• Published 12th Sep 2022
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MLP G5 Sunset: Make Your Mark - JesusG0987

What-IF? Sunset Equestria with her new generation of friends, but there are some things that would stop the magic.

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Chapter 5 Ep 3: Family Trees Part 2

Chapter 5 Ep 3: Family Trees Part 2

At the Wishing Tree in the Night Market, the ponies and breezies are having a good time while the Mane 6 and Discord look for Misty.

“Uh. Hmm…” Zipp hummed as she looked around and flew to where Zipp is. “Any sign of Misty? She just disappeared!” She said in worried.

“Not yet. But it is tricky to spot a unicorn in a market full of unicorns.” Hitch pointed out as he gestured to the many unicorns that are in the Night Market.

Pipp then show up next to them. “No luck a the macaron stand either!” Pipp cried out as she ate a macaron as her sister gave her a look. “What? It was a free sample!” She said in defense.

“Izzy, Sunset, Discord and I tried to trot around the whole Night Market.” Sunny spoke as the four came up to the others.

“But this place goes on forever!” Izzy cried out while showing how big the Night Market is.

“Even I don’t know where to go! And I’m theLord of Chaos!” Discord cried out, since even he can’t find Misty in this area.

“I still can’t believe this all fits inside the Wishing Tree.” Izzy said with a smile, still awed that a place this big fits in the tree.

“Well, the Breezies are known to live in pocket dimensions. So this market must’ve been within the tree in it’s own space.” Sunset said in thought. “At least, I think it does. I’m not an breezie expert when rarely see them after all.”

“It’s okay, Sunset. But that is an interesting theory.” Sunny said with a smile.

“Thanks.” Sunset said with a smile. “Twilight told me much about them from Fluttershy.” She added.

“Hmm…” Zipp gave a thought as she flew up and look around. “Where could that pony be?” She wondered.

“She could be anywhere by now. I hope she’s okay.” Sunset said in concern for Misty, hoping wherever she is, they hoped she’s safe.

Where Misty is, she was out in the forest of Bridlewood with some fog and the moonlight showing as she walked through the fog while looking nervous.

“Okay, just stay calm.” Misty said to herself as she look at the key again that is wrapped around her neck. “Just because this seems exactly like my dream doesn’t mean it has to end the same. I just need to find that magic, door then maybe I’ll remember where I came from.” She said to herself as she put the key down. “Fine. One more time.” She said to herself/

Misty took a breath as she focus on trying to remember.


Filly Misty was looking at the Wishing Tree when she stumbled upon it. “Wow!” She said in awed before she turned and saw the glowing blue door as she gasped and walked towards it. “Where did that come from?” She asked herself.

Filly Misty saw the door as she was about to touch it before rustling sound could be heard. “Huh?” She turned and saw a tall shadowy figure as screamed.

End of Flashback.

“No!” Misty was snapped back into reality when she saw that as she scratched her head before she saw a breezie flying by holding a lantern and humming to itself as Misty smiled with a gasped as she walked towards it. “Pardon me!” She said.

The breezie exclaimed in surprise at seeing Misty.

“Um, hello. I was wondering if you know of any doors around here?” Misty asked the breezie as it thought for a moment and nodded it’s head as it spoke, possibly saying yes. “You do?” Misty asked with a hopeful smile.

The breezie then turned and gestured Misty to follow it while speaking it’s language as it flew off, which surprised Misty.

“Wait! If you could just…” Misty called out as she chase after it as she saw the breezie flying really fast as she tried to keep up as she panted before the breezie stopped and turn to Misty as the unicorn tripped on a stem as she rolled across the floor and landed on her stomach a she stood up. “Yeesh, those little guys can really fly.” She commented in surprise as the breezie circled around her.

The breezie then spoke as it gestured to the area they are in.

“This is it?” Misty asked as she looked around. “But where’s the door?” She asked in confusion.

The breezie then look around as it grew nervous. “Uh… Bye-bye!” It went into a small tree house in a tree as it looked through the doorway to Misty.

Misty sigh in disappointment. “Thanks anyway. But that’s not the door I was looking for.” She said sadly as she turned away.

The breezie look at Misty as it gave her a sympathetic look, feeling bad that Misty didn’t find the door she was looking for as Misty looked down before it flew on Misty’s head as it looked at her upside down.

Misty then have a thought. “But you can help me with something else.” She said with a smile as the breezie look at her in confusion. “How do I get back into the market? I got a little lost.” She explained as she gestured to the forest she is in. “I think I’ve been gone a long time. My friends must be worried.”

The breezie exclaimed happily as it lead the way as Misty followed it back to the market.

Back at the Night Market, the remaining Mane 7 and Discord regrouped when they search the market for Misty.

“Okay, everypony, get your hooves in the game.” Zipp spoke out. “I’m worried I’ll miss a critical clue about Misty’s visions if I’m away for too long and I can’--” She said while still thinking about Misty’s clues.

“Zipp!” Sunset yelled out, which made Zipp flinch from that. “That’s what you’re worried about?! We have a friend missing and you’re worried about her visions?! Get over it all ready!” She scolded with a disappointed look that Zipp is only focusing on the mystery of Misty’s vision and not herself.

“Yeah, Zipp! That isn’t important right now.” Sunny said in agreement while Zipp looked down in guilt. “Misty is still just learning her way around Bridlewood. What if she got lost?” She said in worried.

“It wouldn’t be hard to do in a place like this.” Hitch commented as he looked around. “In fact, I think I’m lost! Where am I?” He questioned while looking around in thought.

“Keep it together, Sheriff.” Discord said with a rolled eyes. “And Misty is still new at being social, so it would make sense for her to get lost. Even my magic can’t find her, heck, I don’t even know where to go here.” He stated.

“And I’ve lived here all my life and even I’m all ‘woo-ooo’.” Izzy said as she gave a weird work while moving around to prove her point.

“Well, the breezies are known to have a big world. Even I don’t know where to go here. This is new to me.” Sunset added in agreement.

Pipp then look at her phone. “Too bad I still don’t have any service.” She said as her phone beep, showing that there’s no signal. “My Pippsqueaks can find anything or anypony!” She stated as her phone beep again

Just then two breezies came flying towards Pipp after hearing her phone as Pipp tried to keep her phone away from that. “Again?! I told you Breezies this isn’t magic,it’s just the latest and greatest in pony tech!” She reasoned with a small smile, but the breezies still want it as Pipp groaned as she tried to keep her phone away from them as more came at her as she ran off protecting her phone with breezies chasing her.

“Heheh, those breezies sure love new things.” Sunset said in amusement as the group followed after Pipp as they pass a breezie with a fossil stand.

