• Published 12th Feb 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 4 - BronySonicFan

While fighting against Dr. Eggman, Sonic accidentally tears the wall between dimensions, accessing to several universes that might feel familiar and new at the same time.

  • ...

10. Beyond the Multiverse

Universe 220822

Maretime Bay was a disaster.

The ground was all cracked; several windows in shops, homes and even the Sheriff Station were broken; some plants were destroyed and even burned down, there was fire in some corners of the city; the signs from Electronic Tails and Mane Melody were now on the floor; and the streets seemed to be abandoned, probably because Hitch sent everyone to safety on the Canterlove Studios building.

Soon enough, however, explosions, grunts, punches, metal hitting something and maniac laughs were heard, just to be followed by Zipp, Young Sonic, Knuckles and Rouge to be sent backwards and fall to the ground with grunts of pain.

Young Sonic managed to sat down and pant exhausted, as he looked at the battle unfolding ahead: Tails, Pipp and Shadow were fighting against Robotnik and the Egg Dragoon; Sunny was fighting against Eggman and the Death Egg Robot; Omega and Amy were fighting against Sage; and Boom Sonic, Izzy, Misty, Hitch and Sparky were fighting against Ivo and the Egg Emperor.

However, the battle was very tight, because no matter what one side did, the other one managed to recover and keep fighting back. And worst is that the Eggmans are in machines that can be replaced at any time, while the others were feeling exhausted and didn't knew how much longer they could keep going.

Still, that didn't meant they were going to give up, so Young Sonic groaned in pain, but managed to stand up anyways. After that, he walked over to Knuckles and extended his hand to the Echidna, who was lying on his knees as he panted exhausted as well.

"Come on, Knucklehead... Is not over yet..." Young Sonic told him with a weak smirk.

Knuckles looked at him confused, but eventually smirked back and accepted his hand, taking it and standing up with a grunt. Then, Young Sonic moved over to Rouge and helped her to stand up as well, not minding if she liked it or not.

"...T-Thanks, kid..." Rouge said with a little smile, while Young Sonic smiled back.

Once Rouge was able to move on her own, Young Sonic quickly moved to Zipp and helped her to stand up as well, and Zipp smiled at him in a thankful way, before looking forward again and frowning.

"I guess we'll just keep fighting until they give up, huh?" Zipp said with a snort.

"I doubt it'll happen... but we won't give up, either!" Young Sonic stated with a determinate look.

Wanna get another Deja Vu?

Critters all across Equestria were just hopping around or eating peacefully.

Suddenly, a blue blur passed by at top speed and startled the poor critters. Said blur was running around in circles and collecting some golden floating rings that started to appear around Equestria a few months ago.

The blue blur became clear, and it revealed himself as Sonic. However, he wasn't happy anymore. Yes, he was back in Equestria, but two other Eggmans and Sonics arrived while he was out, and judging by the massive amount of destroyed robots in the ground, he guessed he arrived just in time.

So, he was pushing himself harder than ever with a frown, as he tried to run at top speed and reach Maretime Bay, were the trial of destroyed robots was guiding him towards to.

Sunny was flying at top speed across the sky, leaving a golden trial that was combined with her mane color as she frowned and dodged the Death Egg Robots shots at her.

Tired of playing more games, the Death Egg Robot extended one of its arms and tried to hit Sunny, but she dodged the attack and started to plummet towards the machine. Noticing that, the robot extended the other arm right towards her, but once again, Sunny dodged, then lightened her horn and launched a massive laser towards the Death Egg Robot.

However, despite this being the original model of the Death Egg Robot, Eggman upgraded it a bit, and he added laser eyes to the machine, which he activated and shoot to fight Sunny's laser back.

The two of them were fighting against each other, until Sunny saw that the Death Egg Robot's laser was about to hit her, so she teleported away, while the laser flew towards the sky.

Eggman got confused at Sunny's disappearance, looking around as he tried to find her again, just to get hit in the back by Sunny herself, who charged another laser and launched it to him, literally surprising him by the back and sending him flying further, as he landed in the ground with a loud thud and a frustrated groan.

Sonic was running across more and more robots.

He was surprised to find that some of them looked more menacing, and some others looked like really advanced technology pieces, which also worried him since it meant that Eggman's multiversal variants were incredibly smart.

That only worried him more, and so, he started to run even faster to help his friends, since he felt they needed him.

Tails, Pipp and Zipp flew into the air, dodging multiple drills launched by the Egg Dragoon.

Then, Tails used his powers to create a gun that shoot an electrical net towards the drill arm of the machine, trapping it and shooting it down for a second.

"Hey!" Robotnik complained, as he glared daggers at Tails.

Tails himself glared back, and then, he charged up a Spin Dash before launching himself towards the pilot's cabin on the Egg Dragoon, startling Robotnik as he grunted in effort. Soon enough, Shadow appeared from the back and launched multiple Chaos Spears, damaging the machine even more as Robotnik grunted again.

Soon enough, both Pipp and Zipp were plummeting towards the Pilot's cabin, and they both gave two massive kicks to that zone, startling Robotnik as he growled loudly in anger.

"You little pests are ending with my patience!" Robotnik shouted in anger.

After that, he extended the other arm of the Egg Dragoon, that transformed into some hook-hand as it extended and tried to catch both sisters.

They both panicked and immediately started to fly around in multiple circles and tricks to dodge the arm, getting horrible flashbacks of when Discord did the same thing when he stole the Pegasus Crystal.

However, Robotnik didn't count with Young Sonic, who Spin Dashed and cut the arm from the machine, as the hook fell in the ground with a loud 'clank' sound. Then, Young Sonic Spin Dashed against the Egg Dragoon, sending it backwards in the process.

Knuckles, Rouge, Amy and Omega were simply launching random attacks at Sage, who simply stood still with a frown as she protected herself on a shield.

Finally, Hitch, Izzy, Misty, Boom Sonic and Sparky were hitting the Egg Emperor with everything they had: Izzy and Misty with laser shots from their horns; Hitch used his Earth Pony magic; Sparky used his Dragon Fire and Boom Sonic used Homing Attacks, Spin Dashes and even the electrical lasso on his watch.

"Ugh, this has gone for long enough! SAGE!" Eggman shouted in anger.

With a nod, Sage charged up some kind of replica of Shadow's Chaos Blast, and with a massive wave of power, she sent everyone but the Eggmans backwards, with Knuckles grabbing Izzy and Misty in the air to protect them, while Tails did the same with Zipp and Pipp, Omega did it with Amy, Shadow with Rouge, and Hitch with Sparky. Sunny and the Sonics were the only ones that fell to the ground on their own, but everyone in the group of heroes groaned in pain as they fell in the ground.

Sage moved backwards and simply floated right besides Eggman with a grin. "Thanks for the upper hand, dear!" He said with a bigger grin inside the Death Egg Robot.

"They're all yours, Doctors," Sage stated, flying a bit more backwards.

The three Eggmans nodded, and they slowly started to walk towards the weakened heroes in the ground with maniac laughs, while the heroes tried to stand up with effort.

Sunny's Alicorn powers vanished because of how weak she felt, something that Hitch noticed, so he quickly moved over and nuzzled his face with Sunny's to cheer her up and help her to keep fighting. The moment Sunny felt Hitch's touch, she blushed a bit, but still got his message, and so, she tried to stand up to still fight, even thought her body begged her to stop.

"Aww, look at you!" Eggman mocked up to the heroes, as they all frowned to him, no matter if they were still in the floor or barely standing up. "You know this battle is lost, but you still wanna try. How cute!" He added with a maniac laugh.

"Oh, I almost feel bad... Just kidding!" Ivo said with another maniac laugh. "Getting rid of two Hedgehogs and a bunch of stupid ponies? Nothing could make me happier!"

"I never thought the day I'll finally kill this Hedgehog would come, but here we are!" Robotnik cheered with a sinister grin.

"I-It doesn't matter..." Sunny said weakly. "W-We'll always fight back... As many times as necessary!"

"Well, then..." Eggman stated, raising one arm of the Death Egg Robot and pointing it to the two Earth ponies, while Ivo and Robotnik did the same with the Egg Emperor and the Egg Dragoon respectively to everyone else. "If that's the case, I guess you'll die in the battlefield! Don't worry, though. We'll make it quick and painless!"

Hitch stood in front of Sunny, as she tried to make her Alicorn form appear, but she was so weak that she was struggling, and everyone else tried to stand up and fight back as well, but again, nobody was feeling strong enough to do so.

The Eggmans grinned and prepared to launch the final blow against the group of heroes, while some of them either just accepted their fate or still tried to stand up and fight back.

And just when the Eggmans were about to shot at them...

A blue ball charged up a Homing Shot against the Death Egg Robot, followed up by a Wild Rush against the Egg Emperor, and finished by Loop Kick against the Egg Dragoon.

Everyone else felt startled by that sudden attack, specially the three Eggmans, which attacks were totally interrupted as they lowered their arms on their robots. However, the three machines and Sage were surrounded in a circle by the same blue blur, and then, that ball charged up a Spin Slash that sent the three Eggmans backwards, as they all fell to the ground on their backs.

The ball uncurled and landed in yet another 'superhero pose', but they soon stood right in front of the three fallen machines with their fists closed and a frown that the rest couldn't see because they were seeing his back only.

"W-Who is that?" Young Sonic, both amazed and confused.

However, Knuckles walked forward, and once the dust caused by the mystery creature's landing vanished, he snorted and shook his head on disbelief with a smirk. "About time you show up, Sonic!"

Yup, Sonic arrived just in time by attacking the three Eggmans by surprise.

"You know how I am, Knucklehead," Sonic replied, still giving them his back, but then just turning sideways with a smirk. "I like dramatic entrances!" He added confidently, before turning his sight back to the Eggmans and frown again, as he started to walk towards the trio of villains.

The Mane 6 were glad that he finally returned, specially Pipp, who had to resist her urge to launch at him in a hug just for the sake of letting him do his thing; Team Sonic was incredibly happy that he was back as well, although Knuckles was trying to hide it; and Team Dark was kinda careless, although Rouge was smirking as she held her right arm in pain, Shadow huffed and rolled his eyes in annoyance, since he had to deal with three Sonics now, and Omega never realized he left in the first place.

The three Eggmans and Sage, on the other hand, first stood up quickly and shook their heads and stood up on the machines, while Sage floated and sat down over the shoulder of the Death Egg Robot.

Then, Eggman groaned in pain, just to return his sight forward and feel his eyes widening, while the feeling of rage started to fill his entire body, as he frowned and growled in anger at the the smirk and face he hasn't seen in a week, and he hopped he'll never see again.

"...You..." Eggman muttered with anger.

"Hey there, Eggy! Long time no see!" Sonic greeted with a mocking smirk. "You know, the little trick that your badnik pulled by sending me towards the Paradox Prism was pretty smart, I gotta say. You give me the chance to have free vacations across the entire multiverse!" He confessed, before frowning all of a sudden. "Then I finally come back just to find three broken man and an AI program that should've have stayed dead after sacrificing herself for this planet messing up with my home and the people I care for!"

That touched a nerve on both Eggman and Sage, because Eggman erased that fragment of her life from Sage's memory, while Sage herself didn't understood what was he talking about.

"Fortunately, I might have the key to fix this messed up multiverse. But first, I must make you pay for doing the one thing I won't ever stand: Mess with my friends!" Sonic stated.

"Too bad you won't live to tell it, rodent!" Robotnik announced with rage.

"Aww, four vs one? That's not so fair... for you!" Sonic mocked up with a smirk, cracking his knuckles before launching himself towards the Eggmans and Sage.

Robotnik growled and immediately launched the drill arm towards the Hedgehog, who created a sword with his electrical powers by using the watch. However, something really weird happened, because the disc over Sonic's hand that created the sword started to glow, and soon, the electrical sword was turned into an actual sword.

Sonic didn't noticed it that yet, however, as he ducked and used the sword to split in half the driller in slow motion, before launching himself towards the Egg Dragoon and ran at super sonic speed around the robot, still holding the sword. After a few seconds, the Egg Dragoon fell split in pieces, since Sonic used his sword to split the entire thing apart, and Robotnik grunted as the pilot cabin fell to the ground, before falling unconscious.

Sonic landed and smirked, although it was at this point when he noticed the sword on his hand, that turned real instead of still being electrical. He got a bit confused at first, but when he felt something about to hit his back, he slowed time down and moved aside, just to see how he was almost stabbed by the Egg Emperor, controlled by Ivo.

Sonic frowned and threw the sword away, as it vanished in thin air, while he launched himself against the Egg Emperor, returning everything to normal speed. Soon enough, he curled into a ball and charged a Spin Dash against the head of the Egg Emperor, but right after he uncurled in the air, he did a Cyclone Kick, followed by another Homing Shot, then by a Stomp Attack, and finished it with a Grand Slam.

The Egg Emperor fell backwards, and Sonic spin in the air, before uncurling, creating another electrical sword that also turned real thanks to the disc on his hand, and then stabbing the Egg Emperor's chest, shutting down the machine entirely, while Ivo also fell unconscious inside the robot.

With that, Sonic placed the sword on his arm like if it was a baseball bat, and stared daggers at Eggman, who was still inside the Death Egg Robot.

"Go on, Egghead. I think is time we settle a pending debt!" Sonic said with anger.

"You're still mad that Sage sent you towards the Prism and gave you 'free vacations'?" Eggman asked with a snort. "Because if that's the case, I'm actually impressed that it still bothers you, Hedgehog."

"Yeah, well, you made me struggle into finding my way back––" Sonic tried to reply with a bored expression, but then his eyes widened when he realized something about what Eggman just said. "Wait... What do you mean Sage did this?"

"What, you didn't knew? Sage tricked you, Sonic!" Eggman revealed with a grin. "She's the one that sent you to the Paradox Prism!"

Sonic finally understood what went wrong, and why Shadow was trying to warn him. That badnik was an illusion, and Sage was the real one to blame for his multiversal travel.

He looked at her, floating at the side of the Death Egg Robot with a frown, and Sonic glared at her, as he buried his sword in the ground, that vanished soon afterwards, and his electrical powers started to show up.

"So this is how low you fell, huh?" Sonic asked her in anger. "First you sacrifice yourself to save the entire planet from being destroyed by The End, and now you only obey Eggman and his manners because he's your dad?! All this time I mourned you, and turns out you're as bad as he is. I'm really disappointed, Sage."

"What are you talking about?" Sage asked confused.

Eggman, on the other hand, gulped nervously and looked at Sage. "D-Do not listen to him! He's trying to put you against me! Now, do you got what I asked yo to get?"

Hesitant at first, Sage nodded, and with a snap, she made appear the blue and red fragments of the Prism, the ones that Tails and Shadow managed to get before escaping the Big Arms.

"What?!" Tails and Zipp shouted in unison and confusion.

"She has our fragments!" Pipp pointed out with worry.

"But how?!" Hitch questioned.

"Dang it!" Shadow shouted with a frown and anger. "The battle was a distraction! Eggman's objective was always to steal the fragments!"

"Ugh! We should've put the fragments back on the Brighthouse before leaving!" Tails pointed out with concern.

Sonic heard all of that, as well as the collective gasps of his friends, and he frowned back at Sage and Eggman. "I can't believe you still help your father when he's a liar, Sage. He erased your sacrifice against The End from your mind for reasons I refuse to understand."

"Again, what are you talking about?!" Sage asked again, as she gave the fragments of the Paradox Prism to Eggman, who opened the head of the Death Egg Robot, while sage made her hand glow and surrounded Sonic, bringing him close to her and grabbing his neck, although she wasn't cutting his air.

"Sonic!" Pipp shouted afraid, as she tried to fly and help him, but Knuckles stopped her by placing a hand in front of her.

"Speak now, Sonic. I won't repeat myself," Sage warned with anger.

"You said that I defeated The End when he piloted Supreme, but that's not what happened!" Sonic revealed to her. "After I defeated him, he escaped to space and recovered his true form. You decided to pilot Supreme and destroy him along me! But once it seemed like we won, he was about to destroy Equis, so you launched yourself on Supreme and sacrificed yourself!"

As Sonic narrated all of this, the memory started to unlock slowly on Sage's mind, as she struggled a bit at first when she had those memories. Her body glitched and changed to blue at times again, and some tears fell from her eyes as well, while the song she made for Eggman to say goodbye after sacrificing played during her flashbacks as well.

"You saved us all from our doom, and now you want to destroy us?!" Sonic asked with sadness.

"Sage, he's lying, don't listen to him!" Eggman shouted desperate.

However, as Sage looked at the floor with doubt over Eggman and his words, Sonic decided to take this opportunity, and so, he kicked Sage's stomach, sending her backwards, while he launched himself towards Eggman and punched his face, as he grabbed the blue fragment of the Paradox Prism, and then jumped high enough to spin in the air, before landing right in front of Sunny and Hitch, now holding the fragment of the Prism in his hand.

Sage managed to recover quickly and frown... but she wasn't mad with Sonic... Not at all this time. Her anger was for her own father.

"S-Sage, sweaty, please, listen to me––" Eggman tried to beg from his Eggmobile, still over the Death Egg Robot and with the red fragment of the Paradox Prism.

"NO!" Sage shouted, turning and glaring daggers at Eggman, while a tear fell from her left eye. "You will listen to me!" She declared, before snapping her fingers.

After that, she and the three Eggmans disappeared, along with their respective Eggmobiles, as well as with the red fragment, while the three machines were left behind, until...

"The Death Egg Robot/Egg Emperor/Egg Dragoon will self destruct in 10, 9, 7, 8..." The computer on each robot announced, starting the countdown to destroy the machines.

Sonic felt startled at that, and so, he quickly brought out a warp ring from his quills, twirling it around his finger as it started to grow bigger and bigger, while he moved to one side of the machines. Then, he threw the ring, that grew incredibly big and dragged the three robots, throwing them on the ocean and then closing afterwards.

The Mane 6, Team Sonic and Team Dark were all used to Sonic doing this kind of stuff. The Sonics? They were beyond flabbergasted. They were impressed by everything about this Sonic: His skills in battle, how fast he was, the way he simply fought against three Eggmans without struggling. They were jealous, of course, but more than that... they were impressed at him. You could say they even admire him now!

"3, 2, 1..." The computers finished the countdown underwater.

After that, far away in the ocean, a massive explosion unfolds as several pieces fly in the air, although they fell back in the ocean. One of them, however, fell near Sonic, the head of the Death Egg Robot, with one of the eyes destroyed and the other one cracked, while the mustache was all ruined up.

Sonic walked towards it and shook his head in disbelief, as well as he saw the fragment of the Prism on his hand.

"And to think that my whole problem started because of this..." Sonic said with a snort, then twirled the Prism a bit. "Oh well! Is not like I can say 'no' to an adventure, anyways!"

However, as he was about to turn around and say something to the rest, he was suddenly wrapped on a big hug by Pipp, and while he was taking a bit aback, as he also dropped the fragment of the Prism by mistake, he also allowed himself to smile, and he hugged her back, enjoying the embrace of his girlfriend after an entire week of not seeing each other.

Pipp felt some tears of happiness running down her cheeks, ruining her makeup, yeah, but she couldn't care less right now. She felt a bit ticklish when Sonic rubbed her wings a bit, but she only chuckled lowly, placing a little kiss on his cheek, and now nuzzling a bit on his soft chest, something she missed on doing very much.

Soon, they broke their hug, and Sonic caressed her cheek with a hand, while Pipp smiled warmly at him. However, before they could even lean to kiss each other, Sonic was suddenly pulled to a group hug by the rest of Team Sonic, as Knuckles even rubbed his head a bit, which made Sonic chuckle, while Tails and him Fist bumped, and Amy simply hugged Sonic with a smile.

After that, the Mane 6 sins Pipp were the next ones to embrace their friend into a hug, as Sonic simply chuckled again at all the affection he was getting from his friends. He couldn't care less about keeping his cool this time around, thought, because he missed all of them. Of course, he only made a little salute sign to Team Dark, while Shadow rolled his eyes and looked away, and Rouge chuckled, waving her hand at Sonic and winking at him. Omega did saluted back, thought.

