• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,588 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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In a Land Before Time

In an unknown part of the Digital World, there existed a large city that was a collection of buildings coloured either black or white.

The buildings were all made of stone bricks, that were painted to be one of those two colours. The city was built surrounding a large castle, with a mix of black and white bricks. Areas of the castle that were black, would have white towers sticking out of it, whilst the opposite was true for the white sections of the castle.

Down in the city, the roads were built like a checkers board, having square sections of stone being made of black bricks, whilst another square section was painted white. The place looked rather nice, so why wasn't there anybody living there?

The answer came, when one of the large buildings exploded and something came staggering out of it.

That something was a Digimon, almost as large as the building itself. It was some kind of giant robot, which was black in colour with green sections on the arms, legs and waist. Its body was tube-like, whilst its feet were flat and its hands were a pair of silver spheres with three tube-like fingers that mimicked sniper barrels. The same tubes could be seen on its head.

The Digimon staggered back and crashed into another building, flinching as it tried to pick itself up. As it did, another Digimon leapt out of the smoke of the destroyed building.

This one had several similarities to the first, appearing to be made of a white version of a metal that made up its body. It looked like it was wearing some kind of priest's clothes, with a purple cape and sash running down the front. In its hand was a white club-like staff, whilst its head had a large white hat with a point atop it.

The Digimon landed on a building next to the one that had fallen, looking down at it before speaking with a women's voice. "Are you okay?"

"Ahh," The Digimon pushed itself up, "they're strong." They turned towards the destroyed building, as two Digimon leapt out of it.

BurningGreymon and KendoGarurumon flew out, BurningGreymon spreading his wings to stay airborne. KendoGarurumon glided down and landed on the road, his wing blades ready to cut anything it flew through. "Ready to call it a day?" KendoGarurumon asked, as the other two stood firm.

"No way!" The black Digimon yelled, "we won't give up!"

"Have it your way!" BurningGreymon's blasters spun around. "Pyro Barrage!" The flames slammed into the black Digimon and exploded, knocking him forward.

BishopChessmon+RookChessmon: 2-25%
KendoGarurumon+BurningGreymon: 3-15%

As RookChessmon crashed into the ground, KendoGarurumon leapt into the air and locked onto his opponent. "Lupine Laser!" A beam of light exploded from his mouth and struck BishopChessmon, knocking it off the roof.

BishopChessmon+RookChessmon: 2-5%
KendoGarurumon+BurningGreymon: 3-15%

As the two Digimon fell to the ground, KendoGarurumon landed on the roof and used the wheels on his feet to fly forward. He watched as RookChessmon picked itself up, then leapt off the roof and landed on the ground in front of the Digimon. He then shot forward and high speed, but RookChessmon was ready.

"Castle Wall!" He crossed his arms and a wall of light appeared in front of him, KendoGarurumon slamming into it but doing nothing against it. This allowed BishopChessmon to pick itself up, as BurningGreymon dived down towards them.

"Crimson Fanger!" As the wall of light disappeared, he prepared to slam into RookChessmon. But before he could, BishopChessmon jumped in front of him.

"Bishop Laser!" He fired a beam of light from his club, which slammed into BurningGreymon and blasted him back with a cry of pain.

BishopChessmon+RookChessmon: 2-5%
KendoGarurumon+BurningGreymon: 3-0%

BurningGreymon slammed into the ground, KendoGarurumon running over to him. And as he picked himself up, RookChessmon pointed his finger guns towards them. "Rook Gatling!" Lasers fired out of the fingers and the pair leapt back to avoid getting hit. But several of the bullets slammed into them and they cried out.

BishopChessmon+RookChessmon: 2-5%
KendoGarurumon+BurningGreymon: 2-75%

Once the onslaught ended, the pair staggered back with a moan. They looked over at the Digimon, who were both preparing to end this fight. However, they then saw something that made them smile.

Glancing at one another, the two nodded before running forward. RookChessmon prepared another attack, but they both leapt into the air before he could fire. And as they did, the Digimon either began to glow or burst into flames.

"BurningGreymon, Mega Digivolve to..." His body grew larger and bulkier, as the flames began to dispel and reveal his new form. Doing so revealed a knight in dragon-themed armor, with different dragon heads on his shoulders, the ends of his arms, knees and feet.

Said armor was a combo of red, yellow and silver. His head was orange with a long horn on its front and Greymon-style horns on the side. And on his back was a large green, silver and yellow sword.

The Digimon drew his weapon and swung it around, unleashing blades of fire as he did so before thrusting it forward. "EMPERORGREYMON!"

"KendoGarurumon, Mega Digivolve to..." His body suddenly transformed into a more humanoid form, as the armor reshaped itself. His leg armor became slimmer, whilst the armor around his chest and arms became thicker. And when the light faded, it revealed a humanoid wolf covered in guns.

His chest had two laser barrels sticking out the front, along with a pair of jet wings on his back. Meanwhile, his right arm had a rectangular cannon covering the whole thing. His left arm had six barrelled gatling cannon around it, whilst a bunch of yellow ribbons flowed from his back. His legs were thin and looked like they could move at incredible speeds, if the armor wasn't weighing him down.

He spun around and fired several missiles from his weapons. "MAGNAGARURUMON!"

The Chessmon gulped, as the two new Megas stared down at them. And before they could think of a way to save themselves, EmperorGreymon rushed forward with his sword ablaze. "Flame Edge!" He swung the blade around slashed at RookChessmon, the force of the impact knocking him backwards.

BishopChessmon+RookChessmon: 2-0%
MagnaGarurumon+EmperorGreymon: 2-75%

As RookChessmon fell to the ground, MagnaGarurumon flew into the air. "Magna Cannon!" He pointed his weapon at BishopChessmon and fired, the energy shot flying down towards it and exploding upon contact with the ground.

