• Published 14th Oct 2022
  • 2,168 Views, 385 Comments

The Last Nightguard - Georg

The last Nightguard is coming. Nothing will stop him until his nemesis is destroyed, not even death. Or children.

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13. Impatient Patient

The Last Nightguard
Impatient Patient

“Long-term medical care is covered through your Veterans Association Insurance, deducted from your biweekly pay and kept in trust for you and other veterans of our armed forces. In the event you want to purchase a supplemental plan to cover any additional expenses above the standard, we are attaching a list of providers that you can match to your needs…”
—Standard Royal Guard yearly paperwork

There was little that Ebon Tide could do in preparation for his morning visit to House Glory, the residence of Peanut Brittle and her family. In his previous life, he would have simply flown there at the appointed hour of Dawn, perhaps with a gift. His present body could technically bear him up into the sky, but the flight would be brief, and the tentative experimentation he had done in the empty hospital room this morning showed how inexperienced he was with these particular kind of wings.

Killing himself by crashing was not the end he was looking for. A Warleader should die in battle with his teeth in the enemy’s throat, not face-planted into the pavement somewhere with his unfurred rump sticking up. The rage which Luna had forced into Eb’s ailing body was a critical aid to his recovery, but even that kind of healing magic would be worthless if he broke his head open on a stone.

“Where is that mare? Dawn has come and gone!” muttered Eb with yet another look at the clock on the wall. He had overlooked the odd device many times during his incarceration because there was no drip of water or flickering flame of a candle driving its mechanism, and none of the nurses had ever wound it, so his instinct was to discount the time it displayed. It certainly seemed to run slower when watched, and dart forward when he looked away. For a tenth-bit, Eb was tempted to just walk out of the hospital and go without Her Highness, but he had spent his entire career—discounting a thousand year gap—accompanying one or the other princess. Disobeying their will was even more uncomfortable than being unarmored in their presence.

Although… Eb could only vaguely remember Princess Celestia’s hospital room visit through the dark haze of his insanity. His memory was warped and distorted by Nightmare’s leftover influence and the various fel poisons the supposed healers had pumped into his veins, much like his faded memories of Princess Celestia from a much better time.

“I am a poor excuse for a Guard,” he muttered under his breath after checking the room to make sure nopony else had slipped inside while he was distracted. “I’ve failed both of my princesses, one by neglect and one by offense. If they will have me, House Glory shall be my exile. Glory,” he scoffed. “My glory is spent, my honor depleted. None shall know my failure and disgrace. Let the Sisters go on forever while I am cast aside into the dust, unneeded and unwanted save for the stories told to foals.”

With naught else to do but stand, Eb maintained his stoic stance in front of the hospital room doorway much the same way as he had stood guard over the doors of the Royal Residence for years. Even with as wasted as his strength had become, he could feel the strength of the stone beneath him, the faint ebb and flow of power in the distance as ponies went about their tasks. No matter how strange a place this new world was, there was at least this one thing that remained the same.

The door creaked open and Princess Luna slid inside, taking in Eb’s stance with a single flick of her long eyelashes. Quite obviously, the reason for her delay was personal preparedness, because every single hair on her slender body was in place. There was even a subtle tint of eyeshadow and a glossy black saddle, showing that Her Highness had honestly applied herself to this project. Perhaps too much, if he was reading the faint tremor under one eyelid correctly.

“Good,” she said with no small degree of distraction. “You are prepared to depart on our journey. I feared you would still be slug-a-bed when Peanut Brittle arrived to escort us to her House. Or has she already been here and gone,” she added, looking around the empty room.

Eb limited his reply to a rather stiff, “The child has not visited this morn. I suspect she awaits our arrival, as is appropriate for her station. I am ready to depart when you wish, Your Highness. Does your security contingent know where House Glory is?”

“Security—” Luna shook off her introspective attitude and looked rather sideways at Eb. “We thought you would guide us. As for security, I have a Warleader of the Night Guard at my side. What need would I have of additional Guards?”

There were no end of responses which attempted to fight their way to Ebon Tide’s lips, mostly profane. He settled for, “The last time I visited Canterlot, there were no more than a dozen buildings and one rough fortress. I suspect there may have been a few changes since then.”

“True.” A wave of relaxation swept down Luna’s sides, making the ornate saddle sag since she no longer was holding part of her breath inside. “A guide will need to be procured for our outing. Perhaps tomorrow, or the day hence. It is for the best. After she raised Sun, my sister told me of a surprise she had planned for today.”

“A surprise,” said Eb flatly. “Like me?”

