• Published 2nd Mar 2023
  • 1,170 Views, 34 Comments

A Bond Across Dimensions - AuraMastermg

A Unicorn born with little to no magic meets the God of Space. Two beings from different dimensions come together and form a bond like no other.

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Episode 8: Trouble at the castle

It had been 2 weeks since Aura and Mystic came to Celestia's school for gifted Unicorns. And things have been going great so far.

Aura has been enjoying his role as a teacher. It gave him a sense of satisfaction and pride that he was able to revitalize Alchemy into these young minds.

And Mystic has been doing great as well. Sure he was still very shy around new ponies, but he felt like he was learning so much since coming to this school. That and his friendship with a certain lilac pony has also been growing. The two were basically two peas in a pod, very serious about their studies and always going above and beyond when it came to their projects.

But Mystic still hasn't told her about his condition. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but it was that the time wasn't right. Each time he tried Twilight told him to focus on the assignment at hoof or he chickened out and said that it was nothing. Especially since Twilight told him just how hard she worked just to be accepted.

Currently, Mystic was banging his head with a book after another failed attempt to tell Twilight the truth about his condition. He had the perfect opportunity to do so when she asked why she never saw him use magic at all, but he was interrupted by his brother swooping in for a visit.

The three spent the entire day just having fun and by the end of it he forgot to explain everything to her.

"You had the perfect chance to tell her Mystic and you blew it." He scolded himself as he hit his head against the book repeatedly. "Now of she finds out on her own she's going to hate me and want nothing to do with me!"

Aura had just walked into the room and saw Mystic beat himself up. "I've heard people say that they should hit the books but I don't think that this is what they mean by that."

His voice made Mystic stop hitting himself and turn to him. "Aura. They let you go early?"

The God threw his bag to the chair and then turned himself back to his human form. "Yeah. Celestia and I finished yet another Chapter in the revised Alchemy book that Starswirl failed to finish. Plus I still have to come up with some lessons for next week." He gave Mystic a smile and rubbed his head. "Not that it would be a challenge for you little buddy."

But the touching moment faded when Aura looked at the young colt with a serious face. "Now, why don't you tell me why you were assaulting yourself with a book. And be honest."

Mystic sighed and sat down next to him. "I've been trying to tell Twilight about my lack of magic for two weeks now. And each time I either chicken out or something interrupts us. I'm at my whits end here."

"I see." Aura hummed and leaned back. 'Not that I'm in any condition to give advice about this since I'm keeping my identity hidden from him.'

"Tell you what." He got up and adjusted his glasses back up. "Why don't you come with me tomorrow for my private lessons with Twilight."

Mystic tilted his head. "Twilight takes private lessons with you?"

"I think you underestimate just how serious that filly is with her studies." Aura laughed. "It seems that she take private lessons with every teacher she has. Not that I'd blame her since she's Celestia's protege, something like that can definitely put a lot of pressure on anyone."

Mystic nodded. "Yeah, she told me that she wants to live up to the expectations that Celestia gave her. But back to the topic on hoof, how would coming to your private lesson help me tell Twilight the truth?"

"Simple." Aura walked up to the kitchen and prepared some lunch for the two of them. "I will make sure that you tell her about your lack of magic by making sure that nothing interrupts you, and by stopping you from whimping out."

Mystic thought about it for a moment and admitted that it was a good idea. He always felt braver when Aura is by his side. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Awesome." He threw Mystic a sandwich. "Now eat up, can't learn if you're on an empty stomach."

He went to make himself one but looked at the fridge and saw that it was all stuff that was inedible to him.

"Ah shit." Aura cursed.

"Out of meat again Aura?" Mystic asked as he took a bite from his sunflower sandwich.

"Seems like it." Aura turned into his pony form and wrote down a list. "But this does give me an excuse to go grocery shopping. You need anything when I'm out?"

Mystic shook his head. "I'm good, but thanks for asking."