BishopChessmon+RookChessmon: 1-80%
MagnaGarurumon+EmperorGreymon: 2-75%

As BishopChessmon fell to the ground, EmperorGreymon pointed his sword at RookChessmon. As he did, the sword's crossguard reshaped and the blade split apart. He grabbed the crossguard, which was now like a crossbow handle, as fire filled the space between the blades. "Dragon Fire Crossbow!" The flames exploded forward and morphed into an arrow, which shot towards RookChessmon as he picked himself up.

He quickly crossed his arms, "Castle Wall!" The light barrier appeared and the arrow slammed into it, but didn't stop as it pushed into the light. Eventually, the wall began to crack before shattering and the arrow exploded against him. "GYAH!"

BishopChessmon+RookChessmon: 1-65%
MagnaGarurumon+EmperorGreymon: 2-75%

BishopChessmon picked herself up and looked around, as MagnaGarurumon landed on a roof. The White Digimon pointed her staff towards him. "Bishop Laser!" The beam shot out of it, but KendoGarurumon leapt into the air as the attack blew up the roof.

"Magna Rocket!" He pointed his gatling arm towards BishopChessmon and fired, a missile flying out of it and shooting towards the Ultimate. She tried to knock it away with her club, but the missile exploded upon impact and she was knocked flying back.

BishopChessmon+RookChessmon: 1-45%
MagnaGarurumon+EmperorGreymon: 2-75%

The two Digimon crashed into the ground together, as EmperorGreymon stabbed his sword into the street. "Pyro Dragons!" Nine lines of fire then exploded out of the ground, forming a flaming nine-pointed star around EmperorGreymon.

The flames then curled upwards and the ends transformed into the heads of dragons, which slithered towards the pair. When they reached them, the chess themed Digimon found the flaming bodies coiling around them.

They were lifted into the air and the flames formed a sphere around them, then exploded and sent both Digimon flying as they screamed in pain. They crashed into the buildings, taking even more damage as they hit the ground.

BishopChessmon+RookChessmon: 1-0%
MagnaGarurumon+EmperorGreymon: 2-75%

MagnaGarurumon flew after them, charging up his weapons as he prepared to end this battle. And as Rook and BishopChessmon picked themselves up, MagnaGarurumon dived down towards them. "FERAL FIRE!" He launched every missile and blast he had from his arm cannons, then shot twin beams of light from the cannons on his chest.

As the attacks collided with the ground and exploded, Rook and BishopChessmon screamed as they were consumed. And eventually, the twin blasts slammed into them and their Digital forms exploded. One became a girl with black and white hair, whilst her partner was a small black metal knight carrying a sword and a shield.

As they fell to the ground, the robotic voice spoke up. "Battle, over. Winner. Flash Sentry." In that moment, MagnaGarurumon and EmperorGreymon transformed back into Flash and Veemon.

The pair smiled at each other, with Veemon jumping up and high-fiving Flash before they turned back to their opponents. "Hey, that was a good battle."

"Yeah," the girl stood up, "but don't think I'll let it end this way the next time we battle." She and her partner headed out, Flash and Veemon leaving the dome as well. As they did so, the pair smirked at their victory.

"Finally got to use those Mega forms for BurningGreymon and KendoGarurumon." Flash looked over his decks, which had those two scans. "MagnaGarurumon had some serious speed to him."

"And EmperorGreymon was super strong," Veemon cheered. "I bet a bomb could go off right next to me and I wouldn't feel it." Flash smirked at this, as he wondered what he should do for the rest of the day.

But just as he was thinking that, he accidentally crashed into someone. "WOW!" The pair fell over one another, toppling to the ground. "Ow," Flash groaned. He also heard another groan and looked down to see the girl he had mistakenly slammed into, making him quickly get up. "Sorry."

"It's fine," the girl replied as she rolled onto her back. "Not the first time someone didn't see me." It was then that Flash saw who it actually was.

"Hey, I know you." He held his hand out, the girl taking it. "Wallflower, right?" The green skinned, green haired girl appeared shocked.

"You remember me?"

"Why wouldn't I? That battle we had was awesome."

"It's just...most of the people I battle don't remember me afterwards."

"Well I'm not like most people," Flash told her. "You were one tough opponent. Plus, that's the battle that got me to the Champion Rank. Why wouldn't I remember you?" Wallflower smiled at this, as Flash heard two other people calling out to him.

He looked around and saw Micro and Sandalwood, running up to him with their Digimon. "Hey man," Micro smirked. "Awesome battle just now. Those new Megas are incredible." Flash nodded, as the two of them noticed Wallflower. "Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?" Wallflower frowned. "Wait, I remember. You're the girl Flash battled once. Um...Wallflower Bloom."

"Blush," she replied before smiling.

"Oh yeah," Sandalwood nodded. "You were great then." He then turned to Flash. "So, you guys planning anything today?"

"Nothing now that I've won my battle," Flash told him. "Any idea where the others are?"

Micro thought for a moment. "I think Twilight, Trixie and Fluttershy went with that Sunset girl somewhere. Not sure where exactly." Flash was curious where Sunset had taken them. But before he could think to look for them, he suddenly got a message on his Digivice.

"Huh?" He brought it up and opened the file, shocked when he saw who it was from. "UlforceVeedramon?"

"What?" The others asked, as they crowded around Flash. "What's he messaging you for?" Veemon asked. Flash scrolled down and read the message, everyone waiting to see what it said.

"He wants me to meet him somewhere. Says there's something he needs a human's help with."

"Why would he ask you?" Wallflower asked, as Flash smirked.