“I certainly hope not. One of you is far too many.” Luna strolled over to the window and looked outside at the midmorning Sun, something that Eb had been avoiding. “We have had far too many surprises as of late, none of them good. Including you.”

There was some sort of commotion out in the corridor, a rapid clatter of hooves with an underlying shouted discussion that Eb’s new ears could not help but hear. It did not sound to be a threat, but more like a pursuit between a mare and a hesitant lover.

“Cady! Princess Celestia said to wait until later!”

“I’ve got to see her, Shiny! She’s my aunt! This can’t wait until—”

The hospital door nearly flung itself off the hinges as a wave of pinkness swept inside in a flurry of feathers and exuberance. An alicorn skidded to a halt nearly within touching range of Ebon Tide, and only the Guard habits of a lifetime kept him from falling over in shock.

“Auntie Luna!” cried the pink alicorn, although the happy smile slowly slid off her face as she looked Eb straight in the hairless face. “Aunt Luna?”

“Princess?” managed Eb. “Who…?”

“What is this?” said Luna, stepping forward beside Eb. “Another of our kind? You would call me aunt, so you must be— Oh, no.”

“Auntie Luna!” squealed the alicorn, who regained all of her overwhelming energy in the flicker of an eyelash. Even if Eb had been at the peak of health and prepared for the incursion into his room, there was no chance for him to stop the abrupt assault that resulted when a blur of pink impacted against Her Royal Highness, She Who Warleader Ebon Tide Was Supposed To Defend With His Life.

“Urk!” said Luna and little else.

“Oh, I’m so glad you’re back!” exclaimed the unknown princess. “I heard the news, of course, when Twilight freed you, but we were so far away from Canterlot on a diplomatic mission and couldn't get back until now! Are you settling back in well? Is there anything I can do for you and Celestia? Did you talk to Twilight Sparkle? Are you moving into her old rooms in the palace? They’re right next to mine and we went there first, but the workers said you came down here and Shiny said we should wait but I just couldn’t! Oh, it’s so good to have you here!”

Eb could vaguely remember his first day as an apprentice Guard. This was a similar sensation, with vast amounts of information being dumped on him during a time of limited comprehension. His sole condolence was that Princess Luna was taking the unexpected presence of a third alicorn princess with far less aplomb than he was. Of course, all Eb had to do was stand in place and not let his jaw sag open with the concept that Princess Celestia, the sole remaining alicorn in the entire world for a thousand years, had a daughter. Or more correctly, at least one child.

The hospital door opened again and a unicorn Guard looked inside, giving the entire room a careful examination before focusing on Ebon Tide, who was still drawn up in Sentry Position. Ever so precisely, the unicorn saluted, let his piercing blue eyes track over to the two alicorns, then back to Eb, who rolled his own eyes in response. It did not seem too much dereliction of his duty since the doorway provided an obvious bottleneck in case any other of Celestia’s children were to arrive, so Eb took several stiff steps forward until he was able to exchange a few words in the hallway without disrupting the ongoing one-sided conversation between eager young child and elderly aunt alicorn in the room behind him.

“Lieutenant Shining Armor, I presume.” Ebon Tide deliberately saluted regardless of his present instability on three legs, although he put his hoof down rapidly when done and tried his best not to lean on the doorway. “Report.”

“Warleader Ebon Tide,” started Shining Armor. “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was out of the country on a diplomatic mission when you and Princess Luna were freed from the moon. When we returned and Princess Celestia informed her of Princess Luna’s return, she… um…” Lieutenant Armor waved a hoof at the chattering pink princess. “She is extremely fast when she wants.”

Eb could not help but nod. He also had the difficult task of keeping up with both of the princesses at various times, and Shining Armor did not have the benefit of wings. “And where is Captain Ramparts, Lieutenant? Did he not know I requested and required his presence immediately upon his return to the castle?”

“Palace,” corrected Shining Armor, raising his voice slightly to be heard over Princess Cadenza’s happy plans about where she was going to take Luna out in the city. “Princess Celestia is quite adamant about the distinction. And yes, he was informed of your request—”

Order,” corrected Eb. “How many hours hath he been within these walls?”

Shining Armor looked as if he wanted to remain silent, but only for a moment. “Five, sir, since he flew ahead of the carriage on our return. He said he needed to get some paperwork done.”

“I see.” Despite the loud one-sided conversation going on in the room behind him, Eb did not raise his voice. “Specialist Crupper.”

“Yes, sir!” The chubby pegasus Guard showed up behind Shining Armor so fast that he left a loose feather swirling around in his wake.