Once the Mane 6 broke the hug, Sonic chuckled and shook himself a little, fixing his quills and smiling back at everyone. "I'm very glad to see you all, guys. I really am," He assured, before turning his head to his counterparts and smirk at them, while Boom Sonic crossed his arms and smirked back, and Young Sonic waved his hand with a smile. "And I see there's some new-not-so-new faces around as well!"

"So, you are the infamous Sonic of this universe we've been hearing about nonstop, huh?" Boom Sonic asked with a mocking tone as well. "Gotta admit, I didn't expected you to be that impressive in battle!"

"Yeah!" Young Sonic added with sparkling eyes, as his tail wagged happily while he stared to move at super sonic speed around Sonic. "Like, you make incredible moves all around the Eggmans, and the you used that ring, and you even used a sword! You're more amazing that I gave you credit for!"

"Um... He's 10 times more hyperactive than me..." Sonic pointed out with a confused expression. "Should I be worried about that?"

"Eh, he's been that way ever since we met him. You'll get used to it," Knuckles assured with a smirk. "Probably..." He added, now with an anxious look.

"...Okay?" Sonic said confused, before smiling again. "Seriously, though... I'm glad to be back after struggling all around the multiverse to finally made it home!"

"We're glad too!" Tails assured with a smile. "I do wonder, though... What are these things on your gloves and shoes?"

"And why are they so muddy?" Pipp pointed out confused. "Didn't Tails invented something to avoid this kind of stuff to happen?"

"Yeah, but I guess it lost its effect after I left this universe..." Sonic guessed. "As for these things, I'll explain it later. First..." He started, as he grabbed the blue fragment of the Paradox Prism and looked at it with a frown. "I think you guys have something to tell me, don't you? After all, and judging by all those badniks I saw in a field not so far from the town... I'm gonna guess that I wasn't the only one busy with multiversal stuff, was I?"

"Ugh... you have no idea, buddy..." Zipp complained with a bored expression.

Eggman's hidden lab was totally empty.

Soon enough, however, there was a bright flashlight in the middle of the lab, and so, the three Eggmans, still on their Eggmobiles, and Sage appeared, with Eggman dropping the red fragment of the Paradox Prism as it fell in the ground.

Ivo and Robotnik were still unconscious, while Eggman rolled in the ground after he got out of his Eggmobile, and he groaned in pain and annoyance. However, he remembered something important, and immediately stood up, looking around with a worried expression, until he saw Sage standing right in front of a wall, giving her back to him.

Eggman gulped nervously and cursed Sonic lowly, since he revealed exactly what he didn't wanted Sage to remember. And yet, here he was, struggling to face his own daughter that probably felt heartbroken after finding out that her own father hide something so important from her.

"S-Sage, dear..." Eggman started with a soft tone, something weird on him, but he hoped that it could keep Sage calm so they could talk thing without her shouting.

Yet, he hoped way too much.

"W-Where you ever going to tell me?" Sage asked with a cracked voice, something that surprised Eggman.

She usually used a tone similar to his whenever she talked about anything, world-domination related or not. However, this time she sounded both sad and angry, and that made him gulp nervously again.

"S-Sage... I-I didn't wanted you to find out like this––" Eggman tried to say.

"Don't you dare to come at me with that bullshit!" Sage raised her voice in anger, turning around to face him and floating again.

Eggman was both even more heartbroken and scared at what he was seeing: Sage was frowning with pure anger and sadness, tears fell like waterfalls from her eyes, she was glitching again, with her red spots changing to blue, and her black clothes turning white. However, her sight was penetrating. Eggman could swear she was looking right into his soul, and that impressed him, made him proud and scared him, all these feelings at the same time, in that order.

"Answer my question, dad. Did you planned to ever tell me that you erased memories from my brain? Or you planned to stay quiet for as long as you could before I could even remember it for myself?!" Sage shouted in rage, glitching even more as more tears fell from her eyes, and her voice was cracking even more as well.

Eggman felt completely destroyed at this point. Such a little detail he wanted to erase from her memories, and yet, here he was, listening to his daughter crying and shacking while she waited for an answer, an answer that he knew would destroy her entirely.

"...No..." Eggman finally replied, not daring to look at Sage at her eyes. "I never planned to. You weren't supposed to remember that. If I could've erase it entirely from your program, I would've done it no doubt..."

Sage's frown disappeared, just to be replaced by a broken expression. More tears started to fell from her eyes, and she slowly approached Eggman, but she was now descending slowly, standing over the ground again, and now stopping right in front of Eggman.

"...W-Why?" Sage asked, frustrated and concerned at the same time. "Why did you decided to hide this from me?"

"...I didn't wanted you to remember that you died, Sage... I didn't wanted you to feel like you would do it again... And I still don't want you to," Eggman replied.

Sage felt angry again, but she only lifted her head and glared at Eggman even more, while tears kept falling from her eyes. "Why?! I'm not even mad that I died! I wouldn't have cared if you only conserved that! But why did you hide it from me?!" she shouted in anger, as she floated again and hugged herself as she shacked. "Why did you lied?! Why didn't you told me that I saved you and the entire planet?! WHY DID YOU HIDE THE FACT THAT I SACRIFICED MYSELF FOR YOU?!"

Eggman growled, removed his glasses and grabbed her from her arms. "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT YOU TO EVER THINK ON DOING IT AGAIN!!!" He yelled back, shacking her a bit as he frowned, and some tears formed on his own eyes.

Sage was taken aback by her father's sudden movement, but she was also concerned now, since she didn't saw it coming at all. Eggman let her go and fell into his knees, quickly drying his tears away, but it was useless, because more came down from his eyes.

"Hearing that song you made for me... watching that star rain in the sky... knowing that your physical form was destroyed when you launched yourself towards The End..." Eggman listed all of his reasons with pure pain and agony on his voice. "Sage, I know you're devoted to protect me because you live for that... but I also want you to have a life that doesn't involves me... I... I love you, Sage... And if I ever loose you again... I know I couldn't handle it... Madness would take over me and... And I know I wouldn't even take care of this pitiful world anymore... I would straight up destroy it."

After Eggman was done, his tears kept falling, and Sage was now ashamed of how she snapped at him. While she was still mad at why he lied to her, she also understood better his motives. He simply wanted her to stay close, and to not ever think about giving her life again to save him or anyone else... because he couldn't handle loosing her again.

It was selfish, true... but Eggman was very selfish all the time. His desire to create an Empire is selfish, and yet, she's still willing to help him out... because she loves him too. And honestly? She would be the same. If Eggman ever wanted to sacrifice himself, and succeed... she knew she couldn't take it, either.

Finally realizing that, Sage slowly floated towards Eggman and used her hand to dry his tears. She was still glitching as her skin colors changed, but she didn't cared anymore. All she wanted right now is to make sure Eggman stops crying.

Eggman himself felt surprised when Sage started to do that, and once they locked eyes, Sage smiled warmly at him.

"Dad..." Sage called out with a little smile. "I-I'm not mad anymore... I'm still hurt and sad that you lied, but... If you ever did the same for me... I know I'll be reacting just like you... and I'll also would want to avoid that you ever tried to do it again... J-Just... don't cry anymore, okay? I forgive you..."

Eggman was tearing up again, although it was more tears of happiness, so he grabbed Sage and pulled her into a hug. He couldn't care less about the multiverse at this point, nor Sonic, not his counterparts, nor anything else.

Right there and right now, it was only him and his daughter, who hugged him back after hesitating a bit. Eggman was so glad that Sage forgive him, and he was smiling once again. Sage herself felt some happy tears forming on her eyes as well, and she buried her face on Eggman's shoulder, like trying to hide the fact that she was crying.

She couldn't care about anything else, either, because she was simply happy to know that Eggman loved her so much. She only hoped he never did something like this ever again in case she died again, but if he did... maybe she'll find the way to forgive him, just not as easy as right now.

"I love you, father..." Sage said with a little smile. "Just... please don't hide anything else from me... I'll be more mad knowing you did than forgetting something you consider is bad..."

Eggman chuckled at her attitude and petition, braking the hug and drying his remaining tears before nodding firmly at her. "Don't worry, daughter of mine... No more secrets from here on. Judging by everything that stupid Hedgehog told you, I think you already remembered everything, so... there's nothing else I must tell you."

Once all of this was said and done, Sage hugged him a last time, before finally pulling away. Then, Eggman grabbed his glasses and put them back, before turning to the red fragment of the Paradox Prism and grab it with a frown.

Sage noticed that, and realized that she didn't grabbed the blue fragment back after Sonic steal it. "O-Oh no... I-It was my fault! I-I was so mad and so blurred by anger that I––"

"Don't worry about it, dear," Eggman interrupted her turning to face her with a smile. "If anything, it was my fault. Sonic took both of us by surprise with his not desired return, and he stole the fragment from my hand... I knew the return of that blue pest would only bring trouble. Not like it ever brought anything good to me, anyways."

"Definitely..." Ivo's voice spoke, as both Sage and Eggman turned to the other two Eggmobiles on the floor.

They saw that both Ivo and Robotnik already woke up, as they struggled to stand still since they still felt hurt for the hit in the head they got before falling unconscious.

"If you warned us before about the literal headache your Sonic is, none of that would have happened!" Ivo stated with anger. "I never dealt with such precise attacks and coordination with my Sonic! I'm not used to that kind of stuff!"

"If it wasn't because it's still a variant of the same stupid rodent that ruined my life, I would run over a hundred experiments over him to explode his abilities to the max instead of killing him!" Robotnik added in anger as well.

"You better have a plan to strike against the three Sonics now!" Ivo warned. "Because we're dealing with triple trouble here! Goodbye to the entire deal of being three Eggmans against just two Sonics!"

"Not to mention, it seems like he and his pathetic friends still have a fragment of the stupid Prism that will help us take over the Multiverse," Robotnik pointed out with a frown.

"Gentleman, you are absolutely right," Eggman stated with a grin. "We got our butts kicked really hard, the Sonic from my universe is back, we're still missing a fragment of the Paradox Prism... and yet, here we are! Living, breathing, and getting ready to smash those Hedgehogs and their friends for good this time!"

"Eggman..." Both Ivo and Robotnik deadpanned.

"No, no, no, listen!" Eggman interrupted them before they could complain or point out their loss again. "I realize now that we've been doing everything wrong! We attacked them by holding back all the capacities of my machines because I wanted to keep them prisoners to destroy that Hedgehog's self-steam!"

"I'm sorry, what?" Ivo questioned confused.

"What? What did I did or say?" Eggman asked, a bit confused.

"You... You never mentioned that..." Robotnik pointed out confused.

"Yeah... I think you didn't, father..." Sage pointed out as well.

"Huh... Oh well, it doesn't matter anymore. That plan went to hell anyways," Eggman pointed out. "What does matter, is that we're not holding back this time. No more games, no more foreplay, and no. More. Sonics! We'll do exactly what we should've done the moment the rodents from your universes arrived! And now that mine is here..." He started, as he gave a maniac laugh. "We'll take down three little Hedgehogs... in one shot! Is time we kill them for good! And then... the multiverse will be ours to conquer! So, are you in? Or should I return you both to your homes and finish the job myself?"

Robotnik grinned back immediately, since he was beyond excited to kill Sonic. Ivo, however, took some time to analyze if killing Sonic was the way to go... but he eventually grinned back as well.

"Well, then. When are we getting started?" Ivo asked with excitement.

Hitch decided to go and tell everyone in Canterlove Studios that the danger was over, and that they could all head back home.

Of course, Tails, Knuckles and the Sonics used their super speed to fix everything that was broke after the battle so ponies in Maretime Bay wouldn't panic when they returned to town and saw the fire, the streets cracked and the windows broken.

While Hitch was out supervising that everyone returned home safe and sound, everyone else returned to the Crystal Brighthouse. Once there, everyone explained to Sonic what happened after he shattered the Paradox Prism: Their escape with the blue and red fragments; the unexpected arrival of Ivo and Robotnik, as well as the rescue from Young Sonic and Boom Sonic; their fights against the Eggmans; and how Tails and Zipp managed to make their machine to travel trough the multiverse work.

Tails also revealed that Sage's new body was created by using the remains of the Phantom Ruby, which explains why she can still do everything she did back on the starfall islands.

Of course, Sonic was shocked at that revelation, but he decided to ask questions about it later, because he still had something to tell as well.

After they were done with their story, Sonic was the one that explained himself next: How he arrived to a world dominated by Robotnik, how he literally met himself multiple times, how he got the discs on his clothes that allowed him to travel all across the multiverse, how much he struggled with their weird abilities until he finally controlled them, how he was on Young Sonic's and Boom Sonic's worlds and found out that they were on another universe, how he met the guardian of the entire multiverse that adopted Chip's form so his mind wouldn't explode or something, and how he ended up getting back to this universe. His universe.

He did decided to not tell about how he met Twilight Sparkle because he knew Sunny would bomb him with multiple questions, and he needed her focused on the now. He simply told that two unicorns in another universe of ponies accessed to help him sent the message from their universe to this one. He also decided to not tell about Nexus events and how their world could be delated if he didn't gave Chip the Paradox Prism to fuse Mobius and Equestria together.

After that, Tails dragged him away towards his area of the bedroom to study the discs on his clothes, and Pipp tagged along because she was planning on spending most of her time at Sonic's side from now on, since he promised no more surprises after defeating the Eggmans on his message.

Even if Sonic knew that this was his home universe, and therefore, that the energy on his body that comes from the Paradox Prism has no effect anymore, he still felt hesitant to give the discs to Tails at first. However, after removing the four of them and realizing that there was no more energy coming out, he sighed in relief. After that, he used his super speed to change his gloves for cleaner ones and clean his shoes as well, returning with all his clothes shining bright.

Meanwhile, Tails compared the energy of the discs with the energy coming from the Paradox Prism, and he was amazed at not only how the discs attached themselves to the blue fragment, but also at how they seemed to be containing some of it's power, returning it an causing small waves that were not dangerous, but did were a bit powerful.

"This is... very impressive!" Tails pointed out with an amazed expression and a smile. "These discs use the power of the Prism and sent it to create portals that allowed you to travel across the multiverse... They also can turn fake objects into real ones! Just like they did with that sword you created with the watch! How's that this 'Rotor' guy didn't realized he made one of the biggest inventions ever?!"

"No idea," Sonic replied confused. "I thought they only were containing the energy of my body, but... it seems like they embraced it, and they modify it. They evolved into something else entirely, and I never realized until... until I finally got control over them."

"These discs also have lots of energy lectures that match the Prism's," Tails confessed with a smile. "I compared their lectures, and they both have the same properties, same abilities, same amount of power... Just in four discs, you have the power to go through every single universe you want! And you don't need the Prism at all to make them work!"

"So, the very same thing that's our problem is also our solution?" Pipp asked confused.

"Pretty much!" Tails replied with a smirk, before removing the discs from the Paradox Prism and give them back to Sonic. "Is up to you what to do with them, though. As revolutionary as these things are, they're also very dangerous. We already have enough dealing with three Eggmans wanting to conquer the whole multiverse, and if something or someone else discovers these things... Maybe is for the best that they stop existing. Besides, they contain a lot of power from the Paradox Prism, and if you focused enough, they could even surpass it! Yet again, is your choice what you wanna do with them."

After saying that, Tails retired from the room, leaving both Sonic and Pipp alone.

Sonic glanced at the discs with concern, thinking about what should he do with them and about what is the best choice to make. Conserving them granted him the power to travel across the multiverse anytime he want, but... he wasn't sure if he wanted that power at all.

However, he didn't had time to think about it, because he was suddenly tackled to the floor by Pipp, which caused him to drop the discs on the floor and feel startled at his girlfriend's sudden move. She also pulled him for a kiss on the lips, a lovely and soft kiss where everything she wanted was to feel the lovely lips of her boyfriend, something she hasn't done in an entire week, although it felt like it's been ages since they shared one.

Sonic's desire to kiss her finally hit over, and so, he wrapped his arms around her back, softly caressing her wings, and kissing her back with the same amount of love and affection that she was giving to him. He didn't realized how much he missed her lips until this very moment, and now, he wanted to keep Pipp close forever to never let her go.

Once both of them were running out of breath, however, they separated, both immediately locked eyes and smiled with warm at each other.

"I missed you, Blue Star. I missed you so, so much..." Pipp was the first to speak.

"And I missed you too, Little Pipp..." Sonic replied, kissing her lips again for a second or two. "I was really scared that I wouldn't make it back... But I'm here now. And I'm not planning on going anywhere."

Pipp smiled even more and rested her head on his chest, while Sonic decided to sit down so he could embrace her soft skin a little bit. He really missed her too, and he seriously didn't wanted to let her go, because he wrapped his arms around her back again and kissed her forehead tenderly.

However, even if Pipp was smiling and purring at the embrace, she also had something on her mind. "Blue Star... Do you... Do you mean it?"

Sonic looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. "Do I mean... What, exactly?"

"When our Cutie Marks combined to show us that message you sent... You said that... That after Eggman was defeated, there wouldn't be more surprises..." Pipp reminded with a concerned look. "Do you meant that, or was it something you said only to make us feel calm because you were gone? Did you only said it so we wouldn't be so worried for you?"

Sonic felt a bit surprised to be asked that, and he scratched his neck a bit unsure. "Maybe both? I honestly don't know, Pipp... Deep down, I do wish no more unexpected surprises happen that drags me away from you, or from the rest of our friends... But I can't say for sure that it won't happen again..."

Pipp made a little whimper sad and squealed madly in such an adorable way that Sonic couldn't take seriously the fact that she was mad for what he said. So, he leaned and kissed her nose playfully, which made her squeal adorably again, and Sonic felt his heart melting at her attitude.

"But since you asked me something, let me ask you something as well: Pipp, would you like it that our worlds combined together?" Sonic asked her suddenly.

Pipp lifted her head and looked at him wide wide eyes, but also with a confused expression. "W-What do you mean?"

"Would you like that both Mobius and Equestria combined in one single universe?" Sonic asked again, being more clear this time. "If that happened... We'll never had to be apart from each other. I wouldn't had to go from Equestria... we could live together, Pipp. Have our own lives... And nobody could say no to us because there'll be nothing in our way."

Pipp felt her heart melting and her eyes sparkling, while she looked at Sonic completely surprised by everything he just said. "W-What?! D-Do you mean that? You would make our worlds be one so we could stay together?! B-Because if that's was possible... Then yes. Yes, and a thousand times yes!" She exclaimed with a smile, as she got free from his grip for a second and flew happily around him. "Nothing would make me happier than have you here in Equestria forever, Sonic!" She added, as she got back to his arms and looked into his eyes with love.

Sonic snorted at her attitude and kissed her again. "Then I promise you: If I ever find a way to make our worlds be one just so we can be together, then you'll be the first one to find out. And not only that, but I'll also make sure that it happens. Nothing and no one will pull me away from you, okay? I'll move all the necessary universes just so nobody can stand in our way and tries to keep me far from you, okay my love?"

Pipp felt her heart melting again, and so, she leaned to kiss his lips again, while Sonic kissed her back.

Yeah, we all know this motherfucker is lying, because he does know about a way to fuse their worlds, since Chip promised to try it once he gave the Paradox Prism to him after recovering the remaining fragments. Yet, he was still unsure about telling her, mostly because he didn't trusted Chip's word at a 100%, yet he was still willing to give him a shot if that meant he could stay here in Equestria with his girlfriend.

It wasn't a selfish desire at all. After all, Tails also wanted to stay because of Zipp. He even could see the tittle of 'King Tails' working. Knuckles was the same. He could go back to Angel Island and still watch over the Master Emerald, but now, having Izzy as his company, so yeah, the three friends kind of needed this selfish desire to come true if it meant they could stay with the mares they loved.

