• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 48: Alien Force V.S. Negative 10 Part 2

Alien Force looked up at the cliff where they saw their most dangerous and worst enemies they faced in the past the whole summer. "The Circus Freaks, Bug Juice, Mind Melder, Chrysalis, Cursed Sparks, Dr. Test, Windvo, all of our worst enemies we faced all summer!" Helix exclaimed after seeing them.

"But who are the metalheads?" Sparks questioned as he pointed towards the robot ninja and the Forever Queen.

"They must be the Forever Knights, but what's with the horns and the wings on the big one?" Manny questioned.

"Maybe she's their new leader since we took down Enoch." Helen guessed.

"Or maybe Enoch was just another soldier and she's the real leader." Twilight theorized with realization.

"Whoever that is, they're coming for us!" Smolder exclaimed as Thumbskull jumped down from the cliff and charged right at the mobile base. But the moment he grabbed hold of it, he got electrocuted and fell back. Soon the cloaking field around it dropped before it put itself in lockdown mode.

Windvo then aimed her blaster and shot at the mobile base, but it was unfazed as the mobile base returned fire and knocked Windvo to the wall. Chrysalis charged up her horn while Cursed levitated giant boulders as they blasted the mobile base, but to their shock, there wasn’t even a scratch.

Bug Juice then sends his wasps swarm at the mobile base, but they were shocked away from it’s electrical trap as the Circus Freaks are at the side entrance. “Wait! Do not enter that vehicle.” Forever Queen advise.

“Let ‘er rip, Thumbs.” Acid Breath said to the strong freak as he used his teeth and ripped out the door as they saw Helix and his friends huddled together in horror. “Knock, knock! It’s payback time, Alien Force!" He then unleashed a powerful acid breath at them, only for it to go right through them as it was only a projection before said projection went into a high-tech ball before it beeped. "What the…where'd they go?!"

“That was a hologram!" Windvo called out with realization. "They weren't even in there, they totally punked us!" The four villains then saw the ball rolling towards them as they had a bad feeling about what's going to happen next.

“I really hate those guys.” Acid Breath muttered with a dull look before the bomb went off and the four went flying back as the Forever Queen watches.

From the side of the woods, the group managed to made it out from the mobile base during the whole attack. “Nice job of teleporting us out of there, Twilight.” Flash complimented his marefriend.

"Thanks, but I have a feeling that's not going to fool them for long." She muttered with a worried tone. "Let's get into the base before they find us."

“Too late.” Fluttershy said frightfully as they turned and saw the robo ninja in front of them as he drew his swords and Sparks rushed off while the others followed.

But then coming out from behind them are Gax and Misty as her version of Humungousaur. “Nobody likes a showoff, Ninja colt.” Gax said with a look.

"And here's why." Misty added as they both knocked the robo ninja into the broken mobile base, which got the Negative 10’s attention.

“There they are!” Chrysalis called out when they spotted them.

“Meet us at the hatch!” Misty called out.

“Misty and I will keep these guys busy!” Gax called as he and Misty smashed down to the ground to create a shockwave.

Sparks tried carefully through the forest as he got himself lost before he turned and screamed in fear as he saw something coming at him.

A bit later, the group searches for Sparks before they saw him up ahead. “Sparks?” Helen asked as she and the others walked up to him. “Sparks? Are you okay?” She asked as she got him to turn to them.

“No. I’m totally freaked out.” Sparks said with a tired frown.

“Join the club.” Attea said as they didn’t see Dr. Test and his mutant bat above them as they duck down as he flew past them.

“There’s too many of them to fight!” Dust exclaimed.

“Even if we get to the entrance, by the time we find and open the hatch, they’ll be on us like stink on a skunk!” Delta exclaimed.

“Well, what do we do?!” Venus called. “Because this mountain is huge and we got 10 villains out to get us! We’re sitting ducks out here!”

Sparks was silent for a moment before he sighed. “Follow me.” He said as he rushed off.

“Sparks!” Lolaxx called as the others followed before Sparks stopped at a wall. Sparks looked at the wall intensity as cybernetic lines glowed in his eyes as a hatch appeared and opened up.

“You found it!” Dust called out in surprise.

“He said he was good with mechanical stuff, but I didn’t know he was this good.” Twilight said in surprise before Sparks felt dizzy as Twilight quickly caught him when he fell.

