• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 1,060 Views, 34 Comments

The Pony Guard: Rainbow Rocks - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard along with Sunset Shimmer join forces once again in the other world as they face off dangerous magic at works in the upcoming Battle of the Bands

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The Dazzlings and the Wild Ones join the Battle of the Bands

The Dazzlings and the Wild Ones join the Battle of the Bands

Upon arriving Sunset Shimmer sported the brightest smile she could as she approached the eight new students. "Hi. Are you the girls and boys I'm supposed to show around?"

"We are."

“Oh yes.”

Their leaders spoke on behalf of their groups.

First the three girls stepped forward.

The girl in the middle who serves as the girl’s leader and the brains of the group had red colored eyes and long curly golden blond hair wearing purple colored outfit consisting of a pair of shorts and pink leggings with purple diamond patterns. She wore ankle long purple boots with golden straps that had with yellow spikes on them. She had a small and puffy short sleeved pink jacket and matching finger-less gloves. She also had a yellow belt that also consists of matching spikes and a diamond shaped buckle.

The second girl wore her hair in pigtails as well as a sleeveless green jacket with and a light green shirt. Her pants were magenta and had a two sashed belt with a star belt buckle and wore dark magenta boots and matching colored arm bands. From the looks of her she seems to serve as the brawn of the group fitting for her personality.

The third one had her sky blue hair with dark blue stripes styled up high ponytail and wore a dark violet jacket rolled up sleeves with the high collar a lighter shade of violet. She wore a light pink skirt and long pink and white knee length boots and pink bracelets with blue spikes on it. No doubt, she is the most feminine of the trio.

Together one thing they had in common with their outfits is that they all each wore red pendants around their necks.

The guys were much more colored coordinated all wearing matching outfits. Black leather jackets with white t-shirts, blue jeans, and black and white colored shoes. In contrast to the girls, they had all had differing hair color.

Their leader had slicked back dark red hair, red-orange eyes, along with a scar on his right eye similar to the strange lion from the Pride Lands Past, yet a solid yet slim build. He looked confident, devious, and sly.

The second one had dark brown hair combed back similar to Scar’s, big brows, orange-yellow eyes, appeared taller than his leader, and looked fast, lean, and mean.

The third one was short compared to the other two, had his black hair styled like a trimmed up hedge, had red eyes, and had an angry expression that makes him look a little short-tempered.

The fourth one had a muscular build, big dark brown hair styled into a combed back pompadour. He had great style in hair but also had white eyebrows in contrast to the black brows the others had, making it clear that he is older than the rest of the crew.

The fifth one also had a powerful build and a large chin, looked pretty smooth and slick.

The sixth one had gold amber eyes, long flowing black hair and a goatee long to the point it reached halfway across his chest. He seemed serious and reserved deep down.

"My name is Sunset Shimmer. What are your names?"

The blond one spoke first, "I'm Adagio Dazzle. This is Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk"

Then the red haired boy spoke next. “And I’m Uovu. They are Kasi, Nguvu, Mwenye Kuona, Kidevu, and Hifadhi.”

Sonata smiled at Sunset while Aria simply shrugged, not even caring. Sunset, none the less, smiled as she began leading the way as the girls and boys followed.

"Well, let me be the first to welcome all of you guys and girls. Canterlot High is a great school. You're really gonna love it."

Adagio smiled as she rubbed her fingers together, "Oh, yes, we really sense there's something... magical about this place."

“Me too.” Uovu stated in agreement sharing the same sinister vibe as his friend.

The tour after some time was progressing nicely and all of the visitors were all pleased with what they were seeing. They didn't show any resentment towards her so to her that’s a start for now.

She found that Adagio was very impressed with the school, Aria looked on with a stoic and bored expression while Sonata was smiling the whole way. As for the guys, she found that

The guys so far seemed to be liking it as much as the girls are. Uovu was far looking on very observantly, while Kasi was power-walking and Nguvo moved to do the same so he can keep up with the others. Upon seeing this, the speedy power-walker moved to carry the latter on his back and play catch up in an instant.