"Oh, we go way back. I'm the one who helped him and his brother Digivolve into Royal Knights. Plus, he and Veemon are basically family since they're part of the same Digivolution Line." He turned to Veemon, "you up for a field trip?"

"Sure." Veemon smiled, as Tentomon flew up to him.

"Don't think you're leaving us behind."

"Yeah," Mangoramon nodded. "This must be important if a Royal Knight is asking us for help." Micro and Sandal nodded, Flash smirking and agreeing to let them come.

Flash then turned to Wallflower, "you wanna come too?"

Wallflower looked shocked. "You really want my help?"

"If you wanna come. Ulforce wouldn't ask us to help if it wasn't important. So what do you say? You might get yourself a cool scan in the process." Wallflower smiled and nodded, as they headed off towards the Digi-Port. Once there, Flash sent a transport request to them and they all accepted, Flash keying up the location scan before they ported away.

Flying through the tunnel of light, they found themselves reaching the other side and arriving at the location in a flash of light. And as the light disappeared, they blinked the spots away and looked around to see where they were.

They quickly found that they were standing at the base of two large mountains. The mountains were several miles high and the space between them was barely a few hundred meters. Behind these mountains were more mountains, going backwards to form a winding path that they could barely see into.

"Where are we?" Wallflower asked, as Micro scanned the area.

Once the location came up, he raised an eyebrow at the name. "It seems this is the entrance to a place called the Great Valley."

"Great Valley?" Flash hummed, "why would UlforceVeedramon want us to come here?" Before the others could hazard a guess, a powerful whoosh of wind swept over them. They cried out, as they barely managed to keep from being blown away.

Flash looked up and saw the cause of the wind. UlforceVeedramon had just flown over them, the Royal Knight doing several flips in the air before spreading his wings to slow himself to a stop. He then looked down and saw them, the knight carefully gliding down towards them.

"Flash," he cheered as he landed, "and friends. It's good to see you all." He turned to Wallflower and tilted his head, "you look different. And where's your partner?" Wallflower raised an eyebrow, as Micro caught on.

"This isn't Trixie," he told him. "Her name's Wallflower. She was there when Flash got your message and we invited her along."

"Oh," UlforceVeedramon nodded. "I understand. Sorry about that. I have a hard time telling some humans apart." Wallflower clearly didn't know how to feel about that. "Anyway. I'm glad you're here."

"Why are we here?" Flash asked with a scratch of the head. "Your message was low on details. What are we doing here that's so important?"

"Yes, right." UlforceVeedramon knelt down and began to explain. "The Royal Knights have been searching for something we hope might aid when the Dragon Soul Stone next appears. With everything that's happened the last two times it showed up, we've been feeling a little useless."

"It's not your fault," Micro told him. "The stone prevents Megas from getting close to it."

"Exactly," UlforceVeedramon nodded. "Megas. That's why we're searching for this object. Because there's one Royal Knight that isn't a Mega, even though it has the power of one."

"Really?" Flash asked.

"You've seen it before," UlforceVeedramon told him. "Apparently, you saw it when you were told the story of the Royal Knights. One of the first two knights to ever be created."

All except Wallflower caught on. "Magnamon." Flash thought back to when he saw the holographic version of that Digimon, which had allowed Magnamon to become visible in Veemon's Digivolution Tree. The only problem was, Flash needed something to allow Veemon to Digivolve. "You're looking for the Digimental."

"That's right," he nodded. "The Digimental of Miracles. The most powerful Digimental in existence. If we can get it, we may be able to find someone who can use it to become Magnamon."

"I get it," Micro nodded. "Since Magnamon's considered an Armor Digimon, it might not be stopped by the stone's barrier."

"Exactly." UlforceVeedramon stood up and turned to the mountains. "We've been searching tirelessly for the Digimental and I believe it is located here. If we can find it, the Royal Knights will be stronger than ever."

"That still doesn't explain why you wanted me to come." Flash looked up at him, as the Royal Knight glanced back.

"Isn't it obvious? Every Digimental that's been discovered so far, was discovered and activated by humans. Even if I find it, the Digimental might not allow me to take it. That's why I asked you here."

"Makes sense," Sandalwood nodded. "So we head in there and search for the Digimental?"

"Exactly," UlforceVeedramon nodded. "And if one of you can lift it, I can take it back to the Royal Knights. You can all get a scan of it, of course, so what do you say?"

"I say let's do this thing!" Flash took out his Digivice and keyed up a deck. "Ready Veemon?" His partner nodded and he unleashed its power. "Alright, Digi Armor Energize!" The Digimental of Friendship appeared before exploding into a burst of lightning, which surrounded Veemon.

"Veemon, Armor Digivolve to..." His body began to grow and morph into his four legged form, the lightning fading once the change was complete. "Raidramon, the Storm of Friendship!" Flash leapt up onto Raidramon's back, Micro taking out his Digivice.

"Tentomon, Digivolve to...Kabuterimon!" The giant beetle reached its hand down and Micro, Sandal and Mangoramon climbed onto it. Wallflower didn't seem sure what to do.

"Hope on," Flash told her. Wallflower did so, getting on behind him as Raidramon began to charge forward into the valley. Kabuterimon and UlforceVeedramon took to the air and followed after him, the three Digimon entering the entrance between the two lines of mountains.

The inside of the valley was just like the outside, being a rocky yet lush area that was covered in trees coming out the sides of the dirt covering the mountains. Several streams were running down the mountains, forming a river that flowed further into the valley.

"This place is kind of pretty," Mangoramon pointed out. "Wonder what kind of Digimon live here?"

Flash, Wallflower and Raidramon got to see the answer to that before the others. From out of a bush, a blue Digimon came running out towards the river. It looked like someone had taken a T-rex's head and stuck legs and a tail onto it.