Sparky saw the stand as he perked up and turned and look a big footprint as he seemed to recognize it as he then have a vision of his own, as if something triggered his memory.

Sparky’s Vision.

There is a lush jungle of exotic plants as birds with with feathers on their heads chirped as they landed on the branches.

And then, something shook the earth as the water shook and the birds flew off as a big scaly purple leg smashed the floor, making a footprint as it gave a dragon-like roar.

End of Sparky’s Vision.

Back in reality, Sparky still look at the fossilize footprint as he sniffed at it as he tried to smell the scent.

Hitch felt this as he turned to Sparky while the others watched as Pipp tried to get the breezies away from her phone. “Sparky?! What is it, little bud?” He asked as that got the others attention.

Sparky started gurgling as he hopped off Hitch’s back as he started running to the fossil.

“I haven’t seen him move like that since before Opaline drained him!” Hitch said in surprise as it got the others attention, since Sparky haven’t been energetic when Oplaine drained him of his dragon fire. “Maybe he found something!” He exclaimed.

“Then let’s follow that baby dragon and see what he got.” Discord suggested as the others nodded and rushed to Sparky.

Sparky went up to the fossil as they all look at the fossil sparky is seeing.

“Huh? These don’t look magical or healing.” Hitch said in confusion.

‘Yeah, what the hay?” Pipp spoke in confusion as she look a the stand. “It’s just a bunch of old rocks.” She said before a breezie flew in and spoke up as it sound defensive at what Pipp said.

“Oh, I think we offended her.” Sunny said sheepishly.

“Yes. Yes, we did.” Hitch said in agreement with a brow since he could understand them.

“You gotta be more sensitive with words to other creatures, Pipp.” Sunset said dully with a brow at Pipp’s poor choice of words.

“Oops, sorry.” Pipp apologize sheepishly to the breezie as she brought out her phone. “Can I make it up to you with a little bit of this?” She suggested with a small smile.

The breezie wasn’t too please as she pushed Pipp’s phone away.

“Hey!” Pipp said in offended.

“Not every breezie loves your phone, Pipp.” Sunset stated casually.

“I can see that.” Pipp said, seeing the point.

“Wait, no, she’s trying to tell us something.” Hitch said as they stood quiet as the breezie kept talking while gesturing to the fossils as Hitch translated. “She says, ‘These aren’t just any rocks, these are ancient fossils! And that’s the fossil of a dragon print.’” He translate as the breezie flew up to the fossil Sparky is looking at.

“Wait, what?!” Discord asked in shock.

Hitch gasped in shock as the others were jaw dropped at what they’ve learned. “A Dragon print?!” He spoke in shock as he turned to Sunny and Sunset.

“Wow, look!” Sunny spoke as she pointed at Sparky as the others turned to him.

Sparky nuzzled the fossil happily as his horns and scales started glowing the moment he touched it. “The fossil’s lighting him up!” Izzy said with a big.

“I knew that there could be more dragons out there, but this is more proof!” Sunset said excitedly to know that more dragons are out there. “And Sparky seemed to recognize this fossil if it reacted to him!” She stated.

“Maybe we need to get him around more dragon things!” Zipp suggested with a smile.

“You’re right, maybe he’s been away from other dragons for too long…” Sunny started with a thought.

“And that he’s been so sad and tired mentally during the dragon drain from Opaline…” Sunset added.

“And the only way to fully cure him is to get him back with his kind!” Zipp finished as Sparky is still glowing as he nuzzled the fossil happily.

Izzy had a thought as she spoke. “Hmm, I know I said Bridlewood has everything but, uh…” She said as she looked down at Sparky and put him on his back. “You won’t find dragons here.” She stated as she look at Sparky, who is gurgling happily as Izzy laughed. “Except Sparky of course.” She said.

Hitch cave a laugh as he came up to Sparky as he gave a laugh and rubbed his head with a sigh. “At least we know what will help him now, that’s good news.” He said, while having a thought as Sunny came up to him when she notice the one in his voice, as did the others.

“Then why do you seem upset?” Sunny asked in concern.

Hitch then turned to them sadly. “It’s just that I always knew I’d have to say goodbye to him one day, but that day might be sooner than I thought.” He said as his ears dropped as he look at Sparky gurgled at him cutely.

“Hey, don’t worry, Hitch. We don’t know for sure if we will find Sparky’s family, but at least he has us until then.” Sunset assured while placing a hoof on his shoulder.

“Yeah, you never know. Maybe not!” Zipp added in agreement as she flew down in front of her friends. “We’ll figure something out!” She then got a serious look. “But first, I need everypony to focus on tracking down Misty, which made her friends gasped at her, which made her confusion. “Why are you all looking at me like that?” She asked in confusion.

“Not you, Zipp. Behind you!” Sunset called out as she pointed her hoof behind Zipp.

“Huh?” Zipp turned and saw Misty walking towards them with the breezie that helped her as she was surprise by her sudden appeared.

“Oh Misty!” Sunny said in relief as they all came to her in relief.

“We looked all over!” Hitch added.

“Where’d you go?” Pipp asked.

“You just disappeared.” Sunset added.

“Thank the moons!” Izzy cheered happily.

“What a relief!” Discord said happily.

“Oh.” Misy said in relief. “I was worried you might’ve gone back to Maretime Bay without me!” She said as she waved to the breezie that help her goodbye as it flew off.

“We would never do that!” Sunny spoke up.

“We never leave a friend behind.” Sunset added.

Zipp then came up to Misty. “Where did you do? Was it another vision?” She questioned again.

“Well…” Misty tried to explained before Zipp continued.

“Did you find something? What’s that key you’re carrying?” Zipp pointed to the key while Misty gets uncomfortable.

Sunny and Sunset came between them as the two ponies pushed Zipp back again. “Zipp! Give her some space.” Sunny said to her.

“And enough with questioning Misty already! You’ve been doing that all day. Give her break.” Sunset said with a disapproval look.

Zipp realized what she was doing as she spoke. “You’re both right, sorry I…” She said to Misty in guilt before she sigh and then gave Misty a hug, which surprise the unicorn.

“Uh…” Misty said in confusion and a bit surprise by Zipp’s hug.

“I was really worried.” Zipp said as she kept hugging Misty.

“AW, Zipp.” Misty said with a as she return the hug as the two broke it as she showed them the key. “A breezie gave me this special key.” She said as she gave the key to Sunny as she and Sunset inspected it.

“It’s not like any key I ever saw before.” Sunset said in thought while Sunny spoke.

“But I think I’ve seen these patterns before.” Sunny said as she notice the patterns on the key. “They’re old, but I don’t know what they mean.” She said as Zipp took out her magnifying glass to inspect it as Sunny turned to Discord. “Discord, do you recognize it?” She asked as she showed the key to the draconequus.