While grateful, the short-haired boy Nguvu, still sported his angry face looking like he is going to flip out and tear someone apart in an instant. The guy with the fancy hairdo was too busy flexing his muscles and looking at himself in a mirror to the point he accidentally bumped into his partner as a result.

“Oops…” He chuckled upon kneeling down to pick up the now cracked mirror he dropped. “…sorry.” He said as he turned to face him. “Guess that’s seven years of bad luck for me. Oh well.”

“Oh well? Oh well?! OH WELL!” He angrily moved to confront him. “Look where you’re going you egotistical son of a…” He proceeds to beat the guy up silly.

“Hey come on! Watch the jacket! I just had this shined!”

Uovu turned to both Kidevu and Hifadhi while gesturing his head to the two fighting. “Por favor.”

They both moved to break up the fight with the big-chinned fellow effortlessly lifting the short guy up with one arm while the one with the beard wrapped his arms around the other guy’s torso.

“You two about done fighting?” Hifadhi sternly asked like he is their annoyed father breaking up a childish fight.

The little guy crossed his arms while grumbling in response. “Yes.”

Hifadhi turned the other guy. “And you?”

“Yes, and quite frankly so, since now I have to tidy up my jacket. It’s such fine quality one of a kind leather.”

“Not to worry my friend. For I have a solution…” Kidevu assured while handing him leather cleaner so he can quickly clean up the scuff marks Nguvu left during his fight with Mwenye Kuona.

“Sweet!” He really enjoyed this gift and put it to full effective use all over his clothes.

Sunset having watched all of this turned to Uovu in concern. “Is it normal for him to act like that all of the time?”

“I’m afraid so.” He admitted. “And in case if you’re wondering, we did try to arrange for him to go to anger management class, but he wound killing the teacher and burning down the building for simply being asked to calm down.”


“I know…” He understood Sunset’s shock. “…to think that and accidentally spilling coffee on his leather jacket would result in one fiery mess that we had to step in and clean up before the authorities could look into it.”

For a few seconds as they walked she was speechless at how ruthless these guys were. But after looking down at her own black leather jacket, felt it was just better to accept that than risk playing with fire herself like she did one too many times during her reign of terror at the school. She then led everyone on forward with the tour to show everyone of what this place has to offer.

"That's the science lab. Computer lab is in there. Oh!" Sunset excitedly rushed to one of the posters promoting the School's Showcase. "We're having a big musical showcase this weekend! The whole school is pretty much rallying around it."

This sparked both Adagio and Uovu’s interest. "A musical showcase?" By the looks of both Aria and Sonata, they two seemed very interested…but not for the reasons Sunset thinks. And as for the men well, while listening it didn’t seem music is their strongest interest compared to the girls.

"I'm sure since you're new, Principal Celestia would let you sign up if you're interested."

Aria inspected her nails while replying. "We have been known to sing from time to time."

Sonata also spoke up as she replied. "Hello? We sing, like, all the time! It's how we get people to do what we want."

Aria's eyes widened in shock and Adagio clenched her teeth while gesturing a cutting gesture with her hand near her neck, to signal to Sonata to shut up. But she clearly did not get the message.

"Wha-What did I say?"

Despite the little slip of her tongue, Adagio kept her cool. "What you meant to say was that being in a musical showcase sounds like a great way to meet other students."

Sonata upon now realizing played along with it. “Ohhhh, yeah. Th-What she said I meant to say. That's what I meant. To say.”

Aria scoffed in response, "And what you would have said if you weren't the worst."

Sonata frowned in response. "You are!"

Adagio stepped forward, blocking the two from Sunset Shimmer's view, "You'll have to excuse them. They're idiots."