“Shining Armor will hold your post. Go inform Captain Ramparts that Warleader Ebon Tide requests and requires his presence. Now.”

If anything, the Guard’s departure was faster than his arrival, and Shining Armor raised one eyebrow slightly, but did not say anything. That was fine with Eb, because he had something else that really needed to be done before Princess Luna had another breakdown. He turned around in the doorway, a process considerably more difficult that it had been in his youth, and regarded both ecstatic young alicorn and considerably unnerved elder.

“Princess Cadenza,” said Eb flatly with every bit of parade ground enunciation that he could force between his tooth-stubs so his voice would rise above hers. “Restrain yourself. Please.”

It was obvious that the young Princess Cadenza was not used to being told what to do instead of telling others. She stopped her ‘conversation’ with Princess Luna almost instantly and turned to Eb, seemingly caught between using a plaintive expression to get her own way and expressing her dismay at his current near-hairless and haggard appearance.

“Princess Luna is still recovering from being possessed by Nightmare Moon,” continued Eb just as directly as he could while facing those intense violet eyes, so much like her mother’s. “I’m certain she will wish to connect with you over the next few weeks, but for now, please allow her to proceed at her own pace so we can avoid any unnecessary shocks.”

“But…” Mi Amore Cadenza took another look at the frazzled Luna, then slowed to a brief nod. “Oh, I see.”

“I’m sorry, Ma’am.” Ebon Tide nodded, wishing he had a set of Guard armor to cover his unsightly dark wrinkled skin. “Perhaps you can discuss Princess Luna with your mother first, as she suggested. Does Princess Celestia have any other children we should be aware of?”

“Children?” Those big violet eyes blinked once, then again as a mischievous smile began to spread across her beautiful face. “My mother? Oh, you think Princess Celestia is…”

Shining Armor spoke up quickly behind him before Princess Cadenza could do more than giggle. “Cady, I told you to hold off on your visit until we knew more. I’m sorry, Princess Luna. Warleader Tide. Princess Cadence is not Princess Celestia’s daughter. Celestia has no children, although I understand the confusion. For the longest time, other ponies thought my sister was actually her daughter, since… Well, Twilley is a little obsessive, and when Princess Celestia picked her as a private student, she really… went a little Twilley-nanners about it.”

“Shiny!” chided Princess Cadenza.

“You foalsat for her several years running,” said Shining Armor. “Do you have another word that better describes how Twilight treated Princess Celestia?”

“Well… No,” said the young princess, who did not appear old enough to foalsit anypony.

“In any case, Your Highness,” said Shining Armor with a brief nod to Luna, “if it will make you more comfortable, I’ll escort Princess Cadence back to her rooms so she can rest after our trip, and the two of you can discuss family relationships this evening, perhaps?”

“Please,” said Luna, who had taken this brief respite to regain some of her aplomb.

“Your Highness.” Shining Armor gestured at the hospital room door, then when Princess Cadenza showed no signs of moving, added in a more plaintive tone, “Caddy?”

“I… But…” The young princess obviously realized her social error, and turned to Luna with a quick swallow and a weak smile. “I’m sorry, Auntie Luna. If you want me to address you in that fashion, of course. I’ll—”

“Your separation will only be for a brief time,” said Eb reflexively. “Her Highness will resume her social schedule soon, and she will need the counsel of somepony versed in the culture of this modern era.”

“Yes, of course,” murmured Luna, showing little confidence in her own words.

Ebon Tide moved to one side to permit the young princess to depart, but called out before the two of them began moving down the corridor. “Lieutenant, once Her Highness is settled, report back here. I have a task for you. Dismissed.”

“Yes, sir.” The young lieutenant saluted quickly in order to follow the speedy pink princess down the corridor with the rapid tap of golden shoes on tile. The last thing Eb could hear before a door cut off the sound was Princess Mi Amore receiving a gentle reprimand from her personal guard, “I told you so, Caddy.”

“A foolish comment from an otherwise intelligent young stallion,” said Luna, who had moved up beside Eb so quietly that he nearly jumped out of his shoes. If his bare hooves had shoes, that is.

“I told my wife that once,” admitted Eb. “Only once. You don’t suppose the two of them have a relationship beyond—”

“No,” said Luna, although her thoughtful expression softened almost immediately. “Another alicorn, young and filled with life. This world is indeed a shocking one, although this surprise was mixed. If this Mi Amore can manage to find love as her name says, who are we to stand in the way?”

