• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 995 Views, 5 Comments

MLP: ZENKAI SPEED - Kamen rider accel

The worlds are sealed and being used for evil but a new sentai is there to save it and stop the new threat so watch them as they go Zenryoku zenkai

  • ...

GEAR 4:The Trembling Big Meddler and the Twin-Tailed Genius!

=Zenkai no...Zenkaiger! Fortune-telling-loving Magine joins the team as the fourth Zenkaiger! With her, the tarot card-loving Mobian Amy Rose joins! With how she's changed, Juran suggests to Sonic that others may be different from what he remembers, tune!= Secchan recapped in the lab =Magine and Amy then predicted the next of Sonic's friends to appear and the final member of the Zenakigers, tune, But what about the silver Ninja and a lamp,tune,!=

"...What the hell is that?" Barashitara deadpanned, looking up at the large slot-machine before him.

"It's something stupid he came up with," Lien-Da sighed.

"It's not stupid!" Eggman snapped while motioning to the machine, "This is to help us pick which World to send out next to fight the Hedgehog and those pesky Power-Ranger Ripoffs!"

"What is a Power Ranger?" Barashitara asked, "We're dealing with Zenkaigers!" He complained, bopping Eggman on the head with his spear.

"Ow! It's what I was r...know what nevermind!" Eggman shouted as he stepped back, "Ijrude, care to pull the lever?"

"Don't mind if I do," Ijrude answered, grabbing the lever as he pulled it, letting the slots on the machine spin around at a high speed.

"And the next World to use is…" Eggman began as the three slots slowed down to a halt, landing on a image of a boxing glove, "Boxing!"

"Gear drop!" Ijirude cheered as a chamber hissed with smoke and steam before opening to reveal the selected Tojiru Gear. He quickly took it out before turning to a Kudakk guard, "Boxing Gear Set!" he spoke, pushing it into the Guard's chest causing him to transform.

He changed from Kudakk to Kudaiter before the extra steps took hold. Each arm was covered in red gauntlets resembling boxing gloves, except the mits were studded with bolts, the wrists were springs, and the back of the gauntlets had rocket boosters attached. His head was a mix of Boxing headgear, and a small scaled little boxing ring like crown atop his head, with the base of his face being red, yellow eyes with black markings around them, giving the illusion of having black eyes, and a white mouthguard for a faceplate. He also had a large bronze gong on his forehead.

"HA!" he shouted, punching several times, "I can feel it! The might of Boxing World!" he cheered, "The drive to win no matter the cost! Boxing!"

"Well at least this one is combative," Barashitara spoke, "Better than that Cotton-Candy World experiment the other day…"

"Ugh. Don't remind me," Lien-Da shivered, "I had to get the stickiness out of my suit…" she groaned as she pulled out a device, tapping it as holographic screen popped up, "Okay...which Grand Master shall we accompany Boxing World so he doesn't get tricked or fooled by the Hedgehog or the Zenkaigers?"

"This one seems rather brawny...send someone clever and calm. Let them be his corner man," Barashitara spoke, "At least this way, we don't have to worry about the invasion being derailed by nonsense."

"...hmm...Or we can play them at their own game in terms of nonsense," Lien-Da offered.

"Oh?" Barshitara blinked a bit in interest as Lien-Da tapped an icon, showing an image of a pair of Mobian Pronghorns.

"Clove and Cassia, Co-Grand Masters of the Northamer base," Lien-Da answered, "Clove is the more calm minded of the two so she can keep them in check. As for Cassia...well what better way to counter nonsense than a girl with a love for video games and equal nonsense?"

"Hmm...fair point," Barashitara noted, "Alright we shall send them in as Boxing World's Handlers." he then marched off, "Let's hope this one goes better."

"I'll send a message to them telling them to meet him at the dropoff point," Lien-Da added as she began to walk off with him.

"...Wait. What does he mean 'this one goes better'?!" Eggman snapped...before he waved it off, "Fah...doesn't matter. The Hedgehog and those Zenkaigers won't stand a chance against Boxing World's abilities!"

"I won't fail you, Ijirude-sama, Eggman-sama!" Boxing World declared, "Within my ring, even family shall become bitter hot blooded rivals! When they hear the gong, they won't stop boxing till they get the 10 count on the first person they lock eyes on!"

"Brilliant!" Eggman beamed.

"Now go off!" Ijrude added.

"Yosha!" Boxing World shouted as he ran off...just as the robot janitor ran in.

"Ijrude-sama, Eggman-sama!" he called out before moving out of the way of Boxing World, "Oh, excuse me," he apologized before he resumed running up to the two mad scientists, "I have a question, Ijrude-sama, Eggman-sama! Why have worlds that are trapped within Gears restored?"

"Beg pardon?" Ijrude blinked before looking at a nearby screen, seeing the Gears that once housed Kinokotopia and Kooritopia shatter with the images that were in them moving away, "Nani?! Kinokotopia and Kooritopia have been restored?! Masaka..."

"...you didn't make a way that prevents the Gears from being destroyed?" Eggman deadpanned.

"I didn't expect this to happen!" Hajrude snapped.

"Evil scientist 101: You always have a backup plan in case something like this happens!" Eggman snapped back.

"They should be indes...AH! The Zenkaigers also use Gear technology!" Ijirude realized.

"Yes! Which...d'oh…!" Eggman groaned as he pulled on his moustache a bit, "I hate that hedgehog and those Zenkaigers!"

"Uh...excuse me," the janitor spoke up.

"WHAT?!" the two snapped as they turned towards him.

"What is happening!?" he asked, getting in their faces, "Is Great King Boccowaus-sama releasing the worlds now?! Why are they being set free?! How do Gears play a part in this!? What are Zenkaigers exactly!? What are Gears and why do they have them, too!?" he asked as he shook Eggman.

"Stop it!" Eggman snapped as he pushed him away, "...Wait. Have you told anyone else about this?"


"Are you sure?" Ijrude asked.


"..." Eggman and Ijrude looked at each other for a moment...before a glint appeared in their eyes.

"...Orbot, Cubot!" Eggman called out.

"Yes, sir?" Orbot spoke as he and Cubot flew in.

"Call in the clean up crew," Eggman ordered in a calm...yet malicious fashion.

"But I'm already here…" the janitor spoke as the two robots flew off.

"This is most lucky for us, Janitor...your running to us right away was the correct action. This means, we only need to scrap one Bot." Ijirude laughed.

"...wha-?!" the janitor gawked as he realized what they meant now.

"Can't have anyone spilling the beans, you know!" Eggman grinned as a group of Kudakk's and more advanced looking Eggpawns ran in, aiming their weapons at the janitor.

"Wh-why?! Please tell me why!" he asked as he was backed to the edge of the platform, "AH!" he grunted as a foot slipped, his arms shooting out and grabbing the Kudakk's lances, to try and pull himself up. The Grunts, taken by surprise, tried to pull on their own kind before they fell off with the Janitor...But it failed as he and the Kudakk's fell while the Eggpawns tried to catch them..and fell as well.



"...I do believe he escaped…" Orbot spoke as he and Cubot looked over their shoulders.

"Through sheer dumbluck it seems," Cubot added.

"...want me to do it or you want a shot?" Eggman asked his fellow mad scientist.

"Let me."

"Wh-" Orbot began before Eggman grabbed him and Cubot, compressing them into their smaller forms as he put them on a pair of metal golf tees, "...oh dear."

"Four!" Ijirude shouted, swinging his staff like a golf club as he hit them.

"TACOS!" Cubot screamed as he and Orbot were sent flying off.

"...huh. Starline was right...golfing can be calming at times," Ijrude noted.

"Yeah...though I think you meant 'fore', not four…" Eggman muttered.

"Ow…" Orbot's voice groaned in an echo.

"Konichiwa." an elderly man greeted as he walked in, holding onto his back with one hand while the other carried a cane he used to support himself.

"Irashai Suu-san!" Yatsude greeted the man, "What'll ya have today?"

"Suu-san yahoo~" Gaon greeted, from behind the counter.

"Ah…" Suu-san muttered, tapping a poster for the Cafe's specialty, "My regular Colorful Sundae please," he smiled.

"Coming right up! Roll-chwan ikuze!" Gaon cheered.

"Hai!" Roll replied as she walked to the back.

"Oh! Me too, O…" Haseo began before he heard a faint sound of a boxing bell ringing...before a pair of large boxing gloves appeared on his hands, "...Nani?"

"My dear boy, wh-" Suu-san began before he heard the ringing sound as well, followed by the boxing gloves appearing on his hands as well, "...hmm?"

The same Bell rang all across the city. It wasn't affecting everyone at once. Just certain random people, like a mid-wedding married couple or an idol giving out CDs of her latest songs. Even as close as across the way from Candy Cafe Colorful, at Skye's repair shop.

"Alright, you two are in here for dents to your heads from...oh good gosh...jumping a muscle car like the Dukes of Hazzard?"

"Yeah…" two Kikainoids nodded at the same time.

"...alright. Shouldn't be too hard to fix," Skye muttered as he turned...just as the two Kikanoids heard the bell ringing.


"Now I just need you two t-" Skye began as he walked in...and saw the two Kikanoids boxing each other as they were wrecking up his shop in the process, "...EH?!" a moment passed before he flipped his coat inside out to reveal a black and white stripe pattern, put on a cap with the same pattern, and blew a whistle, making then stop, "Alright! I want a good clean fight! No below the belt blows, no tricking the other to look away for a cheap shot, each round three minutes, and winner pays for both bills!" He hit a nearby bell, making it ring, "Hajime!"

With that, the two Kikainoids began boxing by swinging their arms in uppercut/jab like motions rapidly. Each time aiming at the other's head. Each clean hit made their head seem to shoot up while linked to a rod which pulled their head back down after a second.

"...ok. This is not normal," Amy whispered, seeing Suu-san boxing at the air for a few moments...before he bolted right at Yatsude for a punch.

"Ahh! Yatsude-san, watch out!" Gaon panicked as he quickly pulled her away, making her yelp as the punch barely flew over her head.

"BOXING GA!" Haseo shouted as he shot up.

"Haseo-kun too?!" everyone shouted.


"Ahh! Haseo, st-" Sonic began...before blinking as Haseo's punches were barely affecting him...well. Attempted punches….he more so was softly banging his fist against the hedgehog with the gloves making a tiny squeak each time he hit.

"Ko…! Ko…! Ko…!" Haseo shouted as he attempted to punch Sonic out...before he began to pant and catch his breath for a moment..before he resumed punching him, "Ko…!"

"...Why is that so adorable?" Magine asked as Gaon grabbed at his chest with his optics shaped like hearts while his other was recording on his phone.

"Look out for the Older Gentlemen!" Juran shouted as he picked up Haseo and tackled Sonic out of the way as Suu-san swung...his swing kicking up some real wind from an unexpected force behind those old arms.

"Whoa!" Amy and Magine yelped.

"Why is the old guy swinging so hard?!" Juran shouted.

"Suu-san used to work as a stuntman!" Kaito declared as attention was shifted to him as he ducked each swing.

"He and my dad were the one who thought me how to fight!" Flash said barely avoiding the punch as he backed away.

"That's...is Haseo still punching?" Sonic asked, feeling light taps to his back.

"Yep." Juran sighed.

"When the Gong rings, that means the match has begun!" Suu-san declared as his eyes focused on Yatsude and the girls. He rushed to punch, only for Kaito and Flash to get in his way...with both punched by a powerful right hook across their faces. The two stood there for a moment before groaning as they crumbled and fell over, "I'm winner!" he held his arms up in victory.