"Aishiteruyo, burūsutā," Pipp said with a smile, saying 'I love you, Blue Star' in Japanese.

"Watashi mo anata o aishiteimasu, ritoru Pippu," Sonic replied with a smile as well, saying 'And I love you too, Little Pipp' in Japanese.

Meanwhile, as Sonic and Pipp were 'reconnecting', Sunny decided to leave the Brighthouse and check how Hitch was doing.

He was on Mane Street, supervising the slight details that couldn't be hidden from the battle against the Eggmans, but thankfully, everything seemed to be in order, so he smiled with satisfaction, and turned around, just so his nose could accidentally bump with Sunny's.

"S-Sunny?!" Hitch called out startled.

Both Earth Ponies blushed a lot and turned away from each other, with Hitch scratching his neck nervously and Sunny rubbing her right hoof with embarrassment.

"What, um... H-How can I help you?" Hitch asked after a while, looking at her again, with his blush still there.

Sunny looked at him for a second, before looking away embarrassed again, and then looking at his eyes, while her face heated up a bit more. "I... um... Y-You had to tell me something important earlier, remember?" She reminded with a sheepish smile.

Hitch felt his entire face heating up as well, now remembering that detail. In the moment, he was determinate to tell her because of the situation, and he didn't knew if they were going to live another day... Now that they did lived another day, he wasn't so sure about if telling her what he wanted or not.

Yet, he also knew that backing up now was a terrible idea. He had something to tell her, and even if it was very scary... he must do it. He had to tell her now or never. So, with a nod to himself and a heavy sigh, he looked at Sunny again, still blushing, but not as ashamed as before.

"Yes. I do have to tell you something, but... not here," Hitch replied, before looking at her with a smile. "Look, wait for me just 5 minutes, okay? I have some things to supervise still, but once I'm done... I'll tell you exactly what I want to."

Sunny's blush was still noticeable, but she smiled back at Hitch with warm. "Sure thing, Hitch. I'll be waiting for you in the beach, okay?"

Hitch chuckled nervously and nodded, then he resumed his job, although his blush remained. All the nervousness left to give space to excitement... and now, he couldn't wait for the moment he'll tell Sunny how much she actually meant to him.

20 Minutes later, Sunny and Hitch were now sitting on Maretime Bay's beach, watching the sun setting on the horizon.

Their battle against the Eggmans was long, and it lasted almost the whole afternoon, but now that it was over, at least for now, this sight was beautiful.

However, Hitch couldn't care less about the view of the sun setting. It was pretty, sure thing, but to him, there was another sunny image that made him smile even more, and it was the mare right at his side. Sunny was smiling happily at the sight, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, while letting the breeze of the wind caress her fur and her mane.

Hitch felt his heart skipping a beat at the sight of such a beautiful mare like Sunny. He's been in love with her ever since childhood, and after magic came back, he was planning on telling her... but he decided to wait a bit longer, because a part of him convinced him that it wasn't time yet... Now, waiting two whole ass years is extreme, but eh, you do you, Hitch.

He eventually decided to imitate her action and closed his eyes as well, letting the breeze touch his fur and his mane, while his smile grew bigger.

Hitch suddenly started to remember everything they've been through for the past couple of years, at how strong they have both grown to be, at how gorgeous and beautiful he found Sunny with every passing day, at how much he wanted to keep her safe...

Suddenly, Hitch felt something resting and nuzzling over his shoulder, and he turned to said direction just to blush intensely at the sight of Sunny resting her head over him with a huge smile.

Of course, it didn't bothered him, so he smiled too and rested his head over hers, while Sunny sighed happily, as her tail started to wag a bit in happiness.

Hitch felt his tail wagging a bit as well, and soon enough, he also sighed with happiness.

"...Hitch?" Sunny called out after a while.

"Yeah?" Hitch replied in curiosity.

"When we were fighting against the badniks before... you said that maybe it was time to take the next step in our relationship..." Sunny reminded, blushing a little bit while she said it.

Hitch felt his face blushing as well, but he never moved away from her. "Y-Yeah... I... I did... A-And that's the thing I wanted to talk about earlier..."

"Y-You do?" Sunny asked, as she looked at him in the eyes, still blushing, but with little sparkles in her eyes.

"Sunny... what I meant when I said that is... Maybe... Maybe I want to be something more than your best friend..." Hitch confessed, as his heart started to race crazily like if he was running a marathon.

Sunny herself gasped a bit and covered her mouth with a hoof, surprised that Hitch was so direct with her about what he wanted. "M-More? Y-You mean, like... going on dates, and kiss each other, and say many corny things, and maybe even sleep together if it doesn't feels to embarrassing for any of us, and––" She started to list, both excited and panicked.

Hitch chuckled at her attitude and nuzzled his cheek with hers. Sunny felt her heart melting at the sound of Hitch's laugh, but it also made her smile, as she also chuckled at her own attitude while she nuzzled his cheek as well.

"Yeah... I guess we could do all of that if you want to..." Hitch replied with a blush, looking at her again, but not daring to look away this time.

Sunny locked eyes with him and smiled too, feeling like she could just cry in happiness. However, she resisted that urge because she didn't wanted to ruin this with tears, of happiness or not.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that... Sunny... I love you. Not as your friend... but as something else entirely," Hitch finally spoke, and Sunny's heart definitely skipped a beat after hearing that from her childhood crush, while her eyes sparkled again and her smile grew bigger, as well as her blush. "Call it your lover, your couple, your sheriff, your special pony or––"

"My coltfriend... Right?" Sunny asked with a blush and a big smile.

Now Hitch's face blushed even more, but his smile grew wide as well. "Yeah... Your coltfriend... So, Sunny Starscout... What do you say? Would you like to take our relationship further?" He asked, both excited and nervous for the answer.

Sunny smiled even more, if that was possible, and she immediately pulled him into a big and tight hug. "I don't know what took you so long to finally ask that, Hitchy... Nor why it took me so long to even try and ask you out instead..."

Hitch felt his heart skipping a beat again, but he still smiled and hugged her back, keeping her close to his chest and not wanting to ever let her go anywhere. The two Earth Ponies simply stood like that for as long as they wanted, embracing each other's warmth as their tails wagged in happiness.

And yet, there was still something they both wanted to do, something they needed to for their friendship to turn into a romance the proper way.

So, they broke their hug, locked eyes, and with a smile and a nod, they leaned in, just for their lips to finally meet in the most waited kiss of this saga, probably right behind Sonic and Pipp's.

Yeah, even I, the one writing this thing down, have been waiting for these two to finally realize they love each other.

It was a soft and long, but also lovely kiss that none of them wanted to brake. They both waited so long for something like this to happen, and now here they are, kissing each other and finally making their relationship a thing.

Sunny soon moved her hooves to his cheeks and caressed them, while Hitch wrapped his hooves around her back to keep her close to him. Sunny's Alicorn form also awakened by mistake, but either none of them noticed, or they did, but couldn't care less since they were too busy feeling each others' warmth.

However, they lack of air made them finally separate from their kiss, as they both panted heavily to catch their breath, but as soon as they locked their sights again, they smiled at each other, and so, leaned over for another kiss...

A kiss that never happened because they were interrupted by a loud gasp.

Both Earth Ponies' eyes widened, and their faces blushed in complete embarrassment. Then, they both slowly turned to certain direction, just to find Izzy, Knuckles, Misty, Tails, Zipp, Shadow, Sparky and Young Sonic looking at them.

Izzy had sparkling eyes at the sight of those two being so close; Knuckles', Misty's, Tails' and Zipp's jaws were on the floor; Shadow was resisting the urge to cry because he was so proud of Sunny; Young Sonic was wagging his tail in excitement, since Hitch did followed his advice and went for it; and Sparky was clapping happily now that his parents finally were together as a couple.

The gasp apparently became from Izzy, who zoomed right in front of the Earth Ponies and embraced them in a hug, while Young Sonic ended up joining her with a huge smile.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Izzy exclaimed in excitement, embracing both of his friends into a big hug. "I can't believe it, you two! Is this real?! We're not being recorded for a TV show or something, right?!" She asked rhetorically, while Hitch and Sunny separated from her confused.

"I knew you two would came together!" Young Sonic cheered with a huge smile. "Did I told you or did I told you, huh?" He mocked up Hitch, as he playfully hit his shoulder.

"About damn time!" Knuckles said with a huge grin, as she grabbed Hitch and messed his hair a bit, making the Earth Pony laugh.

Zipp approached and also hit his shoulder playfully while snorting with a smirk. "And here I thought you'll never pull it out, man."

"Uh, what?" Hitch questioned.

"You took too long to confess, man. Everyone around you happily, and you were waiting like an idiot!" Knuckles pointed out with a frown, before placing his arm around his neck with a playful smirk. "It was about time you finally told her how you feel!"

"Yeah, it was painfully obvious how much you liked each other," Misty added with a smile. "I'm happy to see you two finally went for it!"

"Okay? Well, thanks!" Hitch simply replied a bit nervous.

Meanwhile, Tails and Shadow were hugging Sunny, with both of them crying a river like two older brothers would with their sister, although Shadow's cool wasn't showing anymore, but he couldn't care less. He was just so happy for Sunny and her new relationship, as Sunny giggled in an adorable way because of the embrace of both Tails and Shadow.

"Why do you have to grow so fast?!" Tails cried dramatically.

"Tails! I'm older than you, remember?" Sunny pointed out with a giggle.

"You are too pure for this shitty world, Sunny! Now you are a grown mare!" Shadow cried out as well, something weird on him.

However, as both Shadow and Tails let her go for Misty to hug her as well, both Shadow and Tails got right on Hitch's face, with Tails pointing a plasma gun right on his face, while Shadow created a Chaos Spear, and they both glared daggers at the earth pony, who gulped nervously, since he never felt so menaced before, specially from Tails.

"Brake her heart, bastard, and you're history!" Shadow warned with anger, while Tails nodded in agreement.

But then, both of them were smacked in the head and then pulled away from their ears by Knuckles and Zipp, who frowned at them as they cried out because of their ears.

"Behave yourselves!" Both Knuckles and Zipp scolded them.

"Sorry..." Both Tails and Shadow apologized, although the latter did it while rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

Finally, Sparky jumped right with his parents and hugged them as tightly as he could. Just loving Sunny as a mother was good for him, but now having his parental figures together? That was the best thing that ever happened to him! And Sunny and Hitch couldn't help but chuckle and hug their son, each one kissing him on a cheek.

In the Crystal Brighthouse, Boom Sonic, Amy and Rouge were waiting on the living room for everyone else.

Omega, on the other hand, shut down to stand on some kind of resting mode to keep his energies for the final battle against the Eggman trio, even if he wasn't a 100% aware that there were three Eggmans yet.

Suddenly, the TV turned on alone, but it simply showed static at first... before Eggman's logo appeared on it.

"Ah, great... Eggman hacked the TV again..." Boom Sonic complained.

"Again?" Amy questioned confused. "I mean, it did happened before here, but you lived it too?"

"Yeah... It's a long story..." Boom Sonic replied with a bored expression, before boosting away.

In the bedroom, Sonic stood up and adjusted his gloves, while Pipp seemed to be caressing her wings and adjusting her tiara.

However, as Sonic ducked and grabbed the discs that allow him to travel across the multiverse, Boom Sonic appeared all of a sudden.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, since I sense you are done... reconnecting... but Eggman is literally invading the TV downstairs," Boom Sonic said.

And so, without explaining himself any further, he boosted back downstairs, leaving both Sonic and Pipp confused. They shrugged, Sonic put the discs away and then decided to go downstairs with Pipp as well.

In the beach, Sunny and Hitch were still a bit ashamed for their friends' reaction because of the next step in their relationship, but they allowed themselves to smile anyways.

However, Boom Sonic arrived all of a sudden, startling the group except for Shadow and Young Sonic.

"Eggman is invading TV, so if you wanna seem him humiliating himself, then hurry up!" Boom Sonic said suddenly.

Again, he didn't explained himself and boosted away towards the Brighthouse, leaving everybody else confused.

In Maretime Bay, multiple ponies were walking on the streets, watching the TVs on a shop confused.

They recognized Eggman's logo, but they didn't understood what did he wanted, or what was going on at all.

Soon enough, however, more static showed up, and Eggman's face finally appeared. The doctor was sitting over a chair, with a huge grin and his hands together.

"Greetings, inhabitants of Equestria!" Eggman greeted with a sinister smile. "As you all may know already, my name is Dr. Eggman..."

In Zephyr Heights, the pegasi, Queen Haven and Alphabittle were all watching the big screens of the city, watching Eggman's message as well.

"My attempts to conquer this dimension, and universe in general, have been all in vain because of those six ponies and their furry friends from my universe you all dare to call 'heroes'..." Eggman kept going with a frown, while Haven and Alphabittle were frowning at his message as well. "Yet, time and time again, I always came back stronger, smarter, better..."

He also started to show up some images that showed previous events, but mostly the time he created the Death Egg Titan and almost managed to control all the magic of Equestria, if it wasn't because of Sonic going Super Sonic. The other event he was also showing was the time Opaline spread the Metal Virus that he created...

In Bridlewood, the unicorns gasped in shock at the images of thousands of ponies being mind controlled by Opaline.

Everyone in Equestria still hated those events, specially because of what the evil Alicorn Queen made them do, but remembering them only brought old injuries everyone thought they already got over with...

"Yet I still cannot conquer this stupid world of talking little horses..." Eggman spitted with anger. "But maybe I don't have to do it. Not yet, at least!"

Back in the Brighthouse, everyone was reunited and watching the TV as Eggman made his announcement, while the Sonics all frowned in anger towards the doctor.

"I have gained the power to travel across every single reality that conforms an infinite multiverse of possibilities!" Eggman started to explain with a grin, but then he frowned. "Yet, I'm still missing one important fragment. A fragment that your so beloved hero Sonic has with him."

Soon enough, a countdown of 24 hours appeared onscreen, and it started to count down, making everyone in the group gasp, except for Team Dark and the Sonics, who frowned even more at the message.

"Sonic, I have a deal for you: Give me back the remaining fragment of the Paradox Prism, or every single person, critter, pony and friend that you know on this trash of universe will be wiped out once we get the Prism from you ourselves, and after that... We'll delate Equestria's universe permanently!" Eggman announced with a maniac laugh.

Excepting Shadow and Omega, now everyone gasped at what Eggman just announced, and Sonic panicked at the idea of Eggman taking over the entire Prism and destroying Equestria. The fact that everypony across the land listened didn't helped either, because he could already hear everyone panicking at what the doctor just announced.

"Tic tac, Hedgehog! 24 Hours can pass in the blink of an eye if you don't choose wisely!" Eggman stated with another maniac laugh. "And I know you're both wise and a sentimental stupid. You'll do everything you can to avoid that this land gets wiped out!" He added with a sinister grin, waving his hand on a girlish way before the TV got static again and turned off.

The room was only filled by silence, but Sonic's frown never left his face. He was beyond furious on what Eggman just said, which is why he'll give him exactly what he wanted, but not in a way he expected.

"Sonic?" Tails called out.

"...Eggman wants to play..." Sonic started, before grinning as his eyes turned blue for a second. "Let's follow up his little game. But! We're gonna play... our way!"

Soon after that, Sunny, Hitch and Knuckles went out to calm down the Earth Ponies in case they panicked, while Sonic stood with everyone else inside the Crystal Brighthouse to mark down a plan against the Eggmans.

"Eggman wants the remaining fragment of the Paradox Prism to conquer all universes at once..." Sonic started to explain, as he rolled down a map that showed Maretime Bay, Bridlewood, Zephyr Heights, Opaline's Castle, Fluttershy's Cottage and Canterlot. "However, we gotta make sure everypony and critter in Equestria remains calm and does not panic at everything Eggman said."

Outside, Hitch and Knuckles were patrolling the streets to reunite everypony in town, while Sunny explained the whole situation.

She simply said that Sonic would do exactly what Eggman asked him to do, but in order to prevent anyone getting hurt or worse, everypony had to stay home so nothing bad could happen to them.

With no hesitation, everypony immediately either ran towards their homes and decided to stay there, or they made thousands of questions to Sunny, Hitch and Knuckles, and they tried to answer as much as they could.

"Maretime Bay's already covered, so we must move to Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood to calm things down as well," Sonic kept explaining back on the Brighthouse.

"Why not the other two towns?" Young Sonic asked confused, raising his hand and pointing at Fluttershy's cottage and Canterlot on the map.

"They're abandoned places, we'll get to that later," Sonic replied. "Zipp, Pipp, Tails. You three will go to Zephyr Heights to help Queen Haven keep things calmed in case panic's already spreading around," He instructed to them, as they nodded in agreement. "Rouge, Omega, you'll go as body guards for the entire city. If anything Eggman-related approaches there, blew it up!"

"Count with it, honey!" Rouge stated with a smirk.

"No badnik will survive!" Omega declared, closing his hand into a fist.

"Tails, once things seem calmed in there, move to Bridlewood with Izzy and Misty. You three will calm things down as well, and keep the forest protected in case anything Eggman related approaches," Sonic instructed once again. "I'll also sent Knuckles in case he's already done here with Maretime Bay."

"Aye, aye, captain!" Izzy stated with a cheery smile and a salute, while Tails and Misty nodded in agreement, before Tails launched two warp rings.

The first one opened a portal towards Zephyr Heights, which was crossed by Zipp, Pipp, Tails Rouge and Omega, as the portal closed. The second one opened a direct access to Bridlewood, and both Izzy and Misty hopped through it before it closed.

"Shadow, Amy. You'll be bodyguards here on Maretime Bay," Sonic instructed. "Have fun trashing whatever Eggman throws at here to keep you busy!"

"On our way, boss!" Amy stated with a wink and a smirk, as she held her hammer like a bat over her shoulder.

"Just for the record: I'm doing this because I like this place, too," Shadow stated with a frown. "I still hate to take orders from you."

"If you're done complaining about me being the leader, could you go before Eggman dares to hurt Sunny or something?" Sonic requested with a bored expression.

Just by hearing that, Shadow grabbed Amy and teleported away, while Sonic chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"And finally: The Sonic trio!" Sonic stated with a confident smile, as he looked at Boom Sonic and Young Sonic.

"Finally! Some Sonic bonding time!" Young Sonic stated with an excited smile. "So, what are we gonna do? Are we gonna trash down the Eggmen? We're gonna save the day and kick some butt?!"

"Chill, man!" Boom Sonic said with a little smirk. "There's still a lot at stake here, remember? This isn't some sort of vacation!"

"And yet, he's actually right about what we'll do!" Sonic said with a confident smirk.

"He is?!" Boom Sonic asked with wide eyes and surprise.

"I AM?!" Young Sonic asked as well, but with more excitement and with his tail wagging happily.

Sonic chuckled at Young Sonic's attitude. "Yes, you are. Also, love the excitement, but try tone it down a bit, alright? We still have to stay serious and focus on stop the Eggmen".

Boom Sonic immediately nodded, crossing his arms and putting on a serious expression as well. Young Sonic noticed that, and tried to look serious too, also crossing his arms and frowning, something Boom Sonic noticed as he snorted and rolled his eyes, since Young Sonic was clearly just being what he is: A kid.

Sonic, however, put on a bored expression on Young Sonic. "We'll work on your mannerisms later, buddy... Anyways! The reason why I left Canterlot for the last is because it's an abandoned city. Nobody lives there, and therefore, the Eggmans could never hurt anyone but us."

"That's... pretty impressive, actually. The entire country protected by the others, while this Canterlot City becomes the perfect place to get down the Eggmans since no one lives there... is perfect!" Boom Sonic recognized with a smile.

"And so, we defeat the Eggmans, get the Prism back together, we save the Multiverse and become heroes!" Young Sonic stated, still excited.

"And you go home with your Eggmans before something else unexpected happens!" Sonic finished with a smirk, closing the map. "Now, in case all of this isn't enough, we have a secret weapon as our last line of defense..." He added, pressing a button on his watch. "Or rather... seven!"