* * *

It took relatively little time to wait before the sound of approaching hooves could be heard in the corridor again, time which Eb was willing to spare. After all, the excitement had drained what little energy he had, and Luna took her portion of the time to make herself more presentable in the small toilet chamber and remove her dress saddle. Eb had noticed the other princess was not wearing a saddle either, so perhaps they were no longer de rigueur for nobility when visiting. He had never been partial to a mare in one of the torturous devices anyway, and had never forced his own wife into wearing one.

There was a sharp tapping at the hospital room door, followed immediately by a hefty pegasus in the modern golden armor of the Guard stepping into the room and stopping in front of Princess Luna. He was a handsome middle-aged stallion with flawless teeth and a square jaw who spared Ebon Tide not even the slightest glance, focusing his entire smile on the princess instead.

“Ramparts, Captain of the Royal Guard, Household Regiment, reporting as ordered, Your Highness.”

Luna said nothing, but simply turned her head to look at Eb, then back at Ramparts.

“Captain Ramparts,” said Eb levelly. “Finally.”

It was quite obvious the Guard did not want to look at Eb, but after a few moments of cold silence from Luna, he slowly turned his head. “Mister Ebon Tide,” he started, but Eb was not having any of it.

Warleader Ebon Tide,” he snarled while taking a step forward. The remainder of Luna’s corrupted rage bubbled in Eb’s belly, simmering like a pool of naphtha touched by a torch, but he did not want to use its fire right now for violence and destruction. “Explain yourself,” he spat instead.

“I am reporting to my princess,” said Captain Ramparts plainly. “If you wish a moment of my time when we are done—”

“I will have my time now,” growled Eb. “When I am done, Her Highness may pick through the bones that are left. Explain just why you disobeyed my order.”

“You are in no place to give orders,” said Ramparts. “You are an invalid, unrecovered from your time in exile. My superior is Colonel Moutarde, and he takes orders from the general staff, who take theirs from Princess Celestia.” Then after a brief instant, he added, “And Princess Luna.”

The princess in question nodded slowly. “Let me be perfectly clear, Captain. Warleader Ebon Tide speaks with my voice in matters military.”

“That’s not how it works,” said Ramparts with just the smallest hint of a sneer. “Our organization has been perfected over the centuries into the precise fighting force it is today. We guard princesses and foreign potentates, diplomats and nobles from all corners of this land. Perhaps you should discuss this with Princess Celestia while Mister Tide rests.”

“No, I don’t think so.” Luna turned ever so slightly in Eb’s direction and fixed her gaze into his eyes. “Do as you see fit with your subordinate, Warleader.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” That seething pool of rage in Ebon Tide’s belly begged for release, but a far more sensible portion of his mind knew exactly what would happen if he threw a punch. Discipline could never be maintained by direct physical violence, with certain exceptions. Bearing that in mind, Eb drew in a deep breath and let a smile of his own begin to emerge as Ramparts dug his hole deeper.

“I don’t recognize Ebon Tide’s authority,” said Ramparts directly, without a trace of hesitation, or at least until Princess Luna turned ever so slightly to look him directly in the eyes..

“That is your final mistake of the morn. We were close before my exile, and now that we have returned, if I’m cut, he bleeds. Initiate Ramparts,” said Luna quietly. “Did you enjoy your time serving in Our Guard?”

At first, it looked like Ramparts was going to object, but as the meaning of his abrupt demotion soaked in, his expression grew less controlled. “You can’t do this!”

“She did.” Eb stepped forward until his forehead was practically against Rampart’s nose. “Before we proceed any further, what orders did you give to Shining Armor?”

“Shining Armor?” Ramparts hesitated, obviously confused. “How did you know I—”

“Because he has not reported here as I ordered,” snapped Eb. “You told him to disregard my order, did you not? But he followed you anyway, because he at least has some sense of duty! Lieutenant Shining Armor, report!”

“Yes, sir.” The tall young stallion stepped out into the doorway and sharply saluted. He also did not say anything else, which Eb appreciated. Far too many subordinates ratted on with unneeded details, such as why he was out in the hallway, or why he waited until directly called.

“Are you prepared to carry out the responsibilities of your new position, Captain Shining Armor?”

“Um.” The Guard blinked like he had been struck, then shook his head slightly. “No, sir. I need several more years of—”

“Good,” said Eb, cutting the young stallion off cold. “I’ve never promoted a Guard into a position they were completely prepared for, and I didn’t want to start now. You will hold the position of Provisionary Captain until the Royal Sisters make it official. Initiate Ramparts, you are relieved of duty and restricted to quarters until a full review of your actions can be scheduled. Captain Armor, what is the current punishment for dereliction of duty?”

