about that cross is "Contact Equestria" and yet when it came out with it's most recent chapter, I could actually hear the sinking of it's quality! WTH???:rainbowhuh:

91946 ... I sooooo want to see a commercial for that.

I applaud you, sir! While the crossover has been done, yours stand out because of your clever and funny writing (especially your descriptions) and because one difference in execution, it seems: while most MLP/40K crossovers put a veneer of MLP terminology and facts over 40K, but keep 40K sensibilities - ie its still fucking grimdark, even with ponies - yours don't. Instead, it is non-lethal weapons and pie attacks and when they say they want to spread friendship and harmony, it's not an euphemism, they really mean it. This makes it interesting!

I have to agree with much of the above. The way you blended the settings is very unique to what I've seen and come to expect, but still quite immersive and fun (I want to call it... colorful for some reason), and I was repeatedly amazed at how adeptly you kept the mane cast in character in their new roles. Not to mention, your prose does the HERO OF THE IMPERIUM proud (I recognized the Cain-series' influence even before the first footnote :raritywink:). I daresay this is the best 40K crossover I've read yet, including my own.

You're doing the Empress's work, my boy. Keep at it.

Ave Imperatrix Celestialis

Oh that Twilight, such a Radical.

Is this the end then? Obviously, there's sequel room, but this seems an awful lot like an ending.

Regardless, you've got quite a remarkable story here. Prose, characterization, action, crossover interpretation, all top-notch.

My face when "Abe'Ram Goat." :rainbowlaugh:
[](/swagintosh "The Princess Protects.")

Absolutely hilarious!:rainbowlaugh:

Good to see the story ending on a funny note! This has definitely given me a few ideas for comics and suchlike (Especially the idea of throwing magnets at techpriests)

Oh lawl, this is awesome. Love it. :heart:

I'll definitely have to read more of this later. Very clever of you to use Caiphas Cain.

The story-telling is top notch and I didn't notice any devastating deep grammatical errors, except for in the very last chapter. I really like the way you merged the different universes and your approach made it an interesting read, as well as a rather original perspective. An inversion of the usually grimdark WH40K blended with the original first two episodes of the first season really does make for a good pie.

You have already built yourself a great world and it would be cool to see a sequel to this great story. And I laughed my arse off on the last chapter. :3

As a thanks; Moustaches to you! :moustache::moustache::moustache:

...And the really terrifying thing is that the Imperium was actually closer to this than the society of 40k during the great crusade.

Jurgen! needs Some one to fill the Jurgen gap. lol love this fic:pinkiehappy:

Is it just me or does ditzy doo remind me of sulla? even got it down to the equine features..:derpytongue2:

Just finished reading Skippy's list love all the references just missing one:
167: Muffins are not entitled to a full military funeral, even if they died in the line of duty.

I don't know why it says I haven't read this, when I obviously remember doing just that.
And I don't know why it says I haven't upvoted this, when I quite clearly remember doing so.
The reason it's not on my favorite list is, quite honestly, unfathomable to me. I distinctly remember it being there.

I guess I'll just have to correct those mistakes.

That is truly an original way of writing a MLP/W40K crossover. The result is quite funny and entertaining, and the mane characters are still themselves.


Ditzy Doo, Heroine of the Equestrium! :derpytongue2:

I hope you write more stories in this vein. This was delightful. Especially best pony's rules of conduct.

:pinkiegasp: Dude. 40K+Ponies=AWESOME! EPIC! And even more AWESOME! :pinkiehappy: I burst out laughing at the "Laughter of young fillies" part :rainbowlaugh: . While I do think Fausticorn would make a better Empress of Ponykind (in my own attention), you make this work! You have my attention, good sir, go on.

Oh yeah, Praise be to the Empress!

OMG!!! I have yet to start the story and this little intro has me hooked!!:pinkiegasp:

This reminded me of a movie I watched years ago. Kids were playing the roles of gangsters during the 1920s/30s and instead of guns they used pies when they fought. Don't remember the name though. So adorable and this is just like that. Like everyone else here I love the merging. Especially more MLP than 40k.