Discord looked at the key with a monocle he summoned as he hummed and shook his head. “Sorry, ponies. But I never seen this pattern before. I may know some ancient Equestrian history but even this is beyond me in these times.” He said to them, since he knows some old Equestrian history and artifacts, even he doesn’t know everything.

“It’s okay, Discord. It’s new to all of us.” Sunset said as the others nodded in understanding.

“I think it has something to do with home.” Misty said to them, which got the others attentions. “I thought that maybe if I could just find the door it goes to, I’d find some answers about my past and my family.” She said hopefully as she looked around.

“Well? Did you find anything?” Zipp asked in interest as Sparky hopped off Izzy’s back.

“No.” Misty said sadly before she felt something hug her hoof as she looked down and saw Sparky hugging her hoof as he gurgled happily as Misty smiled. “Sparky! You found a cure for him?” She asked her friends.

“Only a temporary one.” Hitch stated as they look at Sparky. “I think the only thing that will really heal him is finding his family.” He explained.

Sparky nuzzled Misty’s leg as she gave a smile and rubbed the baby dragon’s head. “I know how you feel, buddy.” She said softy.

“We can help!” Sunny spoke up with a smile.

“We can find the door and find some more clues on Sparky’s family!” Sunset added with a smile.

“Yeah! Let’s get searching! Come on, everypony, let’s find that door!” Sunny announced as she held up the key.

(Mane Family Song)

The Mane 7 and Discord are then searching the market for any clues on the key while also finding some clues for Sparky’s family as Misty went up to a stand and showed the key to two breezies, who shook their heads in not knowing about it.

What is the key to a family (Oh-oh)
What is the key to a home?
What is the part of that I’m missing (Oh-oh)
To help me find where I belong

Misty sang as she check out the other stands as they others check crates and stands as well to find a clue while trying to find a match to the key.

Zipp then flew out of the market as she search outside as Hitch then began to sing as he check the fossil stand while holding out a bird fossil.

I’m searchin’
I’m looking for something
Something that comes from the heart (From the heart)

Hitch then left the stand to keep search as Misty is looking as Sparky saw two breezies making a fire show, which made him smiled happily as he and Hitch watched.

‘Cause sometimes you need something to lift you up
And help to reignite your spark

Hitch and Misty then came towards each other as they sang together and held tails before they continued on in separate directions.

(Misty and Hitch)
‘Cause I got you
And you got me
Cause when you’re with your friends yeah
You’re with you family

The others are still searching the market while Zipp is still outside while wearing Z-Goggles as she search around the tree.

Pipp and Zipp then saw a plushy stand where they saw a plushy dragon as they look at it cutely and smile.

Keep em’ in your heart
‘Cause that is the key

Izzy then brought out two plushies, one dragon and one that looks like a unicorn dog, which Sparky shook his head.

Oh when you’re with your friends yea
You’re with your family
I’ve got you and you’ve got me

Hitch then came up to Sparky as the baby dragon jumped happily as Hitch picked him up and place him on his back as the baby dragon bugged him as Sunny, Sunset and Misty looked at him with smiles as Hitch and Misty sang together while Misty gave a long look at the key.

‘Cause we aren’t just friends
No, we’re a family
When you’re feeling lonely or incomplete

Outside, Zipp then took off her goggles as she looked around before she saw something sparked up as she turned and went wide eye at what she saw.

Don’t forget about your friends
Yeah they’re your family


Zipp flew down as she took a closer look at plantations as she moved them aside before she went wide eyes at what she found.

‘Cause when you’re with your friends
Yeah you’re with your family

The others regrouped as Misty and Hitch finished singing as the others smiled as Sparky gave a yawn and laid down on Hitch’s back again as he started snoring.

Hitch gave a concern look. “The dragon fossil helped him, but I don’t think it was enough.” He said as their ears dropped from seeing Sparky like that.

“Hitch, I’, sorry for letting Sparky get hurt.” Misty said in guilt, since she was the one who brought Sparky to Opaline in the first place. “I’ll never forgive myself.” She said sadly.

“Well, I forgive you, Misty.” Hitch said with a forgiving smile. “I’ve seen how good your heart is and, well, even if you don’t find what you’re looking for, we can be your family.” He assured as the others nodded in agreement.

Misty gave a smile at joy at them. “You mean it?” She asked.

“Of course!” Izzy cheered happily. “I’ve always wanted another unicorn in the family.”

“And we understand how you feel when you feel out of place in a world you don’t know but somewhat familiar with it.” Sunset said on behalf of her and Discord. “I was alone in this new era before I met Sunny and the others as I see them as family.” She said as she smiled fondly at her friends.

“I was alone for many moons in the cracks of old Equestria before Sunset and the others found me.” Discord spoke next with a fond smile as well. “And ever since they’ve forgive me for my old plan on destroying magic to keep unity and harmony together, which wouldn’t work, I see them as the ponies I knew way back in the old days.” He said fondly.

“Friends forever?” Sunny started with a smile.

“And ever!” Pipp finished with a happy nod.

“Awww” They all exclaimed as they then gave Misty a warmful group hug.

“So cute.” Izzy commented.

Pipp then notice that one pony of their group was missing. “Hey, has anyone seen Zipp?” She asked her friends, noticing her sister isn’t with them.

“Misty, I found it!” Zipp called out as the group broke the hug and they all looked up to Zipp, who was panting as she landed to them as she look at Misty. “I found… the door.” She said as she took her breath.

Misty then gasped at what Zipp just said as Sunset turned to Zipp. “Zipp, where is it?” She asked, knowing that this is important for Misty.

A little bit later, the Mane 7 and Discord exit the Night Market as Zipp lead them to the spot she saw and they move the vines as door was revealed.

“This is it! This is the door!” Misty exclaimed in joy.

“We couldn’t see if from the ground because it was so overgrown, but when I looked from the sky… Boom!” Zipp explained while spreading her hooves at the ‘boom’ word as she pushed at the door, but it wouldn’t budge. “Lock! Which means…” She looked at Misty eagerly.

“We need this!” Misty finished as she took out her key with a smile.

“Oooh! Where will it lead us to?” Izzy asked excitedly.

“The Breezie who gave it to me said it would take me to the place I most wanted to go.” Misty explained as Sparky started gurgling again sadly as Misty continued. “But it can only be used one time.” She added sadly.

“Well, what are you waiting for, Misty?!” Zipp said excitedly. “You can use the door to find your home! Your family!”

“I could, but…” Misty started as she look at her key before she sighs and walked up to “Hitch. “Hitch, I want to use this key for Sparky.” She said.