"Ow…" both boys groaned on the ground, "Medic...towel…and the frozen peas..."

"Ahh! Kaito! Flash!" Gaon panicked.

"I'm...winner…!" Haseo whined as he continued to try and hit Sonic...as he was now being held up by the blue hedgehog.

"Okay, you we can handle…" Flash said looking at them but groaned, a bit of a bruise on his cheek, "The nice old man whom we had no idea packed a mean punch...not so much…" sonic muttered seeing them.

"At least with Haseo, he's too young to have any real power in his swings yet." Juran muttered, "But a random weird event that we can't explain...sounds like another Tojitendo scheme."

"...Amy, mind taking Haseo to his big sis?" Sonic asked.

"Sure b-"

"Thanks," Sonic nodded, handing Haseo to her as he ran off in a blur.

"I'm...winner~!" Haseo shouted.

"...How is it when he acts so tough, he's still so adorable?" Amy whispered, holding Haseo away from her as he was trying his best to hit her next, "N-nevermind. Roll, problem!"

"Hai?" Roll blinked as she poked her head out..and saw Haseo trying to hit Amy while Juran ran out to chase after Suu-san, all while Magine was fanning her hands in an attempt to wake Kaito up, "...Tojitendo?"

"Yep," Amy replied.


"I have footage…!" The yellow Kikainoid groaned from the floor, metal heart floating over him, "Kawaii…"

"Just help me!" Juran complained as he ran back in, grabbing Gaon by the leg and dragged him back out.

"...I'll go get a boxing bag for him to hit," Roll sighed while deploying her camera to record Haseo for later watching.

"GH!" the husband of a recently married couple groaned out...as his wife delivered an uppercut to his jaw as he collapsed onto the floor, joining the rest of the knocked-out guest and priest.

"I'm winner!" the wife declared while flexing her muscles.

"What the heck is going on?" Juran whispered as he and Gaon ran into the area.

"This has to be Tojitendo's doing," Gaon muttered.

"Guys…!" Kaito groaned as Magine helped him over to the two, pointing to an idol punching one of her fans across the jaw.

"Hmph.." the idol scoffed as the fan plopped onto the ground, "I'm winner…"

"It's the same all across the city," Sonic spoke as he ran over to the four Zenkaigers.

"This is a different one," Kaito noted, "It's the first time the weird power has made people act funny...though, why boxing? Is it really that popular?"

"My buddy Knuckles would argue with you on th-" Sonic began before the boxing bell ringing went off around the area, "?"

"What's that sound?" Juran questioned.

"Nu nu nu?" Magine blinked as the group looked around, the pink Kikanoid looking up at the roof of the church before she gasped out, "Oh! Look!"

Boxing World walked forward as he reached to his face, "Mouthpiece…" he groaned, removing a white mouthpiece from his…faceplate, "I changed your world's rules to fit Boxingtopia's rules, Boxing!"

"Boxingtopia?" they repeated.

"It is a world of pure sports and competition! Boxing is life, boxing is everything! Boxing!" he shouted while punching the air a few times.

"Ah! So you're the reason why Suu-san punched at Yacchan!" Kaito realized, making his team mates trip up a bit.

"You were the one who was punched, Kaito!" Gaon exclaimed.

"Flash was punched too, ya know…" Sonic deadpanned.

"Ikuzo, minna!" Kaito declared as he pulled out his Geattlinger and Sentai Gear.

"G-" the Kikanoids began, pulling their own transformation gear out before a pair of tonfa flew by and knocked the weapons and gears out of their hands, "Ahh!"

=Not so good when it's on the other foot now, is it?!=

"Wh-" Kaito began before a female figure flipped over Boxing World, doing a quick flip in the air as they caught the thrown tonfa and landed behind the Zenkaigers and Sonic.

The figure seemed to be a young female Mobian Pronghorn with emerald green fur...with her mouth, eyes and ears cybernetic as she held up a pair of tonda on her arms. She also wore a grey top, a pair of long black puffy pants, dark grey combat boots and gloves with the latter over a pair of long black gloves and a pair of gold rings around the wrists, and a blue-ish white belt with a black and yellow spiraled belt buckle on it.

"...A kid?" Juran blinked.

=Hey! I ain't no kid!= the pronghorn complained as she punched the air a few times, swinging her tonfa around like an expert as she did =I'm co-leader of the Northamer Dark Legion, Cassia!=

'Okay, so she's definitely new,' Sonic thought, '...wait. Co-leader?'

"Casserole?" Kaito asked.

=Cassia!= Cassia argued =Besides...What's your name?=


=Ah...so Kite then=

"That's right, Kaito." he nodded...before blinking in realization, "...Hey wait a minute…"

=Again, not so funny when it's on the other foot, is it?= Cassia smirked as she had her hands on her hips.

"Touche," Kaito spoke, picking up his Geartlinger and shooting at her feet.

=Eek!= Cassia yelped as she hopped a bit in place before jumping back up to where Boxing World was =Hey no fair! Hacks! I call hacks!=

"You should have kicked 'em away while we were distracted!" Juran declared as they all picked up their stuff.

"Change Zenkai!" Kaito declared.

"HELP!" everyone paused as the blue Kikainoid janitor ran past while being chased by a small platoon of Kudakks.

"Uh...What was that?" Gaon asked.

"Dunno, boxing." Boxing World muttered.

=Hey….hey!= Cassia called out to the janitor =What's going on?! I thought we were gonna game later!=

"Cassia-sama! I asked too many questions and now I am being chased! I don't know why!? No one will tell me anything!" he panicked while running around the Zenkaigers, his eyes catching sight of Kaito's Sentai Gear, "Yaya?" he blinked before noticing the Kudakks once more, "AH! Running away!"

=Yon-Ju-Go BANG~!=

=Hey wait!= Cassia shouted as bright flashes replaced the civilian forms of the team.

=Zenkaiser~! Zenkai Juran~! Zenkai Gaon~! Zenkai Magine~!=

"Kikai Sentai!" they declared, "Zenkaiger!"

=...I got caught up in their nonsense…= Cassia muttered =...Oh fine! Round 2 it is then! Boxing World, let's bring the pain and TKO 'em with specials!=

"Boxing!" Boxing World shouted as he jumped off the roof, only to be shot mid fall by Zenkaiser, "Cheap shot!"

"This isn't a boxing fight!" Zenkaiser shouted, "You guys don't fight fair so I'm not about to take that nonsense from you cheaters."

=Hmm...you're right...So let's fix that!=

"Wh-" Zenkaiser began before Cassia landed before him, kicking his Gearttlinger out of his hands before doing the same to the others as their weapons clattered along the ground, "Hah?!"

=There...now it's a fair and even boxing match!= Cassia grinned as she swung her tonfa at Zenkaiser.

"If I can't have a weapon none for you!" he declared blocking her swing, before twisting her arm around. He grabbed the Tonfa before kicking her back sending her stumbling forward and into Boxing World.

"I think you guys are forgetting that Zenkaiser is crazy athletic…" Sonic mused as he sped around and collected their gear and handed them back, "Not sure he even fully counts as a sharpshooter."

"I'm really not." he shook his head.

=Hey that's...AH! He backed me into a corner!= she realized.

"We're the good guys, when we cheat, it's cool." Zenkaiser and Sonic chuckled together as they fist bumped.

"That actually leads to my next question!" the blue Kikanoid shouted as he ran up to the two..while bringing the Kudakk's with him, "You guys are the Zenakigers, aren't you?! The team that's leading the Insurrection against Tojitendo?!"

"Isurr-what?" Zenkaiser blinked as he pushed Boxing World's punch away before spinning around and kicking him. Gaon and Juran tackling into him to keep his attention divided.

"Leading a rebellion," Sonic whispered to him as he kicked back a Kudakk.

"Where did you get those Gears?! Did you steal them from Ijrude-sama and Eggman-sama?!" the Blue Kikanoid asked as he backed into Boxing World, pushing the Tojitendo monster into the arms of Zenkai Gaon and Juran as they held him down.

"...wait. Ijirude...sama?" Juran repeated.

"Eggman?" Sonic asked as he tripped Cassia, "Wait...you know blue bot too...do you work for Tojitendo?"

"Until recently yes...Now its your turn to answer my questions!" the Blue Kikanoid declared as he pushed his back further against Boxing World, "Do your gears also have worlds trapped within them!? Why is one of you human?!"

"Wait. Trapped worlds?!" Zenkaiser asked.

"Please tell me!" he begged as he leaned back so much he was now basically laying down on Boxing World, "My Curiosity engine is going Vroon-Vroon!"

"BOXING!" Boxing World shouted, throwing him off.

"Again who the hell are you!?" Zenkai Juran asked as he swung his sword and cut down a Kudakk.

"He's just some weirdo...ignore him...it's just another lousy Kikainoid…" Zenkai Gaon added slashing a Kudakk with his claws.

=He's not useless! He's a fun guy!= Cassia argued as she kicked him back =...But...he seems to be in trouble if the Kudakks were after him...=

"You know you'd be a lot cuter without the tech parts." Zenkai Gaon bluntly stated.



"Aahhh!" Zenaki Gaon screamed as he flew into a set of bushes.

=I'm not cute! I'm cool!= Cassia complained.

"Tsundere reaction...Kawaii~" Zenkai Gaon spoke as he got up seemingly unharmed. Probably due to his strangeness rather than resilience to actual pain.

"If the Higher ups want him, I better catch him and bring him in, Boxing!" Boxing World spoke, dragging the blue Kikainoid up by his feet and began dragging him away.

"AH! Hellllp! I don't wanna be scrapped!" he panicked, "Tasukete kudasai~!"

"Wait...you're running from the Tojitendo?" Zenkaiser asked as he kicked a Kudakk away.

"This is so confusing!" Zenkai Magine grunted using her Magine Stick to smack a Kudakk, "What should we do, Kaito?"

"We'll help him!" he ordered, "Magine, you're up!"

"Hai!" she saluted, "Nu Nu Nu Magine!" she held her staff up as a banana peel with a little pink witch's hat formed just in front of Boxing Worlds feet.

"AH!" he cried, tripping on it and landing on his back, "Slip Down!"

"What?!" most others gawked, mostly from the grunts.

"Now for you guys!" Zenkaiser spoke as he slotted another Sentai Gear.


The image of a team of five Rangers with capes appeared before them. They all flew into one of the Zenkaigers before they all stood side by side. They all then produced a magical wand with an M shaped piece of metal at the top.

"Magi Stick!" they all spoke before they circled and held their magic wands up and crossed them.

They moved them apart as they formed into a Cross. The cross began spinning rapidly as the Zenkaigers except Zenkaiser moved away. He shouted and tossed the spinning cross of wands as it flew through the air and slashed through all the Kudakks. Cassia blinked as it zeroed in on her and flew right at her.

=Wait! Your name means machine team! Why are you using magic!?=

"Magic's not limited to just humans and Mobians!= Zenkaiser called out.

=Ahh!= Cassia panicked as the magic circle was about to make contact...before something landed before her and slashed it in half =?!=

"Cassia...Boxing World…."

"GH?!= Boxing World and Cassia tensed up as they looked at the figure.

The figure was an older female Mobian pronghorn, her fur a lighter shade of green while she wore a sleeveless grey coat similar to Eggman's shirt, a pair of white gloves with long pale gold cuffs, and a pair of black combat boots over her hooved, cybernetic feet. She was also wailing a metal staff with a pink energy scythe coming from the top.

