• Published 3rd Jun 2023
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The Fall of Opaline - Admiral Producer

Following the events of “The Last Problem,” Twilight takes on a new apprentice in Luster Dawn’s absence. But when a heartbreaking betrayal leads to her student’s tragic fall to darkness, Twilight must make the ultimate sacrifice to save her home….

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Chapter 3: Master and Student/The Harshest Words

ACT 1B: Twilight’s Story Part 2

FEBRUARY 14, 2032

I wished I could’ve delayed it, but Spike insisted that today was the day that I trained Opaline. I didn’t know why I needed to speedrun her training so soon, but…at least she was eager.

Very eager.

Before her training, I allowed Opaline to stay in my bedroom the previous night. It was the least I could do after she saved the entire Festival. It was clear that she had no idea what it was like to stay with royalty and kept jumping on the bed until I told her to settle down. I didn’t blame her, of course. Any mare around her age would feel extreme amounts of high energy.

That is one of the perks of youth, I assume. It made me miss the days when I was a filly and didn’t have such responsibility and loss thrust upon me. When Shining Armor and I would compete over the Sibling Supreme crown or share everything together.

Opaline reminds me of myself in a lot of ways and I still don’t know how to feel about that. She’s very studious and diligent. However, unlike Luster, she has a strong desire to connect with others right from the offset. I know she likes talking to me and I tried to humor her a lot of the time despite my fears of forming bonds with other ponies again.

While I was writing the last entry, however, I noticed how skittish she was around me all the same. Despite being extremely happy to be my apprentice, it was like whenever she wanted to say something, the words would fail her and she would say something out of place or nonsensical off the top of her head to compensate.

I told her she didn’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing, but she countered by reminding me that I’m the ruler of Equestria and that she had to say the right thing or be executed. I could’ve laughed and said that she was being ridiculous, but I didn’t. It’s a common misconception ponies have about their rulers that they must be absolutely perfect at all times or they would be killed or “banished to the Moon.”

Seriously, what type of princess-phobia did Nightmare Moon’s banishment instill in these ponies? I wish I talked to Celestia about that.

Fortunately, I was able to reassure her that she didn’t have to hide who she was from me, that she could be honest and it would be okay. That seemed to calm her down and she finally slept. We then woke up bright and early to begin the training and I promised her that I was going to help her control her powerful magic like she wanted.

On the way out to the castle courtyard, she asked me why I never smiled or laughed. I didn’t know how to answer her, so I left the question hanging. What was I to say to a filly? That my friends died in a fire and were taken from me without any reason or explanation? That I was still grieving over their deaths and that I wasn’t sure if I even wanted her with me as a result?!

Surely such an explanation would traumatize her to an irreparable degree, so I wanted to preserve her innocence as much as I could about the realities of the world.

At last, however, we reached the training field. Spike had already set up everything I told him to upon our arrival, so we were all set to go. He had set up six large boulders in a single-file row as I instructed, as well as some target bullseyes. Next to the boulders was a large brown cardboard box containing additional supplies. I figured I would teach her some basic levitation first and then move on to the more complicated stuff.

Once it dawned on her that our training session was about to begin though, she looked at me anxiously. I realized at that moment that she was scared about what what I would think of her if she failed. I assured her that it was alright and that we would just try again.

She started walking towards the row of boulders before glancing at me again. I motioned my head for her to go forward and she did. I watched her as she walked towards the rocks and her horn began to glow.

The rocks levitated off of their places and into the air. They spun around for a couple of seconds before Opaline got tired and dropped them. I congratulated her on the first attempt, but revealed to her that she was not being focused enough. Levitation requires both the body and mind to be focused on the same thing and she was too worried about what I would think to fully concentrate.

When she asked me what she needed to do to prevent distractions, I told her only one word that would go on to change the trajectory of our sessions forever:


She nodded and tried again. This time, she was able to hold them up for longer, but she ended up slingshotting them towards the horizon when she attempted to drop them.

I figured that time, she was being a little too focused. I amended my advice as a result, explaining that while too little focus was counterproductive, too much focus was even worse, especially for a unicorn with magic as wild and untamed as hers.

The trick was to get it just right. It was a leap of faith and she needed to trust in her own abilities more. Confidence was something she lacked and I could see that in her eyes. I could not tell her anything to uplift her as that would ruin the point of her gaining it herself. This was something she needed to learn on her own from constant practice.

She was initially distraught, thinking that she had ruined my setup. That’s what I thought as well until I found a collection of plastic test dummies inside the box that Spike had left as a replacement in case something went wrong.