“Section 86b Subsection 12 of the Royal Guard manual specifies Failure to Report does not raise to Dereliction of Duty except in a combat situation,” snapped Shining Armor, just as precise as if he were reading from a book. “As such, punishment for the offense is limited to confinement for one moon, followed by reduction in rank.”

“Fortunate for you, Initiate Ramparts.” Eb scowled as he passed a glance over his shoulder at Princess Luna. “As I recall, flogging used to be involved. Ten strokes at least.”

“Flogging?” Ramparts looked positively horrified. “You mean with a whip?”

“Certes.” Eb nodded at him, both vaguely satisfied and discomforted at having destroyed the career of such a handsome officer. “You are dismissed.”

Ramparts saluted, then turned and departed at a brisk pace, leaving Ebon Tide to watch the newly promoted Captain until the former Captain had passed long out of earshot.

Why do they all seem so young? And tall?

He must have been considering the passage of years for more time than he anticipated, because Shining Armor politely cleared his throat and asked, “Sir?”

“I would like to hear your opinion about my decision, Captain.” Ebon Tide sagged slightly as the emotion of the moment faded and the boiling sensation of rage began to cool with it. “Summarize, please.”

“It’s a good decision, although I’m still not convinced I’m the right choice for this position.” Shining Armor gave Luna a brief glance. “Ramparts has been an effective head of the Household Regiment for years now. If I may make a suggestion, provided I am to remain in charge of this detachment. With the expansion expected from a new princess, I’ll need an experienced second in command to ensure the process continues smoothly.”

“Will he be able to work under you without conflict?” asked Eb, somewhat set back at the casual way that Captain Armor was suggesting his superior become his subordinate.

“He’s a consummate professional, although lately his attention to the job has been slipping. He anticipated being promoted to the General Staff, so he was paying them more attention than Princess Celestia,” explained Shining Armor.

It made sense, since some things in the military had been true forever. Some other things seemed to be new, and that was the potential issue that was bothering Eb more than anything else right now, and the real reason he had ordered Shining Armor to report.

“I’ll take his past performance and your advice into account during the review,” said Eb. “For now, I have a more important question. Are you in a relationship with Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?”

Whatever tension had departed the confident young stallion during their conversation returned with a vengeance. He jolted into a perfect alert stance, head up, shoulders squared, tail in half-raised position. “No, sir,” he responded.

“Captain Shining Armor,” said Luna softly. “I expect my Guards to lie in a believable manner.” Princess Luna had always been able to use silence like a sharp blade, and it was obvious that the young stallion would rather be skinned alive than back down, even when she followed with a question. “Would you sacrifice your own life to defend hers?”

Instantly, the answer was, “Yes, Your Highness.”

“And my own,” added Luna. “As well as my sister.”

“Of course.”

“And if it came to a point where you had to choose between us?” Luna raised one eyebrow fractionally and watched the young stallion sweat. “Take your time.”

“Don’t tease my Guards, Princess,” said Eb. “Captain, there is no correct answer to that question. Sometime when we have a hogshead of beer and enough time, I shall explain in great detail my failure in that exact regard. Your hesitation in answering this question shows maturity. Your relationship with Princess Mi Amore shows… something, which I suspect only time will reveal.”

There was a pestersome question which rose up in the back of Eb’s mind, only partially triggered by the original mistaken thought that Princess Mi Amore was Princess Celestia’s daughter. After all, the Royal Sisters had been known to be slightly flirtatious when they were in a fey mood, but to his (and the rest of the Guard) knowledge, they had what might be politely called a chaste existence with few exceptions. This third alicorn, however…

“Will there be anything else, sir? Ma’am?”

Luna silently shook her head, but Eb dismissed his new subordinate with a flip of an unsteady hoof. “No, you may return to your duty, Captain. The Princess and I had planned on a visit to House Glory to visit with young Peanut Brittle, but I fear we delayed for too long, and her family most likely has retired for the Day.”

Those piercing blue eyes flicked to the window, then to Luna, and back to Eb, before Shining Armor made a completely unexpected offer. “If you would like a private visit without the fanfare and bother of a full expedition, we can depart in a few minutes. The nocturnals tend to stay up late, and I can get one of the nurses with a wheelchair for Warleader Tide. Don’t tell me you can walk all the way there and back,” he added with a cautionary glance at Eb. “If you strain yourself and delay your recovery, Twilight will have words.”

Luna raised one eyebrow slightly. “We would think failing our sister instead of your sister should be your greater concern.”

Shining Armor shuddered every so slightly under his armor. “Twiley would tell Mom.”