"Gaossmon," Wallflower named it. "That's a rare find." Raidramon stopped as the Digimon started drinking from the river, clearly not giving them a second thought. Once it had finished drinking its fill, it turned to run off further into the valley at an incredible speed.

UlforceVeedramon turned to the others. "Just a heads up. This place is known for being the home of many Dinosaur Digimon."

"Which kind?" Micro asked. "Are we likely to run into carnivorous dinos, or the plant munching kind?"

"Well that Gaossmon seemed pretty calm," Sandalwood pointed out. "And that one's probably supposed to be a meat eater."

"Don't worry," UlforceVeedramon told them. "You guys don't need to fear anything whilst I'm here. I doubt there's a Digimon here that can stand up to me. If anything attacks, I'll deal with it." They nodded and continued into the valley, which continued to remain lush and beautiful.

It wasn't long before they found another group of Digimon, this group appearing to resemble the famous parasaurolophus dinosaur. They were a mixture of green and orange in colour, with brown fur around its neck and legs.

Flash quickly counted twelve of them, grazing on the plants by the riverside. Some were drinking and others were actually laying in the river, letting the water wash over them whilst their heads remained on the riverbank.

When the closest one finally noticed them, it looked up and the others followed suit.

"It's okay," UlforceVeedramon stated. "We're not here to hurt you." The Parasaurmon watched them, as the two flying Digimon flew up higher and carefully flew past them. Raidramon walked around the edge of the area, being sure not to make any movements that would be considered aggressive.

Once they were on the other side of the group, Flash decided to speak up. "Excuse me?" The closest Parasaurmon turned to him. "We're looking for something. By any chance, have you seen something made out of gold?" The Digimon tilted its head, clearly not sure what he meant.

"It might look like a shiny rock," Wallflower tried to explain. "If the sun hits it, it would glow and be painful to look at. Do you know if there's anything like that here?" Parasaurmon shook its head, the group nodding.

"It must be somewhere further in," UlforceVeedramon stated. "The Digimon I talked to said they saw something made of gold in this valley, but they never said where they saw it."

"So we have to keep looking," Flash stated. The Royal Knight nodded and they continued to head deeper into the valley. As they did, Flash suddenly heard what sounded like a jet engine and looked up.

Doing so allowed him to see a bunch of Digimon, high up on the sides of the mountain. They were a mix between a flying dinosaur and a jet plane, being purple in colour with jet wings that had missiles on them.

He watched as the Digimon flew around, two appearing to be getting in a dog fight in the air. He couldn't tell if they were just playing around, or actually trying to hurt each other. But none of the other Digimon were doing anything, so he guessed it wasn't anything to worry about.

It wasn't long before they found themselves entering a larger area of the valley.

Moving through a gap between two large rocks, they arrived at an area that had the mountains moving further away from one another. The two lines headed off in opposite directions before curving around and forming a ring before continuing close together.

In this circle of mountains, a massive forest could be seen. The water from the river flowed into this forest and formed a large lake in the centre of it, with many large trees surrounding said lake. And upon closer inspection, they spotted something inside the lake.

It was a long necked dinosaur Digimon, whose neck and part of its body was sticking out of the lake. The Digimon's skin was yellow, with blue stripes running down its neck and a large horn on its head. If they had to guess, the Digimon was over twenty meters tall.

They headed down into the valley, UlforceVeedramon and Kabuterimon flying over the trees whilst Raidramon raced through the woods. "Keep an eye out for anything made of gold," Flash told her. "Or something that looks out of place. Digimentals have a tendency to be hidden in places one wouldn't normally go into."

"Okay." Wallflower kept her eyes open, but they were moving so fast it was almost impossible to tell what they were rushing past.

After a few minutes of searching, Raidramon suddenly came to a complete stop. "WOW!" He skidded along the ground and Wallflower soon saw why, as a tree suddenly came toppling down and crashed into the ground. Had Raidramon not stopped when he did, the tree would have crashed on top of them.

They turned towards the spot where the tree had once stood and saw a Digimon, who had clearly knocked the tree down. Said Digimon was a large green beast with metal spikes on its back and a black metal helmet on its head that had a long horn pointing forwards.

"Watch it!" Raidramon growled, as the Digimon moved towards the downed tree and started eating the leaves off of it. The Digimon didn't say anything back, too focused on its meal. "Do any of these Digimon speak?"

"They're Dinosaur Digimon," Wallflower pointed out. "Which means they're primitive. Most Dinosaur Digimon that talk, are those that are Ultimate Level or higher."

"Really?" Flash asked, "How'd you know that?"

"I've observed many different Digimon," she told him with a slightly upset look. "I'm good at blending in with my surroundings. I can just disappear into the background and never be noticed. It has its perks." Flash frowned, remembering Wallflower's previous statements about never being noticed and easily forgotten about. He couldn't help but feel bad for her.

He was about to say something, but suddenly heard a loud roar and looked around. "What was that?"

"It's coming from the path opposite the one we came from," Raidramon stated before he ran in its direction. Flash and Wallflower prepared themselves, as Kabuterimon and UlforceVeedramon flew that way as well.

As they got closer to that section, they noticed the Digimon around them were looking worried and some were heading in the opposite direction. Clearly, something they didn't want to deal with was coming.

They arrived at the rocky path leading up to the exit, Raidramon standing at the bottom of it whilst the other two flew above it. And as they got there, something appeared from out of the gap.

It was a Dinosaur Digimon, being a blue Digimon with a body similar to a Greymon. Except it was only half the size and lacked the helmet, instead having a necklace around its neck along with a feathered headdress.