Soon enough, some kind of pedestal emerged from the ground, showing up the 7 Chaos Emeralds, still capsuled.

"Whoa! You got these too?!" Young Sonic asked with amazement.

"Huh... I've never seen these before..." Boom Sonic confessed with a confused expression.

"So you don't have Chaos Emeralds in your universe?" Sonic asked him with a raised eyebrow and a mocking smirk, also crossing his arms.

"Chaos what now?" Boom Sonic questioned, still confused.

"We'll explain later," Young Sonic stated with a smirk. "Now, let's kick some Egg-butts!"

Eggman was walking back and forth on his lab, awaiting for whatever Sonic was going to reply.

Ivo, however, was bored as hell as he lay on a couch in the lab, while Robotnik seemed to be amazed by the three new models of robots, completely different than the ones they used a few hours ago.

"Ugh! Why do we have to wait for that hedgehog to reply?!" Ivo complained for what felt like the third time today. "We should be out there, attacking those idiots!"

"If you wanna go blind in a fight against three blue rats with super speed, then that's your problem!" Eggman replied with a frown. "Waiting for him to reply is the only way we can make sure that he's willing to give the fragment we're missing!"

"And if your Sonic loves this pathetic land of ponies as much as you say, then he'll definitely be on his way to give the Prism!" Robotnik stated as well with a sinister grin.

"You see?!" Eggman told Ivo with a frown. "Even Robotnik gets it!"

Ivo groaned annoyed, and he was going to say something else, but then, the TV on the lab turned on suddenly and showed some static.

"Uh, Sage?" Eggman called out with a raised eyebrow, as the Eggman trio turned to face the TV.

"It wasn't me this time," Sage clarified, also turning to see the TV.

Soon enough, the static started to clear up just to show Sonic's face who was smirking in a mocking way at the camera.

In Maretime Bay, the TVs got static again as well, also showing up Sonic's face.

Sunny and Hitch approached, as well as some other ponies in Maretime Bay, wondering why Sonic was the one that hacked the TV this time.

"Hello? Is this thing working?" Sonic asked confused.

"Is recording!" Young Sonic muttered out of the camera.

"Oh, okay!" Sonic said with a smile, before turning back to the camera and clear his throat. "Eggman, if you're hearing this, I think you already know my answer pretty well!"

In Bridlewood, unicorns were watching Sonic's message on their phones.

Tails, Izzy and Misty, along with Knuckles that traveled to Bridlewood to help out, were watching the same thing on Tails' Miles Electric.

"For the past two years, I've grown to love this land for what is, and not for what it used to be," Sonic kept going. "When I discovered that my ancestors used to live in this dimension, I couldn't believe that my stay here wasn't a coincidence... it was destiny. My love for this land existed since I arrived, but discovering that part of me always belonged here? That's what make me realize how much this place actually means to me."

In Zephyr Heights, everyone was watching the message on the big screens around the City, Pipp and Zipp included.

"But is not only the land that I love. It's inhabitants are also the reason why I'm deciding go stay," Sonic kept explaining with a determinate look. "I may or not may have a favorite, true... But I'll give my life for everypony in Equestria if necessary."

Pipp smiled with warmth after hearing that.

Back at the lab, the three Eggmans and Sage were all frowning at Sonic and his message.

"Which is why I won't allow you, nor your daughter, nor your Eggman partners to conquer the multiverse!" Sonic stated with a frown, before he pulled out the blue fragment of the Paradox Prism and showed it to the camera. "You only need to take this way from me and my Sonic partners, right? Then why don't you come here and get it from me?"

"Please don't be an idiot and tell me where the heck you are, stupid rodent!" Eggman shouted in anger, even if he knew Sonic couldn't hear him.

Over a rusty and purple balcony, Sonic was standing with his phone held in a horizontal position.

He was also holding the blue Prism on his hand, although he wasn't showing it on camera anymore.

"You wonder where I might be, right?" Sonic asked to the camera with a mocking smirk, before he boosted away from the balcony and showed to the camera exactly where he was. "Well, I'm a place forgotten by time, but not by those who still believe in a peaceful world for everypony."

What he was showing was Canterlot's Castle, meaning that he was there, waiting for the Eggmans to come and get the blue fragment.

"You want the fragment, Egghead?" Sonic asked with a snort to the camera.

"Then come and get it, bitch!" Sonic challenged once again.

In the lab, Eggman had enough, grabbed a chair and launched it against the TV, destroying it immediately as he frowned in anger.

"That's it!" Eggman stated. "Sage, get the Egg Crushers ready! We're gonna take those Hedgehogs down! And when we're done with them, we'll show live in every TV of this stupid land the decapitated head of their heroes!" He added with one of the most sinister smiles he has ever gave.

"Let's roast some Hedgehogs!" Ivo stated.

"Uh, I feel our victory incoming!" Robotnik said with a sinister grin.

The three Eggmans started to walk out of the lab, and Sage turned a last time to the TV with a sinister grin. "That's what happened when you mess with the wrong guy, Sonic."

Back in Canterlot, Sonic sighed before looking one last time at the camera.

"To everypony out there watching this... Please wish me luck. Your favorite blue blur might needed it to win this battle..." Sonic finished the message with a sad smile, before turning off his phone and sigh again.

After that, Sonic boosted towards the top of Canterlot Castle, where Boom Sonic and Young Sonic were already waiting, both of them looking at the horizon as they all waited for the Eggmans arrival.

"Alright, guys, all we have to do now is wait until the Eggmans arrive and decide to kill us," Sonic stated, once he arrived and put down the fragment of the Paradox Prism.

Young Sonic was hanging on the edge of the balcony, as he moved his legs in a childish way before he decided to turn around and sit over the balcony. "You know? It'll sound weird, but Eggman used to be a good guy, or sort of, that helped out the government to help people out. Yeah, he still was a brat and only wanted to show off his machines, but... I think he did had good intentions back then... just help around with his tech, you know?"

"It's kind of hard to imagine Eggman doing something good after all the struggle he makes me go through over the years..." Sonic confessed with concern.

"Mine can be an idiot sometimes instead of a genius, but... yeah, he's also a pain in the butt sometimes..." Boom Sonic added as well.

"Yeah, well, mine didn't remained like a good guy, as you already saw," Young Sonic pointed out with a sad expression. "Because he... Well, I arrived, he tried to capture me, then to kill me, then I escaped alive from him multiple times, then I sent him straight to another planet for 8 months... and now he only wants to get rid of me..."

"I guess hurting their ego and making them hate us because of how awesome we are is a multiversal thing," Boom Sonic said with a mocking smirk. "To tell the truth, mine used to be my best friend way before I met Tails..."

"Wait, what?!" Young Sonic asked him on disbelief.

"Did you just said that Eggman was your best friend?" Sonic asked confused.

"Yeah, he used to be," Boom Sonic remarked again. "He always felt curious about the world like me, and he wanted to make it better with his machines... However, he got so obsessed with gaining power that... I don't recognize him anymore... One day, he just... changed. He wasn't the same guy I was best friends with. He wanted to defeat me simply because I was more skilled than him in many aspects, so he decided that he wanted to destroy me and prove he was superior... and the rest is history."

"At least yours showed some sign of being good at some point," Sonic said with a bored expression. "Mine killed my parents and every blood related familiar I ever had before I could even met them."

Boom Sonic's and Young Sonic's jaws dropped to the floor after Sonic said that in such a casual and careless way.

"EGGMAN KILLED YOUR PARENTS?!" Boom Sonic shouted in disbelief and with a twitchy eye.

"YOU NEVER MET ANY RELATIVES?!" Young Sonic shouted as well with shock and panic.

"I know it sounds bad and that I shouldn't say it in such a careless way, but... I guess since I did had a mother figure on Longclaw... I never cared..." Sonic confessed. "But sometimes... I dream about all the things I wish that could've been done differently..."

"...To have a second chance..." Young Sonic added with sadness as well.

"To change the past and amend mistakes..." Boom Sonic finished.

"...Yeah..." Young Sonic replied, now with a sad smile.

Suddenly, in the middle of what seemed to be a sad moment, Sonic started to complain as he moved around and tried to crack his own back.

"Aw, great... here it comes..." Sonic complained with grunts.

"Uh... You okay, partner?" Boom Sonic asked, both concerned and confused.

"No, it's... my back..." Sonic complained. "I have crashed it against walls, metal and rocks so many times... It's finally showing the consequences, I guess..."

"You have many of those, too?" Young Sonic asked, both surprised and concerned.

"Yeah... I guess is another thing all Sonics have in common..." Sonic said with a chuckle, before grunt in pain again.

"Okay, I have an idea. Turn around," Boom Sonic said, as he approached Sonic.

"What kind of idea?" Sonic questioned, looking up at Boom Sonic a bit nervous.

"Just turn around, man. I might know how to fix your back problems because I also have them," Boom Sonic pointed out.

Still hesitant, Sonic turned around and showed his back to his counterpart of another universe. Soon enough, boom sonic closed his arm into a fist and started to move it at super Sonic speed, before carefully massage Sonic's back in a slightly rude way, as Sonic himself seemed to both hate and like this.

Soon enough, however, there was a 'crack' sound, and so, Boom Sonic stopped.

"So, how's that?" Boom Sonic asked with a smirk.

Sonic stretched around and felt incredibly better. "Oh, wow..." He exclaimed surprised, turning around and looking at Boom Sonic a bit impressed. "I didn't expected that, but... it... it feels so much better!"

"Wow, that was so impressive and so awkward at the same time!" Young Sonic pointed out with a smile.

Boom Sonic chuckled and lied on the balcony with a huge smile. "Geez, this is so cool. Before meeting Tails, I always wanted brothers. I know we're just the same guy with different lives, but still... This is the closest I ever felt to have actual siblings."

"Same here! It feels nice to know that there are many others like me out there," Young Sonic added with joy.

"Well, there's this universe I mentioned earlier where we do have siblings!" Sonic pointed out.

"The one with the band? Yeah, it actually sounds pretty cool," Boom Sonic confessed with a smirk.

"You know? Maybe when all of this is over, we could hang out and just have some fun!" Young Sonic suggested with a smile. "No more Eggman problems, no multiverse collapsing, no day to save... just three variants of the same guy hanging out together!"

"It'll be nice and all, but I think we should focus..." Sonic stated with a smile.

"Yeah... not getting killed should be our priority right now," Boom Sonic pointed out as well.

"Oh, yeah, I know, I was just... You know, suggesting we should do something none-work related," Young Sonic pointed out.

"No, no, it actually sounds good," Sonic confessed.

"Okay, so, how's that electrical powers of you two work, huh? Because I can barely believe that's even a thing..." Boom Sonic asked all of a sudden.

"Oh, um... it's complicated..." Sonic confessed, scratching his neck nervously.

"Yeah, I actually rather not talk that much about it..." Young Sonic added as well. "Why? Are you teasing us?"

"No, no, no! Is not like that!" Boom Sonic defended himself. "Is just... I cannot do that like you two, and I'm curious. That's all."

"Wait, hold on!" Sonic interrupted, before he looked at Young Sonic with a raised eyebrow. "You can do that, too?"

"Yeah?" Young Sonic replied unsure, before realizing something. "Oh, right! You weren't here to watch the battle!" He remembered, before turning on his own electrical powers, with his eyes turning blue.

"Huh... That's pretty cool, actually!" Sonic confessed with a smile.

"Yeah, I know!" Boom Sonic pointed out. "Which is why I don't understand how can you guys do it! If anything, why can't I do it?!"

"Well, I wish I could tell how it works, but is not that we do it..." Sonic started to explain.

"Yeah, is pretty much like breathing," Young Sonic added as well. "We don't breath by choice, it just... happens. It's the same with our powers, I guess..."

"Yeah, is like... we breath because we breath! Same with the electric powers thing," Sonic added. "We only use them because we can... there's not a very complex science behind it."

"Okay... So it's like, when you think it, it just happens..." Boom Sonic guessed.

"Yeah! That's the best way to put it," Young Sonic pointed out with a smile. "It simply releases in a natural way."

"Is like riding a bike, or like walking," Sonic explained again. "Once you have the handle of it, you just... do it because your brain already has the information."

"Again, is the best way to put it!" Young Sonic remarked.

"And does it came out of your hands only, or... is there anywhere else?" Boom Sonic asked with a sheepish smile.

"...As far as I know, only the hands..." Sonic replied with a concerned look. "And I honestly hope it only comes from there."

"Yeah... I don't know what kind of struggles I could get by going to the bathroom, and suddenly a lighting comes out of my butt..." Young Sonic said with the same anxious look.

"And does it ever blocks or something?" Boom Sonic asked. "Because my watch is suppose to have a lot of energy, but it runs out, and with you two having natural electric powers... I guess I'm curious on how they work."

"Um, I don't know," Young Sonic confessed. "I mean, unless not knowing I even had them for 10 years counts as having them 'blocked', I don't really think they can."

"Yeah, I second that. They were kind of blocked before I realized I had them," Sonic replied with a sheepish smile. "I mean... I didn't knew I had them until one time I got really mad 'cause some guys were fighting over nonsensical stuff, and then... Well, they awakened, and that's pretty much it."

"...You two are basically walking batteries..." Boom Sonic pointed out as he pointed to his counterparts.

"Yeah, that's a way to put it," Sonic said with a smirk, also crossing his arms.

"Hey, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys!" Young Sonic called out suddenly with excitement. "What are, like, the craziest things you have done in your lives? Because, well, not to brag or anything, but I also have those Emerald things back home, and I used them one time to turn into some Super Golden God to destroy a giant robot with Robotnik's face!"

"Excuse me, what?! A giant robot with Eggman's face?! A GOLDEN GOD?!" Boom Sonic asked with surprise and disbelief.

"Actually, I have done that as well. Multiple times. On Earth and space," Sonic confessed with a smirk, getting some kind of glare from Boom Sonic and an amazed look from Young Sonic, who's tail wagged and eyes sparkled.

"WHAT?!" Boom Sonic shouted in shock.

"You've been to space?!" Young Sonic asked in excitement, as he zoomed to be right besides Sonic. "You are kidding!"

"Nope!" Sonic replied confidently.

"No way!" Young Sonic stated again.

"Yes way!" Sonic remarked, still very confidently.

"This is so cool!" Young Sonic stated in excitement, before he zoomed right into Boom Sonic's face. "Have you been in space?"

"No, I haven't," Boom Sonic replied with annoyance and a frown. "Knuckles did, to avoid that an asteroid destroyed the entire planet. But man, you've been to space more than once? How often something incredibly dangerous happens that requires you to go to space?"

"That time Space Colony ARK tried to blow up the Earth after blowing up the Moon; when Eggman had his entire Egg Fleet in space to wake a god of darkness dormant in the core of the planet; to destroy his space station called the Death Egg, and yes, it is a copy of Star Wars' Death Star; to blow up his Amusement Park in space where he captured little aliens which's energy he wanted to steal... and recently, I defeated an entity that likes to blow up planets."

Both Boom Sonic and Young Sonic stared at Sonic with their jaws dropped again, as they blinked and looked at each other for a second in disbelief.

"...Dude, I am so jealous of you right now..." Young Sonic confessed, although he still smiled anyways. "Like, how often do you get a chance to go to space and turn into a Golden God everytime you want to?!"

"Pretty much every weekend," Sonic replied with a smirk. "Well, not really, but it has happened so many times already that I lost count already."

"I wanna go to space..." Boom Sonic commented with puffed cheeks, a frown and his arms crossed.

"Me too!" Young Sonic said, although he was more with excitement.

"You know? It's gonna sound weird, but despite all the crazy stuff I've done in my life, I never cease to be amazed by all the crazy tuff surrounding me all the time," Sonic confessed.

"Yeah, I get what you mean," Young Sonic said with a smile. "Never in a million years I thought I would go from a little scared hedgehog that was hiding from the world on a cave, to some kind of local hero in the little town of Green Hills after defeating Eggman... twice!"

"It's simply amazing how one day you're just saving some animals from being turned into robots because is the right thing... and the next one you're taking down a giant space station with your enemy's face," Sonic said with a smile, followed by a chuckle. "Is simply... It's crazy and incredible."

"Well... now I feel lame compared to you two..." Boom Sonic said with a concerned look, while his counterparts gasped, with both of them glaring daggers at him like if he said the biggest amount of bullshit in his life. "Like, outside of saving my world to collapse by having two Eggmans in the same dimension, I fought a giant snake... with mechanical arms... and some kind of weird diving suit..."

"That's actually pretty cool," Sonic said with a little smile.

"Yeah! I mean, a giant snake with arms? How often do you see that?" Young Sonic pointed out with a cheerful smile.

"Nah, it isn't as cool as fighting a giant robot with Eggman's face every now and then, or turn into a Golden God with seven magic Emeralds," Boom Sonic pointed out. "I must be the most pitiful Sonic in the multiverse..."

"Hey!" Young Sonic scolded him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop right there, Boom buddy!" Sonic said with a frown. "Can we rewind back at the 'you are lame part' for a sec? Because you're definitely not."

"Yeah, no, thanks..." Boom Sonic said with a nervous smile. "What I mean is that, well, I kind of feel lame compared to you two? Not saying I am lame, but––"

"Just because you had made stuff that aren't as impressive doesn't makes you any less Sonic than us!" Sonic declared. "So what if you don't have Chaos Emeralds nor fight a robot with Eggman's face? You're still a really cool Sonic!"

"Maybe you should give some kind of auto-motivation that reminds you how awesome you are!" Young Sonic pointed out with a smirk. "Something like... 'You are amazing'!, or 'You can do this'!, or even 'Good job, myself'!" He suggested, also patting his own back for some reason.

"Or let's just stick with 'You are amazing', alright?" Sonic suggested with a smile. "Now say it, man!"

"No, no, it's not necessary––" Boom Sonic said a bit nervous now.

"Come on, it isn't so difficult!" Young Sonic pointed out.

"I know, but––" Boom Sonic tried to reply.

"Come on, man. Just say that you are amazing," Sonic said a last time.

"No, no. Thanks for the confidence boost, though..." Boom Sonic said with a little smile. "I feel like I really needed that."

"Don't be so humble and say it," Young Sonic deadpanned.

Boom Sonic rolled his eyes and shook his head. "...I am amazing... There. You two happy now?"

"A lot!/Kinda..." Young Sonic and Sonic replied, with the former smiling at Boom Sonic while the latter just rolled his eyes.

Soon enough, however, the sky started to announced thunders. Yet, these thunders were red, yellow and green, so it wasn't a storm... it was something else.

"Alright, guys. Time to focus!" Sonic announced with a frown, as he stood over the balcony and looked forward. "You know they're coming, right?"

"Yeah... this is gonna get ugly..." Boom Sonic said with a frown too.

"How ugly, exactly?" Young Sonic asked, as he also stood over the balcony at Sonic's side, although Boom Sonic decided to stay on his place since he was taller.

"Knuckles level ugly," Sonic replied with a mocking smirk.

"So we're gonna die..." Young Sonic deadpanned.

"Pretty much," Boom Sonic replied.

Suddenly, the thunders in the sky became louder and brighter, until a yellow lightning fell right in front of the Sonic trio, and they all frowned at the sight of Robotnik, who was now piloting a redesigned version of the Egg Crusher.

It was now a combination between the Egg Beater and the Death Egg Titan. It was as big as the Egg Beater, but the body was clearly resembling Robotnik himself, except that it was a yellow robot, and right in the back, it had some kind of backpack containing the yellow fragment of the Paradox Prism.

"Hello, Hedgehogs!" Robotnik greeted with a smirk. "Like the new style? I finally have something that represents how big I really am!"

"Yeah, how a big pain in the ass you are..." Young Sonic said with a frown.

"Hohoho! Mock me all that you want, Sonic! It won't change your destiny" Robotnik stated with anger. "Now, the Prism. Give it to me, and I'll consider not killing the three of you!"