"Right." Aura wrapped his wings and hid them in his jacket. "I shouldn't be gone long. Think you can hold down the fort till I get back?"

Mystic swallowed the rest of his lunch then gave Aura a salute. "You can count on me sir."

Aura just chuckled and grabbed his wallet. "That's great to know. I'll be back before you even know it.

Meanwhile, Twilight was taking a stroll through the castle gardens with a lot on her mind. For some reason her mind has been on Mystic as of lately.

'He had been acting more nervous then usual. Something was clearly up with him, but what?'

Suddenly she heard the sound of voices coming from the east and went to check it out. There she saw one of the most hated ponies in Equestria, Gallant Knight the current Captain of the Royal Guard.

From what her brother has told her, Gallant Knight is a ruthless and coldhearted pony who doesn't care for anypony. But his loyalty to the Princess is true and shown with his exceptional skills. But lately he has been more heated then normal, especially after he lost his position as the head of the Knight family to his niece Sagitta.

"So, my pathetic son is now a student of her majesty's school?" Gallant growled through his teeth as he asked.

His voice gave Twilight the chills. It was as if his own voice could spew venom and drive fear into the hearts of many.

"Yes Captain. And so far, he had been doing great. He takes his studies seriously and I would say that he's on par with the Princess's personal student."

"You're saying that Mystic is keeping up with Shining Armor's sister?" Gallant asked in disbelief.

'Wait, Mystic? Gallant is Mystic's father?' This shocked Twilight but then again it did seem obvious since Mystic's family name is 'Knight'. 'I guess that completely slipped my mind. But poor Mystic. To have a father like that, I can't even think to imagine just what kind of pain he went through. It's no wonder he's so insecure.'

"And another thing sir. Aura Kaiser has also been added as a teacher."

"What?!" Gallant's voice echoed through the garden. "That nobody who humiliated me is teaching?!" Gallant's teeth started to grind as he remembered the defeat he suffered at the hands of Aura. "So that means that mutant who taught my failure of a son is here?"

"Affirmative sir."

Gallant's wings gave off a metallic shine as his temper rose. "Take me to him."

The guard nodded and lead Gallant to where Aura and Mystic was staying.

Twilight hid behind a tree and started to breath rapidly. "He's coming after Mystic and Professor Kaiser." Her knees were still shaking, but she still had enough courage to do something. "I need to warn them."

With her goal in mind, Twilight ran as fast as she could.

In the heart of Canterlot, Aura had just came out with several bags tied to his saddle. "Well that was easier then I expected. Didn't think that a store run by herbivore would have meat. Then again they must get other species now and then. Eh, I'm not complaining, I got what I needed." Aura shrugged and started to make his way home, when he felt something small run into him and fall over.


The God looked down and saw that the pony that ran into him was none other then his student Twilight Sparkle.

"Hey, are you okay Twilight?" He asked as he held out a hoof to the young filly.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes to see a hoof in front of her. She took it and felt somepony pick her back up and once her vision returned she was that the hoof belonged to Aura.

"Professor Kaiser!" She grabbed his hoof and panicked. "Mystic! Father! Trouble!"

"Hey hey hey now, easy there." Aura kneeled down and calmed her down. "You look exhausted. Did something happen?"

Once Twilight regained her breath she steadied her mind and started over. "You and Mystic are in trouble! Mystic's father Gallant Knight is looking for you two, and from the sound of his voice, he isn't happy."

"Gallant huh?" Just that name alone made Aura's blood boil. So he came back from his post early. And here he was hoping that sorry excuse for a pegasus became some dragon's lunch. "Where did you see him?"

Twilight pointed to the castle. "In the gardens where I like to spend my time reading." She started to tug on Aura's forearm again. "Where do you and Mystic live? We might be able to reach him before he..."

As Twilight was talking, Aura's head went bland as he imagined Gallant torturing his own son. "He's probably already there." He lifted Twilight onto his back and went into an alleyway where he wouldn't be seen. "Promise to keep this a secret?"