“What?” Hitch asked in surprise. “But what about your family?”

“Sparky needs to be around dragons.” Misty pointed out as she turned to her friends. “You’ve all taught me the true meaning of family and friendship.” She started as her friends gave her warm smiles at her words. “I’m willing to wait a little loner to solve the mystery of my past, if it means I could save Sparky’s future. Please let me do this.” She urged Hitch. “After all, we’re family now, right?” She asked with a smile.

Hitch and Sparky looked at each other as they gave smiles and nodded to Misty.

“You’re right, Misty. Family is more than blood, it’s the bonds we share.” Sunset said with a proud smile. “It’s your key, your choice.” She said.

And then Twilight appeared from the necklace as she gave a proud smile at Misty. “You’re listening to what your heart is telling you, Misty. And that friendship and family are the same, and helping others to find their place is a great call. You are something else, Misty.

Misty gave a smile as she took a breath. “Thanks, guys.” She said happily as she then turned to the door and walk up to it as she took off the key from her neck and place it on the lock of the door. “The place I most want to go is where Sparky came from.” She said as the key began to sparkle up as MIsty gasped in awed.

“Something’s happening.” Sunny spoke up.

“This is gonna be interesting.” Sunset said with a smile.

And exciting to see what happens!” Twilight excitedly said as Sunset chuckled a bit.

“Take us to the Dragonlands!” Misty announced with a smile as she turned the key, which disappeared as shaking can be felt as Misty gasped.

“It’s working!” Izzy cheered.

“Okay, but do we think it’s suppose to shake like that?” Pipp said uncertainly.

“Maybe it’s a little rusty.” Zipp said with a nervous chuckle.

It wouldn’t be the first time an ancient door shake things.” Twilight spoke up, having experience with these kinds of things before.

“Agreed. Though the glowing is new.” Sunset commented as they saw the door glowing.

The door then opened up as it showed a portal inside as the Mane 7 and Discord looked in awed.

“Huh, a door with a portal for transportation. Been there.” Sunset said with a shrug, since she experience these kinds of portals before.

But amazing! I’ve never seen anything like this kind before!” Twilight exclaimed at seeing what the door just did.

“Neither have I! Just a thrill!” Discord added in agreement with a wide smile.

“So I guess now we just--” Misty started, feeling a little nervous.

“Step through this strange door into the unknown based entirely on the world of a tiny pixie pony!” Izzy finished cheerfully with a chuckle.

“Mom would not be pleased to know we were thinking about doing this.” Pipp said nervously.

“When has that ever stop us?” Zipp questioned with a smirk, since that never stop them before.

“Okay, ponies, listen up.” Sunset spoke as they turned to him. “You ponies may not have experience the dragon lands, not even me, but Twilight has and she would like to give us a few heads up.” She said as she turned to Twilight.

The Dragonlands are mostly volcanic laval pools and mountain areas. The dragons like extreme heat and can be in caves or high places, so be watch your step. And be careful because some dragons aren’t friendly.” Twilight spoke out, which made the others, except for Sunset and Discord, to go wide eyes from that.

“Wait, the dragonlands are volcanic and rocky for dragons?” Pipp asked nervously.

“That’s a scary thought, especially the non-friendly dragons.” Hitch said nervously with a sheepish chuckle.

“My dad was spot on with the details of the landmarks of old Equestria, so yeah. I get that.” Sunny said sheepishly.

“So everypony stay together, watch each other backs, watch your steps, and Discord….” Sunset said while giving a look at Discord with a brow.

“I know. I know. Don’t do something chaotic. Even I know never to mess with dragons.” Discord assured with his arms raised.

“Good. Now, it’s time to find those dragons and Sparky’s family, and see if Spike is with them.” Sunset said with a hopeful look.

Oh, I hope Spike is there at well.” Twilight said hopefully. “It’s been so long, I wonder how he was doing since the division of Equestria. And from my departure. He will be trill to see me! If he doesn’t question my spirit in the necklace.” She said with a sheepish look.

“Oh, that dragon will be happy either way!” Discord assured with a wave. “It’s Spike we’re talking about after all.” He added, knowing Spike well enough that he would be happy to see familiar faces and the pony he cares deeply.

“That is true. So let’s get going.” Sunset declared as she turned to the others, who look nervous.

“Well… Okay then. You first, Hitch.” Sunny suggested with a nervous smile.

“Me?” Hitch asked in surprise. “No, no, I couldn’t possibly. After you.” He said.

“Are you ponies scared of exploring and ancient land were dragons used to be?” Sunset asked in amusement.

“No! We’re just, wanting to see who goes first.” Hitch denied as the others nodded agreement as Sunset chuckled.

Just then, a leaf came out form the portal as they were surprise by that, especially Sunset, Discord and Twilight. “Leaves? There are leaves in the Dragonlands now?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“Wait a minute, the Dragonlands don’t have any plantations except the edge of it’s boarder.” Sunset said in thought. “Why did leaves blew from the portal leading to the Dragonlands?” She asked.

“Yeah, I haven’t been to the Dragonlands in many moons and even I know they’re not suppose to have plants.” Discord said in agreement, since it may have been years but he still remember how Equestria used to be, even the Dragonlands.

“Wasn’t there plants in the dragonlands before?” Sunny asked them in confusion.

Not that I remember. But no.” Twilight answered while looking at the portal. “Something must’ve change the Dragonlands like the rest of Equestria.” She theorize.

Sparky then saw the leaves as he gurgled excitedly as the others turned to him. “Look at him!” Hitch called out in surprise.

Sparky jumped from Hitch’s back as he picked up the leaf as he started running to the portal as he jumped in as the Mane 7 and Discord stood in surprise.

“Guess we have no choice now!” Sunny said with a small smile.

“Well, see you ponies on the other side!” Sunset called out as she jumped into the portal after Sparky.

“Best to join Sparky in.” Discord said with a smile. “Dragonlands here we come!” He exclaimed as he jumped into the portal as well.

“We don’t want to leave them hanging.” Zipp said with an exciting smirk.

Hitch gave a determined look as he and the rest of the Mane 7 jumped into the portal as they all screamed once they entered.

At the otherside of the portal, the six ponies of the Mane 7 fell to the ground out of the portal as they landed on each other while Izzy landed on top of them.

“Hey! That wasn’t so bad.” Izzy said cheerfully.

“Speak for yourself.” Hitch groaned as he was on the bottom.

“Not as fun the first time, but you get used to it.” Sunset said with a smile as they turned and saw her, Discord and Twilight in front of them while looking at them in amusement.

I was like that twice.” Twilight said with a chuckle since her going into the mirror portal twice was similar to them.

