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Pyre's Return/ Mira's Arrival

Author's Note:

This chapter happens during the events of Long-Awaited Family Reunion

*Luna's POV*

I was thinking about how to prank my sister. But Shirou warned me about overworking myself since I was pregnant with twins.

While I was thinking, I saw something flying through the air. I took a closer look, and I saw something that I couldn’t believe my eyes!

I spoke "No.... It can't be.... SHIROU!!!"

“Going into labor already?” Shirou joked.

I scoff "I'm nowhere near my due date yet... But I saw something..."

Shirou asks "What is it?"

I spoke "Not what.... Who..."

A dark mulberry unicorn mare with guard armor had gone to talk to Princess Celestia.

The guardsmare spoke "Princess Celestia! I have big news!"

Celestia asks "What is it lieutenant Berrytwist?"

Quicksilver spoke "I know you might not believe me, but I also know you’ll be ecstatic, but Pyre’s back!"

Celestia asks "Where is he?"

Quicksilver spoke "He’s already on his way here!"

Celestia chuckles "Must have been Holo, she pointed him in the right direction since I had abandoned my old castle a thousand years ago."

But then Celestia found her vision blocked by a pair of hooves.

A white stallion spoke "Guess who, Celly!"

Celestia spoke "It's been so long Pyre."

Quicksilver was on her back while laughing.

Pyre chuckles "That’s right, Celly! I’m back!"

Pyre and Celestia then mashed each other on the lips, making out and enjoying the moment.

Though that moment lasted a few minutes.

I spoke "Welcome back Pyre Strike."

Light Breeze had fainted after freaking out.

Pyre asks "Good to see ya too, sister-in-law. As well as my little filly. And who’s that behind ya?"

I spoke "My husband, Shirou Ogami. He ended up here because of the pink siren's marefriend."

Pyre spoke "Huh, he looked a bit like a solo lobo."

Shirou chuckles "I was a wolf beastman before coming here."

Pyre asks "Oh. Well Celly, how about a date and some fun tonight?"

Celestia giggles "It's been a long time since I had that kind of fun though."

Pyre chuckles "C'mon Celly-angel, live a little, have some adventure, give some love."

Pyre nuzzled Celestia ever-so-soothingly on her cheek as his wings poked hers, making them stiffen while her wings were open.

I was giggling a bit.

I spoke "If this keeps up, Canterlot will be belly deep in alicorns."

But for some reason, neither of those two listened as they kept nuzzling each other.

Soon, a letter had landed on Celestia's head since it was from Radiant.

Celestia spoke "Hmm... I wonder what's going on."

The letter read "Dear Princess Celestia, there has been reports of two more Mobians. A male in his mid 40s and a female in her mid 40s. Lillian is unaware of them... Oh, she's spotted them. I heard that Danyelle found the two after they had arrived because of a magic sneeze. Your subject, Radiant Hope."

Pyre asks "Crystal Empire? That's been gone for centuries. And it's back?"

Celestia spoke "Yes, and a reformed enemy of ours is there as well, currently engaged with Radiant Hope."

I spoke "About that Pyre, Radiant was found frozen in a block of ice by a Mobian hedgehog. She was set free by a gryphon-nekomata hybrid who has 22 Changelings following her."

Shirou spoke "Not to mention Sombra being freed from a darkness that was controlling him."

Celestia spoke "He goes by Obsidian Shield now."

Pyre chuckles "Well, I know that I'll be glad to see him again."

I spoke "I just felt a kick."

Shirou spoke "Guess they're getting eager."

I ask with a fearful tone "But what if she took over?"

Shirou spoke "You know that won’t happen again, Lulu."

I spoke fearfully "I know but she's still out there.... somewhere...."

Shirou spoke "We both know you’re not at fault."

I spoke "But I let my jealousy get the better of me back then...."

But then a curtain surrounded me, Shirou, Celestia and Pyre, before Shirou grabbed me and kissed me on my lips, for I was surprised at first, but I slowly melted into the moment and kissed him back, feeling my worries slip away, and I sense that Pyre and Celestia were kissing again. Me and my sister were making out with our husbands, but then a felt Shirou’s tongue lick my teeth, before I opened my mouth in the kiss and both our tongues began wrestling for dominance. And I could tell that Celestia and Pyre were having a tongue battle in their mouths as well. I couldn’t help but feel only pleasure in the kiss, and I knew that Shirou was enjoying the pleasure as well, same being said with Celestia and Pyre, before all four of us ended that moment with a wet smack. I looked into Shirou’s eyes, and I knew that without a doubt, he forgave me.