"Spoiler alert: He will anyways," Young Sonic said with a bored expression, while Sonic made a backflip and grabbed the blue fragment of the Paradox Prism.

"Aw! You finally recognize our little relationship! How adorable!" Robotnik mocked up with a huge smirk.

With that, Sonic jumped forward and made a flip in the air before doing a nosedive towards the ground, still holding the fragment of the Prism on his hand. "Okay, guys! It's go time!"

Robotnik growled, and the entire machine used the power of the yellow fragment of the Prism to turn into pure electricity, while it started to follow Sonic, who was now running away from the castle.

Boom Sonic and Young Sonic looked at each other for a moment, before nodding their heads in agreement, and then, they jumped from the balcony as well before they started to run in opposite directions.

Meanwhile, Sonic was still running away from the yellow lightning, that materialized again into Robotnik's Egg Crusher, and once he noticed he was right on his tail, he simply boosted away with no hesitation and no previous warning. Robotnik growled at that, and so, he tried to catch him again, but got hit by a sudden Spin Dash.

"Hah, you seem pretty rusty, Eggman!" Young Sonic mocked up with a smirk.

"You stay out of this, rodent! I only want the fragment of the Prism!" Robotnik stated with anger.

"Oh! You mean... this fragment?" Young Sonic asked with a mocking smirk, showing up the fragment of the prism on his hand. "Then come and get it, Egghead!" He stated, before boosting away.

"What?! H-How did––" Robotnik tried to question, but then he growled again and stopped moving, before turning into a yellow lightning again and start to chase Young Sonic.

Meanwhile, several shops, buildings and homes were totally destroyed by something approaching, and then, a green lightning traversed a last shop, just to materialize again and show to be Ivo, in a green variant of the Egg Crusher that had his shape, and another backpack in the back with the green fragment of the Paradox Prism.

"It's showtime!" Ivo stated, before he witnessed Boom Sonic running away, and so, he turned into a green lightning again before starting to chase his universe's Sonic.

Meanwhile, Young Sonic reached the top of a ceiling and looked at Robotnik, who materialized again and stopped right in front of him with a frown.

"Eggy! Eggy, Eggy, Eggy, Eggy, Eggy!" Young Sonic said with a nervous smile, putting the blue fragment of the Paradox Prism on his back before extending the other hand in a 'stop' mannerism. "Look, can we please sort this out as rational beings instead of just shoot at each other for a second here?"

"Oh, how hypocrite!" Robotnik said with a frown. "First you steal my precious Master Emerald from me, then you destroy my marvelous Giant Robot, and now you want to talk with me?!"

"Now you see how stupid and dumb it feels, right?" Young Sonic pointed out with a smile, then he frowned, and his eyes turned blue. "I know we cannot talk this out, but I do know this: Once I defeat you, I'll take you back home, and I'll give you to G.U.N. so you can be locked down... and forgotten. That's what you deserve, Robotnik. To be forgotten!"

Robotnik growled and then shouted before moving on of the arms of his Egg Crusher and shoot from the knuckles a yellow laser towards him.

However, Young Sonic smirked again, and he turned off his electrical powers before throwing the blue prism towards the laser, as it got completely destroyed by a hit from it.

"W-What?!" Robotnik shouted in shock and panic. "H-How?!"

"Decoy, you idiot!" Young Sonic announced with a laugh, before he boosted away again.

Realizing that he's been tricked by such an old and common trick, Robotnik groaned in anger and started to shot multiple lasers from both arms of his Egg Crusher, and while Young Sonic managed to dodge the attacks, he knew pretty well that he was screwed.

"Guys, I have his full attention now! What's next?!" Young Sonic asked in panic as he dodged the lasers from Robotnik's Egg Crusher.

"Okay, great!" Boom Sonic shouted in panic as well, because Ivo was trying to catch him with some kind of hook-hand that extended from one of his Egg Crusher's arms. "Um, just so you guys know: My Egghead's here too!" He exclaimed, dodging the hook and then several shoots from green lasers that came from the robot's knuckles. "Guys, can you copy me? Hello?"

Meanwhile, Sonic entered to Discord's hidden place to put the blue fragment of the Paradox Prism there, and then, he boosted back to the City, not noticing that Sage suddenly appeared as he left. She turned on the direction he left, and then looked at the blue fragment, before grinning sinisterly with satisfaction.

On the other hand, Sonic returned to the city, but once there, he was surprised to see that Young Sonic was running away from Robotnik, while Boom Sonic seemed to be going in a 1v1 against Ivo.

"I need to get him away from me!" Young Sonic stated in panic, as he started to run away again, while Robotnik turned into yellow electricity and chased him around again.

"Yeah, I'm on it!" Sonic shouted to Young Sonic.

"Sonic, I need to get Robotnik off from me!" Boom Sonic announced as well, as he got rid from Ivo's grip and started to run away.

"Oh no, you won't, rodent!" Ivo stated, turning into green electricity and chasing down Boom Sonic.

"Ah!" Sonic shouted in panic, grabbing his quills as he tried to think on something, not noticing that some red electricity appeared right behind him. "Okay! Right! I'm going to–– AAH!"

The electricity behind him materialized into another Egg Crusher, a red one with a backpack containing the red fragment of the Paradox Prism. It also had Eggman's shape, because Eggman was piloting it. Sonic screamed because he was grabbed by the right hand of his Egg Crusher, and Eggman was literally crushing his bones right now.

"Hello, Sonic!" Eggman greeted with a grin. "I am so glad that you made it! The fragment. Give it to me, and I'll let you and your little friends to live!"

"E-Eggman!" Sonic groaned in anger and pain. "I won't give it to you without a fight!" He stated with a mocking smirk, even if he was still in pain.

"Then crushing you might teach you a lesson!" Eggman stated with a maniac laugh, before making tighter the grip of the Egg Crusher.

As Eggman started to crush Sonic even more, Young Sonic literally used his Egg Crusher to jump in the air and dodge Robotnik's yellow lightning, since he was still following him and was almost on his tail. At the same time, Boom Sonic was jumping from one roof to another over several buildings, while said buildings started to fall one by one as they were teared down by Ivo's Egg Crusher.

Sonic managed to pull a hand free from Eggman's machine grip, but as he created an electrical lasso with his watch, Young Sonic accidentally crashed against it as he tried to make a jump, and therefore, he landed on the floor.

Young Sonic groaned in pain and annoyance, and then, he started to run away again, while Robotnik kept shooting at him as he tired to kill him. Young Sonic jumped from a roof to a wall and stopped time for a second before boosting towards the ceiling again as he ran over the wall and even accidentally returned time to its normal speed .

Boom Sonic, on the other hand, was now running across the city, dodging all the lasers, missiles and even the stomps launched by Ivo's Egg Crusher. He started to run over a wall as well, still being chased by Ivo, and then he jumped over him, creating an electrical lasso with his watch.

The problem is that he didn't calculated well where to launch the lasso, and so, he ended up launching straight to Young Sonic's face, who literally came out of nowhere and ended up being dragged downwards, as he landed right over the capsule of Robotnik's Egg Crusher, who got both startled and scared, because he let out a very girl-ish scream.

"Sorry!" Boom Sonic apologized with a shout, before curling into a ball and make a Drop Dash in the ground, once again running away from Ivo and his Egg Crusher.

Young Sonic removed the electrical lasso from his face and deadpanned. "Ugh... gross..."

However, he realized that he was right over Robotnik's Egg Crusher, so he immediately jumped away and started to run again.

Meanwhile, Sonic was suffering in pain as his body was being crushed by Eggman, but soon enough, he created another lasso, one that he wrapped around the same arm that was crushing him, before moving his other arm out of Eggman's Egg Crusher grip and press a button over the watch, that activated a mechanism that electrified Eggman's robot.

Eggman groaned in pain, since he could feel every shock from the attack, and the Egg Crusher finally let Sonic go, as he landed in the ground with a groan and a huge gasp, since his breath was also getting cut off, but now he finally could breath again. He also boosted away to avoid Eggman's attacks, or at least try to.

Meanwhile, Young Sonic used a wall to impulse himself on a Spin Dash and launch himself against Robotnik's Egg Crusher. Unfortunately, Robotnik shoot a shockwave against him, and so, he sent him backwards and far away, crashing and traversing one of the windows of the Castle.

Boom Sonic, on the other hand, was fighting once again on a 1v1 battle with Ivo, but his Egg Crusher suddenly grabbed him and smashed his body against multiple buildings, before twirl him in the air multiple times, and then, launch him against another window of the Castle, that he also traversed.

Finally, Eggman managed to shoot multiple missiles in the air that got ahead of Sonic without him noticing it. Then, the missiles exploded right in front of him and sent him in the air, making him twirl around out of control before being punched in the stomach by Eggman and sent backwards.

Then, Ivo was the next one to hit him, sending Sonic to Robotnik, who punched him multiple times in the air before launching him towards the air, were a red lightning moved before it materialized into Eggman, who suddenly punch him in the face again, and therefore, he sent him straight to another window of the Castle.

"Alright! It's showtime!" Eggman stated with a huge grin, before he stated to laugh maniacally.

Soon enough, the other two Eggmans joined him, and the three of them turned into red, green and yellow lightnings, as they started to create a thunderstorm around Canterlot's Castle, causing many buildings to fall apart and get dragged by the tornado forming on the Ancient Capital City of Equestria.

Things calmed down a bit in Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood, which is why the rest returned to Maretime Bay.

There? Things were out of control, because the citizens couldn't stop but ask one question after another of how they were in imminent danger, and that they had o get out of there, or that they had to do something to help out.

While the citizens were arguing and trying to figure out what to do, and Team Dark kept watching Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Zipp, Pipp and Izzy were worried that this wasn't going anywhere.

"Is it just me, or are they more panicked than when Hitch told them about three Eggmans coming to attack us?" Tails pointed out with concern.

"They at least had protection. Now we don't know for sure if the Sonics can win," Knuckles pointed out. "And don't even glare to me! I know I should be optimistic and all, but we also must consider the possibility of loosing."

"Oh, come on!" Pipp complained. "That's not gonna happen!"

"Um..." Amy said unsure, as her eyes widened and she gulped nervously. "I'll usually agreed with Pipp, but... you might wanna sit to watch this one..." She stated, pointing at certain direction.

When everyone turned to where Amy was pointing, they all gasped when they saw a massive tornado raising, with red, green and yellow lightnings around.

"I'm gonna guess we'll need more than faith and a lifetime of data to win this battle..." Zipp pointed out with a gulp.

Inside Canterlot Castle, what used to be Twilight's throne was now destroyed.

The glasses in the walls that hold generations of history were destroyed as well, and there were three blue hedgehogs laying on the floor in pain, although Young Sonic managed to stand up and hurry to move with Sonic and Boom Sonic.

As Sonic groaned and sat down, he moved his neck around, feeling incredibly in pain, while Boom Sonic stood up entirely with effort, as he cracked his back and groaned in pain as well.

Young Sonic joined them, being dirty and scratched around, but still managing to move normally. "What the hell is going on out there?!" He asked with panic and confusion, while he helped Sonic to stand up by putting an arm around his neck and also glaring daggers at Boom Sonic. "I've been yelling at you 'Sonic 2, Sonic 2, Sonic 2!"

"I-I-I-I-I-I Know, but I thought that you were Sonic 2!" Boom Sonic confessed with a confused expression.

"What?! No! I'm not Sonic 2!" Young Sonic complained, before his eyes widened in panic. "Wait, am I?!"

Sonic, who managed to stand by himself now, frowned at both of his counterparts. "Stop arguing the both of you and listen to Sonic 1!" He called out, while both Sonics turned to pay him attention. "Look, I don't know if you noticed it or something, but we're clearly not very good at this!"

"I know, I know! We totally suck!" Young Sonic pointed out with concern as well. "Look, I can perfectly work as a team, but I never worked along myself before!"

"Yeah, me neither!" Boom Sonic said with concern as well. "I think we only managed to work so well before because Eggman attacked Tails, and nobody attacks Tails and lives to tell it!"

"True dat!" Young Sonic declared.

"Hang on, hang on, hang on! Those three son of their mustache mothers hurt Tails while I was out?!" Sonic asked, both in panic and anger.

"No, but they almost killed him!" Boom Sonic replied.

"Oh, now those big ass motherfuckers are gonna hear me!" Sonic stated incredibly mad, with his electrical powers awakening for a moment, and his eyes turning blue, but they faded away. "As for you two, don't worry, because I do have worked with myself, several times before you two, so I know exactly what to do!"

"Then what's the game plan here?!" Young Sonic asked desperate.

"Listen, forget everything you think you know about those three, because we're not gonna be faster than them: We're gonna be smarter!" Sonic declared with a confident smirk. "What we have to do is focus, trust our instincts and coordinate our attacks, okay?"

"Yes... okay..." Boom Sonic replied, licking his lips for a second as he thought on a strategy to defeat the Eggmans. "Let's pick one target..."

"Right!" Sonic said with a smile, nodding crazily at Boom Sonic's suggestion.

"And we take them off the board one at a time!" Young Sonic kept going, pointing at his counterparts in excitement.

"Now you've got it!" Sonic stated with a huge smile. "And with the three Eggmans out, we take their fragments..."

"Then we capture the Eggmans to avoid they escape to plan something else..." Boom Sonic kept going.

"And finally, we get them back home before any other surprises happen!" Young Sonic finished with a huge grin.

"That's what I call a plan!" Sonic stated with a confident smile. "Alright? Sonic 1..." He said, pointing at himself. "Sonic 2..." He continued, now pointing at Boom Sonic.

"Sonic 2..." Boom Sonic repeated to himself so he could remember which Sonic he is.

"And Sonic 3!" Sonic finished, pointing at Young Sonic.

"Sonic 3! Got it!" Young Sonic stated with a confident smirk and his thumbs up.

"Alright, let's do this!" Sonic stated with a determinate look.

"Let's roll!" Boom Sonic said with the same determinate look.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Young Sonic said suddenly, and before his counterparts could turn to him, he embraced both of them in a big hug with a smile, making Boom Sonic uncomfortable and Sonic just confused. "I love you, guys!"

Boom Sonic still felt uncomfortable, but he tried to ease it away. "Um... thank you?"

Sonic glared daggers at him, before looking back at Young Sonic with a warm smile. "We love you too, little buddy... But seriously, though, we got to defeat the Eggmans now."

"Oh, right!" Young Sonic realized, letting both Sonics go from the hug.

"Alright, now let's go!" Sonic stated, before boosting towards one of the broken windows.

Soon enough, Boom Sonic and Young Sonic joined him, and after running over the wall to get towards the window, the three of them curled into balls as they started to parkour in-between some objects, walls and pieces of concrete that were flying in the air because of the tornado created by the Eggmans.

At one point, Sonic created two electrical lassos with his watch and launched them towards Boom Sonic and Young Sonic, who grabbed the lassos as they were pulled on Sonic's direction by himself, before they kept doing parkour and jumping over several objects to reach the top of the storm.

Finally, the Sonic trio managed to reach the rooftop of Canterlot's castle, and they all jumped high enough to land in the top of the ceiling: First Sonic, then Boom Sonic on his right, and finally Young Sonic on his left.

Soon enough, the storm started to stop, but the three lightnings presented right in front of them and materialized one by one: First the red one, Eggman; then the green one, Ivo; and finally the yellow one, Robotnik.

With the heroes and the villains already face to face, the three Sonic jumped again to start fighting against their three enemies: Sonic made a Homing Attack against Eggman; Boom Sonic created an electrical lasso with his watch and wrapped Ivo, just to drag him closer and strike a punch in the chest of the robot; and finally Young Sonic, who Spin Dashed with his electrical powers against Robotnik, hitting him on the chest as well.

With the three Eggmans having a bit of damage, the three Sonics curled into balls and began to fall back to the ground, while the three Eggmans turned their Egg Crushers into lightnings again.

As they landed in the floor and ran all in the same direction, the three Eggmans started to chase them around Canterlot, with Eggman leading the other two, something that Sonic noticed, as he smirked and looked back at his counterparts.

"Alright, Sonics!" Sonic declared. "The red Eggman first!" He stated, curling into a ball, turning around and Homing Attacking his Eggman with his electrical powers included.

The Red Egg Crusher was sent backwards, and the other two noticed it, as well, as the other two Sonics boosting towards them. The other two Eggmans looked at each other, before deciding to follow up the Sonic trio.

As Sonic kept smashing the Red Egg Crusher's chest, he moved away, but then the robot was wrapped around by Boom Sonic's electrical lasso, as he managed to move the machine around and make it crash against several walls in the way. Then, Boom Sonic let him go, just to be followed up by Young Sonic charging up a Spin Dash with his electrical powers, before boosting against the Egg Crusher and traverse its chest, making the machine fall to the ground and crash.

Eggman inside groaned in pain and annoyance, but weirdly enough, he gave up immediately after the Egg Crusher shut down.

"Alright, one out two left!" Boom Sonic said with a smirk, dodging just in time a laser launched by Ivo and his Green Egg Crusher. "Let's take down the Green one now!" He stated, creating another electrical lasso and wrapping it around Ivo's robot.

Both Sonic and Young Sonic nodded in agreement, and then, they curled into balls before they started to bump all around Canterlot like pinballs machines, making a lot of damage to the Green Egg Crusher, while Ivo groaned in annoyance and pain inside the machine.

Soon enough, Boom Sonic stopped, and then twirled his lasso around, still wrapped on the green Egg Crusher, as Ivo screamed in panic. Soon, Boom Sonic let him go towards the place where Eggman crashed, and then Sonic and Young Sonic arrived to Spin Dash at the same time against the Green Egg Crusher, that also landed in the ground, and worse for both Eggman and Ivo, right above the former's Egg Crusher, making both villains groan in annoyance.

"Two out, and one remains!" Young Sonic stated with a smirk.

"I suggest we take it down big time!" Sonic said. "Sonics, come over here!"

Boom Sonic and Young Sonic looked at each other confused, but they still choose to follow Sonic's game and approached him. Then, Sonic closed his eyes, which made the 7 Chaos Emeralds surround the three Sonics and make them float in the air, for Boom Sonic's surprise, but Young Sonic's excitement.

"Oh my gosh! Are we gonna all turn into Golden Gods?!" Young Sonic asked, his tail wagging in excitement.

"Wait, for real?!" Boom Sonic asked with wide eyes.

"Oh, you bet we will!" Sonic declared with a smirk.

Robotnik arrived to see that the three hedgehogs were floating, surround by seven gems that kept glowing and radiating a strange energy for him.

"What in the name of science is going on?!" Robotnik asked with wide eyes and panic.

The three Sonics, however, only smirked at Robotnik, with Boom Sonic crossing his arms, Young Sonic putting his fists on his hips, and Sonic looking ahead with the usual pose he makes when he's going Super.

"Time to scramble some Eggman, Super Sonic style!" Sonic declared, which made the Chaos Emeralds twirl faster around them, and then, the Emeralds fused with the three hedgehogs.

Before Robotnik was an amazing yet also terrifying sight: The three Sonics' furs had become golden, their eyes red, and their quills lifted up like Shadow's. The remaining doctor gulped, since he knows how powerful Young Sonic was when he turned into this, but he wasn't going to give up that easily.

"Whoa! So this is how it feels to transform into a Golden God!" Boom Sonic said impressed with a smirk.

"Did you called this transformation 'Super Sonic'?" Young Sonic asked. "Because if so, man, you hit the jackpot with the name! I definitely feel super!"

"And now, we're gonna take this Egghead down!" Sonic declared with a grin, pointing at Robotnik with a thumb up, before turning the thumb down.

Robotnik only growled in anger, however. "You'll need more than a fancy power up to finish me up!" He declared, then boosted towards the now golden hedgehogs.

Soon enough, however, the three Super Sonics looked at each other and nodded, before they all boosted towards different directions.