“Is this how you felt when you went through the portal from the human world, Sunset?” Sunny asked as they stood up.

“Similar, but yeah.” Sunset answered before she gave a surprise look. “But, you ponies may need to see this.” She said.

“Because even we weren’t expecting this.” Discord finished.

“Huh?” Zipp asked before she gasped as did the others.

Where they are in a lush jungle of exotic plants as the six ponies got up. “It’s beautiful!” Pipp said in awed as she then took out her phone as it beeps again. “Definitely no service here, but…” She then exclaimed as she flew around as they all look around. “I can’t wait to get photos of a real adult dragon!” She exclaimed as she took pictures.

“I can’t wait to meet another dragon.” Zipp said next. “I have so many questions.”

“Is this really the Dragonlands, guys?” Sunny asked Sunset, Discord and Twilight in awed.

“I-I don’t know, Sunny. I’ve never been to it before.” Sunset said in awed.

I have, and it was not like this before. And right now, it is beautiful than when it was a laval pool and rocky mountains terrain.” Twilight said in awed as the Dragonlands sure have change.

“Wow, the Dragonlands sure have change. And way better than it was before.” Discord commented with his hands on his hips. “I bet Spike is around while enjoying the peace.” He added.

I’m sure he is, Discord. I know Spike love a peaceful place and the Dragonlands sure has turn int a paradise.” Twilight said with a wide smile. “I hope Spike is still here.

“I’m sure he is Twilight. He is your dragon.” Sunset assured her with a smile.

“Yeah, Spike is a tough dragon. If he’s here, we might see him.” Sunny said with a wide smile, feeling excited to see the former Friendship Ambassador of Equestria and another former member of the Guardians of Harmony herself.

Twilight gave a grateful smile to them. “I hope so, because Spike can be nervous with other ponies.” She stated as the four chuckled to each other.

Hitch then looked around in worry. “Sparky?! Where’d he go?” He called out before Sparky came to him happily as he jumped around his friends as Hitch gave a laugh. “There you are, little guy!” He happily said as he pick Sparky up. “Look at him. This place is helping already!” He said joyfully.

“It is the Dragonlands alright. If Sparky is happy, then it working.” Sunset said with a smile.

Hitch then turned to Misty. “Thank you, Misty. Truly.” He gratefully said as Sparky babbled to her as Misty patted Sparky’s head as Misty smiled before Sparky jumped off Hitch’s arms. “Huh…” He said in confusion.

The group watched Sparky running to a tree as he started climbing the tree and then gestures the others.

“It looks like he wants us to follow.” Izzy said cheerfully. “Does he know the way?!” She exclaimed.

“It must be instinct.” Zipp theorize.” This is his homeland!” She called out.

Sparky then started running off again. “Whoa, wait for us, buddy!” Hitch called out as the Mane7 and Discord followed after him.

Sparky kept running while the group panted for breath since Sparky is really fast before he stopped and landed in a big footprint as Sparky followed the tracks before he started breathing his dragonfire around happily.

“He’s so much better.” Hitch said happily before they all screamed when Sparky nearly hit them with his dragonfire before they all laughed from that.

“And his fire is back!” Misty added as Sparky kept breathing out his dragon fire.

“Yep, Sparky’s back to his old self.” Sunset said with a chuckle, but happy that Sparky feels like himself again and got his fire back.

Hitch then turned to Misty with a grateful smile. “I can’t believe you used your key to help Sparky instead of finding your family. Do you remember anything about them?” He asked.

Misty looked down in slight sadness. “I wish I could… But I’m glad I’m here to see this.” She said with a smile.

Pipp then brought out her phone as she started recording this moment, which made Hitch and Misty surprise by it. “I bet we’re gonna see a big dragon any second now!” She exclaimed excitedly.

“And maybe Spike is with them.” Discord added with smile.

The group waited around for a dragon to come to them, but for some reason, none of any dragons showed up. “Any second now!” She repeated, but still nothing. “Any second now.” She said slowly.

“Does anypony else sense there’s something a little off here?” Zipp asked as she gets the strange feeling about the Dragonlands right now.

“Huh, let me check.” Izzy said as she took a m meditation positon as the others watches as Sparky hopped around. “I am definitely sensing some energies. A lacking of luminescence. And absence of sparkle, really.” She started as she hummed again. “I think something happened here.”

“We can see that, Izzy.” Sunset said in amusement before looking around. “But yeah, something is not right.” She stated in concern.

“A lot of dragons seem to live here.” Sunny started, having the same thought. “There’s all these clawprints, ant those amazing statues but…” She started while looking around.

“No dragons.” Zipp finished.

“That’s odd, usually the Dragonlands seemed packed before, but now it’s completely empty.” Discord commented.

Yeah, something is not right, where are the dragons?” Twilight asked in concern, haven’t seen no signs of any dragons when they got here.

Hitch then step on a clawprint as he gave a thought. “Maybe they’re just off foraging somewhere?” He guessed.

“All of them? At the same time?” Sunny questioned Hitch with a brow.

“Sunny’s right, Hitch. The dragons may forage, but all at once.” Sunset said in agreement, knowing dragons well enough to even go all together to forage.

“And with Sparky making all this commotion…” Zipp added with thought.

“Yeah, wouldn’t his family here? And want to come to him?” Pipp added in confusion.

“Maybe they all took off before we got here or…” Zipp said while trying to think of another reason.

“Or somepony else got here before us.” Misty said in worried, as they all have a guess in their heads.

“Opaline.” Sunny said worryingly.

Sunset then spotted something as it got her attention. “Huh?” She said as she walked up and kneel to the ground as the others turned to her.

“Sunset, what is it?” Sunny asked in concern.

“I think I found something.” Sunset said in shock.

“What?! What is it?!” Zipp asked, wanting to know what Sunset said.

Sunset picked up something from the ground with her hoof as she turned it to the others as they all gasped at what they saw.

“Dragon scales.” Discord said in shock, in Sunset’s hoof, was a dragon scale, but this one is purple and slight green.

Guys this isn’t just any dragon scales, this is Spike’s scales!” Twilight spoke in shock when they heard what that scale belongs to. “Spike was here!” She cried out.

“The Ambassador of Equestria was here!? Wow!” Sunny said in shock.

“Wait, how do we know it isn’t just any dragon with that kind of scales?” Pipp questioned with a brow.

“Now, this is Spike’s alright. I know those scales anywhere.” Discord said in shock as he look longingly at the scales of his best pal.

“Wow!” Zipp exclaimed excited as she came close. “Another dragon scale! This could be use for researching--Ow!” She yelled out when Sunset slapped Zipp’s hoof away.