The Digimon looked down at them and snarled before its mouth filled with fire. "Dino Burst!" It launched a blast of fire down towards them, Raidramon leaping back to avoid it.

The Digimon roared as it prepared another shot, but UlforceVeedramon suddenly flew down in front of it. "Excuse me. Do you mind not attacking my friend?" The Digimon, who Wallflower called Allomon, growled as it prepared another attack. But before it could, UlforceVeedramon did something none of them had been expecting.

Suddenly, a powerful force exploded out of him.

Flash and the humans felt it and were suddenly overwhelmed with a sense of just how powerful he was. And the Digimon all started shaking, as if fear was flowing through their very cores. Raidramon staggered back, a whimper escaping his lips, whilst Kabuterimon appeared to be having trouble staying airborne. And Mangoramon suddenly tried to leap out of Kabuterimon's hand and run away, Sandalwood grabbing him before he could.

Allomon was clearly trying to face the storm, but started moving backwards before turning to run off back into the passageway.

Once it was gone, the force stopped and the Digimon were able to breathe again. "What was that?" Micro asked, as UlforceVeedramon turned to them.

"Sorry. Guess I let a little too much power through."

Kabuterimon shook his head. "If I was in my Rookie form, I would have flown for the hills." Sandalwood continued to hold Mangoramon close, as UlforceVeedramon turned to the passageway.

"It has to be this way. Come on." He flew into the passage, the others following behind him. As they returned to the winding canyon, they quickly realised this area of the Great Valley wasn't going to be as hospitable as the other parts.

Shattered rocks littered the ground, whilst others were covered in scratches and claw marks.

There was no water running through this section and barely any plant-life. The place didn't look very hospitable. And they quickly saw why when they noticed something coming up from above a section at the far end of the cavern.

"Smoke?" Wallflower asked, seeing the smoke flowing upwards from behind the wall of mountains.

UlforceVeedramon nodded. "There's a volcano on the far end of the valley. An active volcano, known to erupt from time to time." They gulped hearing this, since there was a chance they could end up facing down a lava flow if they weren't careful.

As they continued to head down through the passageway, they suddenly started hearing roars and the sounds of smashing rocks and other battle sounds. "That can't be good," Micro stated

Flash gestured for them to stay back, as he, Wallflower and Raidramon carefully made their way around a corner and found themselves staring at a bunch of Allomon.

There were about twenty in total and they were all surrounding a large purple and yellow Digimon that was covered in spikes and had a long tail that ended in a mace. Wallflower gasped, "Ankylomon."

As an Allomon charged, the four legged Digimon spun his tail around and smashed it into its face. This knocked Allomon back, but several more unleashed a blast of fire that Ankylomon flinched against. "Not good." Flash took out his Digivice. "He needs our help!" Raidramon nodded, as Flash turned to Wallflower. "You don't have to do this."

Wallflower shook her head, "I wanna help." She took out her Digivice and the trio rushed into the battle, Flash and Wallflower leaping off Raidramon's back. "BIOMERGE!" They both yelled, as the cubes of light appeared and flew over them.

"Flamemon, Digivolve to...AGUNIMON!"

"Floramon, Digivolve to...Kiwimon!" The two Digimon landed, Wallflower having transformed into the bird fruit combo Digimon with a mask on its face.

The Allomon turned towards them, as Raidramon charged up his power. "Blue Thunder!" The sphere of lightning exploded off his body, slamming into an Allomon and knocking it back. Another Allomon shot a blast of fire towards Raidramon, but Agunimon leapt in front of it.

"Pyro Punch!" He slammed his fist into the fire and dispelled it, as Kiwimon flew forward at an incredible speed.

She leapt up and her bird foot came flying forward. "High Jumping Kick!" She slammed into Allomon and knocked the Digimon back, as another prepared to burn her alive.

"Tail Hammer!" Ankylomon swung his mace tail around and smashed the Allomon in the face, knocking it down as Kiwimon landed. She then rushed over to a rock and as several more Allomon unleashed their flames, she leapt onto and off it.

"Pummel Peck!" She fired a bunch of tiny Kiwimon towards them, the sharp beaked Digimon slamming into their heads and making them cry out as they staggered back.

It was at this moment, UlforceVeedramon flew around the rock and saw what was happening. He quickly flew forward and before the Allomon could attack, swung his leg around to unleash a powerful wave that knocked them all flying. "Back off!"

The Allomon crashed into the walls of the canyon and fell to the ground, growling as they started picking themselves up. But one glare from UlforceVeedramon, caused them to become scared and run off. The Royal Knight sighed as he turned to the ones that had just been fighting. "You alright?" They nodded, as Ankylomon spoke up.

"Thanks, partners. You got me out of a real pickle there."

"No problem," Agunimon told him. "What are you doing out here, anyway? I'm guessing this isn't your territory."

"Nope," Ankylomon shook his head, "but I have to make sure the valley is safe." They all raised an eyebrow at this. "You guys haven't been here long, have you?" They nodded. "Well the volcano's gonna erupt." He pointed towards the smoke. "It's been shaking and sending out smoke for a while."

"That can't be good," Agunimon frowned. "So that means it's gonna erupt?"

"Eventually," Ankylomon stated. "And I need to make sure the lava doesn't destroy our home."

"How are you gonna do that?"

"By blocking off this passage." Ankylomon started walking in the direction the Allomon had gone. "If I don't block it off, the lava will flow right through this path and straight into the valley. I can't let that happen."

"Will that really work?" Micro asked. "Lava is just rock that's been made so hot, it melts. If lava runs into a wall of rock, won't it just melt the rock?"