"Boy, he sure looked dizzy." A familiar voice said before they turned to see Cozy Glow walking up to them.

“Cozy Glow!?” They all exclaimed as the alien kids, Ocellus, Hope, Venus, and Smolder stepped forward as Venus used his powers to tie Cozy up in some vines and lifted her up.

“Whoa, easy there. I’m not here to fight, this time.” Cozy said with a smirk.

"Yeah right." Ocellus said with disbelief.

"Look, I have some information about the Forever Queen, one of the leaders of the Forever Knights!" Cozy told them. "But I'll only give them to you if you put me down, let me come with you, and promise never to send me back to Tartarus!"

“Seriously, after what you tried to do months ago?! Trying to drain all of Equestria’s magic and trapping us into Tartarus and nearly banishing Starlight to another realm?!” Rainbow questioned her with a look.

"Look, either you stay here and keep questioning me or you become giant bat food." Cozy mentioned while looking over the flying mutant bat coming out down.

"Okay, but I have a condition then you must meet before we listen to you!" Twilight told her before getting Cozy out of the vines with her magic. "Let's go!" She called as they all entered the hatch just as Dr. Test tried to follow, but the hatch closes as he and his bat smack face first into the wall.

They all screamed as they slid down the hatch while Pinkie cheered before they were in a control room as Dust, Delta, and Xylene ran towards the controls. "Why is it that a secret entrance always has a big slide tube thing?!" Rainbow questioned.

“Guys, we can’t just leave Helix and Misty out there alone!” Flash called, worried for his cousins.

“Trust us, we’re more help to them in here.” Delta assured as he brought up a screen of Gax and Misty fighting the Negative 10.

Misty managed to push back Frightwig by grabbing her hair and throwing her into Cursed while Gax used his tentacles to grab hold of Bug Juice and fling him right towards Thumbskull. "Come on, is that the best you got?!" He challenged them. "We haven't even broken a sweat yet!"

“We’ll whip you all, with one arm tied behind our backs!” Misty called as Cursed got up and send the stone golems after them, but they smashed them to pieces with their bare hands and Misty’s tail.

Gax and Misty then turned to the Forever Queen as they both cracked their knuckles and prepared to fight her. But then the robot ninja from before landed in front of the Forever Queen and drew out an energy bo.

“Oh, so that’s how it's gonna be, huh?” Misty questioned as she and Gax tried to fight him, but he’s surprisingly strong and quick as he knocked them back to the wall with the bow in one blow as they crashed into the wall and fell to the ground. ANd it got worse as the Omnitrixies beeped and they timed out. “Oh, this is bad.”

The Negative 10 advanced towards them as the others watched from the control room as Delta quickly pressed a button. “Who’s hungry! Because we still have some fighting strength right here!” Helix challenged.

Just then, a blaster appeared on the wall and fired at the Negative 10, knocking them back as the two cousins smiled. “Thank you, uncle.” Misty said in relief.

“That’s my parents for ya.” Helix said as the two cousins rushed to the hatch.

After seeing that they were safe, Delta quickly grabbed a device on the console as he looked at Hope. "I need your help with this one!" He told her as he went over to the hatch just when Helix and Misty came down it. "It needs a big push!"

“On it!” Hope called as she raised her hoof as Delta pushed the device forward to the hatch. “Gallius disrupts!” She called as she created a gust of wind that blew the device further into the hatch.

At the hatch’s entrance, the Negative 10 stepped in front of it as Chrysalis prepared her horn. “You’re not getting away that easy, ponies.” She said as she blasted the hatch open and went in as the device went to her, but then it exploded as Chrysalis was flown out of the hatch with a yell as she fell in front of the Forever Queen.

The Forever Queen looked at the camera to the side that was recording everything and knew that Alien Force was watching. “Nothing can stop this little homecoming.” She said with a tone before she destroyed the camera.

Inside the base, the footage went dead when she destroyed the camera before Helix let out a sigh of relief. "Glad that's over." He said as his parents and Xylene had worried looks on their faces.

"You think that, but that Forever Queen is very smart." Cozy mentioned. "And if you two are wondering why I'm here, it's because I have information that could benefit you guys."

“And why should we believe you?” Helix questioned.

"Because if she wants to stay out of tartarus, she'll have to listen and do everything I say from now on without question and learn friendship the right way or she's going back." Twilight mentioned with a brow. "Now what kind of information do you know about the Forever Queen?"