“Don’t touch this scale! It’s not for researching!” Sunset said firmly as she moved the scale away from Zipp, while the others were surprise by Sunset’s outburst before she realizes what she said. “S-Sorry. But this is Spike’s scales. The first sign that he’s still around. So, this scale is off-limits for research, Zipp.” She stated calmly while holding the scales of her dragon friend.

Zipp understands what Sunset is saying as she spoke. “Okay, I get it. Sorry, just caught up in the moment.” She apologize for almost taking away something that belongs to a friend of Sunset that is hoped is still around.

“It’s okay, just make sure you don’t do anything to it.” Sunset said as Zipp nodded.

Just then, Sparky came to them as he babbled to them. “What is it?” Hitch asked his dragon as Sparky then ran further as the others followed after him.

“That dragon sure is excited.” Discord commented.

They all followed Sparky to a cave as he babbled to it as the others caught up to him as they got nervous.

“That’s ominous.” Sunset comment while feeling a little creepy out about this cave.

“Oh…” Izzy started with a laugh. “No thanks, Sparky. Kind of you to show us your home, but I rather not go into a creepy cave.” She said with a nervous chuckle.

“Same.” Pipp said in agreement. “One mysterious entryway in a day is plenty for me!” She added.

Sparky started babbling again as he urge them to take a look. “Alright, I’ll just take a look.” Hitch said while feeling a little nervous.

“I’ll go with you, Hitch.” Sunny said with a smile.

“Same. If Spike or any dragons are in there, we must see it true.” Sunset said determinedly.

Agreed.” Twilight nodded.

The three ponies went into the cave with Sparky as they look around as Hitch cleared his throat. “Hello?” He called out as there was nothing.

“I think you’ll have to be louder than that.” Sunny suggested as she spoke out. “Any dragon in here?!” She yelled out as her voice echoed through the cave.

“That was a little too loud, Sunny.” Sunset said before two glowing eyes appeared, which started the group as more appeared of them appeared, revealing to be bats as they all gave started screamed, while Izzy laughed, as they ran out the cave. “Ah, bats!” She called out as the bats flew off. “Well, bats are here.”

“But no dragons in there, either!” Hitch called out as the bats flew off as Sparky sighed sadly.

This is really strange. The Dragonlands maybe different but even no dragons could just leave their lands.” Twilight said in thought.

“Where could they have gone?” Sunny asked in wonder.

“They must’ve sensed the growing dragonfire power in Opaline.” Misty theorize as they turned to her in attention.

“You sound so sure.” Zipp said in worried.

“She’s been the closes thing I’ve had to family for a long time.” Misty explained as she continued. “I know Opaline’s interest in total domination goes way beyond Equestria.” She stated.

“She wants to rule over the Dragonlands too?” Zipp asked in shock.

“I don’t it’s just the Dragonlands or just Equestria, Zipp.” Sunset spoke with a serious look. “If I had to guess, she wants to rule over everything. Right, Misty?” She asked.

“Yes, over everything.” Misty confirmed, which makes the others more concern. “She wanted Sparky’s dragonfire to gain power. Maybe she wanted to take it from the other dragons too! And maybe they fled before she could get to them?” She theorize as Sparky looked scared as he nuzzled Hitch’s leg.

“I’m sure the dragons fled. If they have sense Opaline, then they must be in hiding.” Sunset noted.

And Spike knows to be prepare for any danger that comes to Equestria. So he must’ve fled with them.” Twilight added in worried for her dragon-son.

“I’m sure he is. Spike would never be caught that easily.” Discord said, knowing Spike is tough, in his own way, to not get caught that easily.

“I’m sure he’s okay.” Sunny assured them with a smile. “Spike and the other dragons are hiding and safe from Opaline. So at least that’s something.” She added as the three smiled at her.

Hitch rubbed Sparky’s head in comfort. “Let’s hope that’s what happened. Being with Misty and coming here has shown me that everypony deserves to find there home. Where they belong.” He said as he look at MIsty before he look at Sparky. “Maybe Sparky belongs with dragons.” He added, which surprised the others.

“Are you thinking of leaving him here?” Sunny asked in surprise as Sparky hugged Hitch’s leg again.

“Yeah, Hitch. Even if this is his home, the dragonlands are empty with no dragons in sight.” Sunset added in concern.

Sparky will be all alone again and might get caught by Opaline or worse.” Twilight added in great concern.

Hitch looked around as he saw a dragon statue as he spoke. “One day, I’ll have to let him go. But I won’t leave him here, all alone.” He stated as he look down at Sparky. “I’ll be Sparky’s protector for as long as he needs me.” He declared as Sparky hugged him happily.

“And as long as you need us, we’ll help you open as many doors as we have to, to find your family.” Sunny said to Misty.

“And we won’t give up until that family is found, Misty.” Discord promised.

“Because even if it takes so long, we’ll find them.” Sunset finished as as the Unicorn smiled in joy at Misty.

“Um, yeah about that…” Izzy spoke out while searching around. “Anypony remember how to get back to the door?” She asked cheerfully as she sat down while crossing her hooves.

That got the others attentions as they look around for the way they came in, but they couldn’t remember where they’ve been, not even Sparky.

“Yeah, that might be a problem.” Sunset muttered before turning to Discord. “Discord, couldn’t you teleport us back?” She asked.

“Don’t look at me. I don’t remember how Equestria is now when I could teleport anywhere.” Discord said with his arms raised. “I mean, I could back then, but with this new landscape and changes Equestria been I don’t know my way around. Why’d you think I walked all the way to the caverns to destroy the Pegasus Crystal?” He pointed out.

The others thought for a moment as they realize he was right. “Yeah, that is actually a good point.” Zipp said with a shrug.

Then how do we get back?” Twilight asked in concern. “Because that portal won’t stay opened for long.” She stated.

“Don’t sweat it, ponies!” Pipp called out as they turned to her while holding a piece of a petal. “I got it covered.” She said as she flew to a trail of petals on the ground. “I left a trail of jungle flower petals I just picked up from my all-natural beauty line so we could find our way back.” She explained as she flew around as she sniff the petals. “And these ones smell tropical, like passionfruit! Mmm, yumi!” She cheered.

The group all sigh in relief as they walked the path. “Smart thinking!” Hitch complimented.

“Great thinking, Pipp.” Sunset added with a smile.

“Thank hoofness.” Izzy added as they all followed the path.

Zipp turned to her sister as she gave her a smirk. “What?” Pipp asked.

“Nothing. I’m just impressed.” Zipp said to her sister proudly thought of something and been out her phone for this long.