=S-Sis…= Cassia gulped.

"Cassia...I told you not to underestimate them," the older pronghorn stated before looking at Boxing World, "And you…"

"G-gomen nassai, Clove-sama!" Boxing World panicked.

"Chance!" Zenkaiser called out as he and his team went over to the blue Kikainoid, "Sei no!" he grunted as they lifted him up, his legs over Zenkaiser's shoulder while Juran and Gaon took a shoulder, "Zenryoku~"

"Nigerou!" Gaon and Juran cheered as the Zenkaigers...Ran away.

"Zenkai Nigerou!" they cheered as Magine ran behind the boys and rang the church bell on their way out.

"...Well, you're also new…" Sonic noted as he looked at Clove, "...Let me guess, the other leader of the Northamer Dark Legion?"


"Noted…" Sonic nodded a bit...before he ran off, "Later then!"

"What an undignified retreat!" the blue Kikainoid's voice could be heard in the distance.

=Wait...they ran?!= Cassia gawked =You can't just flee from a fight! That's just cheap..like Metal Slimes running away before you can get a chance to hit them!=

"And yet they gave us an opportune moment," Clove pointed out before looking over at Boxing World, "Boxing World…"


"Send out everyone you have under your influence," Clove ordered as she dismissed her scythe, "Have them go after that Blue Kikanoid...He must know something if the higher ups are after him…" she then looked over at Cassia, "And you…"

=H-Hold on…" Cassia nervously began...before Clove grabbed her by one of her horns =Ahh!=

"I told you not to run ahead," Clove sighed as she dragged her away.

=Sis come on~!= Cassia complained before Clove stopped for a moment =?=

"...I gave you an order, didn't I, Boxing World?"

"AHH! R-right, boxing!" Boxing World quickly nodded as a microphone lowered down to his face, "Ahem! Attention everyone! We're taking in contenders for the Tojitendo Cup!" he declared as a pair of Kudakks ran up to him, holding onto a stack of posters featuring a shadow figure and the blue Kikanoid standing before a flaming background, "Your opponent is...him!" he shouted as the Kudakk's sent the posters flying into the air, "Now go out there and secure the win, boxing!"

"Aaaaaaand stop!" Kaito called out, he and the others having cancelled their transformation as they stopped at a shopping center.

"You gotta cut back on the heavy metal diet…" Gaon grunted.

"Thank you very much," the blue Kikainoid sighed as he was left to get back on his feet, "You saved my life."

"I'm Kaito," Kaito spoke up, getting his attention, "Kimi wa?"

"Eh?" he blinked, taken back by this question.

"What's your name?" Kaito asked, "You do have one right?"

"If he doesn't, we ain't giving him one...that's how you get stuck with em…" Gaon muttered as Magine elbowed his side.

"Name…" he paused, finally getting over for once being asked his name by someone, "My name is Vroon!" he happily declared, "I know it's sudden but please tell me all about your gea-Ghh!" he grunted as Gaon covered his moutplate with his hand.

"Before we even tell you anything, you have stuff to tell us." Gaon groaned.

"You said Ijirude-sama and Eggman-sama, and you talked to that Dark Legion brat like a friend. So what's up with that?" Juran asked.

"Did you betray the Tojitendo and now you're on the run?" Magine asked.

"N-no!" Vroon argued as he pushed Gaon back a bit, "I...I didn't mean to...I just asked something and all of a sudden Ijirude-sama and Eggman-sama want me dead."

"..let me guess, you know something they don't want getting out?" Sonic guessed.


"Yeah...Eggman's not the type to let such secrets fly if he's having goons go after you," Sonic stated.

"So then...you do serve the Tojitendo," Juran sighed.

"Nu nu?" Magine asked in worry.

"Ah...well...I just cleaned for them, I was just a Janitor bot." Vroon explained, "I don't think that counts as serving...I barely was allowed to do anything but clean. If I tried to...they'd zap and blast me…"

"Yikes…" Sonic cringed at that, "No wonder that kid knew you..she's probably the only person that treated you with respect."

"Hai...Cassia-sama and her sister are nice people," Vroon nodded.

"The way said sister sliced our attack like a knife through butter begs to differ," Gaon muttered.

"But that's because Clove-sama is protective of her sister," Vroon argued, "Especially with her condition."

"..wait. Condition?" the group repeated.

"Yes. you s-" Vroon began before he noticed a nearby vendor giving out balloon animals, "Oh! What are those!?"

"Wait! Don't just drop a bombshell like that on u-and he's already gone," Gaon muttered as Vroon ran up to the vendor.

"What is that? How is he able to do that so effortlessly?" Vroon questioned as he looked at the vendor making balloon animals in awe.

"Well you gotta practice at it." Kaito explained, "These are Balloon Animals, they make them for kids and people to make them happy."

"Only drawback is they deflate after a few days. Kaito, remember Mr. Puppers?" Sonic asked.

"We lost our allowance those two weeks for the candy and blueberries we had to buy for Haseo," Kaito sighed, "Seriously, a teary-eyed Haseo is dangerous for one's health…"

"Roll said he'll outgrow it when he's fourteen," Sonic noted.

"How long is that?"

"Six years."

"Our wallets are doomed around him…" Kaito sighed."Flash you got any thing" he asked his cousin as he looked around he saw no one." Eh? Mina, where's flash, I thought he was hear with us."

The others looked around and saw no one.

"Guys!" The all except vroom looked at the direction of the sound and we're shocked to see a batter bruised flash coming towards them with a black eye, bloody lips and was coming to them.

"Ah! Flash-san~!" Goan yelled as the others ran to him in worry."what happened who did this to you!"

"Well... When you all ran to find the world... I ran after you guys, but soon the people who got infected by the world, boxing world I think right" he asked sonic who nodded." Well they start to notice me and soon I was In a boxing mach. But guess what, I won,..." He said almost out of breath" guess the lesson with roll helped." He almost lost conscious before Juran grab him by the shoulder to keep him steady.

"Wow, relax kid. I think you doke enough" he said as he and goan helped him.

"Anu, who is this person, why is he covered in bruises?.." Vroom asked.

"This is my cousin flash and I was supposed to keep an eye on him." Kaito told him worried for his cousin health. " Ah, Yachan is not gonna like this." He feared. The zenkaigers gently put Flash down.

"Dang it now we got to hurry and stop the world or more people will get hurt" Juran said.

Vroon gasped as he zipped over to a display of fishnet stockings, "What are those? They look like nets...but can fit over your legs!"

"Fishnet stockings," Sonic explained, "...Before you ask, they're for girls only."


"Just don't ask withou-"

"Oh! Is that food?!"

"And he's off again," Sonic muttered as Vroon zipped over to a nearby table, "Guy's really curious on the questions…"

"He's a nerd, and in our world, Nerds don't get to thrive unless they show they have a talent of use to the Tojitendo." Juran spoke, "I mean, look at us; we're all a little strange."

"Huh?" Gaon and Magine blinked before looking at the other and keeping flash steady, "No, yeah...you're a little weird." they said in unison, "Stop that!"

"He's like a kid," Kaito chuckled, he then blinked as he looked to see Roll walking around looking concerned, "Oh! Roll-chan!"

"Eh?" Roll snapped out of her expression and looked to the others, "Oh! Minna!"

"What's going on? I figured you'd be dealing with boxing Haseo all day?" Kaito asked.

"...Ano...I lost him…" Roll admitted with a sigh.

"...Eh?" Kaito blinked at that.


"Found you!" the group looked over to see Haseo standing there...while pointing one of his boxing gloves at Vroon, "Aoi Kikanoid kita!"

"Eh?" Vroon blinked, stopping in looking at the food on the table as he looked over at Haseo...who began charging at him as he proceeded in trying to punch him.

"I'm winner...!" Haseo declared, "Ko…! Ko…! Ko…!" he paused for a few moments to pant before resuming, "Ko…! Ko…! Ko…!"

"Ano...Who is this? Why is he so little? How does he have two tails that are inverse of each other in colors? And where is that squeaking coming from when he punches me?" Vroon asked as Haseo panted again to regain his breath.

"Mmm…" Roll pinched the front of her collar and tugged it before reaching her other hand into the opening and pulled out a small bell with tiny hammer that she used to ring the bell, causing Haseo to slump and pant, "Haseo-chan, why are you trying to punch this Kikainoid?"

"Wanna...be...champion…" Haseo explained between pants before Roll pulled out a thermos, poured out a cup of hot chocolate into the cup/lid, and put it to his lips to drink.

"Champion?" they asked.

Roll looked at flash direction and soon panicked" Hah! Flash-san what happened?" The others quickly turned to him.

"Well long story short. We were supposed to keep him with us but we ran off to fast and he got separated and soon had to fight a lot of people and he said he won but not much" sonic said.

"Oh no, I get him back to Yatsude-san and papa they can patch him up." She said quickly as she grabbed him and soon blurred off.

"Nani!? How can she run that fast? Is she like you? Does she have special powers?! My head is getting vroom vroom!" Vroom yelled.

"Not now!" Goan yelled as roll came back.

"Don't worry papa and Yatsude-san said they take care of him, but we gonna hurry."

Wait...If Haseo-kun was made to chase down Vroon…" Kaito began.

"Vroon?" Roll tilted her head.

"This curious guy," Kaito pointed to Vroon.

"Hello!" said Kikainoid waved.

"...Then that means…" Sonic began.

"Found the blue one!" the group looked over and saw Suu-san...pointing his boxing glove right at Vroon as he charged at him, "I will be champion!"

"Oh that's not good!" Juran exclaimed as Gaon quickly caught the elderly man, only for Vroom to yelp as he barely avoided the boxing glove of a nun of all things.

"I will be the champion!" the bride of the newlyweds shouted as Juran barely caught her.

"Oi, oi, oi. Haseo-chan was here first!" Roll argued, "Wait your turns!"

"Roll, wrong priorities," Sonic deadpanned with a drop of sweat going down the back of his head.

"You're mine!" a doctor shouted as he ran in and tried to punch Vroon, only for the Blue Kikanoid to be pulled back by Kaito.

"I challenge you!" the Nun shouted as she tried to punch Vroon next, only for Kaito to quickly pull him away in time.

"That Boxing World guy is sending those infected by him after Vroon!" Sonic exclaimed, looking around before he zipped off and tied those that came in to fight Vroon together, "There...now you won't hurt him while hurting other people."

"Mmmm...I'm...winner..!" Haseo grunted as he tried to hit Vroon...while Magine held onto him.

"Ah...Roll, what should I do...I feel so bad holding him back, but if I let him go he could get stepped on by all these crazy adults!" Magine panicked with conflicted teary eyes.

"Uh...uh….oh!" Kaito gasped, "The Library! Nobody will ever find us there!"

"What's a Library?" Vroon asked.

"Quietly…" Kaito whispered as the group were crouched down in the library, using a filled up book return cart to keep hidden.

"Winner…" Haseo mumbled, being carried by Roll.

"It won't count unless you're both in a boxing ring," Roll replied, "That's why we're trying to find one."


"Can't we just let him bop the blue guy's leg until he falls asleep?" Gaon asked.

"Wouldn't that be harmful? I am made of metal and he is a squishy little...thing...what...what is he again? I have little to no information on Mobians, and why does he have two tails? Why is this girl taller than the average Mobian and near human height?" he looked at Roll, "Why does this one not wear pants?" he looked at Sonic.