"Well I know that there are different types of Forever Knights, and there is something I know about their Queen." Cozy mentioned. "Like she was able to get me, Chrysalis, and Tirek out of Tartarus while she was also able to scare Cerberus with ease. The reason why is because she wanted to recruit Chrysalis and Tirek but only had one stop open for one of them. She didn't let me join because I was too young and unpredictable."

"She can say that again." Smolder whispered to her friends as they giggled in response.

"Funny…" Cozy glared before she continued. "So to see who she wants on the team, she had them battle it out but I think she wanted Chrysalis the most because I overheard her talking to her and asking her if she can just absorb only love. When their fight started, the queen was making Tirek mad the whole time and everything, and I think that's when Chrysalis found out she can absorb other emotions to make her stronger. And if you're wondering what happened to Tirek, I'll let you know when or if he wakes up."

This made everyone feel dread at what they just heard from Cozy. “Okay, this queenie really is a real masterpiece.” Rainbow said in shock. “Who the heck is she?!”

“And did anyone notice that she has wings and a horn?” Pinkie asked while rubbing her head. “She almost looks like an Alicorn.”

"Why don't you ask them?" Cozy suggested as she pointed towards Helix's parents and Xylene when they pulled up the footage of the Forever Queen. "Because I think they may have an idea of who she is."

"Nothing can stop this little homecoming." They played back the footage before they began to type something in.

"Mom, Dad, Xylene, what's wrong?" Helix asked them.

"It's the way the Forever Queen said that line that is familiar to us." Dust mentioned before they pulled up footage of a unicorn mare with a dark red coat and a blue and green mane while she was wearing a plumber uniform.

"Night Slash, ID number 5409." The mare said with a similar tone of the Forever Queen. The computer then started to compare the two before it beeped.

"Voice recognition 100% match." The computer said which made the three look down with a dreadful look.

"What, what is it?" Gallus asked them.

"The Forever Queen is an Ex-Plumber." Xylene told them with a dreadful tone.

“While we were still rookies in the Plumbers, a scandal rocked the Plumbers.” Delta said seriously. “Night Slash, one of the veterans was caught stealing high technology from alien preps, then using it for her own benefits.”

“Eventually, she was caught and was thrown out of the Plumbers in disgrace.” Dust continued. “As far anypony knew, she was never heard from again.”

“But now, it’s obvious Night Slash worked her way up the Forever Knights until she became their leader.” Xylene finished with a grim tone.

“But, how did she become an Alicorn?!” Twilight asked. “Alicorn titles should be earned! How did she become one?!”

"If they can get their hooves on alien technology, they can find a way to get themselves a spell that can turn one into an Alicorn." Dust mentioned. "They probably saw her as Alicorn material and worthy of that title when she became their queen."

"Now it all makes sense how the bad guys knew about the satellite Plumber complexes, the Sub-energy, the keys, and everything!" Helix said with realization. “It was all an inside job from the start."

“And Night Slash knows Mount Alimore like the back of her hoof.” Delta said grimly. “She’ll find a way in.”

“It’s only a matter of time. So we must prepare for it.” Dust finished.

Soon the group was preparing for the Negative 10 as Sparks was working on some robot drones with goggles on. The girls then walked up to him. “So, how’s it going?” Smolder asked.

“Good.” Sparks answered as he kept working. “The security drones are almost ready.”

“Hey, we just want to know something.” Applejack spoke up. “How did you open that entrance hatch without even laying a hoof on it? That was something.”

“Sometimes, if I concentrate real hard, I-I can sort of see inside machines and junk like that.” Sparks explained. “It’s kinda like one of those video game connections or landlines that is without the wires in my head.”

"Okay, now that sounds awesome." Attea said with a smile.

"Not for me, it gives me a really bad headache." Sparks mentioned before he finished and the security droid stood up. He then picked up a soda can and threw it up as the droid blasted it to pieces.

"Nice work, Sparks." Delta complimented as he was wearing some sort of suit while he held up some sort of giant piece of machinery with one hoof.

“Whoa! Dad, you’ve been working out!” Helix said with a smile.

“Boy, howdy! You’re as strong as I am!” Applejack called out.

“Oh, it’s not me. It’s this exo-suit.” Delta said while gesturing to the suit he is wearing. “Alien tech which amplifies your own natural ability. Sparks got them running again.” He said as he placed the giant machinery on a pile that was blocking an entrance. “Now, we just need a little help from Heatblast to finish it up.”