Aria huffed while Sonata just smiled leaving Sunset to suspiciously arch an eyebrow in their direction along with the guys. All of a sudden, she began to get a strange vibe from them. It was almost as if they have sinister intentions of being here along with how the guys looked and dressed together identically. But she couldn’t put her finger on it. But like she said, some looks can be misleading.

She then noticed the way the girls matching red gems around their necks which seemingly looking sinister to match their vibe. In addition, the guys had matching gold watches and badges with the latter showing matching roaring lion images on them. Upon seeing them it looked very familiar to her like she has seen this before.

"Those are pretty." She said as she reached out to get a closer look at Adagio's pendent, "Where did you—" But suddenly Adagio quickly grabbed Sunset by the wrist rather tightly. Then, Adagio's expression softened and she released Sunset's wrist and regained her composure. Even though she was now free, she could still feel Adagio's powerful hold. "Ah, ha, ha, ha. Sorry. These pendants mean an awful lot to us. We'd just hate for anything to happen to them."

“Along with our watches and badges.” Uovu added while showing off the shining glare they produced. “Amazing how they were nice enough to allow us to keep them ever since we left the force.”

“Are you saying that the seven of you used to be cops?” Sunset asked looking very suspiciously.

“Former, and yes.”

“But how did you get to keep your badges?”

“Long story short, we solved a major ground breaking case before we decided we wanted to pursue other things in life.” Uovu smiled and leaned in close to the curious tour guide. “Someday you’ll understand.”

Uovu lead his team ahead with Adaigo moved to do the same with their followers all trailing after them with the latter having to drag the still smiling Sonota along with her, all while Sunset is looking on very puzzled of what the strange looking leader of the new boy group meant by that. For some reason, all of these new transfers are looking more like bad news with every seconds she spends with them.

Later on at lunchtime in the cafeteria, Sunset rejoined her friends at the table they are currently sitting at, all while still feeling off about what she experienced and witnessed just minutes ago.

"So how was the tour?" The country girl who is currently eating her lunch asked as she moved to sit next to her.

"I don't know. I mean, these girls and boys, they were... There was something off about them." She replied honestly yet unsure of how to describe it.

“Like what?” Fuli asked.

Before Sunset could answer Pinkie Pie jumped the gun with random guesses. "Like, off like this?" She used her hair to make her look like she had a beard, "Or off like this?" She placed two carrot sticks into her mouth to look like fangs and two pieces of lettuce on her eyebrows. "Or… Oh, oh! Like—"

Rainbow Dash moved to interrupt her just when Fuli placed a hand over the pink girl’s mouth. "Maybe we should just let her tell us."

"That's just it." Sunset said. "I can't put my finger on it. They just acted sort of... strange around me." She emphasized her point by waving her hands. She then lowered her head feeling upset. "Maybe someone already talked to them. Told them about what I did. So much for making a good first impression."

Bunga agreed. "Yeah so much for that." He suddenly sees that everyone at the table is all giving him disapproving glares with Fuli elbowing him in the ribs and pointing a finger in Sunset’s direction. Upon seeing the disheartened girl once again he realized his mistake. “Oops, did I say that out loud again?” He chuckled nervously before trying to elbow Sunset in an “I’m just kidding.” manner but it did little in cheering her up. “My bad.” He moved to sit back in his chair before he could do any more damage.

Sunset then looked down in shame while looking at her own skin to see some of her skin is starting to peel off. Question is why? Why is this happening? What exactly did that specific rainstorm do to her?

“Sunset?” Beshte called to her which snapped her out of her gaze. “You okay?” He asked concerned.

Sunset shook her her previously concerned face for a more relaxed one. “Yes, everything’s all good. For now…” She muttered the last part to herself half-truthfully.

At the same time, Adagio smiled with wicked satisfaction as she witnessed the happy atmosphere inside the cafeteria all around her from outside, she along with Uovu couldn't wait to pounce on the opportunity right around them. She then turned to her comrades to tell of them of that. "This is it, girls. The moment we've been waiting for."