"In order: he's a fox, he was born with two tails, their family has some of the taller Mobians in their family line and Roll lucked out on getting that, and because I don't like pants," Sonic replied.

"I see…" he nodded simply.

"Ne, Vroon, if all you did was clean...why are you now being chased by the Tojitendo?" Kaito asked out of concern.

"Did you throw something out you weren't supposed to?" Magine asked in equal concern, and as if that may have been something she's done before.

"No!" Vroon shook his head before he took a moment, "I've always been the type that can't stop wondering about something once it's gotten my interest, so I applied to the Tojitendo. I wanted to learn knowledge and technology that was out of my reach as a commoner." he sighed, "I served as a Janitor to Ijirude-sama, the Tojitendo head of science and technology. But all I ever did was clean and never learned anything, but my curiosity kept going, Vroon-Vroon…" he sighed, "I thought maybe I could learn more after the Tojitendo absorbed the Eggman Empire…"

"Wait, what?" Sonic asked.

"Ah...hai...Boccowaus-Daiosama sent his military officer Barashitara to collect the one known as 'Dr. Eggman,' and he was brought to join our forces with his technology, resources, and military might being absorbed by the Tojitendo Dynasty. He now serves as second in command of the Science division with Ijirude-sama and they have been working on the World Super Soldier Program together."

"...Okay. That would explain why Grand Masters keep showing up with those World guys…" Sonic muttered, "...and I bet you've learned something pretty juicy if Eggman and Robo-Doc are after you."

"And what did you mean by 'condition' with that Cassia kid?" Juran asked.

"Well I...oh!" Vroon gasped as he shot up to look around, "What is this wonderful place?!"

"Should've seen that coming," Sonic sweatdropped.

"This is the library," Kaito explained as he walked up to Vroon, "Everyone is free to learn knowledge from the books here." he smiled as Vroon awed and began picking out books on cleaning.

"Ohh~!" Vroon gasped as he grabbed the book, "Amazing...my curiosity is going Vroon-Vroon!" he declared as his head began doing a full 360.

"Kaito, don't encourage him!" Gaon complained, "If you keep answering all his stupid questions, he's just gonna keep doing whatever he wants."

"But...it makes him happy." Kaito smiled, "And that makes me happy. I love seeing how everyone is so happy with our new world. I like seeing him so interested in my world. Just like I like seeing Roll and Sonic interact with humans and Kikainoids each day. Everyone is getting together as friends. If knowledge makes Vroon happy, then he's free to pursue his interests in our world."

"Kaito-san…" Vroon spoke up at that as he held several books, all about how to clean better, one even called Cleaning for Dummies.

"Uh excuse me, can you move please?" a voice spoke up, earning Vroon's attention as he looked around, "...Down here."

"Hmm?" Vroon blinked as he looked down, seeing a young two-tailed fox with bright orange fur and a white muzzle and underbelly looking up at him, wearing a pair of brown aviator's gloves, brown goggles with orange-tinted lenses, and a tool belt on his waist.

"I need to get to that book on…" the fox began before he looked to the side and saw Sonic, "...Sonic?"

"...Tails?!" Sonic gawked.

"Sonic!" Tails beamed before a shushing sound could be heard, "Sorry...Sonic!" he quietly beamed as the two ran over for a quick hug.

"Oh little buddy...I'm so glad you're okay!" Sonic replied happily, "I've been looking all over Japan for months...I kinda get lost in the forests a lot though...hehehe…"

"It's fine…" Tails chuckled a bit, "To be honest, I've been looking for you as well in the Tornado."

"The Tornado?" Kaito repeated.

"Tails' personal plane," Sonic explained, "...Well, it used to be mine technically, but I gave it to him as a birthday gift after taking such good care of it."

"You used to have a plane?" Magine asked.

"Hey…" Sonic noted her tone.

"He's not that good a pilot…" Tails chuckled.


"Sorry…" Tails sheepishly chuckled, "But yeah...I've been searching for ya in the Tornado...granted when my sister lets me wh-"

"Woah woah woah! Back up," Sonic held a hand up, making Tails blink a bit, "...Sister?"

"Yeah." he nodded, "Why are you so freaked out?"

"I can explain," Juran spoke up, "When the big boom that caused our worlds to mix happened, it had a sort of reboot effect on folks Sonic knows and his brain hasn't caught up to it yet." he tapped Sonic's head a few times for emphasis.

"...huh. That actually explains a few things," Tails muttered as he held his chin in thought, "Lately, I've been dreaming stuff I don't remember...and yet felt familiar to me as well…"

"Yeah, trust me. I'm on, like, the opposite end of that spectrum little buddy, it is trippy." Sonic agreed, "Oh right! These are new friends, this is Kaito..."

"More or less his roommate." Kaito explained.

"That's Juran, Gaon, and Magine..."

"Yo~/Hello!/Hi…" they greeted.

"And that's Roll and her little bro Haseo."

"Konnichiwa," Roll greeted.

"I'm winner…"

"He's under a robot's control to try to box Vroon-san here, but we keep making good valid points on now not being the right time to box," Roll explained.

"So sounds like same old same old, but with the Tojitendo guys on the news," Tails figured.

"Hello, I am Vroon!" Vroon spoke as he cut off Sonic, "Did you just talk about how our Worlds fused?! Please, tell me everything! I must know!" he began shaking Sonic, "Wait. You know planes?! I have always wondered how they work!" He turned his upper torso around to face Tails, his legs still facing Sonic.

"Woah…" Tails awed a bit before shaking his head, "Well we can head home to my place. Me and sis have it to ourselves anyway while mom and dad are out exploring the world."

"A lot has changed...but...for the better." Sonic whispered to himself, "..oh! Tails please tell me you found Sal or the others."

"No…" Tails sighed, making Sonic slump a bit, "But...I did find Nicole in her old handheld...after I had it upgraded for her."

"Well that's one down." Sonic smiled.

"Honestly I don't expect everyone we know to be here in Japan," Tails muttered, "It is just one island. There are tons of larger countries. For all we know, the gang is spread out across the Earth."

"...World trip?" Sonic offered with a grin.

"Well…" Tails began before he looked to the side, "...We can discuss it later. I think those people are here for Vroon."

"Found you, Aoi-yaro!" a girl with boxing gloves growled.

"Run," Kaito nodded simply.

"Run!" Everyone panicked as Juran and Gaon dragged Vroon.

"AH! My books! My knowledge!"

"You can get 'em later!" Gaon complained.

"In here, quick!" Tails hissed as he held a hanger door open, letting Kaito and the others quickly run in as he closed it shut, "Nicole?"

=Already setting defensive procedures, Tails= a voice spoke up.

"Ahh! Who said that?!" Vroon exclaimed before looking around the hanger, "...and what is this amazing place?! Do you live here?!"

"You know, you're really freaking annoying…" Juran bluntly stated, "Gaon…"

"Hai!" he cheered as he reached up and stole Vroon's glasses, making his optics narrow and squint to see anything.

"Ahh! My glasses! I can't see without my glasses!" he stumbled around a bit.

"Can't see, can't be obsessed with new things." Gaon spoke while looking through the glasses, "Wah...his optics are blind as a bat…" he shook his head from the headache of looking through the glasses.

"I think that's kinda mean...but he is kinda over excited," Tails noted.

"Vroon, since we got a minute I have something I need to ask you," Kaito spoke up as he got in front of him, "You said worlds were trapped? What did you mean?"

"Huh?" Tails blinked.

"New to us, I'll catch you up after," Sonic explained, "Lengthy story."


"Oh..well…" Vroon began as he took a deep breath, "The Tojiru Gears are a revolutionary conquest technology that allows them to trap worlds into little gears. Bokkuwaus the Great used that very technology to capture all parallel worlds."

"Now we just gotta deal with Boxing World," Kaito spoke, "But he's gonna have all those people as literal human shields. Eh...uh...come to think of it...it was mostly Humans…" he blinked.

"There was a betting pool. Humans might be some strange combat species," Vroon spoke as he walked into a wall before yelping as a ringtone went off, "What is that? Why is it so catchy?"

"Oh, that's me," Roll replied, digging into her tail and pulling her phone out, "Moshi-moshi? ...Hai, everyone's here. ...Hai, I can put you on speaker." she tapped on her phone, "It's Tou-chan."

=Oi~! Can someone please explain why several of my patients decided to box themselves to the point I'm having to do emergency repairs on all of them?= Skye questioned.

"It's another World. Boxing World," Juran informed.

=Should've guessed. Well, I'm managing to minimize the damage here by dressing up as a referee. Already had to step out several times to get some Mobians to stop boxing each other. Managed to convince them that Kudakks give you Boxing Spirit Points that you can trade in for prizes=

"Clever," Gaon nodded.

"Well we got some good news," Sonic spoke, "First and most important of all, I found Tails." he declared, "Second good news, we got a Tojitendo defector with us!"

"Hello!" Vroon cheered.

=Oh, nice. Bring him by the shop once this is done with. I get the feeling you're gonna be needing to go Zenkai and I need to get to the lab to do my job of advice and jokes= Skye chuckled =Oh, and has anyone seen Haseo? I almost forgot Am-Am came here earlier asking if I saw him=

"He got turned by Boxing World." Sonic explained.

"But it's more cute than bad...since he lacks any power at all," Gaon spoke, "He runs out of breath after ten swings, it's adorable~"

"Also it wore off after he met a pretty girl," Kaito blurted.

=...Sakurai Harmonia Roll...Did Goshikida Kaito just say my baby boy met a pretty girl?=

"Uh-oh. He dropped the nicknaming," Kaito cringed.

=I shall...AH!=

=What are you doing turning the lights down to brood!? Get to work already!= Yatsude snapped.

=Yaya?! What are you doing in my shop?!=

=Flash needs sleep right now, cause of all the beating he got and there is danger there so that's why I brought him hear=

=Ahh~= Groaning was heard in the back.

=Ah! Great you waked him up.=

=Me you were the=

= Sh it it= she yelled.=People are going boxing crazy! Amy-chan and I need an expendable meat shield to protect us as we take care of Flash!=

=Wait, what?=

=Be a man!=

"That's Yacchan for ya...she can ruin anyone's attempt to be serious but glade thing Flash is ok right," Kaito shrugged to Roll as the call got hung up on, "But for now...we just gotta find Boxing World and those two Pronghorn sisters…"

"Pronghorns?" Tails and Roll repeated.

"Two new gals in the Dark Legion, apparently co leaders," Sonic explained, "And apparently one of them has a condition, but Vroon keeps getting distracted before he could explain what said condition is."

"Oh! That's right!" Vroon recalled, "Cassia has a…"

=We have a problem= Nicole spoke up =Eggman has been spotted nearby with some Eggpawns…=

"What timing…" Sonic groaned.

"This mission was given to us," Clove stated as she and Cassia looked at Eggman and Ijurude with an army of Kudakks and Eggpawns standing behind them with Boxing World standing nearby.

"Yes, but this is personal," Eggman countered, "If you two are good, I'll let you keep the janitor's head as an alarm clock."

=Wha…?!= Cassia's eyes widened at that =You're going to try and scrap him?!=

"Of course," Ijrude replied, "He knows too much, child…"

"Yes, so call this a collaboration in a way," Eggman added, "So step aside!" he ordered as he moved to walk past them...before Clove brought her scythe out, "...You dare…?"

"He could still be brought in alive," Clove argued with a frown.