Both Helix and Misty transformed into Heatblast as they were shooting flames at the pile and melting it, making it even more difficult to enter. They then timed out as they walked up to the group. "I like to see the Negative 10 get through all that." Helix said with confidence.

"I wouldn't…" Both Fluttershy and Sparks said with a nervous look.

"Manny, there's something that might be useful, just in case." Dust said as she walked up to him with a green briefcase and a plumber's badge in it.

“What this?” Manny asked in confusion. “A suitcase for us to leave?”

“Not exactly.” Dust said as she pressed the plumber’s badge symbol, which caused the briefcase to form into a blaster.

“Whoa! Sweet! A makeshift blaster!” Manny called as he aimed the blaster at a wall in excitement.

"It's a multi-tool High-Tech plumber standard!” Attea exclaimed in excitement. “You don’t see many of these anymore!”

“Delta and I store them away for a rainy day.” Dust said with a serious tone. “And right now, it’s pouring.”

"We did all we can here, but I want to double check the Sub-energy security field just to be safe." Delta told the others.

A bit later, the whole group were walking across a pathway bridge over a large pit as a door opened up as they saw a chamber with a force field in the middle of the room. "Whoa, cool!" Sparks gasped before he ran up to the force field.

“This is one cool force field then any magic shields we’ve seen!” Rainbow called.

“Too bad the Forever Queen now has the keys to shut it off.” Dust growled as Twilight looked around in confusion.

"So, where is the Sub-energy?" She asked before Xylene pressed something on the floor and a small panel with goggles rose up from the floor.

"The force field is just a cloaking device." Xylene told them before she levitated the goggles over to the group. ”Put these on." The entire group then puts on their goggles as they hear static sounds.

“What’s with the static noises?” Cozy questioned.

“The goggles amplify the sound of the force field.” Delta explained before he turned the knob on the side of her goggles. "The knobs on the side of them are just to help adjust the volume." They then saw a golden yellow orb within the force field as it looked like the size of a baseball.

“Seriously, that tiny little thing is what they're after?" Rainbow questioned with confusion.

“Don’t let the size fool you.” Dust said with a smile. “The material in that container is 20 times more powerful than the sun, even Alicorn magic.”

“That means if you mishandle it, then you will have an explosion big enough to blow the entire land of Equestria off the face of the planet.” Xylene said seriously, which made them grim.

“Okay, that’s bad.” Gallus muttered nervously.

Later, Delta was seen planting some sort of devices along the side of the Bridge while the rest of the group was back in the control room. Smolder and Gallus seemed to be playing rock paper scissors but ending up throwing out the same thing. "Would you quit copying me?!" Gallus told her as they both threw out scissors.

“You’re the one who keeps copying me!” Smolder retorted as she and Gallus threw paper next.

“What are you guys doing?” Sparks asked.

“Winner of the group gets your extra tickets.” Helix explained as Smolder and Gallus threw out rock.

"Extra tickets for what?" Cozy asked with a brow.

“To Rara’s Movie Premiere concert.” Misty explained.

“Seriously? Huh, how long have you guys been trying to win over those tickets?” Cozy questioned.

“Since yesterday.” Silverstream answered again.

“Wow, you guys really are competitive.” Cozy commented.

"Don't we know it?" Rainbow said with an eye roll before an alarm beeped red on the console. "What is that?"

"Motion sensors." Delta answered. "That means they're close, come on." They all walked up to a watch as Delta brought out a scanner of a red dot coming towards them, but at the side of the hatch, the wall crumbled as an epsilon was made as they were all knocked back. They saw Test was now on a mutant groundhog.

“The doctor is in!” Test quipped as the mutant groundhog knocked some of the others back as Misty and Helix activated their Omnitrixies and slammed the core down. Helix transformed into Slapback while Misty transformed into her version of Spidermonkey.

“Cous, slap my back! Hurry!” Slapback called as Misty slammed on the Omnitrix, which divided Slapback into two shorter clones of himself.

“Time to attack this clown!” Slapback 2 called as he and Spidermonkey charged at the groundhog, since Slapback is divided, he’s twice as strong. He and Spidermonkey wrestled the mutant groundhog.

