• Published 24th Sep 2012
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Brief History: Side Stories - K9Thefirst1

Narrative pieces that don't fit the style of the Main Piece.

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The Duties of A Lover

Commander Hurricane was not well known for his writing in life. However, many of his letters between family and friends show evidence of a keen mind that leant itself easily towards essay writing. One of the more entertaining and fascinating being this letter to his son Shadowed Glory where he laid out his three tenants to being a great lover.

The Duties of A Lover

My dear Shadowed Glory,

It pleases me greatly that you have been met with great success in your pursuit of Miss Medley. Did I not tell you of the effectiveness of The Smile? It is my fondest hope that you two enjoy each other’s company for years to come. As I have recently discovered the joys of grandparenthood, I look forward to the fruit of your loins coming for visits. Given the pleasantly fillyish nature of her face and form I dare say the foals will be especially handsome.

While you had mentioned other topics and inquired onto my well-being in your previous letter, I shall address them at another time, as I feel it is my duty as a father and as a more experienced stallion to pass onto you the knowledge gained from years of experience as to what is expected of a true stallion when he undertakes the enterprise of lovemaking, so that his lover be of the height of fondness of him. So that she will not stray or grow bored of him and seek the affections of another stallion, or heaven forbid grow jaded of stallions and seek affection amongst her own sex.

I start with imploring you to keep in mind that the drives of stallions and mares are very different, a mare takes more time to become aroused than a stallion. The analogy I like to use is that a stallion is like a bow and arrow: the weapon only needs a minimum of time to draw back the arrow, and once released it is over and done with in a moment.

Meanwhile, a mare is like a trebuchet: it takes much time and effort to prepare. First the arm must be pulled down and properly secured. The weapon must then be loaded with a multi-ton boulder. And finally, when the pin is pulled the full motion of the trebuchet takes much time to complete, especially when compared to the bow and arrow.

With this in mind, I trust you will understand why the First Duty of a Dutiful Lover is to be constantly affectionate. He must be affectionate so to constantly tend to his lady, to keep her coals constantly warmed so that a roaring fire can be more easily stoked within his lady’s heart. However, while he must be affectionate, he must also be careful to never be obnoxious. A tender embrace and gentle nuzzles on the whole are wonderful tools at maintaining that passionate fire, but are most unwelcome when the lady in question is upset. In such instances the Dutiful Lover must stand by with an attentive and listening ear, and giving his honest opinion only when asked for it. Notice that I said honest opinion. It is only a cad who lies with a smile, who speaks whatever would be required to calm down a lady so that he may more easily bed her. No, the Dutiful Lover, nay, a true Stallion, one who is worthy of holding that title, would be willing to be denied a night of pleasure and comfort for the well-being of his Love.

This brings up the Second Duty of the Dutiful Lover: His Love is the one who decides the time, place and nature for lovemaking. Oh certainly he may petition all he would like, but it must be her who dictates the final say so.

And now the Third and Final Duty: The Dutiful Lover is Patient. Do not be like the condescending unicorns who think only of their own pleasure, and leave their wives and lovers in great discomfort, if not in pain, and unsatisfied. This leads to great misery that the poor mare is unable to voice or rid herself of. No, a dutiful lover is willing to hold off his own pleasure until his Love is almost there herself. I already mentioned how the mare takes more effort and time to become aroused. Do not be intimidated by this my son. Instead, see it as a challenge, make a game of it. In a previous letter I have already explained to you in detail the regions of the female body that a mare will find the most pleasure is her lover were to attack with tender kisses and gentle touches. In the act of lovemaking, the Dutiful Lover will explore these areas, constantly ensuring that his Love finds the sensation pleasurable rather than odd.

A skilled Lover can discern this from the subtle motions and sounds of his Love, but for a beginner it would always be prudent to ask if she likes what he is doing. If course, should the Love be experienced as well, she would be more than happy to request the areas he would stimulate.

I mentioned earlier that the Dutiful Lover does not take his own pleasure until his Love is on the edge herself, so that they may have that great joy together. Of course, an inexperienced Lover may not know when the time is right, coming over either to early or too late. Do not be shamed if this happens my boy, for that is what experience is for, and a Love with a Dutiful Lover is always happy to try again if she knows that he will want her happiness.

Now, no doubt you have questions about other facets of the bedroom, such as certain tastes of activities and threesomes. Of the former it would be left to consideration between the Lover and his Love once a comfortable routine is established.

As to the latter, I will admit that I have bedded multiple mares at once. However, I will admit that by that time mares were more than willing to put aside their discomfort of sharing a bed with another mare if it meant gaining my attentions for one evening.

As not every stallion has the good fortune to be so popular, the Dutiful Lover must not bring the topic of taking a second lady into the room up, because then the Love may begin to question the loyalty of her Lover, leading to a very awkward strain on the relationship. No, it would be best to wait for her to bring the topic up herself. And even then, the Dutiful Lover must maintain the appearance, if not the truth, of hesitation. Oh the Dutiful Lover may be open to the idea certainly, but as the Second Duty clearly states, the Love must be the one to suggest it.

Now then, if all three of the Duties are carried out: Affectionate, Submissive, Patience, then pleasure, comfort and joy in the bedchamber are all guaranteed.

However, I will granted you that these are ideals, and nopony is perfect. But that doesn’t mean that you should not try to live up to them. And at the same time, do not feel crushed if you sometimes fail. For example, if your Love were to suggest bringing in another stallion, I would not begrudge the Lover if he were to bolt and head for the hills.

I trust that these pearls of wisdom will serve you well Shadowed Glory, as they have for me in my long years.

Your father,