Looks like Twilight is going down that Inquisitor Eisenhorn path, keeping Luna locked up and hidden.

Would love to see some small chapters about what happened exactly to make Derpy have to write those rules up. Funny in my mind but pretty sure you could make it hilarious.

You need way more views and thumbs up on this.

I read this story a couple of years ago, I think as a google doc. One of the first pieces of pony fanfiction I searched for were 40k crossovers

...whaaaa...? Fancy bumping into you here. Didn't know you were a 40k fan. I really don't know if I should simply be glad that we share a few interests with a new one being added, frightened that we share a few interests with a new one being added, or let my jimmies be rustled and punch Squee repeatedly in the face.

Tis highly amusing! I shall fave it and give it a like!

regarding Pinkie's party canon...she must never be allowed to meet the orks.

22. Paranids do not make good guard animals



This place just became as horrifying as 40k. Parasprites are bad enough. Parasprites that can leave the planet? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

42. I cannot claim time off on religious grounds because the world is going to end…more than once…per planet.


28. Claiming ‘the Empress told me otherwise’ is not a valid reason for refusing orders

This rule has been decreed as HERESY by the Ordo Harmonium. Any officer who denies the power of the Empress to guide even the humblest pony without adequate proof should report to the nearest Inquisition post for debriefing and retraining.

Arch-Inquisitor Twilight Sparkle

Eternal glory to the God-Empress

Really enjoyed your particular blend of MLP and 40K. A fun story that draws to a good conclusion, although based on the dates and lack of further updates it seems unlikely that we'll see a follow-up on some of the threads that were left dangling, which is too bad. Still, it was definitely a blast as far as it got, and ends in a solid enough place that it's not too distressing. Thank you very much for sharing this with us!

I’m Pinkamena Pious but everypony just calls me Pinkie Pie.

It's very late, so I muffled my quiet laughter in a pillow for about thirty seconds.

The dreadnaughts trojans’ footnotes still hint at a little darkness, even in this truly bright interpretation of 40k ponies.

I have really enjoyed this story, throughout!

I also to give a shoutout to how incredibly hardcore Spike was in this chapter - it was wonderful!

Even in Ponyhammer 40k, Chaos followers are as messed up and tragic as ever. Great writing on that part!

I will never know the true cost. I'll bet it's one heck of a story!

I'm curious, did you have an outline for what would come next?

Thanks for writing!

very nice i enjoyed seeing the pony version of the heresy,but id like to point out that the Horus heresy and the deamons of the the warp are separate even after they entered the warp only a few not all fell to deamon control (im a lore nut sorry)


This story wasn't intended to be a direct one-to-one translation of Warhammer 40k, but rather a blending of the two settings.

This is the most perfect blending of the two worlds I've ever seen. Seriously amazing. I love how you kept the general scale and feeling of 40k while preserving the idealism and happiness of MLP.

This is brilliant. Lazeguns: they put you to sleep! Genius!

Rainbow Dash would be an Ultramarine. I'm writing a story about that actually...

Interesting how you made Deathwatch the Wonderbolts.

I love the Cain-esque commentary

“I’m Pinkamena Pious but everypony just calls me Pinkie Pie.

By the Throne, that's genius.

Rainbow Dash, who had been hovering above me for a better view, swooped back down with a brilliant grin across her face. “I’ve got an idea!” she exclaimed proudly. “I need one of your lazepistols.” I was hesitant at first to surrender my sidearm since Rainbow Dash struck me as the type of pony to be crazy enough to try and shoot a path through a horde of heretics. Had I known what her plan entailed, I would have gladly charged headlong into the heretical horde armed with only a stale baguette but since we were running a deficit on good ideas, I acquiesced into relinquishing my sidearm. “I’ll be back in ten seconds,” she reassured us before flying off.

The Cane vibes are strong with this, and I love it.

18. Servo-probes are not to be used to build my own throne.

Muffins for the Muffin God! Servo-probes for the servo-probe throne!

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