• Published 6th Sep 2022
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My Little Pony: When Generations Collide - RobtheMorpherPony

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Season 1: Episode 3 - Friendship Castle-Mania (The Gift of Maud Pie Background)

It was a few days later when Rarity left with Pinkie Pie to go to Manehattan and in addition to helping Pinkie Pie find a gift for her sister Maud Pie (who I didn't even know about because my father never told me about her), Rarity was looking for a place to set up her Manehatten Boutique at. Leaving me and my friends back in Ponyville. Of course, Twilight was out on a date with Flash Sentry at the moment, leaving me and Starlight with Sprout at the castle.

...And then that's when the madness happened...

"Is it just me, or does this castle not look as big as it does on the inside as it does on the outside?" Sprout asked.

"Trust me, you're not the only one Sprout. I swear, just when I think I've managed to get a decent map of this place going in my head, I find some new hallway that I somehow completely missed." Starlight said. "And I've been living here for less than a month." She added.

"I hope this place becomes easier to navigate with time, otherwise I'll think that Discord is messing with us." Sunny said. "For everything my father said about him being a hero, he certainly likes his chaos." She added.

Suddenly, Discord crashed through the roof in the litteral sense. "OW! THAT REALLY BUCKING HURTS!" Discord said, very clearly injured with a claw swipe over his mid-section. Suddenly a mysteriously clawed creature landed on top of him HARD, knocking the wind out of the Draconequus. "GAH! WOULD YOU LET UP ALREADY?!" Discord said to the mysterious creature, who the three ponies were getting a good look at now.

"...What the buck am I looking at?" I don't remember father mentioning anything like this..." She added.

"Ah...ponies. Good. I'm in the right place." The creature said.

"...It TALKS?! Or is that a 'he' in this case? Sounded masculine." Sunny said.

"The name's Slasher, the right hand to Empress Paulina. But you don't need to know who that is just yet. All you do need to know is that she's someone who loves taking over planets and expanding her multi-versal empire." The creature said.

"Seriously? We just dealt with some god creature, now we got some world conquering space tyrant?" Sprout asked.

"Better put up your dukes, because I'm going to do my Empress a favor and kill the lot of you right here and now, so she doesn't have to be bothered." Slasher said. With a lunge, the mysterious creature tried to attack the three ponies but they dodged him.

Empress's Right Hand
Slasher Sneasel

"Where did this guy come from anyways? Discord, did you do something?" Starlight asked as she, Sunny, and Sprout did their best to fight back against Slasher.

"I found this guy just wondering around up on the upper castle floors and as soon as I saw him, he just attacked me straight up I swear." Discord said.

"Attack first, ask questions later when you see something you see as a threat. That's my motto." Slasher said.

"...And these ponies are worried I'M a threat?" Sprout asked.

After a few more attacks, Slasher just fled deeper into the castle.

"WHOA! He just took off like a rocket!" Sunny said. "We better track him down before Twilight and Flash get back and he hurts them." She added.

"I was thinking the same thing really." Starlight said. The group chased after Slasher, soon coming across him when they found Spike.

"Can someone explain to me what this creature is doing here and what it is for that matter?" Spike asked.

"Don't know, but whatever it is, it ain't friendly." Starlight said as she, Sunny, Sprout, and now Spike began to fight Slasher.

"Tch, I was going easy on you the first round, this time I'm getting serious on you." Slasher said and in addition to his lunge slashes, was now seemingly warping across the room straight to their location with his claws outward when in reality he was just using REALLY fast-moving slashes.

"Okay, this guy defiantly moves fast. We need Rainbow Dash here STAT!" Sunny said.

"Got a letter sent already." Spike said. While Starlight and Sunny attacked with magic, Sprout was forced to try bucking him with his hind legs while Spike tried to use his fire breath to attack the creature. At one point, the dragon actually hit Slasher.

"FIRE! WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE FIRE?!" Slasher said before essentially booking it again.

"And he's ran off again." Starlight said before Rainbow Dash suddenly showed up.

"Spike said you got a fast moving creature problem?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes we do. Let's get moving after him to catch him before Twilight comes home." Sunny said.

"Right. Let's do this thing!" Rainbow Dash said. "Stand back Spike, we got this from here." She added.

"Right. I've um...got to make sure he doesn't wreck anything in my room anyways." Spike said before leaving.

"...What on Equestria is that about I wonder? Don't answer that. Not our concern for the time being." Sprout said.

"Spike's business is Spike's business. Besides, I've got a good idea on what he's trying to keep secret. It's most likely his collection of Rarity plushes. My father said he has a crush on her after all." Sunny said as the group of ponies searched the castle for the second time.

"...But he's a D-R-A-G-O-N! Not to mention she's like, several years older than him." Sprout said.

"...You know now that you say that, does this count as romancing a minor on Rarity's part?" Sunny asked.

"She doesn't return his feelings; it's totally a one sided crush thing. Wish the dude would take the hint already that she's just NOT interested." Rainbow Dash said.

"...And on that note, then what DO we count this as?" Suny asked before the group found Slasher again, this time near the entrance.

"I AM GETTING SICK OF YOU CATCHING UP TO ME! NOW DIE!" Slasher said when Twilight and Flash Sentry came in the door.

"What on Equestria...what is THAT?" Twilight asked.

"Oh hey Twilight. This thing is running around your castle like it owns the place." Rainbow Dash said. "And uh...we were trying to catch it before you got back." She added sheepishly.

"...Figures. But that's fine. Guess now we can help out." Twilight said.

"Formation S?" Flash Sentry asked.

Twilight nodded. "Formation S." She answered and then the pair suddenly rushed him, dragging him into a big scuffle. Unfortunately for the other ponies, a dust cloud prevented them from seeing anything. When it finally cleared, the creature was all beat up and on the floor.

"Dang Twi; what did you and Flash Sentry do to him?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Twilight said.

"Ow...everything hurts now..." Slasher said.

"Alright then, spill: Who's this Empress Paulina you mentioned before?" Starlight asked.

"That would be me." A female voice said. The group was forced to turn towards another mysterious creature, but this one had over their midsection a black cape.

(The creature without the cape at all)