Sometimes, I don’t know where I would be without my #1 assistant.

We tried again with the dummies. And again. And again. Each time, her hold improved and she was able to do some neat little tricks with them.

Next up was target practice. I gave her a small bow and arrow and told her to shoot directly at the bullseyes. She was initially hesitant, considering her last failure, but she tried anyway. Many of the arrows missed, but a few made it extremely close. I told her to try again and this time, she needed to visualize hitting the target in her mind as she was doing it.

She did so and she was able to get many of them on the target, just not in the center. She looked at me for approval, but I simply nodded at her to keep going. This disappointed her greatly, but I could tell that it had a profound impact on her going forward.

It was at that moment that she knew that I wasn’t going to be satisfied until she got it 100% perfect. Her expression changed after that. Maybe it was confidence, perhaps ambition, but I could sense a competitive streak take over the formerly timid unicorn.

I saw her eyebrows crease, I saw a determined smile cross her face, and I saw her take a step out forward. Rearing her right hoof back, she sent all six arrows hurling towards the targets at top speed.

With a thunk, all of them landed perfectly on each bullseye. I turned my head after looking away for the briefest of moments upon hearing the sound and my jaw dropped to the floor in amazement.

She had done it!

On her face was the biggest grin I had ever seen. She was jumping up and down in excitement, exclaiming over and over how she had finally done it. I was so proud of her that I couldn’t help but…smile. I had not smiled in so many months, it felt so weird! Yet I knew that she had earned it all the same.

We tried teleportation afterwards and we ran across the courtyard chasing each other for what seemed like more an hour. I was panting and sweating from exhaustion, yet beaming from ear to ear as Opaline was probably having the most fun she had in her entire life.

I then sat her on my back and we flew across all of Canterlot, soaring through the bright blue sky. Several ponies pointed at us from down below as it was not common for them to see me out and about so casually. At her request, we swooped down and she waved to all of the baffled residents before we ascended high once more. We laughed and whooped for joy as the wind blew through our faces and our manes.

As the Sun began to set below the horizon, we flew towards it and the light cast a shadow over us that made us look like silhouettes from below. I smiled at Opaline and she smiled back. In one day, she had done what nopony else had been able to do for so long.

She made me happy again.

Opaline walked through the main hallway of Canterlot Castle, skipping merrily as she hummed to herself. She still could not believe that she had managed to make Twilight proud of her. She had initially doubted herself, but the alicorn never gave up on her.

As she was walking, the sound of voices far behind her made her ears twitch. She turned and saw Spike arguing with a blue and yellow griffon Royal guard. They were engaged in a heated and intense debate…about her.

“…Absolutely not, Gallus!” Spike yelled. “The law is final! You think there’s some loophole that allows you to just QUIT?! Hell no. You’re staying!”

“I will not serve a tyrant who’s too distracted with her little pet to care about what’s going on!” Gallus shot back. “Because of Twilight’s new policy, griffons are getting discriminated against and beaten wherever they go! I literally have to remind my superior that I am in fact a guard and not just somegriff playing dress up!!”

“I’m sorry you are going through that,” Spike reasoned. “But this is not a reason to suddenly quit the guard. Twilight has been going through a lot lately. I warned her not to sign that trade bill, yet she did it anyway. At least give me time to talk to her before you decide take this manner to federal courts.”

Gallus glared at him. “I worked my entire life to learn friendship and prove that griffons aren’t the nasty scumbags this law makes us out to be!! I will not stand to see Silverstream and I, or anyone else, treated like crap!! Do you understand me?!”

Spike nodded. “Duly noted, I-“


It was at this point that Gallus was pointing his claw at Opaline. She backed up a couple steps in fear. “Y-yes, s-s-s-sir?”

“I don’t know what game you’re playing,” Gallus accused her. “But it certainly isn’t mine!! You’re hogging all of Twilight’s attention while we “DISADVANTAGED CREATURES” are treated like absolute trash!”

“I-I-I’m sorry, I-“

“Why don’t you just go back to that school where you belong?!” Gallus demanded. “Or at least…get out of Twilight’s way!! She needs to address this injustice and not have to deal with you!!”

Opaline shrunk further and further away from him as he got in her face. She backed up against one of the pillars, cowering. “P-p-pl-please s-s-stop-“




The booming sound of the Royal Canterlot Voice reverberated across the walls. It shook and rocked the stained glass windows. Thunder clapped and lightning struck outside in response. Gallus spun around and saw a very enraged Twilight standing over him.