Slapback 1 then grabbed Test and held him to a choke hold. “Call off your crazy groundhog or you’re gonna be the one who needs a doctor!” He warned as Test struggled to break free from his grip, but then he saw the Negative 10 coming into the base through the hole. “Oh, this is bad.”

“Sparks, activate the security drones!" Delta called out.

Sparks nodded as he sent the drones after the group, but then Forever Queen visor glowed red as the drones backed away, much to the group's shock. “I do love surprises. Don’t you?” She taunted with a smirk as the drones started firing at the heroes.

“Watch out!” Hope called as she formed a shield to protect them as Xylene used her powers and smashed a couple of drones together as Slapback 2 and Misty wrecked them as Slapback 2 punched one away while Misty grabbed one by her web and tossed it away, but more drones kept pouring. “There’s too many!”

“Retreat to the lower level!” Delta called as Sparks stood there before Smolder used her magic to push the drones back.

“Move it slow poke!” Smolder called as she grab Sparks and they ran down the bridge as Misty and Slapback wrecked the drones more as Delta took out a remote as two of them marched towards them, but he pressed a button that caused the bridge to go out just as Slapback clones and Misty jumped over the gab and into the force field room as the door shut.

Forever Queen looked at the destruction of the bridge as she turned to her team. “We are in need of a detour.” She said.

“Why did those drones attack us?” Attea questioned the group. “They were supposed to be on our side.”

“We don’t know. They shouldn’t have.” Delta said with a serious tone as Slapback and Misty moved around.

Sparks looked at the two Omnitrix users as he gave a blank look. “Must obey, attack Watch.” He said in a natural tone as his eyes sparked up with glowing lines as the exo-suit powered up by itself.

"Look out!" Both Slapbacks called out as they quickly tackled the exo-suit and began to wrestle with it.

"Now what's going on?!" Pinkie shouted before Cozy noticed Sparks wasn't blinking as he was watching the two Slapbacks getting pummeled by the exo-suit.

"Look, Sparks must be in a trance or something!" She pointed out.

"Mind Melder." Twilight gasps with realization. "He must have gone to him during the fight outside, he's hypnotized."

“We better pull the plug on Sparks before that exo-suit pounds the clones out of Helix.” Delta said.

“Sparks said that he can control stuff like a wireless network.” Zs’spoocy said as she looked at the goggles and Sparks as she had an idea and grab the goggles and quickly held Sparks. As he fought to get free, Zs’spoocy place the goggles on and turned the dial, which caused Sparks to yell as he screamed in pain before he fell down. The exo-suit shut down just as the Omnitrixes timed out as Helix was held by the arms.

“Thanks.” Helix said in relief as Manny carried Sparks to a containment cell and closed it to keep him safe.

“That should keep Sparks safe and away from danger.” Manny said.

“But now, we’re gonna have to fight the Negative 10 head on.” Lolaxx said with her arms crossed.

“Even with all our powers, they’re the toughest villains we faced just alone, but with all of them together, it’s gonna be tough.” Helen said in concern.

“No matter what happens to us, we can't let the Forever Queen get her hooves on the Sub-energy." Dust told them as they all nodded in agreement. Soon Smolder and Hope had both their spell books out as they closed their eyes and let the magic within it flow through them. Ocellus put on her Techno Armor as Helen raced around and came back with some weapons. Both Helix and Misty activated their Omnitrixies as they were dialing up an alien while Manny prepared the High-Tech.

The others are all prepping for battle as they grab some loose equipment blasters while those with magic ready their horns while Dust and Delta put on two exo-suits while Xylene ready her powers. They all looked at each other and they both nodded with determination as Helix had transformed into Big Chill while Misty transformed into her version of Eye Guy. "So, does this mean you guys trust me?” Cozy asked as she had a weapon in her hooves with an unsure look.

“You might have done a major misdeed in the past, but that doesn’t mean we should let you be defenseless. Even you can’t handle fighting on your own.” Twilight said to her.

Just then, the side wall exploded as the Negative 10 came from the hole. “There is no place to run, Alien Force.” Forever Queen said.

“Who’s running, Alicorn-Metal knockoff?” Big Chill questioned with a glare. “Bring it on!” He called before the two sides charged with each other as they gave battle cries.

The two sides charged as each side fought off their respective enemies while using their powers or weapons to knock them back. “Ready for a little ‘spelling’ contest?” Cursed taunted her sister and Smolder as she glowed her hooves.