Quicksilver was laughing like crazy the whole time.

Wendy had crashed into a wall.

Wendy whines "Owie...."

“Is something wrong?” I asked Wendy.

The young dragoness was stuck in the wall.

Pyre spoke "Here, let me help with that."

Wendy cries "Blueblood kicked me..."

Celestia just sighed in disappointment, while I growled in fury. “Celestia, how Blueblood became our nephew is beyond me. We need to do something about him!”

An angry red dragon roars "BLUEBLOOD!!!!!!!!"

Pyre asks "What was that?"

Celestia spoke "That was Natsu, the fire dragon. And if there’s one thing he hates, it’s people picking on or messing with his friends."

I chuckle "What amuses me is the scarlet wolf, Erza. Natsu finds her to be scary."

Celestia spoke "Indeed, never underestimate a mare's wrath."

Quicksilver spoke "If only my twin sister knew that... Last time I saw her, she had lost her horn because of an Ursa Minor."

Quicksilver’s twin sister, Fizzlepop, she’s just like me from what I heard.

Quicksilver spoke "I have no idea where Fizzy is now."

Celestia spoke "Well, I’m sure you’ll be able to find and help her, just like I found and helped Luna."

I couldn’t help but smile at that.

I spoke "Sister, it was Lillian and the six mares that saved me.... Even though I regret calling Lillian a wretched poultry."

Shirou spoke "That was Nightmare Moon talking, not you."

I spoke "I know Shirou but I was Nightmare Moon..."

Shirou spoke "But she was your jealousy incarnated, not you at all."

Quicksilver spoke "I heard rumor that a filly Nightmare Moon is in Ponyville..."

I exclaim "WHAT?!?!?!?"

Celestia just facehoofed herself.

Light asks "Should we capture the filly and lock her up?"

Celestia spoke "No. Twilight told me what was going on. And her name is Nyx."

Quicksilver spoke "Not her, there's another alicorn filly...."

Celestia spoke "Yes, Nightfall Dreamer."

I spoke "I fear she may be a threat later on...."

Celestia spoke "Listen, Luna, I’m sure she’ll be fine."

I spoke "But Sister, that doesn't change the fact she's Nightmare Moon."

Celestia spoke "Remember, she’s only a filly. I’m sure that she’ll be put on the right path."

I spoke "But Lillian has that phantom ruby...."

A familiar pink hawk spoke "I know I have it, but I’ll only use it for the right reasons."

I looked behind me and saw Lillian.

But Lillian wasn't alone, there was four other hawks with her.

Tempest was carrying Katie while the young hawk had a teething ring in her beak.

“Lillian, I didn’t expect you. But who are those two?” I asked.

Lillian spoke "Mavis and Damien, they're my parents."

That left me, Celestia, Shirou and Pyre completely surprised.

Danyelle shows up with Nyx on her back and a restrained Nightfall in her arms.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Lills."

Nightfall bit Danyelle on the arm.

Danyelle growls "You little brat!"

Lillian asks "Still a little mischievous, is she?"

Danyelle growls "More like aggressive, little brat doesn't like being touched."

Lillian spoke "I’m sure she’ll calm down."

Danyelle pinches the back of Nightfall's neck, causing the angry filly to fall asleep.

Danyelle spoke "Pinching the right nerve can make someone fall asleep."

Lillian spoke "True."

Danyelle asks "Lillian, were you a babysitter or something?"

Lillian spoke "No but I know someone who is good with problem children."

Danyelle spoke "That makes more sense."

Wendy spoke "Maybe Mira can help! She's good with children!"

A warp ring opened up before a white furred six tailed vixen tumbles out.

Mira groans "Ouch..."

Danyelle spoke "Talk about good timing."

Mira asks "What happened to Natsu and Lucy?"

Natsu was chasing Blueblood about the castle.

Lillian spoke "Ask Wendy."

Natsu blasted Blueblood with a Fire Dragon Roar, sending the stallion flying through several walls.

Wendy spoke "You can see what Natsu is doing because of what happened to me. But I don’t know what’s going on with Lucy."

Natsu spoke "Lucy's doing okay."

Danyelle spoke "No offense Celestia but Blueblood's nothing but a stuck-up royal horse pain..."

Celestia sighs "You think I haven’t noticed?"

I spoke "Maybe we should put the bridle on his allowance then."