"Well sorry, but your whole 'no conflict if possible' attitude won't work here with me," Eggman argued back before grinning, "Besides...you want to make sure Cassia stays healthy, don't' you?"

"?!" Clove tensed up at that...before she sighed as she dismissed her weapon, "...m-more than anything…"

"Good...now you two stay put a-" Eggman began.

"Tojitendo! Eggman!"

"What timing," Ijrude noted as Kaito and the others ran into the area, "We've been searching for you, Janitor."

"Now be a good Kikanoid and come here to be scrapped," Eggman added.

"You can't have him!" Kaito shouted defiantly, "It doesn't matter if he was part of the Tojitendo, we won't let you take him or hurt him! He's part of our world now." he walked forward, "You guys took worlds and locked them up...and now are using them to hurt ours. My Touchan and Kaachan, Aunty, and Uncle invented our Gears to help and explore worlds so we could be friends. I won't let you get away with this!"

"Well too bad, boy!" Eggman shouted, "You can't stop us! Soon our empire will control the entire multiverse!"

"Wrong!" Kaito shouted, "Everything you just said…" he pointed at the two evil scientists, "Is wrong! You'll never win, cause I'm here. I'll stop you, I'll fight you, and I'll win!" he looked to his friends, "Cause your not just fighting me. We're here, and you haven't won against us even once!"

"He's right Eggy, Robo-Doc," Sonic grinned as he walked beside him, "You're not just fighting against the Zenkaigers...you're fighting the Freedom Fighters as well, only now its expanded to Kikanoids that don't agree with your guys' rules! So in response to messing with our blue buddy here.." he paused as he motioned to Vroon with his thumb, "You mess with one of us? You mess with all of us."

"Ah!" Kaito cheered as he and Sonic fist bumped, "All of us together...Zenkaiger and Freedom Fighters...together we're unstoppable! Zenryoku Zenkai!"

"Kaito...Sonic…" Vroon spoke in awe.

"Glad to see Sonic hasn't changed," Tails noted with a small smile.

"The kids are right. This big Blue pain is a lot to handle," Juran sighed, "But...he's not a bad guy. He just has to learn to shut his trap now and again."

"Frankly, I still don't like cold and creepy Kikainoids. But if Kaito-Kun is gonna fight for him, that's enough reason for me to stand by his side." Gaon sighed.

"Me too! I'll help Vroon-san!" Magine cheered.

"I've only known him for a little, but in that time I know fully well that you aren't taking Vroon-san from us without a fight!" Roll declared.

"Minna…" Vroon whispered.

"Hmm….seems the janitor blabbed," Ijrude noted.

"Indeed," Eggman added, "...Boxing World, scrap the lot of them!"

"Ijirude-sama!" Vroon shouted, "No...Ijirude!" he corrected as he walked forward, "You never taught me anything." he clenched his hands as he walked past Kaito, "But today I learned…" he looked to his new friends who would stand up for him, "...about what a small world I was living in." he took a step forward, "Through learning, your world expands! And you want to strive to protect and learn more of that new large world!"

"You're talking very high and mighty for a simple janitor…" Ijirude sighed, not seeming impressed.

"And you!" Vroon snapped as he pointed at Eggman next, "...Never have I met such a cold hearted monster in my life!"

"Oh I'm a monster? Ahh...like I haven't been called that before," Eggman yawned.

"It's true, especially after what you've done with Cassia and her sister, the only ones to ever show me kindness! To do what you did to them…!" Vroon snapped, making Eggman tense up a bit, "Which is why I have a message for you and Ijirude…a parting gift!" he inhaled deeply, "MY NAME IS VROON AND I QUIT!" he turned to Kaito, "Kaito-san, let me fight too."

Kaito smiled happily at that as Vroon stepped closer.

"I want to learn more about this world with you! With all of you! I want to see a world where we can all be friends again!" he declared as the sisters of Cassia and Clove tensed at his words.

"Arigatou Vroon." Kaito smiled as he turned to Roll, who handed him the last Geartlinger, "Let's fight together!" He presented it to Vroon, along with the Blue Gear.

"Hai!" Vroon cheered, taking the Geartlinger and Gear, "..." He then paused, "Sorry, but could you please show me how this works?"

"No shooting this time?" Ijirude asked in surprise.

"Oh sorry!" Gaon cheered before he shot at a Kudakk.

"Oh come on!" Eggman snapped, slapping the air in disbelief.

=...Sis?= Cassia spoke, earning Clove's attention as the younger Pronghorn shot a sad look at her =We're gonna have to fight Vroon, aren't we?=

"...It would seem so," Clove sighed sadly as she brought her scythe back out, "I'm sorry, Cass...but it has to be this way…"

=Mmm…I always hate when this happens in games, but real life makes it suck even more...= Cassia sighed sadly as she brought her tonfa back out.

"Vroon!" Vroon cheered with his own name as he held up his Sentai Gear and slotted it.

=Yon-Ju-Go~! BANG! Ju-Roku~ BANG! Ni-Ju-Go~BANG! Ni-Ju-Kyu~BANG! San-Ju~BANG!=

The chanting filled the air as Juran and Gaon spun around in place before aiming their Geartlingers forward. Magine and Vroon followed them as they spun around and aimed. Finally, Kaito finished the pattern as he spun and aimed, before they all fired. The Geartlingers fired out the large gear projections which swept over them and transformed them into their Zenkaiger forms.


Vroon's transformation was also remarkably different. His body grew even bulkier than before. His armor was all bright blue. With a large silver chest plate that looked like the grill cover to the motor of a giant vehicle. His arms had tires on his shoulders and wrists, and the armor was strong and bulky. His legs bulked out with large armored boots. His helmet was blue with two silver wings extending from the sides, a large metal face plate covering everything from the optics down. A large silver fin extending from his helmet as the number 30 stamped itself onto his forehead.


"Himitsu no power...!" Zenkaiser began as he did his pose, "Zenkaiser!"

"Kyoryu Power...!" Zenkai Juran began as he performed his pose, "Zenkai Juran!"

"Hyakujuu Power...!" Zenkai Gaon began before roaring out in his pose, "Zenkai Gaon!"

"Mahou Power...!" Zenkai Magine began as she did her pose next, "Zenkai Magine!"

"GoGo Power...!" Vroon began as he held his hand out, flicking his wrist a bit before moving his leg as he pumped both fists inward, "Zenkai Vroon!"

"Go-Nin sorotte!" Zenkaiser declared, holding his hand out with all five fingers held out.

"Kikai Sentai!" they all shouted Zenkai Gaon and Juran standing to Zenkaiser's right with their right arms held out, while Zenkai Magine and Vroon stood to his left with their left arms held out, Zenkaiser himself standing in the center with both arms held up, "ZENKAIGER!" Their Symbol formed behind them, followed by a large explosion going off around them which knocked many off their feet from how sudden it was.

=Finally! All five members are together, tune!=

=So much power from the whole Five man team together, amazing!= Skye spoke.

"Woah…!" Tails awed at what he just witnessed.

"Eeyup. Pretty cool, huh?" Sonic asked with a grin.

"Beyond belief!" Tails beamed as his rapidly wagging tails caused him to float up a bit.

"Zenryoku Zenkai!" Zenkaiser shouted.

"Get them!" Boxing World ordered as all those he influenced charged in first.

"Magine! Do the plan you and Roll came up with!" Zenkaiser ordered as he ducked several punches.

"This feels like nothing!" Zenkai Vroon declared as multiple people punched him...but his bulky armor just ignored their attacks, "I'm brimming with Go-Go Power! Whatever that is!"

"Leave it to me!" Zenkai Magine declared as she ducked under a swing, "Nu Nu Nu Magine!" she held her Magine Stick up before a pink flash blinded everyone.

All those influenced by Boxing World blinked as they heard another bell go off. Suddenly, humanoid familiars made of what seemed to be solidified darkness dressed in coach uniforms with pink witch hats on their heads appeared. Each began to quickly attend to one of the people influenced by Boxing World and sat them down, giving them towels and water.

"Hai~ Interval time!" Zenkai Magine called out as she and Roll held up Interval cards to call a break.

"Big deal! I can call more!" Boxing World called out as the mike lowered down, "Attention all fighters, come to me immediately!" he called out...only for silence to befall the area, "...I said now...why isn't anyone coming, boxing?!"

"Boo-Boo!" Zenkai Magine crossed her arms, "It's Interval Time! They are all resting and some got beaten by. Flash so there not getting up!"


"Also we called in a favor for some ice," Roll added.

"Ice?" Eggman blinked, "Why ice?"

"To make sure the combatants don't overheat, kyu."

"?!" Eggman tensed, about to take a step back before he slipped on some ice that formed behind him, "Gah! Oh...my back…"

"Nice timing, sis!" Tails called out.

"Grr...you…!" Eggman began before a few of his Eggpawns were suddenly flash frozen, "?!"

"Gomen…" a voice began as a figure landed before him and Ijirude, revealing a Mobian vixen with cream-ish yellow fur, her hair held up by a icy-blue hair band as she wore a icy-blue kimono, "But I don't appreciate manipulators and former tyrants threatening my home and little brother, kyu."

"...That's your sister?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah," Tails replied.

"What a lovely and adorable Fox-chwan!" Gaon awed as he spun and scratched several Kudakk's before lifting one and slamming him into another.

"Don't worry. To him, we're all like pets or something." Sonic explained to Tails.


"Impressive!" Zenkai Juran cheered as he swung his sword and cut through several Kudakks in a single stroke.

"I made sure no one else would try and sneak in, kyu," the vixen explained as a Kudakk tried to strike her from behind...before her tail grabbed its spear as it split into a full set of nine with the other eight aiming their frozen tips at the grunt, "So you're good to go, minna-san, kyu."

"How did she go from one tail to nine?" Zenkai Vroon asked, his weapon the Vroon Picker was a silver pick axe like weapon with two headlight additions at the top, which he used to hack at a Kudakk that got to close "Kaito-san, what is GoGo Power?"

"I don't know to both," Zenkaiser replied as he swung around and kicked a Kudakk.

=No clue on the former, tune. But the latter comes from your power deriving from the 30th Super Sentai, GoGo Sentai Boukenger, tune!=

=I found their ultimate mech one of the more stunning to witness= Skye chuckled =Honestly, why can't more Super Sentai use all their mechs to make one big mech like that, huh?=

=Not this again, tune…=

"Who said that?" Zenkai Vroon asked.

=Skye Sakurai and the little guy saying 'tune' as a verbal tic is Secchan=

"Roll's Papa and Kaito's and Flash's friend!" Zenkai Magine added as she used the Magine Stick to bash a Kudakk away, "They provide support for us from a safe location!" she held her staff up as she rained pink lightning down on several Kudakks."wait how's Flash doing"

=He's up and seeing the fight from hear.=

=Yup and I'm loving the blue guy. The adventure rangers are my favorite aswell, but the ninja and magic one are the best=

"Glade your up Flash cause stay tune cause the fight is gonna get wild" Zenkaiser said.

=And also why is there a fox hear that looks like Naruto kyuubi=

"Well explain later for now watch" he said as he went back to the fight.

"Grr...being made fools of…!" Eggman snarled as he got up, "Cassia, Clove, Boxing World, get rid of them now!"



"Eggman!" Zenkai Vroon shouted, making him jump, "I still may not understand what Go-Go power is, but I know one thing for sure. You are a very horrible person...and deserve what's coming to you!" he held his hands up as they closed into fists...and doubled in size exactly for the job of punching something hard.