Before she could even ask why Aura removed his jacket and undid the bandages on his back, revealing his now flared wings.

And shocking Twilight in the process. "Y-Y-You're an Alic..."

Aura had to quickly cover her mouth before she could finish that sentence. "I'll explain on the way. For now hold on tight."

Twilight shook off the shock and nodded, gripping onto Aura's mane as he crouched down and jumped, then in a sonic boom, flew as fast as he could to the castle.

Back in Aura and Mystic's home, the colt was reading one of his Alchemy books on a hammock. It was nice for him to have the house to himself, means more peace and quiet. All that was missing was drink by his side and it would be perfect.

And thinking exactly that, he placed a book mark in the book then jumped off the hammock to go to the fridge and pull out a soda can that he opened with his horn.

"At least this thing is good for more then to just cast magic." He went to go back to the hammock but stopped when he heard the door open.

"Oh, you're back already?" Mystic said thinking that it was Aura who opened the door. "I'm guessing that they had everything that you were looking for. On that topic, what are you going to make for... dinner."

When Mystic turned around he saw his father with a scowl on his face. "Hello Mystic. It's been a while."

Fear overwhelmed Mystic as he dropped his drink and scurried to hide.

Back with Aura and Twilight, the two had just arrived at the castle and since Aura wasn't used to flying with wings he had to land and run the rest of the way there.

"I guess I should explain it all to you." Aura started as he dashed through the hallway. "When I met Mystic I found him being sold by Gallant to a couple of Dragons to be used as a slave."

"That's awful. Why would he do that?" Twilight gasped, she felt even more sorry for Mystic now.

"Give me a moment. As I was saying, I followed the dragons and discovered their hideout where I gave them a good thrashing then freed Mystic and the other slaves they held prisoner." Aura made a sharp turn towards the stairs and continued his sprint. "I promised to take Mystic home and when we arrived there I met his father and he told me his reason." His teeth clenched and his eyes glowed as he remembered just what he said. "And the reason was to just wanted to get rid of him. So after that I fought Gallant and gave him a dose of humility."

"Wait, you fought Gallant Knight, the Captain of the Royal Guard, the being who was said to of bested an army of Griffons single handedly, and won?"

"The very same one. And man did it felt good to pound his face into the dirt. I mean Mystic is his own son! Yet he still treated him like crap!"

"But Mystic is a Knight, and as I recall the Knights are one of the most powerful families to ever serve the Princess since her rule. Why would he want to get rid of him?"

He knew that it would be wrong to say it, but at this point it didn't matter, she had to know. "It's because Mystic was born without magic."

Twilight's eyes grew wide and she didn't say a word when she heard that. Mystic doesn't have any magic, suddenly it all made sense to her. All this time he was trying to tell her that.

"I know how hard you worked to get in that school and before you get mad and say that you don't want to be Mystic's partner anymore..."

"I don't care about all that."

Tears formed in Twilight's eyes and she gripped Aura's mane tighter. "I don't care if he doesn't have magic. I've seen him work, I've seen him study. Despite his condition, he still works himself to the bone. If anything, he works harder then me, and his work paid off."

Her words made Aura smile. "That's great to know." He stopped in front of the door to his and Mystic's residence. "You can tell him that after I pound Gallant into mush."

He placed Twilight down and changed back to his normal human form, again, suprising Twilight. But now wasn't the time to ask questions, now was the time for action.

Aura grabbed the handle and opened the door and found the place a wreck. Metal feathers were scattered around the place and there were slash marks on the walls and floor.

"MYSTIC!" Aura and Twilight ran in and went into the other room where they found Gallant holding Mystic up by the throat, covered in cuts and bruises and his green coat stained with blood.

Twilight gasped and covered her mouth at the sight of her friend in such a state, while Aura was seething through the teeth and gripped the handle of his sword and pointed it at Gallant.


