• Member Since 19th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Podrick Equus

Senior Writer for the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron IV.

Comments ( 30 )

LOVED this chapter, and I cannot wait to see what you have in store for 'The Guide.' I think the most fascinating detail, aside from the ones that root the chapter in realism, is the fact that she seems to have the Guidance. Before the Guide had it, but now the pupil who so adamantly resisted her and was mercilessly butchered at her hooves not only lives but possesses the Guidance that left the initial Guide. What that could mean to me is a number of things, but I suspect The Guide is not a specific person, but a figure who has the Guidance and in following it, does its will. How this 'Guidance is acquired, I'd have no idea, but I am more than confident that this question will be met and answered one way or another.

What I particularly enjoyed though, rather morbidly perhaps, is seeing the Ascendancy in others' eyes. This is the mark of a really great EAW fic, one that puts the reader in the perspective of a particular timeline in this world, and makes it feel real. For the Ascendancy to not only take form in Colthage but to succeed in their crusade against avians and crypto-avians is the unequivocal triumph of evil. Evil on a scale we cannot grasp in our world, because evil and mania to this extent have never been as successful as any nation with aims like theirs. You not only demonstrate this in the minds of ordinary ponies, like the nurse and doctor we meet, but in the personal trauma of one that suffered through their hooves, and through the one that was utterly mangled by them. This is the mark of a really great fic in general. As I said, it's hard to grasp, but you put a hand onto it and grip, and I suspect this grip to tighten in later chapters. Truly stellar work and I've every confidence that its quality will be reinforced in your capable hands with every word added.

Are pegasi defined as avian in this?

No. "Avians" are hippogriffs, griffons, parrots, penguins, etc. Essentially any species with a beak.
Pegasi are just as equine as any other pony or zebra.

It's bone-chilling. The tone set here, especially with half-remembered memories (at least for now), really sells that sense of having just escaped something ominous, only to still have to deal with it later. I also don't think that her holding back her grief will last long, whether she remembers everything or not... being flightless as well as being blinded will do a number on her if she gets into a quiet place soon.

A big question now, though, is what will she do? Remembering everything or not, she's (presumably) far from the Ascendancy and their lackeys, and maybe they think she's dead, so why bother to search for her? And hey, seeing a good gal Guide is going to be a treat, if that's where we're going with this.

Either way, you got me hooked. Looking forward to what you have in store here, Podrick!

look what a coincidence, I finished watching Dshakey's series of ancesdancy just yesterday, and today this fic appears, And the protagonist is exactly who I wanted to know more about

I have no idea what Equestria at War (aside the eponymous clue) or the Ascendancy is, but damn, this has me hooked in! Visceral, horrifying, and utterly delectable. Can't wait for more!

If this has interested you, I'd suggest giving this six-part series on youtube a watch. It's essentially a prequel to this story. https://youtu.be/vzZNSueS8ZY
The videos do skip over some crucial story bits, but you can get the general gist of what the Ascendancy is.

Very awesome, and gives some great context. I'm a huge fan of wartime fics, including all the good and evil things that are done. You have to have Dark to appreciate the Light. Definitely Followed! :twilightsheepish:

I like the part where the Guide says "It's guidin' time" and guides all over the place

Haven't read the story yet but just from the description The Ascendancy sound kinda like The Black Sun. This sounds interesting I'm gonna have to read this now.

I will be following this, I am quite interested to see what will happen.
They wear purple add a little red and you get Burgundy.

While there may appear to be some similarities, the Ascendancy has absolutely no relation to the Black Sun nor Burgundy.

I get that it's just that many genocidal groups have similarities, looking forward to seeing how this story progresses. So far I have to say the quality is very good and the premise is interesting. Definitely going to keep up with this story.

The Guidance on a worn-out zebra? Sounds good. The Guidance on a filly like her, witness and victim to so much? Now that's... a recipe for a disaster, perhaps, though an intriguing one.

It's also rather harrowing to see this, as if the memory of/focus on friends is lost so quickly...

I have friends.

I focus intently on that memory. I'm with two fillies. We're playing outside in a backyard. One of them turns to look at me. I can see her smile, but not the rest of her. Everything else is a haze. The more I try to focus on the memory, the more blurry it gets.

I'm reminded of how dark everything is.

Is this story going to continue?

Chapter 4 will be the last one.

Hey, after so long I thought this story had been abandoned
What a shame, it seemed to me that it would last another ten, but if you've already decided, there's nothing I can do

I hate to disappoint, but it was never going to be a long story. It's not an adventure, it's not even the aftermath of one.

It's after the aftermath. (get it?)

This is such an interesting story, especially after finishing the EAW covenent story before. Which was already a banger. I am glad it continues in one way or another.

I’m guessing our protagonist is the Student that the Guide ended up “killing”

And to think Equine Ascendancy is only the second most insane religion in Equestria At War…

So that’s what happened to the Guidance and why it kept saying “this one’s important, keep her around”

What’s terrifying is that in all of North Zebrica and Griffonia, the safest place for a griffon to be other than New Mareland and the Arcturian Order (if they’re still around) is probably Chiropterra, the militaristic Nightmare Moon-worshipping Nazi/ISIS slaver state

Now to spawn T̶̊̊̾́̉͜a̸̧̨̛͇̗̺̺̯̱̜̦͎̫͈͛͛̿̑̀̔̓ͅͅm̷̰̤̪͚̪̪͚̼̄͌͂̾͑̌̾̉͒̋̐̉̄͘b̴̨̛̥̤̭̻͎̘̗̦͔͊̈́̓̉́͋̽̐́̓͆͜ȩ̴̯̘͕̰̮͓̺̜̲̒̈́ḷ̶̹͎̃̎̽̏͑͐o̶̡̙̮͉͈̯͐̈́̅͋͊͐̉̏̎͌̌͘͜͝͠ͅņ̷̝͉̲͍̩̦͊͋̏̇̑ and let the real fun begin…

Let them unite against the true enemy. The Star Father learned the truth upon his “ascension”, and the rest shall too

After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend

Waaaaaaa :raritycry:

Whhhyy, whhhy! This story hurt my touchy feelies waaaa! S-stop being such a good writer you monster!

Jokes aside, there are so few stories that can actually make me cry, or feel emotion as powerful as this. This is incredible.

These EaW stories keep making me want to learn how not to die playing EaW, or how to use the navy.

Thanks. I don't consider myself to be that good of a writer, but one thing that never ceases to make me smile is hearing about how my stories have impacted others.

I really liked this story, and this author's note really got me, as someone who is having a hard time writing my own story, It's comforting to know that whatever crap I ever put on this site would still be appreciated more than if I kept it to myself.

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