"It's worked before," Ankylomon replied. "The last time the volcano erupted, we blocked the passageway and the lava didn't get close to the valley. We went to check it later and the lava melted through the wall, but doing so caused it to slow down enough for the flow to stop."

"That sounds like it was just a small eruption," UlforceVeedramon stated. "Blocking the passageway might not work again."

"I've still got to try," Ankylomon announced. He continued to march forward and the others followed after him, as they made their way through the rocky terrain. And eventually, they came across an area with different rocks to the ones they had seen before.

These ones were black in colour, with swirling textures as if they had once been liquid and spiralled into different shapes.

Ankylomon stepped onto the rock and and began to walk up it, the others following with Kiwimon suddenly crying out. "Hot!" She leapt up onto Raidramon's back, as Agunimon reached down and touched the ground.

"She's right. The rock is hot."

"It's basalt," UlforceVeedramon explained. "When lava cools, it becomes basalt. And basalt is an extremely good holder of heat. I'm willing to bet those Allomon let a few flames blasts loose around here and the rocks absorbed the heat."

"The area we blocked off before is close by." Ankylomon kept going and they eventually reached an area that was rather narrow, as the two mountains were relatively close to one another. "Here it is. The place we need to block off."

UlforceVeedramon looked ahead and saw the mountain was still smoking. "If that volcano is going to erupt, the Digimental could be lost forever." He turned to the others. "We have to keep going." They nodded and as Ankylomon got to work, they carried on.

"Tail Hammer!" Ankylomon smashed his tail into the side of the mountain, causing it to shake and making parts of it begin to fall off. The shaking made them nervous and they rushed forward, not wanting to risk being buried alive.

The rocks started crashing down and filling the passageway, as Ankylomon created another rock slide.

As more rocks fell, another sound filled the air. A mighty roar, louder than the roars that they had heard earlier. One that made them all go on edge, as the ground began to shake beneath their feet. Every few seconds, a stray rock bounced off the ground.

"Something's coming," Mangoramon cried. And sure enough, the heavy footsteps grew closer and closer.

UlforceVeedramon flew in front of them, protectively shielding them as a Digimon finally came around a corner and revealed itself to be a giant beast that was standing on two legs. It was a mixture of orange and yellow, appearing to be mostly yellow but having a bunch of orange scales covering its body. Its head was entirely orange and it had large claws on its hands, whilst its back was covered in spikes and razor blades.

"It's Spinomon!" Kiwimon cried, as the Digimon let out a roar that shook the battlefield. "This is bad. That Digimon's a Mega."

"Let me deal with it," UlforceVeedramon cried. "You all run ahead and find the Digimental!" Before Spinomon could do anything, he flew forward and tackled the Digimon into the back wall.

Spinomon roared, as it fought to push the Royal Knight off of it. But UlforceVeedramon kept it pinned down, allowing the others to run ahead and get past. Once they were a safe distance away, the dragon pulled back before Spinomon thought to bite at him.

"Alright, big boy. Let's dance."

The others kept running and as they did, the ground beneath them was getting even hotter.

And sure enough, they soon found out why as they turned another corner and found themselves face to face with a bunch of different dino Digimon. Allomon, Tyrannomon, a few Greymon. All of them were blasting flames everywhere, causing the ground to get super-heated.

"Talk about your hotheads," Agunimon joked before noticing something. A Greymon that stepped into the area and looked very different from the others.

At first, he thought it was just a virus variant that he had once seen online. But it was more than that. It was blue with orange stripes on its back, its head having metal on its helmet whilst its tail had a blade on the end of it. Even its body was differently shaped, looking thinner and more like a traditional T-rex.

The Digimon roared, as fire flew out of its mouth too. The other Digimon saw it and stepped away, letting the blue creature walk around without issue.

"What do we do?" Micro asked. They hadn't seen them yet, with Kabuterimon hiding behind a corner, but they knew they had to get past them. And just as Agunimon was about to make a suggestion, Kiwimon spoke up.

"What's that?"

"What's what?" Agunimon asked, as Kiwimon pointed her nose at one of the Allomon.

"Behind him. There's some kind of cave." The others followed her gaze and sure enough, they saw an opening in the side of the mountain. It didn't look too deep and definitely wasn't big enough for the Digimon to go into.

As the sun came out from behind the tip of a mountain, the light of it shined into the cave at just the right angle. And in doing so, it reflected off of something and shined right into their eyes. "Augh!" Raidramon cried, "what is that?"

"There must be something reflective in the cave," Mangoramon replied. "Something...metal." They all shared a look and realised this was their chance. The Digimental had to be in there.

"What's the plan?" Sandal asked, his gaze turning between Agunimon and Micro.

They thought for a moment and Agunimon snapped his fingers. "Kiwimon." She glanced at him, "you're probably the fastest one here. We'll distract the Digimon and you can sneak around them and into the cave."

"But what if I can't move the Digimental?" Kiwimon asked.

"You actually getting into that cave will probably take a miracle," Micro explained. "If you can do it, the Digimental will probably consider you worthy. And even if you can't, at least we'll know where the Digimental is." The others nodded, as Micro and Sandalwood took out their Digivices.

"Sorry, bud." Sandalwood sucked Mangoramon into his Digivice. "But in this situation, none of your Champion forms will be able to last long. Just wait inside my Digivice."

"Okay," Mangoramon replied from inside the device. "Just be careful."

Sandal nodded as he and Micro held up their Digivices. "Biomerge!" The cubes of light surrounded them, as they transformed and Digivolved.

"Shamanmon, Digivolve to...Apemon!"

"Tentomon, Armor Digivolve to...FlameWizardmon, Burning Magical Courage!"