Gallant turned and glared at Aura. "About time you came. I was starting to get bored with my magicless son."

Mystic slowly opened his eyes and tried to reach out to his mentor. "A-Aura."

"I'd thought I told you to keep quiet you pathetic runt!" Gallant slammed his hoof into Mystic's stomach causing the colt to cough and desperately gasping for air.

Aura roared and lunged at Gallant who blocked him with his metal wings. "The moment you came you destroyed everything I built up. I lost my title, my respect, and you brainwashed my sons with your fancy words."

Gallant swatted Aura away and flared his wings as they turned into metal. "Mystic is my property and I will do as I see fit! Since he has no magic he is better off dead then to bring shame upon the Knight family name..."

"Cut the crap you fucking Jackass!" Aura yelled as his anger grew.

This guy had just drawn the line. Screw his morals, screw his code, now all that Aura wanted to do was to make Gallant suffer.

"Mystic is not your property! He is a living being! Not your personal object, your not fit to be a father, captain or anything!" Aura's eyes started to glow and cracks started to form around the space around them.

"Is this supposed to be some of your 'Alchemy' spells. Well I've prepared for that and..."

Gallant was then punched straight in the jaw before he could finish, making him drop Mystic but he fell into a portal and landed into Aura's arms.

Gallant held his snout and look to see blood on his hoof, his own blood. "How dare you. I will have your head!"

Gallant rushed at Aura only for him to wave his arm and create a portal in front of Gallant then one into the living room floor where Gallant crashed face first into it.

The look on Aura's face was one of pure rage. He wasn't holding back now and he definitely didn't care about his secret being blown. He was going to make Gallant wish he never laid a hoof on Mystic.

Gallant got back up and snarled at Aura. "Is this another one of your... mmfff." Gallant couldn't even speak since Aura grabbed him by the mouth and then clenched his fist.

"This is what I'm really capable of you swine." His voice was both calm yet aggressive at the same time. He then hurled his fist at Gallant causing him to crash into the wall. "I am far more then just an Alchemist. I am so much bigger then anything you will ever be."

"Bigger than me?" Gallant started to laugh and fire some metal feathers at Aura only for him to catch them in his hand. "I am Gallant Knight! Captain of the Royal Guard! Member of the pristine Knight family! And I won't have some magic monkey make a fool out of me!"

Gallant growled and flew at Aura again only for Aura to sidestep, grab him by his wing and slam him into the ground. "You have just angered a being who can end you with just a thought. Yet you still talk as if you are better."

Aura pressed his foot down on one of Gallant's wings and pressed down on it. "You use intimidation as a tactic to hide your own weakness. And you've used it so much that you think that you are invincible."

He pressed harder and a snap was heard but Gallant didn't scream, just winced. "You've let all that get to your head. Made you a tyrant to your guards and family, but mostly Mystic. Just what has he ever done to you that made you resent him so?"

Gallant hissed and grabbed Aura's leg. "You want to know so badly?" He turned to Mystic with malice. "That colt is the reason for my wife's death. When he was born she lost her life, and he turned out to be nothing but a disappoint."

"So you hate him because of." If Aura's anger wasn't at it's peak, it certainly was now. So he kicked Gallant so hard that he crashed through the window and into the river.

Gallant tried to get up but Aura appeared instantly and picked Gallant up by the throat. "Your wife gave her life to bring Mystic into this world. She would of wanted him to live!"

He then threw Gallant to the ground as hard as he could then stabbed the ground next to his face. "If I ever see you again I won't hesitate to hunt you down to end your life. And make no mistake, it doesn't matter where you are or where you hide." He got real close to Gallant's face. "I will find you, and I will end you."

He stepped back and sheathed his blade. "Now get out of my sight."

Gallant snarled and stood up, his legs wobbling but his gaze filled with hate. "And you think the Princess would allow her Captain leave like that?"

"As a matter of fact, yes."

