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Point of no Return

*Twilight's POV*

Dusk finds a library book that was severely overdue.

Dusk spoke "MOM!!!"

“Yes?” I asked.

Silverstorm spoke "Dusk found an overdue library book..."

… “WHAT?!?!” I couldn’t believe what I just heard!

Dusk spoke "Chill out mom, I'm sure you can figure it out."

Danyelle was talking with Lillian when the nekomata had said "Sit." causing me to be face down on the floor.

“Why me…?” I groaned.

Akari asks "You okay mommy?"

“Yes, sweetie. I’m okay.” I answered.

Astral was soon on my back.

I couldn’t help but smile.

Midnight had a black eye since somecreature had punched him.

Midnight whimpers "Momma.... Someone hit me..."

That… made me really angry!

Sensing my rising anger, Danyelle spoke "SIT GIRL!!!"

“Gah!!!” I yelped as I fell into the ground face-first.

Danyelle spoke "cool it Sparkles, you're setting a bad example for your children."

I couldn’t help but admit that Danyelle had a point…

Danyelle spoke "I heard about what Lance did one time shortly after he was signed up for public school... I heard the hissy fit Blaze had aimed at Spoiled."

I ask "He did that?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah.... he was only protecting Nyx, Twist and Applebloom but Cheerilee didn't see it that way."

“That’s… not good.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "I told Cheerilee about a friend that I used to know from when I was in my final year of public school. Bullies don't seem to care if there's an adult nearby or not."

Dusk spoke "It's true mom. Before I was reborn, I had a rather nasty cousin that picked on me all the time.... Plus my biological aunt didn't care if I was sick or not."

I… I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

Danyelle spoke "When I was in my third senior year of high school, some brat called me a female dog once... I was close to headslapping the jerk but I held back."

Dusk spoke "We should take the book back..."

“You’re right.” I agreed.

*One warp ring to the Canterlot library later*

Midnight kept his tails still so he didn't hit somepony by accident.

Moondancer spoke "Oh hello Twilight."

Moondancer and I hugged each other.

Moondancer spoke "It’s good to see you."

“Me too.” I agreed.

Moondancer spoke "Your children are adorable."

“Heehee! Thanks, I know.” I agreed before Moondancer sighed, making me a bit concerned. “Are you alright?”

Moondancer sighs "I just wish I had a special somepony."

A Pegasus stallion was sitting by himself while reading a book.

I giggle "What about that guy?"

Moondancer looked at him, before her entire body blushed red as I just realized something.

“Exactly like I was when I first laid eyes on Flash Sentry.” I sighed, knowing what would happen.

Danyelle spoke "She's got it bad...."

Danyelle and I agreed on one thing about Moondancer for sure. “She needs help.”

Akari asks "Should we let it play it out?"

Star glances over at Moondancer before smiling softly.

A Pegasus mare landed next to Star. “Thinking about dancing with her under Luna’s Moon?”

We heard a sudden rimshot as we looked to the left to see Wakko on a set of drums.

Star spoke "Vane!"

The mare giggled mischievously.

Star chases after Weathervane but she had swerved to dodge him, causing him to crash into Moondancer thus kissing her on accident.

I hoofbump Danyelle.

Danyelle giggles "Heh! Guess we didn’t have to help."

“That Weathervane. Always a clever trickster.” I remembered.

Silverstorm spoke "Yeah."

I covered my kids’ eyes as Moondancer and Star started making out.

Danyelle used her magic to teleport the two to Moondancer's bedroom.

Danyelle spoke "That should take care of that."

I sighed in relief as I uncovered my kids’ eyes. “If Moondancer’s in the state I think she’s in, this might go on until tomorrow morning.”

Danyelle spoke "True plus I think Cadence is throwing a hissy fit yet again... and uh... Weathervane fainted..."

I looked up and smirked. “And I think I know why. Look up.”

Danyelle did just that as we both saw a blue jay griffon fly overhead as Danyelle smirked. “She’s got it bad for him.”

Akari asks "Mom, why is auntie Cadence throwing a hissy fit?"

*Meanwhile in the Crystal Empire*

Cadence was shouting random nonsense since somepony had done her job again.

*Back in Canterlot*

I spoke "She's probably cheesed off."

Akari spoke "Oh."

Danyelle's ears twitch suddenly.

Danyelle spoke "I hear crying...."

A fiery colored gryphon boy about Guinevere's age was hiding behind a pile of books since he had got separated from his brother and parents.

Danyelle asks "Are you okay?"

The young gryphon was too afraid to talk.

I spoke "I think we should bring Gallus, Bluestar and Guinevere in.... He might feel more comfy talking to another gryphon."

Danyelle spoke "I'll be right back."

Danyelle teleports back to Ponyville before reappearing with the three gryphons.

Bluestar asks "Mom?"

Gallus asks "What’s the problem?"

Danyelle spoke "We got a frightened gryphon boy.... He won't come near me or Twilight since he's scared..."

Guinevere spoke "Oh no…"

Danyelle pulls out a ball of yarn from her hammerspace, getting the gryphon boy's attention.