"Alright guys!" Agunimon charged forward, "let's draw their attention away from that cave!" He ran forward at top speed, as the dinos turned towards them. "Try this. Pyro Darts!" He launched a bunch of fire needles towards them, the flames bouncing off their bodies but doing little to no damage.

It did get their attention, though, and the Digimon roared as they charged forward.

Apemon, FlameWizardmon and Raidramon ran out after him, Kabuterimon about to do the same. But before he could. "Hold on." He turned to Kiwimon, "can you give me a lift. Try and fly me over to the cave and I'll do the rest." Kabuterimon nodded.

"Flame Ignition!" FlameWizardmon launched a blast of fire towards the Tyrannomon.

"Blue Thunder!" Raidramon sent a sphere of energy towards the Greymon.

"Angry Spike!" Apemon sent his razor sharp needle hair flying towards the Allomon. The attacks slammed into the Digimon and made them all roar, whilst Agunimon found himself being attacked by the blue Greymon.

"Mega Flame!" It unleashed a blast of fire, Agunimon crossing his arms and bracing himself as it struck.

"Augh!" Agunimon flinched, feeling a bit of heat from the fire. "I can do this. Just gotta hold out for Wallflower." The flames stopped and he panted, "Ulforce. We could really use some mega help right now."

"Sonic Slash Rain!" The blades on Spinomon's back glowed before flying off it, shooting towards the Royal Knight.

UlforceVeedramon extended his sword, using it to slash away the blades before they could hurt him. And as the blades returned to Spinomon and reattached to its back, he flew forward. "Victory Sword!" He swung the blade down and slashed down the centre of the Digimon, making it roar in pain as it staggered back.

Spinomon slammed into a rock and crashed through it, as UlforceVeedramon flew back. As he did, he heard several explosions coming from the area his friends had headed. He had to end this and go make sure they were okay.

"Blue Prominence!" Suddenly, Spinomon pushed itself up and unleashed a blast of super hot blue beam from its mouth. The burning light shooting straight towards him.

But UlforceVeedramon wasn't a Royal Knight for nothing. "Tensegrity Shield!" His left brace glowed and created a barrier or holy aura, which blocked the attack before it could get close to him. And as the heat ray faded, the V on his chest glowed. "Ray of Victory!" He thrust his chest forward and a beam of light exploded out of it, shooting towards Spinomon and slamming into it.

The dino Digimon roared as the beam pushed it backwards, causing it to smash into the side of a mountain.

The beam then struck part of the mountain, causing it to break apart and fall down onto Spinomon. Before the beast could do anything, it was buried under a couple tons of rock and debris.

UlforceVeedramon panted before turning towards the explosions, flying to his friends' aid.

"Pyro Tornado!" Agunimon spun on the spot and created a flaming twister.

The blazing vortex spun towards Greymon, who roared as it charged forward and slammed its head into the tornado. The flames slammed into its helmet and caused it to heat up, but the Digimon roared as it kept pushing forward. Eventually, it managed to force the tornado to expel as Agunimon was slammed with the head.

"Gyah!" He cried, getting headbutted backwards and crashing into the ground.

The others saw this and looked worried, but were too busy dealing with their own opponents. And as Agunimon picked himself up, he barely managed to dodge the tail blade that came crashing down towards him.

Kabuterimon chose this moment to fly straight up and over the Digimon, hoping to avoid their attention as he flew Kiwimon towards the cave. But a Tyrannomon noticed them and let out a roar, as it launched a blast of fire up towards him.

He saw it coming at the last moment and dodged, through one of his arms was singed. "Ahhh!" He shook his head, as Kiwimon looked up.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." But as he said that, more Digimon started shooting at him. "Hold on. This is gonna get bumpy!" He flew around, Kiwimon holding on tight as he dodged all the attacks. But one managed to hit him in the back and he roared, falling towards the ground. "Sorry about this!" He pulled Kiwimon back before throwing her forward, the fruit bird crying out as she shot towards the cave.

She flew through the air and barely managed to avoid getting blasted by the dinosaurs. One Allomon looked like its attack would be on target, but a slam by Apemon's bone club knocked it away.

This allowed Kiwimon to spin around and landed on the ground, her strong legs taking the impact as she slid along the ground and entered the cave. She came to a stop and was glad to feel the ground wasn't so hot, Kiwimon looking towards the back of the cave.

She had to narrow her eyes as she approached the back, where something was reflecting the light from the sun and the flames outside.

As she got closer, her body blocked the light and stopped whatever it was from glowing. This allowed her to see what it was. And it was in fact gold. But it wasn't the Digimental.

it was a rock. A large rock made of gold, along with several other pieces of rock, which was sticking out of the ground and glowed whenever the light touched it. Kiwimon stared at the rock and frowned, as she realised this had to be what UlforceVeedramon's contact had seen.

"The Digimental isn't here." Another explosion caught her attention and she realised they were fighting for no reason. She had to stop them.

"Raaah!" Agunimon leapt up and used all his strength to kick Greymon right in the chin, knocking the Digimon backwards as he spun around. As he landed, Greymon managed to regain its footing and glare down at him.

"Mega Flame!" It unleashed a burst of fire, but Agunimon managed to leap up in order to avoid it. But before he could attack, Greymon spun around and slammed its tail into him.

"GYAH!" Luckily, the bit that hit him wasn't bladed. But he was thrown towards the wall of a mountain and smashed into it, falling to the ground as he let out a groan.

"Flash!" Raidramon cried, rushing over to his partner. But several Greymon got between them, forcing him to stop. "Out of my way!" His horn sparked and covered itself in electricity. "Plasma Blade!" He swung it around and the arc of lightning slammed into them, knocking them away. But more Greymon appeared to halt him from going any further.

Apemon and FlameWizardmon were also outnumbered, whilst Kabuterimon was at the other side of the canyon.