"Lunch?!" Sonata asked obliviously.

The short-tempered boy slapped her on the back of the head in response. “No, recess!”



Adagio groaned in annoyance as Uovu moved to explain it better to their team. "The chance to get the girls their Equestrian magic back, and for us our magic from the Pride Lands, the true magic that truly belongs to us."

"Oh. Right."

Aria rolled her eyes in response to her ever-lasting cluelessness. Regardless Adagio turned her wicked eyes back onto the students. "Our voices are just strong enough to make them want something so badly, they'll fight to get it."

“And the more negative energy spread around, the angrier they get.” The handsome maneKidevu chimed in.

“Until they are mad at each other as much as they are as…” Uovu continued.

“Me?!” Nguvo angrily asked.

“No offense, but yes.” Before he could even think of advancing on his team leader he added. “Cool off Nguvo, keep in mind of what our goal is here and what we need to do here. I don’t want you turning this into an international incident.” He crossed his arms rather annoyed by what he said before none of the less obliged to his leader’s wishes.

"So we're just gonna do what we always do?" Aria asked as she pieced it together like it has been done before a number of times. "Stir up some trouble and then feed off the negative energy? Some plan, Adagio." She said the last part sarcastically and boldly, never one to show restraint in whatever comes to mind.

"It won't be the same as the times before!" Adagio assertively stated. "There is Equestrian magic here. Their negative energy will give us the power we need to get this entire world to do our bidding."

“Not to mention…” The guy with a sinister goatee added. “…new transfers here at the school…” He gestured to some of the guys and girls sitting with the Rainbooms band. “…that’ll provide us with even more energy than before.”

"But we can get lunch after though, right?" Sonata asked, smiling at the nearby poster on the wall. "It's Taco Tuesday!"

“With extra seasoning and spices available, no charge.” The guy said while still looking at his mirror to which got Adagio angrily glaring at them. “Oops…” He nearly fumbled with his mirror again. “…big picture here.

"Just follow my lead." Adagio ordered of them.

"Or my lead." Aria remarked boldly, until Adagio grabbed her by the shirt to put her in her place.

"My lead!"

That shut Aria right up as Adagio released her. Even though Aria wasn’t afraid to say what she thinks, she knew better than to speak out of turn in regards to their leader. Sonata snickered in Aria's expense taking some enjoyment out seeing her get a taste of her own medicine.

First Adagio, Aria and Sonata entered the cafeteria leaving the boys to watch from just outside the doors watching them as they opened their mouths as their harmonious singing echoed across the room.

“Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah.”

As they sang, their medallions glowed and they swayed their hips rather seductively as they walked. While the Dazzlings started off the beat, the guys all joined in all while snapping their fingers repeatedly all while singing something a little similar to the girls.

“Bum, bum

Bum, bum,

Bum, bum, bum.”

All of the students, including Sunset Shimmer and her friends turned their attention to them as they walked in the room. It’s quite surprising yet somehow not quite a positive inspiration to when both Kion and Twilight did when they first set foot in here. Not to mention the lyrics didn’t fit the atmosphere they had back then to match.

”Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah.

Bum, bum

Bum, bum,

Bum, bum, bum.”

Adagio Dazzle

“We heard you want to get together.”

The girls and guys minus Adiago and Uovu.

“Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah.

Bum, bum

Bum, bum.”


“We heard you want to rock the school.”

The girls and guys minus Adiago and Uovu.

“Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah.

Bum, bum

Bum, bum.”

As they sang among the students, Sonata strum on Flash's guitar and slowly gained everyone’s attention. Pretty much every student found the sounds of their voices very entrancing but none of them saw what was coming next during their song.


“We thought of something that is better.”

The girls and guys minus Adiago and Uovu.

“Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah.”

Bum, bum

Bum, bum.

Bum, bum, bum.”


“Something that changes all the rules.”

The girls and guys minus Adiago and Uovu.

“Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah.”


“Why pretend we're all the same

When some of us shine brighter?”

The girls and guys minus Adiago and Uovu.

“Shine brighter.”


“Here's a chance to find your flame

Are you a loser or a fighter?”

Adagio, Aria and Sonata all together.

“Me and you, you and me

Why don't we see who is better?

We don't have to be one and the same thing

Oh, what's so wrong with a little competition?

Are you afraid of failing the audition?”

As they sang, some students began looking at each other with pure hatred.

“This isn’t good.” Sunset mentally thought on her when she witnessed all of this go down.

Adagio Dazzle

“You're a star and you should know it."

Adagio sang to the school's magician, Trixie. Aria and Sonata then assisted their lead singer to stand on a table and walk down it like she were on a runway.

The guys.

“Yeah, you rise above the rest

It doesn't matter who you hurt

If you're just proving you're the best.”


“Ah, ahh-ahh


You wanna win it

Let's have a battle, battle of the bands

Let's have a battle, we'll go all in it

Let's have a battle, battle, battle

Battle of the bands.”

As the music and words sank in, students started getting pretty heated towards each other.


"I can beat you!"

Adagio, Aria, Sonata;


Cherry Crash

"Ha! You wish!"

Uovu, Mkali, Nguvu, Mwenye Kuona, Kidevu, and Hifadhi.



"I so want this!"

Adagio, Aria, Sonata;


Captain Planet;

"Not if I get it first!"

Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Uovu, Mkali, Nguvu, Mwenye Kuona, Kidevu, Hifadhi and most of the students.

“Me and you, you and me

Why don't we see who is better?

We don't have to be one and the same thing

Oh, what's so wrong with a little competition?

I'm going up and winning the audition.”

As the students began glaring and insulting each other, a mysterious green and red mist began to slowly manifest itself around the cafeteria.


We wanna win it

Let's have a battle, battle of the bands.”

As they sang, Sunset and her friends were the only ones who were not going along with everyone else, rather watching on with worry and concern.

Sunsets instincts were further confirmed when these strange vibes were detecting equally strange magic in the works. Dark magic.

“Let's have a battle, we'll go all in it

Let's have a battle, battle, battle

Battle of the bands!”

When the song came to an end, all of the students were now yelling and saying cruel and horrible words and insults to each other.

What was once a friendly event for all, was now an all-out battle. As they argued, the green mist grew larger which began to be absorbed into the red pendants along with seeping outside into the gold badges and watches of the guys watching outside. The guys and girls all smiled.

“And that completes Part One of the plan.”

While everyone was arguing, Sunset and the others at their table looked on very worried with what is happening around them.

“Ohhhh. They're that kind of "off"."

“That’s what you’re talking about.”

Both Pinkie and Bunga commented.

“Yes, congratulations. You two just managed to figure out.” Ono sarcastically remarked while Fuli nodded in agreement.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself.”

After lunch, the boys and girls all walked down the halls, with Pinkie Pie actually hopping while Rainbow Dash was kicking her soccer ball, all wondering what they just witnessed minutes ago.

"Those three are definitely in possession of some kind of dark magic and I think the guys might be in on it too." Sunset analyzed her thoughts to everyone around her. "How else could you explain what happened back there?"

“Not much.” Ono admitted unable to think of anything else himself. “Especially considering after listening to their song they all started arguing with each other like this the American Revolution.”

"Don't worry, y'all." Applejack reassured everyone. "We'll let Principal Celestia know all about this and those girls will be kicked to the curb in no time. Last thing she needs is another CHS event almost ruined by some power-crazed lunatic." She widen her eyes once she realized her mistake. "Er, no offense."

Sunset simply sighed again while making it clear she is not even close to being amused by that memory. "None taken."

"Dark magic? I find that very hard to believe." The principal uncharacteristically dismissed after taking it all in.

The six girls were in Celestia's office, and from the tone of their voices make it clear that they don’t believe them. "Those girls came into my office earlier and were absolutely delightful. And not only that a group of boys accompanying them shared us a stunning new tune for us to enjoy…"

“Like what?” Ono dared to ask.

To back her last statement up, she played a recorded song the guys had performed just recently.

All I Want Is Everything

After the song had finished, the vice principal standing beside agreed with her older sister’ stance before arching an eyebrow at the Guard like they are putting forward mere conjecture. “Ugh! Perhaps Sunset Shimmer is just eager to make someone else out to be a bad element, so that her actions at the Fall Formal will become old news."

Because of how harshly true it was, Sunset Shimmer didn't even bother to deny it as she scratched her neck in embarrassment. "I can see why you might think that, but—"

Rainbow Dash stepped forward in her defense and spoke up to assert otherwise. "That's not what's happening! We saw all of this go down in the cafeteria too!"

Principal Celestia looked at them skeptically and unconvinced. "Yes, but isn't your band supposed to be part of the Musical Showcase?"

Rainbow's eyes shifted around the room in uncertainty before answering, "Yes. But--"

"Perhaps you're all just worried that the Dazzlings will steal your spotlight." Luna added accusingly before she could even properly explain her case.

“No, that’s not true.” Beshte defended.

“We’re just trying to get you to understand a potential threat to the school that you should be handling before it could get out of hand.” Fuli chimed in to back them up.

Applejack looked at them curiously at one particular detail, specifically the group name. "And did you say they’re “The "Dazzlings"?"

"Yes. It's the name of their musical group. And as for the guys, they’re the Wild Ones." Celestia answered. "That's why they came by my office earlier today – to sign up for the Showcase. Even sang a little song to Vice Principal Luna and I."

“Uh-oh.” Fuli whispered under her breath.

"They did?" Applejack asked highly shocked and surprised upon hearing this.

"Yes. And we think having a Battle of the Bands instead is a marvelous idea." As the elder sister said this, both her and Vice Principal Luna's eyes briefly glowed an eerie green color and then a creepy bloody red color. Which could only mean one thing...

Whatever spell these Dazzlings and the Wild Ones had cast, the two Principals were under it as well along with under their thumbs. It is pretty clear that the Lion and Pony Guard are on their own now.

Some time later, the group went outside right next to the large horse statue that serves as the once in a while gateway to Equestria. They were all pondering on what to do now since both Celestia and Luna aren’t going to be of any help.

Pinkie Pie while thinking was laying on her back on top of the pedestal near the stone horse, Rarity sat on the ground painting her nails while Rainbow kicked her soccer ball. Sunset leaned against the pedestal while Applejack was walking in place and Fluttershy allowed a lady bug to climb on her finger.

“This is not good.” Ono commented starting to find the situation getting bleaker by the minute.

"I can't believe they got to Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna too." Fluttershy was the first to comment rather sadly.

"They've gotten to everybody." Rainbow Dash commented next.

Pinkie Pie lowered her head to everyone, still smiling. "Not everybody!"

“Meaning us.” Bunga proudly and smugly remarked while pointing his fingers towards his chest.

“Bunga that’s…” Ono started to say before finding it very accurate for once. “…actually true.”

"Pinkie Pie's right." Applejack agreed. "We were there when the Dazzlings were singin' and we weren't affected. It was like we were protected somehow."

“If that’s true then what?” Fuli wondered while tapping her chin with the tip of her finger.

“Who cares?!” Rainbow remarked while balancing her ball on her head before kicking up from her feet to have it leap up to the palm of her hand. “Let’s take them down! It's not like we haven't tangled with dark magic before and totally whooped its sorry butt!" Again, she came to realize what she just said the mere split second after saying it before turning to Sunset apologetically. "Uh, no offense."

Sunset Shimmer simply sighed again in response. "None taken. Again."

"But that was when Twilight and Kion were here." Fluttershy pointed out as she released the lady bug and watched it fly away. "There may be some kind of magic inside us, but it only comes out when we play music. I sure don't know how to use it to... whoop anybody's butt."

Rarity sighed in agreement as she painted her nails. "If only we could get a message to both Twilight and Kion. Maybe they could tell us how to break the spell the Dazzling’s and Wild Ones have cast on our friends."

"Well, that's not gonna happen." Rainbow shook her head at the idea. "The portal's closed." She threw the ball towards the pedestal and Rarity ducked her head in time when the ball made contact and bounced right back to Rainbow Dash, but not without causing the nail polish to spill on Rarity's arm. Much to her dismay to which she had perfectly clear when she heatedly glared at the rainbow-haired girl.

"And I get the feeling they don't exactly have cell phones where she's from."

“Afraid not.” Beshte shook her head while moving to help clean the spilled nail polish off of her friend’s arm.

Sunset agreed with her friends. Deep down she wished there was a way to get in contact with them, but she truthfully doesn’t know either. Here she doesn’t have her magic and the portal back to Equestria is closed and by the time the portal finally does open, it’ll be too late since there are still over twenty moons left to go. Then she smiled when she remembered something that could prove something.

"I may have an idea how we can get in touch with Princess Twilight and maybe Prince Kion too!"

Sunset rustled through the belongings of her messy locker until she found what she was looking for.

"When I was Princess Celestia's student back in Equestria, she gave me this."

She revealed to the girls what she was looking for. A brown leather book with the same symbol as the one on her purple shirt on its cover. The symbol that represents her cutie mark back when she was a pony living in Equestria.

"Even after I abandoned my studies, I held onto it. Deep down, I guess I knew I was making a big mistake, and I wanted to still have a way to reach out to her." She removed some of the dust that was on the cover and opened the book, flipping through the pages, written down with letters she had sent to her former mentor. She landed on a few blank pages and caressed them. It had been so long since she opened it.

"Maybe it still works."

"That's a book, darling." Rarity commented rather fascinated at the aged item in question though much like the others, she did not entirely follow the entire concept of magic. "What do you mean, "maybe still works"?"

"It used to be that if I wrote something here, it would appear in the pages of a book back in Princess Celestia's library. I get a message to her, then she could get a message to Princess Twilight."

"So what are you waiting for? Get to writing!" Rainbow Dash urgently dangled a pen in front of Sunset's face. The red-haired girl sighed in response as she took it. It took her a few more seconds before gaining the courage to start writing on the first blank page the journal had to offer.

"Been a long time since I've written these words." She said to herself with anxiety and regret creeping inside of her before she had the pen make contact with the book, she began.

"Dear Princess Celestia..."

Author's Note:

Here we get to meet the titular bands along with the main antagonists of this story a classic boy and girl Big Bad Dummivrate leaders of the girl and boy bands seeking to instill their influencing magic on everyone in this school. And they made a good start to establish themselves as even more evil and effective villains than Sunset could ever have hoped to achieve during her time by instigating an all-out war amongst students and getting both the principal and vice-principal under their spell while they were at it.

With the adults in charge of the school (sadly) unable to help, Sunset decides to reach out to two past visitors who have past experience with magic and the possible means of how to take on their new enemies. And with all things considered this might be a good opportunity for Twilight to get some much needed downtime from her current life in Equestria.

In addition, aside from having the Wild Ones chime in on the Dazzling's song, like the previous part, finding a fitting song an tune for these guys, and let me tell you it wasn't easy to find something that fits in with the guy's theme and style.

Anyways next part we'll once again get to see both Twilight and Kion again along with the beginning of a reunion for both former enemies turned friends and visiting their friend's mirror self's so stay tuned sometime next week...