"That won't happen, Boxing!" Boxing World declared as he threw his fist out, which began to ignite as they literally rocketed towards Zenkai Vroon, "Separating Knuckle!"

"AH!" he panicked...as his body suddenly split at the waist and his entire torso shot up into the sky, a stream of heat seemingly keeping him aloft, the rocker fists missing and circling around, "That was dangerous!" he shouted while grabbing one, the momentum of the action making his torso but not his head begin spinning around rapidly. His legs kicked up some dust before charging at full sprint towards Boxing World. Unsure what to track, the Tojitendo monster ran out of time as Vroon's body reconnected and his momentum and spin was all focused into his right fist as it began glowing blue and punched Boxing World.

"GAH!" Boxing World cried in pain as his mouthpiece was knocked out and smacked right into Eggman's face.

"Gah!" Eggman freaked as he staggered back...right onto the ice as he slipped, "D'oh!"

"Pfft! Okay...I l-" Sonic began in a chuckle before he narrowly avoided Clove's scythe, "Woah now!"

"Please surrender," Clove stated as she swung her scythe to the side, "I don't want to cause any bloodshed today!"

"Well you swinging that scythe proves otherwise!" Sonic shouted as he jumped back.

"Don't worry, Sonic! I-woah!" Tails yelped as he narrowly avoided a punch from Cassia.

=Sorry...but it has to be this way= Cassia muttered, a slight-depressed tone in her voice as she held her tonfa up before swinging for another strike.

"Who says that!" Zenkaiser shouted as he swung and kicked, his leg blocking her next swing before it could hit Tails, "I may not understand why you do what you do...but you don't have to keep doing it!" he flipped his cape back as he held up his Geartlinger, "I don't know what Eggman promised you, but I'm sure we can fix whatever condition you have! Heck, we can probably get rid of those nasty cybernetics on you."

=?!= Cassia tensed up at that, the younger pronghorn visibly trembling a bit =...You think I asked for these?=


=You think I asked for my hearing...my sight...my senses to not work anymore?!= Cassia snapped as she swung her tonfa forward, the front opening to reveal a set of mini guns.

"OH GEEZ!" Zenkaiser and Tails yelped as they began to run from the incoming laser fire.

=I don't know what's wrong with me, but me and sis have to work with Eggman so we can get the cure for my condition!= Cassia snapped as she kept firing.

"Gh!" Zenkaiser grunted as he used his cape to shield himself and Tails.

"...She's right," Clove sighed before jumping back from Sonic, "We have no other way...Eggman knows the only cure to Cassia's condition."

"How can you know that's true!?" Zenkai Vroon shouted, making them stop, "You act like that man knows so much of the world...but the world is vast and filled with knowledge to be discovered! That kind of world is what I want to protect! For in that world even my friends, the two of you can find new information to expand your world! That sort of ideal...is Precious to me!"

"...That is sadly where our differences lay, Vroon," Clove stated in a neutral tone, "Unlike you….we can never be free to learn of such things."

=Which is why we have to continue to work for that man!= Cassia shouted as she kept up the laser fire =I JUST WANT TO BE NORMAL AGAIN!=

"Then wait…" Zenkaiser spoke up suddenly, making Cassia stop in her assault,"Just wait for me then," he stood up, "Cause I'm going to be the First man in any world to Defeat the Tojitendo! When I do that, then you can be free regardless of if you agree with us! Say how hopeless it is all you want...I already decided to do it! Zenryoku Zenkai!" he declared as he pulled out a Sentai Gear, "So if you truly can't leave...then just wait 'till that day comes!" he slammed the Gear into the Geartlinger and began cranking.

=Huh stealing the hero spot that's juts like you kaito= Flash said.


Zenkaiser roared as he ran forward as, in his hands, he now held two red and white pistols resembling halves of a police car. He aimed and began shooting, forcing the two Sisters to dodge out of the way of his shots. He grunted and flipped through the air before swinging and striking Cassia with the guns and knocking her over. He ducked back and dodged a scythe swing aimed at his head. He rolled around before suddenly kicking one leg back and striking Clove off guard.

"Huh...That's a neat fighting style," Sonic noted

"It's called gunkata, kyu," the snow vixen explained as she stood next to him, making him jump up a bit in surprise, "It's a type of fighting style used for close range combat while using said weapons to pistol whip the opponent."

=That power comes from the 28th Super Sentai, Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger, tune! The number motif on their suits is often used in their role calls with the largest number of them all being Dekamaster with a '100' on his suit, = Flash said.

"How do you know that?" Juran asked

=Skye and dad told me about them=

"...uh...sis?" Tails spoke up as Sonic looked away with a blush.

"Eh?" the vixen blinked before Tails pointed down...to show that she was in nothing but her icy-blue undergarments, "...Mou~! Again?!"

"What are you doing?! There are children around!" Zenkai Magine panicked as she waved her staff and replaced her clothing.

"Oh thankyu…"

"It's something that happens when she uses her cryokinesis," Tails explained with a sigh.

"Something I unknowingly picked up from my master, kyu…" the vixen sighed in embarrassment.

"Ha!" Zenkaiser shouted, crossing his arms and shooting, striking both Sisters as they tried flanking him from the sides. He spun around and uncrossed his arms as he shot them both again.

"Ha!" Zenkai Vroon roared as he punched Boxing World, making him stumble back, "I must fight harder as well...so I can help Kaito-san...so I can fight to free everyone from the Tojitendo and Eggman!" He wound his arm up and punched Boxing World, sending him flying away.

"Well said, Newbie!" Zenkai Juran shouted as he jumped into the air and slashed his sword, sending Boxing World falling to the ground.

=Boy, with all the weapons going around...Kaito, try using the power of the 17th Super Sentai, Gosei Sentai Dairanger with your team= Skye noted.

"Got it!" Zenkaiser spoke as he pulled another Gear out. He quickly slotted it and began cranking as the Zenkaigers grouped up.


A team of five formed this time as they split up and went into a Zenkaiger. As was usual, the Red went into Zenkaiser while the Green went to Juran, and the others matched their colors. They held their hands out as Red bo-staffs landed in their hands. The tops flashed as a weapon head formed, a naginata for Zenkaiser, a bladed susamata for Zenkai Juran, a spear tip for Zenkai Gaon, a Monk Spade for Zenkai Vroon, and a flanged mace for Zenkai Magine.

"Lets go!" Zenkaiser shouted as they rushed and formed a circle around their enemies.

"Ha!" Zenkai Gaon and Vroon shouted slashing at Boxing World.

"Ike Magine!" Zenkai Juran shouted as he clashed with Clove, the unique shape of his Susamata hooked around the scythe blade as he swung the staff around and struck her across the face.

"Hai!" Zenkai Magine shouted as the weight of her mace struck Cassia's tonfa, but still sent her sliding back and crashing into her sister.

"Ha!" Zenkaiser shouted as he swung his naginata and struck both sisters with the bottom end of his staff knocking them over. He spun around and slashed Boxing World, making sparks fly. He then suddenly slid the other end of his staff, and began bashing the inside of Boxing World's knees, leaving his crotch exposed.

"No...No! No no wait!" Boxing World began in a panic.


"Oooh~!" most of the males cringed as Boxing World collapsed, holding his crotch in pain as he fell onto his face.

"My boxing bags…!" Boxing World squeaked out, "Cheap….shot, boxing!"

"That was just cruel…" Eggman whispered.

"Even I felt that…" Ijrude muttered.

"Kaito why?" Juran asked.

=WHY~!?=Flash, Skye and Secchan groaned in shared pain.

"I'm sorry, but instincts kicked in with this Gear!" Zenkaiser exclaimed.

=Still never hit below the belt in a fight! That's just...just…= Cassia began as she began to stagger a bit.

"?!" Clove tensed up as she quickly caught her sister, "Your condition…" she quickly brought her hand up to her ear, "Starline, I need a portal open to the medical wing."


"Now," Clove ordered in a tone that promised pain and death.

=...Yes, ma'am= Starline squeaked as a portal opened near the Pronghorn siblings.

"What?! I didn't give orders t-hey! Hey!" Eggman snapped as Clove began to carry Cassia into the portal, "Get back here and fight!"

"Organics...so squishy and vulnerable," Ijirude sighed, shaking his head.

"Shut up," Clove growled as she gave the two a death glare.

"...yes, ma'am," the two mad scientists squeaked out as Clove carried her sister through the portal just as it closed.

"That just leaves you!" Zenkaiser shouted as he pointed at the staggering Boxing World.

=Hey, Cuz! Fight boxing with boxing! Use the 4th Super Sentai, Denshi Sentai Denziman,!=

"Yosh!" he cheered, pulling out the Gear.


A team of rangers formed before they flew into the Zenkaigers. They held their hands up as they were covered in silver metal gloves which crackled with electricity.

"Denzi Punch!" they all shouted, rushing Boxing World while winding their arms up.

"Denzi Punch!" they all shouted, rushing Boxing World while winding their arms up.

"Boxing?!" Boxing World panicked as he was punched by Zenkai Juran across the face, Zenkai Gaon growled and punched him in the stomach. Zenkai Magine shouted as she jumped and landed a superman punch to Boxing World's face. As he staggered forward, both Zenkaiser and Zenkai Vroon landed uppercuts to his face which sent him flying high into the air.

"Denzi Sticks!" they shouted as they each held up a folding dagger like weapon. They combined them together into a star-like shape, "Denzi BOOMERANG!" they roared as Zenkaiser began spinning the giant throwing star like weapon, electricity arcing off it before he tossed and let it strike Boxing World with a great explosion which knocked him back down to the ground faster.

"How are we doing this?" Zenkai Vroon asked in amazement.

=I like this guy! Never stop asking!= Skye chuckled =As for the question, it's in the Sentai Gear you used. We can talk more later about the why's and how's of it=

"That seems most fair given all that is happening!" Zenkai Vroon nodded.

=All the more important in finishing this off quickly, tune!=

"Hissatsu Zenkai!" Zenkaiser ordered as all five began cranking the Geartlinger.

"All five at once, too!" Juran beamed.

=Hero~! Super~ Zenkai Time!=

"Wait...Time...Time! I need a corner…!" Boxing World grunted in pain, his bell falling off, "Uh-oh...Wait Bell! Bell! That's the bell!" he tried to back away before realizing he couldn't, "Nani?" he looked down to see his feet frozen to the ground, "Eh?!"

"Wait...Time...Time! I need a corner…!" Boxing World grunted in pain, his bell falling off, "Uh-oh...Wait Bell! Bell! That's the bell!" he tried to back away before realizing he couldn't, "Nani?" he looked down to see his feet frozen to the ground, "Eh?!"

"No running away now, kyu," the nine-tailed fox wagged a finger at him.

"Zenkai Finish Buster!" the Zenkaigers shouted pulling the trigger and bombarding Boxing World with five beams of energy. The blasts hit with a powerful explosion which just wrecked his body, but it stood still. Boxing World began to cheer, only to look up and see the giant construct of the Zenkaiger's symbol as it spun around slowly...before dropping down and crushing his body 'till nothing but his Tojiru Gear remained.

Off to the side, Magine's Coach familiars vanished at the same time the Boxing Tojiru Gear effect wore off. Their gloves vanished and the Familiars that were supporting them vanished, leaving many to suddenly fall on their butts to the cold pavement.

"My back…" Suu-san groaned before he took notice of where he was, "What am I doing all the way out here?"