Gallant turned around to see Celestia behind him with an angry face. "Gallant Knight. You have abused your position and hurt many around you. You are no longer Captain of the Royal Guard."

Aura went up and Gallant's shocked face. "As I said, get out of my sight."

The former Captain hissed and hobbled his way to who knows where. And from the balcony, Mystic and Twilight had their mouths agape at what they saw. Aura turned to them and sighed. "I'll explain everything tomorrow, I swear."

The next day Aura decided to hold his private lesson right by the cliffside since it was the most secluded. So that meant that no one would overhear or walk in on the bombshell that he was about to drop.

"Okay Aura. You said you wanted to get something off of your chest?" Mystic asked as he sat down.

Twilight gulped at how close Aura was to the edge of the cliff. "Well whatever it is, I'd feel a lot better if you didn't stand so close the the edge."

Aura was silent and took a deep breath. "Tell me, do you believe in other Universes?" He turned to the edge of the cliff and watched the sun go down.

Both Mystic and Twilight looked at each other. "I mean, I won't lie when I say that there is a possibility of multiple universes. The cosmos is endless after all." Mystic said first.

"I don't mean the cosmos Mystic." Aura said bluntly. "What I'm asking is bigger then that. When I said universes, I mean different dimensions."

Mystic put his hoof to his chin and thought about it for a bit. "I mean, the idea that any thought could be an actual universe doesn't sound farfetched when you think about it. But why do you ask?"

"Because," Aura's body started to glow as he opened a portal, revealing the infinite realm that holds the Multiverse. "This area is but one of many, each star is actually it's own separate dimension filled with it's own universes and timelines. And it is my duty to keep them safe."

Mystic's eyes widened as he saw the realm that Aura opened up. "W-what are you saying?"

"Isn't it obvious." Aura then reached into the portal and pulled out a dimension that was drifting away. He cupped it in his hands as if it was a fragile object then placed it back where it belonged. "Mystic, Twilight. I am a God."

Mystic's eyes were as big as saucers at this revelation, but Twilight Sparkle on the other hand.

"Oh, I already knew that." Twilight said bluntly.

"Huh?" The God had his jaw dropped by how calm Twilight was being. While Mystic was still taking it all in, the two of them turned to her.

"Wait, you knew Twilight?" Mystic asked. "How?"

Twilight pulled out a book titled 'Dimensions and those who defend them.' "This book talks about the multiverse and the being who defends its balance. The God of Space Aura Kaiser." She opened the book to a page that had an illustration of Aura creating a leyline to another dimension. "I instantly figured it out when we first met."

Mystic turned to Aura who had his head down. "Aura, is this true?"

The God sighed and faced Mystic. "It's true little buddy." He got up and walked to the edge of the cliff, then stepped off it but instead of falling it looked liked he was walking on air.

"I'm sorry for keeping this a secret from you for months kid." He turned to the two foals, looking majestic with the setting sun behind him. "I am Aura Kaiser, The God of Space, architect of the multiverse."

He returned to the colt and kneeled to his level. "I wanted to tell you for so long, but due to rules I am not allowed to do so."

Mystic's eyes were hidden and he had a blank look on his face. "That, that is... AWESOME!!!" His eyes sparkled like stars. "So you really are a God?!"

Aura was taken back but he smiled all the same. "Yes. And one with a huge responsibility."

"Do you have any stories of your adventures?"

Aura sat down and nodded. "Of course. Would you like to hear them?"

Author's Note:

I actually got this done on time! It's funny how a single strike of motivation can fuel you to write. I was actually able to get this done in one day.

And let me say, it felt really good to give Gallant a proper beatdown.

But yeah, now Mystic and Twilight know that Aura's a God. But fair warning, these next two chapters are a bit on the darker side.

But after that I can start converging Aura and Mystic's story with that of the MLP show. I'm not planning to do every episode, but the ones that are missing will be replaced with an adventure involving either Mystic or Aura.

Thanks for your time and see ya soon!:twilightsmile: