• Published 5th Sep 2022
  • 293 Views, 3 Comments

The Perfect Pair - CarolineCheney

I was teleported to equestria where I spent most of my life. When I get back to my world, I reunite with an old friend.

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Chapter 4: What Happened?

I was back at that place again. But, things were a bit different. I was the same creature as I was in the previous dream sure, but the place was abandoned. In a place that was once bright, colorful and full of life, was now dark, gloomy and abandoned. The anthropomorphic rabbit, bear, and duck were nowhere to be seen and the posters and curtains were torn to shreds. Most of the tables and chairs were gone, and the few tables and chairs that remained were broken and turned over. I made my way to the doorway that once had a sign over it saying "Welcome To Pirate's Cove!" and noticed how dark the room really was. I wanted no, needed to see what was in the room, so I started to look for a light switch. I knew the lights most likely wouldn't work, so you could imagine my surprise when I finally found the switch and the whole room lit up. when my eyes finally adjusted, I was surprised by what I saw. The paint on the walls was faded, and there was a dark stain in the sand. The purple starred curtains were torn to shreds revealing the beat up anthropomorphic fox. There were patches of fur missing, especially on his chest, paw, and legs. The fur he had left was matted and dirty. His blue jacket was torn at the sleeves and his brown shorts were torn at the bottom, while his hat was gone entirely. His jaw even appeared to be broken as it was hanging by the thread of a few wires, and this revealed his sharp white and gold teeth for the world to see. All the exposed metal on him was rusted, as if he hadn't been maintained in a long time. The sight seemed like something from a horror movie, and I didn't want to be there any longer. But as I turned to leave, his eye lit up to life, and he started to straighten his posture, gears creaking with every movement from rust that remained for who knows how long, and looked at me with sadness and fear in his eye. Wait, he's expressing emotions? I didn't know he could do that. His ears drooped when he saw I'm about to leave.

"P-p-ple-ea-ase d-d-don-n-n't g-g-g-o." His gruff voice had sadness as he spoke, and he stuttered as he did his best to speak. I didn't want to leave after seeing how sad he was, but I knew I had to leave. I turned to face the door, and then all went black.

When I jolted awake, I was back in my room. Same bed, same desk, same dresser, same bookshelf, same everything. I realized that my face felt wet, and when I touched my hoof on my face, I realized I was crying. I looked at my pillow and saw it was damp, as if I had been crying all night. I didn't know what to think of this. If these are actually memories, then am I from another dimension? No. That's crazy talk. I can't be from another dimension. And these weird dreams I'm having are just dreams and nothing more. I didn't know if this self reassurance would help the matter, but who knows? It's Saturday, so I have all weekend to figure this out. I brushed my mane and then headed downstairs for breakfast. When I reached the kitchen, I was hit with the sound of sizzling and the smell of pancakes, and saw Twilight at the stove, and Spike reading a newspaper.

"Morning Twilight! Morning Spike!"

"Morning!" They both said in unison. I was surprised Spike didn't shout jinx at this, since he usually did. Although, he is getting older so he must be maturing a bit more.

"You can sit down Caroline. The pancakes are almost ready." Twilight said barely looking up from the stove.

"Okay, Twilight!" I say sitting down across from Spike. As I waited, I found myself reading the front of the newspaper Spike was reading. It was talking about the prank me and Auntie Rainbow pulled. Apparently, he went crying to Mayor Mare. I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. And then a plate of pancakes surrounded by a pink aura was set down in front of me, jolting me from my thoughts. When Spike got his pancakes, he immediately put down the newspaper and dug in. I just started to eat it slowly to savor the flavor and so I won't have a risk of choking like Spike is right now.

"So Caroline, any weird dreams last night?" Twilight asked.

"Actually, yeah. It was just like the previous one, only it was different."

"Oh really? How so?" Twilight asked with intrigue.

(After explaining the dream)

"Huh. That is odd. maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you something."

"Like what?" I ask. I'm desperate to know what's up at this point.

"I don't know. A pony's mind can do strange things that even I can't fully understand." Twilight has a point there. Maybe I shouldn't worry about this. And then spike burped out a scroll with a royal seal. Twilight took the scroll and opened it. When she read its contents, her eyes went wide.

"What is it Twilight?" I ask, a bit worried.

"It's from Princess Luna. She has a theory about your dreams. She thinks that they might be memories trying to come back to you." Spike's jaw dropped in unison with mine after Twilight said this.

"But Twilight, if that's the case, then that means I'm not from Equestria." I said with my voice shaking. This can't be real. I can't possibly be from another dimension, right?

"Well," Twilight began.

"When you were eight, Pinkie showed up with you saying that you had come to Ponyville alone, so it would make sense if you were from somewhere else. Neither of us knew where you came from, but you enjoyed reading my pirate books. Those dreams you're having is making your appearance make more and more sense." Twilight said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This has got to be part of that dream. I just haven't waken up yet. Yeah. All I need to do is wake up. Then I felt a sharp pain on my forehoof.

"OW!" I cried out yanking my hoof back. I glared at Spike as he drew his claw back after the pinch. He must've sensed my thoughts. Wait. I felt that. That means this isn't a dream. I am unfortunately awake. Okay. So I appeared in Equestria from another dimension and now I am getting dreams about the dimension I'm from.

"Princess Luna is also saying that since you're most likely from another dimension, it means we have to find a way to send you back because you belong there." Twilight said with a shaky voice.

"WHAT?!" Spike and I said in unison. I was flabbergasted.

"But Equestria is my home! And now Princess Luna is saying I should go back to the dimension I don't even remember?! None of this is making any sense to me!" All of my emotions were mixed. I was angry, I was scared, I was upset, and I was very much confused. How could Princess Luna this? I needed fresh air.

"I'm going out for a flight, to think this through." I said getting up from my seat and making my way to the door. When I made it out, I spread my wings and took to the air. The cool morning air felt nice on my coat. Flying usually helps me think straight. As I was flying over Ponyville, a turquoise light shown in front of me. It looked like a portal of some sorts, and I was sucked in. And then, all was black.