That confused Robotnik a lot, as he looked all around in search for the three Sonics. However, he couldn't think a lot on it, because he started to be hit suddenly by three golden blurs, several times, in different directions, and at a speed that gave him terrible flashbacks.

This is exactly what happened the day Young Sonic defeated him for the very first time, when he sent him to another planet for 8 months, were he had no food, no resources, and no way home that he knew of back then...

And now? Now it wasn't only Young Sonic attacking him, but also Sonic and Boom Sonic, all of them turned into Super Sonic. The three golden blurs were flying at what many could describe as an impossible speed, since they were running all around Canterlot, charging energy and Spin Dashing against Robotnik's Egg Crusher, and they were doing all of this in a matter of seconds.

Finally, after making sure that the Yellow Egg Crusher was all trashed up, the three Super Sonics reunited meters away from Robotnik, and then, they all charged up their Spin Dashes to strike the final punch.

"There's nothing you can do now to stop the inevitable!" Sonic stated with confidence. "Victory is ours for the taking!"

And so, with the three Super Sonics having charged their Spin Dashes, the three of them boosted towards Robotnik's Egg Crusher at the exact same time in perfect synchrony.

"TRIPLE BOOST!" The Super Sonic trio shouted in unison, before they literally traversed the Yellow Egg Crusher's chest with their Spin Dashes.

"NOOOOOOO!" Robotnik shouted in anger, while his Egg Crusher got sent backwards and crashed against the other two, making the three Eggmans groan in annoyance and pain since, once again, they lost.

The three Sonics, on the other hand, landed not so far from the crushed Egg Crushers, still in their super forms, and they all smiled at the sight of the three Eggmans defeated in the ground.

Before cheering, Sonic quickly flew around the three destroyed robots, before returning with the yellow, green and red fragments of the Paradox Prism, giving the yellow one to Young Sonic and the green one to Boom Sonic.

"Gentleman, we won!" Sonic cheered.

And so, the three Super Sonics cheered, whistled, and celebrated in general their victory over the Eggman trio.

However, they were so busy celebrating that they didn't noticed something off... And that something was that Sage didn't showed up in the entire battle.

Well, seems like I Jinxed them...

Suddenly, Sage appeared right behind the Super Sonic trio, holding the blue fragment of the Paradox Prism. After that, she snapped her fingers, and so, the other three fragments teleported from the Sonics hands and appeared floating behind Sage.

"What the––" Boom Sonic exclaimed confused.

"W-Where did they go?!" Young Sonic asked in panic.

And then, Sage charged up a massive attack with her hand, but before launching it...

"Sonic!" Sage called out with a frown, and the three Sonics turned around to see that she had the four fragments of the Prism with her. "This is for trying to put me against my father!"

The three Super Sonics' eyes widened when they saw what she was about to do and panicked. "Sage, no––" Sonic tried to persuade her.

However, it was worth nothing, because she launched the attack towards the Sonics, and so, even if they had the power of the Chaos Emeralds running through their bodies, she sent them backwards, as they all flew miles and miles away from Canterlot, screaming in panic, while Sage smiled with satisfaction.

After that, she snapped her fingers, and so, she disappeared with the fragments of the prism, as well as with the three Egg Crushers, despite they were still all destroyed.

In Maretime Bay, Sunny and Hitch finally managed to calm everypony down, as they all simply returned home.

Now the town was empty once again, and only the Mane 6, Team Sonic sins Sonic and Team Dark, who decided to return, were all reunited near Mane melody.

They also noticed that the tornado and the electricity that could've be seen from Canterlot stopped minutes ago.

"Well, that should mean something good, right?" Misty asked with a little smile.

"I guess so?" Knuckles shrugged uncertain.

Tails, on the other hand, was checking the energy of the Paradox Prism on his Miles Electric. This entire time, the energy signs remained the same, but now? They started to grow at an incredibly worrying speed.

"Um... guys?" Tails called out with worry. "The energy of the Prism... is... increasing..."

"The what now?" Zipp asked confused.

"The energy was at a moderate speed, or I guess it was moderate, but... now it's increasing in levels that worry me a lot..." Tails explained with concern.

However, before anyone could say anything, they all heard screams coming from the sky, and so, the three Super Sonics landed in the ground with grunts of pain, loosing their transformations as the Emeralds rolled in the ground, while they rolled as well and were left all muddy and beaten up, all because of that single attack that Sage launched at them.

"Sonic!" Pipp cried out with worry, immediately rushing to help him.

Everyone else followed up, with Pipp and Tails helping Sonic to stand up, Shadow and Hitch making sure that Young Sonic was fine, and Amy, Sunny and Knuckles helping out Boom Sonic.

The three Sonics stood up with grunts of effort and pain, and while Boom Sonic and Young Sonic were stubborn and decided to stand on their own, Sonic gladly accepted Pipp and Tails' help to stand still.

"Blue Star, what happened?!" Pipp asked in panic.

"We defeated them... but Sage caught us off guard..." Sonic replied in pain.

"She has the 4 fragments now..." Boom Sonic added with a frown, groaning in pain as he grabbed his left arm.

"A-And I think it's just gonna get worse..." Young Sonic finished with concern.

Suddenly, Sage appeared again, now with the four fragments of the Paradox Prism floating around her.

Right behind her and the Prism, the destroyed Egg Crushers landed as well, but the Eggmans were teleported out of them, because they were all standing right outside their machines.

"Holy crap!" Ivo exclaimed, catching his balance. "A little warning next time? Please?!"

"I... was not expecting that... No, seriously, I wasn't expecting it. What the fuck?!" Robotnik said, as he cleaned his clothes and adjusted them as well.

"Sage, dear? Start up the lights show!" Eggman instructed with a grin.

Sage nodded with a smile to her father, before turning back to the group of heroes and frown at them.

"Sage... you don't have to do this..." Sonic tried to resonate with her.

"All the opposite: My father is gonna get what he wants. No matter the coast!" Sage stated with a determinate look.

And so, Sage made the fragments twirl around her, before they all reached the sky and joined together, once again forming the full Paradox Prism, and so, restoring the infinite power to travel across the multiverse.

As the Prism finally united, blue, red, green and yellow lightnings came out of it, and they started to move wildly around Equestria. Then, a red lightning fell right into Eggman and turned him into several red lightnings; a green one touched Robotnik and turned him into green lightnings; a yellow one reached Robotnik and turned him into yellow lightnings.

Finally, Sage was reached by a blue lightning and turned into several ones. The four villains, now turned into lightnings, soon started to create another tornado, but this one was exclusively around the destroyed Egg Crushers.

Everyone was worried about what was happening, but then, Sonic felt a strange energy coming from his quills. He took out from them one of the discs that allows him to travel across the multiverse, and he stared at it confused when he saw that it was glowing in the same colors than the Paradox Prism.

Soon enough, the tornado stopped right above the Paradox Prism, and then, some kind of weird mechanism grabbed the lower part of the Prism and attached it, before the Prism entered the mechanism and was replaced with a giant mechanical hand.

The tornado dissipated, and now, the three Egg Crushers combined into one single machine: The arms were red, the legs were green, the body was yellow, and the head was blue, having the exact same shape and form of the original Death Egg Robot. However, this machine wasn't a new variant of that robot, despite having some similarities to it.

A maniac laugh that combined the voices of the three Eggmans and Sage was heard, and it came right from the robot. "Well, well, well, well! It seems like I finally reached my ultimate form!" The robot spoke, with the voices of all the villains combined as well.

"Uh... did the robot just talked?" Sunny questioned confused.

"Where did the Eggmans and Sage go?!" Knuckles asked in anger and confusion.

"I-I don't think they left... I think the robot is the Eggmans and Sage..." Young Sonic pointed out with concern.

"Hohohoho! Seems like at least one of the three rodents has more neurons than the others!" The robot stated. "That's right! Our minds and bodies have combined in one: This body! Now, four brilliant minds have united to create the definite Eggman: The Egg Conqueror!"

"So they all form part of the same robotic body... does that means that you're gonna invade every reality now?!" Izzy asked with panic and fear.

"Yes! That's exactly what I'm going to do!" The Egg Conqueror stated with a maniac laugh. "But first and, just like I declared before, I will destroy this reality until nothing remains! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Before anyone could do or say something, the Egg Conqueror's rockets from both his feet and his back roared, as the villain was elevated in the air before he boosted towards the sky. Once he was high enough, he pointed the right arm, and then, the hand was replaced with the Paradox Prism, which the robot used to shot a massive laser to the sky.

Then, the sky literally created a massive hole with the shape of an X. The realm where all the universes connected could be seen, with the red, black and blue background, as well as all the white lines that conformed every universe on their own.

"Yes! The multiverse is now mine!" The Egg Conqueror said with happiness, before boosting through the X portal... that didn't closed after he passed through it.

As the Egg Conqueror disappeared, everyone else was left concerned, but Sonic noticed something... off.

"Something's wrong..." Sonic said with concern.

"Besides the fact that this guy is pretty much going to kill us all?!" Hitch asked in panic. "What else could be wrong?!"

"The portals always close after something, or someone, pass through them..." Sonic explained. "But that one's still open..."

"Wait, so that thing shouldn't be showing up anymore?!" Zipp asked in panic, while Sonic only nodded with worry and concern.

"Then... Then what do we do?" Misty asked with worry and panic.

"Well, we can't stay here with our arms crossed!" Knuckles pointed out with a frown. "That thing is gonna erase our universe if we don't hurry up to stop him!"

"We cannot reach that place!" Amy pointed out with a frown. "Is too far, and we don't even know if we could even survive being out there!"

"But if we don't act, the Egg whatever is called is gonna kill us all!" Shadow pointed out with a frown as well.

While the others were discussing, Sonic stared at the disc on his hand and looked back at the sky, where he could see the entire Multiverse, and then, a yellow light, probably from the fire that the Egg Conqueror released from his rockets.

Sonic frowned with concern and worry as well, before looking back at the disc on his hand and nod to himself. Then, he put that disc over his right hand, before taking out other two and put them behind his shoes. Finally, he took out the final disc and placed it over his left hand.

The four discs glowed bright, meaning that they were ready to go, while his friends noticed the glow from his discs. Once the glow dissipated, Sonic turned to his friends and looked at them with a determinate look.

"You can't reach the multiverse to stop the Egg Conqueror. I can!" Sonic announced.

"Oh, no!" Knuckles said with anger, zooming straight to Sonic's face. "You are not doing this for the sake of––"

"I'm not doing this for the sake of fame, glory nor all that bullshit," Sonic said with a frown. "This isn't about me. It never was, and it never will. This is about us, about all of them, about the entire multiverse! If I stay here and hope for a miracle to happen, this universe and every single one will be delated from existence. I can't allow that to happen."

"But Sonic––" Pipp tried to say as well, very worried since she suspected where Sonic was going with this.

"If I die while trying to avoid every single reality in existence of being conquered by Eggman, then so I'll die," Sonic stated, now looking at Pipp, but still frowning. "This battle is beyond me. I'm not doing it for me... I'm doing it for every world out there that is in danger of being destroyed. My entire life I've been saving Mobius from Eggman whenever he had the guts to attack. Then he came here to Equestria, and I made sure he still failed. Now his ambition is reaching worlds beyond imagination. Worlds that have nothing to do with him. Worlds that live in peace, a peace that's gonna be destroyed because of Eggman. I won't allow that. I can't allow that. Never happened before, and I won't start today."

"Sonic... you might be getting yourself into a suicide mission... I know you have before, but... don't you think this is a bit extreme?" Tails asked with concern and worry for his brother.

"I know that, little bro... But I have the power to follow him and save the whole multiverse," Sonic pointed out. "I won't stay with my arms crossed while Eggman sicks to conquer the multiverse. I couldn't live with myself if I ever let that happen..."

"...Because that's what heroes do, right?" Young Sonic asked with a smirk. "They sacrifice everything in exchange of the grater good."

"And at the end of the day... fame and glory do not matter if there's no universe to share your achievements with..." Boom Sonic added as well. "Alright, this got cozy and very cheesy, but... I think you're right. We came here because Eggman wanted to ally with himself to assure victory over you, guys," He pointed out with a smile, now standing right beside Sonic.

Young Sonic zoomed at Sonic's other side as well and smiled. "And we'll make sure to return you the favor of helping us find a place to stay. You helped us feel comfortable in an unknown place for us..."

"Now is our turn to return the favor... by saving your universe from the Egg Conqueror!" Boom Sonic stated with a smirk.

"I know nothing that we say is gonna make you like the idea of us going against three Eggmans, and Sage, combined in one metallic body with the power to travel across the multiverse," Sonic said with a sad smile. "But please... understand that this is not for us. Is for you, and for every reality out there that is in danger."

Everyone else was conflicted about what they should do, even Team Dark, who would usually be neutral about live or death situations... but this included them. Their lives were literally at stake as well... and none of them knew how to react at the Sonics decision on going to stop the Eggmans, despite loosing their battle just a few minutes ago.

"...There's no way to get you out of this, right?" Tails asked with a sad smile, while the three Sonics denied with their heads. "...Then I wish you good luck. You probably won't need it, but still... You can never be so sure."

"...Ugh... Fine... You better return, though. I refuse to accept that three variants of my friend have died fighting for the safety of every being in the multiverse..." Knuckles said, crossing his arms and giving his back to the Sonics to hide his tears.

"You three be careful out there," Amy pled with worry. "I know none of you like that, but still... Just try to stay safe..."

Shadow huffed and approached to Sonic with a frown. "You better return alive, hedgehog. I am the only one allowed to die since I have android copies."

"You know perfectly that I cannot promise anything... Faker..." Sonic mocked up with a smirk.

Shadow smirked back and teleported away, appearing at Rouge and Omega's side.

"Please go safe, guys..." Sunny pled.

"Kick that guy right where it hurts him for us, okay?" Hitch said with a sad smile, while Sparky on his back waved his hand sadly to the Sonics.

"You better not get yourselves in more trouble, alright?" Izzy said between sobs, even though she was trying to sound mad.

"Take care, guys..." Zipp said with a sad smile as well.

"Be careful with them," Misty begged. "I... I don't want anyone to get hurt anymore, okay?"

The three Sonics nodded at everything their friends told them, before they all turned to see Pipp, who was simply giving them her back.

Sonic already felt nervous at that, but a pat on his back from Boom Sonic and a sign with his head, indicating him to go, seemed to calm him down a bit. Sonic then looked at Young Sonic, who gave him and encouragement smile and his thumbs up. So, Sonic smiled back at his counterparts, and he slowly approached to his girlfriend.

"Pipp?" Sonic called out with concern. "I know I said no more surprises, but... If the other mes and I don't stop the Egg Conqueror now, maybe there won't even be a universe were we can––"

However, he was immediately cut of when Pipp wrapped him into a very tight hug. It wasn't hurting him nor cutting his breath, but the fact that Pipp was holding her grip tightly enough already told him that she was beyond the idea of letting him go.

"...J-Just don't you dare to die..." Pipp said, burying her face on his shoulder and letting out some tears. "P-Please, Sonic... Juts come back to me... that's everything I beg for..."

"P-Pipp?" Sonic called out, both confused and worried for his girlfriend.

"I don't care if you don't return complete or hurt... I-I just want you to be alive, okay?" Pipp said between sobs. "J-Just... take care, and come back to me, Blue Star..."

Sonic felt his heart crushing in million pieces by hearing Pipp so scared for him. He knew he just said that he couldn't promise to not die, because that was completely out of his control... and yet, he also knew he had to calm her down, so he caressed her mane with love and smiled sadly.

"...I won't die, Pipp..." Sonic said, before braking the hug, but lock eyes with his girlfriend, as he used his thumbs to dry her tears, that already ruined her makeup again. "I'm not going to die. And once this is over... I'll make sure our worlds stick together so nothing could get between us, okay?"

Pipp smiled sadly, before locking lips with Sonic, while he kissed her back, caressing her cheek as well.

"Ugh... this is wholesome, sad and gross all the same..." Young Sonic said with a bored expression.

"Are you saying that because of the kiss?" Boom Sonic asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Duh!" Young Sonic exclaimed, like if it was pretty obvious.

"Then grow up, man. You'll do it as well one day, like it or not," Boom Sonic said with a mocking smirk, and Young Sonic pulled his tongue out in disgust and cringe at the idea.

Once Sonic and Pipp broke their kiss, Pipp slowly stepped back from him, while Sonic winked at her to reassure that he'll come back once the fight is over.

Then, he grabbed Boom Sonic and Young Sonic by their hands, before running on his place until his feet made the shape of an 8, and then, he boosted away, while the discs on his clothes created an X portal that the three Sonic traversed...

Now, the three Sonics appeared in the realm of all the universes.

They literally came out of another point in the universe, despite the massive hole with the shape of an X on the white line that showed up Maretime Bay in the distance.

"Holy chilidogs!" Young Sonic exclaimed in excitement. "Is this the multiverse?!"

"Yup!" Sonic replied with a smirk. "Welcome to the place I've been accessing to go home. And the same place we'll be using to fight against the Egg Conqueror!"

Soon enough, the three Sonics noticed that said robot was standing in the middle of nowhere, watching all the universes around. They all frowned, and so, Sonic boosted faster to get closer to the Egg Conqueror.

"So many worlds... So many possibilities!" The Egg Conqueror said with a huge grin. "Now, which universe take first?"

"How about the one were you never win?!" Sonic's voice asked suddenly.

The Egg Conqueror's eyes widened, and soon, the robot frowned. "You gotta be kidding me!" It exclaimed with anger, before turning around and get hit by Young Sonic, who Spin Dashed against him.

"How you like that, Eggheads?!" Young Sonic mocked up with a grin.

"Oh, you little––" The Egg Conqueror tried to say, but then it got hit by Boom Sonic, and finally by Sonic, who instead of jump away, stood right on the chest of the machine.

"Game's over, Eggman!" Sonic stated with a frown. "We'll settle this right away! The definitive battle for the multiverse is here and now!"

"That's a battle you already lost, rodent!" The Egg Conqueror stated with confidence. "I won this one! The multiverse is mine!"

"Oh, is that so?" Sonic asked with a grin, before turning on his electrical powers and let go a massive shock over the machine, as the Eggmans and Sage's voices shouted in pain as Sonic electrified them. "Then recover from this and go get us, you bastard!" He challenged with a frown, before boosting away from him.

Grabbing Boom Sonic and Young Sonic, who stood floating punching the Egg Conqueror, Sonic boosted through a white line and entered a universe, while the Egg Conqueror finally recovered from Sonic's sudden shock.

It frowned and shouted in anger, before turning on its rockets and boost towards the same line that the Sonics got through, also traversing said line...

Universe 201123

The sky broke in the shape of an X again, and so, the three Sonics were falling.

However, thanks to a quick thinking from Boom Sonic, he managed to wrap Sonic under his left arm, while Sonic wrapped Young Sonic in a hug, and then, Boom Sonic used his watch to create a lasso that he wrapped around the balcony of a random building, before he managed to make the three of them land in the ground.

Sonic's clothes changed again, of course, showing again the rainbow variant of his regular shoes and gloves, something that didn't concerned him anymore, apparently.

But just when they thought they could have a moment to catch their breath, the sky broke in the shape of an X again, and the Egg Conqueror literally came down to try and smash the hedgehogs.

"Oh crap!" Boom Sonic shouted in panic.

"Guys! There's people here!" Young Sonic pointed out, since people around were looking at them and at the Egg Conqueror in pure shock and panic.

Noticing that as well, Sonic frowned and looked at the Egg Conqueror with anger, before looking back at his counterparts.

"Sonic 2 and Sonic 3, you two go ahead and get absolutely everyone you find in our way out!" Sonic instructed. "I'll be the guinea pig that distracts the Egg Conqueror!"

"Roger that!" Boom Sonic stated, before boosting away.

"Leave it to us!" Young Sonic said with a smirk and his thumbs up, before boosting away as well.