"Oh!" Roll gasped as she ran over and pulled out a hot water bottle from her tail, "Daijobu, Suu-san?"

"Ah Roll-chan...what happened? Why am I out here? And why is my doctor and the local Sister here, too?" He asked, totally confused.

"It is a very confusing story to explain, Suu-san," Roll admitted.

"They're back to normal!" Gaon cheered.

"Yokatta!" Zenkaiser whooped.

"Don't be celebrating just yet, Zenkaigers!" Ijirude demanded, "We still have one more trick up our sleeves!"

"Kudaitest!" Roll shouted in glee.

"Kud…" Ijirude began before looking at her, "Did you seriously just…"

"Oyobidesuka?" The Kudaitest asked, poking his head from behind a larger building in confusion.

"...Now you see how I feel with the hedgehog and his friends?" Eggman asked Ijrude in a deadpan tone.

"Why are organic teenagers with attitude so annoying?!" Ijirude snapped, glaring at a now-sheepish Roll.

"I got excited because of the giant robot…" Roll sheepishly rubbed the back of her head with a drop of sweat going down it.

"Mou Roll! Try NOT to call out the giant robots!" Zenkaiser complained, "I shouldn't have to explain it…"

"I can come ba...Ah?" the Kudaitest blinked as it stepped on the Boxingtopia Tojiru Gear, its body sparked as purple smoke rose up from its body and Boxing World's additional parts took their spot on the Kudaitest body template, "I'm filled with BOXING POWER!" Great Boxing World cheered.

"Giant Kangaroo Robo~!" Roll squeed, stars in her eyes, as giant boxing rings began forming across the city.

"Come on you…" Sonic sighed as he began pushing Roll to a good vantage point, "Tails, come on. And bring your sis with ya."

"Where are we going?" Tails asked as he and his sister followed.

"Well...For one, away from the stomping grounds..." Sonic muttered, making the siblings pick up pace and follow.

"...Oh~ You're about to post a live stream, aren't you, kyu?" the kitsuen vixen asked Roll.

"How…" Roll and Sonic began to ask.

"Honey-chan's been watching it recently and wanting to have the hostess come in for a possible photoshoot, kyu."

"Eh?! P-Photoshoot?!" Roll stammered as she blushed.

"Yup...trust me. Once she has a new model for a project in her sights...it's hard to un-convince her, kyu," the kitsune vixen sighed a bit.

"If we beat him, Boxingtopia will be free, right?" Zenkaiser asked Vroon.

"Hai! That seems to be right," Vroon nodded, "...How do we do that?"

"Like this," Zenkai Juran replied as he and Gaon held up their Geartlingers and flipped their Sentai Gears over.

=BIG BANG! Go! Go! Go-Go-GO!=

"Kikai Henkei!" both shouted as they began growing to giant stature.

"Juran Tyranno!"

"Gaon Lion!"

"Yeah!" Zenkai Magine cheered.

"How does that work?" Vroon asked in shock, seeing two normal Kikainoids grow to this giant size then transform into alternate formations.

"Zenkai Gattai!" Zenkaiser shouted as his giant construct motioned the two Giant Zenkaigers together.

"I'm slowly getting used to this!" Gaon Lion groaned as he transformed into his half of the body.

"Good for you…" Juran Tyranno grunted as he did the same.


"ZenKaiOh JuraGaon!" the three voices of Zenkaiser, Juran and Gaon all declared as the giant robot held its sword up.

"Oh right to it!" Sonic cheered as Roll just barely had time to set up.

"Konnichiwa, minna-san~! Roll here once more for a Giant Robo Battle! This time we're taking it to a giant ring for the match between ZenakiOh JuraGaon and Great Boxing World~!" Roll greeted, "With me today is Sonic-san cause Flash got hurt by the world but also we have new guests Tails-chan and his sister~! Any comments on today's battle?"

"Someone's gonna get a black eye," Sonic noted.

"So cool~!" Tails awed.

"Ano...konichiwa, minna-san, kyu," the kitsune vixen waved to the camera, "Miyuki Nanaya Prower here...hoping you'll enjoy today's stream, kyu." she looked back before she noticed the two combatants about it charge at one another, "MATTE!"

"Eh?" Both Giant Robots stopped to look at her for a moment.

"You're in a boxing ring...no weapons allowed, kyu," Miyuki stated.

"Sis, I don't think that really matters when one of them is a bad guy working with Eggman!" Tails complained.

"Oh soka…" Zenkaiser's voice spoke through ZenKaiOh as the robot looked at its sword and shield in confusion.

"Opening!" Great Boxing World shouted before punching ZenKaiOh, making it drop its sword. He began punching ZenKaiOh several times as the Sentai Robot used its shield to block most of them.

"Thanks a lot!" Juran's voice snapped at them.

"Uh-oh...ZenKaiOh is mad at us," Roll cringed.

"If the ring is distracting them, then we should get rid of it!" Vroon noted.

=Good thinking! You can do the same thing those two did by flipping the Sentai Gear and cranking your Geartlinger= Skye informed.

"I can?" Vroon asked.

"Hai!" Magine replied as she held her Geartlinger up, "The four of us can because we're Kikainoids."

"Soka...So this is our power as Kikainoids on the team!" Vroon nodded, "And Kaito's power is to unite us together to unleash even more amazing power!" he opened his Geartlinger and flipped his Sentai Gear over, "Like this?"

"Exactly. Just don't aim it at yourself by accident," Magine advised.

"She should know!" Gaon's voice called before ZenKaiOh got punched in the Gaon side, "Gah!"

"Mmm…" Magine fumed as she flipped her Sentai Gear over and the two cranked their guns.


"Kikai Henkei!" they shouted.

"Magine Dragon!" Magine Dragon called out as she flew into the sky.

"Vroon Dump!" Zenkai Vroon's body locked up as his arms lifted up backwards, his head folded down into his torso as his body flipped over. Landing on the tires from his arms, his legs folded over forward while his Vroon Picker landed atop and locked him into a vehicle mode resembling a Dump Truck. He then took off down the road and slammed into the ring making those on it stumble, "I'm cleaning up this annoying ring that's in the way!" he shouted as he powered through...and began demolishing his way through the ring.

=Dang it, I'm missing all the fun= Flash grumbled

=Don't worry your time will come soon= sky told.


"Whoa!" Zenkaiser awed as ZenKaiOh jumped out of the ring and landed in another.

"Ah!" Great Boxing World cried as bits of the demolished Ring rained on him, "Have you no respect for the ring, Boxing?!"

"Sugei! The final member of the five core Zenakigers has made his debut! Vroon Dump kita!" Roll cheered as Miyuki frowned, "...What's wrong?"

"I have to agree with the, ano, Great Boxing World was it?"

"Hai," Roll nodded.

"Thankyu. I agree with Great Boxing World! Does he not respect the ring, kyu?!" Miyuki demanded.

"That's it! Second!"

"You called for a Second?!" another Kudaitest shouted, coming out from behind a building.

"...And agreement retracted, kyu," Miyuki frowned as her ears folded back.

"Told ya...bad guys." Tails smirked at Miyuki.

"Sorry...The former wrestler in me was talking, kyu…" Miyuki muttered in embarrassment.

"Ah, it's cool," Sonic chuckled, "Though...What's with the second?"

"Wait, they can do that?" Juran asked as ZenKaiOh blinked a few times.

"Time out!" Roll called before running off and coming back with a rulebook, "Second...second…Soka! Second is an assistant who helps a boxer before a bout and during the rests between rounds."

"Catch, Second!" the Kudaitest cheered, ignoring Roll as he went and caught Vroon Dump keeping him from moving.

"Ah! He caught the dump truck!" Tails exclaimed, "Is that even allowed?"

"Well, he's not interfering with the fight between Great Boxing World and ZenKaiOh," Roll noted.

"Ah right!" Zenkaiser spoke as ZenKaiOh raised its shield to block a swing from Boxing World, "Alright...you want two on one...Vroon! Magine! Let's give them a Tag Match to remember! It's time for the second Zenkai Gattai!" He shouted as he began cranking his Geartlinger before shooting the Zenkaiger symbol out of ZenKaiOh JuraGaon.

"EH!?" Vroon Dump exclaimed before Magine Dragon rammed into Kudaitest and knocked it away from her partner

=Yay! You remembered!= Skye cheered.

"Oh? Can it be?" Roll gasped as the Zekaiger emblem landed between Vroon Dump and Magine Dragon, forming a massive boxing ring, "It is! A second Zenkai Gattai has appeared! The Mystical Dragon and the Adventurous Truck are uniting as one in the ring!"

"Domo!" Magine Dragon cheered.

"What is a Gattai!? Why can't I move, why is there a giant Kaito!?" Vroon Dump was in the middle of a curiosity induced panic attack, causing Magine Dragon to giggle.


"Maaah!" Magine Dragon made a sound of opening her mouth as her Magine Dragon form opened along that section. Her body folding around as her head and neck formed into an arm, with her legs forming into a singular leg. Her wings and tail flying off.

"This is Gattai?" Vroon Dump asked as his Picker and tires/arms disconnected, his body opening as the top half of the Dump truck form formed into an upper torso while the entire lower section formed the legs.


The two halves then slammed together. The bucket section of Vroon Dump unfolded into an arm as their emblems folded up along the torso to complete the united crest. The two small clamps then steamed as the wings of Magine Dragon linked to each shoulder as the tires of Vroon Dump linked to the legs at the feet for balance.

=Zenkai Vroon~! Zenkai Magine~! ICHI! NI! SAN-SHI-GO! ICHI! NI! SAN-SHI-GO! ICHI! NI! SAN-SHI-GO!=

"Sugoi~! When the Truck of Adventure unites with the Dragon of Mystics, the second great King of Full Throttle appears!" Roll cheered, "It's…!"


The head section finally opened to reveal the white helmet with a Pink and Blue 'V' crest and spikes extending from the ears. Green eyes flashed as it caught the Vroon Picker in its hand...but not as a melee weapon, a secondary handle folded out letting it be held like some sort of crossbow. Zenkaiser grunted, landing in ZenKaiOh VrooMagine's cockpit before he docked his Geartlinger.

"SO COOL~!" Tails squeed, stars in his eyes.

"This ring is a little cramped," Zenkaiser spoke as VrooMagine aimed its Vroon Picker at the Kudaitest, "Let's fight over there!" he shouted as it fired two blue energy beams that knocked the Kudaitest off its feet and launched it through the air to another ring a distance away.

"Leave this to me!" Gaon spoke as JuraGaon swapped weapons to the Gaon Claw before rushing and began attacking Great Boxing World.

Great Boxing World and ZenKaiOh JuraGaon traded blows only for the Gaon Claw to give the Heroic Mecha the edge in range as it raked the claws across the Tojitendo Robot's torso, making sparks fly. Great Boxing World roared and rushed only to be slashed across the chest. The monster robot grunted as he swung around for a punch, only to hit the Juran Shield in JuraGaon's left arm. The Mecha swinging the Gaon Claws up and raking them across the torso of Great Boxing World.

=Man, this is pretty tight! Really wished there were some tunes to go with it,= Flash noted.

ZenKaiOh VrooMagine swung and punched the Kudaitest with its right arm. The Kudaitest grunted, swinging its head around to strike VrooMagine's torso and making the Mecha back up a step. Both aimed and fired their beam attacks at the same time as they canceled each other out in an explosion.

"You're not as strong as the other one, second!" the Kudaitest laughed, leaning on the ropes of the Ring.