“Hey, you’re not the only sister who can do cool tricks!” Pipp said with a cool look before she pick up another petal as she sniff it. “Oh, and this one smells just like ‘Canter Number 5’!” She said as she sniff again.

Zipp gave a chuckle at her sister. “Let’s go!” She said as they flew off to catch up to the others back the way they came.

A little bit later, the Mane 7 and Discord walked back from the door as they were back to Bridlewood as they turned and saw the portal closed as the doors shut as Misty gave a look before she caught up to the others.

They made it back to the entrance of the Night Market, but then the breeizes flying out of the entrance as it closed shut.

“Guess that’s it for the NIght Market.” Sunny said as the breezies flew off to their homes.

“At least we got some cool things from there.” Sunset stated with a smile.

“True that.” Discord said as he summoned the bags of things they got from the Night Market.

Izzy then walked up to a breezie. “Pardon me, when does this mystical magical market come back?” She asked.

The breezie then spoke slowly with a smile as it flew off as Izzy titled her head in confusion.

Hitch then come up to Misty. “She says, ‘You never know’.” He repeated while talking it slowly to Izzy.

“Huh, that doesn’t really narrow it down.” Izzy commented in thought.

“I think she means that the Breezie World traveled swiftly, meaning that it open and closes as it please.” Sunset stated, knowing breezies and their world shift between them.

But with the Breezies living in Equestria now, meaning that the market will open up again soon when it could.” Twilight added with a smile.

“Huh, that make sense. Now we just to wait and see when it opens again.” Izzy said with her cheerful smile.

They all turned to Misty, who is looking at the tree in deep thought. “Hey, Misty? We just wanted to see if you’re okay.” Sunny asked in concern as she and Sunset came to her.

“Yeah, losing the key and giving up your choice to find your family was harsh.” Sunset added in sympathy.

“Yeah, if you wanna share anything else you might have learned about your past, we’re all ears” Zipp said as she up to Misty as well, being polite if Misty wanted to say something this time.

Misy gave a sigh. “I wish I had more to tell.” She said as she look around. “At least I know I’ve been to Bridlewood. But, I’m not any closer to figuring out who was in my memory or who I used to belong to.” She said sadly as she walked around before she gave a smile. “But that’s okay for now.”

“Well, you were pretty brave to risk the key for Sparky, Misty. At least we know what became of the dragons and seeing the Dragonlands.” Sunset commented with a smile.

“And as long as you have us, you have family.” Sunny spoke as Misty smiled at them as Pipp flew down next to Misty.

“And you have our Zephyr Heights family too!” Pipp added before she gasped as she remember something. “I totally forgot to tell you we saw my mom in the market earlier today!” She explained.

“Queen Haven was here?” Hitch asked in surprise.

“Yep!” Pipp answered with a nod. “She was walking around with Alphabittle. Oh, look!” She then brought out a golden sparkling photo booth picture. “We went into that enchanted photo booth together!” She said.

The others huddled around Pipp as Izzy laughed. “Ha-ha! Zipp! What is the expression you’re making?!” Izzy asked as look a the pictures in amusement.

The photo booth pictured seemed to be magical as it showed Zipp, Pipp, Queen Haven, Cloudpuff and Alphabittle in it as each section change into a different photo while Zipp’s face was off weirdly then the others as the group, sin Zipp, laughed at that.

“Ahahaha! That is pure gold there! Literally!” Discord laugh at the pictures

Zipp felt embarrass at them seeing the pictures. “I wasn’t ready!” She said as she covered herself in embarrassment since she wasn’t ready for the shots at the time.

Izzy then saw Misty looking at the pictures longingly as she notice her expression. “Huh, and what’s the expression you’re making, Misty? Is something wrong?” She asked in concern.

Misty look at the picture as Zipp spoke. “Oh on. Another vision?” She asked in concern.

“Is it good or bad?” Sunset asked.

“Is it Opaline this time?” Sunny asked next.

Misty shook her head. “No, it’s not that, I… I think I recognize…” Sher started as she look closely at the picture, mostly focus on Alphabittle. “Who is that?” She asked.

“Oh, that’s Alphabittle!” Pipp answered. “We’ve mention him before. He runs the Crystal Tea Room here in Bridlewood.” She explained as Misty walked off as the others looked at her.

“Um, Misty?” Hitch asked.

“Is there something in your mind?” Discord asked next.

As Misty stood in front of her friends while in deep thought, her Cutie Mark then started glowing as Zipp saw it. “Wait a second, Alphabittle’s Cutie Mark was glowing today too.” She said while putting a hoof in her chin in thought before she gasped and flew to Misty. “Misty! In your vision, the large shadow, is it possible that it wasn’t a creature after all?” She suggested.

“Wait, what if it was somepony you know, somepony we know?” Sunset spoke up, getting what Zipp is saying. “Misty, focus and concentrate on what you saw the large shadow, and try and think positive to see who it was.” She instructed.

Misty did what Sunset said as she thought for a moment before she gasped as a memory was coming back to her.


Filly Misty was looking at the door as she turned to large shadow behind her, but if looked closely, that large shadow happened to be Alphabittle, a young Alphabittle who’s hair was dark blue as he search around in the fog.

“Where’d ya go, pumpkin?” Alphabittle called out to Misty while searching for her in the fog. “It’s almost dinner-time!” He called out to her in worried.

End of Flashback.

Misty was brought back to reality as she finally remembered as she looked in shock at what she saw. “D-d-d… Dad?!” She spoke out in shock.

The rest of the Mane 7 and Discord, even Sparky, all gasped in completely shock at what Misty just said.

“Alphabittle is your dad?!” Izzy spoke in shock.

“Shocking! Not even I got that!” Discord added in shock, even he didn’t see that coming.

“Sweet Celestia!” Sunset yelled in shock before she gave a thought. “Though the freckles kinda give a hint but we never questioned it.” She muttered, seeing that they didn’t ask since Alphabittle and Misty’s freckles were kinda almost the same.

“Yeah, I think so.” Misty said with a big smile forming as she finally remember who was her true family, and that he is close by.

Zipp then wrapped her hoof around Misty with a smirk. “We gotta get to the Crystal Tea Room right now!” She declared.

“Then lets go! Time for Misty to reunite with her real family!” Sunset announced as they all rush to the Tea Room as fast as they could.

A the Crystal Tea Room, the shop was closing as Queen Haven was there while helping Alphabittle close shop as she grab some cups and walk up to Alphabittle.

“I didn’t even believe in Breezies before today!” Alphabittle said in surprise and happiness since it seemed like the two had fun as he put his teacups away. “Ha! And then, one beat me at a tea-tasting contest!” He added.