With the two other Sonics now getting people out of danger, Sonic looked at the Egg Conqueror and smirked. "Hey, Egghead! I think it's time that you and I solve some pending business!" He stated confidently, before he boosted away from there as well.

The Egg Conqueror frowned and growled in anger once again, and so, he started to chase Sonic around this new city... Canterlot City... again...

However, with two other Sonics taking charge of people and getting them away from danger, Sonic had free road to run around all that he wanted, knowing very well that the only loss will be infrastructure and maybe some material stuff, but no lives beyond his, Boom Sonic's and Young Sonic's were at stake, and that's everything he could care about right now.

After a while, Sonic ran over several walls, buildings, over the rooftops, even under a bus, now empty thanks to Young Sonic, but the Egg Conqueror was persistent and refused to let him win this battle.

He even started to run over a building with several windows, and time stopped for a minute as Boom Sonic took everyone out of that building, because the Egg Conqueror traversed the entire place and destroyed it. Sonic, who clearly noticed that, frowned in anger, and so, he started to run over the street again, were time stopped again as Young Sonic took everyone from vehicles, streets and even the shops away, as time returned to normal while several cars, as well as the street, got destroyed by the Egg Conqueror's laser eyes.

After seeing that they were about to crash against a wall, Sonic whistled, and so, Boom Sonic and Young Sonic appeared right besides him. Then, Sonic grabbed their hands again and boosted towards the wall, with his clothes creating another X portal that they all traversed, escaping from the Egg Conqueror.

However, they didn't count on the fact that the Egg Conqueror could literally do the same with the Paradox Prism, which the machine took out and pointed at the X portal before it closed, making it even bigger so he could also pass through it.

And once the Sonic and the Egg Conqueror were gone, the X portal closed, while miles away, in a hill, all the people saved by Boom Sonic and Young Sonic were confused on how the hell they got there.

The Sonic trio was back in the multiverse realm.

However, they all heard the Egg Conqueror coming right out of the same universe.

"Shit!" Boom Sonic exclaimed again with a frown.

"Is right behind us!" Young Sonic exclaimed in panic.

"Then we'll have to loose that son of a bitch in another universe!" Sonic stated, now boosting towards another white line.

The Egg Conqueror noticed that, and so, he growled in anger again, before passing through the same line as the Sonics.

Universe 181021

The sky opened with the shape of an X once again.

Sonic's clothes changed again, of course: His shoes and gloves were a purple variant of his fingerless gloves and his soap shoes. Then, landing over a forest, the three Sonics were all running on their own now, while the sky opened again so the Egg Conqueror could come down and chase up the Sonics.

Sonic literally started to run away on a straight line, while Boom Sonic zig-zagged and Young Sonic made random circles all over the place.

The Egg conqueror stopped, and not knowing who was Sonic 1 since they were all blue blurs, he started to shoot against the blue blur making random zig-zags on the floor.

Boom Sonic panicked, and so, he started to move even faster now, while the Egg Conqueror simply kept shooting at him.

Then, Young Sonic charged up a Spin Dash with his electricity once he noticed that Boom Sonic was in trouble, and then, he boosted straight towards the Egg Conqueror's chest.

The robot got sent backwards and rolled a bit on the ground, before it stopped right in front of a strange cave: It had the shave of a ram, in every aspect; the little horns, the nose, even the mouth. It also had some kind of orange light coming from the inside... but it was alternating between other colors, included golden, because some kind of battle seemed to be unfolding inside.

However, the Egg Conqueror couldn't care less, and so, he turned on his rockets before boost towards the sky. There, he looked around, before noticing that the Sonics already escaped through a X portal by themselves.

Feeling incredibly furious, the Egg Conqueror roared in anger, and then, he created a X portal with the Paradox Prism, traversing it to keep following the Sonics.

As the Sonics got away from that universe, the Egg Conqueror came out as well.

Noticing that, Sonic boosted towards a white curve and traversed it, while the Egg Conqueror immediately followed up, also traversing the same curve.

Universe 060403

The sky broke again with the shape of an X, and the moment the Sonic touched the ground, they simply boosted away.

Sonic's clothes changed to fingerless white gloves and the Soap Shoes, but that doesn't matter right now. They were all running away from the Egg Conqueror, that soon joined the party as well.

"Does this guys ever gives up?!" Young Sonic asked in panic.

"We're talking about Eggman, so no!" Boom Sonic replied with a frown. "And keep in mind that this is a combined version of three Eggmans and a ghost girl!" He pointed out, before barely dodging a massive laser eye from the Egg Conqueror.

"I heard that, you stupid blue pest!" The Egg Conqueror said with anger, while the Sonics simply kept running.

"I have an idea!" Sonic said, before he stopped for a minute and turned around to run backwards at super sonic speed. "You two, charge up your Spin Dashes and give that son of his mustache mother some of his own medicine!"

Boom Sonic and Young Sonic were surprised by that trick that he just pulled off, but they both grinned back and curled into balls, jumping into Sonic's hands

After that, both Sonics started to charge up their Spin Dashes over Sonic's hands, with Young Sonic even charging up his electrical powers, and then, Sonic started to move his arms at super sonic speed as well, like if they were catapults. Soon enough, Sonic began to launch the other two Sonics against the Egg Conqueror.

The machine was trying to dodge the attacks, but everytime it seemed like he was going to dodge it, Sonic moved so he could still hit it. They were on this game for quite a while, until the Egg Conqueror got tired and launched its laser eyes into the ground, making it rumble, and therefore, making Sonic loose his balance.

He tripped eventually, and so, the three Sonics began to roll in the ground with grunts of effort and pain.

However, Sonic managed to get back on his senses just in time, and once he saw that the Eggmans were right behind them, he grabbed Boom Sonic and Young Sonic's hands, before boosting away in another X portal created by the discs on his clothes.

The Egg Conqueror used the Paradox Prism to expand said portal, before following up the Sonics again.

Back in the realm of all the multiverses, the Sonics were far away from the last universe they entered.

But then again, with the Paradox Prism on his power, the Egg Conqueror could travel to any reality he wanted as well, which meant he could follow them up as much as he wanted.

So, Sonic boosted to another universe, hoping this time he'll have better luck.

Universe 040222

The three Sonics landed right in front of Maretime Bay, immediately gaining weird stares from the ponies around.

Sonic had some weird nike red shoes and white gloves with black palms, but he didn't cared about that again. Once the three Sonics noticed the looks on them, Sonic only facepalmed in annoyance, while Boom Sonic looked on with a bored expression and Young Sonic raised an eyebrow confused.

"Uh... why are they looking at us like that?" Young Sonic asked.

"This is another universe, Sonic 3..." Sonic replied with a tried tone. "Is normal that they see us like that."

However, they immediately heard the sky cracking again into the Shape of an X, and so, they all boosted away from Maretime Bay before making a mess around.

Meanwhile, the Egg Conqueror came out of the X portal and started to chase the three Sonics once again, now over a grass field that was very far away from the Earth Pony town, and from any other town from Equestria.

"Okay! So what do we do now?!" Boom Sonic asked in panic. "We just let him shoot at us and blow us?!" He added, dodging right in time a massive laser eye launched by the Egg Conqueror.

"We just had to keep moving!" Sonic stated with a determinate look. "He wants to conquer the entire multiverse! We just gotta make sure he uses the Prism enough times until he cannot travel to any more universes!"

"So we have to run out his power source?!" Young Sonic asked confused.

"Pretty much!" Sonic replied.

"But that could take us ages! That thing has limitless power!" Boom Sonic pointed out.

"Part of its energy is my body, so it's actually limited right now... It just has a really long stamina..." Sonic deadpanned.

"That just makes things worse!" Young Sonic exclaimed in panic.

"Well, Im sorry, but is the only way!" Sonic said with a frown. "We just gotta keep doing this until the Prism has no power left!"

"Then get us out of here and to the next universe!" Boom Sonic instructed.

With a nod, a smirk and his thumbs up, Sonic grabbed Boom Sonic and Young Sonic by the hands again, before creating another X portal and get out of there.

As usual, the Egg Conqueror used the Paradox Prism to expand the portal and follow up his enemies.

After getting out of that universe, Sonic forced his feet to run as fast as he could to get away from the Egg Conqueror.

Said robot came out of the universe as well, and pointed the other arm to shot multiple lasers, bullets and missiles to try and shot the Sonics.

When Sonic noticed that, he zigzagged for a few second, as the attacks from the Egg Conqueror crashed against floating glasses, before he entered to another white curve, still being followed by the Egg Conqueror.

Universe 060199

The Sonics were falling from the sky.

Sonic now had fingerless-black gloves and black boots with some spikes in front, and still grabbing Boom Sonic and Young Sonic from their hands, he managed to put a foot on a rock, which give him the impulse he needed to boost away, letting his counterparts go as they all started to run in their own again.

Soon, the Egg Conqueror entered this universe as well, and started to shot both laser eyes and lasers from the palm of his hands towards the Sonics.

"Aw, great! Now it turned into a cheap copy of Iron Man!" Young Sonic complained with a frown.

"At least Iron Man makes it have style!" Boom Sonic pointed out with a snort, but he couldn't chuckle, giggle nor laugh in general, because he barely could dodge a laser from the Egg Conqueror's left arm.

"And it seems like he hates to be compared, too!" Sonic pointed out with a frown.

"You two keep moving! This one's mine!" Young Sonic stated with a smirk, before curling into a ball and charge a Spin Dash with his electrical powers, then he boost towards the Egg Conqueror's face.

Young Sonic punched it once, then again, and again, and again. But before the fifth Spin Dash could reach, the Egg Conqueror raised its right fist, then it punched Young Sonic in the stomach and sent him backwards, as he rolled in the floor and grunted in pain, before stopping and fall unconscious.

Once Boom Sonic noticed that, he frowned, and so, he immediately went to grab Young Sonic, just in time as well, because the Egg Conqueror was about to crush him.

Boom Sonic ran back with Sonic, who grabbed his hand and the boosted through another X portal, with the Egg Conqueror following right behind.

Once out of there, Sonic boosted towards another white line.

However, he noticed that the Egg Conqueror was following up so close, so he pushed Boom Sonic and Young Sonic away, while the Egg Conqueror grabbed him and then boosted through one of the lines.

"Sonic!" Boom Sonic shouted in panic.

Young Sonic groaned in annoyance and yawned. "Five minutes more, Maddie..."

Boom Sonic frowned and shook him like a maniac, which caused Young Sonic to finally woke up, as he looked around and then panicked as well, now hugging Boom Sonic tightly and not daring to separate from him.

"AH! WHAT HAPPENED?! WHERE'S SONIC?!" Young Sonic asked in panic.

"No idea, but I hope he returns soon..." Boom Sonic replied with concern.

Universe 010921

The sky broke into the shape of an X again, and so, Sonic and the Egg Conqueror fell right from the sky.

Sonic had his regular gloves and shoes again, but now he was also being grabbed from his neck by the Egg Conqueror, who was planing on smashing him against the ground.

It was another grass field, which was about good and bad: Good because nobody else would get hurt, and bad because nobody could help him out in case he needed help.

"I had enough of this silly games, hedgehog!" The Egg Conqueror said with anger. "For years, I've been getting defeated by you again, and again, and again!" He stated, before turning the free hand into a massive sword. "But now? Now, I'm gonna make sure you won't escape alive!"

And so, the Egg Conqueror was about to traverse Sonic's chest with its sword, but then, a golden blast sent the robot backwards, which also set Sonic free as he managed to catch his breath again.

Soon, Sonic stood up and rubbed his neck in pain, before the Alicorn Sunset Shimmer landed right besides him.

"...Sunset?" Sonic asked confused.

"Didn't expected you to get back here, Sonic," Sunset replied with a smirk. "At all..." She added with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah... Yeah, I know..." Sonic said. "Wish I could explain everything, but... I think you're gonna be better if you don't find out why I'm fighting against that thing," He pointed out with a smirk. "By the way, how did you knew I was here?"

"I didn't," Sunset confessed. "I just sensed that something was wrong, and now... here I am!"

"Well... thanks for the help!" Sonic said with his thumbs up. "But I'm gonna take charge of that thing from here!" He stated confidently, cracking his fingers and then boost away.

"...Okay... I think I actually don't wanna ask this time..." Sunset muttered to herself, before smiling a bit, and then, she teleported out of there.

Sonic, on the other hand, Spin Dashed against the Egg Conqueror, that was standing up slowly, but then fell backwards once Sonic hit its chest.

"Come on, Egghead!" Sonic mocked up. "We're not done yet!" He stated, before boosting away in another X portal.

The Egg Conqueror growled again, then pointed the arm with the Paradox Prism to the Portal, making it grow bigger, and the, using its rockets to boost through the portal as well.

Boom Sonic and Young Sonic just kept floating in the middle of every reality.

"Huh... Is it just me, or this place feels more alive when Sonic is carrying us around?" Young Sonic asked.

"Actually, it does. Is like this place isn't interesting at all until he starts to run around..." Boom Sonic pointed out with a mix of a concerned tone and a bored expression.

Suddenly, Sonic came boosting out of one universe and grabbed both Young Sonic and Boom Sonic from their hands, while he started to move towards another universe.

"Wow... you returned a lot faster than I expected..." Boom Sonic confessed. "Also, yeah, Sonic 3, you're right... this place only feels alive when we're moving..."

"See?!" Young Sonic exclaimed with a huge smile. "Also, Sonic, how's that it only took you, like, a minute or so to come back?"

"Time doesn't exist in this plane of existence!" Sonic explained. "You feel I was out for a minute, I feel like I left for at least 5 or 6!"

"Wait... time doesn't exist here?!" Boom Sonic asked confused and panicked.

Before Sonic could even reply, the Egg Conqueror came out of the universe he just left, and with a collective groan from the three Sonics, they all entered a new universe, with the Egg Conqueror boosting at top speed to catch them.

Universe 160521

The three Sonics landed in Planet Wisp, although it seemed to be half conquered by Eggman.

Sonic's clothes looked once again like the red shoes with white stripes on both sides and two black lines in the middle, and his gloves changed again to the his gloves goalkeeper gloves with grey fingers.

"The planet of the wisps?" Sonic asked confused. "But it looks like Eggman... Oh! This must be a universe where I haven't save it yet from him..."

"Wait, you've been here before?" Boom Sonic asked confused.

"Yeah... I free'd this place from Eggman's Amusement Park in space!" Sonic replied with a smirk.

"Hang on, hang on, hang on!" Young Sonic exclaimed for a second. "Are you telling me... that we are near an Amusement Park... AND in space?!"

However, before anyone could reply, the ground rumbled again, because the Egg Conqueror landed right behind the Sonics.

"Never mind! Run, run, run, run, run!" Young Sonic shouted in panic, and so, the three Sonic started to run away.

The Egg Conqueror growled and turned on his engines, before chasing down the Sonics again.

However, since they were in Planet Wisp, Sonic got an idea, and without further notice, he moved backwards and made a sudden high five with a blue wisp with three eyes and the shape of a cube. After that, the wisp entered on his body and allowed him to become a cube, ability that he used right above the Egg Conqueror to smash it and cause a lot of damage over him.

Once he did that, Sonic let the wisp go, and returned with Boom Sonic and Young Sonic, while the Egg Conqueror stood behind.

"Whoa!" Young Sonic exclaimed with sparkling eyes. "How did you do that?!"

"The wisps are creatures that let you use their power after a high five!" Sonic explained with a smirk. "Come on, guys! Give it a shot!"

Young Sonic saw a turquoise wisp and smiled. Then, he made a high five with him, and his entire body started to spin around, before boosting at max speed towards the Egg Conqueror. The wisp made Young Sonic boot in zigzags all over the planet, but he always managed to punch the machine multiple times, before the wisp let him go, and so, Young Sonic returned with his counterparts.

"That was so much fun! I gotta ask Tails if we have wisps back home!" Young Sonic stated happily with his tail wagging.

The Egg Conqueror, however, growled in anger, and then boosted back to chase the three Sonics with rage.

"I think we made it a bit mad!" Boom Sonic pointed out with concern.

"Wanna get him more mad?" Sonic asked with a smirk.

"You're kidding, right?" Boom Sonic asked with a bored expression. "Of course I do!"

And then, he made a backflip in the air, while a yellow wisp approached him, and so, Boom Sonic made a high five with him, before turning into some kind of yellow driller with the shape of his head.

After that, Boom Sonic started to dig on the earth, before popping out of there and attack the Egg Conqueror by the chest, while moving towards the sky and then moving back to the floor, before attacking he Egg Conqueror again, but in its back this time around.

After that, the Egg Conqueror fell to the ground and rolled there for quite a while, before stopping right in front of the three Sonics, since Boom Sonic let go his wisp.

"Is it over?!" Young Sonic asked.

"No. Not yet, at least," Sonic stated with a frown. "Let's get out of here before it wakes up!"

His counterparts nodded, and then, Sonic grabbed them by their hands, running in his place until his feet made the shape of an eight. Then, his clothes shone bright again, before they created another portal with the shape of an X, as the three Sonic traversed it.

The Egg Conqueror, however, managed to stand up quickly enough, and then, he changed his right hand with the Paradox Prism, before shooting towards the portal and make it bigger, as he boosted with his rockets through it as well.

Once out of that universe, Sonic immediately entered to another universe with his counterparts again.

When the Egg Conqueror came out of the last universe, he growled in anger for the millionth time, and looked around with a frown, realizing that the Sonics escaped before he could even see in which universe they entered.

Universe 180993

The sky opened once again with the shape of an X, and the three Sonics landed on what seemed to be a dessert cannon.

Sonic's clothes still looked like they did on the previous universe, which actually made him smile.

"Cool! We're in the first universe I landed after I accidentally shattered the Paradox Prism!" Sonic said with a smile.

"This is the universe you landed first?" Boom Sonic asked confused. "Is kinda lame..."

"I'll usually try to find a way of make this look better, but... I can't this time..." Young Sonic said as well.

"At least it seems like we're gonna be in peace for–– OH, COME ON!" Sonic shouted in annoyance, since the Egg Conqueror entered and landed right in front of them, making the entire ground rumble.

"NO. MORE. GAMES!!!" The Egg Conqueror shouted in anger, before it grabbed both Boom Sonic and Young Sonic.

After that, the Egg Conqueror smashed both Sonics against a wall, and then started to fly upwards, basically destroying the rock wall with the two Sonics as they screamed in pain.

Then, the Egg Conqueror launched both of them in the air and shoot a portal with the Paradox Prism behind them, while the two Sonics traversed the portal. The robot then quickly moved and grabbed Sonic as well, before smashing him in the ground, then in the walls, and finally launch him in the air as a ball, before punching him on his stomach and sent him straight towards the portal as well.

Sonic traversed the portal, and then, crashed against several purple crystals floating around.

However, he was soon wrapped by an electrical blue lasso, and then, he was dragged downwards, landing over Chip's ship, were Boom Sonic and Young Sonic were lying in a couch, feeling absolutely in pain, while Boom Sonic turned his watch off, and the lasso wrapping Sonic dissipated.

They seemed to be near Sonic's universe, because the X portal with the shape of an X was somehow still open and showing Maretime Bay. Sonic gasped in worry at that, but before he could even point it out, Chip gasped dramatically.

"Sonic!" Chip called out smiling, before zooming right to Sonic's face and look at him with worry. "Finally I find you! And it seems like you're not alone this time... Look, I think we have a situation, because––"

"There is a situation, Chip..." Sonic pointed out with worry, before pointing with a finger at an X portal opening from the same universe where the three Sonics came from. "THAT is the situation!" He said with concern, as the Egg Conqueror came out and stopped right on front of the ship.

"That was a fun, little chase, Hedgehogs," The Egg Conqueror said with a maniac laugh, before frowning with anger. "But play time is over! Now, I shall make sure the entire multiverse is mine!"

And then, the Egg Conqueror raised its right arm, while its hand got replaced with the Paradox Prism, that started to shine bright and release lightnings in a crazy way.

"Hang on a second... is that...?" Chip tried to ask.