"Well then we'll just fight back with some heavy magic! Magine!" Zenkaiser ordered before the head was clamped by the two pieces which once hid it.


ZenKaiOh VrooMagine held up the Magine Stick like a club before swinging it down.

"Nu Nu Nu Magine! Denryu Bakuha Match!" Magine shouted as the ropes began surging with electricity, making the Kudaitest yelp in pain as its back was now smoldering with surges of electricity and making it stutter, "Take this, you jerk!"

"HOT-HOT-HOT!" the Kudaitest yelped.

"Never bring a Second against a magician without being a magician themself," Roll advised.

"I got burned, Second!" the Kudaitest grunted as he and Great Boxing World were pushed out of the Rings.

"Now! Tag and Swap!" Zenkaiser ordered.

"Tag and swap?" Miyuki pondered as the two ZenKaiOh banged fists together.

"Oh~! The King of Animals and the Dragon of Mystics are switching partners!" Roll exclaimed as Magine and Gaon swapped, "Now stands the two Full Throttle Kings made from each other's half! First the King of Mystic Dinosaurs! Kansei..."

"ZenKaiOh! JuraMagine!" JuraMagine shouted, flying forward and punching the Kudaitest and slashing with its wings as it passed.

"And coming out for the next blow is the King of 100 Adventurous Animals!"

"You mean 100 adventurous lions, right?" Sonic asked.

"Ah mou, Sonic-san! We've been over this! It's a hundred beasts, not lions!"

Tires screeching across the ground got their attention as the second ZenKaiOh raced down the road, "ZenKaiOh VrooGaon!" VrooGaon roared as it unleashed a barrage of punches while skating forward, each fist pummeling the damaged chest armor of the Kudaitest before rearing the right arm back as the Gaon Claw formed and swung with a powerful uppercut that tore the Kudaitest apart.

"SECOND~!" the Kudaitest screamed as he was knocked over the ropes and exploded.

=Ah, Kaito? Remember when I said JuraMagine didn't have a hissatsu? Neither does VrooGaon= Skye noted.

"Eh? Honto!?" Zenkaiser asked in disbelief, "Then what was that?!"

=Lots of punching and a claw uppercut. Plus, you didn't spin the Geartlinger,=Flash told

"...Shoot, you're right, Flash," Zenkaiser muttered as he slumped.

=But VrooMagine has one!= Skye assured, causing Zenkaiser to jump up in excitement.

"Alright let's swap back, guys!" Zenkaiser ordered.

"Okairinasai," Vroon spoke.

"Tadaimasu~" Magine giggled as they returned to their original formations.

"Yosha! The First VrooMagine Hissatsu!" Zenkaiser declared as he began cranking.

"Ah~! My Second~" Great Boxing World sobbed, looking over at the ropes at where his second had exploded.

"Oh Great Boxing World~!" Roll called, holding up a megaphone between her and Miyuki.

"What?" the boxing giant robot asked.

"It's the hissatsu~!" Roll and Miyuki replied.

"Eh? Hissatsu? What hi…" Great Boxing World began to ask before he heard tires screeching on asphalt.

=Super Zenkai Time!=

"Hissatsu Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered as ZenKaiOh VrooMagine's tires began peeling out before it took off down the road. The Vroon Picker held in melee mode once more as it began glowing a deep blue.

=Don't forget to name it!= Secchan,Flash and Skye reminded.

"Vroon Picker! Accel Strike!" Zenkaiser, Magine, and Vroon all declared as ZenKaiOh VrooMagine swung the Vroon Picker down three times, each swing leaving a glowing blue strike in the air with pink sparks radiating off them. Great Boxing World cried as he was slashed three times, his body beginning to spark and explode from the inside.

"My burning white passion has burnt out, boxing!" Great Boxing World screamed as he and his ring exploded in a giant pillar of smoke and flames, his Tojiru Gear shattering within.

After a moment, the rings began to vanish and back once more were the normal buildings and streets of Tokyo.

"This means...Boxingtopia is free now!" Zenkaiser awed.

"I believe so!" Vroon replied.

"Yatta! Sekai Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered as the two ZenKaiOh stood side by side and took a victorious pose together, "All OK!"

"Ah~! What a marvelous finish to today's Giant Robo Battle! Not only did we have two enemy Robo with one being a Kangaroo Robo, but we also witnessed the birth of the second ZenKaiOh and the combinations both can deliver!" Roll cheered, "I hope you all had a fun time watching~! And make sure to come to Candy Cafe Colorful in Sumida, Tokyo~! Sayonara, minna-san~!"

"So Kaito gets two giant robots," Sonic chuckled once Roll cut off the stream, "That's just awesome."

"How do they turn big?" Tails asked excitedly.

"How do I turn back!?" Vroon panicked.

"Ahh...This is bad," Yatsude sighed as she looked at an ice cream dispenser with a boxing glove indent in it, "I blanked out and then I came to with this broken."

"Yacchan!" Kaito smiled as the team returned, "Guess what...AH! What happened?!" He saw the mess the shop was in.

"Ahh…" Roll gasped as she fell to her knees, "Not...the ice cream dispenser...with the strawberry ice cream…"

"What is happ-Yaya!?" Vroon shouted, seeing the mess, "Oh no this will not do!" he declared as his optics flashed.

An engine sound came from his torso as he began moving around the room as a blur, cleaning and repairing the shop. Everyone tensed as, when all was said and done, everything was sparkling clean and in pristine condition. Vroon finished waxing the table they and customers ate at.

"Yosha...Perfectly clean!" Vroon beamed as Skye came out of the secret elevator with Secchan on his shoulder.

"Wow. Haven't seen the store this clean since my first time here," Skye noted.

"This is amazing!" Yatsude awed, "I've never seen anyone clean this fast. I think he even worked faster than Sonic-kun and Roll-chan."

"I also repaired this odd machine which dispenses this pink frozen substance…" Vroon spoke, "What is this? I must know! Is it some sort of edible item? Is it for cleaning? What is it?!" the engine sound revved louder.

"That is ice cream," Skye explained, "Specifically, strawberry flavored. Yes, it is edible. No, you don't clean with it and it'd only make a sticky mess if you tried."

"Ice cream…" Vroon nodded, "Now...what is a...Strawberry?" he asked.

"Divine," Roll instantly stated.

"It's a fruit that is small, red, and my family loves it," Skye explained before offering a hand, "Sakurai Skye. You must be the final member of the Zenkaigers that is quite the curious fellow."

"This is Vroon!" Kaito smiled, "He's my new friend!"

"Ah...Kaito-san…" Vroon spoke in awe at that, "Hai! I am the newest member, thank you for having me." he bowed to everyone.

"Can you guys keep it down" a voice called as they all saw flash getting up from under the table as they saw him having bandage over his hands.

"Ah Flash your ok" Yatsude said as she went there and helped him up.

"Yeah I fall asleep accidentally under the table and I heard some banging noises but left it off. So what did I miss." He asked as he saw vroom standing there.

"Well this is vroom his our new friend and member." Kaito told flash.

"Hello nice to meet you. Im just gonna ask how did you got those bruises?" Vroom asked him.

"Well I ran in to some hypnotized boxing people but I managed to beat the all. But they still got me." Flash said wincing at the pain.

"How many were there?" Sonic asked.

"34" he simply said, the others were dumbfounded.

"34?!" Juran asked his eyes widen" man that would have been one epic fight to fight them."

"Nah, roll trained me as well as dad, so I pretty much knew how to deal with them." He said."so your now living with us"

"Hi, I promise to help at any way."

"Ah, a useful house guest like Roll-chan!" Yatsude smiled, "Welcome Vroon-chan!"

"Oi…" several muttered.

"You know what you do in the bedroom, Magine-chan," Amy deadpanned as she rubbed her hands, "Ugh...I blacked out for a few minutes. Mind explaining what happened?"

=While Skye, Flash and I were safe in the base, outside a field where everyone went into a crazy boxing state. It must have happened when he became Great Boxing World, tune= Secchan noted.

"Also, we ran into Tails and his sis," Sonic added.

"Tails a-" Amy began as Tails and Miyuki walked in, "...AHH~! YOU!" she gasped excitedly as she pointed at Miyuki.

"Kyu?" Miyuki pondered, pointing at herself with a tilt of her head.

"...Ah! Now I recognize you!" Magine gasped as she and Amy developed stars in their eyes.

"You're Miyuki! One of the top models out there and work alongside Honey~!" Amy squealed, "She did pictures for Honey's Boom and Dreamcast clothesline, both of which we own!"

"Was that code for something?" Kaito whispered to flash.

"I don't know...but if they begin screaming...we back away and run out the back…" Flash whispered back.

"Translation: Miyuki is a model for a fashion designer for clothing lines that these two own," Roll 'translated' as she gestured to the pink hedgehog and Kikainoid, "Ah! I forgot to get Haseo-chan from Nicole-san!"

"What is a model?" Vroon asked as Roll ran off.

"There are several definitions," Skye replied, "But for this case? A model is a person who wears outfits given to them by fashion designers to wear for events. A fashion designer is a person who makes outfits that are considered popular." he grinned, "I already like this guy. Always asking questions and trying to expand his mind."

"Hi, Flash ,Flash sentry" Flash greeted the new guests.

"Miyuki....hm?" She looked at his bandage hands." Oh dear you have quite the fight. It's like you fought 34 people all alone kyu."

"How did you..?" He asked surprised.

"I was a former boxer Kyu" She told him as he nodded

"I did, and it was hard but I won at last. Still hope they didn't remember me beating them." Flash muttered the last part.

"That's amazing. You can become a great boxer with this talent." She told him

"Nah I'm more of a kung fu guy and mostly want to try something other then Boxing." Flash told her.

"Oh ok but if you want you can take some lessons from me I will love to help and my darling-san aswell." She offered.

"Wait your married." Flash asked in surprise.

"Yup, his name is white Kyu" she told him.

While they were talking the others saw there attraction.

"Well looks like flash found a new friend." Kaito said. "By the way Secchan, Can't Flash become a zenkaiger aswell, he proven him self that he can." Kaito asked Secchan but he shook his head

=Sorry kaito he can't it was made for one human and Five Kikainoids,tune= he told him as Kaito frowned but Skye on the other hand just smirked, it's gonna be time soon.

"Ah yes," Vroon spoke, "I've been meaning to ask you. Your Sentai Gears? Do they also keep worlds trapped within them?"

=Nope. They just use the Super Sentai of other worlds as a motif, tune= Secchan answered =Dr Isao, Dr. Mitsuko , Dr Misty and Mr Trial wouldn't do something so cruel, tune=

"Oi, what about me?" Skye deadpanned.

=I didn't think I needed to, tune=

"Isao and Mitsuko?" Vroon asked.

"My parents," Kaito smiled before blinking, "Wait...do you know their names?"

"Ah...well, I believe I once heard of two such scientists with those names being at Ijirude's lab…" Vroon spoke, making Kaito's eyes go wide Flash stopped talking and looked at them with shock and the room silent, "...what? What's wrong?"

Author's Note:

Secchan: Jikai no Zenkaiger!

Juran: I've become fatty red tuna!?

Kaito: Then that makes me white rice?! De...What's going on!?

Gaon: Sushi?! What is the meaning of this...people are being pressed into stuff all over town!

Kaito: I will press everything dear to me with my own hands!

???: I will make this all showy!

Gear 5:The Rolling and Grasping Sushi Tournament and The Silver Ninjas Entry!

Magine: Nu nu nu...I think they're too into this…