“Your majesty-“ Gallus began.

“You wanted to talk to me?!” Twilight shouted angrily. “Well, I’m sorry to say that you’ve forfeited that privilege!! Pack your bags, you’re discharged!”


“I don’t care,” Twilight spoke harshly. “You forfeited all right to the moral high ground or any sort of reasonable conversation when you accosted my student. Leave or I’m calling your superiors to escort you out personally.”

Enraged, Gallus took off his armor and threw it in her face, storming out the double doors right afterwards.

Upon seeing her mentor look at her, Opaline couldn’t take it anymore and sobbed relentlessly into her hooves. Twilight got down to her level and stroked her gently, turning her head to look at Spike.

“You let this happen?!” she demanded in an enraged voice.

“I’m sorry, Twilight,” Spike apologized. “It all happened so fast, I…it’s no excuse, I’m sorry.”

Twilight shook her head in an exasperated manner. “You’re my Royal Advisor, Spike. When something like this happens on these premises, you act immediately. Who knows what would’ve happened had I not rescued her in time.”

Spike nodded solemnly. “I know. It’s my fault…”

FEBRUARY 14, 2032

They say the harshest of words are said for the harshest of reasons. Unfortunately, I know that expression all too well now.

I took Opaline outside after she was attacked by Gallus, and we sat on the grassy field, underneath the blanket of stars that covered the night sky. The poor pony was distraught beyond belief. When I asked her to explain, she could hardly get a word out without choking on her own words because she was crying so much.

It made me feel horrible. I didn’t know the full ramifications of that bill I had signed into law and as a result, my staff were taking it out on the one pony who didn’t deserve any of it.

She asked me if she was born by accident by whichever god was responsible for creating ponies. I told her she wasn’t, and that she brought me a very special gift. It was true. She made me happy when no one could, and that was something truly special. It was there that I revealed to her everything that happened to me. I unloaded all of it as she deserved to know the truth.

I could see something in her eyes shift as she was just now grasping the concepts of death, evil…heartache. I let her know that she wasn’t responsible for anything that was going on in Equestria right now, and that it was my negligence and grief that had done this all.

I tried to assure her that Gallus didn’t mean to make her feel bad, that he was sometimes too brash for his own good. She didn’t believe me, but I knew deep down that it was true. Why wouldn’t Gallus be upset? Before he came to the School of Friendship, he had no family and no friends, so the well-being of others meant so much to him, more so than it would to the average person.

I had failed him both as a teacher and a Princess, and that’s a memory that I’ll never forget no matter how many years pass.

Opaline and I bonded underneath the stars and she shared with me her life before she met me, how she had no family, and how she was always bullied and outcasted because of her strange magic. I put a hoof on her shoulder and I let her know under no uncertain terms, that she was a part of my family and would forever be so.

This in turn perked her up and that was when the most amazing thing happened. Without a second thought, she jumped into my hooves and hugged me. I was caught off guard by the gesture, but I reciprocated nonetheless. I held her tight for as long as she needed me and I allowed her to let all of her emotions out.

When she was done, she looked up at me and asked what if we were going to train again tomorrow. I let her know that the decision was entirely up to her and that we could take a break the next day if she wanted. Yet she pushed on and when I asked her why, she insisted that training with me today was the most fun she’s ever had in her life. It certainly was for me as well.

It certainly was.

Author's Note:

Well, we got a pretty heartwarming chapter here now, didn’t we? Honestly, the training section was a lot of fun to write. Just seeing Twilight slowly warm up to Opaline and then finally full on have fun with her while they’re both smiling and laughing together just felt so rewarding to write considering what Twi went through in the previous two chapters.

Of course, we know it all falls apart eventually and we’ll get to those particularly dark chapters when we get to them. But in the meantime, I think this has to be one of my favorite chapters. If you want to know what music I wrote the training montage to, I wrote the scene to the track “Forbidden Friendship” from How To Train Your Dragon. I think everypony knows that song.

With the Gallus part, I was trying to show some small cracks lingering in Twilight’s Equestria to make the fact that the other creatures are absent from G5 more believable to readers. I may not agree with that decision for G5 on a narrative (nor connective) level, but it’s fun to theorize an in-universe reason at least. As a writer of these types of stories, it’s my job to stick as closely to canon as possible and my intention with this section was to try and sew the idea that maybe Opaline has something to do with the other creatures’ disappearances. Was Gallus acting a bit out of character here? Probably. But I’d argue that it’s warranted considering the situation he’s currently in.

Don’t forget to post your feedback and I’ll see you next chapter.