"The Paradox Prism? Yes... Yes it is..." Sonic replied with concern.

Soon enough, the lightnings of the Prism started to act in a crazy manner, and then, they all shoot to different directions, but all of the lightnings hit a universe, opening a massive hole with the shape of an X on them, meaning that he was literally opening multiple portals across the entire multiverse to conquer several worlds at a time.

"This is bad... this is really, really bad!" Chip stated with a frown. "If that many portals remain open... maybe all those worlds will get erased from existence! And if that happens out of Nexus events... all the other realities will collapse... and disappear one by one..."

"We gotta stop that thing!" Young Sonic stated, although he groaned immediately as he grabbed his stomach, that still hurt because of the Egg Conqueror's earlier punch.

"...No... You already did enough. This is something I have to do on my own now..." Sonic said with a determinate look. "And before you protest against me, I have four discs attached to my body that allow me to move freely through the multiverse as well. You two are still vulnerable, and like it or not, you cannot fight back... I must do this alone, guys, and I'm not even kidding this time. Besides, if you two die here, two universes will remain without Sonics... and I cannot allow that to happen."

"B-But we still can help, right?!" Young Sonic asked desperate, to both Sonic and Boom Sonic.

However, Boom Sonic actually understood and denied to Young Sonic with his head. "No, little guy... Sonic 1 is right. This battle isn't ours anymore," He said with sadness, before looking back at Sonic. "However, you still have to return alive, alright?!"

"No promises," Sonic replied with a sad smirk. "With the multiverse at stake? Maybe a sacrifice must be done... And it'll be better if I do this alone, you know? I mean, the Egg Conqueror hurt you really bad..."

"He hurt you too!" Young Sonic pointed out with a sad frown.

"Yeah, but again, I can travel through the multiverse and stand a fight without floating around..." Sonic pointed out again. "You two can't... which is why I want you out of this battle."

"...There's no way to change your mind out of this, is it?" Boom Sonic asked with sadness.

"No," Sonic replied, also denying with his head. "I won't allow you to die in here. Not if I can avoid it."

After that, Young Sonic immediately wrapped Sonic into a hug, something that startled him, but he didn't tried to move Young Sonic aside, so he hugged him back. Soon, Boom Sonic joined as well, and considering he didn't liked hugs that much? It only showed how much these two meant for him, despite knowing them for such a short amount of time.

"...I do love you guys, too..." Boom Sonic finally confessed with a sad smile.

Sonic chuckled. "And we love you too, Sonic 2."

"I... I really hope this isn't a goodbye..." Young Sonic added with sadness.

"It isn't," Sonic assured, as the three Sonics broke their hug. "I'll be back with all of you before you even have a chance to miss me!" He stated with a confident smirk, before looking at Chip with a serious expression. "Chip, please take them back to Equestria. I don't wanna risk any lives as I fight the Egg Conqueror."

Chip nodded a bit hesitant, but then he frowned with worry. "Sonic, I have no idea of what you are planning, or how you expect to recover the Prism from that thing... But you better be careful out there."

However, Sonic snorted after hearing that. "Careful?" He asked with a smirk, before turning around and slowly walk towards the edge of the ship. "Where's the fun in that?"

And so, Sonic boosted towards the Egg Conqueror and Spin Dashed against it, which caused the Paradox Prism to stop working, as all the lightnings dissipated, making all the portals it opened to immediately close, although the Paradox Prism kept shining bright.

The Egg Conqueror growled in anger, and then glared daggers at Sonic, who was now standing over a floating purple crystal, as he frowned back at the robot. The Egg Conqueror decided to pull the Paradox Prism away for the moment and bring back its hand, since it felt like this was going to be the definitive battle with its long sworn enemy.

"I won't allow you to win, Egghead!" Sonic stated with confidence. "Let's settle this, right here, right now!"

"You never give up, do you?!" The Egg Conqueror asked with anger. "Well, it doesn't matter! It's time that we settle this like grown mans! BRING IT UP, HEDGEHOG!" It shouted, before boosting towards Sonic with its rockets.

Sonic charged up his Spin Dash after seeing that, and then, he also boosted towards the Egg Conqueror, getting ready for what finally seemed to be the final battle for the sake of the multiverse.

The Egg Conqueror raised a punch and tried to strike it against Sonic's Spin Dash, but since Sonic was coming from a very long distance, and he even used his electrical powers as well, the Egg Conqueror's punch and Sonic's Spin Dash crashed and sent them both backwards, since they both had the same strength, apparently.

However, Sonic landed over another purple crystal, which he used to impulse himself back towards the Egg Conqueror, as he strike a punch on its face. Then, landing over another crystal, he impulsed himself back and curled into a ball, before making a Homing Shot and launch the attack to the robot's back.

The Egg Conqueror felt that and growled, then it turned around and started to blast lasers from its palms, which Sonic dodged as he kept jumping in-between crystals, that got destroyed because of the lasers. Then, Sonic jumped and made a Wild Rush, sending the kick into the Egg Conqueror's chest.

However, the robot grabbed his leg after he did that, and then, he smashed Sonic against several crystals, something that made Sonic feel a bit dizzy for a few seconds, and he also got a small cut on his left arm. No blood came out, thankfully, but still, it did hurt.

However, nothing could ever prepare him for what came next: A massive laser from the Egg Conqueror's left palm that aimed for his head.

Sonic barely dodged, but it did hit something else, something that made Sonic immediately scream in pain, as he grabbed his left ear. He then felt something cold and gross over his skin, and once he moved his hand to watch it, he saw his glove, and part of his arm, covered in lots of blood.

The feeling of the gross and cold substance was now going down the left side of his head, and while he did panicked a bit, he soon understood what happened. So, he moved his right hand and touched his right ear, feeling it intact. Then, he moved his left hand to his left ear... and felt how it was traversed and damaged...

He understood now: The Egg Conqueror traversed his ear when he dodged the laser. He tried to kill him, and Sonic barely saved himself from getting a free pass to the other life...

With a frown, he charged up another Wild Rush and hit the Egg Conqueror's head, before moving on with a Spin Slash, then a Stomp Attack, and stroke a final attack with a Loop Kick. After that, Sonic let out a warrior cry and charged up a Spin Dash with his electrical powers, hitting the Egg Conqueror again, and again, and again, and again.

Yet, the Egg Conqueror wasn't going to give up so easily, and so, it started to shoot more lasers to Sonic, who dodged all of them like nothing, and then did another Stomp Attack over the Egg Emperor. After that, however, the Egg Conqueror grabbed Sonic's leg and smashed his body against a crystal, then another, then another, and then launched him.

Sonic crashed over a purple crystal, were he stood floating in pain as the Egg Conqueror let out a maniac laugh.

"It was a very nice battle, rodent. I must admit it," The Egg Conqueror confessed. "But play time is over! As you can see, I can conquer every reality I want with just a single snap! And since the Paradox Prism is in my power, I can travel to any universe I want! And neither you nor any Sonic in the multiverse can stop me!" It finished, before switching its hand with the Paradox Prism and prepare to crack portals across every universe again.

However, Sonic noticed that the Prism wasn't very well attached to the Egg Conqueror's arm, and that seemed to be what he needed to get the upper hand again. So, with a grunt of pain and effort, Sonic jumped from the crystal, and Spin Dashed against the Paradox Prism, that separated from the Egg Conqueror's arm.

"What?! NO!" The Egg Conqueror shouted with panic.

After that, Sonic grabbed the entire Prism, that seemed to react at the energy of his discs. Sonic felt confused at first, but he decided to use that as an advantage, and so, he shoot a massive lightning that combined the four colors of the Paradox Prism, and then, the lightning hit the Egg Conqueror, which started to shout in pain at the energy of the Prism.

However, there was one problem: Sonic was also suffering in pain because of the energy of the Prism, since it was reacting to his discs, and it was also burning his gloves and shoes, and therefore, his hands and his feet. So, he moved the prism and swing the Egg Conqueror, that got free from the Prism's grip and started to fell at full speed towards the X hole still open over Maretime Bay.

Once the Egg Conqueror traversed the portal, it immediately transformed back into the three Eggmans and Sage on their own, as they all fell and rolled right into the streets of Maretime Bay, growling in anger and pain because of their impact.

However, none of them managed to stand up, because once they all sat down to recover, and Sage even approached Eggman, they were all wrapped around and trapped by electrical lassos: Eggman and Sage were trapped on a yellow one, Ivo was trapped into a blue one and Robotnik in a red one.

They all turned and saw Boom Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, frowning at them with mocking smirks as the trio of heroes made sure that the villains were tied up.

"No escaping route this time, Egghead!" Boom Sonic said with confidence.

Soon enough, the villains were also wrapped by a golden aura, coming out from Sunny's horn, something that made all of them growl in anger and annoyance.

"Just making sure the little pests don't dare to escape!" Sunny mocked up with a giggle.

Then, Pipp approached Eggman, and grabbed him from his neck, glaring daggers at the doctor as Eggman himself gulped nervously, since Pipp was looking very intimidating right now.

"Where is Sonic, Ivo?" Pipp asked in anger, and her tone sent chills on the spines of the villains, Sage, Ivo and Robotnik included, as they gulped nervously as well.

"U-Um... H-He's... still up there?" Eggman replied with a sheepish smile, referring to the hole that showed the entire multiverse.

Pipp frowned, now with worry, as she let go Eggman, but not without using her left hind leg to kick the doctor's stomach, which made Eggman feel in pure pain and agony.

"Gosh... Sonic did won the lottery with her..." Eggman admitted, even though he was saying it with both fear, pain and annoyance.

Back in the realm of every multiverse, Sonic was screaming in pain at the energy of the Paradox Prism.

Soon enough, there was a massive explosion, and the full Paradox Prism got a crack as it stood floating around, while Sonic got sent backwards and landed on his chest over Chip's ship, since he was passing by and decided to provide help to Sonic.

However, he got startled and gasped in shock when he saw that Sonic's shoes were all burned and dark, once again being the normal ones and without the discs, while his gloves, normal as well, also seemed burned and damaged. Worst of all, his left glove had no disc, and his right ear was perforated.

Then, Chip saw the three missing discs floating away, but the discs were completely destroyed. Gasping with worry, Chip looked back at Sonic, and noticed that there was only one disc left; the one on his right hand, but it was cracked, and it also seemed to be damaged and useless.

"Sonic!" Chip called out, while Sonic groaned in pain and raised his head.

He felt startled and worried when he saw his right glove burned, as well as the disc all damaged. Once he stood up, he noticed his burned shoes, and the other glove burned as well, which made him frown with worry.

"W-Where's the other discs?" Sonic asked confused.

Chip simply pointed at the other three discs, floating around and being completely destroyed, which made Sonic feel worried and concerned. Then, he turned and saw the Paradox Prism, that started to release random lightnings around the multiverse.

"We gotta stop that thing!" Chip pointed out. "If it keeps reacting in that way, the entire multiverse is gonna get destroyed! I can feel it!"

Sonic frowned at that statement and started to think on a solution. Since the Prism was reacting wildly, and the discs on his clothes were now destroyed, touching it and bring it to Chip wasn't an option...

Suddenly, he saw the remaining disc over his right glove, and he gasped when he remembered something Tails said earlier...

"They contain a lot of power from the Prism, and if you focused enough, they could even surpass it!" Tails voice echoed on his mind.

And then, after remembering this, the solution hit him like a bullet train: Touching the Paradox Prism wasn't the solution to save the multiverse... destroying it was.

"...Chip..." Sonic called out with a determinate look. "We don't have to recover the Prism... We have to destroy it..."

"The what now?!" Chip asked in disbelief. "Sonic, no! Destroying the Prism might save the multiverse, true... But then you'll have to leave Equestria forever! Don't you want to stay with your new friends? Don't you want to be with Pipp forever?!"

Sonic slowly nodded with a sad expression. "Of course I do. More than anything..." He confessed, before looking at Chip and smile sadly at him. "But I must do what's better for both dimensions in my universe... and for the entire multiverse... right?"

Chip realized that those were his words when he told Sonic about the possibility of a Nexus event erasing both worlds if Sonic and his friends from Mobius didn't returned there... and his ears fell flat with sadness.

"Sonic... You're sacrificing you're own happiness for the greater good..." Chip pointed out with sadness. "You said you wanted to be selfish for once, and I even decided to help you out so you could stay in Equestria... what changed?"

"The entire multiverse wasn't in much danger as it is right now..." Sonic pointed out. "Now I realize what I have to do," He stated with a determinate look. "And Chip?"

"Yeah?" Chip asked.

"...Thank you. You really helped me realize how much I love the entire multiverse... and how far I'm willing to go to save anyone in danger..." Sonic replied with a sad smile.

Chip felt his heart shattering, and so, he hugged Sonic, as Sonic hugged him back.

"Try not to die out there, Sonic," Chip said with a sad smile, while a little traitor tear fell from his left cheek.

Sonic broke the hug and simply nodded at him, before turning to the Paradox Prism with a frown.

He stared at the object with a frown, before visualizing a red target above the gem. Then, Sonic joined the cracked disc of his right arm and adjusted it to his glove, before charging up a Spin Dash and launching himself towards the Paradox Prism.

Since it was 300 meters away, Sonic uncurled, but still was heading towards the Prism, and then, he charged up his right fist with electricity, which also seemed to affect the disc over his hand, that started to glow and react at the energy of Sonic, as well as at the energy of the Paradox Prism, since some lightnings from it were heading towards the disc.

Sonic groaned in pain and the contact of the energy with his hand, and it trembled a bit, but Sonic managed to make it firm, and then, he shout out a warrior cry before punching his right fist, with everything and disc, straight into the crack on the Paradox Prism.

The Prism started to crack even more, since it was swallowing the energy from the disc over Sonic's hand, and it was too much for the object to handle it. However, at the exact same time, Sonic was shouting both a warrior cry and a scream of pain, because the energy of the Prism was burning Sonic's entire right arm, until it also reached his neck.

Finally, after so long, the Prism shattered into the four fragments again, but said fragments also shattered into 5 pieces, and they spread all across the multiverse, with one blue fragment and a red one falling right towards Equestria, but another red fragment also entered this universe, although it fell in another zone.

However, the destruction of the Paradox Prism also caused Sonic's arm to end up entirely burned, and the disc was absolutely destroyed as well, while Sonic himself fell unconscious because of the explosion and started to fall towards the X portal over Maretime Bay.

In Maretime Bay, the heroes and villains all watched a massive explosion at the hole of the multiverse.

"Ah, dang it!" Eggman growled in anger.

"What happened?" Knuckles asked with a frown.

"Well, I'm not a fortune reader, but I guess the Hedgehog destroyed the Prism... which means that we lost... again..." Ivo said with a bored expression.

"Wait, so that's it? We won?!" Young Sonic asked with an excited smile, while his tail wagged happily.

"Seems like it!" Tails said with a smile.

The heroes, except Team Dark and Pipp, all cheered at their victory. Pipp was still concerned, because the portal in the sky began to close, although something blue and bright fell into the ocean, while something red and bright as well fell somewhere in Equestria, although she couldn't care less right now.

"W-Where is him?!" Pipp asked in panic, looking at the sky and praying that Sonic would arrive soon.

The others looked up at the sky and noticed the portal closing... However, right before it did, something else came from it, and started to fall at fast paste.

Zipp brought out her Z-Googles and scanned the object, just to gasp and smile when she saw that it was Sonic.

"It's him!" Zipp said with a smile, and the group cheered again, and Pipp joined them this time, but Zipp's gasp and worried expression made the cheers stop. "H-He's not slowing down! He's not even reacting at all!"

Soon enough, Sonic fell right into the ocean, something that made the entire group gasp in panic.

Tails, however, looked on with a determinate look, and immediately boost towards the sea, spinning his tails faster than ever, and the diving into the ocean.

The group of heroes all approached to the balcony looking at the sea, while Sage started to moved her hands over the blue lasso to try and get free from it.

Meanwhile, Tails came out of the sea, holding Sonic with both of his arms and grabbing a blue glowing object on one hand. Then, he approached to everyone else and placed Sonic on the floor, making him lay in there, while Tails stood at his left side.

Pipp immediately approached and gasped in horror: Sonic's clothes were very burned, his entire right arm and part of the right side of his neck was burned as well, showing it entirely black and damaged, while his left ear was perforated. The fact that he was unconscious didn't helped her too much to stay calmed, either.

Everyone else gasped as well at the sigh of Sonic being so... bad and hurt, and Pipp immediately sat on the floor to place Sonic's head over her hinds legs, while she caressed his head and started to cry and fear at the idea of loosing him forever. But then, they all heard a maniac laugh coming from behind them.

"You traitor!" Robotnik shouted, and that's what made the heroes turn around.

They all saw that Eggman and Sage were already gone, and they apparently left behind Ivo and Robotnik, which made all of them frown except Pipp, since she was only focused on seeing if Sonic would wake up.

"Honestly? I'm not surprised. We probably would've done the same thing," Ivo pointed out with a bored expression, while Robotnik growled in anger.

However, before the rest could even scold them or bomb at them with questions, they all heard someone coughing, and so, they turned again to see that Sonic was waking up, as he coughed and slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was Pipp's face, and that made him automatically smile.

"...H-Hey... Little Pipp..." Sonic greeted weakly.

Pipp sobbed again, although she was smiling sadly now. "H-Hey, Blue Star..."

Soon, Sonic noticed all the looks over him, and while all of them were smiling in relief that he woke up, he could feel there was something else...

With effort, Sonic decided to sat down, and Pipp even helped him by putting his left arm around her neck. Once he was in a more comfortable position, he noticed that just making a slight and minor move with his right arm hurt as hell, so he turned... and felt terrified when he saw that his entire right arm was burned, which explained why it hurt to move it.

He also felt how his left ear hurt, and remembered that his ear was perforated by the Egg Conqueror.

Remembering the villains, Sonic stood up with Pipp's help, and he walked towards them with a frown, noticing that Eggman and Sage were gone, so he could already tell that they escaped.

"You know? I should definitely rip your heads off after you two, along with Eggman and his daughter, perforated my fucking ear while trying to kill me," Sonic stated with a frown. "But, that's not my policy. Your business with me and my universe are over. Theirs, however..." He added, pointing at his counterparts.

Young Sonic approached Robotnik and smirked sinisterly. "G.U.N. is gonna be very happy with their new prisoner!" He stated, while Robotnik growled in anger at him.

"You know, Eggman? I heard jail's food tastes better than hospital food," Boom Sonic told Ivo with a mocking smirk.

"Ugh... I hate you..." Ivo said with annoyance, still with a bored expression.

Meanwhile, Sonic was helped by Knuckles to stand still, since his body still hurt, and he literally felt his right arm was sent to hell, because he could barely move it properly anymore.

"Oh, Sonic..." Amy said with concern at the sigh of his arm.

"H-How did it happened?!" Sunny asked, shocked and worried for Sonic.

"The Prism... I destroyed it..." Sonic replied. "Now it divided again... but the fragments also shattered, so... there's more than just 4 fragments out there..."

"Not to mention, Eggman and Sage escaped," Shadow pointed out with a frown and his arms crossed.

"So... What now?" Izzy asked confused.

"Well... I found one piece of the Paradox Prism when I went to get Sonic out of water..." Tails confessed, as he opened his right hand and showed a small, blue piece of the blue fragment of the Paradox Prism. "It's energy should be enough to sent the Sonics and Eggmans back home."

"But after that, we still have work to do... right?" Zipp asked with concern.

"Eh... We'll deal with all of that later..." Sonic said with a smile. "Right now? I just wanna enjoy it's finally over..."

Author's Note:

Once again, thanks to bookhorse125, Admiral Producer, JesusG0987 and Mister E-Nonymous for letting me use their stories!

And thanks to everyone who read the entire saga so far. It means... a lot to me. You have no idea. This project is reaching its climax... and I feel both excited and melancholic because of that...

Go read the Epilogue now, where I'm also dropping a big announcement.