"Mercuta verditis!" All three of them called out before they shot beams of magic on each other as they suddenly pushed each other back a bit. All three of them focused as they were trying to get one over the other.

Meanwhile, the Forever Queen was walking up to the sub energy before Delta and Dust stood in her way. "We would say it's very nice to see you again, Night, but that would be lying." Just said with a glare under the mask.

“I’m flattered that you and Delta would remember me, Dust.” Forever Queen said. “But where are my manners? Have you two met my colleagues?” She questioned as the robo ninja jumped in and fought the two Plumbers as they tried to keep up with their suits to block the blows.

Big Chill was circling around Bug Juice in the air as they fought. He turned intangible when Bug Juice launched a swarm of wasps at him. "Now that's a good way to freeze them solid." Big Chill told him as the wasps fell to the ground as they were covered in ice. "Told you so." He finished just as Bug Juice tackled Big Chill in the air.

Manny was then using the High-Tech as he started blasting at any enemies that came near him as he gave a cry. “Come and get some, baddy dogs!” He called as he kept firing at any villains he saw. “I love this thing!” He called while looking at his weapon with a smile.

The alien girls are fighting side by side as they work together to fight off any villains they see. “You know, this is gotta be one of the most epic villain teamwork we’ve seen!” Attea called out.

"But we've been at it longer than them!" Lolaxx pointed out with a grand before she flipped and kicked one of them back.

“True enough!” Helen called as she sped around and knocked some villains off their feet. “They just don’t know how to work as one!”

“And they hardly know each other’s team work of strength and abilities!” Zs’spoocy called next as she grabbed Lolaxx and lifted her up as she tossed her at Thumbskull, which knocked him down.

Smolder and Hope did their best against Cursed as it seemed she was pushing her magic farther than theirs. "You know you'll never be able to beat me, little sis!" Cursed grunted as the other two struggled before they saw Windvo charging at them.

“Doesn’t mean we can’t try!” Hope called as she and Smolder moved their magic beams as they hit Windvo, sending her flying.

Misty was firing at each villain as she used her eyes to send beams at them as she hit Acid Breath. “Eye think you should get those teeth checked out.” She quipped.

"You think?!" Ocellus asked before her arm got wrapped by Frightwig's tendrils. "Bad move, you might want to hold on tight and don't let go." She then took off and it flew around while dragging Frightwig behind.

The Mane Six are then fighting Chrysalis as they keep their distance from draining their emotions as she sends a magic blast at them while Twilight returns fire. “You know you can’t keep avoiding me forever!” Chrysalis called with a glare.

“You just don’t know when to quit, can you?!” Twilight questioned her.

“I won’t stop until you are all put down!” Chrysalis yelled.

"Well then, why don't we raise her up and put her down ourselves?" Pinkie suggested before she pulled out a party bazooka from her mane.

“How m--” Chrysalis tried to say before Pinkie fired her party bazooka that knocked Chrysalis to the wall with a painful grunt.

Dust and Delta are still fighting robo ninja as they used their suit to block his strikes as they kicked them back. Big Chill flew around with Bug Juice following before he then turned and released an ice breath that froze Bug Juice solid as he fell to the floor.

“Insect on ice, now that’s cold.” Big Chill quipped before Test appeared behind him.

“Care for an extra-rare cut of Watch, my pet?” Test taunted as his mutant groundhog roared and tried to attack Big Chill, but Misty quickly blasted Test off of the mutant groundhog as Big Chill turned intangible to dodge the attack.

"Nice shot, cus." He complimented with a thumbs up.

“Thanks, cause. Gotta watch your back.” Misty quipped with a smile.

Cursed had enough as she stopped her magic beam and threw some of the stone golems on the ground as they formed in front of Hope and Smolder. “Hated those then. Hate them now.” Smolder commented.

“Two can play this game!” Hope called as she threw her stone golems down with different colors as Big Chill and Misty stepped forward as backup, but then the Omnitrixes beeped as they timed out.

"Uh, brb…" Helix quickly said as he and Misty ran off. The Golems were about to pounce on Smolder and Hope before three blasts destroyed them. They turned to see Helix, Misty, and Cozy with blasters as they were the ones who destroyed them.

“Okay, these are so cool!” Cozy called with a smile at her blaster. “I am so keeping this!”

"You know you're not with us around, right?" Misty pointed out with a brow.