Haven gave him a chuckle a bit. “I never know what excitement awaits me in Bridlewood.” She said in amusement before she gave Alphabittle a loving look. “Although… You’re welcome to join in Zephyr Heights, whenever you’d like.” She offered with a smile.

Alphabittle gave a uncertain look however. “Yeah, about that, um…” He gave a thought before he decided to tell Haven something he kept to himself. “I haven’t been totally honest with you about why I don’t like to leave Bridlewood.” He said as Queen Haven an interesting look as Alphabittle look down sadly.

Alphabittle went over to the photo and took one off the shelf and handed it to Haven, it was of a young blue filly with a striped blue mane in a pigtail while holding a plushie bunnicorn, which was actually Misty when she was a filly.

"Oh, its adorable, but I don't understand. Who is she?" Haven asked.

"....My daughter." Alphabittle admitted and Haven gasped.

"You have a-" Haven trailed off in shock.

"She went missing many moons ago. I searched everywhere, but....I couldn't find her." Alphabittle lamented over the loss of his daughter. "So the real reason I can't leave Bridlewood is because I need to be here," Aplhabittle put the picture back on the self. "When my filly comes home."

"Oh my sweet Alphabittle...I had no idea..." Haven breathed putting a hoof on his chest.

"It never gets easier..." Alphabittle sighed before his Cutie Mark began glowing again. "Er, why does this keep happening.”

"....Dad?" Misty called as she entered the Crystal Tea Room as the pairs Cutie Marks glowed together, to Haven's shock as she connected the photo to the mare.

"Misty....is your daughter?" Haven gasped in shock.

"Misty? But how?" Alphabittle gasped.

"I'm home....Dad" Misty smiled before she galloped over to Alphabittle and he did the same and the pair met each other and hugged deeply.

"You are home." Alphabittle cried.

"Aw, Dad.” Misty smiled.

"And I'm never letting you go again." Alphabittle smiled with years of joy, finally having found his daughter after years apart and Misty now knowing she had a real father in her life.

The rest of the Mane 7 and Discord came to the door as they gasped happily at the sight as Discord wipe his tears with a tissue. “Such a beautiful reunion.” He said tearfully.

Queen Haven looked on with a heartful smile that Alphabittle found her lost daughter and that Misty was his daughter this whole time and finally came back to him as the group watched the father and daughter reunion.

“Such happy a beautiful moment for those two, huh Twilight?” Sunset asked with a smile, knowing that Twilight would agree if she was out of the necklace, but is happy that Misty found her true family and Alphabittle reunited with his long lost daughter.

The next day, the Mane 7 and Discord returned to the Tea Room as they each had a seat on table enjoying some tea, Discord and Sunset on one, Sunny and Hitch on another, Zipp, Pipp and their mother on a third while Alphabittle showed his founded daughter around.

“So um… do you wanna hear about my tea kettle collection?” Alphabittle asked, hardly containing his excitement as he showed Misty his tea kettle collection on a shelf. “Of course you don’t! That probably wouldn’t be interesting.” He said while rubbing his hoof nervously since it has been years since they were separated.

“I love to hear it.” Misty answered with a smile. “I wanna hear everything.”

Alphabittle was surprise before he smiled. “Aw, kid, I just can’t believe it.” He said as he wipe his tears of joy from his eyes. “Okay, well um, I started my collection before you were even born, when I sat in on an ancient tea ceremony held by the unicorn elders.” He started as he levitated a tea kettling as Misty listens deeply.

Queen Haven, Zipp and Pipp smiled at the two getting along as Haven sips her tea, but then one of Sparky’s dragon fire hit her teacup as it turned into a butterfly.

They all turned to Sparky, who was babbling excitedly as he ran around the tea shop as Sunny stood in front of him, which he skidded to a stop before breathe his dragonfire out, which startled her.

“Sparky! No inside fire!” Hitch cried out as he chase after Sparky as he caught him and place him on a table next to Misty.

“Heheh, looks like some creature is back to normal.” Discord commented as he was floating in the air while sipping some tea.

“Heh, so sorry, Alphabittle!” Hitch apologize as Izzy ticked Sparky. “He’s still trying to learn to control his fire breathing, and ever since we all went to the Dragonlands, it’s more powerful than ever.” He explained while giving a tired look.

Queen Haven heard what Hitch said as she turned to her daughters in shock. “You all went where?!” She asked in shock with wide eyes while Zipp and Pipp stood stiff with wide eyes that Hitch blurted that out.

“Oh, busted.” Sunset said with a chuckle as she looked away and sipped her tea slowly, seeing that this might not turn out well for the two sisters.

Seeing that they were caught, Pipp moved back nervously. “Uh, I think I have to go work on my Mane Hoof line!” She said as she flew off while Haven looked at her go with a glare.

“ANd I, uh, gotta help her!” Zipp said nervously as she flew after her sister.

“Girls!” Haven angrily yelled as she flew after her daughters while going to force them to explain while going to give them such a scolding.

The others watched the royal family go as the two sisters tried to get away from their angry mother as they all laughed in amusement at that.

“Such a happy family.” Sunset joked through her laugh.

Alphabittle turned to Hitch with an assuring smile. “It’s okay, Hitch. Nothing can dent my mood now. ” He said as he wrapped his hooves around Misty in a side hug. “And I’m glad to see Sparky feels well enough to be a hoof-full again.” He added.

“I’m glad too.” Hitch said with a smile. “Even when it’s tough, I love being Sparky’s dragon-pony-dad.” He stated as he gave Sparky a nuzzle as the baby dragon enjoyed it.

“Well said.” Alphabittle said as he levitated to some more tea cups to them, for Hitch, Sunny and Discord, in their hooves or talons, for Sunset, Misty and Izzy, using their magic to levitate them. “To family.” He announced with his cup raised. “We wouldn’t want it any other way!” He finished.

“Yeah! To family!” The group announced together.

And then Sparky sip his tea as he burps out his dragon fire as it turned Hitch’s mane and tail color to rainbow streaks while having flowers on them, which Hitch notice.

“Sparky, not the mane!” Hitch cried out as he look at his now changed mane and tail while Sparky gave an innocent look.

The group then laugh at Hitch from that, finding it funny and cute. “Hahahah! Good on you, Sheriff!” Discord laughed.

“Rainbow is definitely not your color, Hitch.” Sunset said with a chuckle.

“Yes!” Izzy cheered with a laugh.

Hitch then look a Sparky, can’t be mad at him as he gave him a smile as Sparky grabbed his ail before he laughed with the others as they have a fun time, not only for rediscovering the breezies, finding the Dragonlands and finding out what happened to the dragons, but also helping Sparky regain his flames and reuniting Misty with her one true father as they enjoy the moment together.

End of Chapter 5 Ep 3.