As Greymon approached, Agunimon groaned as he pushed himself up. The Digimon raised its tail to strike again, but a sudden whoosh of wind slammed into it. It roared as it was thrown away, UlforceVeedramon appearing above Agunimon.

"Are you okay?"

"Peachy," Agunimon pushed himself to his feet. "We think we've found the Digimental. Wallflower's gone to get it and-" He stopped when he saw Kiwimon rush out of the cave, jumping around on the hot ground as she ran across the battlefield. "What's she doing?"

Several Allomon turned to her, the bird plant looking up and seeing them glare at her.

UlforceVeedramon quickly acted, unleashing his Ray of Victory to strike the ground near the Allomon. The explosion knocked them away from her, Kiwimon managing to make herself small enough that she wasn't blown away. And once UlforceVeedramon grabbed Agunimon, he flew over and picked her up as well.

"Where's the Digimental?" Agunimon asked her, as they flew over to where the others were regrouping.

"It's not here," Kiwimon told him. "It was just a golden rock." Hearing this caused them all to frown, as they realised their mission had been for nothing. "We should get out of here before these Digimon start attacking again." Sure enough, Greymon and the Allomon were starting to recover and pick themselves up.

"Alright." UlforceVeedramon grabbed Raidramon, as both Apemon and FlameWizardmon climbed up onto Kabuterimon. "You go first and I'll cover you." Kabuterimon nodded, as Micro and Sandal returned to their human forms to reduce weight.

Flash, Wallflower and Veemon also De-Digivolved, Kabuterimon flew straight up towards the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, as he did, the ground began to shake and everyone turned to the volcano. Just as Ankylomon had said, the volcano was starting to smoke even more. "That can't be good," Flash gulped. They looked down and saw the Digimon were running off, up the side of a mountain that was likely out of the lava's path.

UlforceVeedramon flew up after Kabuterimon, as the shaking caused parts of the mountain to break apart.

The two Digimon had to fly away from the mountains, to keep from being hit by falling debris. But then, the volcano exploded with a terrifying boom. Everyone had to cover their eyes, as lava flew into the air.

Seeing the molten rock be thrown up, UlforceVeedramon clearly feared Kabuterimon wouldn't be able to escape in time.

As such, he grabbed Micro and Sandalwood from him. "De-Digivolve. HURRY!" The insect didn't argue and quickly reverted back to Tentomon, UlforceVeedramon grabbing him the second he was small enough and flying towards the forested area at high speed.

Doing so created a wave of air, which caused rocks on the mountains they passed to come look and fall into the valley.

They eventually reached the central area and he came to a stop, those he was carrying all looking queasy from the sudden acceleration. As they let their stomachs settle, they looked down to see the place was in a panic. All the leaf-eating Digimon were gone, UlforceVeedramon flying into the river valley and finding them all huddled up there.

He also flew down and landed, letting the others down as they looked around.

Ankylomon was there, having escaped before the volcano blew. And when he saw them, he walked forward. "Did the volcano blow? What happened?"

"It blew alright," Flash told him. "We barely got out of there in time."

"You might wanna be careful," Micro told him. "This eruption seemed pretty powerful. I'm not sure if your rock wall will be enough to stop it." UlforceVeedramon sighed, as he moved over to a large rock to sit down on. "So, the Digimental wasn't actually there. I brought you here for no reason."

"Not no reason," Wallflower told him. "The Digimental might not have been here, but now we know that for sure."

"She's right," Flash nodded. "Besides, we did good here." UlforceVeedramon raised an eyebrow at this. "I don't know if Ankylomon's wall will stop the lava, but it might. And he might not have been able to make it if we hadn't scared those Allomon away."

"He's right," Ankylomon smiled. "If the wall does stop the lava, I have you to thank for helping me save my home. You've done us a great service." They all smiled at this, with UlforceVeedramon smiling as well.

"You're right. We might not have found the Digimental, but we've helped these Digimon." Another explosion made everyone flinch. "I just hope they'll have a home to go back to." They all nodded, as the volcano continued to roar.

The next day.

Instead of returning home, UlforceVeedramon and his group chose to stay the night. They hadn't gotten much sleep, with the volcano sending out explosions and blasts every couple of minutes. But eventually, the volcano settled down and the eruption came to an end.

By the time the sun was up the next day, UlforceVeedramon carried them all back towards the area they had fought in.

By some miracle, the forest actually seemed untouched. They then flew into the rocky valley and found the place was covered in lava. But only up to Ankylomon's wall, which had been melted but had caused the lava to build up and harden. This caused the rest of the passage to be filled with lava, which was still liquid.

"How long until it cools down?"

"I'd say about eight months to a year," Micro explained. "But I'm pretty sure it won't end up near the valley. And if it does, they can just splash some water onto it to make it rock hard."

The others nodded, as UlforceVeedramon flew away. "Well, my friends, our mission might have been a failure. But at least we were able to help protect the Digimon's home." The others nodded, as Flash turned to Wallflower.

"So...glad you decided to come?"

Wallflower smiled. "Yes. Despite everything, this was fun. I hope we get to go on another adventure one day."

"Sure," the boys all nodded. "If UlforceVeedramon actually manages to find the Digimental, I promise you can come along." Wallflower smiled at this and nodded, as they left the Great Valley. They might not have found what they had been searching for, but they still had an adventure they would never forget.

And hopefully, the Digimental of Miracles would one day be found. With WarGrowlmon still on the loose, they needed all the help they could get.

Author's Note:

Okay. This chapter was one hundred percent filler. But I hope you still enjoyed it and enjoyed seeing Wallflower again. Hopefully, we'll get to see more of her in the future. Until next time.

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