The young gryphon started playfully purring before rolling around with the yarn ball.

Bluestar was wriggling her rear as if to pounce.

Gallus spoke "Bluestar…"

Guinevere spoke "She's just playing though."

Bluestar pounces on Gallus before tickling him.

Gallus chuckles "Hahahahaha! Stop!"

Guinevere pounces on Gallus before tickling him as well.

Danyelle spoke "Okay Blue, Gwen, that's enough."

Both females spoke "Okay mom."

Gallus spoke "*Relieved sigh* Thanks."

Danyelle spoke "Raising nine kids isn't easy but thankfully, I have help from my husband and my extended family."

Dusk spoke "Uh mom, I don't see Dusty Pages here..."

“That’s odd.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "She's at the Silver Stable retirement home, I saw it in a vision shortly after touching the overdue book."

“Huh? Why?” I asked in concern.

First Folio spoke "She retired from her job as a librarian though."

“What? But then who’s the new librarian?” I asked.

First Folio spoke "Dunno but I got a bag of unforwarded letters for Dusty though since the pony that has her former home passed it to me."

I spoke "Looks like the 12 of us are heading to the Silver Stable retirement home..."

Danyelle spoke "Okay."

The fire colored gryphon cub was soon on Danyelle's back.

Danyelle spoke "This is kind like a field trip for the kids too."

The gryphon cub then breathed fire into the air.

Danyelle giggles "Definitely a firebender."

I giggled as well. “If it weren’t for the feline half, I’d think it was a Phoenix.”

Danyelle spoke "At least I'd have immortal pets to look after once Smith passes on."

*One warp ring to the Silver Stable retirement home later*

I ask "Now where should we look?"

Danyelle spoke "Maybe we should ask her."

I ask "Huh?"

I looked over and saw a mare at the check-in counter.

Danyelle spoke "Excuse me ma'am, we're looking for a mare named Dusty Pages."

The Check-in Mare spoke "Hmm… Dusty Pages… Let me see…"

The mare looked through the name book.

Danyelle scritches my left ear to calm me down.

I ask "Well?"

The Check-in Mare spoke "Well, Dusty Pages is here."

Danyelle spoke "Thank you ma'am, we'll go talk to her."

Danyelle and I head off with the kids to see Dusty.

A minute later, we arrived at Dusty’s room.

Midnight asks "You sure this is a good idea momma?"

“Yes, sweetie.” I answered.

Astral asks "But what if she doesn't want to go back to her job?"

I… Honestly didn’t know how to answer that.

Danyelle spoke "We can't force her to retake her job, she can make her own choices."

“But then who’ll be the new librarian?” I asked.

That caught me off guard.

Dusty spoke "She is right Twilight."

I stammer "B-but..."

Danyelle warns "Twilight...."

“Sorry…” I apologized.

Dusty spoke "It's okay Twilight. Besides, I'd rather enjoy having fun than be stuck sitting in a library all the time."

Danyelle spoke "We should get going though Twilight."

“Okay.” I admitted.

Dusty spoke "You know, it’s a full moon tonight."

Kurama whispers "Careful Sparkles, your Werelight side will be seen tonight...."

But then I got a strange feeling about Moondancer and Star, but I decided not to think about that right now.

Danyelle asks via telepathy "{You sensed it too?}"

I responded telepathically, "{Yeah, but it’s something more than that.}"

Danyelle's fur suddenly bristled up in fear since her recent vision scared her.

{What happened?} I telepathically asked in concern.

Danyelle stammers "{H-he's going to be breaking free... And to make things worse.... He's unkillable...}"

I spoke "{This is really bad.... I fear Chameleo is gonna have a hard time killing something that's unkillable.}"

Unknown to any of us, a portal opened in the badlands, revealing a familiar Inteleon, but he looked completely different, like he came from an apocalypse.

I spoke "Excuse us Dusty, something just came up."

Danyelle and I teleported off with the children straight to the badlands.

Danyelle asks "What happened, Twilight?"

I pointed with a wing over at the Inteleon.

The injured male asks "Where's... Pibby...?"

Pibby flew out of a warp ring with Bunbun on her back since Melira was looking after Sam.

Pibby spoke "Alex!"

Alex spoke "It's good to see you again, but you need to hear this."

Bunbun asks "What the cuss happened?"

Alex spoke "I found the source of the Corruption and figured out how to destroy it, but only a draconequus can make it. I even have a list of the ingredients."

Danyelle spoke "I hate to break it to you but Sumarda destroyed the corruption. It attacked us back before the Dazzlings returned."

Alex spoke "That was only one of the corruption's strongest monsters."

Danyelle shouts via telepathy "{SUMARDA!!!!!! GET YOUR BUTT OVER TO MY LOCATION RIGHT NOW!!!}"

Sumarda appeared in a flash of light. "You didn't need to shout."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry but we got a Pokemon from Pibby's world that needs help."

Maria soon pops up as well with a Full Restore in hand.

Maria spoke "This might help."

Maria sprayed the Full Restore, healing Alex completely.

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I taught Maria about Pokemon well in advance in case one was hurt."