“Do you have to be a spoilsport?” Cozy questioned her with a brow.

“All bite and no bark for those things.” Helix said with a smile.

Dust and Delta were knocked down as Forever Queen and robo ninja walked up to the key holes as they inserted theri keys and deactivated the force field. The Forever Queen walked up to the Sub-Energy. “Now I shall be the Forever Queen of the world!” She called while holding the core.

“Don’t be a fool, Night!” Delta called out as Xylene rushed to them.

“The sub-energy is too unstable for even Alicorns to control!” Xylene exclaimed.

"Funny, those are the exact words the plumbers told me before they kicked me out!” The Forever Queen mentioned before she looked at the rest of the villains. "Have fun." She told them before she walked out while they all looked at the group.

"We might be in trouble." Manny muttered as the bad guys were closing in on them before Cozy got an idea.

"You know, since you guys let me back into your group, you've been trying to figure out who's the best out of all of you." She mentioned to the group before she looked at the bad guys. "But at least none of you have to deal with that, right?" They stopped and wondered what she meant by that. "After all, it seems to me that Dr. Test is next in charge, but then again Cursed Sparks is the one with all the potential." The young group then caught on to what she was doing before they smirked at that idea.

"Oh yeah, but what about one of the Circus Freaks?" Helix asked. "I mean Acid Breath can melt anything with his own breath."

"Although Fightwing can totally bend anything with those tendrils she calls a mane." Helen mentioned with a smirk.

"But Thumbskull can smash through pretty much anything." Manny added.

"But what Bug Juice?" Gallus asked with a smirk. "He can command bugs at his command and he's a literal bug factory now."

"Don't count Chrysalis out just yet though." Ocellus spoke up. "She can absorb any emotion to make herself stronger and she is a queen after all."

"Hey, what about me?!" Windvo called out with a tone. "I'm tougher than any of you losers!"

“You? Get real!” Acid Breath retorted.

“And just because you can do a little hocus-pocus like some creatures, don’t think you could take me on, child!” Test called to Cursed.

"I am a queen so you should obey me!” Chrysalis shouted at Mind Melder with a glare.

"Helix, you can stop the Forever Queen." Flash whispered to him as Helix rushed off while the bad guys were distracted arguing with each other.

Helix ran down a hallway before he saw a bigger blaster than the one he had on the walls as he gave a smirk.

The Forever Queen and her robo ninja walked up as their auto chariot parked in front of them. “Our ride awaits us.” She said as they were about to enter, but their chariot was blasted to bits as they turned and saw Helix on a cliff with a bigger blaster.

“Sorry, but your trip has just been canceled,” Helix said with a serious look.

“As you wish.” Forever Queen mocked with a bow as the robo ninja threw energy throwing stars that knocked Helix’s blaster out of his hoof. "You and your friends have been a thorn in my side long enough, Helix Watch." She growled before she held up the Sub-energy to the front of her armor.

The Sub-energy was then placed inside the armor as Forever Queen dropped the sphere as she was powered up. And then her horn glowed brightly as she turned and fired a purple beam at Helix, who looked up and saw it hit some boulders as a rockslide was coming down at him as he quickly activated the Omnitrix as he was buried in rumble.

Back inside the base, the group watched as the bad guys were fighting each other before Chrysalis realized something. "Wait a second, don't you see what they are doing?!" She called out to the others. "They're having us fight each other rather than destroying them!"

“Uh, oh. They’re onto us.” Fluttershy said nervously.

“Bug face is right! Get them!” Windvo called as they charged at the heroes.

“You ready, dears?” Delta asked both Xylene and Dust.

“Always.” Dust answered.

“Okay, now!” Delta called as Xylene used her powers to keep the villains in one place as Delta and Dust turned the keys together and reactivated the force field, trapping the villains inside as they have no way out.

“Nice teamwork.” Cozy commented.

“Naturally.” Twilight said with a smile as they went up to Sparks’s cage and removed the goggles as Sparks came to.

“So, did I miss anything?” Sparks asked with a tired smile, having finally snapped out of Mind Melder’s control.

Outside, Forever Queen and the robo ninja walked up to the rumble where Helix was buried to see if they got him. But then a green flash was revealed as Helix came out as Upchuck and fired an energy blast at them, which knocked them back a little. “Even the Omnitrix cannot save you now!” Forever Queen yelled.

The robo ninja then delivers a kick that sends Upchuck to a wall. He tried to eat some rocks, but the robo ninja smashed them with his hoof and threw energy throwing stars at him, but Upchuck ate them as he sent them back at the robo ninja, shorting him out as he fell to the ground, deactivated.

“Now who’s seeing stars, hehe!” Upchuck called before he turned to the Forever Queen and grabbed a couple of rocks as he ate them and started firing blasts at the Forever Queen, who sent an energy beam to repel them. Upchuck quickly dodge a third beam as he continues to send blasts at the Forever Queen and hits her in the visor as she shakes her head and sends another beam at Upchuck, who dodge it with a flip.

Upchuck then used his tendrils and grabbed the chest piece where the Sub-energy is and ripped it out, much to the Forever Queens horror. “The Sub-energy!” She cried out as Upchuck ate the core and his stomach glowed green as he started bloating.

"Now that hits the spot!" He exclaimed as he started to grow bigger. “But not as much as this!" He then fired a powerful green beam right at her before he suddenly lifted her up and went around real fast, like he was out of control.

Then the green energy expanded all around Mount Alimore as it released a huge blast.

A bit later, the group exited the base as they looked around and saw Helix on the ground surrounded by boulders, having just timed out after releasing that much energy. “Helix!” Flash called as they rushed towards him as Helix got up.

“Are you okay?” Helen asked in concern.

Helix then gave a burp as he waved it away. “I am now. Wow, that was a big blast even for me.” He said while rubbing his stomach, still feeling the after effects from the Sub-energy.

“What about the Forever Queen?" Gallus asked before they saw her armor on the ground without her in it.

"Looks like Upchuck scared her out of her skin because she's gone." Helix mentioned.

"For now at least." Delta added with a serious tone.

"Hey, at least we stopped them.” Cozy mentioned before she realized something. "We're not going to leave those bad guys here, are we?"

“Don't worry, we'll send word to the Plumbers that the base has some Intruders and we'll explain everything to them." Dust assured her and the others.

Helix then remembered something. “Hey, Mom, Dad, remember the hologram you made of us inside the mobile base?” He asked as they nodded. “Uh, you think you could make alicorns? Big alicorns.” He said while gesturing to Mount Alimore. “Because I think Upchuck kinda backfired with that Sub-energy blast.”

"Yeah… we should definitely use holograms.” Twilight mentioned after they saw that the under half of the statues have been destroyed.

A while later and after calling the Plumbers and taking the villains into custody, the mobile base parked up next to a house as Sparks walked out first and the young group followed. "Okay Sparks, there's only two hours left until the movie premieres." Smolder mentioned as they all had small smiles on their faces.

"So which one of us is getting the extra tickets?" Helix asked as they all waited for an answer.

Sparks looked between the boys and the girls before he finally spoke. "I don't have any extra tickets, I never had any at all." He told them truthfully which was to their shock while Cozy and the adults laughed at this a little.

"Pony lied about tickets?!" Yona exclaimed in shock.

"But why did you say you did when you didn't?!" Manny asked him.

“Well, I figured you guys were always arguing and wouldn’t even talk to me at first sight after meeting all of you, so I made up having the tickets to get your attention.” Sparks exclaimed honestly with a shrug. “But hey, we did have fun. And truthly, that little action we had was pretty cool than any other premiere in my life. So, catch you guys later.” He said as he entered his home and closed the door as the young group looked in shock.

“He conned us just so he gets our attention?” Sandbar asked in surprise.

“You gotta admit, he is pretty clever.” Silverstream commented.

"Well there is one other thing you all can agree on, you can be upset at Sparks for tricking you.” Cozy mentioned with a shrug.

“She’s got a point.” Venus said with a smile. “So, Twilight, you and the girls know Cozy well, what are we gonna do with her?”

“As long as she behaves herself and learns friendship the right way, she can stay with me.” Twilight replied. "That means no schemes to steal Equestria's magic and put it away somewhere."

“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, ‘mom’.” Cozy said with her eyes rolled as they all laughed.

“Now come on, kids, let’s go!” Delta called as the young group rushed up to them. “We’re burning daylight!” He called.

The heroes have beaten their old enemies and stopped the Forever Queen from taking over Equestria and destroyed the Sub-energy. Now the group has a new/reformed friend that it's going to take some time to have her around again.

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